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Solutions Journalism

October 3, 2015

The Whole Story

Our Mission

To legitimize and spread the practice of solutions

journalismrigorous reporting about responses to
social problems and their associated results

The Whole Story

A growing network

The Whole Story

What We Do
Newsroom partnerships
Workshops, individual consultations, data support and
project funding (on a case-by-case basis)
Online learning platform
Comprehensive toolkit, best practices, case studiesall for
Community building
Platform for shared learning and collaboration

The Whole Story

What is solutions journalism?

The Whole Story

Chicago and Fayetteville, North Carolina, have among

the highest crime rates in the U.S.

The Whole Story

A special series in the Chicago Tribune aims to document

how gun violence shocks and destabilizes neighborhoods

The Whole Story

Fear is the norm,

unity the response.
Mike Adams

The Whole Story

The Whole Story

Solutions journalism imposters

The Whole Story

Hero worship

The Whole Story

eHero Worship

The Whole Story

Silver bullet

The Whole Story

Favor for a Friend

The Whole Story

Think tank

The Whole Story

The Afterthought

The Whole Story

Instant Activist

The Whole Story

Chris P. Bacon

The Whole Story

Its solutions journalism if it.

Features not just a person, but a response to a problem

and how it happened
Provides available evidence of results, looking at
effectiveness not just intentions
Produces insights that can help others respond, too
not just inspiration
Discusses limitations and avoids reading like a puff piece
The Whole Story

Why should I do solutions journalism?

The Whole Story

Journalisms theory of change

Pointing out social problems

will spur reform
Journalists act as
whistleblowers and expose

The Whole Story

Publicity is justly commended as a remedy

for social and industrial diseases. Sunlight
is said to be the best of disinfectants;
electric light the most efficient
policeman. SC Justice Louis Brandeis

The Whole Story

A 2008 Associated Press study of young adults

found widespread news fatigue

Associated Press, A New Model For News: Studying the deep structure of young adult news consumption; June 2008

The Whole Story


News fatigue brought many of the participants to a learned

helplessness response.

Over and over, the negativity of news added to the desire

to tune out.

When people think something can be done about a problem

(even something modest), they are more receptive and
attentive to the information

The Whole Story

Seattle Times: Education Lab

The Whole Story

Preliminary findings suggest that Ed Lab

readers felt empowered and engaged
Readers overwhelmingly felt there are effective ways to
address problems

Majority said that stories changed the way they think about
the topic
>50% singled out The Seattle Times as a source of new
information about educational approaches
Content was consistently redistributed and/or shared by
professional stakeholder communities

The Whole Story

Ed Lab results supported by A/B testing















I felt inspired
Would read
Would get
Would share the
and/or optimistic more articles
involved in
article **
after reading the from the same working toward
newspaper **
a solution **
article *
* Agree or strongly agree
** Somewhat likely or very likely
The Whole Story

Solutions journalism popular on social media

The Whole Story

Publishers say

I was very skeptical when I first thought

about solutions journalism. I thought, isnt
that what we do every day? We tell the
stories, we make the comments. But Ive
drank the Kool-Aid, Ive really become a
believer. Ive seen how its changed our
newsrooms approach to things. We couldnt
be more pleased with the results.
Frank Blethen, Seattle Times
The Whole Story

Publishers say

Everybody knows that we have a crime

problem here, so we dont just want to do
the same-old, same-old seriesWe do not
have a staff of 600 in the newsroom, weve
got a staff of 60 in the newsroom. Great
staff, but you really have to focus your
resourcestheres not a bigger issue in this
community, so its perfect for the Observer
to get behind. Charles Broadwell, FO
The Whole Story

Why should I do solutions journalism?

Its just good journalism

It engages the audience

Its impactful

The Whole Story

Solutions journalism happens when reporters

Routinely ask sources:

is someone doing a better job with this?
Routinely ask themselves:
is there a possible solutions angle to this story?

The Whole Story

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The Whole Story

Samantha McCann:
Twitter: @soljourno

The Whole Story

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