VCMD Ticari Yapilar

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VitrA ada Mimarlk Dizisi

VitrA Contemporary Architecture Series

VitrA ada Mimarlk Dizisi 1

VtrA Contemporary Architecture Series 1

Ticari Yaplar
Commercial Buildings

ISBN 978-605-61000-1-7
Birinci Bask stanbul, 2012
First Edition

Editr: Banu Binat, Neslihan k


Eletirmen: Do.Dr. Deniz Gner

Architectural Critic

Sanat Ynetmeni: Erkan Nazl

Art Director

Tasarm: Zekiye Nazl


Grafik Uygulama: Kenan ztrk


Dzelti: Bahar Siber


eviri: Zenith Translation Services


eviri Dzelti: Valerie Needham

English Proofreading

Proje Ortaklar: VitrA, Trk Serbest Mimarlar Dernei (TSMD)

Project Partners

VitrA, Turkish Association of Architects in Private Practice

Proje Koordinasyonu: Binat letiim ve Danmanlk

Project Coordination

Seici Kurul: Banu Binat, Do.Dr. Deniz Gner, Dr. Saitali Kknar
Selection Committee

Danma Grubu: Banu Binat, Do.Dr. Celal Abdi Gzer, Yeim Hatrl, Erkut ahinba, Arzu Uluda Elaz
Advisory Group

Renk Ayrm, Basm ve Cilt: Ofset Yapmevi

Color Separation, Printing and Binding

air Sokak, No: 4 alayan Mah. Kathane 34410 stanbul TR

Tel: +90 212 295 86 01
Kapak Kad:

LN.127 Manager Blanc Beyaz 320 gr/m2

Paper used for cover LN.127 Manager Blanc 320 gr/m2

Katlar: Munken Pure 120 gr. 1.3 Bulk

Paper used for interior pages

Yaz Karakterleri: Flange


Bu kitap VitrA ada Mimarlk Dizisi projesi kapsamnda hazrlanmtr.

This book is a part of the VitrA Contemporary Architecture Series project.

Bu kitabn btn yayn haklar sakldr. Kaynak gsterilerek alnt yaplabilir.

Yayncnn yazl izni olmakszn hibir yolla oaltlamaz.
All rights reserved. Except for quotes with direct reference to this work, any form of reproduction is forbidden without
the written permission of the publisher.




nsz, VitrA
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

nsz, TSMD
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12

Deerlendirme, Do.Dr. Celal Abdi Gzer

Appraisal ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................16

Deerlendirme, Murat Tabanlolu

Appraisal ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24

Alveri Merkezleri
Shopping Malls ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 32

Karma Yaplar
Mixed-Use Buildings .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 100

Ofisler ve Ynetim Merkezleri

Office Buildings and Headquarters ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 156

Ticari Sergileme
Showrooms ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 236

Architects ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 288

Offices ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 298

Index ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 303

Fotoraf Kaynakas
Photograph Credits ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 304


Mimari eserler, iine retildikleri farkl toplumsal yap ve ilikilerin ipularn barndran
belgelerdir. Yaplar zerinden verili dnemlerde teknolojide ulalan noktadan estetik
anlaya, yaam biimleri ve toplumsal deerlere kadar farkl okumalar yaplabilir. Mimari okumalar sadece gemie ynelik toplumsal yap ve olgular anlamak iin deil,
gnmz de anlamak, deerlendirmek ve daha iyiyi tasavvur edebilmek iin eletiri
kltrmz gelitirebilmenin bir aracdr.
VitrA ada Mimarlk Dizisinin ilk kitab Ticari Yaplar, VitrA ve Trk Serbest Mimarlar
Derneinin mimarlk kltrmze bu ynde katk salamak iin ortaklaa gelitirdii
projenin ilk rn. Projenin k noktas, ada mimarlmzla ilgili bir bellek oluturmak, bunu yaparken de ivmelenerek artan yap retimini destekleyen iveren beklentilerindeki deiimin, mimarn kullancya ve evreye kar artan sorumluluunun, malzeme ve yap teknolojisindeki gelimelerin tasarmlara nasl yansdnn altn izmek.
Bu okumalar her yl farkl bir tipoloji zerinden yeniden yaplacak.
2000 sonras tamamlanm ticari yaplarn hepsi, Danma Grubunun belirledii kriterleri salamak kouluyla, VitrA ada Mimarlk Dizisine dahil olabiliyor. Mimarlarmzn
yurtd retimleri ve yabanc mimarlarn Trkiyedeki retimleri de bu kapsamda deerlendiriliyor.
VitrA ada Mimarlk Dizisi kapsamnda hazrlanan web sitesinde kriterleri salayan
tm projeler yaynlanrken, kitapta ticari yaplarn farkl karakteristiklerini rnekleyen
50 projelik bir sekiye yer verildi. VitrA ada Mimarlk Dizisinin duyurusunun ardndan, seici kurula ulaan projeler titizlikle incelendi. Kurul, genel bir deerlendirme yapabilmek iin, ncelikle ticari yaplar AVM, Karma Yaplar, Ofisler ve Ynetim Yaplar ve
Ticari Sergileme olarak 4 ana gruba ayrd. Seim srasnda her grupta yer alan binalarn
mmkn olduunca eitlilii gsterecek corafi dalm salamalarna; yeniliki yaklam, form, ktle, evre, lek, mekan, fonksiyon, malzeme ve yapm teknikleri asndan
birbirinden farkl olmalarna zen gsterildi. Kitapta yer alan projelerin % 22si AVM,
% 18ini karma yaplar, % 36sn ofis ve ynetim yaplar, % 24n de ticari sergileme
yaplar oluturuyor. Corafi olarak baktmzda; yaplar, % 60 stanbul, % 18 Ankara,
% 4 zmir, % 2 yurtd ve geri kalan % 16 da Trkiyenin eitli illerinde yer alyor. Kitaptaki 40 mimarlk ofisinden 4 ise yurtdnda bulunuyor.
Kitapta, binalarn knye bilgileri arasnda yer alan QR kodlar araclyla web sitesi zerinden daha kapsaml bilgiye ulalabiliyor. Binalar hakknda mimarlarnn yapt yorumlar ise [..............] Deniz Gnerin okumalar [..........] takip ediyor.

Kitab hayata geirmeyi sosyal bir sorumluluk olarak kabul eden VitrA ve TSMDye teekkr ederiz.
Banu Binat & Neslihan k


Architectural works are like documents: they harbor clues about the variety of social
configurations and relationships within which they are produced. Different readings can
be made of buildings from any given period, from the level of technology to aesthetic
perception, lifestyles and social values. Architectural readings not only enable us to
understand historical social structures and phenomena, they also are instrumental for
developing a critical culture that enables us to understand, evaluate and conceive the
present more accurately.
Commercial Buildings, the first book in the VitrA Contemporary Architecture Series, is
also the first product of a project developed jointly by VitrA and the Turkish Association
of Architects in Private Practice (TSMD) to contribute to our architectural culture. The
starting point of the project is to create a record of contemporary architecture and, in
the process, to emphasize how the changing expectations of employers fueling the
increase in building projects, the growing responsibility of architects vis--vis end-users
and the environment, and the technological development of materials and construction
have influenced design. Every year, these readings will focus on a different typology.
All commercial buildings completed after 2000 that meet the criteria determined by the
Advisory Group may be included in the VitrA Contemporary Architecture Series, including works by Turkish architects abroad and those by foreign architects in Turkey. All
projects that comply with the projects criteria will be published on the VitrA Contemporary Architecture Series website; the book comprises 50 projects that best exemplify
the diverse characteristics of commercial buildings.
The jury carefully examined all the projects it received following the announcement of
the VitrA Contemporary Architecture Series. In order to facilitate a general evaluation,
projects were divided into four main groups: shopping malls, mixed-use buildings, office buildings and headquarters, and showrooms. During the selection process, as far as
possible, the jury sought to ensure that the buildings it chose from each group reflected
diversity in geographical distribution, innovative approach, shape, mass, environment,
scale, space, function, as well as in material use and construction techniques. Hence,
22 percent of the projects in the book comprise shopping malls, 18 percent mixed-use
buildings, 36 percent office buildings and headquarters, and 24 percent showrooms.
Geographically speaking, 60 percent of the buildings are located in Istanbul, 18 percent
in Ankara, 4 percent in Izmir, and 2 percent abroad; the remaining 16 percent are from
various provinces around Turkey. Of the 40 architectural offices included in the book,
four are located abroad.
Using the QR codes included in the books building records, it is possible to attain more
comprehensive information about the projects on the website. Comments by architects
] about the buildings are followed by Deniz Gners readings [

We would like to thank VitrA and the Turkish Association of Architects in Private Practice (TSMD), who have approached the realization of this project as nothing less than part
of their social responsibility.
Banu Binat & Neslihan k


VitrA, mimarlk kltrnn geliimi ynndeki almalarna kalc bir halkay, VitrA
ada Mimarlk Dizisi projesiyle ekliyor. Trk Serbest Mimarlar Dernei (TSMD) ile baladmz uzun soluklu ibirlii kapsamnda, ada mimarlk eserlerinin; kitap, sergi,
panel, web sitesi gibi mecralarda okynl irdelenmesini, sosyal alar zerinden kurulacak balantlarla tm ilgililerin interaktif olarak projeye dahil edilmesini, bylece
mimari tartma ve eletiri kltrne katkda bulunmay hedefliyoruz.
Yeniliki ve her zaman daha iyiyi arayan yaklammzla yap malzemeleri retirken,
sektrn tm aktrleriyle ibirlii ve paylam da nemsiyoruz. Eitimci ve tasarmcdan yatrmcya, iverenden malzeme reticisine ve kullancya kadar ilgili tm gruplarn
srece dahil olmasyla, yapc mimari eletiri kltrmzn zenginleeceine inanyoruz. Bu nedenle ada mimarlk zerine almalar yaparak, gnmzde retilene dikkat ekip, ilgili tm gruplar konu hakknda yeniden dnmeye davet ediyoruz.
VitrA ada Mimarlk Dizisi kapsamnda, 2000den sonra retilen yaplar inceleyeceiz. Projenin ilk ylnda Ticari Yaplar ele alyoruz. Bu yap tipinin ncelikle seilmesi, elbette tesadf deil. Alveri merkezleri ve ofis yaplar, projemize konu olan son
10 yl iinde nitelik ve nicelik asndan byk bir deiim yaad. Bu dnemdeki ekonomik ve sosyal deiim, alma hayatnn ykselen temposu, retme ve arz etme
tekniklerindeki geliimin izleri, ticari mekanlarn mimarisi zerinden okunabiliyor. Uygulama teknikleri, yeni malzeme kullanm ve iliki biimleri hzla deiirken, mimari
yaplar bu srece hem tanklk etti, hem de ariv kaytlar arasnda yerini ald. Kitapta;
ticari yaplarda grdmz hzl art ve deiimi, mimari, kullanm ve anlam asndan
ele alyoruz. Sizlere sadece getiimiz 10 yln yaplar katalounu ya da sekisini deil,
ticari yaplar zerinden okunabilecek bir deien i ve ticaret hayat pratii tartmasn sunuyoruz.
Dizi kapsamnda yaymlanacak kitaplarn, ada mimarlk literatrmze kalc bir deer kazandrmasn, mimarlk eletirisi konusunda farkndalk yaratmasn ve kkrtc
bir sreci balatmasn hedefliyoruz.
Projeye konu olan yaplar reten mimarlarmz bata olmak zere, katkda bulunan herkese teekkr ediyoruz.
Hsamettin Onan
Eczacba Yap rnleri Grubu Bakan



With our VitrA Contemporary Architecture Series project, VitrA has added a permanent
component to its ongoing efforts to advance Turkeys architectural culture. Through
long-term collaboration with the Turkish Association of Architects in Private Practice
(TSMD), we aim to contribute to architectural debate and critical culture by examining
works of contemporary architecture through books, exhibitions, discussion panels, web
sites and other media, as well as through social networks where all interested parties
can play an interactive role.
As producers of building materials who continually strive to innovate and improve, we
value cooperation and sharing with all the actors in our sector. We believe that the
involvement of all stakeholders, whether educators, designers, investors, employers,
material producers or end-users, will enrich the culture of constructive architectural
criticism. With this in mind, we invite all interested parties to consider and reevaluate
what is being produced today through these studies of contemporary architecture.
The VitrA Contemporary Architecture Series will examine structures that have been
built since the year 2000. In the first year of the project we look at commercial structures, and it is no coincidence that such structures were the first to be selected. Shopping
malls and office buildings, the focus of our project, have undergone radical change in
the last decade, both in terms of quality and quantity. Economic and social changes taking place in Turkey during this period, the accelerating tempo of professional life, and
evidence of the development in production and display techniques can all be read in
the architecture of commercial spaces. Architectural structures have borne witness to
rapid changes in application techniques and the use and interrelation of new materials
and found their place in the archives. In this book, we examine the proliferation and
transformation of commercial structures from the perspective of architecture, usage
and meaning. What we have put together goes beyond being a catalogue or anthology
of structures built in the last 10 years; we also provide a discussion of the changes in
business and commercial life that can be observed in commercial structures.
We hope that the books to be published in this series will make a contribution of lasting
value to Turkish literature on contemporary architecture, foster architectural criticism,
and inaugurate a thought-provoking process.
We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the making of this book, first
and foremost the architects who have created the projects that form its subject matter.
Hsamettin Onan
Executive Vice President
Eczacba Building Products Division




Trk Serbest Mimarlar Dernei, mimarlk mesleinin ne ald deerlerin yaygnlamas, mimarlk ve mimarlk mesleinin uygulanmasnn gelitirilmesi, kentsel evre bilincinin olumas ve yap sektrnn gelimesi iin,1987 ylndan bu yana hizmet veren bir
sivil toplum rgtdr.
Dnyann heryerinde olduu gibi Trkiyede de, mimarlar, tasarm ve sanatla uraan
kiiler, kendi mesleki kimliklerine paralel olarak eletirel bir kltr, toplumsal bir duyarllk ve direnme noktasn, gcn sanattan alan bir ncl ve a bilincini temsil
Trk SMD de bu temsiliyet bilinci iinde; mimarlkla ilgili etkinliklerini ye profili ve onlarn mesleki ilgi alanlaryla snrl tutmamakta, aksine, tm mimarlk ortamna geirgen,
o ortam besleyen ve o ortamdan beslenen bir yap oluturmak iin aba sarfetmektedir. Bugn Trk SMDnin arlkl ilgi alann oluturan tasarm ve yap elde etme, yani
mimarln uygulanma sreleri, mimarlk mesleinin btn payda ve aktrlerini bir
araya getiren en geni zemindir.
Derneimiz, dier etkinliklerine ek olarak, VitrAnn ibirliiyle Trkiye mimarlk ortamnda eksiklii duyulan yeni bir projeye balyor. Bu proje, farkl yap trlerini eksen
alarak, Trkiye ada mimarlk ortamn belgelemeyi, tartmay ve yeni almalar iin
zemin oluturmay hedefliyor. lki ticari yaplar konu alan, ada mimarlk dizisi, zaman iinde farkl yap trlerini de ieren bir birikim oluturacak. Derneimiz yrtt
pek ok projede olduu gibi, bu projede de yelerinin yan sra tm mimarlk ortamna
ak bir katlm ngryor.
ki kurum, ada mimarlkta bellek oluturulmasna katkda bulunmak, konuyu sektrn ve kamuoyunun gndemine tamak, farkndalk yaratarak dnmeye sevk etmek
amacyla bir araya geldi. VitrA ada Mimarlk Dizisi kapsamnda; sergiler, paneller,
kitap ve web sitesi araclyla akademik, profesyonel ve popler ortamda iz brakacak
bir dizi etkinlik gerekletirilecek.
Projeye katkda bulunan tm meslektalarmza bizlerle paylatklar deerli almalar;
projede grev alan editr ve kratrlerimize deerli almalar ve VitrAya stlendikleri
bu sosyal sorumluluk projesi ve ibirlikleri iin sonsuz teekkrlerimizi sunar, hedeflediimiz gibi, bu projenin uzun soluklu olmasn dileriz .
Yeim Hatrl
Trk Serbest Mimarlar Dernei
Ynetim Kurulu Bakan




The Turkish Association of Architects in Private Practice (TSMD) is an NGO that has been
working since 1987 to promote the values embraced by the architectural profession,
advance architectural practices, create awareness about urban ecology, and contribute
to the development of the building sector.
In Turkey, as in the rest of the world, architects, as people involved in design and art,
are in their own ways representatives of cultures characterized by critique, social sensitivity and resistance. Empowered by art, they also represent the vanguard of new
perceptions about the times we live in.
Conscious of these roles, TSMD does not restrict its activities solely to its membership
profile and their professional fields, but rather strives to provide a structure that encompasses, nourishes, and is nourished by the entire architectural community. TSMDs main
areas of interest today, the design and construction of buildings, that is, the processes
involved in architectural practice, form the broadest base for bringing together all stakeholders in the architectural profession.
In addition to these activities, TSMD has begun to cooperate with VitrA on a new project
to fill other needs in Turkeys architectural sector. The projects aim is to document and
discuss contemporary architecture in Turkey and provide a basis for developing new
structures by reflecting on diverse types of buildings. This series of contemporary architecture, the first of which is concerned with commercial buildings, will form a collection
as it expands its coverage to different types of structures over time. As with many of
TSMDs other activities, the project will be open to the entire architectural community,
not just association members.
The two institutions have come together in order to contribute to the formation of
Turkeys collective memory in the area of contemporary architecture, make it a priority for the building sector and the public, and stimulate critical thought by creating
awareness. Parallel to the VitrA Contemporary Architecture Series, there will also be
exhibitions, panels, books and activities on the VitrA Contemporary Architecture Series
website that leave their mark in academic and professional circles and on the public.
We extend our deepest gratitude to all our colleagues who contributed to this project
by sharing their valuable projects with us, to the editors and curators of the project for
their indispensable work, and to VitrA for cooperating with us on this social responsibility project. We sincerely hope that this will be a long-term project, as we intend it
to be.
Yeim Hatrl
Turkish Association of Architects in Private Practice
Chair of the Administrative Board




Ticaretin Mimarlndan, Mimarln Ticaretine

Gei Sreci inde Ticaret ve Yaplar
Teknoloji, iletiim ve kltr ortamnn srekli dntrd balam iinde, yap ile ilev arasndaki iliki, mimarln asal belirleyicilerinden biri olma zelliini yitiriyor. Buna
kent merkezlerinde kalan yaplarn hzla yeni ilevlere almas gerei de eklenince,
bata konut ve i yaps ayrm olmak zere yap trleri ile kullanm biimleri arasndaki
sreklilik yok oluyor. Bilgisayar ve iletiim teknolojileri ile gelen olanaklar, her yeri fiziksel ortam hatta corafyadan bamsz olarak i ortamna, i yerine dntryor. Ev ofis
kavram konutla iyeri arasndaki izgiyi yok ederken, giderek pazar pay artan e-ticaret
kavram, ticaret olgusunu meknszlatryor. Bu dnm yersiz ve alabildiine esnek
yaplara yer aarken, geleneksel ticaret hayatta kalabilmek iin yeni tutunma noktalar
aryor; elence, dinlence, spor, yeme ime gibi ilevlerin ekiciliklerinden medet umuyor. Bugn neredeyse kent meknn yerini alan, kamusal alann kendisi haline gelen
toplu alveri meknlar, ticareti sosyal ve vazgeilmez bir etkinlik haline getirmek
iin srekli yenilenen stratejiler gelitirmek zorunda kalyor. Bu meknlarn genel ad
olan ve btn dillere yerleen mall szcnn kklerine gidildiinde, szcn ak
kentsel alanlarda oynanan bir oyuna, bu oyun iin ayrlan ak ve korunakl bir mekna
referans veriyor olmas artc deil.
Gndelik yaamn etrafnda rgtlendii tketim kltr, her ey gibi mimarlk alanndaki dnmn de temel belirleyicisi haline geldi. Mimarlk, tarihi boyunca varsayd gibi dntrc bir g olmaktan ok, var olan dnmn merulatrlma
ortam olduu gereiyle akca yzleiyor. Ticari yaplar ise dier yaplardan bir adm
nde, bu durumun btn boyutlaryla gzlenmesine olanak veren rnekleri oluturuyor. Mimarlk tam da tketim kltr ile kesime noktasnda yer alan kimlik retme
becerisini art bir pazar deeri oluturmak zere ilevselletiriyor. Yaplar, saladklar
yaam mekn ve olanaklarn tesinde, kimlik deerleri ile pazar ortamna sunuluyor;
bu deerin zerinden yarmaya balyor; mimarlk her eyden ok pazar deerini artran bir girdi olarak alglanyor. Deiik, arpc, ne kan, yeniliki, gncel, fark yaratan
gibi kavramlar mimarln tketilme biimini dier nesnelerin tketilme biimleri ile
benzer hale getiriyor. Aslnda z itibaryla gcn geici olmaktan alan moda kavram,
bugne kadar kalcln peinde olan mimarlk alanna geirgen hale geliyor; bylece
taban tabana zt olaca varsaylan iki ayr yaratclk alannn uyumlu beraberliine
ahit olmaya balyoruz.
Mimarlk; kalclk, ilevi ile temsiliyet, balam ile sreklilik ilikisi iinde olmak gibi kayglar geri plana attnda, badndren bir zgrlk ortamnda buluyor kendini. levsel
verimliliin yerini ekonomik verimlilik, rasyonel akln yerini teknoloji ve bte kstlar
alyor. Yaplarn ktle ve cephe ifadeleri planlar ile sreklilik kurma zorunluluundan
kurtulduunda, mimarlk ek ama daha nemlisi kendi snrlayclarndan bamsz hale
gelen bir ifade ortam buluyor kendine. Cephe iki ya da boyutlu bir grafik ortamna, scenographic bir anlatm biimine dnyor. Yer, yn, kltrel ve fiziksel balam
ikincil hatta ihmal edilebilir girdiler olarak grlmeye balanyor; kentle diyolog yerini
kente sylenen sze brakyor. Yaplar biraz bydke kentin kendisini simle etmekten, kentin kendisi gibi davranmaktan ekinmiyor. Byle bakldnda, her mall kentin
iinde ve ona ramen bir kent olmaktan, onu yapamasa bile kent meknnn alternatifi
olmaktan ekinmiyor. Ticaret yapsnn kendisi en nemli ticaret arac, metas haline
Kimlik kavram, sadece rn zerinden deer bulan bir kavram deil. ou zaman birbiriyle kartrlan marka ve kimlik kavramlarnn sreklilii iinde markalamak, rnn kimlik deeri iin rnn kendisinden bamsz bir zemin oluturuyor. Bu anlamda
mimarlk rnnn kendisi kadar mimarnn markalamas da tketim kltrnn kanlmaz bir beklentisi. Bu bask ile kar karya kalan mimar, gndelik norm ve beklentileri aan, aratrmaya dayal projelerden ok, bir yandan bu beklentilerle sreklilik
oluturan te yandan farkllk kazanarak ne kan bir rn sunmaya, rnle birlikte
kendi pazar deerini oluturmaya yneliyor. Bu sre iinde farkllk ou zaman binann ktle ya da cephesinin davurumuna indirgenmi bir denemeyle snrl kalyor; ou
zaman kent, balam hatta programn kendisinin tasarm srecinde farkllk yaratacak,


dntrc bir izi olumuyor. zellikle byk lekli projelerde mimar karar verici
olmaktan ok, verilmi kararlar merulatran kii konumu ile kstl kalyor; kendisinden beklenen alan verimliliinin yan sra gl bir davurum ve kimlik oluturulma
sorunu, temel sorumluluk alann oluturuyor. Tarih iinde mimarln aratrma konusu
olarak alglanan program, ilevsel kurgu, nceliklerin oluturulmas, balamsal ilikiler
gibi konular, mimar nnde veri olarak buluyor. rnein adlar AVM olarak ksaltlan
alveri merkezleri satlabilir alanla inaat alan arasndaki oran, at birimlerinin yer
ve byklklerini len, projeleri olumu normlara gre denetleyen uzmanlarnn dorudan mdahaleleri ile ekillenirken, mimar bu verileri en optimum biimde salayan
kii olmann yan sra en ilgi ekici yapy en dk maliyetle gerekletirme gibi temel bir sorumluluk stleniyor. Bu sre kurgusu iinde AVM projeleri tipolojik kurgular
olan plan emalarn arsa boyutlarna gre esnetme, onlara birer kabuk bulma iine
dnyor. Bu deerlerin kltr ve corafya fark gzetmeksizin geerlilik kazand
bir ortamda cephe, tipolojiyi rten, tasarm farkl bir nesne gibi gstermek zere ilevselletirilen yegane unsur olarak ne kyor. te yandan ie dnk bir yap tr olan
AVMler cephenin bamsz bir ifade ortamna dnmesine ynelik olarak son derece
esnek bir zemin sunuyor. fadenin tkendii noktada devreye hareketli cepheler, k
ve renk gsterileri giriyor.
phesiz dier i yaplar da, AVMler kadar youn olmasa da bu dnmden etkileniyor. Ofis ve i yaplarnn ou, bir alma ortam olmann tesinde barndrd kurumlarn gcn, pazar ayrcaln simgeleyen birer kimlik arac olarak alglanyor. Daha
yksek, daha byk, daha teknolojik, daha gncel, daha akll gibi kavramlar sadece
yapy deil, yapnn sahibini ve kullancsn da tarif eden kavramlar olarak alglanyor.
Yap pazarda ne kmann bir arac ya da ne kmln bir gstergesi olarak ilev
gryor. Kurumsal kimlik ve onu temsil eden mimari kimlik kavramlar bir sreklilik
kazanyor. Dnyann her yerinde ayn otomobil sat ve sergi meknlarn, ayn marketleri, ayn toptanclar, farkl arsa ve balamlara kurulmu olarak gzlyoruz. Benzer
kaplardan geiyor, benzer gvenlik nlemlerini ayor, benzer odalarda toplant yapyor, benzer giysiler iinde benzer konular konuuyoruz. Byle bakldnda, kresel
lekteki tiplemenin mimarl da etkisi altna alm olmas hi de artc deil. Bir
yanda farkllk, zgrleme ve eitlilik olarak sunulan tketim kltr, te yanda onunla gelen alabildiine standartlam ve tiplemi retim ilikileri ve tketim biimleri,
ilk anda bir eliki gibi alglansa da farkllk, zenginlik, eitlilik gibi kavramlarn
mimarlkta olduu gibi yzey oyununa indirgenmi olduu grldnde, bu eliki
anlamn yitiriyor.
Btn bu dnm iinde, balam kavram da yeni bir anlam kazanyor. Kltrel balamn kazand kresel boyut fiziksel, kentsel ve yerel balamn etkisini azaltacak
biimde baskn bir girdiye dnyor. Bu anlamda yaplar iinde yer aldklar fiziksel
ortamdan ok, kltrel hatta sanal ortamda meruiyet kazanmak zere tasarlanyor.
Tasarmn girdi ncelikleri fiziksel zeminin kendisinden ok ana eksende yer alan mimarlk deerlerinin kalplarna gre, tketim ncelikleri dorultusunda oluturuluyor.
Olumu kentsel doku, o doku ile oluturulan sreklilik, baka yaplarla birlikte bir anlam retmek ve bir btnn paras olmak, ikincil zorunlu olmayan bir tasarm girdisine
dnyor; ou zaman, aksine, yaplar o doku iinde farkllamak, ne kmak zere
tasarlanyor. Benzer biimde kent mekn ile fiziksel bir sreklilik oluturmak yerine
ondan kopmu, bir gvenlik emberi iine alnm, kentin etkilerinden arndrlmaya
allm tasarmlar art bir deer gibi alglanyor. Pek ok ticari yap bykl, ilev
eitlilii, sosyal meknlarnn dzenlenii ile kente, kent yaamna alternatif oluturmaya, ona ramen varln srdrmeye alyor. yaps iinde spor yapyor, yemeimizi yiyor hatta berberimize gidiyoruz. Gvenlik duvarn aanlar, alternatif bir kent
simlasyonu bekliyor.


phesiz bu dnmn etkileri, ne ticari yaplarla ne de Trkiye mimarlk ortamyla snrl. Aksine Trkiye kendine zg kltrel, ekonomik ve sosyal balamn etkisi altnda,
kentlerin mevcut fiziksel dokular iinde bu dnmlerin bazlarn gecikmeli, bazlarn
anmaya uram biimde yayor; baz dnmler ise hibir orafyada grlmeyen
bir ivme kazanyor. rnein kentsel merkez dokusunun byk lde korunduu Avrupa kent merkezlerinde geleneksel kent yaam varln srdrmeye devam ederken,
AVM benzeri yaplar ve yeni i alanlar bu dokuya eklemlenmeye allyor. Trkiye or-

tamnda ise, bu yeni yaplarn ou kent merkezini dntrme, deitirme arac olarak
ilevselletirilip, kent merkezinin dorudan yerini almaya , kendisi olmaya yneliyor.
rnein stanbulda Beyolu, Nianta gibi tarihi kent merkezleri zorlanarak o doku
iin gerek ilev, gerek dil, gerekse byklk olarak yabanc saylabilecek AVMlere yer
alyor. Gelir gurubu farkllklarnn ve kltrel farkllklarn daha derin ve keskin olarak
aa kt Trkiye metropollerinde korunmu, kent meknndan koparlm i alanlar
her yerde olduundan daha kolay kabul gryor. te yandan hemen her alanda olduu
gibi mimarlk alannda da gelime ve yenilikleri ikinci elden tketen Trkiye ortam,
kresel mimarlk medyasnn sunduu ana eksene sorgusuz bir temsiliyet yayor. Bu
anlamda yeni olarak kabul gren her ey eletirel bir mesafe kurulmakszn iselletirilerek ve belki de daha vahimi, Trkiye ortamnn ekonomik ve teknolojik kstlar
iinde naifletirilerek yeniden retime alyor. Bu durum zellikle yabanc sermaye
tarafndan yatrm amal olarak desteklenen i ve ticaret yaplarnda daha ak olarak
gzleniyor. Kuzeye bakan gnelikli cepheler, gneye kapanm masif duvarlar, sadece
cephe dzleminde simgelemeye alan davurumlar -m gibi yapan bir mimarln
nn ayor.
Her eyden ok saysal okluk ve inaat younluuyla ne kan bu dnemde sphesiz
aratrmaya dayal, ana eksene kar eletirel mesafesini koruyan, ayrcalkl ve zgn
rnler de yer alyor. Bu derlemede yer alan rneklerin ou, bir yandan belli bir yap
grubu zerinden Trkiye mimarlnn bugnn okumamz salarken, te yandan belli zellikleriyle bu kendiliinden gelen dnme kar kma, direnme noktalarn da
temsil ediyor. Bu anlamda ana eksene eklemlenme becerisi kadar ona mesafeli durmak ve alternatif oluturmak da bir deer olarak alglanyor. Bata da sylendii gibi
mimarlk, yllardr sahip kmaya alt dntrc bir g olma zelliine sahip
olmad, aksine bugn giderek merulatrma ilevinin tesine geemedii gerei
ile yzleiyor. Ancak burada unutulmamas gereken, her dnmn kendi deerleri
ve kltryle birlikte o deerlere ve kltre kar kmaya ynelik eletirel zeminini de
beraberinde getirdii. Bu anlamda adalk kavram, gncel zaman dilimde olup bitenle sreklilik oluturmak kadar o olup bitene eletirel bir mesafeden bakarak, kendi
balam iinde alternatif oluturmay, gncel olan geri beslemeyi de ieriyor.

Do.Dr. Celal Abdi Gzer



Commercial and Business Structures in the Transition

from Commercial Architecture to the
Architecture of Commerce
In the relationship between structure and function, technology loses its characteristic of
being one of the prime determiners in architecture, due to the fact that communication
and the cultural environment are constantly changing. When this fact is added to the
reality that the remaining structures in the urban center are rapidly being transformed
to meet new functions, we can see that the distinction between residence and commercial structure and the continuity between structural types and styles of usage are
disappearing. The possibilities that have appeared with computer and communication technologies have transformed all physical settings, even geographically detached
work environments, into the workplace. While the concept of the home office is
destroying the fine line between house and workplace, the concept of e-commerce,
with its increasing share of the market, leaves the commercial phenomenon without
a location. While this transformation creates structures that are without location and
exceedingly flexible, there is a search for new places to latch onto in order to survive
in traditional commerce, hoping for succor by offering attractions like entertainment,
recreation, sports, and dining. In order to transform public shopping malls, which have
staked their claim on the city space and become public places in their own right, into
commercial, social and indispensable facilities, innovative strategies have constantly
had to be developed. It is not surprising that when we examine the roots of the word
mall, which has become the common name for these places in almost every language, we find that this word refers to a game that was played in urban areas and to the
open or sheltered venue used for this game.
Consumer culture, which is organized around daily life, has become the essential determiner of the transformation in the architectural arena, as it has in almost all other
arenas. Architecture has clearly come face to face with the reality of being a setting for
legitimizing the current transformation, rather than being the power of transformation
assumed throughout architectural history. Commercial structures, as they are one step
ahead of other structures, provide examples that enable us to observe this situation in
all its dimensions. Architecture functionalizes to form its skill at identity production,
which is located at the exact point where architecture intersects with consumer culture
and market value.
Structures, beyond the living spaces and opportunities they provide, are presented in
the market place with their identity values; it is with this value that they start to compete. Thus, architecture is perceived, above all else, as an input that increases market
value. Terms such as distinctive, striking, prominent, progressive, current, and creating a
difference transform the consumer style of architecture into a form that is similar to other consumer products. In fact, the essence of the term fashion, which takes its power
from being transient, has now become permeable in architecture, a field that has, until
today, pursued constancy; thus, we can witness the start of a harmonious compatibility
between two distinct areas of originality which until now have been assumed to be
absolute opposites.
When architecture puts behind it concerns of permanence, functionality and representationalism, and instead puts itself in a constant relationship with context, it finds itself
in a mesmerizing state of freedom. Economic efficiency takes over from functional efficiency and technology, and budget constraints take over from the rational mind. When
freed from the necessity of establishing consistency with the expressions of mass and
faade in a structure, architecture will find itself, more importantly, in an expressive environment that has become independent from its own limitations. The faade becomes
a two or three-dimensional graphic form and the scenography is transformed into a
narrative form. Location, direction, cultural and physical context begin to be perceived
as secondary, even negligible inputs, and dialogue with the city gives over to the expression of the city. As structures grow, they do not hesitate to simulate and act like the
city itself. When the matter is examined in this way, although every mall is in the city,
it does not hesitate from being the city; even if it cannot do this, it becomes an alterna-


tive to the urban space. The commercial structure itself becomes the most important
commercial tool, the merchandise.
The identity concept is not one that finds value with the product. Within the consistency of the concepts of brand and identity, which are frequently confused with one
another, branding establishes a background for the identity value of the product independent of the product itself. In this sense, the branding of an architect, as much as the
architectural product itself, is an unavoidable expectation of the consumer culture. The
architect who faces this pressure, rather than developing projects based on research
that overcome these daily norms and expectations, turns instead to creating his/her
own market value with the product; this is done by presenting a product that creates a
difference, on the one hand, while heading towards forming a market value for themselves. During this process, most of the time, distinction remains restricted to a trial that
is limited to the expression of the mass or faade of a building; often there is a failure
to form a transformative imprint that will make a difference to the city, context or even
to the designing period of the program itself. Particularly in large-scale projects, the architect, rather than being the decision maker, remains restricted to being not only the
person who legitimizes the decisions, but also, rather than achieving the productivity
that is expected of them in this area, their basic area of responsibility is comprised of
the powerful manifestation and formation of identity. The program that has been perceived throughout history as being the research subject for architecture presents the
architect with data from subjects such as functional construct, the establishment of priorities and contextual relationships. For example, while the ratio between retail areas
and the construction area in shopping malls is established with the direct intervention
of experts in control of the projects and in accordance with existing norms, the architect
is the person who ensures that these data are used in the optimum manner, as well as
being the one with the primary responsibility of creating the most interesting structure
at the lowest possible cost. Within this creative process, shopping mall projects are
transformed into efforts to stretch plans with typological constructs to fit the expanse
of the land, and to create a shell for this plan. In an environment where these values
have gained legitimacy, regardless of cultural and geographical differences, the faade
comes forward as the only component that has been made functional by presenting
the typology and indicating the difference of the design. At the same time, the facades
of the introverted structures of shopping malls offer an extremely flexible space for a
transformation into an expressive environment. At the point where expression expires,
moving facades and light and color shows come into play.
Without a doubt, other structures are as affected by this transformation as shopping
malls, but not to the same degree. Most office and work structures go beyond being a
mere working environment and are perceived as a vehicle to symbolize the strength of
the institution and their distinctive place in the market. Terms such as higher, larger, more
technological, more up-to-date, more intelligent are all perceived to describe not only the
structure, but also the owner or user of the structure. The structure functions as a means
of getting ahead in the market or as an indication of being ahead. Corporate identity, and
the architect who represents this, gain continuity for the identity concepts. All over the
world, we see the same areas selling and displaying cars, the same supermarkets, the
same wholesalers in different locations and in different contexts. We walk through similar
doors, go through similar security systems, have meetings in similar rooms, talk about
similar topics wearing similar clothes. When looked at in this way, it is not surprising that
typification, which is occurring on a global scale, has also had an effect on architecture.
On the one hand there is a consumer culture that is presented as differentiation, liberation and variety, on the other there is the maximum standardization and typification
that accompanies consumer culture; if at first these are perceived as being in conflict, the
significance of this conflict declines when it is understood that distinction, wealth and
variety have been reduced to a game, as has happened with architecture.


During this transformation, the term context takes on a new meaning. The global dimension that the cultural context has gained by reducing the effect of the physical, urban and regional context is transformed into a dominant input. In this sense, structures
are being designed more for legitimacy in a cultural or even virtual environment than
for the physical environment in which they have been placed. Rather than suiting the

physical background, the input priorities of design are based on consumer priorities, in
keeping with the templates of architectural values located on the main axis. The urban
pattern and continuity that are formed within that texture produce meaning with other structures, as a whole being transformed into a design input that is secondary, not
compulsory; in contrast, most of the time structures are designed to be distinct within
that pattern, to stand out. In a similar fashion, instead of forming a physical continuity
with the urban environment, designs that have been detached from it, enclosed within a security perimeter and purged of the effects of the city, are perceived as having
added value. Many commercial structures, despite their size, variety of functions and
arrangement of social spaces, attempt to constitute an alternative and maintain a presence despite the city and city life. Inside the business structure we can do sports, eat
food and even go to the hairdressers. An alternative city simulation is waiting for those
who go beyond the security wall.
Without a doubt, the effects of this transformation are limited to neither commercial
structures nor to the Turkish architectural environment. Turkey is undergoing some
transformations in a delayed manner under the effect of its specific cultural, economic,
and social context and within the existing physical patterns of its cities as other influences become eroded; other transformations are occurring at a speed that is not to be
found in any other location. For example, while traditional city life continues in European city centers, where the texture of the urban center has been protected to a greater
extent, structures like shopping malls and new business centers are still attempting to
find a place. In Turkey, most contemporary structures are built as functional tools to
transform the city centre and are aimed at directly taking their place in the city center
or becoming the city centre. For instance, historical city centers in Istanbul, such as Beyolu or Nianta, are forced to make room for shopping malls, structures that should
be considered foreign to the texture in terms of function, vernacular and size. Shopping
malls, which have a deeper input group and cultural differentiation than business centers, have been protected in the Turkish metropolis; as they are everywhere, they are
more easily accepted than business centers, which are detached from the city. On the
other hand, development and innovation in architecture in the Turkish environment,
which is being consumed second hand, a phenomenon that occurs in almost every
other field, are experiencing an unquestioning representation on the main axis that
is provided by global architecture. In this sense, everything that is accepted as new
is being functionalized without employing a critical distance; perhaps an even graver
matter is that within the environment of Turkeys economic and technological constraints, architecture is being opened to production once again, being made nave. This
situation can be observed more clearly in the business and commercial structures that
are supported by foreign capital as a means of investment. North-facing faades with
blinds, massive walls closing off the southern aspect open the way for an architecture
that is manifested as expressions of attempts to be symbolic on the faade.
Without a doubt, in this period, a time in which more than anything else, statistical
plurality and an intensity of construction have come to the fore, there are distinguished
and original products that are based on research and which conserve the critical distance from the main axis. Most of the examples that are found within this compilation not
only enable us to read contemporary Turkish architecture through a certain structure
type, but also represent, with certain features, the points of resistance that oppose this
transformation. In this sense, to approach architecture from a distance and to form an
alternative are perceived as being values equal to the skill in articulating the main axis.
As was mentioned at the beginning, architecture does not have the feature of being a
transforming power, contrary to what has been claimed for years; conversely, architecture today faces the reality of being increasingly unable to transcend the function of
legitimizing. However, what should not be forgotten here is that every transformation
brings with it its own values and culture, as well as the grounds for a critical evaluation
of those values and culture. In this sense, the term contemporariness not only forms
a continuity with what is happening in the present , but also includes forming an alternative within the context by looking at what is happening from a critical distance and
re-instilling what is current.

Assoc.Prof. Dr. Celal Abdi Gzer



21. Yzylda Yeni Davran ve Yaam Biimleri,

Yeni Binalar ve Kent
ounluu stanbulda gerekleen projelerimizi bir dnemin yansmas olarak okuyup,
son on be yirmi yl mimari retime paralel olarak tarif edebiliriz.
Mimari, kentin ynelimleriyle ekil alr ve ayn zamanda kente yn ve biim kazandrr.
Kentler youn ve hzl yaanan alanlar; ihtiyalar ve alkanlklar bu an temposunda hzla deiiyor; binalarsa heykelsi estetik eler deil yaamn bir uzants, sosyal
olarak kentin hareketini belirleyen birleenlerden. Bu nedenle, yaratc ifade ve toplumsal bilin birlikte ve doru ele alndnda kentler herkes iin yaanr, uzun mrl
yerler olabilir.
Mekn retimi sre ve yntemlerini belirleyen nemli bir etken de, yerel ve merkezi politikalar olmutur. Daha nce CHP ve DP iktidarlarn olduu gibi, zalla balayan
zel yatrm modelini, daha sonra koalisyon dnemleri ve son on yllk AKP dnemini
yaplama hareketlerinden izlemek mmkn. Trkiyede inaat sektr lokomotif, bu
sektrdeki hareketler de en nemli ekonomik gsterge olmu her zaman. Neredeyse
milli bir politika haline gelmi okulu bir imar faaliyeti var ve daha da fazlasn vaat
eden bir polika sryor. Tm lke yllardr antiye... Buna ramen mimari kalite ne yazk
ki inaat hacmi ile doru orantl olarak artmyor. Bu balamda yakn gemiimizi ok
ksaca gzden geirmek yararl olacaktr.
80li yllardan sonra deien dnya ve Trkiyede zellikle zal politikalarna kout olarak, yap-ilet-devret modelleri gibi yeni mimari retim biimleriyle tantk. Bu dnemin
projelerinden, mimar Hayati Tabalolunun devlet mimarlndan sonra zel sektrle
ilk karlamas olan Ataky Turizm Kompleksi, karma dzenin ilk rneklerden oldu.
Bu karma yaplanma iinde yer alan, Trkiyenin ilk alveri merkezi olan Galleria, dnyada o dnemde gerekleen yaplanmann ve sosyal deiimin de bir izdmdr.
Onu takiben Akmerkez ve benzeri alveri merkezleri ile tantk, bir anlamda farkl
sosyoekonomik gruplarn bir araya gelebildii yar kamusal meknlar, rastlama alanlar
oldu bu yaplanmalar. retim biimlerinin deimesi ile rnein medya yaplar 90larda
kent merkezinden perifere tand, bu da yeni bir ofis, retim anlayn iinde barndran
ticari yaplara yn verdi. Babalinin yazarlar ve basnn lokomotifleri Sabah, Hrriyet,
Milliyet gazeteleri binalaryla balayarak, ehir dna tand. Bu yaplarda dnsel retim fiziksel retimle yan yana geldi, alanlara ortak alanlar sunan atriumlar, sosyal
ilev meknlar binalarla birlikte dnld. Kat fiilen bu yaplanma iinde depoland,
ilendi. Milliyet Binas, DMC ve Doan Media Town bunun ilk rneklerinden oldu. Bugn
ise hzla deien dijital teknolojinin yaratt imknlarla bu sektr, baz birimleriyle yeniden kent merkezine dnyor. Kadn yerini ekranlar, gnlk ya da sreli yaynlarn
yerini anlk deiimleri paylaabildiimiz sosyal medya enstrmanlar alyor. Bu iletiim
ve onun yaratt retim biimi, mekn kullanmn da tamamen farkllatryor.
zellikle ila fabrikalarnn yerini hizmet sektrne ve onlarn imajn destekleyen yksek yaplara terk ettii dnem yine 80ler. Bu dnemde sermayenin gcn yanstan
banka binalar ve bu erevede kentsel lekte genileyen Maslak gibi ofis zonlar
etkinleti. Bu deiimin zellikle ilk yllarnda, nedense bir prestij olduu dnlen,
yabanc mimarlarn ekmecelerinden kartp verdikleri projelerin uygulanmasnn dourduu kimliksizleme, kmelenme sz konusu oldu. Giriimci ehircilik anlaynn bir
uzants olan bu montaj hatt retimi tavrn ounlukla balam d yaplar yeniliki
balyla sunuldu. Her iki kpr ve balantlarnn zerinde ve stanbul metrosundan
en dorudan yararlanan blge olmasna ramen, bu blgenin altyaps henz zmlenebilmi deil. Ancak son yllarda gelien projeler daha kontroll ve doru projeler.
Projesi Doan Tekeli-Sami Sisaya ait Metrocity ile balayan karma program ve benzer
bir programn ak yorumu diyebileceimiz Tabanlolu-Jerde ortak projesi Kanyon, bu
blgeyi yeniden yaanan, geceleri terk edilmeyen, ticaretin ve yayann canlandrd bir
kent merkezi olmaya tevik etti. Daha sonra bir fabrika olarak dnlp, ofis olarak
inaatna balanan Levent Loft, bir dnm projesi olarak Metrocity ve Kanyondan
sonra bu alandaki konut yerleimi ihtiyacn vurgulayan proje oldu.


te yandan stanbulda konut planlamas balamnda Ataky birinci ksmda olduu

gibi iyi balayan, bir sre sonra tnel kalpla ina edilerek byyen ve Ataky Konaklarna, kapal sitelere ya da uydu kentlere, hatta insanlarn pek de yaamak istemedii
sosyal konut alanlarna dnen yaplama ile genileyen bir stanbul ortaya kt; i,
eitim, elence gibi kentin salad imknlarn merkezinden uzak yatakhaneler ve
dolaysyla bu noktalardan kente doru zorunlu bir gnlk trafik olutu. Hafta sonu herhangi bir gazeteyi anca gryoruz aslnda bu kalitenin nasl olduunu. Mimardan ok
yatrmclarn ve onlar ynlendiren danmanlarn inisiyatifleri, ablon yap tipolojileri
ve hatta klielemi pazarlama taktikleri ile ekilleniyor kentler. Mimarlar ou zaman
bu ablonlarn ve klielerin grselletirilmesi iin kullanlyor ve bu ok tehlikeli aslnda.
Yatrmc doal olarak gelir elde etmek ister. Mimarn grevi de projesi ile katma deer
yaratmasdr. Projeyi sadece ksa vadeli ticari bir yatrm olarak grmek yerine uzun
vadeli, sosyal zmleri de beraberinde neren bir projenin baarsn hedefleyen yatrmc daha aklc davranm olur.
Biz iverenler konusunda ansl saylrz. Mimar olarak yaam kalitesinin deerinin salt
metrekare ile llebilen bir ey olmadn aktarabildiimiz iverenlerle baarl projeler ortaya kartabiliyoruz. Bize verilen program olduu gibi alp tasarma balamak
yerine, mal sahibi ile nce o program tartp batan tasarlyoruz. Aksi taktirde Loft
Bahe projesinin bu heyecan verici tektonik formunu gerekletiremezdik mesela. Konut tasarlarken sorduumuz ilk soru burada kim, nasl yaamak ister. Levent Loft ve
Bahe aslnda Sapphireden biraz farkldr. Loftlar daha ok ocuksuz iftlerin, yalnz
yaayanlarn mr boyu deil, birka seneliine yaamak isteyebilecekleri bir yaam
ekline gre tasarland. Bu nedenle kendi iinde anlaabilen, kimi zaman i hayatnda
da gren kiiler tarafndan satn alnyor ve bu yzden sk bir komuluk ilikisi de
olutu. Sapphire ise daha yerleik olmak isteyen ailelere veya bireylere gre tasarland
ve en nemli zellii yksek katlarda baheler deil, aslnda fiziksel ve mecazi anlamda,
ehre pencere aabilmesidir. Bu tip konutlarn talep edilmesi kentin kenarlarndaki gvenlikli sitelerden kent merkezine doru bir dnn baladnn iareti olabilir. Elbette
buras tam Nianta, Badat Caddesi gibi deil. Burann en byk eksiklii Bykdere
Caddesinin planlanmam olmas ve bu planszlk biz mimarlar da olduka zorluyor. Burann toparlanabilmesi iin ncelikle bu yaplarn arkasndan geecek yeni bir bulvarn
almas lazm. kinci olarak da kimi yerlerde Bykdere Caddesinin yer altna alnmas
ve st kotlarn yayalara terk edilmesi gerekecek. Elbette bu dzenlemeler trafie yine
bir zm olmayacaktr. Mimarlk kent planlamas ile uyumlu olduunda daha verimli
rn verme imkn bulur. Altyaps zmlenmi belli bir plan dahilinde byyen blgelerde, kentlerde doru binalar retmek mmkn. Bu nedenle brokrasinin birok
farkl disiplinle, mesleki gr ieren ortak almalar iinde olmas, zellikle de sivil
insiyatiflere kulak vererek zm retmesi beklenmeli. Bazen de imar koullarnn zel
konumdaki projelerde standartlarn esnetilmesi, bazen daha da kstlanmas gerekir,
ama her ekilde tartlarak ve mzakere edilerek istisnalarn yaratlmas lazm. rnein
Floryadaki Atatrk Kk ok iyi bir binadr, ama bugnn imar koullarna gre brakn
deniz stnde yle bir yap yapmay kyda bile yapamazsnz.
nsanlarn yaadklar meknlara, yerlere dair grlerinin alnmas, katklarnn olmas,
bizim 21. yzylda hl varamadmz bir nokta. Floransadaki Santa Maria del Fiore
Katedralinin kubbesini yapan, Rnesans dneminde dhi sfatna layk grlen mimar, sanat Brunelleschinin 15. yzyl mhendisliinin bir hneri olan kubbeyi zm
olmasndan daha nemlisi, bu tr bir yap iin bir yarma dzenlenmi, ehir konseyinden onay alnm ve en nemlisidaha sonra da kentlinin grne sunulmu olmas.
Bizde ne zaman yarma dzenleniyor? Kamu organnn halktan bir anlamda ekindii
durumlarda... Bu durumda dahi tasarm tartmak yerine ihale paketleri hazrlanyor, bir
satn alma sreci iletiliyor. Bu anlamda Zorlu Center iin alm olan yarma nemli bir
admdr. u anda inaat sren karma projenin belki de en nemli blm stanbulun
yllardr ihtiyac olan 2.500 kiilik konser salonudur.


stanbul byk bir metropol olmasnn tesinde, dou ve bat arasndaki kltr, turizm
ve ticaret alveriinin en kritik noktasnda yer alan bir gei, kendisi bir kpr. Ne var
ki, stanbul gibi varln boaza borlu olan bir kent iin, Boazn doal olarak salad
deniz yoluna ramen, kentin denizle ilikisi ok da tatmin edici dzeyde deil. stanbul
Boaznn her iki yakasndaki sahil eridinde gemiten gnmze yallar, saraylar, tari-

hi iskele binalar, restoranlar gibi bina tipolojilerini iine alan bir yaplama oluagelmi.
Ancak kent insannn Boazla bulumas ou kez engellenmi. Bu bulumann salanabildii birbirinden kopuk paralarda ise, belediyenin ngrd parklar dnda bir
mekn deneyimine rastlamak pek mmkn deil. Ayn yetersizlik ulama da yansyor,
kullanlmayan bir su yolu Boaz. Dnyadaki liman ehirleri yenileniyor, eskinin izlerini
barndran, yeni ada kent merkezleri kazanlyor, bunun iin yarmalar dzenleniyor,
fikirler gelitiriliyor ve kamu bu ngrleri en salkl biimde deerlendiriyor ve en etkin biimde ehre kazanmann ynetemlerini sorguluyor, uyguluyor. Belki de en nemli
zellii stanbul halkn denize yaknlatrmak olan Galataport projesi stanbulun denize alan kaps olabilecekken, on yldan fazla zamandr politik nedenlerle bekliyor.
Bir kentsel dnm projesi ile sosyal, kltrel, ticari ve evre balamnda yeni ilevler
ve deer kazanmas, kentlinin 24 saat kullanaca, kentin kyya uzantsn olmas ile
bir merkez deeri olan bu blge atl braklm durumda; tarihi meydanlar otopark,
binalar metruk durumda; 1,2 km ky eridi kentlinin eriimine kapal uzun yllardr. Kltrel mirasn ve kentin doal aknn bir paras olan sahil eridinin, zellikle Haliten,
Sarayburnundan Dolmabaheye kadar olan blmmn bir masterplanla dzenlemesi
rnek bir uygulama olur. stanbul, kendi kltr mirasn tayabilir ve onun da tesinde ada sanat ve kltre bir dnya merkezi olma potansiyelini kullanabilir dzeye
tanmaldr. Hali kysnn bir kltr hatt olarak gelimesine imkn tanyan, yenilemeye uygun potansiyelleri ile birok yap imdiden bu talebi karlama ynnde deerlendirilmeye balad. stanbul kendi varolu biimiyle daha birok kltr yapsna ve
kltrel yaplanmaya ak, bu anlamda ilk rnek olan stanbul Modern, Galaport projesi
uygulanamam olsa da onun tohumu olarak, cesaret verici, zendirici oldu; bnyesinde
barndrd restoran, ktphane, sinema gibi ikincil fonksiyonlarn da zendiriciliiyle
her sosyal katmandan binlerce izleyiciyi, birounu ilk kez, sanatla -ve kyya ayak basamasa da- Boazla ve tarihle buluturdu.
Bugn birok ofis ya da konut projesi, benzer tantm sloganlaryla gazetelerde ilan vermek yoluyla -kime hitap ettiini bilmedikleri- kullanclarn aryorlar.
Eskiden devlet yaplarn devlet mteahhiti yapard. Ancak bu yaplar zellikli kamusal
amaca hizmet eden tiyatro, bakanlk gibi yaplard. Bugn ise TOKnin tutumu dier
yatrmclardan farkl deil ne yazk ki. Gecekondular silip apartmanlardan oluan bir
siteye geince elbette yapsal kalite artyor,ama meknn veya yaamn kalitesinde bir
deiiklik olmuyor. Bilakis, o gecekondu o yerle ok daha iyi bir iliki kurabilmi iken,
onun yerine hibir iklimsel veya topografik zellii dikkate almadan dikilen ablon bir
apartman ok daha salksz bir ortam yaratyor. zellikle Anadolunun her yerinde,
ayn tipte, corafi ve sosyal koullar hi dikkate almadan yaplan bu yaplar, sorunlu
olma potansiyeli tayor.
inde bulunduumuz sektr adna 2008den itibaren yaadmz kresel krizden bir rnek kartmak gerek, bir yaplanmann gereklilii ve yarar planlamada aratrlmas gereken en nemli unsurlardan. Mimarn nerdii model ekonomik olarak da test edilmelidir. Ekonomistlerin, planclarn, baka disiplinlerin de genel plan tasarmdan bamsz
deerlendirmesi gerekir. Yerel ynetimlerin ve iverenlerin anlamas gereken dorulardan biri, projeleri deerli klann ina edilen deme alan veya emsal deil, llemeyen faktrler olduudur. Bu anlayla, geri dnm altyaps ve enerji tasarrufu gibi
zmleri ieren projeler gerekletirilirken ilev-estetik ilikisi dengede tutulmaldr.
Bir yap veya yaplanma ne kadar esnekse o kadar srdrlebilirdir, fiziksel olarak da
sosyal balamda da. Mimarln kendisi de buyurgan deildir, doru soruyu sormak ve
en doru zm aramakla mkelleftir ve her bina bir deneyimdir, yorumdur, sretir.

Murat Tabanlolu



New attitudes and lifestyles, new buildings and cities in

the 21st century
Our projects, most of which are located in Istanbul, can be interpreted as reflections of
a period. They can also be described as being in parallel with the architectural output of
the last 15-20 years.
Architecture is shaped by the orientation of the city and at the same time provides
direction and form to the city. Cities are densely inhabited spaces where life is fast and
needs and habits change quickly in line with the tempo of this era; buildings are not
sculpture-like aesthetic components, but an extension of life amalgams that define
the social movement of the city. For this reason, when creative expression and social
consciousness are jointly taken into account in the right way, cities can become livable,
long lasting places.
Local and central politics are other important factors determining building methods and
processes. The private investment model initiated by the zal government in the 1980s
is observable in the building activity of the last 10 years under the AKP government, just
as it was in earlier CHP and DP governments as well as in the coalition period. Turkeys
construction sector has always been the locomotive of its economy, and developments in this industry the most important indicator of economic activity. There is an
enthusiastic social improvement drive that has virtually become a national policy, and
the policy of promising even more in the future continues. The entire country has been
a building site for years; yet the quality of architecture has not, unfortunately, kept pace
with the quantity of construction. In this regard, it may be useful to make a quick review
of the recent past.
The changes that occurred worldwide after the 1980s and, in the case of Turkey, as a
direct effect of the zal governments policies, acquainted us with new architectural
production systems like the build-operate-transfer model. One of the first examples of a
mixed-use project in this era was the Ataky Tourism Complex, designed by architect
Hayati Tabalolu in his first encounter with the private sector after working for the state.
Galleria, Turkeys first shopping center and a mixed-use structure, was a projection of
the building construction and social change occurring in the world at that time. Subsequently, we became acquainted with Akmerkez and similar shopping malls, which were,
in a sense, meeting places, semi-public locations where different socio-economic groups
could come together.
With the change in production techniques, media buildings, for example, moved to the
outskirts of the city in the 1990s, reorienting the design of commercial structures with
new office and production concepts. Turkeys major newspapers, Sabah, Hrriyet and
Milliyet, relocated their offices and writers outside the city center to new buildings. In
these structures, intellectual and physical production processes were placed side by side
and social functions were integrated into the design, such as atriums offering common
areas for employees. Even the paper for the newsprint was stored and printed within
the structure. The Milliyet Building, DMC and Doan Media Town were the first examples
of such buildings. Today, thanks to the opportunities created by rapid changes in digital
technology, selected departments of this industry are returning to the city center. The
computer screen is replacing paper and social media, with its ability to communicate
developments instantaneously, is taking on the role of daily or weekly publications. This
form of communication and production has completely changed the use of space.
Again in the 1980s, pharmaceutical factories gave way to the service sector and the lofty
buildings that supported their image. During this period, banking buildings reflected the
power of capital, and office zones on an urban scale emerged in areas like Maslak. In the
early years of this transformation, projects built according to plans whipped out of the
drawers of foreign architects in the name of prestige led to the production of building
clusters with no identity. The products of this assembly line production attitude, itself
an extension of the entrepreneurial urban development concept, were devoid of context
for the most part and so presented as innovations. The infrastructure of Maslak, in spite
of the regions advantageous links to both bridges as well as the Istanbul Metro, is still
unresolved, although projects developed in recent years have been more controlled and
appropriate. First, Metrocity, a mixed project by Doan Tekeli-Sami Sisa, and then Kanyon, an open interpretation of the same concept created jointly by Tabanlolu-Jerde,
contributed to reviving this area, preventing its desertion at night and making it a city


center in which trade and pedestrians flourish. Later, the transformation project Levent
Loft, conceived as a factory and initially constructed as an office, became the next project in the region to highlight the need for more residential buildings.
With regards to Istanbuls residential planning, on the other hand, things began well with
projects like the first district of Ataky. After some time, however, the expansion of Istanbul gave way to residential projects like Ataky Konaklar, constructed with tunnel
formwork, gated communities and suburbs, and even housing projects for people who
do not really want to live there. Dormitories appeared far from the city center and its
opportunities for employment, education and entertainment, creating the phenomenon of the obligatory daily commute to the city. We can see how this occurred when
we open any weekend newspaper. The cities are being shaped less by architects and
more by investors on the initiative of their advisors using template-like typologies and
clich marketing tactics. Most of the time, architects are being used to visualize these
templates and clichs, and this is very dangerous. The investor naturally wants to make
a profit. The architects duty is to create a project that adds value. Investors wishing to
create successful projects would be wise not to treat them as short term commercial
investments, but rather to take into consideration long-term aims and social solutions.
We have been fortunate as regards the investors who have commissioned us projects.
As architects, we have been able to produce successful projects with investors who
understand that quality of life is not something you can measure simply with square
meters. Instead of taking the project brief as a given and starting to design accordingly,
we first sit down and discuss the program with the developer. If we had not done this
with Loft Bahe, for example, we would not have achieved this projects exciting tectonic form. When designing residences, the first question we ask is who is going to live
there and how they want to live. Levent Loft and Bahe are in fact a little different from
Sapphire. The lofts have been designed for the lifestyles of couples with no children and
singles who have chosen this lifestyle for a number of years, not for their entire lives.
For this reason, the residences have been purchased by people who understand each
other and who may even see one another from time to time in a business context,
hence creating a community spirit. Sapphire was designed more for families or individuals seeking permanent homes, and the most important characteristic of the project
is not the gardens on the high floors, but the fact that a window is opened onto the
city, both literally and metaphorically. The demand for these types of residences could
indicate the beginning of a return to the city center from the secure suburbs on the edges of the city. Of course, the area is not Nianta or Badat Avenue. Here, the greatest
deficiency is that Bykdere Avenue has not been planned and this makes things very
difficult for us as architects. In order to put this area to right, there needs to be a new
avenue behind these buildings. Secondly, some sections of Bykdere Avenue should
be put underground and the upper level given over to pedestrians. Of course, these
arrangements will still not be a solution to the heavy traffic, but when architecture is
in harmony with urban planning, there is greater opportunity to create more efficient
products. It is easier to produce the right buildings for a city in areas that have organized
their infrastructure and grown according to a plan. For this reason, joint studies should
be carried out by civil servants from diverse disciplines and professional opinions to
find solutions that also take heed of civil initiatives. Sometimes, for special projects, it
is necessary to relax building regulations, while at other times it is necessary to tighten
them; whichever the case, exceptions should only be created through discussion and
debate. For example, the Atatrk Pavilion in Florya is a wonderful building, but according
to todays building regulations, such a building would not have been allowed on the
seashore, let alone out on the water.


Taking into account the publics opinion about the areas they live in is something we
have yet to achieve in the 21st century. The significance of the Santa Maria del Fiore
cathedral in Florence, the dome of which earned the architect and artist Brunelleschi his
epithet of genius in the Renaissance period, derives not so much from his 15th century
architectural solution to the dome problem, as from the competition that was held for
the project, the city councils approval of the winning design, and, most importantly, the
projects submission to public review. When do we organize competitions? When public
administrations are a somewhat leery of the public Rather than discussing designs,
however, bidding packets are prepared and a tender is launched. In this sense, the
competition held for the Zorlu Center was an important step forward. Perhaps the most
important component of this mixed-use project, still under construction at the time of
writing, is the 2,500 seat concert hall that Istanbul has needed for many years.

More than being a large metropolis, Istanbul is the most critical point of passage for culture, tourism and trade between East and West; it is itself a bridge. However, for a city
like Istanbul, which owes its existence to the Bosphorus straits and the natural sea route
it provides, the relationship between city and sea is not very satisfactory. Both shores
of the Bosphorus have been built up throughout history with a building typology of riverside residences, palaces, historical port buildings and restaurants. The people of the
city, however, have usually been prevented from encountering the Bosphorus, and there
continues to be a dearth of locations that facilitate such an encounter, with the exception of the fragmented pieces of city park envisaged by the municipal government. The
same deficiency can be seen in transportation, with the Bosphorus being a non-utilized
waterway. Port cities around the world are being renovated to create new contemporary city centers that incorporate traces of history. To this end, cities are organizing
design competitions, developing ideas, and submitting them to the public to ensure their
robust evaluation; in the most effective way, they are searching for and implementing
the methods that bring the most benefit to the city. Perhaps the most important characteristic of the Galataport project is that it brings people closer to the sea, and yet,
despite its potential to be Istanbuls door to the sea, it has been kept on hold for political reasons for more than ten years. An urban transformation project here would which
create new social, cultural, commercial and environmental functions and value and create a center that city dwellers could enjoy 24 hours a day as an extension of the city
to the shore. Today, however, the region has been abandoned; the historical squares are
being used as car parks, the buildings are abandoned, and the 1.2 kilometer long strip is
closed to the public. The Bosphorus shoreline, part of the cultural heritage and natural
flow of the city, in particular the strip from the Golden Horn and Historical Peninsula to
Dolmabahe, could be an exemplary implementation of a master plan. Not only should
Istanbul convey her own cultural heritage, she should also fulfill her potential of being
a global center for contemporary art and culture. The Golden Horn could be developed
as a culture zone, and many structures that have the potential for renovation are now
being evaluated in response to this demand. Istanbul today has room for many more
cultural buildings and structures, the first example of which was Istanbul Modern. Even
though the Galataport project has not yet been implemented, its seed, Istanbul Modern
is encouraging. Secondary functional spaces in the museum, like the restaurant, library
and cinema, are inspiring in this center where thousands of visitors from different social
groups come face to face with art, for the first time in the case of many, and with the
Bosphorus and its history even if they cannot step out onto the shore.
Today, many office and residential projects are searching for buyers by placing adverts
with similar slogans in newspapers without knowing who they are addressing. Public
buildings used to be constructed by state contractors. These projects were principally
buildings serving the public, like theaters or ministries. Today, unfortunately, the attitude
of TOK, Turkeys Housing Development Administration, is no different from that of other
investors. When people move from a shanty town to an apartment complex, naturally
there is an improvement in structural standards, but there is no change in spatial or
living standards. On the contrary, in shanty towns people were able to establish a much
better relationship with their location; the template type apartments erected in their
place without taking any heed of climatic or topographic characteristics have created a
much unhealthier environment. In particular, the uniform structures constructed all over
Anatolia without attention to geographic or social conditions have the potential of being
As an industry, we need to learn from the global crisis that has prevailed since 2008;
evaluating the necessity and benefits of a structure should be one of the most important
parts of the planning stage. The model proposed by the architect should also be tested
economically and the general plan independently evaluated by economists, planners
and other experts from the design stage onward. One of the facts that local governments and investors must understand is that what gives value to the project is not the
furnished area or other such features, but factors that cannot be measured. In this
approach, it is important to maintain a balanced functional-aesthetic relationship in
projects that incorporate solutions like recycling infrastructure and energy savings.
A structure or building is sustainable to the extent that it is flexible in both a physical
and social sense. The architect is not the master; he or she is obliged to ask the correct
questions and search for the appropriate solution. Every building is an experience, an
interpretation and a process.

Murat Tabanlolu


shopping malls

alveri merkezleri

212 istanbul avm

212 istanbul shopping mall
stanbul, 2009

: Bnyamin Derman |db Mimarlk & Mete Arat, Cem Arat | asp Architekten


Commissioned by


: Akn Holding

Alveri merkezinin her kesinden, her kat ve blgenin birbiriyle ilikisi dinamik organizasyon iinde bir btn olarak alglanmaktadr. Maazalar ve kafelerin bir kent
ky kurgusu iinde tasarland srprizli, dinamik, kayan meknlar, atdan szlen gn
nn mekn iindeki etkileri, peyzajn yap iindeki hareketi alveri merkezindeki
eitli ilev alanlarnn vektrel algsn da farkl klmaktadr. Yapnn, yerkabuunun
tektonik hareketlerine benzer krlmalarla oluturulan beinci cephesi, yani ats, evresiyle panoramik ilikiler kuran bir kentsel ak alandr. Restoran, sinema ve elence
merkezlerindeki aktiviteler atdaki ak alanda devam eder. Yap kabuunun kvrlarak
Medya Yolu ynnde oluturduu paral cephe, ierideki renkli dnya nesnelerini
yanstan reklam panolar ile kaplanmtr.

1980lerin bandan itibaren, kk ve orta boy iletmelerin kentin eperindeki kitelliye

tanmasn ngren plan uyarnca kitelli Organize Sanayi Blgesinin 1986 ylnda ina
edilmeye balanmas, ayrca Atatrk Olimpiyat Stad ve Olimpiyat Kynn de bu blgede yaplmas nedeniyle, kitelli semti orta lekli sanayi yatrmlar ve fragmanter konut yerleimleriyle hzla dolarak kentsel snrn iinde kalmtr. Atatrk Havaliman ve
E-5 Karayolunu Mahmutbeye ve TEM Otoyoluna balayan Atatrk Bulvar ve paralelindeki Basn Ekspres Yolu, sahip olduu stratejik konum nedeniyle 1990larn ortasndan
itibaren medya ynetim merkezlerinin tercih ettikleri ulam arteri haline geldi.
2004 ylndan itibaren Basn Ekspres Yolu ile Mahmutbey Kprs arasnda kalan blgenin Merkezi Alan (MA) olarak ilan edilmesinin ardndan, byk araziler zerine
kurulmu olan fabrika ve sanayi iletmeleri yerlerini medya merkezlerine, byk lekli
ofis, otel, konut ve alveri merkezi projelerine brakmaya balamtr.
Basn Ekspres Yolunun Baclar-Halkal stgeidiyle kesitii noktada bulunan Edip plik
Fabrikasnn tanmasnn ardndan yatrmc firma, alveri merkezi ve rezidans kuleleri olmak zere iki aamada hayata geirmeyi dnd projelerin elde edilmesi iin
2006 ylnda mimarlk grubunu davet ettii bir yarma am ve db Mimarlk & asp
Architekten ortaklnn gelitirdii konsept proje teklifini uygulamak zere semitir.
Ktleyi farkl geniliklere sahip eride blerek aradaki yrtklardan i mekna doal
k alnmas ve katlanm plaklarnn oluturaca atlarn kamusal yeil parklar olarak kullanlmas, tasarmn k noktalarn oluturmutur. 55.560 mlik arsa zerinde 222.000 mlik kapal inaat alanna sahip kompleks, program younluu nedeniyle
arazide kaybedilecek olan yeil alan atda yeniden retmek zere kentsel yeil park
nermi, ancak ekonomik kriz nedeniyle bu uygulamadan vazgeilerek snrl bir alanda
ak bir amfitiyatro dzenlemesi yaplabilmitir.
Basn Ekspres Yolundan yapnn nasl alglanaca tasarmn bir dier nemli girdisi olduundan, yol cephesindeki eimli sar yzeyler ekran olarak tasarlanm, ancak bu
arpc medya yzeylerinden yasal ynetmelikler nedeniyle vazgeilmek zorunda kalnmtr.
Kompleksin prizmatik ve monolitik etkisini artrmak, atlarn krkl konturlarn vurgulu
hale getirmek, ksacas yzey yerine formun grnrln artrmak amacyla, yaplar
tmyle siyaha boyanm ve zerlerinde snrl sayda pencere almtr.
Yapy bilindik alveri merkezi tipolojilerinden farkllatran, atnn deien kabuk
formunun i mekna yanstlmas ve rasyonel plan emasna karn, dinamik ve
boyutlu bir mekn algsnn retilebilmi olmasdr. Bu deiken algnn retilmesinde,
ktleyi paraya ayran 200 m uzunluundaki iki izgisel at kl ve bu atlardan
szlen gn nn otopark katna kadar ulamasn salayan kanyon adl formu ve
kesiti deien galeri boluu da etkili olmaktadr. Hareket edildike grsel algy oaltan ve srekli deitiren 212 stanbul Power Outlet Alveri Merkezi, sahip olduu bu
sinematik mekn kurgusu nedeniyle, alveri merkezi tipolojisi ierisinde ayrcalkl bir
konuma sahiptir.


The connections between the different levels and areas of the shopping mall are perceived as a dynamic, integrated whole. Different aspects of this shopping mall alter its vectorial perception; the functional areas in which shops and cafes have been set up give it
the feel of a small town and the sleek surfaces and the effect of daylight seeping through
the ceiling together with the movement of the landscape all work toward this end. The
fifth faade of this structure, the roof, has been formed with fissures similar to the earths
crust; this open urban open area has a panoramic relationship with the environment.
The functions of the restaurant, movie theater and entertainment centers overflow onto
the open space of the roof. The three-tier facade on the Medya Yolu side, with its sinuous shell, is covered with advertising panels reflecting objects of a colorful world.

Since the beginning of the 1980s, in keeping with the plan to move small and middlesized industries to the outskirts of the city, the construction of the kitelli Organized
Industrial Region has commenced. Due to the building of the Atatrk Olympic Stadium
and the Olympic Village in this region, the investment in mid-sized industry and fragmented settlements quickly filled the region, thus causing it to remain within the city limits. Due to its strategic position on Atatrk Boulevard, which connects Atatrk Airport
and the E-5 Highway to the Mahmutbey neighborhood, as well as the TEM Highway
and the Media Express Route, which runs parallel, this region has become an artery for
media management centers since the mid 1990s.
As of 2004, subsequent to the declaration of the area between the Media Express Route
and Mahmutbey Bridge as the Central Business Zone, factories and industrial enterprises on wide expanses of land have gradually made way for media centers, large-scaled
offices, hotels, housing and shopping mall projects.
In 2006, following the relocation of the Edip Thread Factory from the intersection of the
Media Express Route and the Baclar-Halkal overpass, the investors launched a competition for the development of a two-phased project consisting of a shopping mall and
residential towers in the area; three different groups of architects were invited to join.
At the end of the competition the concept project presented by the partnership of db
Architecture & asp Architekten was selected.
The starting point of the design was to divide the mass of the building with three strips
of different widths to let natural light filter through the divides into the interior, while
the roofs, formed from corrugated plates, were designed as green public parks. The
complex covers 222,000 square meters of interior area on land measuring 55,560 square meters; the green public park was planned to replace the green field originally here,
which was lost due to the intensity of the planning in the area. However, due to the
economic crisis, this implementation had to be abandoned, and it only proved possible
to build an open amphitheater on a limited area.
As the perception of the structure from the Media Express Route was to act as another
input for the design, the inclined blind surfaces on the road faades were designed as
screens; unfortunately, due to legal regulations, these spectacular screens could not be
In order to increase the prismatic and monolithic effect of the complex and to emphasize the corrugated texture of the roof, that is, in brief, to increase the visibility of
the form instead of the surface, the entire structure was painted black and only a few
windows were made.
What distinguishes the structure from the general shopping mall typology is the reflection of the mutable shell-like roof on the interior area and its ability to create a dynamic
and three-dimensional perception of space, in contrast to the rational plan. Skylights
measuring 200 meters divide the mass into three; the canyon form, which enables the
light from the roof to reach down to the parking area and the changing gallery space
are all effective in creating this variable perception. The 212 Istanbul Power Outlet Shopping Center, which constantly changes and increases visual perception as one moves
past it, has a privileged position among shopping center typology due to its cinematic
space organization.





addresistanbul yaam merkezi

addresistanbul lifestyle center
stanbul, 2005

: Emre Arolat | EAA - Emre Arolat Architects


Commissioned by


: Akn Gayrimenkul

Addresistanbul projesinin tasarmnda paracl durumun var olan bir taraflarna tutunmak yerine, kendi tansiyonunu yaratan, mevcut balamdan kopan ve bir kere koptuktan sonra kendi kendisini kuran, mevcudu dntrmek yerine kendisini nemli klan
biricik bir para yaratmak hedeflendi. Uzak algda, var olan tekiletiren, kendi geometrik kurgusuyla bakalaan k demeti, yapnn ykseklii boyunca ayrarak gkyzne
uzanp kaybolurken, yakn algda evre dzeninin baat birimlerini oluturur. Farkl kotlardan ie ulamn yaratabilecei mevcut balamdan kopamama tehlikesini bertaraf
ederek tek noktaya indirgenen giri, yapya olabildiince uzak mesafede u veren bir
kapal geit ile salanr. Kendi spesifikliini oluturacak sat birimleri ve aralarndan
szlerek akan yol, var olan yerden yatayda ve deyde kopuk, zgn bir deneyimi

stanbul Okmeydannda, iftecevizler Caddesi ile Darlaceze Caddesinin oluturduu

kavak zerinde konumlanan Addresistanbul, tasarm odakl ticari bir merkez yaratmak
amacyla 12.300 mlik 3 katl bir yapnn dntrlmesi ile elde edilmitir. Darya
tmyle kapal ve irrasyonel plan emasna sahip bu 3 katl strktr yn ile ba etmek zere sra d bir dizi tasarm yntemi gelitiren tasarm ekibi, mevcut yapya ve
onun strktrlerine uygun bir tasarm gelitirmek yerine, mevcut yapy yok sayan, bu
nedenle de balamn kendisi zerinden retmek zorunda kalan, iddial ve arpc bir
tasarm yaklamn uygulamay tercih etmitir.
Yaplacak dzenlemenin kendisini otonom olarak var edebilmesi iin mevcut yapya ynelik bir dizi arpc tasarm stratejisi gelitirilmitir. Var olan yapy meknszlatrmak
ve grnmez klmak zere tasarm srecinin en banda balam yok etme yollar
aranm ve bu ama dorultusunda, mevcut yapya ve onun strktrne demeyen,
temas etmemek zerinden ilerleyen bir tasarm yaklam gelitirilmitir. Bu dorultuda, binann dna taan kapal geit benzeri giri tneli, ieriye szabilmenin, yani
mevcut strktre demeden ieriye girebilmenin en nemli arac haline gelmektedir.
dnyann darya sarkm bu uzants, ziyaretileri metropoln sersemletici karmaasndan ve uultusundan arndrmak, ierideki dingin atmosfere hazrlamak zere lo
bir ortam olarak tasarlanmtr. Bilindik yenileme yntemlerine ve konvansiyonlarna
kar yrtlen bu zihinsel ihlalin gelitirdii bir dier taktik ise, dokunulmayacak olan
ancak yine de grnen deme ve kolonlarn siyaha boyanarak grnmez klnmas,
yaratlan bu ilzyon sayesinde de derin bir karanlk ve ynszlk hissinin oluturulmasdr. Tam da bu noktada, balam yeniden ina etmenin koullar ina edilmi, koyu
ve dipsiz bir karanln ierisinde zigzaglar izerek ilerleyen yrme yollar ve onlarn
ulatrd birbirinden kopuk cam sat birimleri betonarme tayclarn arasna dzensiz
bir ekilde savrulmutur.
Kolon ormannn iine, mevcut rasyonel dnyann iine szarak dalma stratejisi, yani
bu ortala savrulma durumunun kendisi, bir baka tasarmsal iddiay da ortaya koymaktadr: tasarlanm dzensizlik. Hem bu iddia hem de kendi balamn kendisinin
yarataca iddias inandrclklarn rtk bir metafor zerinden, akl denizi iinde yzen adalar metaforu zerinden ina etmektedir. Gcn bu konstrktif peyzaj armndan alan ykseltilmi yrme yollar, hem karanln iinde kendi estetik dnyalar
ile ldayan, yerden kopuk butik ve maaza vitrinlerini birbirine balamakta hem de
akl denizinin zerinde ilerleyerek formsuz bir dolam a rmektedir. Bu nedenle, her
biri farkl estetik dil ve dnyalar neren bu fragman adalarn yamal boha misali birine
teelleyerek ren zigzagl yol a, balam ina etmenin en nemli kurucu esi haline
gelmektedir. Hem eklemlenerek byyen gelime rntsn hem de tasarlanm dzensizlii anlaml klan da yine bu formsuz yol adr. Sat birimlerinin arasnda srekli
yn deitirerek akan bu yolda yrmek, alglar tetikleyen ve sezgilerle zenginleen,
sinematik bir mekn deneyiminin iinde bulmaktr kendini.
letme modeli olarak tercih edilen konsept maazacl anlay dorultusunda byk
maazalar yerine gerilla dkknlar gibi geici tehir ortamlar sunan Addresstanbul,
perakendecilik anlayn yeniden tanmlayan devrimsel bir ileyi kurgusuna sahip olmasnn tesinde, belirsizlii ve oluturduu gizemli atmosfer nedeniyle de ziyaretileri
batan karacak erotizme sahip, son yllarda ina edilmi en sra d ticari meknlardan


The objective in designing the Addresistanbul project was to create a single unified
piece that announces its importance with the creation of a unique tension; it diverges
from the segmented context and establishes itself by transforming the existing space.
Viewed from a distance, the rays of light that metamorphose the geometric structure
disintegrate along the height of the building, vanishing into the sky; up close, the structure constitutes the principal unit of the landscape. By being reduced to a single point,
the entrance breaks away from the existing context, something that is not possible
when access is at various elevations; the entrance is through a foyer at the furthest
possible point from the building. Sales units, which form their own characteristics, and
the pathway that glides between them constitute the elements of a unique experience,
which is both horizontally and vertically disconnected from the existing ground.

Addresstanbul is located in Istanbul, Okmeydan, positioned on the intersection of Ciftecevizler and Darulaceze avenues; in order to create a commercial center focused on
design, Addresstanbul was transformed from the existing triplex building that measured 12,300 square meters. Designers created a range of extraordinary design methods
to deal with this triplex structure, which is totally closed to the outside; instead of creating a design suitable for the present building and its structure, the design team chose
to apply a challenging and striking design, with an irrational plan. This approach ignores
the existing structure, thus creating its own context.
In order for the intended arrangement to achieve autonomy, a range of striking design
strategies was developed for the existing structure. To eliminate the existing space, i.e.,
to make it invisible, at the beginning of the design process methods to demolish the
context were sought; to this end, a no-contact design approach was developed. The
structure does not touch the existing building or its structure. Thus, the tunnel entrance
resembling a covered walkway that opens out onto the exterior of the building is the
main ways of gaining access to the present structure without touching it. This extension, which turns the inside world out, has a cathartic effect on visitors coming in from
the maelstrom of the metropolis and its dimly lit interior prepares them for the tranquil
atmosphere within. Another tactic of this mental intrusion that is in contrast to the
usual renewal techniques and conventions is the creation of a sense of deep darkness
and a loss of direction through the illusion of flooring and columns that are untouchable, but still visible; this illusion has been created by painting the components black. At
this very point, the conditions for reconstructing the context have been constructed:
within a deep and bottomless darkness, the disconnected glass sales units, accessed
along a zigzag pathway, have been irregularly scattered among concrete supports.
Within the forest of columns, the diffusion strategy, seeping within the existing rational
world, that is, within this atmosphere, drifts about, presenting another schematic claim:
planned irregularity. This assertion is made both in its own context of creativity and
based on its claim to demonstrativeness through a veiled metaphor; the metaphor of
floating islands over a sea of gravel. These lifted pathways, evoking an association of
a constructive landscape, not only connect the shop windows of the boutiques and
shops, which are divorced from the ground, by using their aesthetic worlds to pierce
the darkness, but also creates a formless circulation net over the sea of gravel. Thus,
this zigzag path network that tacks together these fragmented islands, each with a
different aesthetic language and world, becomes the most important construction element for establishing the context. This formless road network not only gives meaning
to the growing progression pattern, but also to the planned irregularity. Walking on this
constantly shifting path among the sales units, one finds oneself in the middle of a cinematic environmental experience which triggers perceptions and is enriched through
the senses.
In keeping with the concept retailing operating model that was chosen, AddresIstanbul
presents temporary exhibition units, guerilla counters, rather than large stores. Beyond
introducing a revolutionary operating installation which redefines retailing principles,
this structure is one of the most extraordinary recently-built commercial centers; it has
an erotic charm, a mysterious atmosphere and an ambiguity that seduce the visitors.






citys nianta avm

citys nianta shopping mall

stanbul, 2008

: Sinan Kafadar, Hray Erk, Kaan Erk | Metex Design


Commissioned by


: Glaylar Group

Citys Nianta, ehrin deerli ve yksek younlua sahip bir yap adasnda bulunmas,
proje ihtiyalar ve hedefledii standartlarn bir araya getirilmesiyle, karmzda zorlayc
bir denklemdi. yllk proje srecinde ncelikli ama, yapnn Nianta mimarisine
uyumu ile birlikte alveri merkezi fonksiyonlarnn doru konumlandrlmasyd. Tarihsel ve kentsel mimari ile btnlemesi, insan faktrn en aza indiren otomatik haber
alma ve mdahale sistemleri ve en yksek kalitede malzemenin kullanlmas projenin
gerekletirilen birincil hedefleridir. Projelendirme ve inaat sresince en iyi malzemeler ve teknolojik detaylar ile mimari ve i mimari eler proje ekibi tarafndan titizlikle zmlenmitir. Birok zelliiyle akll bina niteliinde tasarlanan Citys Nianta,
Avrupann en byk d mekn LED ekran uygulamasna da sahiptir.

Niantann bitiik nizaml youn kentsel dokusu ierisinde, Tevikiye Caddesi zerinde
konumlanan ve paralelindeki Akkavak Sokaktan da cephe alan Citys Nianta Alveri
Merkezi, ili Terakki Lisesinin 1994 ylnda Leventteki yerlekesine tanmas nedeniyle yklmasnn ardndan uzun sre bo kalan ve otopark olarak kullanlan bu arazi zerinde 2005 ylnda ina edilmeye balanmtr. ili Belediyesinin projede bulunmasn
istedii 3 sinema, 3 tiyatro salonu, 1 sanat galerisi ve en az 780 aralk otopark talebi de
gz nne alnarak projelendirilen alveri kompleksi, yer altnda 10 kat ve yer stnde 7 kat olmak zere youn bir kullanma sahiptir. Meknsal organizasyonu ve dalm
emas yatayda gelien kentin eperindeki dier alveri merkezlerinden farkl olarak
kent iinde dar bir parselde konumlanan Citys Nianta, cadde alverii alkanln
kendi bnyesinde devam ettirmek ve ierdii programlar st ste istifleyerek dey
kurguda gelimek zorunda kaldndan, kentsel rntnn iinde konumlanan yeni nesil dey alveri merkezlerinin stanbuldaki nc rneklerinden biridir.
Sokak boyunca gerekleen youn ticaret aktivitesini st kotlara tamak amacyla gelien ar yaplarnn konvansiyonel mekn kurgularna benzer bir biimde orta galeri
boluunun etrafn saran dolam sirklasyonuna sahip kompleks, 6 kata yaylan 1.600
aralk otopark nedeniyle yer altnda 40 mye inmekte, yer stnde ise alveri merkezi olarak ilev gren 7 kat nedeniyle 24 m kotuna kadar ykselmektedir. Dier alveri
merkezlerinden farkl olarak kentin tarihsel dokusuyla iliki kurmak amacyla yapnn
ykseklii yol siluetindeki gabarilerle e tutulmu, pencere boluklarna sahip cephe
organizasyonunda ise, prekast cephe elemanlaryla oluturmu saaklar, silmeler ve
doal ta kapl su basman gibi kent mimarlna ait repertuvarlar kullanlmtr.
Caddelerden ald iki cephesi dnda, kompleksin bir taraf sregiden konut dokusuna
bitiik iken dier taraf Nianta Rt Uzel Kz Teknik ve Meslek Lisesi yerlekesinin
bahe snrna dayand iin nc bir cephesi olumutur. Bu durum, okula bakan
cephe ile Tevikiye Caddesi cephesinin kesitii kenin yuvarlatlarak kuleletirilmesine ve medya yzeyi olarak kullanlmasna imkn vermitir.
Tevikiye Caddesindeki ana giri ile Akkavak Sokaktan ald tali girii, yarm katlk kot
farkna ramen birbirine balayan gei, komplekse pasaj nitelii de kazandrmaktadr.
Yapya karakteristik zelliini veren, merkezinde konumlanan 9 kat yksekliinde ve
10x20m boyutlarndaki eliptik planl atrium, yaratlan deiken k oyunlarn tm katlara tayan heykelsi bir boluk olmann tesinde, yryen merdivenler ve panaromik
asansrlerin de katksyla meknsal zenginliin ve grsel srekliliin olumasnda etkili
olmaktadr. Strktrel adan geni aklk isteyen sinema salonlar yapnn at katnda
konumlandrlarak hem atrium sonlandrlm hem de yuvarlatlm at formlar sayesinde kompleksin cephesindeki bitiler vurgulanmtr.
Kompleksin i atmosferine hkim olan malzeme kltr ve lks tasarm anlay, otopark katlarnn yan sra effaf asansrler, ahap kapl yryen merdivenler, led aydnlatmal ve ekranl WCler gibi tm servis meknlarnda da kendini youn olarak gstermektedir. Bu sekinci tavr ve lks anlay iletme mantnda da etkili olmakta
ve Trkiyede ilk kez bir alveri merkezinde niformal kapclar, asansr hostesleri,
vestiyer ve emanet paket grevlileri gibi birok hizmetli grev almaktadr.


The balance between the location of Citys Nianta on a valuable parcel of land in
what is a densely built-up area, and the high standards and requirements of the project
presented a challenge. The main objective during the three-year project was to correctly locate the functions of the shopping mall and to ensure that the building was in
keeping with the Nianta vernacular. Integration with historic and urban architecture,
automated communication and preventive systems, and the use of first-rate materials
were the primary objectives. Architectural and interior decorative elements were meticulously selected by the project team during the design and construction stages, with
top quality materials and technological details being used. In addition to many unique
features, Citys Nianta, an intelligent building, also boasts Europes largest outdoor
LED screen.

Citys Shopping Mall, which is located on Tevikiye Avenue within the dense urban
texture of Nianta, also has a faade on Akkavak Street running parallel to Tevikiye
Avenue. Construction of the mall commenced in 2005 on land that had been vacant for
a long period of time, and which was being used as a parking lot after the demolition
of ili Terakki Secondary College, subsequent to its relocation to its Levent campus in
1994. The shopping complex was designed in keeping with ili Municipalitys request
for 3 cinemas, 3 theatre stages, an art gallery and a parking lot with a capacity for a
minimum of 780 vehicles; the mall consists of 10 floors below ground and 7 floors
above ground level. Unlike other shopping centers within the perimeter of the spreading city, the spatial organization and distribution plan of Citys Shopping Mall, which
is positioned on a narrow parcel within the city, is one of Istanbuls leading examples
of new-generation vertical shopping centers positioned within the urban network; the
shopping mall was compelled to continue the habit of shopping on the avenue within
the structure, and to expand vertically with the careful positioning of the necessary
components, stacked one on top of the other.
The complex, with circulation around a central gallery space, similar to the traditional
spaces in shopping centers that have been developed to transfer the intense commercial activity to the upper levels, stretches 40 meters underground with the 1600-vehicle
parking lot which occupies 6 levels, and rises 24 meters above ground with the 7 levels that fulfill the shopping mall role. Unlike other shopping centers, the height of the
building has been kept at the same level as the silhouette of the road to establish a
relationship with the historic texture of the city; urban architectural repertoires, such as
precast facade elements, moldings, and natural stone-coated bases have been used in
the design of the faade, which also features window spaces.
In addition to the two faades on the roads, one side of the complex is adjacent to the
existing residential texture, while the other side acts as a third faade, being adjacent
to the garden of the Nianta Rt Uzel Technical and Vocational Girls School. This
allows the structure to round off the corner on the side that faces the school and the
Tevikiye Road intersection, forming a tower-like structure which can alternatively be
used as a media surface.
The 9-level elliptical atrium, measuring 10x20 meters and positioned at the centre of
the shopping mall, is the definitive characteristic of the building that that takes it beyond being a mere sculptural space and imbues all levels with varying light play; this
atrium is influential in creating spatial substantiality and visual continuity, thanks to the
escalators and panoramic elevators. The cinema halls, which structurally require a large
amount of space, have been positioned on the rooftop of the building to complete the
atrium and to emphasize the facade endings of the complex, which have rounded roof
The material culture and luxurious design that is predominant throughout the atmosphere of the interior of the complex is also manifest on the parking lot levels, in the
transparent elevators, the wood-panelled escalators and in the restrooms with LED
lighting and screens, as well as in all service areas. This elite design and sense of luxury
has also influenced the management approach, and many service personnel, such as
uniformed concierges, elevator hostesses, cloakroom attendants, and baggage room
attendants have been employed in the shopping mall for the first time in Turkey.






forum aydn avm

forum aydn shopping mall
Aydn, 2008


: Ali Hzrolu | ERA ehircilik Mimarlk


Commissioned by


: Multi Turkmall

ERA projede konsept tasarm, tasarm gelitirme, proje uygulama ve tasarm ynetimi
gerekletirmitir. Aydn-Denizli yolu zerinde bulunan Forum Aydn, 76.000 mlik bir
arazide konumlanmtr. Ak hava alveri merkezi olarak Eyll 2008 tarihinde alan Forum Aydn, toplam 36.000 mlik kiralanabilir alanda sinemalar, 209 maaza, hipermarket ve restoranlar iermektedir. Projenin genelinde Aydn yanstan corafi ve
doal unsurlar hkimdir: Seilen malzeme ve renkler d mekn-sokak hissini kuvvetlendirmektedir. Egeye has unsurlar, bitki rts ve yresel leklerin kullanm olarak
projede kendisine yer bulmaktadr. Her meknda ayr bir tema kullanlmakla beraber,
proje bu ayrlklarn tmnn birletii ortaklklar ve meknlar arasnda sreklilikler
barndran bir kurguya sahiptir.

1992 ylnda kurulan Turkmall irketi, 2004 ylnda kent ii alveri merkezi konusunda
uzman Hollandal yatrmc Multi Corporation ile birleerek Multi Turkmall adl ortakl
kurmu ve Trkiyede ilk kez uygulanan geni alanlara kurulu az katl alveri merkezi
konseptini, Forum Alveri Merkezi Zinciri yoluyla tm Trkiyeye yaymaya balamtr.
Zincirin ilk rnei olan ve 2006 ylnda zmirde hizmete giren ak hava alveri merkezi konseptli Forum Bornovann ardndan, 2007 ylnda Mersin, 2008 ylnda ise Denizli,
Trabzon ve Aydndaki alveri merkezleriyle devam edilmitir. irketin bugne kadar
gerekletirdii ve yapmay planlad 22 alveri merkezi ierisinde ak hava konsepti
ile ina edilenler, iklimsel koullar nedeniyle yalnzca Bornova, Aydn, Mersin ve Antalyadaki rneklerdir.
Aydn kentinin dou eperinde, konut alanlarnn biterek byk parselli sanayi dokusunun balad arayzde konumlanan Forum Aydn Alveri ve Yaam Merkezi, kentte
ina edilen en byk alveri merkezidir. Tarihi kent merkezinden gelen Dou Gazi
Bulvarnn Adnan Menderes niversitesi yerlekesinin giriiyle kesitii noktada konumlanan kompleks, kent merkezinden ve niversiteden gelen yaya aklarn kendi
kurgusu iinde devam ettirerek, oluturduu ardk sokak ve meydan kurgusu sayesinde bu kentsel arteri arazinin gney snrn izen Denizli Bulvarna kadar srdrmektedir.
zmir-Aydn-Denizli karayolu zerinde konumlanan Eski Aydn Tekstil Fabrikasnn yanndaki 76.000 mlik arazi zerine ina edilen kompleks, sahip olduu 29.400 m kiralanabilir dkkn alan, 7 salonlu sinemas, hipermarketi ve 800 aralk otopark ile
Aydnn en byk alveri merkezi konumundadr.
Multi Corporationn kendi bnyesinde oluturduu Hollandal T+T Design tarafndan
master planlar ve konsept tasarmlar hazrlanan Forum zincirleri iin bulunduklar
kentlerin eitli ynlerini inceleyen kapsaml aratrmalar yaplmakta, kentlerin kltrel
yaplarna ve mimari karakterlerine uygun tipolojiler retilmektedir. Forum Aydn iin
retilen Zeytin Ky konsepti balamnda, kesime, beyazlk, samimiyet, seyirlik, eitlilik, merkezilik, emeba, kefetme, eik, renk, k-glge gibi kavram setleri oluturulmu ve bunlar dorultusunda Ege ve Akdeniz mimarisinden izler tayan kurgusal bir
ky ina edilmeye allmtr. Ortak payday bulmay hedefleyen bu zc yaklam
dorultusunda dar sokaklar ve meydanlar dizgesinden oluan organik bir meknsal
kurgu oluturulmu, eitlenen mimari tipoloji, malzeme, tektonik ve detay repertuvarlar yoluyla Zeytin Meydan, Yasemin Sokak, Begonvil Sokak gibi Akdeniz kltrne
ynelik tematik ayrmlar oluturulmutur.
ki katl olan yeme-ime birimleri dnda genelde tek katl olmas nedeniyle klasik bir
alveri merkezinden ok ar havas uyandran kompleks, bu imgesini kuvvetlendiren
ak, yar ak ve kapal geilerle zenginletirilmi ta kapl sokaklar ve doal malzemelerin baat olarak kullanld cephe eitlenmeleri sayesinde, d dnyann karmaasndan yaltlm, dingin bir i atmosfer yaratabilmitir. Mimari tektoniin tesinde
komplekse doalln kazandran bir dier nemli e ise, peyzaj dzenlemesinde blgenin yerel bitki rtsne ve aalarna yer verilmi olmasdr. Dier Forum alveri
merkezlerinde olduu gibi bu komplekste de ak alan dzenlemelerinde sanatlarn
eserlerine yer verilmi, heykeltra Hanefi Yeter ile Tlin zn imzasn tayan bir dizi
sanat eseri kompleksin eitli blgelerine yerletirilmitir.


Forum Aydin, built on an area of 76,000 square meters as an open-air shopping mall on
the Aydin-Denizli highway, has a total indoor area of 36,000 square meters. Much of the
material used in the foundations, covering and exterior of the project contains elements
reflecting the natural landscape of Aydin; earth tones of yellow, orange and brown have
been utilized in the flooring, providing the mall with a warm ambiance, complementing
the environment and intensifying the indoor-outdoor contrast. Elements unique to the
Aegean region, such as regional products and vegetation, have also been employed in
the design. While a different concept is utilized in each space, the project as a whole
offers a structural and logical continuity due to the common elements that unite all of
its different aspects.

In 2004, the Turkmall Company, first established in 1992, merged with the Dutch investor Multi Corporation, an expert in developing urban shopping malls to form the Multi
Turkmall partnership and through the Forum shopping mall chain the concept of lowrise shopping malls covering a large ground space began to be adopted throughout Turkey. The first example in this chain was the Forum Bornova outdoor shopping centre,
which went into operation in zmir in 2006; this was followed by the Mersin branch in
2007 and the Denizli, Trabzon and Aydn branches in 2008. Due to climatic conditions,
the only malls of the 22 that have been constructed or that are in the planning phase
to be built according to the outdoor concept are those in Bornova, Aydn, Mersin and
The Forum Aydn Shopping Mall, the largest shopping centre in the city, is positioned
at the eastern outskirts of the city of Aydn at a point where the residential areas end
and the large industrial texture begins. The complex, located at the intersection of Dou
Gazi Boulevard, which leads from the historic city center, and the entrance to the Adnan
Menderes University campus, continues the pedestrian flow from the city centre and
the university within its own setting; the adjacent street and square pattern thereby
created continues this urban artery as far as Denizli Boulevard, which extends to the
southern border of the area.
The complex, built on a 76,000 square meter orchard of citrus trees near the Old Aydn
Textile Factory on the zmir-Aydn-Denizli highway, is Aydns largest shopping centre,
with 29,400 square meters of shopping space available for lease, 7 cinemas, a hypermarket, and parking space for 800 vehicles.
The blueprints and concept designs for the Forum chains were done by the Dutch group, T+T Design, which is a part of Multi Corporation. T+T Design carries out comprehensive research in order familiarize itself with the various aspects of the relevant city, thus
producing a structure that is in keeping with the cultural environment and architectural
vernacular. Within the context of the Olive Village, concept produced for Forum Aydn,
conceptual sets were used as interconnectivity, whiteness, intimacy, vantage, variety,
centralism, water fountains, discovery, thresholds, color and light versus shade. In keeping with these, a fictional village bearing elements of Aegean and Mediterranean
architecture was built. In the context of this essentialist approach, which strives to
find common ground, an organic spatial setting was created that consisted of narrow
streets and squares; thematic components, such as Zeytin Meydan (Olive Square), Yasemin Sokak (Jasmine Street), and Begonvil Sokak (Bougainvillea Street) were formed to
create the Mediterranean culture by using diverse architectural typology and materials,
as well as tectonic and detailed repertoires






istinye park
stanbul, 2007

: DDG - Development Design Group & merler Mimarlk


Commissioned by


: Orta Gayrimenkul Yatrm & Orta-Dou

13 hektarlk bir alan zerinde tasarlanan stinye Park, maaza, restoran, elence-oyun
salonlar ve yer altnda 4 kat otopark alan ierir. Dramatik bir etkiye sahip byk
merkez mekn, deniz kabuu gibi paral bir rtyle geilmitir. Germe kablolaryla
tanan 100 m apndaki bu rt altnda merkez alan yeme-ime blm, sinema salonlar, temal alveri blgesi ve bir amfitiyatro kapsar. Yaam Kltr merkez ak
havada sokak alverii temasna uygun olarak rahat bir atmosfere sahip olacak ekilde
tasarlanrken, kat boyunca ykselen Moda blmnde byk akllar ile doal k
kullanlm, allm kapal alveri merkezi tipolojisine yeni bir yaklam getirilmitir.

Avrupa yakasnn kuzey hattndaki en nemli arteri olan Bykdere Caddesi, Maslak
Bykdere ve Saryere balarken, bu caddenin bir uzants niteliindeki stinye Bayr
Caddesi ise blgeyi stinyeye ve Boazii ky kesimindeki yerleimlere balamaktadr.
stinyePark Alveri Merkezi ve stinye Park Sitesinin zerinde konumlandklar stinye
Bayr Caddesi, stanbul Menkul Kymetler Borsasnn (MKB) bu cadde zerindeki yeni
binasna 1995 ylnda gemesinin ve A.B.D. stanbul Bakonsolosluunun bu blgeye
tanmasnn ardndan younluunu giderek artmtr. Blgenin en byk konut dokusu
olan Pnar Mahallesinin bitiiinde konumlanan kompleks, evresini saran eitim ve
spor yerlekeleri dnda, Boaz kysndaki youn konut blgelerine de hizmet vermektedir.
2003 ylnda tasarmna balanan ve 2007 ylnda hizmete alan stinye Park Alveri
Merkezi, daha nce Akmerkez Alveri Merkezinin de tasarmn gerekletiren A.B.D.
merkezli DDG ile yerli orta merler Mimarlkn ortak almasnn rndr.
87.000 m maaza alan olmak zere toplam 270.000 m inaat alanna sahip olan stinye Parkta 300e yakn maaza, 40a yakn kafe ve restoran bulunmakta olup, uygulamasnda 64 adet yryen merdiven ve 21.000 m cephe kaplamas kullanlmtr. Fiziki
olduu kadar lek anlamnda da bir tasarm problemi olan bu byklk, yapnn
paral tasarm anlay ile ele alnmasn ve tematik olarak blgelenmesini zorunlu klmtr.
Konvansiyonel alveri merkezi tipolojilerinin ve mekn organizasyonlarnn dnda
kalan farkl ve yeniliki kurgusu ile stinye Park, deien tketim kltrnn yeni nesil
beklentilerine gre biimlenmi grnmektedir. Kullanclarda gzlemlenen cadde maazaclna ve semt pazarlarna dn eilimi dikkate alnarak, kompleksin kurgusu
Yaam Kltr ve Moda gibi temalara ve farkl kullanc profillerine gre blgelenmi,
Meydan, Park ile Pazar Yeri olmak zere farkl mekn kurgusu birbirine eklemlenmitir.
Kompleksin ortasnda yer alan ve Meydan olarak adlandrlan 100 m apndaki cam
kubbeli giri mekn, sahip olduu gsteri ve etkinlik alanlarnn yan sra iki medya
duvar sayesinde sosyal merkez nitelii kazanmakta ve sirklasyon aklarn organize ederek, tematik paralar birbirlerine balamaktadr. Dier alveri merkezlerinden
farkl olarak, IMAX salonu da dahil olmak zere 12 adet sinema salonu, Meydann alt
katlarnda yer almakta olup, yemek yeme blgeleriyle birlikte bu alan yaanr klmaktadr.
stinye Parkn en sra d tematik paralarndan biri olan Park adl ak alan, kot farkndan yararlanlarak yapnn en st katnda oluturulmu ve kentsel meydana yknen tasarm dorultusunda alana ara ile giri olana salanmtr. Alveri Caddesi
olarak da tanmlanan iki katl lks maazalarn sraland bu alanda, dier alveri
meknlarndan farkl olarak, her markann kendi cephesini tasarlamasna izin verilmitir.
stinye Parkn bir dier ayrc zellii ise, spesifik konularda uzmanlam sat blmlerinin yer ald Pazar Yeri temal, perakende gda sat yaplan blmdr. Komplekste
bilindik yeme-ime kat olmamasna ve dkknlarn her blge iine datlm olmalarna karn bu alanda younluk gstermektedirler.
stinye Parktan bamsz olarak, kompleksinin arka ksmnda 130-520 m simpleks ve
dubleks nitelerden oluan 400 lks konutluk stinye Park adl kapal site yerlekesi
bulunmakta olup, alveri merkezine gei zel bir balant ile salanmtr.


stinye Park, master-planned on over 13 hectares, features a range of retail, restaurant

and entertainment venues serviced by four levels of underground parking. The projects
centerpiece is the Grand Rotunda, a dramatic arena-like space beneath a scalloped,
segmented roof structure. Supported by a central exterior mast and suspension cables,
this 100-meter-diameter hard-shell canopy encloses a food court, a 10-screen stadiumseating cinema, themed retail and an amphitheatre. The open-air Lifestyle Center, with
outdoor parking, street-side shopping and an additional two levels of exclusive retail
shops, offers a relaxed atmosphere, while the chain stores located under the massive
skylights and abundant natural lighting of the three-level Fashion Zone present a fresh
take on an enclosed mall.

Bykdere Street, the most important artery along the northern route on the European
Side, connects Bykdere to Sariyer while also connecting stinye Bayiri Street with
stinye and other residential areas along the Bosphorus coast. The traffic density in this
area has steadily increased with the construction of stinyePark Shopping Center and
stinyePark Complex on the stinye Bayiri Street, the transference of the Istanbul Stock
Exchange Market (IMKB) to its new building on this street in 1995 and the relocation of
the American Istanbul Consulate General here. In addition to the educational and sports
facilities in the surrounding area, this complex, positioned near the largest residential
area, Pinar Mahallesi, serves a dense residential area by the Bosporus coast.
The stinye Park Shopping Mall, designed as of 2003 and opened to the public in 2007,
was the product of cooperation between the American DDG company, which designed
the Akmerkez Shopping Center, and local partner, merler Architects. With 270,000
square meters of construction area and 87,000 square meters of store space, stinye
Park contains approximately 300 stores, 40 cafes and restaurants; also 64 escalators and
21,000 square meters of panelling has been used. This enormity, which is a problem
in physical terms as well as in scale, necessitates the fragmental design and thematic
zoning of the structure.
stinye Park is seen as going beyond the conventional shopping mall typologies and
spatial organizations with a different and innovative layout and as having been designed to satisfy the constantly changing consumer generation. Taking into consideration
the fact that street store and regional-market shopping is back in fashion with shoppers, the installation is zoned according to various user profiles and themes such as Life,
Culture and Fashion and there are three space installations that have been added one
to another: Square, Park and Bazaar.
The glass-domed entrance area in the middle of the complex known as the square
measures 100 meters in diameter; this area acts as a social center thanks to two media walls and exhibition and events domains, while organizing the circulation flow and
connecting thematic sections. Unlike other shopping centers, the 12 cinemas including
an IMAX Hall are located in the lower floors of the center enlivening the space together
with the food-courts. One of the most extraordinary thematic features of stinye Park,
the open area Park, is on the top floor, using the advantage of elevation; this enables
vehicles to enter the center as with a city center. In this luxurious area, also known
as Shopping Street, there are two-storey high-end stores and unlike in other shopping
centers, each brand has permission to design its own storefront.
Another hallmark of stinye Park is the Bazaar themed area, which includes specialized
sales units that focus on specific topics; here food sales can be made. Although there is
no specific food section and every shop is randomly distributed in the area, the majority
of eating places are in this area. Independent from stinye Park, there is a gated community called stinye Park consisting of 400 luxurious residential single and duplex units
of 130-520 square meters. This area is connected to the shopping mall via a special link.






m1 meydan merter avm

m1 meydan merter shopping mall
stanbul, 2009

: Melkan Grsel Tabanlolu, Murat Tabanlolu | Tabanlolu Mimarlk


Commissioned by


: Metro Group Asset Management

Doal olarak iklimlendirilen ve alp kapanabilen atsyla srdrlebilir ada mimari standartlarna sahip olan M1 Meydan Merter Alveri Merkezi, stanbulun nfus
younluunun en yksek olduu Merter blgesinde, ulameriim noktalarn konut
alanna balayan bir pasaj oluturarak yakn evrede yaayanlara salad gndelik
alveri kolaylnn yan sra kentin farkl blgelerinden gelenler iin de ulalabilir bir
noktada yer almaktadr. Gne enerjisi kullanm, gn ndan optimum yararlanan
meknlar ve yar ak ve gerektiinde st kapatlabilir at sistemi ile alveri alannda
doal havalandrma ile salanan enerji tasarrufu sayesinde ortak alan giderleri drlen alveri merkezinin ortasndaki aklkta yer alan sistemle cam tavan, istendiinde
8 dakika iinde, ya da yamur sensrleri sayesinde otomatik olarak alp kapanabiliyor. Kentlinin bir geit olarak da yararland alveri alan, interaktif sosyal bir altyap
oluturuyor. evreye saygl alveri merkezinin n ksmna belediye ile birlikte bir park
ina ediliyor.

mraniyedeki Meydan Alveri Merkezinin tasarm iin 2005 ylnda yatrmc Metro
Grupun davet ettii altaya katlan Tabanlolu Mimarlk, bu yatrmc grup iin ayn
yl tasarlamaya balad ve Merterde ina edilen M1 Meydan Merter adndaki dier sra
d alveri merkezi projesini 2009da gerekletirme frsat buldu.
Gngren ilesinin youn konut dokusuna bitiik, Eski Londra Asfalt ile Mehmet Akif Ersoy Caddesi arasndaki 8 mlik eime sahip bir arazide konumlanan M1 Meydan Merter,
batsnda kalan konut blgeleri ile dousunda kalan tramvay dura arasnda balant
kurmay hedeflemektedir. Bu ama dorultusunda, konut ve durak arasnda oluaca
ngrlen yaya sirklasyonu tasarmn merkezine alnarak, alveri merkezinin ortasndan geen ve yapy ikiye blen sra d bir sokak kurgusu oluturulmu. Konvansiyonel alveri merkezlerinin kontroll ve kapal mekn kurgusunun dnda alveri
soka adnda yepyeni bir tipoloji neren bu yap, iinden geilebilen alveri merkezi
kurgusu sayesinde, gvenlik grevlilerinin kontrol ve X-ray cihazlarnn filtresi olmadan gerek bir kamusal meknn olumasna imkn tanyor.
Arasndan geen i sokak nedeniyle iki ayr bloa ayrlan yapnn tm eperinde brt
beton at pla devam ettirilerek paral-btnlkl bir kompozisyon elde edilmi. Yapy evreleyen bu geni saaklar bri yandan i sokak zerinde glgeli yar ak alanlar
olutururken, dier yandan dou cephesinde, 8 mlik kot farkndan oluan ykseklik
fark sayesinde yksek tavanl bir kolonadn olumas salanm. Klasik bir dzeni artran ve 7 adet brt beton kolonla oluturulan iki kat yksekliindeki bu modern
portik yorumu, yapya yaln olduu kadar kalclk etkisi de vermektedir. Alveri merkezlerindeki malzeme oulluuna dayal konvansiyonel tavrdan farkl olarak, yapnn
bu iddial yalnl ve netlii dorultusunda betonarme strktr akta braklm ve bu
brtalist tavra uygun olarak yapdaki malzeme says olduka snrl tutulmu. Vitrinler
dndaki yzeylerin k geiren yar-mat elemanlarla kapl oluu, yapnn yzeyini hem
derinletirmekte hem de effafln eitliliini artrmakta. Bu aray i sokan stnn
rtlmesinde de etkili olmu grnmekte. soka gerektiinde pasaja dntren,
alp kapanabilen kayar effaf at, yapy d koullardan korurken ierideki k deerinin sabit kalmasna da olanak salyor.
mraniyedeki Meydan Alveri Merkezinde olduu gibi M1 Meydan Merter Alveri
Merkezinde de karbondioksit salnmn azaltmak ve enerji tketimini drmek iin
yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklar kullanlmakta. atsnda yer alan gne kollektrleri ile
yapnn iklimlendirilmesi salanmakta ve ylda 308 ton karbondioksit salnmn engellenmekte.


M1 Meydan Merter Shopping Mall features sustainable modern architectural standards

with natural air-conditioning and a mobile roof. The shopping mall creates a passage
that links transport-access points to the most densely-populated residential area of Istanbul, Merter, offering the convenience of daily shopping for locals. The mall is located
at a point which is also accessible for non-residents. The glass roof, which is positioned
over the opening at the center of the shopping mall, provides solar energy, thus saving
energy and reducing costs; the mall benefits from the daylight and natural air-conditioning created by the semi-open roofing system, which can be closed when necessary. It
takes 8 minutes for the glass roof to open or close; when the rain sensors are activated
the roof closes automatically. The use of the shopping mall as a passage by the locals
creates an interactive social infrastructure. In joint participation with the local council a
park is being built in front of the environmentally conscious mall.

Tabanlioglu Architects was invited by the investment group Metro Group to participate
in a workshop in 2005 for mraniye Meydan Shopping Mall, and found the chance to
realize the same groups other extraordinary shopping mall project, M1 Meydan Merter,
in 2009.
Adjacent to the dense residential texture of Gngren, positioned on an eight-meter
incline between the Old London Tarmac and Mehmet Akif Ersoy Avenue, M1 Meydan
Merter was intended to make a connection between the residential area to the west
and the tramline to the east. To this end, the proposed pedestrian circulation between
the residential area and the tramline was central to the design, forming an extraordinary street construction that proceeds through the middle of the shopping mall and
divides the shopping mall into two. Departing from the controlled and closed environment of conventional shopping malls, thanks to the permeable shopping mall arrangement, this structure offers a totally new typology, creating a shopping street, a genuine
public environment without security controls or X-ray filters.
Although the inner street divides the structure into two blocks, the brute concrete roof
plates are continued, thus creating a fragmental/whole composition. These wide eaves
that surround the structure create shadowy semi-open areas in the inner street while
also giving the effect of a high-ceilinged colonnade on the eastern side thanks to the
8-meter difference in elevation. This modern interpretation of the portico is reminiscent
of a classical order, and consists of 7 two-story brute concrete columns, giving the
structure an effect of simplicity and permanence. In contrast to the conventional attitude based on a plurality of materials employed in shopping malls, in order to create a
challenging simplicity and clarity, the reinforced concrete structure has been exposed;
in keeping with this brutalist attitude the number of materials used in the structure has
been strictly limited. Surfaces other than the display windows have been covered with
light-permeable semi-opaque materials, deepening the surface of the structure, while
enhancing variability in transparency. This quest can also be seen to function in the
upper covering of the inner street. A transparent sliding roof transforms the inner street
into a passage when necessary, protecting the structure from external conditions while
controlling the level of inner light.
As with the mraniye Meydan Shopping Mall, in M1 Meydan Merter Shopping Mall renewable energy sources are used in order to reduce carbon-dioxide emission and energy
consumption. The solar collectors on the roof provide air-conditioning for the structure,
reducing carbon emissions by 308 tons per annum.






meydan alveri merkezi

meydan shopping mall
stanbul, 2007



Commissioned by


: Metro Group Asset Management

Meydan Alveri Merkezinin stanbulun en hzl byyen alanlarndan birinde gerek

bir kent merkezi olmas amalanmtr. Geometrisi ve sirklasyon tasarmyla, bina yer
ald evrenin geliim planlamasna paralel olarak youn bir kent dokusu balamna
entegre olur ve alldk kapal kutu AVM tipolojisine bir alternatif yaratr. Benzer sat
alanlar bir araya toplanm ve merkezde zemin kotunu kent meydan olarak boaltmak
zere otopark yer altna alnmtr. Sat hacimleri evrenin bir uzants gibi dnlm,
yeil atlar topografya ile ilikilendirilmitir. Bylece alveri deneyimi ve kentsel doku
arasnda sreklilik salanmtr. Srdrlebilirlik tasarmn nemli girdilerinden biridir:
Tm havalandrma doal yollarla salanmakta, snma ve soutma iin jeotermal enerji
sistemi (Trkiyede bir ilk) ve kamusal meknlarn aydnlatmas iin gne panelleri

Trkiyedeki ilk ubesini 2005 ylnda mraniyede aan IKEA Maazasnn ekim gcnden yararlanmak zere yanndaki metruk arazide Meydan Alveri Merkezinin yaplmasna karar verilmesinin ardndan, alveri merkezinin tasarm iin 2005 ylnda
gerekletirilen altaya Foreign Office Architects (FOA), Chapman Taylor, JSK Architekten, Bohte Richter Teherani (B.R.T.) ve Tabanlolu Mimarlktan oluan be mimarlk
ofisi davet edilmi ve nerdikleri yapay topografya fikriyle ngiliz FOA ekibi uygulama
iin seilmitir. Tarihi kent merkezlerinin sosyal dinamiklerini gncel alveri merkezi
tipolojisi iinde yeniden oluturmay ve kapal bir kutu yerine yaayan bir kentsel alan
yaratmay hedefleyen FOAnn yapay topografya yaklam, fiziksel veya grsel herhangi
bir kontrolden gemeden herkesin gezinebildii ak plan kurgusu, yaratt kamusallk
ve oluturduu sra d sivil meydan sayesinde Trkiyedeki yeni nesil alveri merkezlerinin nc rnei olmutur. 1956dan beri dnyada yaygn olarak kullanlan kapal
kutu formundaki alveri merkezi emasn ve d dnyadan izole etme, yapay klandrma ve mekanik yollarla iklimlendirme mantn dntren Meydan Alveri Merkezi, insan hareketliliini vakumlayarak kentsel hayat ldrmek yerine, nerdii ak
mekn kurgusuyla hem sosyal yaanty canlandrmakta hem de mraniyede eksiklii
hissedilen kentsel ak alan ve donatlar blgeye sunmaktadr.
te taraftan, kompleksin merkezindeki meydan tanmlayan birimlerin zerini rten
imle kapl at pla FOAnn dier projelerinde olduu gibi, hem yaplarn stlerini gezinti ve dinlenme alanlarna dntrmekte hem i meknlara gn salamakta
hem de kompleksi tatlarn grltsnden ve mevsimsel s farklarndan korumaktadr.
Sahip olduu ekolojik tasarm yaklam nedeniyle yap, yeil atlar sayesinde blgenin
snmasn azaltmakta, alternatif enerji kullanm ile de karbondioksit salnmn yksek
oranlarda drmektedir. 128.000 mlik bir alana yaylan ve 70.000 mlik kapal alan
bulunan Meydan Alveri Merkezi, yrtt srdrlebilir enerji politikas dorultusunda, mekanik iklimlendirmeyi en aza indirgeyen planlama anlay, d meknlarda
glgeli alanlar yaratrken i meknlarda gn ndan maksimum lde yararlandran
formsal biimlenii, otopark aydnlatmas iin fotovoltaik panellerden enerji salamas
ve tm stma ve soutmasn jeotermal enerjiden elde etmesi sayesinde byk miktarda enerji tasarrufu salamakta; bu zellii ayn zamanda komplekse, Trkiyenin en
ekolojik ve srdrlebilir alveri merkezi olma niteliini de kazandrmaktadr.


The Meydan retail development performs as a true urban centre in one of the fastest
growing areas of Istanbul. Through its geometry and circulation strategy, the complex
anticipates its subsequent integration into a dense inner city context as an alternative
to the usual out-of-town retail box development. The different retail spaces are clustered together and parking is placed underground, liberating the ground entirely for a
large urban square in the centre of the scheme. To organise the retail volumes as an
extension of the surrounding, all roofs are connected to the surrounding topography at
several points and designed as gardens with extensive vegetation. The experience of
shopping is in this way continuously connected with the urban space beyond. Sustainability is an important aspect of the design where all ventilation is natural, heating and
cooling comes from boreholes rather than traditional mechanical plant (a first in Turkey)
and solar panels power all public lighting.

When the first branch of Turkey was established in mraniye in 2005, the decision was
made to build Meydan Shopping Mall in this area to derive benefit from IKEAs power
to attract consumers. Five architectural offices, Foreign Office Architects (FOA), Chapman
Taylor, JSK Architekten, Bohte Richter Teherani (B.R.T.) and Tabanlioglu Architects were
invited to a workshop in 2005 to design this mall. The British FOA teams design proposing the creation of an artificial topography was selected. FOA, aiming to create an
artificial topography in order to reintroduce the social dynamics found in historic city
centers to the contemporary shopping mall typology, created an open plan through
which everyone can stroll, without being impeded by any physical or visual control;
this was a pioneering example for new-generation shopping malls in Turkey, offering an
extraordinary public environment open to all. Meydan Shopping Mall has transformed
the mentality of the closed-box form of shopping malls, which has spread throughout
the world since 1956 and which isolates the shopper from the outside world with artificial lighting and a mechanically-controlled climate. Instead of limiting peoples mobility
by placing them in a vacuum and killing urban life, this approach adds a dynamic to
social life with its open-area arrangement, providing a municipal open area and its accoutrements, all of which had been lacking in mraniye.
At the same time, the grass-covered roof plate over the units forming the central square of the complex transforms the surface of the structures into areas on which one can
stroll and relax, as well as providing the interior with daylight; this feature also insulates
the area from traffic noise and seasonal temperature fluctuations, and is a feature seen
in other FOA projects. Thanks to the green-roofed areas, part of the ecological design
of the structure, heat emitted into the region is reduced and the use of alternative
energy reduces the carbon-dioxide emissions. Meydan Shopping Mall has a closed area
of 70,000 m, and covers a total area of 128,000 m. The sustainable energy approach
has minimized dependence on a mechanical air-conditioning system, facilitated the
creation of shaded areas in the exterior and maximized use of natural light in the interior; energy is provided from photovoltaic panels in the parking area and geothermal
energy is used for all heating and cooling activities. Thus, Meydan Shopping Mall is able
to save a huge amount of energy and is the most ecologically sustainable shopping
mall in Turkey.





panora alveri ve yaam merkezi

panora shopping mall
Ankara, 2007


: Ali Osman ztrk | A Tasarm Mimarlk


Commissioned by


: Merkez Mteahhitlik, Turizm ve letmecilik

Kentin gneyinde, mevcut konut dokusu yaknnda yer alan Panora sadece bir alveri
merkezi yaps deil, ayn zamanda evresel etki yaratacak bir yap olarak tasarlanmtr. Kentsel lekte, Eymir-ODT Ormanndan gelen sportif ve sosyal ierikli hareketi,
proje blgesine ekip buradan Dikmen vadisine ynlendirici meknsal dzenlemeleri
iermesi, ana hedeflerden biri olarak belirlenmitir. Kuzey ndan yararlanlarak effafln n plana karld i mekn dzenlemelerinde, yakn evreyle grsel ilikilerin
kurulmas istenmitir. ki kat yksekliinde maaza birimleriyle dzenlenen dolam
hollerinde kent bulvar etkisi yaratlmaya allmtr. Kent meknlarn etkisi, lineer sokak dzeni ve farkl formlardaki atriumlarda srdrlmtr. Yap, ICSC Avrupa Alveri
Merkezi dlleri 2009 Baar dlne sahiptir.

Ankarann Eymir Glne uzanan gney eperindeki snrn belirleyen Turan Gne
Bulvarndan ulalan Panora Alveri ve Yaam Merkezi, eski TBMM Lojmalarnn bulunduu arazide, yerleimin sosyal tesislerinin bulunduu yeil alan zerinde ina edilerek,
2007 ylnda hizmet vermeye balamtr.
OR-AN konut yerleimi ve birok konsolosluk yapsnn yer ald Diplomatik Site ile
ParkOran Konutlarnn evreledii eimli yap adas zerinde ina edilen bu 4 katl blgesel alveri merkezi, kuzey ndan ve yeni tasarlanan Diplomatik Park manzarasndan yararlanmak zere sra d bir yaklamla olabildiince effaf tasarlanmtr. Kapal
alveri merkezlerinin konvansiyonel kurgusundan farkllaan bu tasarm yaklamna
ek olarak, farkl kotlardan giriler almas ve alt ile st giri katlarndaki dkknlarn
dubleks tipinde kurgulanm olmalar nedeniyle Panora Alveri ve Yaam Merkezi,
bilindik alveri merkezlerinden olduka farkl bir meknsal alg retmektedir. Yapnn
klasik havari dolam kurgusu, merkezinde konumlandrlan 38 m apndaki devasa
effaf elik kubbe ile farkllatrlm, i meknda yaratlan etkileyici k kalitesi ve iki
kat yksekliindeki dolam hatlar sayesinde meknn grsel ve meknsal algs arpc
hale getirilmitir.
n cephede yer alan, arkadl oturma alanlarna sahip dardan da alabilen kafe ve
restoranlar, bir yandan kullanclara Diplomatik Park manzarasn sunarken, dier yandan alveri merkezi kapandktan sonra da hizmet vermeye devam ederek, blgedeki
sosyal hayatnn devam etmesini salamaktadr.
Panora Alveri ve Yaam Merkezi, i meknnda yaratt etkileyici akl cephe anlaynda da devam ettirerek Ankaradaki tketim meknlar ierisinde farkl bir yer
edinmekte, presizyonu yksek biti detaylar ve malzeme kltr ile de mimari kalite
anlamnda tay olduka st bir noktaya tamaktadr.


Panora, located to the south of the city near to an existing residential area, was designed not only as a shopping mall, but was also intended to have an impact on the
environment. One of the main objectives was to draw the sports and social nature of
the Eymir-ODT forest into the project and to include spatial arrangements that guide
us from here to the Dikmen Valley. The establishment of a visual relationship with the
immediate surroundings was necessitated by the interior design in which transparency
was emphasized with the assistance of northerly light. The aim was to create a city
boulevard effect in the circulation halls in the two-floor shop units. The effect of the city
area was continued with a linear street plan and various forms of atrium. The building
was awarded the ICSC European Shopping Mall Award, 2009 Achievement Award.

The Panora Shopping and Lifestyle Center, which can be accessed from Turan Gune
Boulevard, a road that runs along the southern shore of Eymir Lake in Ankara, was
constructed on the site of the former Parliamentary Lodgings; the area includes green
land with social facilities and was opened to the public in 2007.
This four-storey shopping mall was built on an inclined parcel of land surrounded by the
OR-AN residential estate, the Diplomatic Estate housing a number of consular structures
and the ParkOran residential units. The center was designed with maximum transparency in order to derive the most benefit from the northern light and the view of the
newly-landscaped Diplomatic Park. As a departure from the conventional style of interior shopping malls, the design of Panora Shopping and Lifestyle Center offers access from
a variety of elevations and the shops consist of an upper and a lower story. This creates
a great deal of variety in spatial perception, something that is unique when compared
to other shopping malls. The classic cross circulation pattern has been diversified by
the addition of a gigantic transparent dome 38 meters in diameter over the center. This
creates an impressive quality of light in the interior, enhancing the visual and spatial
perception of the space achieved by the duplex circulation.
The arcades of cafs and restaurants along the front faade, which can operate outdoors as well as in the interior, have seating areas at the rear enabling the customers to
enjoy a view of the Diplomatic Park. These venues continue to operate even after the
shopping mall is closed encouraging the social life in the area to continue.
The Panora Shopping and Lifestyle Center distinguishes itself from other consumer areas in Ankara with the impressive atmosphere of the space that has been created in the
interior and which is carried through in the treatment of the faade. The center raises
the bar in terms of architectural quality with its high precision finishing details and the
materials used.






pendorya alveri merkezi

pendorya shopping mall
stanbul, 2009

: . Kerem Erginolu, Hasan C. allar | Erginolu & allar


Commissioned by



Yap, Pendikte E-5 Karayolu zerinde sanayi dnm alannda yer almaktadr. Tasarm
ve formu belirleyen ana kriterler bu konumdan yola klarak oluturulmutur. Proje,
grltl ve ilek E-5 karayoluna kapanarak, yeni yerleimle toplanma alan olmay
hedefleyen korunakl ak meydanyla farkl bir yaklam sunmutur. Meydann srekli
yaayan bir alan olmas hedeflenmi ve evre arazilerin dnm ile bu meknn yaya
ulamnn toplanma merkezi olmas esas alnmtr. zellikle alt ve stte bulunan teras
meydanlar, ak-kapal mekn ilikisini akc geilerle harmanlayan farkl bir mimariye
sahiptir. AVM iki ak meydan arasnda bir sirklasyon mekn olarak alr. TEM kenarnda konumlanan binann girii i kesimlere alnm, dardan bakldnda bir ekran
etkisi yaratan davetkr bir yap yaratlmtr. Cephe iin beyaz brt prekast elemanlar
ile eksiz bir yzey kaplamas tasarlanm ve kullanlmtr.

Pendikin merkezinden ok eperindeki Gzelyal, Orhangazi, Kavakpnar mahallelerine hizmet veren Pendorya Alveri Merkezi, E-5 Karayolu zerinde Kaynarca-Gzelyal
arasnda bulunan Tersane Kprl Kavann kesinde konumlanmaktadr. E-80 Anadolu Otoyolu ile E-5 Karayolunu biribirine balayan ve bu yollar arasnda kalan Sabiha Gken Uluslararas Havalimanna ulam salayan Kurtky-Pendik Balant yolu
zerinde konumlanan Pendorya Alveri Merkezi, 2001 ylnda alan havalimannn ve
Kartal Kentsel Dnm Projesinin de etkisiyle, blgedeki sanayi alanlarnn alveri ve
i merkezlerine dntrlmesi srecinin nc rneklerinden biri olmutur. Blgenin
endstriyel peyzaj yapnn hemen yanndaki Malazlar Kibrit Fabrikas, Marmara Un Fabrikas, Sika Fabrikas gibi yaplar ile devam ederken, Eski Alemdar Kimyann yerine ina
edilen Metro Gross Market Pendik ile yolun karsndaki Bimeks stanbul Teknoport ve
2009 ylnda bu evrede alan ilk alveri merkezi olan Neomarin AVM Pendik sayesinde sanayi alanlarndaki bu hzl dnm eilimi aka grlmektedir.
Bu semtte alan ikinci alveri merkezi olan Pendorya Alveri Merkezinin tasarm
davetli bir yarma sonucunda elde edilmitir. Tasarmn temel kurgusunu, yapnn yoldan nasl alglanaca ve tat yollarndan kaynaklanan grltye kar yapnn kendisini
darya nasl kapataca oluturmaktadr.
Arazinin yuvarlak kesi ile uyumlu olarak, kenarlar yuvarlatlarak rasyonalize edilen
ekenar drtgen formlu yap, kiralanabilir alann artrmak zere orta galeri boluu
iinde konumlandrlm, kprlerle balanan bamsz bir yap adasn da iermektedir. Alveri merkezi tasarmlarnda en nemli performans gstergelerinden biri olan
toplam kat alannn kiralanabilir alana oran balamnda %67lik bir deeri salamas
nedeniyle olduka yksek bir performansa sahiptir.
Galeri boluunu evreleyen tek koridorlu izgisel mekn organizasyonu, hem ie dnk
ve kapal bir yaplanmay mmkn klmakta hem konvansiyonel i galerili bir mekn
kurgusunun olumasn salamakta hem de tasarmclarnn ifadesiyle maazalar arasnda sinerji yaratabilmeyi mmkn klmaktadr.
Yapnn konveks formuna ynelik bu n belirlenim, d mekn kesintisiz ve btncl
klma abasnn yan sra kendini i mekna konkav olarak yansmas ve toplayc bir
etki yaratmas nedeniyle tercih edilmitir. Yapnn en arpc zelliklerinden biri, strktrel bezeme mantyla elikten retilmi strktr yapsna sahip ortadaki adann at
katnn ak meydan olarak kurgulanm olmasdr. Kapal ve yar-kapal meknlarda
sigara ime yasa sonrasnda yaplmas bir zorunluluk haline gelen ak alan ihtiyacn
karlayan bu st teras dnda, zemin kotundan iki kat aada girie de hizmet veren
gmk bir meydan yaratlmtr. Dkknlarn canlandrd bu alt meydan saran erisel
masif yzeyler bir yandan korunakl bir ortam yaratmakta, dier yandan da oluturulan
yrtklar sayesinde otopark katlarndan bu alana eriimler salanmaktadr.
Dokulu beyaz prekast cephe kaplamasnn yaratt masif ve monolitik etkisini bozmamak zere, yap cephesindeki reklam panolarn disipline etmek zere gelitirilen
esnek kurgudaki renkli erit bant, yzey tasarm iin Trkiyede gelitirilmi en yaratc
zmlerden biridir.


Located in Pendik, on the E-5 highway, this mall is in an industrial development area.
The main criteria that determined the design and form were based on the location.
The project is protected from the noise of the busy E-5 highway; a different approach
was taken by forming a sheltered outdoor square that acts as the assembly area. The
objective was to ensure that the square was constantly alive, with pedestrian access to
this area forming an assembly center for the surrounding areas. In particular, the lower
and upper terraces have a unique architecture which combines the outdoor and indoor
spaces in a flowing transition. The shopping mall functions as a circulation area for two
outdoor squares. The fact that the entrance of the building, positioned on the corner
of the TEM highway, is located in the inner section creates the impression of a screen,
making the building appear inviting when viewed from outside. White solid precast
elements and a seamless surface coating were used for the faade.

Pendorya Shopping Mall, positioned at the Tersane Kprl Crossroads between Kaynarca and Gzelyal on the E-5 Highway does not so much serve central Pendik as its
outer-lying neighbourhoods of Gzelyal, Orhangazi and Kavakpnar. Positioned on the
Kurtky-Pendik link road to Sabiha Gken International Airport, which also connects
the E-80 Anatolian Road and the E-5 Highway, the Pendorya Shopping Mall is a pioneering example of the transformation of industrial areas into shopping and business
centers; such efforts are supported by the Kartal Urban Transformation Project, which
began with the opening of the afore-mentioned airport in 2001. While the industrial
nature of structures is echoed in nearby buildings such as the Malazlar Match Factory,
the Marmara Flour Plant, and the Sika Factory, the tendency to rapid transformation in
this industrial area is evidenced by the Pendik Metro Gross Market constructed on the
location of the former Alemdar Chemical Factory, Bimeks Istanbul Teknoport across the
way, and Neomarin SC Pendik, the first shopping mall in the area, which opened in 2009.
The design of the second shopping mall to open in the area, Pendorya Shopping Mall,
was the result of a competition to which a number of firms were invited. The determining factors in the design were the perception of the structure from the road and the
concern to isolate the building from external noise coming in from the highway.
In keeping with the curvature of the terrain, the rhomboid structure with rationalized
rounded corners includes an independent island that can be accessed by bridges placed inside the middle gallery space, thus expanding the rentable space. The mall provides a ratio of 67% rentable area to the total floor space, which in terms of shopping mall
design is considered to be the most important indicator of high performance.
The organization of a single corridor linear complex surrounding a gallery space enables
both an inverted and closed arrangement, providing not only a conventional interior
gallery-space installation, but also making possible, in the words of the designers, the
creation of a synergy between shops.
The predetermined nature of a convex form for the structure led to the design of a
continuous and monolithic outer space, creating a concave reflection onto the interior
space and having the effect of gathering around a nucleus. One of the most striking qualities of the structure is the creation of an open square on the top floor in the middle
island of the structure produced from steel. Although this is intended to be a decorative
structural feature, it also serves as an upper terrace that can be used by smokers in
light of the smoking regulations in closed and semi-closed areas. In addition, an open
area was created at the entrance, two floors below ground level. This curvilinear massive surface, which surrounds the lower ground and enlivens the stores by creating a
sheltering environment, also provides access to these floors from the parking lot.
In order to not destroy the massive and monolithic effect of the textured precast white
side-panelling, the advertising on the building faade has been separated by colored
bands; one of the most creative solutions for this problem in faade design to be developed in Turkey.





prestige mall
stanbul, 2007


: Emir Uras, Durmu Dileki | URASXDLEKC Architects


Commissioned by


: ener Turizm

ehirlere eklenen mega nesneler, farkl lekleri, yeni ekim merkezlerini ve tansiyonlarn beraberlerinde getirirler. Prestige Mall, rekreatif bir glet alannn paras haline
gelebilecek, yeil alann kenarna yanam bir gemi gibi tasarlanmtr. Cephenin yatay
ve dey hareketlerini oluturan ereve hareketi yap boyunca srmekte, yumuak
geileri ile yapnn alglanabilir boyutunu kltmektedir. Bu tip byk ticari yaplarda
genelde ok fazla malzeme kullanld grlmektedir. ounlukla karanlk ve siyah kullanmndan kanlr ve malzemeler kla doldurulmu parlak meknlarda sunulurken,
bu projede siyah, karanlk iinde cesurca objeleri peeleyen bir renk olarak kullanld.
Siyah asaleti, narinlii, geceyi, gizlenmeyi, kaybolmay ve bitimsizlii simgeler. Bu yap,
mimaride az malzeme ile de meknsal zenginlik elde edilebileceini gstermektedir.

Baheehir Uydu Kentine ait sosyal tesislerin evresinde konumland rekreatif amal
gletin eperinde, eimli bir yamata konumlanan Prestige Mall, Baheehir beldesine
hizmet veren ilk byk alveri merkezidir.
Alveri merkezi tasarmlarnda yaygn olan eklektik form ve malzeme anlayna kart
bir duru gelitirmeyi hedefleyen Prestige Mall, mimarlarnn metaforik bir dille yeil
alann kenarna yanam gemi olarak ifade ettikleri bilinli bir yabanclatrma stratejisi ile biimlendirilmi, monoblok ve kompakt etkisini artracak biimde eimli yeil alan
zerinde konumlandrlmtr. Gcn ve etkisini evresindeki doal ortam ile olan kartlndan kazanan, tmyle ie dnk kurgudaki bu alveri merkezi, monoblok etkisi
ile eliir biimde katlanm plak mantyla oluturulmutur. Yap uzaktan monoblok
ve statik etki yaratmasna karn, yakndan bakldnda formunun soyutlanarak konturlarna indirgendii, akkanlk ve sreklilik kazandrlarak dinamik bir etki yaratld
grlmektedir. Yapnn konturlar arasnda kalan cam yzeyler, yapnn hem monoblok
etkisini krmakta hem de projenin tmnde geerli olan imgeleri oaltan yanstma
grevi stlenmekteler. Tasarmclarnn mimari ifadede giritikleri bu sra d kontrastlk
deneyi, yapya algsal bir derinlik kazandrmann yan sra, i meknda da yksek tansiyonlu bir atmosferin olumasn salamakta.
Formu ve malzeme eitliliini disipline ederek, dnsel yatrmn mimari ifade ve
atmosfere yapan Uras x Dileki, yapya anlam ve derinlik kazandrmak zere mulakl
da tasarm startejisi olarak baaryla devreye sokmaktalar. Alveri merkezlerinde pek
de alk olunmad zere bir galeri etrafnda oluturulmu yaln i mekn kurgusuna,
snrl malzeme kullanmna, karanlk ile loluk arasnda zengin geilere imkn veren
glgeli alanlara, imgeleri oaltarak ilzyon etkisi yaratan parlak yanstc yzeylere
sahip Prestige Mall, te taraftan tm bu zellikleri sayesinde alveri merkezlerinin i
k altnda yarattklar bilindik gri dnyalarn sradanln da gzler nne sermektedir.
Sahip olduu kuvvetli formsal yaps, yaln meknsal kurgusu, yaratlmak istenilen mimari atmosfer ile uyumlu materyal kltr sayesinde Prestige Mall, Trkiyede mimari
ifade anlamnda giriilmi en sra d deneylerden biridir.


The enormous structures that are found in cities add a variety in scale to the city, as
well as creating new centers of attraction and a tension in design. Prestige Mall was
designed to appear as a ship berthed on the side of a green that is to be included in a
recreational lagoon area. The frame creates horizontal and vertical movements of the
faade, continuing throughout the building, and minimizing the perceivable size of the
building with smooth transitions. It is the norm for a surplus of materials to be used in
large commercial buildings of this nature. Generally, the use of dark colors is avoided
and materials are presented in light-filled spaces; however, here bold use of black was
made to veil objects within the darkness. Black symbolizes nobility, fragility, night, concealment, disappearance, and infinity. This building demonstrates that it is possible to
achieve spatial opulence in architecture with a minimum of materials.

Positioned around the Baheehir Uydu Kent social facility on an incline near a recreational lake, Prestige Mall is the first large shopping mall to serve Baheehir.
Intended to go against the grain of the common eclectic understanding of form and
materials in shopping mall design, Prestige Mall has been formed by a strategy of deliberate alienation, expressed by the architect in a metaphorical way as a ship berthed
on a green area. The mall is positioned on an incline, increasing the monolithic and
compact effect. The impact of the structure is reinforced by the contrast it makes with
the natural environment in which it is set. The completely introverted arrangement of
this shopping mall is created by the tension between the plate mentality and monolithic effect. Despite the monolithic and static effect of the structure from a distance,
when observed at close range it can be seen that the form has been abstracted and reduced to contours, and dynamism has been created through fluidity and continuance.
The glass surfaces between the contours of the structure break up the monolithic effect
of the structure, and also multiply the reflection of the images that are found within
the project. This extraordinary experiment in contradiction in architectural expression
by the designers adds a perceptual depth to the structure while creating a high-tension
atmosphere within.
Disciplining the form and variety of materials, making intellectual investments through
architectural expression and atmosphere, UrasXDileki have succeeded in employing
ambiguity as a design strategy to provide meaning and depth to the structure. Unlike
other shopping malls, Prestige Mall uses a simple arrangement of the interior space
around a gallery, which is an uncommon feature in shopping centers. The limited use
of materials, the shaded areas providing a rich contrast between darkness and muted
light and the brilliant reflective surfaces that multiply the images to create an illusion
make us realize the ordinariness of the common gray world of shopping malls under
their naked light.
With its strong form, plain spatial construction and the harmony of the materials with
the architectural atmosphere, Prestige Mall is one of the most extraordinary experiments in Turkey in terms of architectural expression.






urla ar ve meydan
urla bazaar and square
zmir, 2011

: Drrin Ser, Metin Kl | M art D Mimarlk



: Urla Belediyesi

Commissioned by Urla Municipality


Belediye, kent merkezindeki meydan ve tren alan ile ticaret imarl eski otogar alannn, yaya ve ara trafiinin de dzenlenmesiyle, kentsel yaantya yeni bir kamusal
alan sunacak biimde tasarlanmasn talep etti. Ticaret adasnda ina edilen iki katl
yeralt otopark zerinde konumlandrlan ar kentin mevcut dokusu iindeki kot ve
ulam akslarn balayan bir gei mekn olarak tasarland. Gezinti, buluma alan olan
meydan arnn ilevsel olarak beslemesi meknsal olarak da tanmlamas amaland.
ar dkknlarn ald sokaklar ile kentteki farkl kotlar balad. Kentte tanmsz
alanlar sokak gibi yeni kimliklere brnd. klimsel verilerde dnlerek yer yer glgeli meknlar yaratacak arkadl geitler tasarland.

zmirin Urla ilesinin tarihi kent merkezinde bulunan Eski le Terminal Binasnn yerine
modern bir ar tasarlamak ve bu kompleksi Belediye nndeki mevcut tren alan ile
ilikilendirmek gibi iddial kentsel kararlar ieren bu proje, tarihi kent merkezini yeniden
kamusal klma abas balamnda Trkiyedeki sayl rneklerden biridir.
Bulunduu corafyada yaygnlaan ak mekn kurgulu alveri merkezlerine benzer
biimde, meydan, avlu, pasaj ve arkad gibi tarihi kent merkezindeki bir dizi kentsel mimari repertuvar mtevaz bir lek ve yaln bir ifade diliyle kendi bnyesinde yeniden
kurabilmektedir. nerilen yeni tat yolu sayesinde, tarihi kent merkezinin yayalatrlmas srecinin ilk etaplarndan biri olan Urla ar ve Meydan, farkl kotlardan kesintisiz yaya geileri salayarak kentin merkezindeki dolam kendi bnyesinde yeniden
rgtlemeyi baarmaktadr. Kentsel aklar toplayabildii gibi geirgen de olabilen bu
kentsel snger, bir dizi farkl kentsel oda ve ni yaratabilmekte, sahip olduu mtevaz
lek, konvansiyonel mimari repertuvar ve malzeme kltr sayesinde de tarihsel balam ile kuvvetli ilikiler kurabilmektedir.
ar kompleksinin tasarmnda gzetilen yaln dil, grsel sreklilik ve geirgenlik anlay, yeni meydan ile tren alan arasnda da devam ettirilmekte, birbirinin devam niteliindeki bu ak alanlar nerilen bir dizi aa dokusu ve onlarn yarataca hacimsellik
ve glge yzeyler ile farkllatrlmaya allmaktadr.
ar kompleksinin kentsel doku ile kurduu en ilgin arakesitlerden biri de, Eski Tamirhane Binas ile arasnda oluturduu kpr gei ve sra d tayc sisteme sahip bu
mevcut yap iinden salanan pasaj geiidir.


The city council requested that the Urla city square, memorial area and the former bus
station be revamped to service both pedestrian and vehicular traffic. The shopping mall,
with a two-story underground parking garage, was built on the commercial plot; designed as a passage connecting the central areas and the different levels, it also functions
as a transportation axis. It was envisaged that the shopping area in the square would
serve as a meeting/promenade area, and would be functional while defining the area.
The shopping area connects the streets that extend from the shops and the different
levels of the town; these streets have given new identities to the local districts. Passages with arcades were designed to create a series of shade/shelter, with all seasons
being taken into account.

The project of redesigning the old Provincial Bus Station located in the historical city
center of Urla, Izmir, as a modern shopping center and connecting this complex to the
ceremonial square in front of the municipal building is an example of the drive in Turkey to create public spaces in historical city centers.
In a similar way to laterally-spread open-air shopping centers in the same area, this
structure employs an urban architectural repertoire on a more modest scale and in a
plain vernacular, using elements in the historical city center such as a square, a courtyard, a passage and an arcade. Owing to the recently proposed road, the Urla Bazaar
and Square form part of the first stage in the transformation of the city center into a
pedestrian zone, re-organizing the circulation of the city center to enable unimpeded
pedestrian access from different levels. The porous nature of this urban sponge absorbs the urban flow yet remains permeable. A range of different urban rooms and niches can be created and can form strong historical connections while, due to its modest
scale, the conventional architectural repertoire and the culture of the materials are still
The simple vernacular observed in the design of the bazaar complex, the perception
of visual continuity and permeability extend to the ceremonial grounds via a prospered series of arboreal texture, thus introducing diversification with volume and shaded
One of the most interesting interconnections between the bazaar complex and the urban texture is the bridge that has an extraordinary support system allowing transition
between the Old Repair Shop and the existing building.







mixed-use buildings

karma yaplar

stanbul, 2009


: Kurtul Erkmen, Grhan Bakrkre | KG Mimarlk


Commissioned by


: Sinpa

Flatofis daha nce AVM olarak tasarlanm bir binann, eitli ofisler, toplant odalar,
spor merkezleri gibi birok ilev ieren modern bir i merkezine dntrlmesi projesidir. Tm strktr sistemi AVM gereklerine gre kurulan binann, en az mdahale ile
ofis fonksiyonuna uygun hale getirilmesi salanmtr. AVM ilevi k gerektirmedii
iin, mevcut projede tayc perde sistemi binann d cephesinde yer almaktayd. Bu da
bir ofis binasnn gereksinimi olan k ihtiyacn engellemekteydi. Yeni projede mevcut
perde sistemini ykmak yerine, binay dikine kesen 3 byk i boluk alarak k ieri
alnmtr. Mimari adan zengin ve doal aydnlatmal i boluklar sunan bu meknlar
kullancya ayr bir ferahlama ortam sunmaktadr.

Eyp ilesinin Nianc mahallesinde yer alan Flatofis, blgeki youn konut dokusu iinde yer almas ve Mobilyaclar ars gibi kk lekli sanayi yerleiminin yaknnda
bulunmas nedeniyle gerek ofis, gerekse alveri merkezi iin allmadk bir kentsel
balam iinde konumlanmaktadr. Buna karn kompleks, stanbul evre Yoluna ve
Hali Kprsne yaknl nedeniyle kentin Avrupa yakasndaki i merkezlerine kolay
ulam salayacak avantajl bir konuma sahiptir.
Flatofis, alveri merkezi olarak tasarlanan ve 105.000 mlik inaat alanna sahip bir
yapnn, kaba inaat sonrasnda ivereni tarafndan i merkezine dntrlmesine karar verilmesi ve bu amala dzenledii davetli bir yarma sonucunda ele edilmitir. D
cepheye tmyle kapal mekn kurgusu ve strktrel snrllklar nedeniyle mevcut
yapnn dayatt yatay yaplanma nerisi, dntrlecek i merkezinin deyde gelien ofis yaplarnn bilindik emalarndan farkl bir kurguda gelimesine neden olmutur. Darya kapal ve yaklak 230 m uzunluundaki mevcut yapnn ofis meknna
dntrlmesi srecinde tasarmclar bir dizi tasarm startejisi gelitirerek, i merkezi
iin gerekli teknik koullar ve meknsal konforu yaratmay baarmlardr. Da kapal mekn kurgusuna ve mevcut strktre en az mdahalede bulunmak zere uzun
ktleyi diklemesine blen derin yrtk ile yapy drde ayrmak ve oluturulacak
k avlular sayesinde i mekn iin gereken doal salamak, en radikal tasarm
kararlarndan biri olmutur. 80x12 myi bulan bu yrtklar sayesinde yap dardan monoblok bir etki vermesine karn, i meknda oluan 5 kat yksekliindeki bu avlular
sayesinde paral bir etki yaratmaktadr. Bu etkiye ek olarak, avlularn 3 farkl konseptte
ele alnmas sayesinde avluya bakan cephelerde eitlenmeler ve meknsal zenginlikler
yaratlabilmitir. Tematik olarak farkllatrlm her bir avluya dardan giri salanarak
monoblok ktlenin, birbiriyle ilikili ancak bamsz alabilen 4 ayr bloa ayrld
vurgusu kuvvetlendirilmitir. Alveri merkezi kurgusundan kaynaklanan tm servis
meknlarnn d cepheye yakn konumlandrlm olmas sorunu, bu avlularda oluturulan olabildiince effaflatrlm dey sirklasyon alanlar ile giderilmeye allmtr.
Younlatrlm ekirdek etrafnda kstl alma alanlar sunan yksek katl ofis binalarnn plan emalarndan farkl olarak Flatofis, sunduu olduka geni ofis meknlar ile
loft benzeri yeni bir tr alma ortam ve tipolojisi sunmaktadr. Flatofisi bilindik ofis
yaplarndan ayran bir dier zellii ise, restoran ve fast food gibi yemek alanlar, kapal
yzme havuzu, spor merkezi ve spa gibi spor alanlar ile alveri merkezi gibi farkl
programlar ayn at altnda barndrmas ve bu programlar deyde istifleyerek, seminer ve konferans salonu gibi i merkezi iin gerekli meknlar bu istifin iinde eritebilme
baarsn gstermi olmasdr.


The Flatofis project entailed transforming a building originally designed as a shopping

center into a modern business center with offices, conference rooms and a fitness center. The buildings transformation enabled office functionality with minimal intervention. As the shopping center had not required lighting, the entire bearing-curtain system
was located in the exterior facade -- making it difficult to meet the lighting needs of
an office building. Rather than destroying the curtain system, the new project created
lighting by opening up three large internal spaces, dividing the building vertically. These
three sections were designed in alignment with three different concepts, presenting
architecturally rich internal spaces with natural lighting, offering an alternative, refreshing environment for the user.

Flatofis is located in the Nianc district of Eyp in a dense residential area close to a
small-scale industrial settlement, the Furnishers Market. Hence, it is situated within
an urban context that is unusual for both offices and shopping malls. Owing to its
proximity to the Istanbul Highway and the Golden Horn Bridge, the complex enjoys a
convenient location, close to the business centers of the European side of the city, thus
providing easy access.
Flatofis, which was designed as a shopping mall and is situated within a construction
area of 105,000 square meters, was the winning submission in a contest arranged by
the commissioning company, which wanted to convert the rough construction area
into a business center. A horizontal restructuring proposal for the conversion into a business center of the existing building whose exterior imposed structural limitations due
to the enclosed construction space necessitated the design of a plan that diverged from
familiar horizontally-spreading business centers. During the process of converting into
office space the existing building that was closed to the exterior and measured approximately 230 meters in length, the designers developed a series of design strategies
and succeeded in creating spatial comfort for the business center as well as fulfilling
the technical requirements. So as to intervene as little as possible with the existing
construction and structure of this enclosed space, one of the most radical decisions of
the design was to divide the long mass into four parts separated by three deep vertical
crevices which allowed for the creation of light wells to supply the interior with essential natural light. The crevices, which measure 80 x12 meters, break up the monolithic effect of the exterior; the light wells also create an effect of division from the five-floored
interior. In addition to this effect, owing to three different conceptual approaches to the
light wells, variations and a feeling of spatial abundance were created on the facades
that overlook the wells. Each well, differentiated thematically, has a separate entrance,
further emphasizing the partition of the monolithic structure into 4 separate blocks that
are related in spite of functioning independently. In an attempt to solve the problem of
the sales areas being positioned close to the exterior facade, due to the construction
originally being planned as a shopping mall, vertical circulation areas were created and
made as transparent as possible.
In contrast to high-rise office buildings which are concentrated around a nucleus, Flatofis offers ample office space and a loft-like new work environment and typology.
The other characteristics that differentiate Flatofis from typical office buildings are the
restaurant-like dining areas and fast-food court, the indoor swimming pool, fitness center and spa and shopping center, all under one roof. The service quarters are stacked
vertically and areas necessary to the business center such as seminar and conference
rooms are successfully blended into one area.






forum istanbul
stanbul, 2009-2010


: Ali Hzrolu, Ertun Hzrolu | ERA ehircilik Mimarlk


Commissioned by


: Multi Turkmall

Mimari tasarm ve tasarm ynetimi ERA tarafndan yrtlm olan, T+T ve BDP gibi
ofislerle farkl aamalarda ortaklaa almalar yaplan Forum stanbul AVM, Bayrampaa ilesinde, 186.000 mlik arazi zerinde 400.000 mlik bir yap grubu olarak tasarlanmtr. ehir iinde ehir konseptinden yola klarak, d cephe tasarmlarnda farkl
yaplarn bir araya gelmesinden olumu bir kompleks etkisi amalanmtr. AVM ile
Konut bloklar arasnda yer alan 28.000 m alana sahip ofis yaps ise, farkl ktlenin
birbirleriyle olan diyalogundan olumutur. Binann ana karakterindeki duru yaklam,
ofis meknlarnn esneklii ve ekonomi gibi kriterler tasarm ynlendiren ana unsurlardr. Ayn parselde konumlanan Decathlon yapsnn daha hareketli ve renkli, karmak
eleri barndran mimarisine kyasla, ofis binas tasarmnn yaln yapsyla evre mimari dokusundan ayrmas hedeflenmitir.

Avrupa yakasndaki kentsel makroformun merkezinde konumlanan Bayrampaa ilesinde 1994 ylnda hizmete giren Byk stanbul Otogar, Avrupa (TEM) Otoyolu zerinde
konumlanmas, Metris-Esenler Balant Yolu ile stanbul evre Yoluna balanmas ve
dolaysyla Fatih Sultan Mehmet Kprs zerinden Anadolu yakasna kolay eriimi olmas nedeniyle, blgenin hzla deer kazanmasna neden olmutur. Bayrampaaya bal
Kocatepe semtinde, 50. Yl Caddesinin Avrupa (TEM) Otoyolu ile kesitii alanda, Havaalan-Aksaray metro hatt ile Byk stanbul Otogar arasnda kalan 186.000 mlik bo
arazi zerine kurulan Forum stanbul Alveri Merkezi, sahip olduu youn program ve
devasa ina alan nedeniyle hem Trkiyenin hem Ortadounun hem de Avrupann en
byk alveri kompleksi olma zelliini tamaktadr.
Forum stanbul kompleksi, alveri merkezinin yan sra 28.000 mlik Forum stanbul
Ofis yaps ile DB Mimarlk tarafndan tasarlanan 558 daireli Yorum stanbul Evleri adl
54.500 mlik konut alann da iermekte olup ticari, kltrel ve sportif bir merkez olmann tesinde konut ve ofis gibi kentsel rntnn dier baat aktrlerini de bnyesinde
Ana tat arterleri tarafndan paralanm fragmenter kentsel doku iinde konumlanan
kompleks, sahip olduu program eitlilii sayesinde bitiiinde yer alan Kartaltepe ve
Muratpaa semtlerinin kentsel donat ihtiyalarna da cevap vermektedir. Kompleksin
bu kamusal rol stlenmesinde, tasarm konseptinin ehir iinde ehir olarak belirlenmi olmas ve tasarmn temelini oluturan bulvar, cadde, antsal yap, meydan, avlu
gibi kentsel repertuvarlarn kullanlmasyla bu blgede kentsel yaant deneyiminin yeniden retebilecei iddias etkili olmutur. Monolitik bir yap ve monoton bir kentsel
evre retmemek adna, ayn zamanda da bu devasa byklk ile ba edebilmek amacyla, paral ktlelerden oluan bir tasarm startejisi gelitirilmi, tanmsz d evreye
ynelmek yerine yaratlacak i dnyaya ynelecek, ie dnk bir kurgu gelitirilmitir.
Geni ktle etkisini krmak zere form ve malzeme zenginliine gidilmi, yaratlan lek
eitlilii sayesinde tasarm dilinde bir okluk grameri yaratlmtr. Bunlara ek olarak,
kullanclara farkl deneyimler yaatmak, tekdzelik ve benzerlii ortadan kaldrmak
amacyla, eitlenen bir dizi konsept gelitirilmitir.
Farkl paralarn belirli bir alanda ylmasn tanmlayan konglemerasyon, bir merkez
fikrinden ok, farkl temalar etrafnda yeni birliktelikler rmeyi hedefleyen paracl tasarm anlay dorultusunda, bydke merkezden uzaklamay ve dalmay deil,
fragmanlarn kendi merkezlerini kurarak yeni rntler oluturmalarna imkn tanmaktadr. Btn bir hamlede tasarlamay deil, tpk metropoln kendisi gibi bamsz
paralarn bir arada durabilmesine olanak veren bu ynsz yn, bymeye ve eklemlenmeye ak oluuyla da ayn zamanda ak-ulu ve esnek bir kurgu nermektedir.
Metropoln gereklii ile yzleerek onun konglemerasyon tipi byme modelini ve
programatik zenginliini rnek alan Forum stanbul, bu sra d yaklam ile tketim
kltrne ait bilindik tipolojilerin tesine geerek, domakta olan yeni bir rasyonalitenin ipularn haber vermektedir.


The architectural design and management of Forum Istanbul Shopping Mall was conducted by ERA, working at various stages in conjunction with companies like T+T and
BDP. The structure has a total area of 400,000 square meters on a 186,000 square-meter
plot of land in Bayrampaa. Based on the concept of a city within a city, the faade design gives a sense of a complex made up of different buildings. The 28,000 square-meter
office building situated between the shopping mall and the residential blocks creates a
dialogue between three different masses. The important elements that influenced the
design are the clear approach in the character of the building, and the flexibility and
economic use of office space. The elegant simplicity of the construction of the office
building in stark contrast to the more lively and colorful architecture of the Decathlon
building on the same plot distinguishes it from the surrounding architectural texture.

Opened in 1994, the Central Istanbul Bus Station in the Bayrampaa district within the
urban center on the European side, is situated on the European highway (TEM) and
connected by the Metris-Esenler bypass and the Istanbul Highway, therefore offering
easy access to the Anatolian side over the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge; for this reason
there has been a rapid appreciation in the area. Forum Istanbul Shopping Mall, built in
the district of Kocatepe affiliated with Bayrampaa, was constructed on an empty plot
measuring 186,000 square meters on the intersection of 50th Yl Street and the European highway (TEM) and lies between the Aksaray-Airport metro-line and the Central
Istanbul Bus Station. This building has an intensive program and a massive surface area
and is in fact the largest shopping complex not only in Turkey and Anatolia, but also in
In addition to the shopping mall, Forum Istanbul houses the Forum Istanbul Office covering 28,000 square meters of space, and 558 apartments in the residential estate called
Yorum Istanbul Houses, designed by DB Architecture, covering an area of 54,500 square
meters. Thus beyond being a commercial, cultural and sporting center, Forum Istanbul
also includes residential and office buildings as dominant actors in the urban pattern.
The complex is located in a fragmentary urban fabric, which is disrupted by the main
transport arteries; owing to its diversified program, the complex answers the needs for
urban refurbishment in the adjacent districts of Kartaltepe and Muratpaa. By assuming
this public role, the complex, whose design concept is a city within a city and is based
on the use of urban repertoires such as boulevards, streets, monuments, squares and
courtyards, justifies the claim that urban life can be re-generated in this region. In order
to avoid a monolithic and monotonous urban environment, and also in order to cope
with the huge size, a design strategy was produced that was composed of fragmented
masses, and instead of being oriented towards an undefined external environment,
this is oriented towards the inner-world that is to be created, thus developing an introspective structure. The structure focuses on the shape and richness of the materials
so as to break up the mass effect; owing to the variety of scale that has been created,
the language of design has a pluralistic grammar. Moreover, in order to provide different experiences for the users, a series of concepts have been developed to eliminate
uniformity and monotony.
The conglomerate, identifiable through different parts concentrated in a particular area,
goes beyond the idea of a center; in accordance with the parceling design-concept, new
synergies are targeted around different themes, and instead of being decentralized
and dispersed while growing, new patterns are given room to take shape around their
own nucleus. The whole is not to be designed at once, but like the metropolis itself,
this non-directional mass conveys the possibility of independent parts standing together; the nature of being open to growth and additions suggests an open-ended and
flexible structure. Confronting the reality of the metropolis and taking as an example
its conglomerate-style growth model and programmatic richness, Istanbul Forum, with
this unusual approach that goes beyond the familiar typologies of consumer culture, is
the forebear of a new rationality.





istanbul sapphire
stanbul, 2010

: Melkan Grsel Tabanlolu, Murat Tabanlolu | Tabanlolu Mimarlk



: Biskon Yap

Commissioned by


Bir konut ve alveri merkezi projesi olan Sapphire evresindeki yksek yaplanmaya
uyumlu, ancak doa dostu zmlerle insan leini koruyan bir yap. Birbirinden bamsz iki kabuktan oluan bina cephesi i - d arasnda bir tampon blge oluturuyor;
olumsuz meteorolojik koullardan, hava kirlilii ve grltden korunurken doal havalandrma salanyor, bylece iklimlendirme iin daha az enerji tketiliyor. Her 3 katta
bir i baheler olarak dzenlenen yeil alanlar, yksek kotta oturumlarda da doal ve
scak bir atmosfer salyor. Her 9 katta bir ortak sosyal alanlar yer alyor. Drdnc
kattan itibaren aa doru genileyerek binann yzeyini kaplayan cam rt, yumuak
bir kvrmla, yatay olarak binann etei eklinde uzayarak dkknlarn ve yeme-ime
nitelerinin yer ald alann zerini btnl koruyarak rtyor.

1980lerin ortasndan itibaren kresel a ve aklara entegre olmaya balayan stanbulda

servis sektrnn tercih ettii alanlarn banda gelen Bykdere Caddesi hatt ve zerindeki 4. Levent semti, 1988 ylnda alan Fatih Sultan Mehmet Kprs ve onun dorudan bu hatta balan nedeniyle, i, elence ve konut yatrmlarnn en ok tercih
ettii alanlarn banda gelmeye balad. Merkezi Alan olarak tanmlanan bu blgede,
Fatih Sultan Mehmet Kprs balantsnn yaknnda konumlanmak gibi stratejik bir
konuma sahip olan stanbul Sapphire, 10 kat zemin altnda olmak zere 61 katl olup,
tepesindeki 30 m anteniyle Trkiyenin en yksek yaps sfatn kazanmaktadr. Bina,
blgede giderek artan lks konut ve rezidans ihtiyacn karlamak zere, otopark, alveri merkezi ve konut programlarnn st ste dizildii yksek katl bir yap olarak
Yapnn ana girii, zerinde konumland Bykdere Caddesinden olup, 4 katl alveri
merkezinin en st katndandr. Alveri merkezinin bir dier girii yeraltndadr ve 2000
ylnda hizmete giren metro istasyonu ile dorudan balantldr.Rezidanslara ulam ise,
zemin katta yan cepheden olup iki zel girie sahiptir.
Parsel boyutlarnn el verdii lde ince uzun bir orta galeri boluu etrafnda kurgulan
ve yeraltna doru ilerleyen alveri merkezine doal gn salamak zere, yksek
yapnn cam giydirme cephesi drdnc katndan itibaren kvrlarak yataya dndrlm ve alveri meknnn effaf atsna dnerek, giri saa olarak sonlandrlmtr. Yksek yaplarn zeminle kurduklar gerilimli ilikiyi, formsal zarafete dntren
stanbul Sapphire, deyde ve yatayda devam eden bu srekli yzey anlayn, Bykdere Caddesine cephe veren bir kentsel balkon ve ekran ile sonlandrmaktadr.
Alveri merkezinin kurgusuna dik ynde tasarlanan konut blou, ince dikdrtgen forma sahiptir ve her iki geni cephesinden de maksimum manzara almak zere tm
servis ve sirklasyon alanlar dar iki cephesinde toplanmtr. Yangn ynetmelii ve
strktrel zmler iin kolaylk salayan, ekirdekleri kenara ekilmi bu konvansiyon
d plan zm, 177 adet konutun 4 farkl konut blgesi ierisinde varyasyonlarla
bir araya gelmesine de imkn tanmtr. Her konut blgesi birbirinden golf antreman
sahas, spor alan gibi konut sahiplerine hizmet veren rekreasyon alanlar ile ayrlmtr.
Konut birimlerinin kente alan manzaradan daha fazla yararlanabilmeleri iin alveri
merkezinin hemen zerinde yer alan birimlerde, konut kullanclarna ynelik resepsiyon, bar lounge, SPA, havuz ve restoran gibi sosyal meknlar bulunmaktadr.
evre dostu ofis yaplarnda kullanlmakta olan dey bahe mantnn Trkiyedeki
nc uygulamalarndan biri olan bu konut yaps, her konut blgesi ierisinde katta
bir oluturulan kat baheleri sayesinde, yksek katl konut bloklar tipolojisi ierisinde
evre dostu yeni nesil bir konut tipinin olumasna katkda bulunmutur.
Ziyaretilerin stanbul algsn deitirmek zere binann son katnda yer alan, 225 m
ykseklikteki at seyir teras ile restoran-bar, kamusal eriimine ak olarak tasarlanmtr.


Sapphire, a residential and shopping mall project, is a structure in harmony with the
tall buildings surrounding it, yet is still able to preserve the human scale with environmentally friendly solutions. The faade, consisting of two independent shells, creates a
buffer zone between the inner and outer zone. While this protects the building against
adverse weather, air pollution, and noise, the zone also provides natural ventilation,
and thus less energy is used for air-conditioning. The planted areas, which have been
designed as courtyards on every third floor, provide a natural and warm atmosphere.
There are common social areas every ninth floor. The glass roof that widens from the
fourth floor down and covers the building surface, has been extended to act as horizontal skirting, smoothly curving around and covering the shopping and dining units, thus
protecting the integrity.

Bykdere Avenue and the district of 4th Levent, an area popular with the service
sector in Istanbul whose integration with the global network commenced in the mid1980s, has become a favorite for business, entertainment, and residential investments
since the opening of Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge in 1988 due to the direct link between
the bridge and this area. Istanbul Sapphire has a strategic position near the Fatih Sultan
Mehmet Bridge access road in this district defined as the Central Business Zone and has
the distinction of being Turkeys tallest building with a total of 61 floors, 10 of which
are underground, topped by a 30-meter antenna. The building has been designed as
a high-rise building with a parking lot, shopping center, and residences, positioned on
top of one another, to meet the increasing demand for luxury residences in the region.
The main entrance of the building is on Bykdere Road, and is positioned on the top
floor of the 4-level shopping center. The other entrance is underground and is directly
linked to the metro station that came into service in 2000. Two private entrances provide access to the residences on the side faade at ground level.
The glass curtain wall of the high-rise building was curved to the horizontal axis from
the fourth floor to form the transparent roof of the shopping center; this ends on the
eaves of the entrance, providing natural sunlight to the shopping center. The shopping
center has been constructed around a long and narrow central gallery within the parcel
boundary and extends underground. Istanbul Sapphire, which transforms the tense relationship of high-rise buildings with the ground into a formal elegant expression, brings
the continuous surface concept, which is visible throughout the vertical and horizontal
axes, to a conclusion with an urban balcony and screen on Bykdere Avenue.
All service and circulation areas of the narrow rectangular residential block, positioned
at a right angle to the shopping center, are located on the two narrow sides to provide
a maximum view from the two broad sides. This unconventional solution in which the
cores are situated on the side enables fire control and structural solutions. In addition,
it allows for the creation of 177 residences, brought together with variations within 4
different residential zones. Each residential zone is set apart from the others with recreational areas such as a golf practice arena and a fitness room, which are at the service
of residence owners. The floor above the shopping center accommodates social areas,
such as a reception room, bar lounge, spa, pool, and restaurant open to residential
users, providing all the units with a better urban view.
This residential building is one of the pioneers in Turkey of the vertical garden technique seen in environmentally-friendly office buildings. It has contributed to the creation
of a new generation of environmentally-friendly residential buildings with gardens on
every 3 floors.
The 225-meter high rooftop viewing terrace and restaurant-bar on the top level of the
building were designed for public access, changing the perception of Istanbul for guests.






stanbul, 2006

: Melkan Grsel Tabanlolu, Murat Tabanlolu | Tabanlolu Mimarlk

Jerde Partnership

Commissioned by


: Eczacba Topluluu & GYO

Kanyon, ehir merkezinde, ortak yeil alanlarla evrelenmis konut, ofis, dkknlar, elence ve dier sosyal alanlar gibi farkl meknlarn bir arada yer ald yeni kent yaam
modelidir. Binalar ve alanlar birbirine balayan avlularla evrili i yollar, ehirii etkisi
yaratmaktadr. Her binann, yerleim plannn ve balant yollarnn sahip olduu yumuak kavisler zarif bir ak salar; yeillikle evrili erisel form, ok seenekli sokaklaryla
derinlik ve ferahlk hissi vermektedir. Bulvarda yer alan ana yap 25 katl, betonarme,
cam yzeyli ofis kulesidir. 15 teras katl konut binas, alveri alanna bakmaktadr.
40.000 mlik bu alan kapal bir alveri merkezi olmaktan ziyade ak havada, doal
cadde ortamnda alveri imkn salayacak biimde dzenlenmitir.

Emlak Kredi Bankasnn toplu konut projesi iin 1947 ylnda Levent semtini semesiyle
balayan blgenin geliimi, kentin eperinde planl banliy ve sanayi yaplamasn ngren Beyolu Nazm Plannn 1954te yrrle girmesiyle hzlanm ve Levent semti
zellikle sanayi ve konut alanlar ile dolmaya balamtr. 1980lerden itibaren i merkezleri ve yksek yaplar iin tercih edilen Zincirlikuyu-Esentepe-Gayrettepe blgesi,
1988de alan Fatih Sultan Mehmet Kprsnn etkisiyle yerini Levent-Maslak hattna
brakm ve Merkezi Alannn merkezi, Esentepe ve Beiktatan Levent semtine doru kaymtr. 1990lardan itibaren Trkiyenin en nemli finans merkezi haline gelen bu
blgeye ulalabilirlik, 2000 ylnda hizmete giren metro hatt sayesinde daha da artm,
finans sektr dnda blgede lks konut, alveri ve elence merkezi projeleri oalmaya balamtr.
Bykdere Caddesinden cephe alan ve derin bir parselde konumlanan eski Eczacba
la Fabrikasnn yerinde gerekletirilecek olan byk lekli konut-ofis-alveri-elence merkezi projesi iin uluslararas davetli bir charette dzenlenmi ve Tabanlolu &
Jerde Partnership Internationaln nerdikleri tasarm gerekletirilmitir.
2003 ylnda inaatna balanan proje iin, blgedeki ilk uygulamalar olan Akmerkez
ile Metrocity gibi kapal alveri merkezi tipinde bir tasarm yapmak yerine, st ak
yeni nesil bir alveri merkezi tipolojisi gelitirmek tasarmn temel hedeflerinden biri
Kanyon kompleksinin tasarmnda, kentle farkl kotlardan ilikiler kurulmas, kamusal
ak alanlarn srekli klnmas, Bykdere Caddesiden gelen yaya aklarnn kompleksin arka ksmndaki Eczac Sokaka ve evresindeki dier sokaklara kesintisiz olarak
balanmas ana hedefler arasnda yer almtr.
Alveri merkezinin ak koridor sistemi erisel formlara sahip st ak boluun etrafn sarmakta ve ince uzun parsel boyunca akkan formunu srekli deitirerek, komplekse boyutlu bir heykelsilik kazandrmaktadr. Binalar ve etkinlik alanlarn zaman
zaman birbirine kprlerle balayan bu sprizli i yollar, meknlar birbirleriyle grsel
olarak da ilikilendirerek ziyaretilere zengin grsel deneyimler sunmaktadr.
Zemin katta, performans alan olarak da kullanlan ana yaya sirklasyonun sonland
meydan, eyrek kre biimli elence blou ile tanmlanm ve ak hava performanslar
ile ses aktivitelerinin gereklemesine izin verecek ekilde akustik bir ni olarak tasarlanmtr.
Kompleksin Bykdere Caddesi tarafnda yer alan 25 katl betonarme ofis blou ise,
zel olarak tasarlanm cam giydirme cepheye ve darya bak engellemeyecek gne krclara sahiptir. Alveri merkezinin hemen stnde yer alan konut blou ise,
altnda yer alan erisel geometriye uygun olarak teraslanarak ykselmektedir. Stdyo
ve aile tipi olmak zere 20 farkl plan emasna ve 80-380 m arasnda deien byklklere sahip 179 konutun bulunduu bloun en st ksmnda ise, 15 adet terasl at
kat dairesi bulunmaktadr.


Kanyon is a model of new urban life and features a variety of functions such as residences, offices, shops and entertainment; it is surrounded by common green areas in
the heart of the city. The inner pathways, surrounded by courtyards which connect the
buildings and areas to one another, create a sense of an inner city. The smooth curves
on all the buildings, the residential plan, and connecting pathways provide an elegant
flow. The curvilinear form surrounded by greenery gives a sense of multi-functional
streets with depth and spaciousness. The main building is a 25-floor glass surfaced,
reinforced concrete office tower. The residential building with 15 terraced floors overlooks the shopping area. This 40,000 square meter area has been designed to function
beyond being an indoor shopping centre, allowing outdoor shopping in a natural street

The development of Levent first began in 1947 with the selection of the region as the
location for the Emlak Kredi Bank housing project, and continued with the implementation of the 1954 Beyolu Master Plan, which stipulated a planned suburban and industrial development along the perimeter of the city, leading to an increased number
of industrial and residential areas in Levent.
The preference of the Zincirlikuyu-Esentepe-Gayrettepe region for business centers and
high-rise buildings from the 1980s on has created the Levent-Maslak line; this was influenced even more by the construction of the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge in 1988, and
the center of the Central Business Area became Levent as opposed to Esentepe and Beikta. Ease of transportation to this area, Turkeys most important finance center since
the 1990s, was further enhanced with the launch of the metro line in 2000. In addition
to the financial sector, the number of high-end residences, shopping and entertainment
projects in the area has steadily grown.
An international charette was organized to develop a plan for the large-scale residential/business/shopping/entertainment center project that was to be implemented
on the location of the former Eczacba Pharmaceutical Plant, located on a long, thin
parcel opening out onto Bykdere Road; the design proposed by Tabanlolu & Jerde
Partnership International was selected.
The development of a new generation, open-air shopping mall typology as opposed
to an indoor shopping mall like Akmerkez or Metrocity was one of the fundamental
objectives of the project whose construction commenced in 2003.
Some of the main objectives in the design of the Kanyon complex were to establish relationships with the city from various elevations, to provide continuity in areas open to
the public and to ensure an uninterrupted connection of the pedestrian flow from Bykdere Road to Eczac Street behind the complex and the other streets surrounding it.
The open-corridor system of the shopping mall surrounds the curvilinear open-air space, giving the complex a three-dimensional statuesque look by continuously changing
its flowing form throughout the thin and long parcel. These inner pathways and the
bridges linking the buildings and activity areas add an element of surprise offering a rich
visual experience to the visitors through the visual relationships established between
the areas.
The ground-floor square at the end of the main pedestrian circulation, which is also
used as a performance area, has been defined with a quarter sphere shaped entertainment block, and has been designed as an acoustic space in which outdoor performances and concerts can be held.
The 25-floor reinforced-concrete office block located on the Bykdere Road side of
the complex features a custom-designed glass curtain wall, and sunshades that do not
obstruct the outside view. The residential block on top of the shopping mall features a
terrace which follows the curvilinear geometry beneath it. The top section of the block
has 179 studio and family apartments based on 20 different layouts with a surface area
ranging from 80 to 380 square meters. There are also 15 penthouse apartments with







kentpark alveri merkezi

kentpark shopping mall
Ankara, 2010


: Enis ncolu, nder Kaya, Cem Altnz, Cumhur Keskinok | ncolu Mimarlk


Commissioned by


: Megatrk

Eskiehir Yolu zerinde konumlanan karma kullanml proje; alveri merkezi, ofis ve
konut fonksiyonlarndan olumaktadr. Proje, ie dnk alveri merkezi kurgusu yerine meknsal eitlilik kavram ile meydan, plaza, sokak, yeil ve rekreasyon alanlar gibi
kentsel mekn elerinin bir arada kurgulanmas ile tasarlanmtr. Proje kurgusundaki
en nemli elemanlardan biri, Eskiehir Yolunu arsann merkezinde konumlanan kentsel parka birletiren i sokaktr. Alveri arkad olarak tasarlanan sokak, kmaz sokak
olmak yerine teraslar ve yeil alandan oluan kentsel parka doru almaktadr. Kentsel
park, konutlarla alveri merkezi arasndaki evresinde kafelerin bulunduu glet ve
teraslar ieren bir rekreasyon alan olarak tasarlanmtr. Bu alan, ilevsel olarak alveri merkezi ve konutlar birbirinden ayrrken grsel olarak birletirmektedir.

1990larn sonundan itibaren Ankarann batsna doru balayan byk lekli yatrm
hamlesi ile birlikte Eskiehir Yolu-ayyolu aks, ana ulam arteri zerinde konumlanyor
oluu ve ehir ii ulamla salad kolay balant nedeniyle alveri, ynetim ve kongre merkezleri, zel hastaneler, ofis yaplar ile lks konut ve otel yatrmlarnn en ok
rabet ettii yerlerin banda gelmektedir. Ankaradaki toplam alveri merkezlerinin
te birinin zerinde yer ald bu arter boyunca oluan bir dizi lks konut yerleimi
ve niversite yerlekesi yatrmclarn dikkatini ekmekte ve bu potansiyel kullanclara
ynelik yeni yatrmlar tetiklemektedir.
Eskiehir Yolu zerinde, ODT kampus alannn karsnda yer alan Kentpark Alveri
Merkezi, ofis ve alveri merkezi fonksiyonlarnn yan sra ikinci etap olarak yapmna
balanan, 465 konuttan oluan 7 blokluk Kentpark Konutlarn da bnyesinde barndran karma programa sahip bir komplekstir. Bu programsal ayrm arazi zerindeki dalmda da belirgin klnm, arazinin kuzey tarafndaki bozkr manzaral alan konutlar
iin ayrlmtr. Kompleksin ana girii iin, cephe ald Eskiehir Yolu zerinde kentsel
park dzenlemesi yaplarak, ak otopark alanlarnn yaratt sevimsiz ve tanmsz giri ortam bertaraf edilmitir. Kompleksin geni orta aksnn sonunda ulalan glet ve
rekreasyon alan ise, hem ina edilmekte olan konut bloklar ile alveri merkezine
hizmet vermekte hem de bu iki alan arasnda doal bir ayrc grevi stlenmektedir.
Bu orta aksn ularndaki girilerden ayr olarak yan parselden de tali bir giri alnmtr.
Kentpark Alveri Merkezi, 2007 ylnda ayn mimar ekibi tarafndan tasarlanan CEPA
Alveri Merkezinin yan parselinde konumlanm olduu iin, zemin kat plannda bu
cepheden de ayr bir giri alnmtr.
Kompleks, farkl programlar ieren ktlelerin paral geometrik bir kompozisyon ile bir
araya getirilmesinden oluturulmutur. Bu oulcu ve davurumcu dile sahip kompozisyonun btnlkl bir i atmosfer yaratabilmesi snrl malzeme kullanm ile baarl
bir biimde salanmtr. Yapnn d kabuunun yan sra i mekn dzenlemelerinde
de ahap malzemenin youn olarak kullanlm olmas, alveri meknlarnn bilindik
souk ve mesafeli atmosferinin dnda, scak bir ortamn yaratlmasn mmkn klm
gzkmektedir. Bu scak atmosferi pekitiren en alt kattaki Kentpazar adl market ortam, kullanclarn nesne ve rnler ile aralarnda almaz bir snr yaratan vitrin kurgusunun olmad bir dzenleme salad iin yapnn en hareketli ve yaayan blmleri
arasndadr. Zemin ve bodrum katlarnda su oyunlar gletini saran ak teras alanlar,
kafe ve restoranlarn yar ak oturma yerleri niteliinde olup, etkinlik ve gsteri d zamanlarda da kompleksin en canl blmdr. Yapnn ikinci katnda yer alan yeme ime
alannda ise, Eskiehir Yolu cephesinde ODT Ormanna bakan yar ak bir balkon yaratlmtr. Giri cephesinin dier ucunda ise, alveri merkezinin zerinde kulelemek
yerine, yatayda yaylmas hedeflenen 4 katl ofis ktlesi bulunmakta olup, yar effaf
cephesi ile kendini Eskiehir Yolundan da belli etmektedir.


The shopping mall is set back from the Eskiehir Highway to create the desired effect of
an urban square at its entrance. Within the mall, venues such as offices, entertainment
centers, a shopping mall, gym, and food court, restaurants and a movie theater have
been individually designed as separate structures. One of the projects most important
features is the central interior street that connects Eskiehir Street to the city park.
Designed to function as a shopping arcade, this strip is not a dead-end street, but acts
as a path to the terraced, lush urban park. The terraced area is positioned between the
housing complexes and the shopping mall; here, people can spend their leisure time
and also benefit from the recreational center, which houses a games pool surrounded
by terraces with cafes. While separating the shopping mall and housing complexes
from one another, the park also provides a visual link between them.

Since the end of 1990s, due to large-scale investments, the area west of Ankara along
the Eskiehir Road-ayyolu axis has become one of the most popular areas for shopping, administrative and congress centers, as well as private hospitals, offices, top-end
residential structures and hotels due to the fact that it is located by an arterial road
and is easy to reach with local transportation. This area, which contains one-third of
the total number of shopping malls in Ankara, as well as a large number of top-end residential areas and university campuses, attracts investors, triggering new investments
for potential users.
Located on the Eskiehir Road opposite the ODT (Middle East Technical University)
campus, Kentpark Shopping Mall is a mixed-use complex offering both office and shopping mall functions as well as the 7-block Kentpark Houses consisting of 465 residential
units being constructed as part of the second stage. This programmed division has been
made clear in the allocation of the land with the heath landscape to the north being
set aside for residential structures. The main entrance is located on the Eskiehir Road
faade; in order to avoid an unattractive and characterless entrance, urban park landscaping has been implemented here. A lake and recreation area located at the far end
of the wide central flow area not only serves the residential blocks under construction
and the shopping mall, but also acts as a natural separation between these two areas.
In addition to the entrance that is located on the edge of this middle flow area, there is
a secondary entrance from the side parcel. As Kentpark Shopping Mall is positioned on
land adjacent to the CEPA Shopping Mall, built by the same architectural team in 2007,
a separate entrance was included in the design for the ground floor of this faade.
The complex is composed of fragmented geometrical masses that have different programs. The integral interior atmosphere of this pluralist and expressionist composition
has been successfully created with the use of a limited variety of materials. There is
extensive use of wood not only on the outer shell of the structure but also in the interior, thus creating a warm environment as opposed to the familiar bland and detached
atmosphere of shopping malls. The Kentpazari market area on the ground floor reinforces this warm atmosphere as it eliminates the insurmountable boundaries between
consumers and the objects and products formed by display windows; for this reason,
this area is one the liveliest and busy sections of the structure. Open terraces surrounding water games ponds on the ground and basement floors and cafes and restaurants
form semi-closed seating areas. These constitute the liveliest areas of the mall even at
times when there are no special events or performances. The food courts, located on
the second floor of the Eskiehir faade, have a semi-closed balcony overlooking the
ODT forest. On the other end of the entrance faade is a 4-storey office structure with
a semi-transparent faade that will be visible from Eskisehir Road. This structure has a
low-rise horizontal spread rather than towering over the shopping mall.






keyport ticaret merkezi

keyport commercial center
Ankara, 2011

: Gl Gven | VEN Mimarlk


Commissioned by


: Kaanhan Eybolu

Ankarada mitkyden Alacaatlya uzanan bulvar zerinde konumlanan yap, yol

boyunca uzanan, biri lineer dieri ise kare formlu iki ayr parselde projelendirilmitir.
Tasarmda ayr parsellerin btnletirilmesi hedeflenmitir. Yapda bamsz 50 ticari
birim vardr. Ticari birimlere ak alandan dorudan ulalabilmektedir. Bylelikle yap
adalarn evreleyen sokaklar yaamakta, sokak alverii desteklenmekte ve ticari birimlerle evrelenen avlulunun yaya iin daha ekici hale gelmesi salanmaktadr. Her
iki parselde de ofis birimleri simetrik iki ktlede yer alr, ofisler iki ayr uta zemin kullanmn zerine getirilen ilave iki katta konumlandrlmtr. Ofis hacimleri asma katlarla
zenginletirilmitir. Cepheler brt betondur. Birok ticari aktiviteye ev sahiplii yapacak
yapnn cephelerinde geni effaflklar n plandadr. Yol cephelerinde brt beton ve
elikle kolonadl alanlar oluturulmutur.

Ankarann bat ynndeki geliim aksn belirleyen Eskiehir Yolu boyunca oluan kentsel dokunun sreklilii, ODT ve Bilkent Yerlekeleri ile Hacettepe niversitesi Beykent
Yerlekesinin sahip olduu byk lekli araziler nedeniyle kesintiye uramaktadr.
1990lardan itibaren kentin dna, eperlerine doru srayan konut hamlesi, kentin
bat ynndeki snrn oluturan bu eitim alanlarn atlayarak krsal alan zerinde saaklanmaya, yol a zerinde fragmanlar halinde gelimeye balamtr. Merkezi olmayan, zaman zaman birbirlerine yaklaarak younlaan, ancak bir kentsel rnt veya
btnlk oluturmayan bu konut fragmanlar kentin saaklarnda yar kentsel peyzajlar
oluturmaya balamtr. Bu yar kentsellik durmunun ihtiyac olan kentsel donatlar
karlamak zere devreye giren alveri merkezleri, bu salm corafyalarn yeni ekim merkezleri olmaya balamtr.
Keyport Ticaret Merkezi kentin bat ucunda, ankaya Belediyesinin snrlar ile kenti kuatan Ankara evre Yolu arasnda kalan ayyolu adl yar kentsellemi bir krsal blgede konumlanmaktadr. Eskiehir Yolu zerinden giri alan ve ierilere, kentin gneybat
ksmna doru ilerleyen mitky-Alacaatl Ky Yolu zerinde bo bir araziye ina edilen Keyport Ticaret Merkezi, evresindeki pastoral yapya uygun olarak bilindik alveri
merkezi tipolojisinin dnda bir kurguyla ele alnmtr. Alacaatl Ky Yolunun, Beyler
ve ncek kylerine giden yol ile birletii noktada, eimli bir arazi zerine ina edilen
tesis, biri yola paralel ince uzun dikdrtgen, dieri ise kare formlu iki parsel zerine ina
edilmitir. Oluturulan ak otopark alan ile yoldan geriye ekilen izgisel dkkn dizisi,
tpk yol stndeki konvansiyonel ticaret birimlerinde olduu gibi bamsz olarak alacaklar ngrlerek tasarlanmtr.
Bulvar cephesinde zemin katta bamsz alan batar katl 20 adet dkkn yan yana
getirilerek bir dizi oluturulmu, bunlara ek olarak kare formlu parsel ksmnda 5 birimden oluan iki dkkn dizisi karlkl olarak konumlandrlarak bir avlu yaratlmaya
allmtr. ki parsele yaylan bu paral kurguyu btnlkl klmak zere hem malzeme ve cephe dili srekli klnm hem de dkkn birimlerinin nnde arkad gibi yar
kamusal bir mimari eleman devam ettirilmitir. Baz dkkn birimlerinin zerinde yer
alan iki kat yksekliindeki batar katl ofis birimlerine ulamak amacyla oluturulan
effaf sirklasyon kuleleri ana ktlelerden koparlarak vurgulu hale getirilmitir.
Bamsz alan mekn kurgusu ve batar katl plan tipolojisi ile bilindik alveri ve ticaret meknlarndan farkllaan Keyport Ticaret Merkezi, tesise karakterini veren akta
braklm brt beton cephe ve tayc sistemi sayesinde, allagelmi ekonomik ve
fiziksel mr ksa giydirme cepheli benzerlerinden radikal bir biimde ayrlmaktadr.
effaf yzeylerde alabilen pencere kanatlarnn renkli doramalar ile vurgulu hale
getirilmesi, cephe gramerinde derzlerle oluturulan hassas oranlar, konsol olarak ne
doru frlayan heykelsi gne krclar ve al arkad kolonlarnn yaratt dinamik etki,
zihinsel yatrmn mimari ifade zerine yapan bu sra d tesisi iinde bulunduu ortamda ayrcalkl klmaktadr.
Rasyonel olduu kadar hassas bir duyarlln rn olan detaylar, presizyonu yksek
iilii, yaln bir mimari tavr ile eitlendirilmi rafine dili sayesinde zengin bir atmosfer
kurmay baaran Keyport Ticaret Merkezinin, iinde konumland kentsel balamnn
olumsuzluklarn tasarm gcyle aabilen, Trkiyede son yllarda retilmi en arpc
ilerden biri olduu rahatlkla sylenebilir.


Situated on the boulevard that extends from Ankara mitky to Alacaatl, the building
occupies two separate plots: one rectangular, the other square. The design objective
was to integrate the two plots. The buildings 50 independent commercial units can be
accessed directly from an open area. Thus, life was injected into the streets surrounding
the two sections of the building and the courtyard became more attractive to pedestrians. The office units on both plots have been situated in two symmetrical groups; the
offices are located on the opposing ends of two floors added to the ground level. The
office space has been enriched with mezzanines. Natural light was kept to the fore in
the construction of the exposed concrete facades. Exposed concrete and steel colonnaded segments run along the roadside faade.

To the west of Ankara, the continuity of the urban texture along Eskiehir Road, a road
that determines the axis of development, is disrupted by the large amount of land
belonging to the campuses of METU and Bilkent and the Beytepe campus of Hacettepe
university. Since the 1990s, housing development has leapt beyond the limits of the city
to form a rural fringe; the western boundary of the city demarcated by these education
areas has been overstepped and housing has begun to develop in a fragmented form
along the road network.
Keyport Commercial Centre is located on the western city limits in ayyolu, a semiurbanized rural area between the border of the ankaya municipality and the Ankara
freeway that circles the city. Keyport Commercial Center was built on an empty plot on
the road to mitky-Alacaatl village; the entrance is on Eskiehir Road, which proceeds towards the citys south-west section. The environment suggested a pastoral type
of structure and consequently the structure was created outside the usual typology
of a shopping mall. The facility was built on an inclined plot, over two parcels on the
Alacaatl village road, at the intersection of the roads leading towards Beyler and Incek
villages. The parcel which runs parallel to the road is a long thin rectangle, while the
other one is square in shape. The linear array of stores, separated from the road by an
open car park, foresees that the units can function independently; they were designed
to appear like conventional trade units on the road side.
On the boulevard faade, 20 stores with mezzanines that are independent from the
ground floor were placed side by side; in addition to these, on the square parcel there
are 2 opposing lines of stores, each consisting of 5 units, with an atrium in between.
To integrate this fragmented structure spread over two parcels, continuity is provided
in the vernacular of both the materials and the faade has been continued and by
placing an arcade, a semi-public architectural element, in front of the store units. The
transparent circulation towers that were formed to give access to the mezzanine office
units on some of the store units are at second floor level and are emphasized by their
separation from the main structure.
Keyport Commercial Centre, with its independent working space design and mezzanine
floor plan typology, differs from the typical shopping and commercial places; due to the
brute concrete that has been left open, character has been conferred to the facility.
The carrier system of this structure is radically different from typical faades, which
are covered with economic but physically short-lived cladding. The windows that open
onto the transparent surfaces are highlighted by colored joinery, while the delicate proportions created by the grout in the facades vernacular, the sculptural sunshades that
surge forward as corbels and the dynamic effect created by the angular columns of the
arcade all make this extraordinary facility with its mental investment in architectural
expression distinguished in its environment.
Thanks to these details that are the product of a rational sensitivity, high-precision
workmanship and the refinement of the vernacular distinguished by a simple architectural attitude, Keyport Commercial Center has succeeded in creating a rich atmosphere, overcoming the disadvantages of the urban context in which it is situated by
the strength of design; thus it can be said that this building is one of the most striking
produced in Turkey in recent years.






mall of montenegro avm kompleksi

mall of montenegro
Podgorica - Karada Cumhuriyeti, 2011

: Atilla Ycel, Cem Ycel | MArS Mimarlar



: Podgorica Belediyesi & Ginta

Commissioned by Podgorica Municipality & Ginta


Bu proje, Karada Cumhuriyetinin bakenti Podgoricann ticari hayatn canlandrmay ve modernletirmeyi amalamtr. Kentin nemli bir gelime noktasnda simgesel
bir nitelii de olacak olan kompleks yapm etab halinde gerekletirilmi ve 2009
ylndan itibaren hizmete almtr. Kapal Pazar Yeri ile Ana Bina arasndaki Meydan
mekn, zaman zaman konserlerin verildii, gsteri ve toplantlarn yapld bir kentsel/
kamusal alan olarak kullanlmaktadr. Projenin farkllatrc zellii, AVMlerin standart
formatlar dnda bir toplumsallk ve kamusal mekn oluturma hedefinin program tanmndan ve ilk eskizlerden bu yana aranm olmasdr. Gen Karada Cumhuriyetinin
bakenti Podgoricann yeni bir toplumsallama mekn olmak, projenin hedefledii bir
kentsel zelliktir.

Yugoslavyann dalmasndan sonra 2006 ylnda bamszln ilan eden Karadan

bakenti konumuna gelen 170.000 nfuslu Podgoricada ticari ve kamusal yaam canlandrmak ve mevcut ak pazar alann modernletirmek amacyla Podgorica Belediyesi
ile Trkiyeli bir giriimcinin ortak yatrm olarak gerekletirilen Mall of Montenegro
Alveri Merkezi Kompleksi, ehrin en byk ak pazar yeri olan Velica Pijacann arsas
zerinde ina edilmitir.
Podgoricann en byk alveri merkezi olan bu kompleks, kenti kuzey-gney aksn
boydan boya geen TEM (Trans-European Motorway) Otoyoluna paralel Bratstva i Jedinstva Caddesi ile Save Kovacevica Bulvarnn kesitii ke parselde konumlanmaktadr. Sosyalist dnemde ina edilmi nokta blok konutlar ve kk lekli ticari yaplar
ile karakterize olan Drpe Mandica semti, kent merkezinden 4 km uzaklkta konumlan
nedeniyle kentsel dokunun seyrekletii ve dk gelirli kesimin yaad bir blgedir.
Kentsel dnm amacyla belediye tarafndan tahsis edilen ve zerinde kentin en
byk ak pazarnn kurulduu bu arazinin, ak pazar etkinliinden hipermarket ve
ofislere, otelden lks tketim mallarnn satlaca maazalara kadar farkl beklentilere
hizmet verecek karma bir programa sahip olmas istenmitir. etapta tamamlanmas
hedeflenen 57.000 mlik kompleks, birbiriyle balantl otel, kapal pazar yeri, hipermarket ve bamsz kullanml ofis alanlarna sahiptir. Bunlara ek olarak, sinema, restoran,
kafe ve oyun niteleri gibi rekreasyon alanlarn ieren alveri merkezinin yan sra
kapal garaj ve hizmet birimleri gibi farkl kullanmlar da bnyesinde barndrmaktadr.
st kapal hale getirilmek zere modern bir yaklamla yeniden ele alnan ve Green
Bazaar ad verilen 17.000 mlik sebze-meyve pazar, projenin en nemli blmn
oluturmaktadr. Zemin katnda gda reyonlarnn ve hareketli tezghlarn bulunduu
pazarn st katnda ise giysi ve ev tekstiline ynelik dkknlar ve gndelik ihtiyalara
cevap veren tezghlar bulunmaktadr. Narinletirilmi elik tayc elemanlar ve at
makaslar ile geilen bu olduka byk kapal pazar yeri, bnyesinde 900 i yerini barndrmaktadr.
Farkl geometrilere ve yksekliklere sahip ktlelerin bir araya gelerek oluturduklar
bu davurumcu kompozisyonun en etkili yeri, kompleksin yaratt Piazza ad verilen
kamusal meydan olmaldr. Mall of Montenegro kompleksinin merkezinde konumlanan Piazzay kuatan dik al ve dairesel geometriye sahip rtl pazaryeri, alveri
merkezi, otel ve rekreasyon meknlar dorudan bu kentsel etkinlik alanna alarak,
meydan yaanlr klmaktadrlar. Pazar yerinin her iki cephesinde oluturulan arkadl
yol bu meydanda sonlanrken, Piazzay evreleyen restoran ve kafeler, hatta meydan
zerinde konumlanan eliptik forma ve heykelsi strktre sahip lokanta da buray ksa
srede kentsel odaa dntrm durumdadr.
Mall of Montenegro, bir alveri kompleksi olmann tesinde, sunduu sosyalleme meknlar ile blgenin yaam kalitesini artran, nitelikli kentsel dnm rneklerinden biridir.


The objective of this project was to revive and modernize commercial life in Podgorica,
the capital of the Republic of Montenegro. The complex, which has symbolic significance, was built in three construction stages at an important developmental point in the
city; it opened for business in 2009. The square between the indoor market place and
the main building is used as an urban/public area where concerts, shows and conferences are held. The unique characteristic of the project is that, from the first sketches,
a community and public area that goes beyond the standard shopping centre format
has been created. One of the aims of the project was to turn Podgorica, the capital of
the young Republic of Montenegro, into a new social area with an urban characteristic.

The Mall of Montenegro Shopping Mall Complex was implemented as a joint venture
by the Podgorica Municipality and a Turkish entrepreneur. It was constructed on the
site of the citys largest outdoor market, Velica Pijaca, to revive both commercial and
public life, and to modernize the existing outdoor market in the city Podgorica. This is
a city with a population of 170,000 which became the capital of Montenegro after its
independence in 2006, following the disintegration of Yugoslavia.
This complex, which is Podgoricas largest shopping mall, is located on a corner parcel
on the intersection of the Bratstva i Jedinstva Road and Save Kovacevica Boulevard,
parallel to the TEM (Trans-European Motorway) which passes through the city from one
end to the other on a north-south axis. The Drpe Mandica suburb, which is characterized by block residences and small-scale commercial buildings that were built during
the socialist period, is a region of low-income housing; the urban texture is sparse as it
is 4 kilometers from the city center.
This land, which was allocated by the municipality for the purpose of urban development and on which the citys largest street market was established, was required
to have a combined program that would serve a variety of expectations from street
markets to hypermarkets and offices, as well as hotels and stores in which luxury consumer goods would be sold. The 57,000 square meter complex was to be completed
in three stages and featured a hotel, indoor market, a hypermarket, and independent
office areas, all connected to one another. In addition, the shopping mall was to house
recreation areas such as a cinema, a restaurant, cafe, and game units as well as offering
other services such as an indoor garage and service units.
The 17,000 square meter fruit and vegetable market known as the Green Bazaar that
was reinvented with a modern approach converting it into an indoor market constitutes the most significant part of the project. The ground floor of the market accommodates the food counters and dynamic stalls, while the upper floor features apparel and
home-textile oriented stores and stalls that meet day-to-day needs. The fairly large
indoor market, which can be accessed through delicate steel weight bearing elements
and roof trusses, accommodates 900 businesses.
The most impressive part of this expressionist composition is the so-called Piazza composed of masses with a variety of geometric shapes and heights that are brought together create a public square. The right angled and circular indoor market, the shopping
mall, and the hotel and recreation areas surrounding the Piazza, which is located in the
center of the Mall of Montenegro complex, open directly onto the urban activity area
enlivening the square. While the porticoed pathway on both sides of the market area
come to an end in this square, the restaurants and cafes surrounding the Piazza and the
elliptical and statuesque restaurant above the square have very rapidly transformed
this place into the heart of the city.
The Mall of Montenegro is more than just a shopping mall; it is an example of the
characteristic urban transformation that enhances the life quality of an area with the
socialization areas it offers.






trump towers - ili istanbul

stanbul, 2011

: Brigitte Weber | Brigitte Weber Mimarlk


Commissioned by


: Ortadou Otomotiv

Mecidiyeky, stanbulun iki yakas arasnda aktarma noktas olan, nemli i merkezlerinden biri haline gelen ili snrlar iinde, son dnemde stanbulda en ok dikkat eken blgelerden biridir. Ykselen ve alalan dinamik form, ilhamn ulamn kalbi olan
ve gnde 4 milyon kiiyi eken ve Asya-Avrupa ktalarn birbirine balayan en ilek
trafik arterlerinden birinde olmasndan almaktadr. Bamsz gibi grnen iki ktlenin
ortadaki daha effaf ktle etrafnda, birbirine zt ynlerdeki hareketi ile narin bir yapya
kavumutur. Trump Towers; yaama, alma, alveri ve elenceyi bir araya getiren,
herkesin kullanmna ak bir transfer merkezi olma zelliiyle, bu blgeye yeni enerji,
kapsaml altyap ve sosyal yaama art deer getiren bir projedir.

1990larn bandan itibaren kresel sermayenin ylmaya balad Zincirlikuyu-Maslak

hattnda oluan yksek rant nedeniyle 2000li yllarn bandan itibaren ZincirlikuyuMecidiyeky hattna ynelen yksek yap talebi, stanbul evre Yolu arteri zerinde
bulunan Mecidiyekyn metrobs ve metro hatlarnn kesiim noktasnda kalmas ve
trafik dm noktasna dnmesinin ardndan daha da artm gzkmektedir. Bu talebin son rneklerinden biri olan Trump Kuleleri, E-5 zerinden cephe alan 340 m derinliindeki 5 katl alveri merkezinin zerinde ykselen 39 katl konut ve 37 katl ofis
kulesinden olumaktadr. Bilindik prizmatik formlu yksek yaplardan farkl olarak, son
yllarda stanbulda da benzerleri grlmeye balanan eimli yzeylere ve asimetrik
cephe kurgusuna sahip yksek yaplarn son temsilcilerinden biri olan Trump Towers,
prizmatik ve al ktleleri sayesinde dinamik ve heykelsi bir grnm kazanmakta ve
stanbulun silueti ierisinde ayrcalkl bir konum edinmektedir. Siluet etkisi gz nne
alnarak incelikle tasarlanan bloklarn daha narin ve hareketli klnmas amacyla ekirdeklerinin iki tarafndaki birimler farkl dilimler olarak ele alnm, zt ynlerde hareket
ettikleri etkisi yaratlmak zere kaplama malzemelerinde eitlenmeler yaratlmtr.
Her dilimin cephesindeki parapet panellerinin konumlarnda varyasyonlar yaratlarak,
deien ritimler ve dinamik yzey ifadeleri oluturulmutur.
Yksek yaplarda grlen konvansiyonel ekirdek kurgusuna, plan emasna ve tayc
sistem zmne sahip iki blok, zeminde alveri merkezi olarak alan 5 katl bazann
apraz kelerinde konumlandrlarak, birbirlerinin manzarasn kesmeyecek biimde
yerletirilmitir. Bazann st kotu, alveri merkezi ile balantl sosyal aktivitelerin gerekleecei ak alanlar olarak dzenlenmitir. Peyzaj dzenlemeleri sayesinde ykseltilmi bahe ilevi gren bu alana bakan az katl ofis dilimi, sahip olduu balkonlu ofis
birimleri sayesinde bro yaplar iinde farkl tipolojisi ile ne kmaktadr.


Mecidiyeky, within the borders of ili, an important commercial center, has recently
become one of the most striking districts of Istanbul; this region acts as a transfer
point between the European and Asian districts of Istanbul. The rising and descending
dynamic structure has been influenced by the fact that it is on one of the busiest traffic arteries linking the two continents used by 4 million people daily. The movement
achieved by the two seemingly independent masses in opposing directions around the
more transparent mass at the centre creates a delicate atmosphere. Trump Towers is a
project that has brought new energy and a comprehensive infrastructure to the region,
adding to the social life with a public transfer centre that combines residences, working,
shopping and entertainment areas under the same roof.

The high demand for buildings along the Zincirlikuyu-Mecidiyeky line since the early
2000s is a result of the global investment that has occurred along this line since the
early 1990s. Recently, this seems to have increased even more, due to the fact that
Mecidiyeky forms the intersection of the metrobus and subway lines, transforming it
into an important traffic intersection. The Trump Towers, one of the most recent results
of this demand, is composed of two towers, one of which is a 39-level residential tower, and the other a 37-level office tower. The towers emerge from a 340-meter deep,
5-floor shopping center. Unlike the common prismatic high-rise buildings, the Trump
Towers building, one of the most recent representatives of high-rise buildings featuring
inclined surfaces and asymmetric-faade buildings which have recently started to appear in Istanbul, has a dynamic and statuesque perspective. It has an exclusive position
within the silhouette of Istanbul due to its prismatic and angled masses. The effect of
the silhouette was taken into consideration in the meticulous design of the blocks. To
achieve more dynamism and elegance, the units on 2 sides of the cores were treated
as separate sections and variances were created in the panelling materials to create an
effect of movement in opposite directions. Variations were created in the positions of
the parapet panels on the facade of each section to form varying rhythms and dynamic
surface expressions.
In the two blocks, the conventional core construct, layout and bearing system solution
seen in high-rise buildings were positioned on the diagonal corners of the 5-storey base
functioning as a shopping centre to ensure that each block would not obstruct the view
of the other. The top elevation of the base has been designed as outdoor areas for
social activities related to the shopping-center. The low-rise office division facing this
area, which functions as an elevated garden due to the landscaping, is prominent due
its unique typology, which features office units with balconies set amongst ordinary
office buildings.






vakko moda merkezi

vakko fashion center
stanbul, 2010

: Joshua Prince-Ramus | REX


Commissioned by


: Vakko & Power Medya

Vakko ve Power Medya, kaba inaat yarm kalm bir otel yapsnn ynetim merkezine
dntrlmesi iin REXe bavurduunda hz, tasarmn en belirleyici parametresiydi.
Vakko / Powern zgn i mekn var olan yapnn strktrel btnln bozmayacak ekilde ayr tasarland. Oditoryum, showroomlar, toplant odalar, ofisler ve dikey
sirklasyon ve slak hacimleri ieren bu i mekna Showcase (camekn) ad verildi.
Cameknn elik strktrn kaplayan aynal camlar oluturduu krlmalarla kaleydoskopik bir etki yaratt. Vakko / Powern kamuya kar imajn koruyabilmesi iin iyi ve
rafine bir mimari imge oluturmak gerekliydi. REX bunun iin mevcut yapnn iskeletini
de perdeleyen son derece effaf ve ince cam bir cephe tasarlad. Bu hafif ve ince cephe
kaplamas, mevcut tayc iskeleti sararken i meknn atmosferini de yanstmaktadr.

Kresellemenin mimarlk zerinde yaratt dntrc etkinin en arpc rneklerinden biri olan Vakko Moda Merkezi, ABD merkezli bir mimarlk brosu tarafndan tasarlanm olmasnn tesinde, Caltech niversitesi iin nerilen ancak uygulanma ans
bulamayan benzer boyutlardaki bir tasarmn, kstl zaman nedeniyle ufak nanslarla
Vakko Moda Merkezine uyarlanm olmas nedeniyle, balam olgusunun ada mimarlk pratii iinde hl anlaml olup olmadn tartmaya amas bakmndan nemlidir.
Tasarmclar tarafndan uyarlanabilir yeniden kullanm olarak tanmlanan bu cretkr
tasarm yaklam, kaba inaatnda yarm braklm betonarme otel inaatnn, ierisinde moda mzesi, radyo ve televizyon stdyolar, oditoryum, showroom ve ynetici ofis
brolarn da ieren Vakko Merkez Ynetim Merkezine dntrlmesi ile sonulanmtr.
Absrd denebilecek ksa bir srede tasarlanmas istenen yap iin yaplan ilk mdahele, iki kat bodrum zerinde ykselen yarm kalm betonarme strktrn U formlu
demelerini, ortasnda galeri boluu oluturacak biimde kare forma tamamlamak
olmu. Bu uyarlama sonrasnda, imar ynetmeliklerinin ve inaat sresinin de dayatt kstllklar nedeniyle, ofis birimleri dndaki dier programlar ya bodrum katna ya
da mimarn camekn olarak tanmlad, her biri farkl boyutlara sahip alt adet elik
tayc kafesin iine yerletirilerek, al ve eimli olarak orta galeri boluunu dolduracak biimde st ste getirilmi. Bylesine rasyonel bir strktr ve ortogonal mekn
kurgusuna sahip yapnn ortasna irrasyonel bir mantkta istif edilen bu camekn birimler, mevcut tayc sisteme herhangi bir ek yk getirmeden kendi kendilerini ve at
katndaki ynetici ofisini barndran yedinci birimi tamaktalar.
Yeraltnda arazinin tmne yaylan iki katl baza ile bu bazann bir ksm zerinde ykselen be katl Vakko Moda Merkezi, bodrum katlarnda otopark, ktphane, kafeterya,
Vakko mzesi, TV ve radyo stdyolar ile bunlara ait ofis ve teknik birimleri ierirken,
giri ve teras katlar dndaki dier katlar ofis meknlarndan olumakta. Orta galeri boyunca bodrum katlarndan yukar katlara doru ykselen ve dey sirklasyonu
da salayan bu istiflenmi birimler, showroom, oditoryum, toplant odalar, tuvaletler,
asansr/merdiven ve yangn merdiveni gibi programlara ev sahiplii yapmakta. inden geilerek st katlara ulalan aynal cam kapl bu birimler, galeri boyunca yalnzca
ilzyon oyunlar yaratmakla kalmamakta, ayn zamanda bu oaltlm imgeleri yakalayacak kullancya, maksimum oklu bak salayan boyutlu bir mimari gezinti de
Mevcut betonarme strktre en az mdahale etmek ve yapnn i ile d arasndaki
grsel srekliliini kesmemek zere yapnn cephesinde, tayc kaytlar olmayan sra
d incelikte bir cam yzey tasarlanmtr. Yalnzca demelere sabitlenen sper ince
cam plaklarn kendi kendilerini tayabilmeleri iin, cam plaklarn retimi srasnda X
formunda bombeler yaratlarak, et kalnlklarnn belli blgelerde artmas salanmtr.
Vakko Moda Merkezi, yalnzca sra d bir dnm projesi olmasyla deil, yaratt artc mimari atmosfer, sahip olduu malzeme kltr ve strktr tasarm ile de ykc
ve ufuk ac bir vizyon sunmakta.


When Vakko and Power Media approached REX with rapid plans to design and construct a new headquarters using an unfinished, abandoned hotel, speed became the
designs most significant parameter. Vakko/Powers unique interior remained detached
so as not to disrupt the structural integrity of the existing skeleton. Dubbed the Showcase, this unique interior houses the auditorium, showrooms, meeting rooms, and
executive offices, as well as all vertical circulation and restrooms. The Showcase is clad
in mirror-glass, cloaking the steel boxes with a mirage-like exterior, and enlivening the
buildings interior to kaleidoscopic effect. A beautiful and refined architectural image
was critical to maintaining Vakko/Powers public profile. REX designed an exceptionally
transparent and thin glass faade for the to veil the existing skeleton. This ethereal
Saran Wrap subtly reveals the pre-existing concrete skeleton and suggests the Showcase behind.

The Vakko Fashion Center designed by a US-based architectural firm is one of the most
striking examples of the transformative influence of globalization on architecture. This
structure is also important in that it opens the debate on whether the context factor is
still significant in contemporary architectural practice due to the fact that this was a design similar to one proposed but not implemented for Caltech University. This plan was
adapted with small modifications to the Vakko Fashion Center due to the limited time.
This bold design approach, defined by its designers as adaptable reuse entailed turning a half-finished reinforced concrete hotel construction into the Vakko Administrative Center. This building contains a fashion museum, radio and television studios, an
auditorium, a showroom, and administrative offices.
The building had to be transformed in an absurdly short period of time; the first changes to be made to the building was to transform the U-shaped flooring of the incomplete reinforced structure that had been erected on a two-story basement into a square,
forming a gallery space at the center. Following this adaptation, due to the restrictions
imposed by building bylaws and the limited construction period, arrangements other
than office units were stationed on the basement floor or in the six steel weight-bearing cages of various sizes that were defined by the architect as showcases, placed in
the angles and inclinations to fill the central gallery. These showcase units, which have
been irrationally stacked up in the center of this building with an extremely rational
structure and polygonal space construction, support themselves and the seventh unit
that houses the administrative office at the penthouse level, without adding any load
to the existing structural system.
The five-floor Vakko Fashion Center, erected on part of the two-story plinth that extends beneath the entire plot of land, has a parking lot in the basement levels, a library,
cafeteria, the Vakko museum, television-radio studios and their respective offices and
technical units; the other floors, excluding the ground and terrace floors, consist of office spaces. These stacked units, which have been erected from the basement floor to
the upper floor throughout the central gallery and which provide a vertical circulation,
accommodate programs such as a showroom, auditorium, conference rooms, toilets,
elevator/staircase, and fire escape. These mirrored, glass-panelled units give access to
the upper floors and do not only create an illusion throughout the gallery, but also offer
a three-dimensional architectural promenade that provides a maximum of multiple
views for those in the building.
An extraordinarily fine glass surface with no sign of any support was designed for the
faade, thus minimizing the intervention with the existing reinforced concrete structure and providing visual continuity between the interior and exterior of the building.
X shaped cambers were created during the production of the glass plates to increase
the thickness in specific areas and to ensure that the ultra thin glass plates that are
fixed only to the flooring are self-bearing.






office buildings and headquarters

ofisler ve ynetim merkezleri

armona kurueme
stanbul, 2009

: Ahmet Tercan | Norm Mimarlk


Commissioned by


: Armona Denizcilik

Armona binas, Boazii geleneksel yal geleneinden yararlanarak anlam zerinden

mimari ve kltrel sreklilik konusunda tutarl bir rnek oluturmaktadr. Boazii yallarnn lek, arkitektonik deerler, evre verileri kullanm, i mekn / d mekn ilikisi,
saak, cephe kuruluu, kepenk gibi yapsal zelliklerinin yorumlanarak, ada malzeme ve teknolojiyle yeniden retilmesi tasarmn k noktasn oluturur. Yapda enerji
verimli ve evreye duyarl tasarm yaklam; s yaltm, enerji etkin cam, geri dntrlebilir malzeme, yerel ve doal malzeme kullanm gibi tm sistem ve malzeme
tercihlerinde belirleyici olmutur. Yapnn doramalarnda s yaltml alminyum ve
dk enerji camlar, sabit panellerde doal am aac, evre dzenlemesinde bazalt ve
andezit talar kullanlmtr.

Boazii sahil eridi zerinde, Kurueme semtindeki tarihi koruya bitiik parselde konumlanan Armona Kurueme, 1950lerin sonundan itibaren Devlet Malzeme Ofisinin
stanbul ubesi Mdrlne ait ayrk dzendeki iki katl iki adet yma yapnn Armona Denizcilik A..nin ynetim merkezi olarak yeniden ina edilmesi ile elde edilmitir.
1983 tarihli Boazii Kanununun tanmlad ngrnm Blgesi iinde yer almas nedeniyle snrl imar koullar altnda gerekletirilen bu yaratc rekonstrksiyon giriimi,
mevcut yaplarn yalnzca izlerini devam ettirerek, elik konstrksiyon ile yeniden ina
edilmelerini ve birletirilmesini hedeflemitir.
Bu yeniden yapm srecinde iki yma yap tmyle yklarak yerlerine elik konstrksiyonlu yaplar yaplm, dey sirklasyonu da barndran giri birimiyle birbirlerine
balanarak tekil yap olarak almalar salanmtr.
D.M.O.nun lojmanlar olarak uzun yllar hizmet veren iki binann bamsz konut birimleri olarak alan ve olduka blntl i mekn kurgusu, rekonstrksiyon sonrasnda
deitirilerek gncel ofis meknlar iin gereken ak plan emasna dntrlmtr.
Mevcut yap izlerinin al geometrisi ve kelerin pahl biimlenii yeni yapda da devam ettirilirken, bu dzenden bamsz olarak saaklarn kelerde sivri konsollar yapmalar salanmtr. Biti hattn vurgulu hale getirerek, yapya grsel adan dinamizm
kazandran bu kararl tavr, dier yandan saak altnn ahap kaplama oluuyla da, bu
modern yap ile blgedeki mimari miras ve tarihsel gemi arasnda materyal zerinden
armsal ilikilerin kurulmasna yardmc olmaktadr.
Tasarmclarnn mimari ve kltrel sreklilik kurmak zere malzeme ve mimari tektonikten bylesine bilinli bir biimde yararlanmalar, taklit etmek gibi inandrcln ve
anlamn yitirmi biimsel formalizm araylarna prim vermemeleri, effaflk ve doluluk
ile ktlesellik ve hacimsellik arasnda gezinen hassas yzey tasarm ve gelitirdikleri
yetkin zmler nedeniyle, Armona Kurueme, son yllarda Boaziinde grlen en
ada ve presizyonu yksek rekonstrksiyon rneklerinden biridir.


The Armona Building is a solid example of architectural and cultural sustainability, and
draws from the Bosphorus waterside residence tradition. The designs point of departure comprised the reproduction of Bosphorus waterside residences using modern materials and technology, together with the interpretation of structural specifications, such
as dimensions, architectonic values, the use of environmental data, the relationship
between interior and exterior space, and the eaves, facade, and shutters. The buildings
energy-efficient and environmentally sensitive design determined the systems and materials to be used, such as insulation, energy-efficient glass, recyclable materials and the
use of local and natural materials. The construction materials used include heat-insulated aluminum and low-energy glass for the joinery, natural pine for the fixed paneling,
and basalt and andesite for the landscaping.

Armona Kurueme is located on the Bosphorus coastroad on a parcel of land adjacent

to the historic woods in the Kurueme neighbourhood. The headquarters of Armona
Marine Co. Ltd. Were created by reconstructing two detached double-storey masonry
structures that had belonged to the State Supply Office, Istanbul Branch Directorate.
This attempt at creative reconstruction took place under restrictive development conditions, due to this location being within the Preview Zone, as defined by the 1983
Bosphorus Law. The objective was to bring to light the remains of the existing buildings
and to rebuild and join them with steel construction.
During this reconstruction process, the two masonry structures were completely demolished and replaced with steel structures. The buildings were then connected to
one another by an entrance unit, which featured vertical circulation, allowing the two
buildings to function as one.
The interior setting of the two buildings, which had a large number of partitions, had
served for many years as the State Supply Offices lodgings, while also functioning as independent housing units; this was changed during the reconstruction and transformed
into an open-plan design that is essential for modern offices.
While the angular geometry and bevelled formation of the edges of the existing building are continued in the new building, the eaves were formed to make sharp cantilevers on the corners, standing independent of this order. The resolute attitude and
the wood panelling under the eaves provide a visual dynamism for the building by
emphasizing the contours relate this modern building to the architectural legacy and
the history of the area through the materials used.
The designers have made deliberate use of materials and architectural tectonics to
establish architectural and cultural sustainability without paying heed to imitation or
the pursuit of meaningless formalism. The delicate surface of the design and the mass
and volume causes the building to hover between transparency and solidity. With these excellent solutions, Armona Kurueme is currently one of the most contemporary
and high-precision examples of reconstruction to be seen on the Bosphorus.




bursa ticaret borsas

bursa commodity exchange
Bursa, 2008

: Evren Karaduman Pars, Yasemin Adal | Lima Mimarlk


Commissioned by


: Bursa Ticaret Borsas

1963 ylnda yaplm olan Bursa Ticaret Borsas binasnn yenileme almalar, Bursa
iin son derece nemli ve ayrcalkl bir yer olan tarihi Hanlar Blgesinin revizyonu
erevesinde ele alnmtr. Yapy tasarlarken esas hedef, binann d cephesinin evresiyle uyumlu, ancak te yandan da gnmz yanstacak ekilde ada olmasdr. Bu
amala, binann d cephesi, iinde bulunduu tarihi dokuya uygun bir kabuk olarak ele
alnmtr. meknlar ise, topluma ak, dardan kolaylkla alglanabilir biimde, saydam duvarlar yaratlarak oluturulmutur. Borsann alma alanlarnda ise, ilevsellik ve
ferahlk n planda tutularak aa, modern i ortamna uygun dzenlemeler yaplmtr.
Binann hem modern hem de tarihi dokuyla uyumunu salayacak olan malzemeler,
doal ta ve ahap olarak belirlenmitir.

Bursann tarihi Hanlar Blgesini boydan boya geen Uzunar Caddesi zerinde, Bedesten ile Fidan Han arasnda keye bitiik parselde konumlanan L formlu Bursa Ticaret Borsas Binas, yanndaki tarihi Geyve Han ile birlikte Borsa Soka boyunca L formlu
bir dk meydan oluturmakta ve ilerisindeki Helenistik yeralt mezarlar, Erturul Bey
Camii ve Erturul Bey Mezarnn tanmlad Erturul Bey Meydan ile btnlemektedir.
Hanlar ile hamamlarn birbirlerine eklemlenerek organik bir biimde oluturduklar
Uzun ar aks, deprem ve yangn nedeniyle zaman ierisinde srekli yenilenmi; Orhan Gazi dneminden itibaren zeri kapatlmaya balanarak, gnmzdeki Kapal ar
formunu almtr. 1958 ylnda meydana gelen byk yangndan sonra 2 katl olarak
yeniden ina edilen Kapal arnn bitiiinde, 1963 ylnda 3 katl olarak ina edilen
Bursa Ticaret Borsas, kentin ekonomik sermayesinin her an dolamda olduu ticaret
blgesinin kalbinde yer almaktadr.
Hanlar Blgesinin tarihi ve ticari kimliinin ortaya karlmas amacyla Osmangazi
Belediyesinin balatt almalar kapsamnda ele alnan Bursa Ticaret Borsas Binasnn
renovasyonu, Bursa Ticaret Borsas ynetiminin talepleri ve Bursa Sanayi ve Ticaret
Odasnn katklaryla Osmangazi Belediyesi ile imzalanan protokol uyarnca, ...tarihi dokuya duyarl olacak bir yaklamla kat adedinin azaltlarak uygun ve ilk haline getirilmesi
ve bylece btnln korunarak evre iin ok amal yararn kamusal ve sosyal duyarllkla temini.. hedefleri dorultusunda mevcut betonarme yapnn 1980 ylnda Yksek Antlar Kurulundan izin alnarak binaya sonradan ilave edilmi olan stteki 2 katnn
yklmas ve binann 3 katl olarak yeniden dzenlenmesini hedeflemektedir.
Yapnn zemin katndaki, dardan bamsz alan kiralanabilir birimlerin ticari fonksiyonlar renovasyon sonrasnda da devam ettirilmi, bir dey sirklasyon balants
ile bodrum kattaki ticari birimlerin oluturduu kapal arya balanmtr. Bu izgisel
formlu kapal arnn Yorganclar ars ile olan direkt balants at klklar ve yaln
vitrin dzenlemeleriyle kuvvetlendirilmi, yap yaratt bu kentsel sreklilik sayesinde,
yabanclk hissi uyandrmadan iinde yer ald kentsel dokunun organik bir paras
haline gelmitir. Meydana bakan cepheden giri alan Ticaret Borsasnn zemin kat ise
geni bir fuaye olarak ele alnm; ofisler, toplant ve ynetici odalar ile yemekhaneden
oluan dier programlar st katta zlmtr.
Yapya karakterini veren d cephedeki doal ta ve ahap malzeme kullanm, yapnn
i mekn tasarmnda da devam ettirilmi, yaratlan modern dil ve arpc atmosfer
sayesinde, tarihi evre ile duyarl bir diyalog kurabilen, presizyonu yksek bir tasarm
gerekletirilmitir. Kentin tarihi gemii ve balam ile kurulan bu hassas ilikide gabari
ve plan tipolojisi gibi formsal repertuvarlarn dnda gcn malzemenin hafzasndan
alan daha sezgisel ve derin bir iliki biimi gelitirilmitir.
Kentin tarihi dokusuna uyum salamak amacyla giriilen bu arpc renovasyon almas, yalnzca kentsel sreklilikleri kurmadaki stn baars nedeniyle deil, kamusal
yaam destekleyerek kentsel kaliteyi artran ve evresindeki dnmleri olumlu ynde tetikleyen etkileri nedeniyle de, Trkiyede son yllarda gerekletirilmi en heyecan
verici yenileme projelerinden biridir.


The renovation of the 1963 Bursa Commodity Exchange building was approached from
the context of revising the historic Hanlar Region, an extremely important area in Bursa.
The main objective when designing the structure was to ensure the buildings exterior
faade was in keeping with its surroundings, while also being contemporary in design.
Thus, the exterior faade was to be a shell reflecting the historical texture of the surrounding area. The interior spaces were formed by creating transparent walls, making
a space that is open to the public and easily perceived from outside. The design of the
workspaces was planned in alignment with the modern business environment, with
an emphasis on functionality and spaciousness. Natural stone and wood were used to
ensure harmony between the buildings modern and historical textures.

The Bursa Commodity Exchange, an L-shaped building positioned on Uzunar Avenue,

which stretches along the historic Hanlar Region in Bursa, stands between the Bedesten
and the Fidan Han; the low building is positioned on a corner parcel, at a right angle
to the historic Geyve Han on Borsa Street; here the building meets with Erturul Bey
Square, an area defined by Hellenistic catacombs, Erturul Bey Mosque and Erturul Bey
An organic construction formed of adjacent hans (inns) and baths, Uzunar has been
constantly renovated due to damage caused by earthquakes and fires. During the era
of Orhan Gazi the top of the building was totally covered and took on the form of the
present day Covered Bazaar. The Bursa Commodity Exchange, positioned next to the
covered bazaar that was rebuilt to consist of two floors after the great fire of 1958 was
constructed as a three storey building in 1963 in the heart of the business zone, an area
in which investment is constantly circulating.
The restoration of the Bursa Commodity Exchange Building was undertaken as part of
the projects to bring out the historical and commercial identity of the Hanlar District
with the contribution of the Bursa Chambers of Industry and Commerce in accordance
with the conditions stipulated by the Bursa Commodity Exchange and the protocol
signed with Osmangazi City Council to the effect that in consideration of historical
texture, the number of the floors would be decreased and the building would be returned to its former state, thus ensuring that the unity of the structure was maintained
while creating a multi-functional public and social space In line with these goals the
two floors that had been added to the upper part of the building with the permission
of the Higher Institution of Monuments in 1980 were demolished, and the building was
reconstructed with 3 floors.
The trading functions of the independent rentable units on the exterior of the ground
floor were continued after the renovation and connected by means of a vertical circulation link to the trading units in the covered bazaar. The direct connection of the linear
covered bazaar to the Yorganclar Market was reinforced by roof lights and simple shop
windows. Thanks to the creation of this urban sustainability, the structure was integrated as an organic part of the urban texture without creating any feelings of alienation.
The ground floor of the Commodity Exchange opening out onto a square is approached
as a spacious hall, while other components including offices, meeting rooms and management space, as well as the dining hall, have been positioned on the upper floor.
The use of natural stone and wood used in the faades of the building that give it its
character is continued in the interior design. Owing to the contemporary language and
striking atmosphere, a dialogue sensitive to the historical environment and a highprecision design has been created. In this sensitive connection between the historic
past and the context of the city, in addition to formal repertoires such as typology, an
intuitive and deep relationship, which takes its strength from the memory of the material, has been developed.
This spectacular renovation attempt that was made to harmonize with the historic
texture of the city is one of the most exciting restoration projects carried out in Turkey
in recent years, not only for its achievement in creating urban sustainability, but also
for supporting public life and thus not only improving urban quality, but also creating a
positive trigger effect on transformations in the environment.



imta ynetim binas

imta headquarters
Bursa, 2011

: Han Tmertekin | Mimarlar ve Han Tmertekin


Commissioned by


: imta Engineer Fabricator Contractor

Yaklak 2.000 m toplam alana sahip yap, ofisler ve toplant odalarndan oluuyor.
irketin verimli bir alma ortam ihtiyacna ek olarak retim anlay ve niteliini de
temsil edecek bir yap elde etmek amacyla balayan sre, yllar iindeki eklentilerle olumu vaziyet planna kanlmaz bir stratejik mdahaleye dnt. Tasarm en
bandan itibaren 2.000 mlik bir yapnn deil, 100.000 mlik bir arazinin tasarm olarak ilerledi. Fabrikann ileyiini deitirmeden mekn ilikilerini yeniden kurgulamakt
ama. Doal peyzaj ile yapay peyzaj arasnda yer alaca iin yapnn olabildiince saydamlaarak birinden tekine geii kolaylatrmas, algy kesmemesi doru olacakt.
Buna gre kuzey cephesi btnyle saydam kurguland. Gney cephesi ise, dardaki
yeil dokuyu erevelenmi grntlere dntrecek ekilde dzenlendi.

Bursann Gemlik ilesinde 1979 ylnda retime geen imta elik malat Montaj ve Tesisat A.., 150.000 m ak saha zerine kurulan 41.000 mlik kapal retim tesislerinde
ar elik konstrksiyonlar, elik kprler ve rzgr kuleleri gibi ar sanayide kullanlan
elik borularn retimini yapmaktadr. Firmann ynetim binas ile sosyal tesis yaps,
Gemlik kent merkezine 1 km uzaklkta bulunan Serbest Blge (BUSEB) alannn yaknnda konumlanmakta olup, Roda ve Borusan Limanlar ile Gemsaz sayfiye blgesinin
gerisinde yer alan geni retim tesis alan iinde bulunmaktadr.
retim faaliyetlerinin, fabrika yaplarnn konumlarn ve aralarnda kalan ak depolama
alanlarn dorudan belirledii fonksiyonel ema balamnda girie yakn bir konumda
ina edilmi olan iki katl mevcut ynetim ve sosyal tesis yaplarnn, gncel ihtiyalara
hizmet vermesi ve strktrel olarak glendirilmesi amacyla yenilenmelerine karar
verilmitir. Bu ama dorultusunda, elik tayc sistem ile glendirilirken sosyal tesis
yapsnn cephe kurgusu ve malzemesi de tmyle yenilenmitir. Tmyle yklarak
elik strktr ile yeni batan drt katl olarak ina edilen ynetim yaps ise, kare planl
nceki kurgusundan farkl olarak, ince uzun dikdrtgen formda ina edilerek yola paralel olarak konumlandrlm ve sosyal tesis yaps ile aralarnda tanml bir d meknn
olumas salanmtr. Bu tanml d meknn zemininde oluturulan yanstma havuzu,
bir yandan gezer kpr vinlerin hareketleriyle imgesi srekli deien bu endstriyel
peyzaj yanstmakta, dier yandan kuzey nn ynetim binasnn her katna ulamasn salamaktadr.
Prefabrik hangar yaplarnn renkli dnyas ve depo yaplarnn kapal kurgular ile arpc
bir kontrastlk yaratan bu iddial yalnlk ve effaflk, pasl endstriyel peyzaj ierisinde ynetim yapsna sekin bir grnt kazandrmaktadr. retim alannn gneyinde,
mevcut aa dizisinin izdii snra bitiik olarak konumlandrlan bu presizyonu yksek
ynetim binas, sahip olduu radikal effaflk anlay nedeniyle Trkiyedeki en sra
d minimalist ifade araylarndan birine sahiptir. Yapnn narinletirilmi elik tayc
sistemi ile giydirme cam cephesindeki dey doramalar sayesinde yzey tasarmnda
farkl ritim dzenleri yaratlm, birinci katn konsol yaparak ktleden frlayan etkisi bu
sayede tm cephede okunur klnabilmitir.
Yapdaki merdiven kovalar ktleselletirilerek hem i meknda hem de yangn merdiveni olarak d meknda, heykelsi konstrksiyonlar olarak ele alnm, bu narin cam
prizma ile arasnda gerilim oluturmas hedeflenmitir. Bu tansiyonlu iliki yapnn ekonomik ifade dilinde de, ayn sentaksn kullanlmasna karn cephelerin ufak nanslar ile
birbirinden farkllatrlmasnda da grlmektedir.
Trkiye mimarlnn gnmzde yaad malzeme ve form oulluu ierisinde, yaln
ve kuvvetli formu, gcn malzeme ve onun ifadesinden alan bu dingin ve derinlikli
bina, bu corafyada da mimari jestlerle yol alnabileceinin en gl rnei durumundadr.


The imta building consists of offices and conference rooms with a total area of approximately 2,000 square meters. The original aim of the planning process was to achieve
a building that represents both the production concept and its characteristics, as well
as one that answered the need for an efficient working environment; this was achieved
with strategic interventions. Since the beginning, the design was not only thought for
a 2,000 square meters building, but a land of 100,000 square meters. The aim was to
rethink the relationship between the areas without affecting the factorys functions. As
it was to be situated between natural and artificial landscapes, a building that was as
transparent as possible, allowing passage from one side to the other, was created; to
ensure that perception was not interrupted, the north faade is entirely transparent.
The north faade was designed to transform the exterior green texture into framed

imta Steel Production Montage and Building Supplies Co. Ltd. started production in
1979 in the Gemlik area of the province of Bursa in a plant with an indoor area measuring 41,000 square meters and an open area of 150,000 square meters. This company
manufactures steel pipes used in heavy industry, such as heavy steel constructions,
steel bridges, and wind towers. The companys administration building and recreational
facilities are located near the Free Trade Zone (BUSEB) area, 1 kilometer from Gemlik
city center, within the expansive production plant inland from the Roda and Borusan
Harbours and the Gemsaz summer resort area.
A decision was made to renew the existing two-story administration and recreational facilities building to meet current needs, and to reinforce them structurally within
the context of the functional plan; the latter directly determined the positions of the
production operations and factory buildings. There was an additional plan to rearrange the outdoor storage areas. In accordance with this objective, the faade structure
and materials for the recreational facilities were reinforced with a steel frame system.
The administration building was completely demolished and rebuilt as a quadruplex
building with a steel structure. The new structure was designed in a long and narrow rectangular form, thus creating a contrast to the previous building. The building
was positioned parallel to the road, and a defined outdoor area was formed between
the administration and recreational facilities buildings. A pool was created outside this
structure to reflect the industrial landscape, which is constantly changing with the movements of the overhead cranes, and to allow light from the north to reach every floor
of the administration building.
The colourful world of the prefabricated aerodrome buildings and the closed settings of
the storage buildings strike an assertive contrast with the simple elegance and transparency of the administrative building lending it a distinguished appearance within the
rusty industrial landscape. This high-precision administration building, positioned in line
with a row of pre-existing trees on the periphery to the south of the manufacturing
area, has a radical transparency that makes it one of the most extraordinary examples
of the quest for minimalist expression in Turkey. Various combinations of rhythm have
been created on the surface of the building with a delicate steel structural system, the
horizontal joints on the glass curtain wall and the cantilever effect of the first floor,
which seems to burst out from the mass and this rhythm is evident throughout the
The interior stairwells have been transformed into masses and approached as statuesque constructions in both the interior and the exterior, where they have been designed
as a fire escape, creating tension with the delicate glass prism. This tense relationship
is also visible in the economic language of expression used in the building, with a differentiation between the faades, where slight nuances are employed, despite the use
of the same syntax.
Amongst the plurality of materials and forms in contemporary Turkish architecture,
this sedate building, a building with depth, a building which has been empowered by
the materials and expression, presents a simple and strong form, creating a powerful
example of what can be achieved through architectural expression.



finansbank blge mdrlk binas

finansbank district directorate building
zmir, 2003

: Boran Ekinci | Boran Ekinci Mimarlk & Sibel Dalokay Bozer | sdb Mimarlk


Commissioned by


: Finansbank

Finansbank Blge Mdrlk Binas, zmir kent merkezinin srekli dokusunda, caddeye paralel, bitiik nizam bir parselde, kuzey-gney aksnda konumlanmtr. Yap, plan
kurgusu ve cephe ifadesinde ileve paralel olarak net, yaln ve gl bir anlayla biimlenmitir. Bu yaklam evrede uzun zamandr var olan ve sokan dilini oluturan
yaplarla olan ilikiyi de destekler. Yap estetik ve teknik zmlerin birlikte ele alnd
detaylarla retilmitir. Dar bir cepheye sahip olan ofis yaps, bodrum katta garaj, giri
ve asma katta banka ube hizmetleri ile ara katlarda ortak gruplarn ofis ilevlerini
ierirken, teras katnda ise ok amal kafeterya ve seminer meknlarna servis verir.

zmirin Alsancak semtinde, Montr Meydanna kan ehit Nevres Bulvar zerinde yer
alan Finansbank Blge Mdrlk Binas, bitiik nizaml kentsel bir doku ierisinde ara
parsel konumlanmakta olup yaklak 15 mlik bir n cepheye sahiptir. Otopark olarak
kullanlan bodrum kat dnda, parselin btnne yaylan giri ve asma katlar mteri
hizmetlerine ayrlm olup, bu iki kattan sonra yap arka cephesinde parsel snrndan
ieriye doru geriye ekilmekte ve arka tarafnda bir teras oluturmaktadr.
Bu terasn zerinde ykselen 5 katta ise ofisler, en st at katnda ise kafeterya bulunmaktadr. Binann batar katndan ulalan arka teras, yap adasnn ortasnda bulunan
tarihi Felemenk Protestan Kilisesinin avlusuna bakmaktadr. Buna ek olarak yapnn
at katnda da n ve arka cephelerde geriye ekilmeler yaplarak kafeterya teraslar
Bitiik nizaml bir doku ierisinde konumlanmas nedeniyle ancak iki dar cepheden k
alabilen yapnn, gerek ktan gerekse kentin manzarasndan maksimum derecede faydalanabilmesi iin plan emasnda optimizasyona gidilerek, tm servis meknlar iki
sar yan cephede toplanm ve gn nn yapnn ierisinde rahata ilerleyebilmesi
iin katlarda ak ofis plan emas uygulanmtr.
Yap, kurum kimliini yanstacak yaln ve sade bir tasarm anlayyla ele alnarak, asansr kulesini gizleyen dey sar granit yzeyi ve gn nn geiine imkn veren ince
yatay izgilerle blnm geni cam giydirme cephesi sayesinde bu pragmatik tavrn
presizyonu yksek, net bir mimari dil ile da vurmaktadr.


The Finansbank District Directorate Building is located on the north/south axis of a parcel of land that runs parallel to the main road in central Izmir. Both the structure and
faade of the building have been constructed with a clear, simple and powerful approach that suits its function. This approach also supports a relationship with the older
buildings, creating the vernacular of the location. The building is the result of a combination of aesthetic and technical solutions. With its narrow faade, basement garage,
bank services at the entrance and mezzanine floor, and offices for different groups on
the upper floors, the building also hosts a multipurpose cafeteria and seminar areas on
its terrace.

The zmir Branch Building of Finansbank on the Boulevard of ehit Nevres leading to
Montr Square in the quarter of Alsancak is situated on an intermediate building plot
adjacent to urban-organized structures, and features a 15-meter faade. In addition
to the basement, which is used as a car park, there is a ground floor with a mezzanine spread over the entire plot dedicated to customer services. Over these two floors,
within the limits of the parcel, the structure retreats back into itself, creating a terrace
on the rear faade. 5 floors of offices rise above this terrace, with a rooftop cafeteria
on top floor. The rear terrace, which can be accessed via the mezzanine, overlooks the
historical Flemish Protestant Church, located in the middle of the block. In addition to
this, the walls on the front and back faades of the rooftop were set back to create
terraces for the cafeteria.
As it is placed between adjacent structures in a dense urban pattern, the building only
receives light through two narrow facades; for this reason, there was a need to optimize the plan to attain maximum benefit from both light and landscape. Thus, all service
areas were concentrated on the blind sides, and an open office plan was implemented
to allow the daylight to easily penetrate into the building.
The approach to the buildings design is bare and sober, reflecting the corporate identity
of the institution. Thanks to the vertical granite surface that hides the blind side of the
elevator tower and the fine horizontal lines running through the broad glass curtain wall
of the faade that allow daylight into the interior, a pragmatic atmosphere and high
precision have been expressed in a clear architectural language.



gksu ofis
gksu office
stanbul, 2006

: Nevzat Sayn | NSMH


Commissioned by


: Antika Partners

Anadolu yakasnda, Boaza dklen Gksu Deresinin zerindeki yapnn arka tarafndaki yolun kenarna dayanan srtlarda eski bir Osmanl mezarl var. Selvilerin ve mezar
talarnn dnda bir ey yok. Sessiz, sakin, dingin bir yer. Dere boyunca sralanan balk tekneleri belli belirsiz kprtlaryla katkda bulunuyorlar yerin dinginliine. Burada,
dnyann en byk metropollerinden birinin merkezinde olunduu unutulabilir. Bina
daha nce burada bulunan iki kk konutun izleri zerine ina edildi. Evlerden biri
eski bir ahap yapyd. Eski yapnn malzeme, l, oran verilerini yeni yapya tamak
ve geleneksel olanla yeni bir eyin retilmesinin olanaklarn ve koullarn tartmak ilk
kararlardan biriydi. Dary olabildiince grmek, ama dardan grnmemek nemli.
Bunun iin ahap bir peeyle gizliyor iini ve yerin dinginliine brakp kendini, orada/
gizli olan, ortaya/gn na karmak ve gz nne sermek istiyor.

stanbulun Anadolu Hisar ilesinde bulunan Gksu Deresinin i kesimlerinde, dere kenarnda konumlanan biri ahap karkas olmak zere bitiik nizamdaki iki adet iki katl
mevcut yapnn yerine ina edilen bu rekonstrksiyon projesi, at kat da dahil olmak
zere 3 kata yaylan toplam 300 mlik bir ofis yapsdr. Ofis yaps, Anadolu Hisarndan
Tarihi Gksu Halat Fabrikasna doru dere boyunca ilerleyen Kzl Sere Sokak zerinde
konumlanmakta olup, st ksmnda Anadolu Hisar Mezarl ve onun youn yeil dokusu bulunmaktadr.
Dere boyunca giderek incelen bir yap adas ve onun en ucundaki ince sivri parsel zerine ina edilen Gksu Ofis, bir kat yksekliindeki kot farknn oluturduu set nedeniyle
yoldan kopuktur.
Mevcut ahap karkas yapnn korunmak istenmesi, arazinin Gksu Deresinin her iki
yakasndan da yakndan grlebilmesi ve d baklara maruz kalmas, Anadolu Hisar
gibi kentin su ile ok zgn bir biimde iliki kuran en nemli tarihi blgelerinden birinde konumlanyor oluu gibi birok etken yapnn tasarm srecinde dorudan etkili
Gksu Ofis, ahap yapm gelenei, mimari ifade ve malzeme kltr gibi blgeye zg
deneyim ve pratikleri devam ettirmek, yerin ruhuna sadk kalmak gibi mimarn ou
iine sirayet etmi etik tavrn en belirgin okunabilecei ilerinden birisidir. Bu kayglar nda yaratc bir rekonstrksiyon denemesine giriilmi, ahap karkas binann
boyutlarnn ve pencere oranlarnn yeni projede de devam ettirilmesi, ahap yzeyin
modern bir dille yorumlanarak tm projeyi sarmas fikri gelitirilmitir. Plan emasnda
da benzer fenomenolojik duyarllk srdrlm ve yapnn yol tarafndaki cephesi arazinin sivri ucuna doru kavislendirerek, bir ahap kayn formunu artracak ekilde
biimlendirilmitir. Tarihi yapya ek yapmaktan farkl olarak, bu iki binay tek bir bina
haline dndrmek, yeniden yaplan ahap karkas binann varln bu yeni binada hl
hissettirebilmek, yani yok olan tekrar grnr klabilmek, cephede srdrlen mimari ifade araylaryla, gerekletirilen bir dizi yzey aratrmasyla salanmtr. Yapnn
dereye bakan gney cephesinde mevcut ahap karkas yapnn pencere oranlar ve ahap kaplama mant devam ettirilerek kaplamann tektonii yapnn sivri ucuna doru
giderek effaflatrlm ve en utaki ak teras evreleyen geirgen bir ekrana dntrlmtr. Eski ile yeni yap arasndaki bu geililik halinin, dier yandan da belirgin
ayrmn plan emasnda da grnr olduu bu ifade araynn kapal ofis meknndan
ak odaya dntrlm terasa doru da srarla devam ettirildii grlmektedir.
Yzey ve kaplama fikirlerinin taze bir bakla sorguland bu yapda, ahap kaytlarn
demir dikmelerle birbirine baland jaluzi benzeri ekran yzeyler, yapnn dier ucunda ahap kaytlarn geme yaparak birlikte alt raf benzeri kendi kendini tayan
strktrlere dnmekte ve bu sayede gcn tekrar eden elemanlardan alan, sra d
bir derin yzey etkisi olumaktadr. Bu olduka kk yap; sahip olduu tm bu duyarllklar, tektonik ve mimari ifade araylar nedeniyle son yllarda Trkiyede retilmi
en etkileyici yaplardan biridir.


On Gksu creek, which flows into the Anatolian side of the Bosphorus, there is an old
Ottoman cemetery by the hillside running along the road behind the structure. This is
a tranquil spot filled only with cypress trees and gravestones. The gently swaying of
the fishing boats that line the creek add to the peaceful atmosphere. Here, it is possible
to forget that one is in the center of one of the largest metropolises in the world. The
structure was built over the remains of the two small houses which once stood here,
one of which was an old wooden structure. One of the first decisions was to transfer
the materials, measurements and proportions of the former structure to the new one,
thus making new objects from traditional ones. Maximizing what could be seen of the
outside world from within was just as important as preventing visibility of the interior
from the outside. Thus, the heart of the building is covered with a wooden screen and,
abandoning itself to the stillness of the place, what is hidden has been brought to light.

This reconstruction project was built in Istanbuls Anadolu Hisar district on the bank of
the inner regions of Gksu Creek. It was built on the site of two adjacent two-story buildings, one of which was wood-framed. The ultimate structure was to be an office building of three floors, including the rooftop, expanding over a total of 300 square meters.
Gksu Ofis was built on the pointed end of a gradually tapering building plot along the
stream and is separated from the road by a high bank, formed by the elevation; the
height of this bank is one floor.
Factors influencing the design of the project were the desire to preserve the wooden
frame, the fact that the plot can be seen from both banks of the river, and thus is visible
from the outside, and the fact that the plot is located in Anadolu Hisar, a place that has
a unique relationship with the waterways of the city and one that is of great historical
Gksu Ofis demonstrates most clearly the ethical attitude of the architect which extends to most of his works. In this project he has kept in spirit with the region by
perpetuating specific regional experiences and practices like wooden building construction, architectural expression and materials culture. In light of these concerns, the idea
was developed to encapsulate the entire project; in attempting to carry out a creative
reconstruction, the dimensions of the wooden frame and the proportions of the windows were maintained in the new project, while the wooden faade was interpreted
in a contemporary language. On the plan, similar phenomenological sensitivities were
observed, and the buildings faade that overlooks the road is designed to curve towards the narrow end of the plot to be reminiscent of a wooden caique. Instead of
making additions to the two historical buildings, both were transformed into one, and
the wooden frame was reconstructed so that the former building might be perceived
in the new one; that is, an effort to make that which had been lost visible, while the
continuing search for an architectural expression in the faade is provided by a series of
surface surveys. On the southern faade overlooking the stream, the existing wooden
frame, the proportion of the windows and the wooden panelling were preserved; the
tectonics of the covering on the pointed end of the building gradually become transparent and are transformed into a translucent screen surrounding the open terrace at the
far end. The state of persistent transition between old and new and, on the other hand,
the clear separation also visible in the plan demonstrates the search for this expression
in the closed office space that has been transformed into an open room and the terrace.
In this building where the concept of the surface and paneling of the building has been
approached from a fresh perspective, the wooden connecting elements and iron supports connect one another in shutter-like screen surfaces and at the other end of the
structure the penetrating wooden connection elements appear shelf-like, being transformed into a self-bearing structure. Owing to this, an unusual effect of a deep surface
which takes its strength through repetitive elements is achieved. This rather small building, with all its sensitivities, is one of the most impressive buildings in recent years in
Turkey thanks to the search for tectonic and architectural expression.




habertrk medya merkezi

habertrk media center
stanbul, 2008

: Doan Tekeli, Dilgn Saklar, Mehmet Emin akrkaya, Nedim Sisa | Tekeli-Sisa Mimarlk Ortakl


Commissioned by


: Ciner Grup

Haberturk Medya Merkezi, Talimhanede Abdlhak Hamit Caddesinde 2006-2008 yllar

arasnda ina edilmitir. TV stdyolar, gazete ve dergi ynetim merkezi olarak tasarlanan yap, medya grubunun deiken ihtiyalar gz nne alnarak, esnek kullanma
olanak verecek ekilde planlanmtr. Yap arsann tamamn kullanan 10 bodrum kat
iermektedir. 0.00 kotu zerinde ise 12 katl 2 blok tasarlanmtr. Cadde kotundaki
2 blok aralarnda yeil bir meydan oluturarak Talimhanenin skk dokusu iinde bir
genileme alan yaratmaktadr. Alttan itibaren 8 kat, 1.300 ara kapasiteli bir otopark,
iki kat ise grubun TV, radyo stdyolar, ve genel hizmet alanlarn barndrmaktadr. st
yapdaki bloklardan biri bro, dieri ise otel olarak dzenlenmitir.

Taksim Gezi Parknda bulunan Topu Klasna hizmet veren, at talimlerinin yapld
Talimhane adl boluk, klann 1939da yklnn ardndan Fransz kent plancs Henri
Prostun hazrlad plan dorultusunda modern konut ve apartman yaplaryla hzla dolmaya balamtr. Bu dzenli konut dokusunun zerinde yer ald dzln Dolapdere
semtine bakan ucunda yer alan ve uzun yllar belediyenin katl otopark olarak hizmet
veren yapnn 1998 ylnda satlarak yklmasnn ardndan, ayn alanda ina edilen Ciner
Holdinge ait genel merkez, ofis ve katl otopark projesi, 2008 ylnda tamamlanarak
hizmet vermeye balamtr.
Talimhane semtinin Dolapdereye bakan blmnde, Abdlhak Hamit Caddesi ile Yedi
Kuyular Caddesi arasnda kalan gen formlu, 7.593 mlik arsa zerinde ina edilen
Habertrk Medya Merkezi Binas, iki blok olarak tasarlanan kompleksin Dolapdere tarafna bakan L formlu binasnda yer almaktadr. Olduka yksek kot farkna sahip arsann
zemin kotunun altndaki 10 katlk ksmnda, yaplama arsann btnne yaylm; cadde kotunun stndeki ksmda ise, 12 katl 2 ayr blok olarak ina edilmitir. Ortasnda
avlu bulunan L formlu blokta, byk bir medya grubu olan CNER Holdinge ait medya
merkezi bulunmakta olup, zemin kotunun altndaki 8 katta 1300 ara kapasiteli kapal
otopark, 2 katta ise TV ve radyo stdyolar yer almaktadr. Dier blok ise programnn
belirsizlii nedeniyle esnek bir kurguda tasarlanm; kiralanabilir ofis olarak kullanlaca ngrlmesine karn, 2011 yl sonunda 30 yllna kiralanarak yaklak 300 odal
lks bir kent oteli olarak kullanma almtr. Bu program deiiklii sonrasnda 1. ve
2. bodrum katlarnn konferans salonlar ve gece kulb olarak kullanlabilmesi iin baz
dzenlemeler yaplmtr.
Ayn kkten beslenen iki ayr gvde gibi bodrum katlarndan ilikililenen ancak st
katlarda bamszlaan bu iki blok, gen arazinin kenarlarna doru ekilerek, bitiiindeki Boazii Elektrik Datm A.. Binas ile birlikte Abdlhak Hamit Caddesi zerinde
geni bir meydan yaratmakta, blgede eksik olan kamusal boluu oluturmaktadr.
Her iki bloun da bu kamusal bolua bakan gney cepheleri olabildiince effaflatrlm, deme hatlarn rten beyaz fibrebeton eritler yaplarn yataylk etkisini artrarak
komplekse dinamik bir etki kazandrmtr. Tasarmclarnn yaln ve modernist mimari
tavr, bu iki kentsel blou yaratlan meydan tasarm ile btnletirmekle kalmamakta,
metropol iinde elegan bir modernizmin hl mmkn olabileceini de gzler nne


The Haberturk Media Center, located on Abdlhakhamit Road in Talimhane, was built
between 2006 and 2008. The building was designed to house television studios and
newspaper and magazine management centers; it was planned in a flexible manner,
taking into consideration the diverse requirements of a media group. The building consists of 10 stories at the lower level, while two 12-story blocks have been designed at
road level. The natural square formed between the two blocks at the road-level elevation creates a refreshing area within the constricted environment of Talimhane. The first
eight floors form a 1,300-vehicle parking lot, while the top two floors house the groups
television and radio studios, and general service areas. One of the two blocks has been
designed to function as an office, while the other will function as a hotel.

The unbuilt area known as Talimhane in Taksim Gezi Park used for rifle drill by the Topcu Barracks underwent rapid building of modern housing and apartment buildings in
line with the plan prepared by the French urban planner, Henri Prost, after the demolition of the barracks in 1939. The building located in this planned residential area on the
edge of level ground overlooking the district of Dolapdere was used by the municipality
for many years as a multi-storey car park prior to its sale and demolition in 1998. The
general headquarters of Ciner Holding was constructed on the same plot and opened as
an office and multi-storey car park on completion of the project in 2008.
The Habertrk Media Centre Building, built on a 7,593 square meter triangular-shaped
plot in the Talimhane district between Abdlhak Hamit Street and Yedi Kuyular Street,
is located in the L-shaped building of the complex designed as two blocks in the section that faces Dolapdere. The 10-floor section below the ground level of the plot, which
has significant difference in elevation, is spread over the entire construction area, while
above street level there are two separate blocks each consisting of 12 floors. In the
L-shaped block, which has a central courtyard, is the media center of Ciner Holding,
a large media group. Eight of the subterranean floors comprise an indoor car park with
a capacity for 1,300 vehicles and the other two consist of TV and radio studios. The
other block, designed with a flexible set-up due to uncertainty of the end-users program, was originally anticipated as being rentable office space. However, ultimately it
is to be leased for a 30-year period as of the end of 2011 to be used as a luxury city
hotel with nearly 300 rooms. After this change in the program, some modifications have
been made to facilitate use of the first and second basement floors as conference halls
and a night club.
These two blocks, which are connected via the basement floors but detached on the
upper floors like two separate bodies feeding from the same root, together with the
Boazici Electric Distribution Inc. building, form a broad square on Abdlhak Hamit Street,
pulling the edges of the triangular land together, and thus forming a public space that
has previously been missing in the area. The southern faades of both buildings which
overlook the public space have been made as transparent as possible and the white
fiber-concrete strips that cover the joints give the complex a dynamic effect by increasing the horizontal impression of the buildings. The simple and modern architectural style
of the designers not only consists of integrating the two blocks with the plan of the
square that was created, but has also demonstrated that elegant modernism is still possible within an urban setting.




ibtech bilgi ilem merkezi genel mdrl

ibtech information processing centre, general directorate
Kocaeli, 2009


: Cem Sorgu | CM Mimarlk


Commissioned by


: IBTECH & Finansbank

Yap, Gebze/ Kocaeli Tbitak MAM alan ierisinde yer alyor. Mevcut ileyii itibariyle
kampus formatn tayan bir alma eklinin olmas, bizi de klasik ofis binas ileyiinden farkl bir yere tad. Bu mevcut ileyi, bata istenen ancak daha sonra gereklemeyen etaplama ilemi ve arazinin gney ufkundaki krfez ile yeil dokuya doru %10
meyille uzanan peyzaj, tasarm etkileyen kriterler oldu. Kampus format ve etaplama
ilemi yapnn birbirine kprlerle balanan paral karakterine yn verirken, alminyum dorama cephe, dolu cephe konturlar, ksmi at eimi, pencere boluklar, bu
arazi eimine referansland. bloklu bir yapnn tek bir iletme olarak alabilmesi iin
sirklasyon emasna ayrca nem verildi.

Kocaelinin Gebze ilesinin Bar mahallesinde yer alan TBTAK Gebze Yerlekesi, Gebze
kent merkezinden E-5 Karayolu ve etrafnda gelien Organize Sanayi Blgesi ile ayrlmakta olup, deniz kysna kadar uzanan 800 hektarlk geni bir alana yaylmaktadr.
2005 ylnda IT irketi olarak kurulan IBTech, ayn yl bu yerlekenin 60 hektarlk ksm
zerinde TBTAK MAM Teknoloji Serbest Blgesi olarak belirlenen Tbitak MAM Teknokentine tanm ve 2009 ylndan itibaren ina edilen yeni IBTech Bilgi lem Merkezi Genel Mdrl Binasnda hizmet vermeye balamtr. Henz yerleim rnts
oluturamayacak kadar az sayda binann ina edildii bu eimli yerleke alan iinde
bulunan yap, bitiiindeki Erginolu & allarn tasarlad Turkcell Teknoloji Aratrma
ve Gelitirme Binas ile birlikte, Trkiye Teknoloji Merkezi Binas etrafnda dnen dairesel bir kmaz yol zerinde konumlanmaktadr.
Teknokent ve serbest blgelerdeki planlama anlaynn parselasyon dzeni ile snrl
kalmas, zaman iinde ina edilen yaplarn birbirlerine referans vermeden, kendilerine ayrlm parseller zerinde bireysel dil ve zmlerle retilmeleri, bu bireysellikten
doan fragmanl rnt emas ve bu rnty bir arada tutan yol a gibi snrl evresel veriler dnda balamsal ilikiler kurabilmenin zorluu, tasarmclarn balamlarn
kendileri zerinden gelitirmelerini, yani balam icat etmelerini zorunlu klmaktadr.
Bu ilikisellii ina etmek zere srece, meknsal kurguya ve topografyaya odaklanan
CM Mimarlk, iverenin talebi dorultusunda etaplanabilir paral ktle kurgusu nermek, bu paralar ie dnk bir kurgu etrafnda bir araya getirerek kendi yaratt bir
arala ynelmek, topografyaya tutunmak olarak da ifade edilebilecek eimle olan ilikisini gerilimli hale getirmek ve yapnn formunu bu eim zerinden tanmlamak gibi
operatif mdahale biimleri zerinden balamsal erevesini gelitirmektedir.
Toplamda 13.700 mlik inaat alanna sahip yapnn etaplar halinde ina edilecei ngrlen ancak ezamanl olarak uygulanan paras, birbirlerine kapal kprler ile balanmakta; aralarnda peyzaja ve manzaraya doru alan bir d aralk, kendi kendilerini
seyrettikleri bir arayz oluturmaktadr. Bu arayze bakan cephelerin tmyle effaf
tasarlanm olmas ve plan emasnda yatay sirklasyon hatlarnn bu arala bakan
cepheler boyunca devam ettirilmesi, alanlarn gn boyunca gerekletirecekleri performativ hareketlerin ve bu eylemlerin yarataca dinamizmin izlenebilmesine imkn
vermekte, yaratlan kesintisiz effaflk sayesinde yapy derinlemesine kesen oklu baklarn olumas salanabilmektedir.
Giydirme cephenin eimli kurgusu, sradan bir optik oyun olarak alglanmasnn tesinde, arazinin eimini grnr klan ve yapnn zeminle kurduu tansiyonlu ilikiyi, yapnn topografyaya kar direncini grnr klan ontolojik bir tavr da ortaya sermektedir.
IBTech Binas, yapnn strktrnden bamszlaan effaf giydirme cephelerin arazinin
eimine paralel olarak dzenlenmesi nedeniyle, Le Corbusiernin cepheyi strktrden
zgrletiren Domino nerisinden bu yana, Trkiye mimarlnda cephe ile strktr
gerilimli bir ilikiye sokabilen istisnai rneklerden biridir.


The directorate is located in the Gebze/ Kocaeli Tbitak MAM area. As the existing
operations were in a campus format, a departure from the classic office building was
designed. The existing operation, the staging process of which was initially planned, but
not realized, the landscape that extends out to the gulf on the southern horizon, and
the green texture on the one in ten incline were all criteria that influenced the design.
While the campus format and staging process dictated the fragmented character of the
building, which is connected via bridges, the aluminum joinery faade, the filled faade
contours, the partial roof inclination and the window bays all refer to the incline of the
land. A special emphasis was placed on the circulation scheme, enabling a three-block
building to work as a single unit.

The Gebze Campus of TBITAK, located in the Bar quarter of Gebze, Kocaeli, is separated from the city center of Gebze by the E-5 Highway and the developing industrial
zone; the campus expands over a large area comprised of 800 acres that extend to the
sea shore. IBTech was first established as an IT enterprise in 2005, and in the same year
was relocated to 60 acres of the Tbitak MAM Teknokent campus, which was designated the TBITAK MAM Technology Free Zone; since 2009, IBTech has provided services
from the newly-built general management premises of the IBTech Data Processing Center. The building, constructed in an area where there are few residential buildings, is
located on an inclined area. Built on a circular cul-de-sac, it is adjacent to the Turkcell
Technology Research and Development building designed by Erginolu & allar and
the Turkish Technology Center.
The planning approach of Teknokent and the free zones was limited by the parceling
of the land. The concern to design without reference to the buildings which had been
constructed over time without planning, that is, the concern to generate an individual
vernacular and solution on the allocated parcels and the necessity to establish contextual relationships outside the restrictive environmental data, such as the fragmented
pattern scheme that arose from this individualism and the road network connecting
this scheme, meant that the designers had to develop the contextual relationships independently; in other words, they had to invent the context. In order to establish this
relationship, focusing on the construction site and topography, CM Architecture, proposed a staged construction of a fragmented mass in accordance with the commissioners
request. It was proposed that the pieces of the whole would be brought together
around an inner-construction that became a space in its own right using the lie of the
land to express the tension created by the relationship with the incline. The contextual
framework was developed with functional intervention by defining the forms in relation to the incline.
With a total construction area of 13,700 square meters, the structure was to be constructed in stages; the three parts that are connected by covered bridges were to be
constructed at the same time. An external space between them opens onto the landscape and scenery, creating an interface. The fact that the faades which look onto this
exterior space have been designed as absolutely transparent, and that the horizontal
lines of circulation continue along the facades of this space in the plan means that the
movements of the employees during their daily tasks and the dynamism created by
these actions can be observed throughout the day, while the uninterrupted transparency that is created provides multiple perspectives into the depths of the structure.
Beyond the perception of the exterior as an ordinary optical illusion, the inclined construction of the faade brings the slope of the terrain to the fore; the tense relationship
that the structure establishes with the land allows us to perceive the resistance to the
topography while also demonstrating an ontological attitude.
The transparent coating of the IBTech building is independent of the building as the
faades are arranged parallel to the terrains incline. This structure is an exceptional
example in Turkish architecture of the creation of a tense relationship between the
structure and the facade in accordance with Le Corbusiers Domino proposal that the
faade should be liberated from the structure.



levent ofis
levent office
stanbul, 2010

: Swanke Hayden Connell Mimarlk stanbul Ofisi & Molestina Architekten


Commissioned by


: Tekfen-OZ Gayrimenkul Gelitirme

Levent Ofis Projesi, mimari ve mhendislik zmleriyle evreye duyarl bir yap olarak
ina edilmi, tasarmnda Amerikan Yeil Binalar Konseyi (USGBC) tarafndan verilen LEED
sertifikas kriterleri kullanlmtr. Projede kabuk tasarm, binann k glge ihtiyacna
gre plantasyon ile zelletirilerek ne karlm, cephe ok katmanl bir sistem olarak
tasarlanmtr. Plantasyonun glgeleme etkisi, enerji verimliliini etkileyen dier sistemlerle beraber enerji simlasyonu ile llm, cam seimi, cephe tasarm, bitki eidi
ve younluu bu veriler erevesinde belirlenmitir. Katlar birbirine balayan i baheler doal havalandrmaya katk salayacak ekilde konumlandrlmtr. Levent Ofis,
merkezi i alanndaki Shell&Core (Bina Kabuu ve ekirdei) kategorisinde LEED Golds
sertifikasna sahip ilk A+ ofis binasdr.

stanbulun en nemli merkezi i alan olan Levent semtinde, Bykdere Caddesine paralel ilerleyerek Kanyon Alveri Merkezi ile sonlanan Harman Sokak zerinde konumlanan Levent Ofis binas, tasarmndan uygulamasna kadar evre dostu olma kriterleri
ile ina edilmi olmas ve Bina ekirdei ve Kabuu (Core and Shell) kategorisinde LEED
Altn Sertifikasna sahip Trkiyedeki ilk ticari ofis binas olmas nedeniyle, 1990lardan
itibaren bu blgede hzla ina edilmeye balanan dier yksek katl ofis yaplarndan
Ayrk dzen iinde yksek younluklu, skk dokuya sahip bir yap adas ierisinde,
ince uzun dikdrtgen formlu bir ara parselde konumlanan Levent Ofis, ana giriini Harman Sokak zerindeki dar cephesinden, dier giriini ise arka cephesindeki Ali Kaya
Sokaktan almaktadr. Yapnn dar cephelerinden ald bu iki giri yol kotundan yarm
kat yksekte tutularak, 1. bodrum katn doal k almas salanm ve yol ile yap arasnda oluan bu kot farklar nedeniyle giri merdivenleri birer kpr nitelii kazanmtr.
14 katl yapnn zemin altndaki 3 kat kapal otopark olarak hizmet vermekte olup, st
katlar ofis kullanmna ayrlmtr. Konsept tasarm Molestina Architektena, mimari
projeleri ise Swanke Hayden Connell Architectse (SHCA) ait olan Levent Ofiste, projenin
hedefi olarak belirlenen Bina ekirdei ve Kabuunu tasarlamak dorultusunda, btn
ortak alanlar elektrik-mekanik gibi teknik sistemlerle tasarlanm, katlarn i dzenlemeleri ise kullanclarn inisiyatifine braklmtr.
Dar ve uzun bir forma sahip yapda iki adet ekirdek bulunmakta olup, bunlar plan emas zerinde yatay ve dey biimde konumlandrlarak, uzun plan emasn farkl
blme ayrmaktadrlar. ekirdeklerin oluturduu bu blgelemeye ek olarak her iki
katta bir yerleri deien ve cephelere bitiik olarak konumlandrlan iki kat yksekliindeki i baheler, hem kesintisiz olan i mekn kurgusunu blmlenebilir klmakta hem
de doal havalandrma salayan galeriler olarak alarak, taze havann katlar boyunca
dolamn ve binann her ynden nefes almasn salamaktadr.
Bina kabuu iin ift cidarl giydirme cephe sisteminin tercih edilmi olmas yksek
yaplardaki doal havalandrma sorununun zm iin bir imkn yaratm, glgelendirme salamak amacyla bu sisteme entegre edilen ve iinde canl bitkilerin yetitii
konsol sistemi sayesinde de pasif iklimlendirme salanmtr. Bunun sonucunda, bitkilendirmenin boyutlar ve younluu cephelere gre deiiklik gstermi, enerji optimizasyonu iin doal ve etkin bir filtreleme katman oluturulmutur.
Srdrlebilirlik ilkeleri dorultusunda yapnn ina srecinde yerel ve geri dntrlm malzemelerin kullanlmasna allm, atklarn geri dnm ve yeniden deerlendirilmesi gibi kriterler dikkate alnmtr. Yapda su tasarrufu salamak amacyla
yamur suyu geri kazanm ve verimli sulama sistemleri tercih edilmi ve az su tketen
bitkiler seilmitir.


The Levent Office Project was constructed as an environmentally friendly building featuring unique architectural and engineering solutions; the US Green Buildings Council
(USGBC) LEED certification criteria were used in its design. In the outer shell, the landscaping was customized to meet needs for light and shade, and the faade was designed
as a multi-layered system. The effect of the shade created by the landscaping and the
impact of other systems on energy efficiency were measured using energy simulation,
which played a determining role in the selection of the glass, faade design and variety
and density of plants used in the construction.
The internal gardens that link the floors are arranged so as to enhance natural ventilation. Levent Ofis is the first LEED Gold-certified A+ office building in the Shell&Core
category in the field of centralized offices.

The Levent Office is located in the region of Levent, the most important central business
area of Istanbul; it is positioned on Harman Street, which runs parallel to Bykdere
Avenue, and culminates at Kanyon Shopping Mall. The building differs from other highrise office buildings that have been built in the area since the 1990s due to the environmentally friendly criteria applied throughout the process from design to construction
and the fact that it is the first commercial office building in Turkey to have a LEED Gold
Certificate in the Building Core and Shell category.
Levent Office is positioned on a densely built plot on a long thin rectangular parcel of
land, the main entrance being on the narrow faade on Harman Street, with the other
entrance at the rear faade on Ali Kaya Street. These two entrances on the narrow
sides of the structure are half a floor higher than the road elevation, allowing the first
basement level to receive natural light; owing to the elevation difference between the
road and the structure, the entrance steps act as a bridge. The three floors below the
ground floor of the 14-storied building function as a parking garage, while the upper
floors are for offices. The concept design was created by Molestina Architekten, and
the architectural project by Swanke Hayden Connell Architects (SHCA). Levent Office is
designed with technical systems, such as integral common areas and electrical- mechanical systems that are in keeping with a building of the Building Core and Shell category; at the same time, the interior designs have been left to the initiative of the users.
There are two cores to the narrow and long structure; these are vertically and horizontally-positioned in the plan and divide the building lengthwise into 3 sections. In
addition to this division, there are interior gardens, measuring two floors high; these are
positioned in different areas on every second floor, connected to the facades. The gardens makes a continuous interior design installation possible and also work as natural
ventilation galleries, enabling the circulation of fresh air through the floors, and thus
allowing the building to breathe.
The double faade used for the building creates a solution for the problem of natural
ventilation in high structures; passive air conditioning is enabled through a console
system that includes the live plants that have been integrated into this system to provide shade. As a result, the dimensions and intensity of the planting varies according to
the location, creating a natural and active filter layer to optimize energy.
In keeping with principles of sustainability, recycling and the reuse of waste products
have been taken into consideration and local and recycled materials have been used
in the construction process. In order to conserve water, rainwater is recycled and productive irrigation systems are used, and plants that require little watering have been
Due to this sensitive ecological approach and strikingly flexible design, Levent Office is
a high-rise that sets an example for other environment-friendly structures as they gain
popularity throughout the world.





alminyum boru
low-e kaplamal cam ve metal cephe sis.
(U=1,57 W/m2.K)


alminyum kompozit panel & tayn

metal cephe (U=0,62 W/m2.K)
alminyum kompozit panel & tayn

low-e kaplamal cam ve metal cephe sis.


i bahe



mersin deniz ticaret odas

mersin chamber of shipping
Mersin, 2002

: Kaya Arkolu | Arkolu Arkitekt


Commissioned by


: Mersin Deniz Ticaret Odas

MDTO kentin uluslararas bir ticari kaps olarak, yeni hizmet binasyla kara ve deniz
arasndaki ticareti simgelemek istedi. Yapnn sade, yaln ve uygulanabilir olmasn
amalarken, rasyonel ve da yansyan bir plannn olmas istendi. Gneyde daha effaf,
kuzeyde daha sert ve kapal bir cephe olutururken bulvara bakan girii ak balkon
(revak) olarak tasarland. effaf gney cephesinin, brolara kesintisiz deniz manzaras
kazandrrken, denizden bakldnda deniz feneri gibi grnd dnlebilir. at
katnn panoramik manzaras olmas gemi gvertesi arm yaparken, yapnn alttan
yukarya doru almas ve hafiflemesi saland. Geleneksel mimariye referans vermeden, yremizin doal, sosyal ve kltrel karakterini yanstarak yapnn ilevsel ve ayn
zamanda ada olmas amaland.

Mersinin yksek katl yaplarla biimlenmi kys boyunca ilerleyen nn Bulvar zerinde konumlanan Mersin Deniz Ticaret Odas Hizmet Binas, deniz tarafnda bulunan
ve kentin daha nceki morfolojisinin tan olan iki katl, alt adet yapnn oluturduu
dizinin arasnda ina edilmi. Yanndaki dier yaplardan farkl olarak, yola bitimek
yerine bulvara ve kente mesafeli duran ve bu sayede de n bahe olarak kullanlan bir
ara boluk yaratabilen MDTO Hizmet Binas, oluturduu bu hassas aral, birinci kat
demesinin uzants niteliindeki betonarme bir kpr ile gemekte. Mimar tarafndan
karaya yanam gemi metaforu dorultusunda biimlendirilen yap bu balamda,
tmyle kapal zemin kat ve stnde yer alan iki piano nobile sayesinde st katlara
ktka effaflamakta ve glge salayan uucu bir pergola ile sonlanmakta.
Yaln ve net bir estetik dile sahip hizmet binas, birbiriyle kart gibi duran iki farkl
tasarm yaklamn bilinli bir ekilde bir araya getirmeyi denemesi asndan ilham
vericidir. Gerek plan, gerek kesit, gerekse cephe kurgusunun kara ve deniz tarafnda
farkllatrlm olmasna karn yapnn btnsellii yetkin bir biimde yaratlabilmitir.
Deniz cephesinde, baza ilevi gren masif zemin katn zerinde yer alan iki piano nobile
kat effaf yatay bantlar olarak modernist bir estetikle ele alnmasna karn, tmyle
simetrik bir dzende kurgulanmtr. Buna karn bulvar tarafndaki masif etkiye sahip
iki katl giri cephesi, oluturulan aritmik boluklar sayesinde asimetrik bir kurguda ele
alnarak, loggia olarak alan yar kapal balkonlar olarak yorumlanmtr.
Plan kurgusunda kesintisiz dolam salayan meknsal effaflk ile bakn Akdenizi ufki
olarak tarayabilmesini mmkn klan maddesel effaflalk, yerlerini servis meknlar
ve merdivenden oluan sirklasyon hatt boyunca deylie brakmakta ve gzn d
dnya ile kurduu iliki dikey ynde kurulmaktadr.
Cephe dilinde simetri ve asimetri, plan kurgusunda doluluk veya effaflk, kesitte dolamn yatayl veya deylii olarak kendini gsteren bu cezbedici eliki, brt beton
demelerin cephede yaratt sreklilik sayesinde bertaraf edilmi, ama mimari ifade
anlamnda da bir o kadar gerilimli hale getirilmitir.
Greceli olarak olduka kk boyutlara sahip olmasna karn, zekice tasarlanm bu
ikircikli ve mulak yaps sayesinde MDTO Hizmet Binas, presizyonu yksek imgeselliinin yan sra youn i mekn algsna ve bilisel deneyime de imkn verebilmektedir.


With its new service building, the Mersin Chamber of Shipping wanted to symbolize the
citys trade between land and sea. While designing a plain and functional building, a rational plan that would be reflected outwards was desired. We created a more transparent faade to the southern aspect, with a rougher and closed in faade to the north.
The entrance facing the boulevard was designed as a portico. The transparent southern
faade appears like a lighthouse from the sea, while providing an uninterrupted sea
view from the offices. A panoramic view which evokes being on deck at sea is provided from the rooftop; the building opens from the base to the top, giving a feeling of
lightness. A functional and modern design that reflects the natural, social and cultural
character of our region without referring to traditional architecture was preferred.

The Mersin Chamber of Shipping Service Building, positioned on nn Boulevard, a street that proceeds along the shore and which is defined by high-rise buildings, nestles
among the six two-story buildings standing along the front that have borne witness
to the earlier morphology of the city. The MDTO (Mersin Chamber of Shipping) Service
Building is set back from the line of other structures along the roadside, thus creating a
space used as a garden. This delicate space can be accessed via a concrete bridge that
extends from the paving of the first floor. Designed by the architect in keeping with the
metaphor of a docked ship, the clad ground floor and the two piano nobile above it
create a transparency that increases towards the upper floors. The structure ends with
a pergola, providing shadow play; the pergola seems ready to take off at any moment.
With its simple and clear aesthetic language, the service building is inspiring, as it consciously tries to combine two contradictory design approaches. Unity has been achieved
in the building through differentiation of the plan, intersection and faades on both the
landward and seaward sides. Although on the seaward side the two piano nobile floors
over the solid ground floor serving as a base have been approached from a modernist
aesthetic to form transparent bands, the building has been constructed in a completely
symmetrical manner. In contrast to this, the two-story entrance faade on the boulevard side, which has a solid effect, has been approached in an asymmetrical way with
arrhythmical spaces, created by semi-open balconies that function as loggia.
The spatial transparency that creates the continuous circulation in structure and the
transparency of the material that enables the eye to scan the Mediterranean horizon,
give over to the vertical on the line of circulation; the latter is formed by the service
sites and stairs. The relationship of the eye with the outer world here has been established on the vertical.
The charming contradiction of symmetry and asymmetry, solidity and transparency in
the building, as well as the horizontal and vertical aspect of the circulation intersections,
has been eliminated thanks to the continuity created by the brute concrete cladding
on the facades. However, in architectural terms, an equal amount of tension has been
Despite its relatively small proportions, owing to the clever design and the ambivalent
and ambiguous construction, the MDTO Service Building enables an expansive indoor
perspective and cognitive experience, as well as presenting high precision fiction.




ortadou otomotiv genel mdrlk ve ofis yaps

ortadou automotiv headquarters
stanbul, 2011

: Nevzat Sayn | NSMH


Commissioned by


: D Yap

Gnlk alma alanlarnn 3 kata yaylmasna karlk, toprak altnda olmalarna ramen
gn alan yemek, seminer, konferans, ktphane ve spor meknlarnn ortak fuayeler evresinde yer almasna dayal kullanm kararlarna bal olarak gelitirilen yerleim
dzeniyle oluturulan yap, ktle etkileri asndan neredeyse anonim zelliklere sahip
olmasnn yan sra, kendine has ve benzersiz olma zelliklerini de tayor: her zaman
yapmak istediimiz gibi, alkanlklarn iinden, tandk bir yeni.

stanbulun Anadolu yakasnda, Boazii Kprsnn devamnda stanbul evre Yolu ile
ile Otoyolunun kesitii, Altunizade Kavann hemen kenarnda konumlanan Ortadou Otomotiv Genel Mdrlk ve Ofis Yaps, skdar ilesine bal Burhaniye semtinin
kapal konut siteleri, baheli tekil konut yaplar ve ile Otoyolu zerinde zaman zaman
beliren ofis ve ynetim yaplaryla karakterize olan seyrek dokusu iinde yer almaktadr. evre verilerini deerlendirmeyi ve yerin ruhunu ortaya karmay tasarmlarnda
sklkla ele alan tasarmc iin, blgenin sahip olduu bu anonim karakter, tasarm ynlendiren baat verilerden biri olmutur.
ile Otoyolu zerinden giri alan ve stanbul evre Yolu boyunca devam eden yaklak 150 m uzunlua sahip dar bir parsel zerinde ina edilen bu monolitik yap, Doan
Holdinge bal Ortadou Otomotiv Genel Mdrlne de ev sahiplii yapmaktadr. ile
Otoyoluna paralel olarak ilerleyen Hac Reit Paa Sokandan da tali bir giri alan yap,
ince uzun parsel boyunca devam eden yaklak 80 m uzunluunda iddial bir ktleye
ve iki avlulu klasik bir plan emasna sahiptir. Zemin stnde 3 katl gzken yapnn, yeraltnda arazinin imar snrlarna kadar yaylan 2 kat daha bulunup, toplamda
12.200 mlik kapal inaat alanna sahiptir. Neredeyse 19. yzyln i avlulu klasik ar
kla yaplarn hatrlatan bu monoblok yap, darya kapal etkisi veren ie dnk bir
mekn kurgusuna ve bir sirklasyon kolunun ayrd iki i avlu etrafnda gelien dolam emasna sahiptir.
Ynetim merkezinden beklenecek kurumsal imaj, ciddiyet ve arballn konstrktif
bir dil ile yaratlmaya alld yapda, tasarlanm anonimlik olarak tanmlanabilecek mtevaz bir tasarm yaklamnn izleri de grlmektedir. Bu tasarm anlay bir
yandan klk, arpclk gibi etkilemek zere gelitirilen tasarm efektlerine prim vermemeyi ve yalnlk, sadelik ve sradanln peinde komay; dier yandan ise gndelik
olann ainal iinden szlen bilgileri gncelleyebilmeyi ve ayn zamanda da yabanc
olmayan bir yeniyi retme biimini de mmkn klmaktadr. Bu sayede yeni olmasna
karn hl anonim kalabilen ve iinde yeerdii yerin ruhuna gre biimlenmi, yeni bir
tr balamsalln inas da mmkn olmaktadr.
Ainal bozmak ve anonimlii yeniden retmek zere tasarmclar, yapnn bykl
ve yaklak 80 m boyunca devam eden kesintisiz yzeyini bir tasarmsal iddiaya dntrmler ve dizisellii tasarmn baat bileeni haline getirmilerdir. Bu cretkr iddiay
mmkn klan ise, tekrar eden eleman ve modllerin kendi tikelliklerinin tesinde yeni
anlam dizgeleri kurabilmeleridir. te taraftan bu tasarmsal srar, tekrar eden betonarme strktr sisteminin yapnn cephesini nasl oluturabileceini, tayc sistem-cephe
ikilii arasndaki klasik hiyerarik yapnn nasl tersyz edebileceini gzler nne sermesi asndan reticidir.
Yaln olduu kadar ykc da olan bu tasarm yaklamyla biimlendirilmi Ortadou
Otomotiv Genel Mdrlk ve Ofis Yaps, gncel mimarlk ortam ierisinde dnsel
yatrmn mimari ifade zerine yapan istisnai rneklerden biridir.


The allocation of space in this building is based on application decisions to spread office
workspace over three floors while dining, seminar, conference, library and sports facilities are placed around a common foyer providing them with daylight despite being
underground. In addition to a certain anonymity lent by the mass effects, the structure
also has features that are special and unique. As always, we strive to give a new twist
to the familiar.

The new management structure of Doan Holding is positioned on the Anatolian side
of Istanbul, near the Altunzade Intersection, where the Istanbul Ring Road meets the
Bosphorus Bridge and the ile Motorway; it is located among the gated communities,
detached houses with gardens, and the occasional office or management structures
defining the ile Motorway that characterize the sparsely built texture of the Burhaniye
district of skdar. The anonymous characteristic of the area was one of the principal
inputs that assisted the designer, who took into account the environmental data, in
revealing the soul of the location.
This monolithic structure accessed from the ile Motorway and built on a narrow 150meter long parcel running along the Istanbul Ring Road also houses the Ortadou Automotive Headquarters, affiliated with Doan Holding. Also accessed from a side road
parallel to the ile Motorway on Hac Reit Paa Street, the structure has a classical
scheme with an assertive mass 80 meters in length continuing over a long, narrow plot
and two courtyards. In addition to the 3 floors that are above ground, the structure has
two floors below ground level, stretching to the edges of the building site, making a
total of 12,200 square meters of interior. This mono-block structure, with an inner court
yard, almost reminiscent of the strong classical 19th century barrack structure, has an
introverted space installation and a circulation scheme expanding around the two inner
Indications of a modest design approach, which can be defined as designed anonymity, are to be found in the structure; here there is a corporate image of gravity and
solemnity, as is only to be expected from a management center, presented through
a constructive language. This design approach, while not giving credence to design
effects that have been developed in order to impress such as being smart or striking,
rather searches for simplicity, austerity and ordinariness, while updating the filtered
data through the familiarity of our daily lives, enabling an unfamiliar new mode of
production. Thus, while it has been possible to create something new, the structure
still remains anonymous, shaped according to what takes root in the soul, thus making
a new type of conceptual construction possible.
In order to reproduce de-familiarization and anonymity, the continuous surface, measuring 80 meters, and the dimensions of the structure have been transformed into a
design statement that has become a principal part of the paradigmatic design. What
has made this daring statement possible is that beyond the recurring elements and the
partiality of the modules there is an ability to establish a paradigm in a new meaning.
On the other hand, this insistence in the design is instructive as to how the repetitive
concrete structural system creates the faade of the structure and how the classical
hierarchy of the structure, caught between the dilemma of the carrier system and the
faade, can be inverted.
With a design approach that is as simple as it is destructive, the Ortadou Automotive
Headquarters is an exceptional example within the contemporary architectural environment of the intellectual investment in architectural expression.






teskomb hizmet binas

teskomb service building
Ankara, 2005

: Mehmet Soylu, mit z, Mete z | Uz Mimarlk Atlyesi


Commissioned by



2000 Ylnda alan Ulusal Mimari Proje Yarmas sonucu 162 proje arasndan seilerek
elde edilen konsept proje, Cinnah Caddesi ile Greme Soka arasnda kalan iki imar
parselinin birletirildii arsa iin tasarlanmtr. Uygulama projeleri aamasndamal sahibinin konaklama ilevini iptal etmesiyle Cinnah Caddesinden Greme Soka tarafna
alan ve dey sirklasyonu da iine alan ortak mekn st katlara kadar tanarak, iki
giri cephesini ve katlar birbirine balayan bir omurga olarak kullanlmtr. Greme
Soka ve Cinnah Caddesi cephelerinde meknsal zelliklerine gre farkl pencere boluklar kullanlm olup byk masiflikler ile orta boluk mekn vurgulanmtr. Bina
2008 yl Ulusal Mimarlk dlleri Yap Dalnda dle aday gsterilmitir.

Ankarann ankaya semtinde, kentin en nemli caddelerinden biri olan Cinnah Caddesi ile Greme Caddesinin oluturduu gen yap adas zerinde yaplmas planlanan
Tkiye Esnaf ve Sanatkarlar Kredi ve Kooperatifleri Birlikleri Merkez Birlii Binas iin
2000 ylnda alan Ulusal Mimari Proje Yarmasnda birinci olan konsept proje, parsel
boyutunun snrll ve ar ykl programna karn i meknnda yaratt galeri boluu sayesinde ili Meydann Cinnah Caddesine balayan Gelibolu Sokak yapnn arka
tarafndaki Greme Sokakna ve ardndaki Gl Bahesi Parkna grsel olarak balamay
Merkez Birlikin ynetim birimleri, yelerin eitimine ynelik meknlar, uluslararas ilikiler ofisi, bilgi-ilem merkezi gibi birimleri ieren idare binas; toplant ve sergi aktivitelerinin gerekletirilecei ortak meknlar ve yelerin arlanaca 30 odal Esnaf Evi ad
verilen konaklama birimlerinden oluan yap ihtiya program, uygulama aamasnda
konaklama biriminin iptal edilmesi nedeniyle revize edilmi, yapnn merdiven ve koridor gibi sirklasyon elemanlar ile dou-bat aksnda at katna kadar ikiye ayrlmas
fikri ise devam ettirilmitir.
ki imar parseli zerine yaylan ve 5.100 mlik inaat alanna sahip 9 katl yapnn yer altnda bulunan 4 katndan en alttaki 3 otopark olup, zeminin altndaki katta ise toplant
salonu ve ona ait fuaye yer almaktadr. Giri katnn stndeki katlarda genel bakan ve
ofis birimleri yer alrken, en st katta geriye ekilerek iki cephesinde de teras oluturan
tonoz formlu yemekhane bulunmaktadr.
Farkl programlarn kendilerini cephede hissettirmeleri amacyla l cephe dzeni ile
tasarlanan yarma projesi, uygulama aamasnda baz programlarn iptal edilmesi nedeniyle deitirilmi, cepheler orta galeri boluunu daha da vurgulu hale getirecek
ekilde masif olarak ele alndndan, sahip olduu paral kompozisyonun da etkisiyle heykelsi bir grnm kazanmtr. Yap sahip olduu dinamik formlar ve oulcu
dili sayesinde iinde yer ald kentsel dokunun monotonluu ile tansiyonlu bir iliki
kurmakta, kentsel effaflk fikrini plan emasnda ve cephesinde vurgulayarak kentsel
balamn baaryla ina etmektedir.


This project, selected from among the 162 project proposals submitted to a national
architecture project competition in 2000, was designed for the land connecting two
building plots located between Cinnah Road and Greme Street. With the cancellation
of the residential function of the land during the planning stage, the common space,
which opens onto Greme Street from Cinnah Road and encompasses the horizontal
circulation, was extended to the upper floors to enable its use as a spine linking together the two entrances and floors. A variety of window openings have been used
on the Greme Street and Cinnah Road faades in keeping with spatial requirements,
and the solid areas between these emphasize the central space between the buildings.
The building was nominated for the 2008 National Architecture Awards in the Building

In the quarter of ankaya in Ankara, the triangular construction parcel formed by the
conjunction of Cinnah Street, a major thoroughfare in the city, and Greme Street was
allocated for the Central Union Building of the Turkish Tradesman and Artisans Loans
and Cooperatives Association (TESKOMB). In the 2000 National Architectural Competition, the winning project concept overcame the limitations imposed by the parcel and
the intense program. This concept proposed a visual connection with Gelibolu Street,
connecting it to ili Square and Cinnah Street, while the rear of the building, through a
gallery space created in the interior, offers a connection with Greme Street and, beyond this, Gl Bahesi Park.
The Central Unions management units, functioning as training places for members, as
well as an international relations office and data processing center, are contained in
the administration building units; meetings and exhibitions are carried out in common
areas. The proposed program for a 30-room accommodation unit for members, to be
known as Esnaf Evi, was abolished during the implementation phase, thus leading to
a revision. Circulation elements of the building like the staircase and the hallway and
the idea of dividing the building into two up to the top floor on an east-west axis have
been maintained.
Expanded over a double construction parcel and covering a construction area of 5,100
square meters, the nine-floored building has four floors underground, three of which
have been allocated to parking space; on the first subterranean floor, there is a meeting room and a foyer. The General Managers office and other office units are located
above the ground floor, and on the top floor, whose walls have been set back to form
a terrace on each of the two faades, there is a vaulted dining hall.
So as to ensure that all the different programs are perceived throughout the faade,
the competition project was designed with a triple-fronted scheme; however, this was
changed due to certain programs being cancelled during the implementation phase.
The faades were handled as a mass, in order to highlight the space in the middle
gallery, and the effect has created a fragmented composition with a sculptural appearance. With its dynamic forms and the pluralistic language that establishes a tense
relationship with the monotony of the urban texture of its surroundings, and with the
idea of urban transparency emphasized in the plan and on the faade, the building is a
successful example of construction in the urban context.



tuzambar medina turgul ddb

stanbul, 2009

: . Kerem Erginolu, Hasan C. allar | Erginolu & allar


Commissioned by


: Medina Turgul DDB

nceden Tekele ait olan Tuzambarnn Medina - Turgul DDB tarafndan kiralanmasyla
birlikte, binann kapsaml restorasyon ve dnm projeleri hazrlanm ve 160 kiinin
alt bir alan yaratlmtr. Restorasyon kapsamnda Tuzambarna zarar vermeden
yapnn 170 yllk kirini ortadan kaldrmak iin kimyasal zmler retilmi, ta duvar
derzleri ykanm, analizler sonucu karar verilen solsyonlarla kuvvetlendirilmi, yklm ve zarar grm talar yeniden rlerek restore edilmitir. Yap iinde iletiimin
kesintisiz devam edebilmesi iin, nerilen 4 galeri elik kprlerle birbirine balanm,
yapnn zgn dokusunu korumak adna dekoratif unsurlardan kanlmtr. Ta kabuk,
zerine Tekel tarafndan yaplan elik at ve sonradan eklenen tm elik elemanlar gibi
mdahaleler farkl renklerle katman katman okutulmutur. Ortaya kan sonu, yaratc
bir i sahasna uygun, alanlarna bireysel alanlar yaratan, modern ama korumac bir

DDB Medina Turgul Reklam Ajansnn ofisi iin 2003 ylnda Leventteki bir binann giri
ve drdnc katlarn dzenleyen Erginolu & allar Mimarlk, effaf blcler ile kesintisiz grn ve meknsal srekliliin saland, kotlar ile zenginletirilmi ak ofis
mantn, ajansn yeni alma yeri iin kiralad drt byk galeri boluundan oluan
Kasmpaadaki tarihi depo yapsnn renovasyonu ve ofis meknna dntrme srecinde de baaryla uygulamlardr.
Haliteki eski ky izgisine yaknl ve ta duvarlarnn kalnl nedeniyle baruthane
olarak kullanld dnlen depo yapsnn, Tekel tarafndan uzun yllar alkol ve ttn
deposu ve son olarak da tuz ambar olarak kullanld bilinmektedir. Tekel iletmelerinin zelletirilmesi sonrasnda el deitiren ve bugnk kullanm iin uzun sreli olarak
kiralanan depo yapsnn restorasyonuna 2008 ylnda balanm, 6 ay sonra ofis yaps
olarak hizmet vermeye balamtr.
Mevcut ambar yapsnn plan emas, 10 myi aan kaln yma ta duvarlarn oluturduu drt byk galeri ile giriten itibaren iki kola ayrlarak bu galerileri hem birbirinden
ayraran hem de bunlara ulam salayan iki sokaktan olumaktadr.
Ayn at altnda bamsz olarak alan 5 ajans ve onlarn yaklak 150 alan iin,
ileyi yaplarn bozmadan mevcut yap kurgusu iinde alan yaratabilmek ve alma
alanlarn bytebilmek zere galerilerin ba ve sonlarna bir dizi asma kat ina edilmi,
bu asma katlar arasndaki sirklasyon ise duvarlardaki mevcut pencere aklklarnn
koridorlara dntrlmesiyle oluturulmu ve aaya inmeden st katlar arasnda
ulam salanabilmitir. boyutlu zenginlii ve meknsal derinlii kaybettirmeyen,
ama ses de geirmeyen giriteki iki ayr cam kp, ynetici odalar dnda, toplant salonlarn da iermekte ve asma katlara ulam salamaktadr. Tm meknsal ve maddesel effaflna karn, denetleyici gcn grme ve grlmekten alan hiyeraik ofis
organizasyonu nedeniyle yneticilerin odalar alanlarn gn boyunca gerekletirecekleri performanslar izleyebilecek ekilde asma katlarda zlmtr.
Yaklak 170 yllk ambar yapsnn renovasyonu srecinde, mevcut yapya en az noktadan temas edecek ve minimum mdahalede bulunacak, kaldrlmas gerektiinde ise
geride en az hasar brakacak srdrlebilir bir koruma yaklam tercih edilmi olup,
elik strktrlerle tatlan katlar da dahil olmak zere yaplan tm ek meknlar ve zemin demesi yapnn orjinal yma beden duvarlarndan koparlmtr. Yapnn tarihsel
katmanlarn ve meknsal mdahalelerini grnr klmak zere, zaman iinde duvar
yzeylerinde yaplan tula ve ta dolgular ile dnem ekleri korunmu, 1950lerin sonunda Tekel tarafndan deitirilen elik at makaslar beyaza, yeniler ise siyaha boyanarak yaplan mdahaleler renk farkyla vurgulanm, tm elektromekanik tesisat at
makaslar arasndan akta braklarak tm yapya datlm ve mekn iindeki yeni
ekler elik ereve tayc iine alnarak, meknsal boyutlar ve konturlar belli edilerek
vurgulu hale getirilmitir.
F.L. Wrightn 1904te Larkin Ynetim Binas iin icat ettii ak ofis plan emasna benzer
bir kurguda, darya neredeyse tmyle kapal bir ofis mekn ierisinde yzen alma
adalarndan oluan Tuzambar, Trkiyede benzerleri ok az bulunan srdrlebilir koruma yaklamnn en yetkin rneklerinden birisidir.


Comprehensive restoration and conversion projects were prepared for the formerly
Tekel-owned Tuzambar building, leased by Medina Turgul DDB, creating a workspace
for 160 employees. As regards restoration, chemical preparations were produced to
cleanse the building of 170 years of grime without harming the original structure. After
careful analyses, the mortar in the stone wall was cleansed and reinforced; the stones
that had been damaged or destroyed were restored. The 4 galleries, providing uninterrupted communication within the building, were linked to one another via steel bridges; to preserve the original texture of the building, decorative elements were not used.
Thus, all the processes such as the stone outer shell, the steel roof above it produced
by Tekel, and the steel elements that were added at various times forming layers of
different colors are still visible today. The result is a modern yet sheltered solution that
provides a creative work area with personal space for employees.

The offices of the Advertising Agency DDB Medina Turgul were arranged on the ground
floor and fourth floor of a building in Levent in 2003 by Erginolu & allar Architecture;
the four large gallery openings in a historical warehouse in Kasmpaa, rented as the
agencys new working space, were renovated, and the process of transforming these
into office space was successfully applied. Transparent dividers provide an uninterrupted view and spatial continuity, and the approach to an open-office plan was enhanced
by the different levels.
The warehouse building, which is thought to have been used as a gunpowder factory
because of its proximity to the shoreline of the Golden Horn and also due to the thickness of its stone walls, was used for many years by Tekel as an alcohol and tobacco
warehouse; it was last used as a salt warehouse. The building changed hands after the
privatization of Tekel, and the restoration of the warehouse, which was rented out on a
long lease in view of its present use, commenced in 2008 and 6 months later the office
building opened.
The existing warehouse plan with stone masonry walls more than 10 meters thick consists of four large galleries divided into two branches, or streets at the entrance; these
separate the galleries from one another and provide access.
To create interior space and to increase the work areas without disturbing the operational structure of the existing construction, a series of mezzanines were built at
the beginning and end of the gallery for the 5 agencies and their 150 employees who
function independently under the same roof. The existing window openings in the
walls were transformed into hallways, thus providing access between the mezzanines
without having to go downstairs. The two separate glass cubes at the entrance maintain the three-dimensional and spatial depth and also act as sound-proofing; these
contain meeting rooms, as well as the administrative rooms, and provide access to the
mezzanines. The hierarchical organization of the offices, owing to the entire spatial and
material transparency, takes its supervisory power from seeing and being seen; the
mezzanines offer a solution in that those in the executive rooms are able to follow the
performance of their employees.
During the process of renovation of the nearly 170-year old warehouse, a sustainable
conservationist approach was chosen and the building was changed as little as possible
and minimum intervention was made, thus ensuring that the least damage would be
inflicted during essential removals. All the additional areas, including the floors, are
being supported by steel structures and the floor covering was removed from the
buildings original masonry bearing walls. To make the constructions historical layers
and the spatial interventions visible, the additions of bricks and stone inserts which
were made over time on the surfaces were preserved. The steel roof girders changed
at the end of the 1950s by Tekel were painted white and the newer ones painted black
highlighting interventions in different colours. All electromechanical installations were
left open between the roof girders and distributed throughout the entire structure; by
enclosing new additions within the steel frame structure, the highlighted spatial dimensions and outlines have been revealed.
Similar to the Larkin Administration Building, for which F.L. Wright invented the open
plan office in 1904, Tuzambar is an office space almost completely closed to the outside, composed of work islands, and one of the competent examples of a sustainable
approach to conservation, so very rare in Turkey.





trkiye basketbol federasyonu genel merkezi

turkish basketball federation headquarters
stanbul, 2010

: Begm Yazgan, Kerem Yazgan | Yazgan Tasarm Mimarlk



: Trkiye Basketbol Federasyonu

Commissioned by Turkish Basketball Federation


Trkiye Basketbol Federasyonu merkez binas, Zeytinburnunda, 13.685 m alan zerinde konumlanmtr. Abdi peki Spor Salonu ve Yedikule Surlar tarafndan evrelenmi
olan yap, balamsal veriler dikkate alnarak tasarlanmtr. Tarihi surlarla atmayan
malzeme seimi ve arlkl brtal yaklam yapnn dilini oluturmutur. Gneydou
cephesinde tasarlanan ve yap boyunca uzanan teras, yapnn surlarla kuraca grsel
ilikiyi glendirmitir. Yapnn plan kurgusu, TBFnin kurumsal yaplanma ekli ve bu
yaplanma eklinin talepleri dorultusunda tasarlanmtr. Yap merkezinde bir atrium
yaratlm; ynden eriilen ana dolam merdiveni, atrium iinden ykselmitir. at
klyla aydnlatlan atrium etrafndaki ortak koridorlar ak ofisler yoluyla geniletilmi, kamusal bir mekn kurgusu elde edilmitir.

stanbulun Zeytinburnu ilesinde, stanbul Kara Surlarna paralel ilerleyen 10. Yl Caddesi zerinde konumlanan Trkiye Basketbol Federasyonu Genel Merkez Binas, uzun
yllar TBGEV (Trk Basketbolunu Gelitirme Vakf) tarafndan iletilen yaknndaki Abdi
peki Arenann (eski adyla Abdi peki Spor Salonu) zemin katnda hizmet veren Trkiye Basketbol Federasyonuna ait ofis birimlerinin daha iyi hizmet verebilmeleri ve ynetim yaps ihtiyacnn giderilmesi amacyla 2010 ylnda ina edilerek hizmete almtr.
Abdi peki Arenann geni ak otopark alan ve 10. Yl Caddesi ile evrili olan iki katl
ynetim yaps, merkezinde atrium bulunan dikdrtgen formlu plan emasna sahiptir.
Kamusal nitelikteki giri katnda, kapal ofis birimleri dnda ak ofis alanlar ve kazanlan kupalarn sergilendii ak mze alan bulunmaktadr. Grsel iletiimi kurduu
kadar, atdan gelen doal ofislere ve zemin kotuna ulatran atriumun merkezinde
st kata ulam salayan tek kollu merdiven konumlandrlmtr. Yapnn st katnda
bulunan ofis birimlerinin koridora bakan cepheleri doal ktan maksimum yararlanmak amacyla tmyle effaf olarak ele alnmtr. Bu kattaki ofis birimlerinden farkl
olarak, iki toplant salonu ile ynetici odalarnn meknsal kurgular deitirilmi ve dardan yapnn tarafn saran ak koridora dorudan almalar salanarak, alt kattan
ve yapnn ana giriinden bamsz alabilmeleri salanmtr.
Yapnn cephesinde iki kat boyunca oluturulan dey effaf yrtklarn, yapnn dolu yzeylerini ritmik olarak paral hale getirii; giri cephesinden farkl olarak, yapnn gneybat cephesinin pres tula kapl oluu gibi tektonik eitliliin yaratabilecei zorluklar,
paral yap imgesini btncl klan ve binaya karakteristik zelliini veren betonarme
at pla sayesinde artc bir biimde almtr. Ak koridorun zerini rterek gne
krc ilevi de gren bu srekli at pla, ayn zamanda yapsal duvarlara dnerek
binann iki cephesinde belirgin hale getirilmitir. Her cephede uzayp ksalarak, dzlem
deitirerek farkllaan bu srekli yzey fikri iklimsel konfor salad kadar, yapya algsal bir zenginlik ve derinlik de katmaktadr.


The Turkish Basketball Federation headquarters building is situated on a 13,685-squaremeter plot of land in Zeytinburnu. The planning for this building, located in the vicinity
of the Abdi peki Gymnasium and the Yedikule City Walls, was carried out with consideration for the contextual data. The vernacular aspect was formed by selecting materials in keeping with the historic city walls and a predominantly brutalist approach.
The terrace, which extends along the building on the southeast faade, reinforces the
visual relationship between the building and the city walls. The building was designed
with the corporate structure of the Turkish Basketball Federation in mind. An atrium
was created at the buildings center, including a three-way main staircase. The atrium,
illuminated by a skylight, is extended by common corridors and open offices, thus creating a public space.

The General Headquarters of the Turkish Basketball Federation are situated on the
10.Yl Street, parallel to Istanbul City Walls, in Istanbuls district of Zeytinburnu. For many
years the federation was situated in the nearby Abdi peki Arena (formerly known as
Abdi peki Sports Hall), where they were housed on the ground floor. The the latter
premises were operated for many years by TBGEV (Foundation for the Development
of Turkish Basketball). The office units belonging to the Turkish Basketball Federation
were opened in these new headquarters constructed in 2010 to provide better services
and in order to meet management requirements.
The two-story management structure, flanked by the large parking space of Abdi peki
Arena and the 10. Yl Street, has a rectangular plan with an atrium at the center. On the
ground floor, which is open to the public, there is open office space and an open museum that exhibits trophies outside the closed office units. To provide access to the upper
floor as well as to establish a visual connection with the natural light coming from the
ceiling, the atrium possesses a single staircase, situated in the center. On the upper
floor of the building, the office fronts facing the hallway are transparent, thus allowing
the offices to benefit as much as possible from the natural light. The spatial structures
of the offices on this floor were modified into two meeting rooms and administrative
rooms, and direct access to the external hallway which surrounds the building on three
sides was provided; the lower floor and the main entrance of the building thus function
On the faade of the building, the transparent vertical slashes over two floors create a
rhythmical fragmentation for the full faades of the building. The difficulties created by
the tectonic diversity found in the entrance on the southwest faade, which is covered
with bricks, were surmounted in a surprising way; owing to the concrete roof plate,
with its granular image, an integrity has been created, thus giving the building its characteristic feature. This continuous roof plate, closing the top of the open hallway and
thus acting as a sun shade, has also been transformed into structural walls, bringing the
buildings two faades to prominence. Stretching to all fronts and then shortening, thus
acquiring a different character by changing planes, this continuous surface not only provides climatic comfort, but also confers a perceptual richness and depth to the building.




trkiye noterler birlii merkez binas

headquarters of the union of turkish public notaries
Ankara, 2009


: Selim Veliolu, Umut yign, Orkun zer, Murat Aksu | MuuM



: Trkiye Noterler Birlii

Commissioned by Union of Turkish Public Notaries


Trkiye Noterler Birlii Binasnn kullanclar iin bir iletiim ortam olarak planlanmas,
tasarm felsefesinin temelini oluturmaktadr. ve d meknlar arasndaki balantlar,
noterler ile toplum arasndaki iletiimi glendirirken, ayn zamanda sosyal bir alma
ortam yaratmaktadr. Avlu etrafnda gelien, geleneksel kervansaray plan emasnn
modern bir yorumu olarak ele alnan yap, kullanclarna ada ve verimli alma
ortam salamaktadr. Atrium, konferans fuayesini, giri ve sergi holn, kat kprlerini
kapsayan, sosyal ve alma alanlar ile i baheyi grsel ve fonksiyonel olarak btnletiren bir hacim oluturmaktadr. Yap kurgusunun berrakl, algya aklk, meknlar
arasndaki srekliliin salanmas, saydamlk gibi zellikler, tasarmn her aamasnda
ne kan faktrler olmutur.

Eskiehir Yolunu Atatrk Orman iftliine balayan Stz Caddesinin Yaam Caddesi ile kesitii 6.871 mlik ke parselde konumlanan Trkiye Noterler Birlii Merkez
Binasnn projesi, Kzlaydaki eski merkezin yetersiz kalmas nedeniyle yeni genel merkez binas ile kltrel ve sosyal tesislerin elde edilmesi amacyla birlik tarafndan 2003
ylnda alan, 134 katlml ulusal mimari proje yarmas ile elde edilmitir.
Stz blgesinin yar kentsellemi dank peyzaj ierisinde Ak Parti Genel Merkez
Binas, Bayazcolu Camisi, Otoko-Ford Yetkili Servisi, TOBB ET Hastanesi, Stz Konut Sitesi ve Ankara Ticaret Odas Kongre Merkezi ile etraf evrilmi olan yap,
olumsuz d evre koullarndan kendini yaltmak zere ie dnk bir yaklamla tasarlanmtr. Ofis ve ynetim merkezi yaplarnn deyde gelien konvansiyonel tipolojilerinden farkl olarak, toplanma alan niteliindeki orta avlu etrafnda gelien 5 katl
yap, sosyallemeyi salayacak iletiim ortam yaratma iddias nedeniyle bir cephesi
projeksiyon duvar ile tamamlanan U formlu bir kurguda tasarlanmtr.
D cephedeki masif yzeylerin okluuna karn, avluya bakan i cephelerde effaf
malzemelerin kullanlm olmas nedeniyle yapnn her noktasndan avlu ile grsel iliki
kurmak mmkn olmutur. Plan emasnda, avluya bakan i cepheler boyunca devam
ettirilen yatay sirklasyon hatlar yapnn drt kesindeki effaf ekirdekler sayesinde
dey ynde de srekli klnm, yapnn orta kolundaki geni galeri boluu ve bu boluk boyunca uzanan tavandan asl izgisel elik merdiven sayesinde bu algsal younluk, yapnn mimari atmosferini zenginletirmitir.
Kesintisiz alg ve meknsal deneyim yaratmak zere i ve d arasndaki snrlar eritmek, her trl meknsal engeli ortadan kaldrmak amacyla, cam blc duvarlardan
geirgen merdiven ve korkuluklara kadar yapnn her noktasnda effafl hedefleyen
bir tasarm yaklam srdrlmtr. Bu effaflk anlay yalnzca malzemeyle snrl kalmam, meknsal sreklilik anlamnda da yapnn tmne yaylmtr. Ana galeri
boluu ile deyde oluturulan bu kesintisiz alg ve meknsal zenginlik, zemin kattaki
restorann avluya bakan k bahesi blmnde yatay olarak ele alnm, i avlu ile hem
grsel hem de meknsal sreklilikler kurulmutur.
Uygulama aamasnda yapnn bir kolunda yaplmas dnlen konaklama birimi ile
orta avluda yaplmas dnlen tenis kortu ve yzme havuzu iptal edilerek, avlunun
peyzaj tasarm deitirilmi, zemin altndaki sosyal meknlarn yerine ise bilgi ilem
merkezi yaplmtr.
Toplamda 20.595 mlik inaat alanna yaylan, tasarmclarnn tanmyla vaha niteliindeki byk ve tanml bahesi ile Trkiye Noterler Birlii Merkez Binas, sahip olduu
berrak ve geirgen mekn kurgusu ile yaln ve dingin meknsal atmosferinin yan sra
kullanclarna sunduu sosyalleme imknlar ve i ac alma ortamlar nedeniyle,
son yllarda Trkiyede ina edilmi en sra d ynetim yaplarndan birisidir.


The basis of the design philosophy used in the planning of the Union of Turkish Public
Notaries building was to develop a communication environment. While the passages
between the internal and outdoor areas reinforce communication between the notaries and the public, they also create a social-working environment. The building, structured around a courtyard, a modern interpretation of the traditional caravanserai plan,
creates a modern and productive work environment. The atrium includes a conference
foyer, entrance and exhibition hall, and bridges connecting the levels, which visually
and functionally connect the social and working areas to the courtyard. Transparency
of construction and clear perception and continuity between the spaces were factors
that were kept in mind throughout every stage of the design.

Positioned on a 6,871 square meter corner parcel at the intersection of Yaam Avenue
and Stz Avenue, which connects the Eskiehir Road with the Atatrk Forest Farm,
the design for the Headquarters of the Union of Turkish Public Notaries project was
chosen from 134 entries in a national architectural competition held in 2003 after it
was decided that the former headquarters and cultural/social facilities in Kzlay were
The Headquarters of the Union of Turkish Public Notaries is located in the partially urbanized landscape of scattered buildings in the Stz region amidst the Ak Party
General Headquarters, Bayazcolu Mosque, Otoko-Ford Authorized Service, TOBB ET
Hospital, Stz Residential Complex and the Ankara Chamber of Commerce Congress Center. The structure has an introverted design that insulates it from the negative
external environmental conditions. In contrast to the conventional vertical typology
of office and headquarters, the 5-floored structure rises around an atrium to create
an assembly area; this area has been designed in a U-shape, which is topped off by a
projection wall on one side. In this way, a communication area for socialization has
been created.
Despite the fact that the majority of the exterior consists of solid surfaces, the transparent material used in the interior faade in the atrium enables a visual connection to be
made from every point of the building. In the plan, the horizontal circulation lines in the
interior walls that face the atrium continue along the vertical surfaces, passing through
the transparent cores at the four corners of the structure; this perceptual density, enhanced by means of the wide gallery space in the middle of the structure and the steel
stairs suspended from the ceiling into this space enriches the architectural atmosphere
of the structure.
This is a design approach in which complete transparency is continued throughout the
structure, including in the permeable stairs, banisters and glass walls in order to create
a continuous perception and spatial experience; the boundaries between the interior and exterior have been removed, as has every spatial obstacle. This transparency
concept is not limited to the materials; indeed, it is applied to the whole building. This
continuous perception and spatial richness is established vertically in the main gallery
space and horizontally in the winter garden, which is part of the ground floor restaurant and faces the atrium, thus providing both a visual and spatial continuity with the
interior atrium.
In the application phase, the residential unit that was to be built in one section of the
building and the tennis court and swimming pool that were to be constructed in the
central atrium were removed from the plan; the landscape design of the atrium was
also altered. Instead of residential apartments on the ground floor, a data-processing
center was established.
A wide and defined garden described by the designers as an oasis forms part of the
20,595 square meter area of the Headquarters of the Union of Turkish Public Notaries.
The clear and permeable structure, the simple and calm spatial atmosphere, socialization areas and pleasant work environments make the building one of the most extraordinary headquarters to be built in Turkey in recent years.




mitky i merkezi
mitky business center
Ankara, 2010


: Hseyin Btner | Btner Mimarlk


Commissioned by


: Orhan Tiner

mitky Merkezi, Ankarann mitky semti ana bulvar zerinde konut, cami, ticaret yaps gibi farkl lek ve ilevlerdeki yaplarla birlikte yer almaktadr. Bu balamda
blgede zaman ierisinde konut yaplarndan dntrlm ticaret yaplarnn aksine;
bir yandan ilevsel kullanmn ifade ederken dier yandan da evresine meknsal katk
salayan ve showroom, market, restoran gibi farkl mekn ihtiyalarn karlayabilecek
esneklikte bir yap olmas, nemli tasarm kavramlar olmutur. Arazideki eim deerlendirilerek hem bulvar hem de arka sokak tarafnda farkl kotlarda birer giri elde
edilmi; bu iki giri arasnda kamuya ak, merdivenli bir sokak oluturulmutur. Bylece
yapnn ke vurgusu glendirilerek bulvar zerinde bir odak olmas hedeflenmitir.

1980lerden itibaren Ankarann batsna doru balayan byme ve saaklanma hamleleri sonucunda, kk yerleim ve kylerin aralar lks konut siteleri ve toplu konutlarla dolmaya balam, mitky ve benzeri birok banliy semti, aralarnda yeni
boluklar reterek fragmanter yapl evreler oluturmaya balamtr. Merkezi olmayan, zaman zaman birbirlerine yaklaarak younlaan, ancak bir kentsel rnt veya
btnlk oluturmayan bu konut fragmanlar, kentin eperinde yar kentsel peyzajlar
oluturmaya balamtr. Eskiehir Yolu boyunca kentin gneybat ynnde saaklanan
ve merkezi olmayan bu seyrek rntler, kendi anlam ve dzen kurgularn ina ederek
yeni yerleim fragmanlar olutururken, aralarndaki ilikisellii kuran tek ey bunlar
var eden a benzeri ulam rntsdr.
mitky Eskiehir Yoluna balayan 8. Cadde ile Satcom Askeri Radar Tesisi ve TBTAK
UEKAE LTAREN Binasna kan 2435 Sokann kesitii eimli arazi zerinde konumlanan mitky Merkezi, bitiiinde bulunan mitky Camii ile yollarn biimlendirdii
eyrek daire formlu ke parsel zerine ina edilmitir. Bulunduu dank ve dzensiz
yar kentsel doku ierisinde, evresindeki yaplamaya kaytsz kalarak kendi dzenini
kurmak yerine, kentsel ilikiler kurmaya alan yap, bir dizi mimari ve kentsel eleman
kullanarak, bulunduu alanda kamusal ve kentsel rntlerin reyebilecei balanglar ina etmektedir. Yolun kar tarafnda srekli olarak hissedilen, ancak kendi bulunduu tarafta, yanndaki cami ve devamndaki bo arazi nedeniyle bir trl oluamayan
sokak etkisini yaratmak zere yol boyunca kesintisiz bir yzey neren yap, bu sayede
yolun dier tarafndaki cepheler ile diyaloa girerek, 8. Cadde boyunca ok az noktada
yakalanabilen sokak hissini oluturmakta, semtin seyrek dokusu iinde snrl da olsa
bir younluk etkisi yaratarak, kentsel merkez hissinin olumasna yardmc olmaktadr.
Kapal otopark olarak kullanlan zemin altndaki 2 kat ve en stte geriye ekilen terasl
at kat da dahil olmak zere toplam 6 katl olan yap, bir kat yksekliindeki kot fark
nedeniyle n ve arka cephesindeki yollardan iki ayr giri alabilmektedir. Bu iki girii,
dolaysyla da iki yolu yapnn dndan birbirine balayan ve binann erisel yzeyi boyunca devam eden kamusal merdivenler, bu semtte grlebilecek en istisnai kentsel
elemanlardan biridir. Yalnzca yapy kullananlar iin deil, yolun kenarnda yryenler
iin de yar glgeli kamusal alanlar neren bu merdivenler, kiralanabilir ticari birimlere de dardan ulam salamaktadr. Toplamda 5.110 mlik kapal alana yaylan ve
53 aralk kapal otopark alan bulunan bu i merkezinin tasarmnda farkl olaslklar gz
nne alnm, kullancs belli olmad iin, gerektiinde binann tek bir iyeri olarak
kullanlabilecei, gerekirse de dardan bamsz birimler olarak kiraya verilebilecei
esnek bir plan emas gelitirilmitir. Yap, kentsel ilikiler nermeyi vaat eden cesur
yaklam ve mtevaz tasarm diliyle, metropoln savruk dnyas iinde yaln ama etkili mimari mdahaleler retebilmenin olanaklarn gstermesi asndan son yllarda
retilmi en arpc ve retici yaplardan biridir.


The mitky Business Center is located on the main boulevard in mitky, where other buildings of various dimensions and functions, including residential, religious and
commercial structures, can be found. Thus the overriding concept in the design was
self-expression while establishing a positive relationship with the surroundings. The
difference in elevation of the land on which the building is located was utilized to achieve entrances at different levels for the boulevard and rear faades. A public access
stairway was created between these two entrances to reinforce the structures corner
emphasis. Hence, contrary to the other commercial units created from pre-existing residential buildings along mitky Boulevard, a modern commercial building has been
created which fulfills a number of different minor and major functions.

As a result of the rapid growth spreading west of Ankara since the 1980s, the areas between the existing small settlements and villages have been used for the construction
of luxurious residential complexes and housing estates. Many suburban districts like
mitky have started to form fragmented neighborhoods, creating new gaps between
the older settlements. These residential fragments without a center, have, from time to
time, grown towards each other and created more densely-built areas. Nevertheless,
rather than forming an urban pattern or an integral whole, they have begun to form
semi-urban landscapes on the outskirts of the city. While these sparse patterns, spreading towards the south-west along the Eskiehir Road, have created new residential
areas by forming their own meaning and order, the only connection between them is
the web-like transportation pattern which led to their existence.
The mitky Business Centre, built on the inclined land that forms the intersection
between 8th Street, a road that connects mitky with the Eskiehir Road, and the
Satcom Military Radar Facility and 2435 Street, which emerges from the TBTAK UEKAE
LTAREN building, is built adjacent to the mitky Mosque, on a quarter-circle shaped
corner parcel. Instead of remaining indifferent to the construction around it and forming
its own order within the fragmented and disordered semi-urban texture, the structure
attempts to form an urban relationship; using a number of architectural and urban elements, it constructs the beginning of a public and urban pattern. The structure, which
offers an uninterrupted faade along the road, creates a street effect that is otherwise
not possible due to the existence of the mosque next to it and the empty plot beyond;
thus, the center enters into a dialogue with the faades on the other side of the road,
forming a street feeling that can be sensed in few other areas along 8th street, and by
creating a feeling of intensity to the extent possible in the scattered texture of the area,
helps to form the feeling of an urban center.
The structure, which has a total of 6 floors, including the 2 lower floors that are used as
an indoor car park and the terraced roof, which turns back on itself, has two separate
entrances from the roads on the front and back faades created by the difference in
level of one storey. These two entrances thus connect the two roads to one another
from the exterior of the structure and via the public stairs which continue along the
buildings curvilinear surface; this is an exceptional urban element in this area. The
stairs create semi-shaded public areas for those walking on the side of the road as
well as for those who use the building; in addition, the stairs also provide access to the
rented commercial units from the exterior. A number of variables have been taken into
account during the design phase of this commercial centre, which is spread over a total
closed area of 5,110 square meters, with an indoor car park with a capacity for 53 vehicles. A flexible plan has been developed, as the end-user is undetermined; thus when
needed, the building can be used as one business space or, if necessary, can be rented
to independent companies. The building, with its bold approach and modest design
approach, is one of the most striking and exemplary structures to have been produced
in recent years in that it demonstrates the possibilities for creating simple but effective
architectural interventions in the citys urban sprawl.




yeilyurt ofis binas

yeilyurt office building
Samsun, 2009


: Enis ncolu, nder Kaya, Cem Altnz, Cumhur Keskinok | ncolu Mimarlk


Commissioned by


: Yeilyurt naat

Ofis binas olarak tasarlanan projede, alma alanlar arlkl olarak gney ynnde konumlandrlm; servis ve teknik birimler kuzey cephede planlanmtr. Gney cephede
s ve k kontrol salamak amacyla ieriden otomatik olarak kontrol edilen hareketli
paneller tasarlanmtr. Cephe tasarmnda, Karadenizin mimari karakterine gnderme
ile zemin kat sar olarak tasarlanm, st katlar ahap paneller ile yar geirgen olarak planlanmtr. Yapnn evreden algsn ve gece etkisini glendirmek iin dou
ve gney cephelerdeki hareketli panellerde zel aydnlatmalar tasarlanmtr. Bylece
panellerin hareketlerine gre farkllaan bir cephe etkisi salanmtr. mekn yapnn
genel mimari kurgusu ile uyumlu; mermer, ahap ve cam gibi doal malzemelerin kullanmyla tasarlanmtr.

Samsunun 13 km dousundaki Tekkeky ilesinin snrlar iinde bulunan ve SamsunOrdu Karayolu zerinden ulalan Yeilyurt Ofis Binas, Trkiyenin nemli demir elik
reticilerinden biri olan Yeilyurt Grupun, Samsun Organize Sanayi Blgesi iinde 1987
ylnda kurduu fabrikann arazisi iinde yer almaktadr. Grubun deniz kenarnda bulunan Yeilyurt elik Liman skelesine ve Yeilyurt Demir elik Fabrikasna 2 km uzaklktaki dier fabrika alannda konumlanan ofis yaps, fabrika ktlesine bititirilerek kafa
yaps olarak zlen, retim ile dorudan ilikili bilindik fabrika ynetim yaplarndan
farkl olarak, metal atklarn yksek s altnda ilenerek dntrld elikhane ve
haddehane birimlerinden uzakta, bamsz bir ynetim yaps olarak ele alnmtr.
Karayolunun yaknnda bulunan fabrika kompleksinin yola en yakn gney kesinde
konumlandrlan ynetim yaps, kontrol noktas olarak ilev grebilecei, fabrikaya giren aralarn geilerinin izlenebildii kritik bir noktada ina edilmitir. Fabrika arazisi
ierisinde 623 mlik bir alana oturan ve 2.025 mlik kapal alana sahip bu 5 katl ynetim yapsnn bodrum katnda kapal otopark bulunmaktadr. Zemin katnda ise, ok
amal salon ile oda olarak dnlm rezerv ofis alan bulunmakta olup, yapnn en
st katna ariv ve yemekhane, ara katlara ise ynetici ofisleri ile dier hizmet birimlerinin odalar yerletirilmitir. Plan emasnda, servis ve dey sirklasyon birimleri yapnn kuzey tarafnda toplanarak, alma meknlarnn gneye bakmalar salanmtr.
Koyu renk doal tala kapl yapnn ana gvdesinden darya frlatlan 2. ve 3. katlar,
katlanm plak mantnda srekli bir yzey iine alnarak programatik farkllklar vurgulu hale getirilmitir. Binann giri saa da benzer biimde katlanm yzey mant
ile ele alnarak, arsa snrna kadar devam ettirilmi ve bir porte-cochree dndrlmtr. Yapnn evresindeki bo alanlar organize eden bu mimari eleman, bina giriini
tanmlamann yan sra, ak otopark alan ile fabrika girii arasndaki ayrm da belirgin
Yar krsal nitelikteki bir endstriyel peyzaj ierisinde konumlanan Yeilyurt Ofis Binas,
evresinde kaliteli bir mimari ortamn olumasn tevik eden mtevaz lei, yaln
ve net mimari diliyle, bu blgede eine az rastlanr bir mimari kaliteye sahip ynetim
yaplarndan biridir.


The working areas of this office building have for the most part a southern aspect, with
service and technical units being positioned along the northern side. Mobile panels,
automatically controlled from inside, have been designed to allow climate and light
control on the southern side. The faade makes reference to the Black Sea vernacular
with the ground floor designed as a blind floor, while the upper floors have been designed as semi-transparent panels interspersed with wooden panels. To enhance the
perception of the building from its surroundings and to emphasize its nighttime appearance, special illumination has been designed in the moving panels on the eastern
and southern faades, to create different effects in accordance with the movement of
the panels. The indoor area is designed to be consistent with the overall architectural
theme using natural materials such as marble, wood and glass.

The Yeilyurt Office Building is located in the factory complex of the Samsun Organized
Industrial Zone in the Samsun borough of Tekkeky 13 kilometers east of Samsun on
the Samsun-Ordu Highway. Built in 1987, the building belongs to one of Turkeys most
important iron-steel producers, the Yeilyurt Group. The office building, positioned in
the factory area 2 kilometers from the Yeilyurt Steel Harbor Dock and the Yeilyurt
Iron-Steel Factory, has been approached as an independent management structure set
away from the steelworks and rolling mill units where iron waste is recycled at high
temperatures unlike most factory management structures that have a direct physical
relationship with production.
The management structure is in a prime position in the southern corner of the factory
complex next to the highway allowing it to function as a control point by observing
vehicles entering and leaving the factory. There is an indoor parking area in the basement of the 5-storey management structure, which is built on a 623 square- meter
plot and consists of 2,025 square meters of interior area. On the ground floor there is a
reserve office area which has been perceived as a multi-purpose lounge and a room,
with management offices and other service units on the middle floors; an archives and
a dining hall are located on the top floor. In the plan, the service and vertical circulation
units are located on the northern side and the work spaces have a southern aspect.
The second and third floors overhang the main body of the structure, which has been
covered with dark natural stone to provide continuity with a folded plate system, thus
emphasizing programmatic differences. In addition, the canopy over the entrance of
the structure have been created with the folded plate method, continuing to the limits
of the plot, thus forming a Porte-cochre. This architectural element, which organizes
the vacant areas around the structure, also emphasizes the separation between the
parking area and the factory entrance, as well as defining the entrance to the building.
Positioned in this semi-rural industrial landscape, the Yeilyurt Office Building is an unusual management structure in the area with its unique architectural quality that results
from its modest scale and simple, clear architectural vernacular; it is this that helps to
encourage the development of a high quality architectural environment in the area.



yorum ajans ofis binas

yorum ajans office building
stanbul, 2005

: Emre Arolat | EAA-Emre Arolat Architects


Commissioned by


: Yorum Ajans

Dntrme mimarlnn giydirme ve gzelletirme pratii olarak tanmland gnlerde, rasyonel bir plan kurgusu ve basit bir cephe organizasyonuna sahip mevcut yapnn
yzeysel izleri srdrlrken, dekoratif i ve d giydirme eilimlerinden olabildiince
uzak durma abas tasarmn en nemli kriteri oldu. stanbul Gayrettepede, yaya ve
ara trafiinin youn olduu blgede yer alan yap, yeni sahibi Yorum Ajans tarafndan tariflenen kullanm senaryosuna uygun olarak kurguland. Dikdrtgen planl yapnn
uzun kenarndaki konsolun 1. ve 5. katlar arasndaki blmnn kaldrlmas ile oluan galerinin, kurulmas ngrlen her trden ilikinin tetikleyicisi olmas, ana kullanm
alanlar ile ehir arasnda bir arayz olarak yer alan dey etkili bu meknn, alr kapanr sistemlerle gerektiinde yapnn i kullanmna katlabilmesi ngrld.

stanbulda Barbaros Bulvarn Boazii Kprsnn devamndaki stanbul evre Yoluna

balayan Yldz Posta Caddesi zerinde konumlanan Publics Yorum Ajans Ynetim
Merkezi, 1963 ylnda ina edilen ve 2 ksmdan oluan Emekli Subay Evleri yerleimi
ierisinde yer almaktadr. Esentepe ve Gayrettepe semtlerini birbirinden ayran Yldz
Posta Caddesi ile Villa Caddesinin birletii ke parselde bulunmakta olup, mevcut
8 katl yapnn bodrum kat ile banka ubesinin bulunduu zemin ve 1. kat dndaki
dier katlar yenilenerek reklam ajansnn ynetim merkezine dntrlmtr. Toplamda 5 kata yaylan 1.800 mlik yenileme projesi, tasarmclarnn eletirel duruu sayesinde gncel mimarlk ortamnda kabul gren konvansiyonel yenileme anlaylarn
sorgulanr klmakta, nerdikleri yeniliki dnm yaklam nedeniyle de yeni olaslklar gndeme getirmektedir.
Tasarmclar, yatay, dey ve dngsel hareketler olarak tanmladklar reklam ajansndaki grift ilikiler an organize edebilmek ve bu performatif hareketlerin 5 kata
yaylmasndan kaynaklanabilecek kopukluu gidermek amacyla, cephe boyunca devam eden 5 kat yksekliinde bir galeri boluu amay nermilerdir. nce uzun bir
parsel zerine oturan yapnn gneydou ynndeki uzun cephesi boyunca alan bu
boluk, yapnn yatayda gelien mekn kurgusunu yrtarak bir anda deye dndrmekte, iinde tek kollu merdivenin yer ald bu ince uzun galeri boluu sayesinde,
katlar arasnda kurulan ilikisellik grselliin tesine geerek performatif bir nitelik kazanmaktadr. Mekn kurgusuna yaplan bu allmadk mdahale, bir yandan yaplar
estetikletirmeye alan gncel yenileme eilimleri karsnda tasarmclarn gelitirdii
muhalif pozisyonu grnr klmakta, dier yandan yapya eklemeler yapmay deil de,
yklerinden arndrarak onu okunakl klmay, gerekliini da vurabilecei sakinlik ortamn retebilmeyi ve yapy idealize etmeden kusurlaryla, kendisi olarak sunabilmeyi
iddia etmektedir. Mimarlk ortamndaki mevcut sylemlere kar gelitirilen bu zihinsel
mesafelenme, bitmilik ve mkemmellik beklentilerini askya alan muhalif bir pozisyonun da gelitirilmesini zorunlu klmaktadr. Yapnn mkemmelliinin peinde komay
deil de, her mdahale ile biraz daha bozulduunun, her daim bir parasnn eksik kalacann hissettirilecei bir przllk halinin de tasarmn merkezine konmasn gerekli
klmaktadr. Yapnn cephesine yaplan mdahale biimi bile bu przll grnr
klmaktadr. Cephenin tmyle deil de bir ksmnn dntrlm olmas, blgedeki
yatay bantl jenerik cephe dzeninin, hem yapnn eski halini hem de iinden geldii
jenerik dnyay hatrlatrcasna varln hl srdrmeye devam etmesi, buna karn
sahip olduu yataylk dzeninin de kesintiye uratlm olmas, her trl btnlk beklentisini sekteye uratmaktadr.
Katlar arasndaki insan hareketlerini olduu kadar d dnyay da seyirlik bir manzaraya
dntren bu akkan galeri boluu, manzara iinde devinmeyi mmkn klan endstriyel merdiven, dk tavan ykseklii nedeniyle elektro-mekanik sistemleri akta
brakan brtal anlay, yapnn konstrktif gzellii ile de kendini var edebileceinin
kantlar olarak sunulmaktadr. Sahip olduu bu radikal yenileme anlay nedeniyle
Yorum Ajans Ynetim Merkezi, Trkiyedeki gncel mimarlk ortam ierisinde muhalif
kalabilmenin ve srekli yer deitiren bir eletirel pozisyon retebilmenin nemine iaret eden arpc rneklerden biridir.


At a time when architectural transformation has been defined as the practice of cladding and beautification, the most important criterion of the design was to avoid decorative interior or exterior cladding while maintaining the external aspects of the existing
building, with its rational structure and simple faade.The building, which is located in
the busy pedestrian and traffic area of Gayrettepe-Istanbul, was built according to the
requirements of Yorum Agency. The gallery, formed by the removal of a section of the
corbel, from the 1st to the 5th floor on the long side of the rectangular building, acted
as the impetus to any new aspects; the vertical area acts as an interface between the
main usage areas and the city. When necessary this structure can be included in the
internal use of the building via the opening/closing systems.

Positioned on Yldz Posta Avenue, which connects Barbaros Boulevard to the Istanbul
Ring Road after it leaves the Bosphorus Bridge, Yorum Ajans Office Building is located
in the Retired Officers Housing Estate consisting of two parts and built in 1963. Located
on the corner of the plot at the intersection of Yldz Posta Avenue and Villa Avenue,
which separates the districts of Esentepe and Gayrettepe, all the floors of the 8-storey
building, with the exception of the basement, ground and first floors that house a bank,
have been renovated and transformed into the headquarters of an advertising agency.
The critical stance of this five-storey renovation project spanning 1,800 square meters
has opened dialogue on the questioning of conventional renovation approaches in contemporary architecture, as well as producing new solutions thanks to the innovative
renovation approach that was adopted.
In order to organize the intricate web of relations in an advertising agency, which are
defined as vertical, horizontal and circular movements, and to remove any possible disconnection which might result from the expansion of these performative movements
over 5 floors, the designers suggested creating a gallery space that travelled throughout the five floors at the front. This space, which continues over the long front on the
southeastern side of the building, which is positioned on a long thin parcel of land, rips
through the horizontal space installation and converts it into the vertical; thanks to this
long thin gallery space in which there is a flight of stairs, the relationship between the
floors takes on a performative feature that goes beyond the visual. This unusual intervention in the space installation positions the designers in opposition to contemporary
renovation tendencies while still attempting to make the structure aesthetically visible;
at the same time the structure offers itself, with its flaws, without being idealized, thus
creating a calm environment in which its essence can be expressed. Instead of making
additions, the elimination of its weight has made it more legible. This mental distancing
from the current discourses in the architectural environment necessitates adopting a
contradictory position to the expectations of perfection and completeness. Thus, rather
than pursuing perfection, there is a demand for every intervention to cause a little
more disruption, every permanent piece that is missing to make its absence felt, thus
creating a feeling of roughness in the center of the design. Even the style of intervention
carried out on the faade of the structure is seen to be rough. The transformation of a
part of the faade rather than the whole is a reminder of the generic world in which it
still exists; on the other hand, the fact that the horizontal order is interrupted confounds
expectations of any type of integrity.
This fluid gallery space, which transforms not only the outer world into an observational view but also the industrial stairs that enable one to move through the scenery,
the brutal approach that leaves the electro-magnetic systems open because of the low
ceiling, and the constructive beauty of the structure all present evidence that the building can exist as it is. Yorum Ajans Office Building is a rare example, due to the radical
renovation approach, which demonstrates the importance of adopting an opposing
stance within the contemporary architectural environment in Turkey and of creating a
critical position that is able to constantly change position.



ziraat bankas kadky ubesi

ziraat bank kadky branch
stanbul, 2004

: Ali Osman ztrk | A Tasarm Mimarlk


Commissioned by


: Ziraat Bankas Genel Mdrl

Ziraat Bankas Kadky ubesi, Karaky skelesinin arkasnda, tarihi yarmada ve Kadky rhtmna hkim bitiik dzen bir ke parseldedir. Yap programnda zemin kat
ube ilemlerine ayrlmtr. st katlar dier alma birimleri iin dzenlenmitir. Banka
tipolojisinde yer alan dolu yzeyler yerine farkl olarak effaflk tercih edilmitir. Kadky siluetinde cephe tasarmyla dokuyu tamamlayan bir yap amalanmtr. Mimariye
yn veren, yapnn omurgasn oluturan tayc sistem, Rhtm Caddesinde yer alan
arkad zerinde devam ederek, geleneksel banka mimarisine gndermede bulunmaktadr. alanlarn manzaradan en st dzeyde faydalanabilecei ekilde, Karaky skelesi, Tarihi Yarmada ve Haydarpaa Garna kadar geni bir perspektifi alglamalar

Karaky skelesinin karsnda, Haydarpaa Rhtm Caddesi ile Baavu Sokann

kesitii ke parselde yer alan mevcut Ziraat Bankas Kadky ubesi gncellenmek
amacyla yklarak, tarihi Haydarpaa Garn ve arkasnda da Tarihi Yarmaday gren
mthi manzaras nedeniyle olabildiince effaf bir kurguda yeniden tasarlanmtr. Bitiik nizaml ke parselde konumlanyor oluu nedeniyle, yapnn manzara gren her
iki cephesinden de maksimum k alabilmesi hedeflemitir. Bu ama dorultusunda,
plan emasnda ekirdek ve servis meknlar sar yan yzeylerde toplanarak, ak ofis
alanlar iin gereken serbest meknlar oluturulmutur. Toplamda 9 kata yaylan programn, giri ve batar katlar ube ilemlerine ayrlrken, bodrum katndaki tesisat ve kasa
dairesi dnda 8. katnda ok amal salon ve onun ana cephe boyunca ald teras
bulunmakta olup, dier katlar ofis birimlerine ayrlmtr.
Yap, gabarisi ve parsel izleri ile mevcut kentsel dokuyu devam ettirirken, sregelen
arkadl yaya yolunu kendi tasarm yaklamnda da devam ettirerek, kentsel sreklilii
ve kent ile balamsal ilikiler kurmay hedeflemektedir. Haydarpaa Rhtm Caddesi
boyunca devam ettirilen bu kentsel repertuvarn yapya karakteristiini verecek ekilde tm cephe tasarmna yaylmas, strktrel zorunluluun cephede davurumcu bir
mimari ifadeye dnmesi anlamnda ilgin bir deneydir. Beyaz opak camla kaplanarak
cephedeki vurgusu artrlan dey tayclar, at katnn geri ekilmesiyle oluturulan
terasn zerinden dnerek, pergole nitelii kazanan erevelere dnmektedir. Zemin
ve at katlarnda ise yzeyden bamszlaarak strktrel rollerini hatrlatan bu dey
hatlar, 20. yzyl bandan itibaren sregelen yzey ve strktr arasndaki gerilimli ilikiyi kendi bnyelerinde yeniden sorunsallatrmaktadr.


The Kadky Branch of Ziraat Bank is situated on a corner plot behind the Karaky Quay,
overlooking the wharf and the historical peninsula. In the construction plan the ground
floor has been dedicated to branch operations, while the upper floors were planned to
house other work units. Unlike the solid walls normally preferred for bank structures,
transparency was chosen here. The objective was to ensure that the buildings faade
complemented the texture of the Kadky silhouette. The bearing system, which forms
the basis of the architecture and constitutes the spine of the building, continues along
the arcade on Rhtm Road, with a reference to traditional bank architecture. The objective was to produce an expansive perspective extending from the Karaky Quay to
the Historical Peninsula and Haydarpaa Train Station, thus allowing optimum benefit
from the view.

The existing Ziraat Bank Kadky Branch, located on the corner parcel at the intersection
of Haydarpaa Rhtm Road and Baavu Street, across from the Karaky Quay, was
demolished and redesigned to be as transparent as possible, due to the extraordinary
view of the historic Haydarpaa Train Station and the Historic Peninsula beyond. The
aim was to ensure maximum light from both sides of the building enjoying the view
due to the buildings position on a corner plot. In accordance with this aim, on the plan
the core and service areas were located on the blind surfaces to create the necessary
free space for the open office areas. While the ground and mezzanine floors of the 9-floor building have been allocated to branch transactions, the basement has been given
over to plumbing and the vault, and the 8th floor is a multi-purpose chamber, featuring
a full terrace on the main side. The other floors have been allocated as office units.
While the template and the limits of the plot maintain the existing urban texture, the
pedestrian arcade continues its characteristic design approach, thus establishing urban
continuity and contextual relationships with the city. The extension of the urban repertoire along the Haydarpaa Rhtm Road throughout the design of the faade, which
gives the building its unique character, is an interesting experiment in turning structural requirements into expressionistic architecture on the faade. The vertical bearings,
whose emphasis has been increased by the white opaque glass coating, curl back over
the terrace created by setting back the penthouse wall, and thus are transformed into
frames to form pergolas. These vertical lines, independent of the surface at the ground
and on the penthouse floors, emphasize their structural roles and thereby once again problematize the tense relationship between the surface and structure, which has
been on the agenda since the early 20th century.




ticari sergileme

g plus sat ofisi

g plus sales office
stanbul, 2011

: Arif Suyabatmaz, Hakan Demirel | Suyabatmaz Demirel Mimarlk


Commissioned by


: Mar Yap

Sat ofisi, stanbulun Gneli ilesinde uygulanmakta olan toplam 100.000mlik inaat
alanna sahip G Plus Projesinin sat ve tehir blmleri ile ayn zamanda yatrmcsnn
bu blgedeki ilerini takip etmek iin kullanaca bir ofis olarak tasarlanmtr. Projenin
byk ksmn oluturan stdyo ve 1+1 dairelerin tehir edildii sat ofisinin zemin katnda mterilerin bilgi alabilecekleri danma, banka ve maket tehir hol bulunmaktadr. 1. katta bulunan 1+1 daire rnei ynetici ofislerinden bir galeriyle ayrlmaktadr.
Yaln bir dile sahip olan cephesi G Plus projesinin cephe karakterini yanstmakla birlikte
sz konusu projeyi oluturan arkadn kk bir tekrar gze arpar. Bina nndeki peyzaj alan yine G Plus Projesinin sert zeminleriyle ayn dile sahiptir.

stanbulun Baclar ilesinin Gneli semtinde yer alan G PLUS Sat Ofisi, Gneli Kava yoluyla Atatrk Bulvarndan ayrlan ve i ksmlara doru ilerleyen Mimar Sinan
Caddesine paralel Yaln Kore Caddesi ile nar Caddesinin kesitii erisel ke parselde konumlanmaktadr. Baclar ile Bahelievler ilelerini birbirinden ayran Yaln Kore
Caddesinin her iki yannda bulunan yaklak 20er dnmlk iki ayr arazi zerinde
ina edilmeye balanan G Plus projesi, 550 daire ve 60 ticari niteyi barndran 23 katl
iki bloktan olumaktadr. Bu konut ve i merkezi projesini tantmak amacyla ina edilen G Plus Sat Ofisi, elik tayc sistemini ve onun cephede yaratt rasyonel zgara
dzenini ne karmak zere dier yzeylerin effaflatrld tasarm yaklam sayesinde, hem kendisinin hem de temsil ettii projenin net ve yaln mimari tasarm dilini
dorudan yanstmaktadr. Yaklak 300 mlik arsa zerine ina edilen ve 450 mlik
kapal alana sahip olan iki katl sat ofisinin d cepheleri koyu renkte olmasna karn,
i meknlar ak renkte dzenlenmi olup, kamusal ile zel alan arasnda renk yoluyla
tansiyon yaratlmaya allmtr. 100.000 mlik inaat alanna sahip G Plus projesinde
yer alan 45 mlik stdyo, 65 mlik 1+1 ve 95 mlik 2+1 dairelerden1+1 olan, G Plus
Sat Ofisinin zemin katnda sergilenmektedir. Yapnn zemin katnda ayrca mteri
ofisleri, banka temsilcilikleri ve maket tehir blm bulunmaktadr. Yapnn st katnda ise, ynetici ofislerinden ayr olarak, stdyo tipi bir rnek daire yer almaktadr.
Son yllarda artan lks konut talebi ile balantl olarak, sat ofisleri ve rnek evler gibi
yeni tr ticari sunum meknlar olumaya balamtr. Henz tasarm aamasndaki
ina edilmemi konut, ofis veya ticari birim gibi metalarn tantlmasna, pazarlanmasna
ve hatta deneyimlenmesine imkn veren bu yeni tr temsil ortamlar, mimari mekn
ile kurulan konvansiyonel alg ve deneyim ilikisinin tesinde yepyeni davran ve alg
biimlerinin olumasna neden olmaktadr. Temsili olan ile gerek olann, maddi olan
ile olmayann arasndaki bilindik snrlar eriten bu sunum meknlarnda, izimler, imgeler, grsel modellemeler, animasyonlar ve ksa filmlerin yan sra interaktif yzeyler,
maketler ve malzeme kataloglar ile metay geree en yakn biimiyle deneyimleme
imkn tanyan, ksmen idealize edilmi rnek ev, dkkn veya ofisler, potansiyel alclara yaratc yntemlerle pazarlanmaktadr. Alclarn alg ve psikolojilerini merkeze
alarak, kurum kimliini ne karmak, ina edilecek olann niteliklerini gzler nne
sermek ve mteriler zerinde olumlu bir izlenim oluturmak amacyla kurgulanan bu
ticari sunum ortamlar, ou zaman geici olarak ina edilmekte olup, mimari atmosfer
yaratmak adna son yllarda ortaya km, zekice kurgulananan, en yaratc tasarm
alanlarndan biridir.


The G Plus Sales Office has been designed as an office in which the investor can follow
local transactions, but which also accommodates sales and showroom sections for the
G Plus project. It is located in the Gneli district of Istanbul on an area of 100,000 square
meters. The sales office is on the buildings ground floor, a significant segment of which
comprises studio and 1BR apartments, and also houses a bank, a model display hall,
and consultancy offices where customers can obtain information. The 1BR showroom
apartment on Level 1 is separated from the administration offices by a gallery. The
G Plus sales office reflects the simple elegance of the G Plus faade, and includes a smaller version of the arcade, a characteristic of the project. The landscaping in the front is
designed in the same vernacular as the G Plus project.

The G PLUS Sales Office, which is in the Istanbul borough of Gneli, is located on a
curved corner parcel intersected by Mimar Sinan Avenue, which heads off from the
Gneli Junction at the Atatrk Boulevard turnoff, and Yaln Kore Avenue and nar
Avenue, which run parallel to it. The construction of the G Plus project has commenced
on two separate plots, each measuring approximately 20 acres, on either side of Yaln
Kore Avenue, which forms a boundary between the two boroughs of Baclar and
Bahelievler. The project consists of two 23-storey blocks containing 550 apartments
and 60 commercial units. The G Plus Office, built in order to promote this residential
and business center, directly reflects a clear and simple architectural expression in its
own design and in that of the project it represents thanks to a design approach that
creates outer surfaces that are transparent to bring out the steel frame bearing system
and the rational grid created on the facade. Colour is used to create a deliberate tension between the public and private areas; the interior areas have been given a light
color, in contrast to the darker exterior faades of the two-floored sales office, which
was constructed on approximately 300 square meters of land, with 450 square meters
of interior space. The G Plus project, which has a total construction area of 100,000
square meters, has apartments of different styles and sizes, namely, 45 square meter
studios, 65 square meter 1+1 apartments and 95 square meter 2+1 apartments. A 1+1
apartment is used as a show apartment on display on the ground floor of the G Plus
Sales Office. Also included on the ground floor of the building are customer offices, bank
representatives and an exhibition section where models of the available space can be
seen. On the top floor of the building, in addition to the offices of the managers, a show
studio apartment is located.
In connection with the recent rise in the demand for luxury housing, new types of
commercial presentation spaces have evolved with sales offices and show apartments.
These new types of representational environments that allow for the promotion, marketing and even the option of trying out merchandise like housing, office or commercial
units while they are at the planning stage and not yet even under construction have
made it possible to go beyond the relationship of the conventional perception and
experience and the architectural location to create new forms of treatment and perception. In these presentational locations, which dissolve the familiar divisions between
the representational and the real, between the material and the non-material, objects,
symbols, visual models, animations and short films are used as well as interactive surfaces, models and catalogues of materials to market the reality of the merchandise to
potential buyers by using creative methods to allow them to experience close up the
partially idealized sample house, commercial space and offices. Commercial presentation areas are most frequently built as temporary spaces in order to create an architectural atmosphere; here in G Plus Office, the presentation areas have been constructed
in order to present the corporate identity, to display the quality of what is to be constructed and to create a positive impression with the customer. By centering themselves
on the buyers perception and psychology, G Plus Offices has created one of the most
intelligently designed and creative design areas in recent years.




maksimum evler sat ofisi

maksimum evler sales office
stanbul, 2004

: Emre Arolat | EAA Emre Arolat Architects


Commissioned by


: Kay naat

Maksimum Evlerin pazarlamasna ynelik olarak ina edilen sat binas, geici yap
olmasnn avantaj ile stanbul Boazii blgesinde son yllarda Geri Grnm ve Etkilenme Blgesi Kararlar olarak adlandrlan, topografyayla kurduu ilikiler, blok ebad,
at ekli gibi yaplanma koullar ile ilgili kstlarn hibirisine tabi olmad. Bu konulardaki tm kararlar, sadece mimarln estetik kanallar zerinden oluturularak vurguland.
Hem yakn hem de uzak algda etkinleen bu vurgular, meraklsna, kstl bir sre iin
de olsa mevcut imar koullarnn bir kez daha sorgulanmasnn yolunu at.

stanbulun Beikta ilesinde, Ortaky semtinin tarihi dokusunun biterek yerini kapal
site yerleimlerinin fragmanter yapsna brakt olduka eimli bir blgede, zirvesinde
Havaclar Parknn bulunduu dik bir yamata konumlanan Maksimum Evler, Boaz
Kprsne bakan ince ve uzun bir parsel zerine yerletirilmi 6 ve 7 katl 3 bloktan oluan bir kapal site yerleimidir. Tasarmna 2001 ylnda balanan ve yaklak
8.000 mlik alana sahip projede, byklkleri 160 ile 406 m arasnda deien, farkl
tipte 25 daire bulunmaktadr. Kendi sosyal ortamn retmeyi iddia eden her kapal
site yerleiminde olduu gibi bu yerleimde de kapal-ak yzme havuzlar, kafe, spor
merkezi, sauna, sinema salonu gibi sosyal tesisler yer almaktadr.
Yaklak 12 mlik kot farknn bulunduu bu dik eimli arazinin setlenmesi ile oluan
betonarme istinat duvarlar, rtlerek gizlenmek yerine sert bir peyzajn elemanlar
olarak ele alnm, dier yandan da binalara ulam salayacak sirklasyon yzeyleri
olarak ilevlendirilmitir. Doaya yaplan mdahaleyi aa karmak, binalarn zerinde konumland bu yapay topografyann oluum srecini gzler nne sermek zere
tasarmc ekip, betonarme istinat duvarlarn kaplayarak rtmek yerine ifa edilebilecekleri bir yzey ve peyzaj tasarm gelitirmitir. Bu yaklama kart olarak, 3 konut
blou ve tek katl sat ofis yaps ahap kompozit paneller ile kaplanarak rtlm,
farkl konumda ve byklkteki bu 4 yap malzeme ortakl sayesinde birbiriyle
ilikilendirilmitir. Bu rtme ve akta brakma anlaynn bir baka tasarm yaklamyla,
btncl bir yzey etkisi yaratan brtalist tavrla tansiyonlu bir ilikiye girmesi
hedeflenmitir. Bu tasarm yaklam dorultusunda, monolitik etki yaratmak zere
akta braklan betonarme yapay topografya ile masif etkisi veren ahap kaplamal
prizmatik konut bloklar arasnda birbirini keskinletiren gerilimli bir iliki kurulmu,
bu sayede de imar kurallarnn tanmlad ainal bozacak bir yabanclatrma etkisi
Boaziinden grlmemelerine karn, Boazii Kanununda tanmlanan Geri Grnm
Blgesi iinde yer almalar nedeniyle, konut bloklarnn biimlenmesinde bu kanunun
tanmlad imar kurallar dorudan etkili olmu, buna karn geici nitelikteki yaplar
bu durumdan muaf olduklar iin Maksimum Evler Sat ve Tantm Ofisi mevcut imar
koullarnn dndaki tasarm olanaklarn grnr klmak zere muhalif bir anlay ile
ele alnm, konvansiyonlarn iindeki boluklar iaret edecek radikal bir deney olarak
Boaz Kprsnden geerken kentsel siluetin nemli bir bileeni olarak rahata
alglanabilen Maksimum Evler Sat Ofisi, grmek iin olduu kadar grlmek iin de
tasarlanm, tek hacimli tantm ofisi betonarme istinat duvar zerinde konsol yaparak
ne doru frlatlmtr. Grsel olduu kadar fiziksel olarak da snrszlamay salayan
srme cam yzeylere sahip bu tek katl yap, benzerlerinden farkl olarak, ierisinde
yalnzca yerleimin kk bir maketi ile mutfak ve banyo dolab seeneklerini tehir
eden kk bir sergileme alann barndrmaktadr.


With the advantage of being a temporary building, the sales structure built to market
Maksimum Evler was not subjected to recent restrictions known as Back View and Impact Zone Decisions regulating development along Istanbuls Bosphorus with constraints regarding the relationship with topography, block size and roof form. All decisions
on project design focused solely on the aesthetic aspects of architecture. The activation
of this emphasis, which has an impact on perception from both near and afar, has led
to the questioning of existing development conditions once more by those with an
interest in the subject, even if for a limited period of time.

Maksiumum Evler is located in the Istanbul borough of Beikta in the district of Ortaky
where the historical texture gives way to the fragmented structures of gated residential estates. This is a gated estate consisting of three six and seven-storey blocks on
a long, thin parcel on a steep incline descending from Havaclar Park and overlooking
the Bosphorus Bridge. The project, commenced in 2001, covers approximately 8,000
square meters, with 25 different styles of flats ranging from 160 to 406 square meters in
size. As with every gated community that claims to create its own social environment,
this residential estate has social facilities such as indoor-outdoor pools, a caf, fitness
center, sauna and cinema.
Instead of attempting to camouflage the supporting concrete walls which are used
as ramparts on the steep incline with an elevation difference of 12 meters, they are
treated as elements of the severe landscape and function as circulation layers that
provide access to other buildings. The design team has chosen to demonstrate the intervention that has been made with nature and emphasise the process used in creating
this artificial topography on which the structures are built with an exposed surface and
landscape design rather than covering up the concrete sustaining walls. In contrast to
this approach, the three residential blocks and the single-storey sales office structures
have been covered with wooden composite panels, thus establishing a relationship
between these four structures in different positions and of different size through use
of material. This method of covering while revealing aims at creating a tense relationship by using a third design approach, that is, the brutalist attitude, which creates an
integrated surface effect. In accordance with this design approach, a decisive tension
has been created between the revealed artificial concrete topography, which creates
a monolithic effect, and the wood-clad prismatic building blocks that create a massive
effect. This relationship creates an effect of alienation that disrupts the familiarity of
construction conventions.
Although not visible from the Bosphorus, the Maksimum Evler estate is still subject
to the regulations governing building dimensions under the Bosphorus Legislation, and
accordingly, construction conventions have had a direct effect on the formation of the
blocks. However, as temporary structures are exempted from the provisions of this law,
taking advantage of this loophole the Maksimum Evler Sales and Promotions Office
has been designed as a radical experiment to emphasize the space within using design
opportunities that are independent from construction conventions.
Clearly visible as a part of the urban silhouette of the city while crossing the Bosphorus
Bridge, the Maksimum Evler Sales Office has been designed to be seen as well as for
the view. The single volume promotional office juts out from the concrete supporting
wall with a cantilever. This single-floored structure with sliding window surfaces enables the elimination of not only physical limits, but also visual boundaries, making it
unique among its kind. Within the structure is a small presentation area where kitchen
and bathroom cabinet options are included as well as a small model of the development.




park 312 evleri sat ofisi

park 312 evleri sales office
Ankara , 2007

: Hilmi Gner | Hilmi Gner Mimarlk & Hseyin Btner | Btner Mimarlk


Commissioned by


: Opan Ortakl

naat aamasnda proje tantm ve sat ilevlerini iermek, sitenin tamamlanmasndan

sonra ise ortak alan olarak kullanlmak zere tasarlanmtr. Brt beton ereve yap, taban kotunda zeminden ykseltilerek ayrtrlm, n cephe boyunca zeminde yer alan
bir havuzla bu ayrtrlma hissi daha da artrlmtr. Binaya sol keden yaklarken
ilk aks bo bir ereve birimi oluturacak ekilde ak braklm, kapal ilevler ikinci
akstan itibaren kolonlarn gerisinde yere kadar cam bir kitlede yerletirilmitir. ereve
yapnn iinde cam kitlenin asimetrik yerleimi giri vestiblnn konumu ile glendirilmitir. Tantm ofisinin i dolam, n cephede yere kadar, arkada denizlik seviyesine
kadar uzanan cam yzeylerle, konut sitesi arazisinin btnn alglatacak bir biimde

1990lardan itibaren Ankarann merkezinden eperlere doru ilerleyen hzl byme

hamlesinin bat ynnde younlat yerlerden biri olan ayyolu Ky ile mitky sitesi ve evresi, hzla oalan kapal site yerleimleri ile biimlenen bir banliy blgesidir.
Fragmanlar halinde yar-kentsel ortamlar reten bu banliyleme eilimi, lks, prestij
ve gvenlik vaadi sunan baheli konutlardan blok tipi konutlara, sra evlerden nokta blok tipindeki apartmanlara kadar her tr konut tipolojisinin uyguland bir deney
alanna dnm durumdadr. Farkllk talebiyle giderek oullaan ve younlaan bu
salm banliy semtlerinde, anlaml birer dnya kurabilmek amacyla birok yerleim
yzn kendi iinde yaratt dnyaya evirmekte, eksik olan kentsel ve sosyal donatlar kapal site yerleimlerinin iinde gidermeyi denemektedir.
Bu dank banliy peyzaj ierisinde kaybolan ayyolu Kynn hemen yaknnda konumlanan ve Beysukente giden 1920 Caddesi ile 2432 Caddesinin kesitii kavaktan
ulalan Park 312 Evleri Sat Ofisi, yolun i ksmnda dik bir yamaca oturan 312 Ulusoy
City konut sitesinde yer almaktadr. Bu konut sitesi, eimli arazide yaplan setlemeler
zerine yerletirilmi 3 blokta yer alan 160 konuttan ve bu bloklar arasnda yaratlan
peyzaj ve rekreasyon dzenlemelerinden olumaktadr. Bu konut projesinin sat ve
tantm iin ina edilen Park 312 Evleri Sat Ofisi, ayyolu Ky Yolundan alglanabilecek ekilde sitenin kuzeybat tarafnda, arazinin ucunda konumlandrlmtr. Toplam 300 mlik bir alana oturan bu tek katl sat birimi, benzer sat ofisi yaplarndan
farkl olarak, sitenin tamamlanmasndan sonra da kullanlaca iin brt betondan ina
edilmi ve tasarmcnn net ve yaln mimari tavrn belli edecek biimde kaplanmadan
Bu brtal tavr, ykseltilerek zemin ile ilikisi koparlm 8 kolonlu yaln betonarme ereve strktr ve bu strktrn iine yerletirilmi effaf cam yzeyler ile daha da vurgulu hale getirilmitir. Giri cephesinde geriye ekilen cam yzey ile betonarme kolonad arasnda oluturulan yanstma havuzu, farkl k oyunlar yaratarak, yapnn ton ve
dokusunun gn iinde deimesine neden olmaktadr. Betonarme strktrn yaratt
ritmik dzen ve klasik etki, ilk aksn bo braklmas ve vestibln konumlan nedeniyle modern ve asimetrik bir etki kazanmtr. Oranlar, mimari tektonii ve atmosferi
incelikle dnlm bu pavyon yaps, plan kurgusunda da allmadk bir zm
denemi, yapnn d cidarlarndan kopartlarak ortada toplanan servis ve ofis meknlar,
ana meknn iinde yzdrlerek kesintisiz, akkan bir plan emas elde edilmitir.
Sktrlan bu servis ve ofis meknlar plan emasnda dikkatlice konumlandrlarak, bir
yandan ana mekn sergileme hol ve toplant salonu olarak iki alana ayrmakta, dier
yandan ise evresinde yaratt gei holleri nedeniyle akkanl kesilmeyen bir serbest mekn oluturmaktadr. Tm bu yaln ve arbal niteliklerinin yan sra Park 312
Evleri Sat Ofisi, sahip olduu mimari zenginlik ve incelikle tasarlanm mekn kurgusu
nedeniyle son yllarda retilmi en baarl sat ofisi yaplarndan biridir.


At the construction stage, the area accommodating the project introduction and sales
functions was designed to be used as a common area after completion. The exposed
concrete-frame structure was extricated by being elevated from the ground level; this
effect is intensified by the addition of a pool stretching along the front faade. Approaching the building from the left corner, the first axis has been left open to create an
empty frame unit, and the interior functions have been placed in a glass mass that
stretches to the ground just behind the columns after the second axis. The asymmetrical positioning of the glass mass inside the frame structure has been reinforced with
the position of the entrance vestibule. The interior circulation of the marketing office is
designed with glass surfaces that stretch to the ground on the front faade, and glass
surfaces reaching sea level at the posterior, enabling the perception of the entire area
of the housing complex.

One of the rapidly expanding areas to the west of Ankara since the 1990s is the suburban
region of ayyolu village and mitky estate and environs where gated communities
are springing up. This tendency towards creating fragmented semi-urban environments
has transformed the region into experimental areas where every type of residential
typology, from the luxurious, prestigious and high security block-style residences with
gardens to terraced houses and apartment blocks, can be found. In these scattered
suburban districts, which are increasing and intensifying, in response to demands and
in order to create a meaningful world, many have turned their faces inwards, trying to
overcome deficiencies in municipal or social facilities within the complex itself.
Lost in this untidy suburban landscape, the Park 312 Evleri Sales Office is positioned
near ayyolu Village at the intersection of 2432 Avenue and 1920 Avenue, a road which
leads to Beysukent, within the 312 Ulusoy City Complex on a steep slope on the inner
side of the road. This housing complex consists of 160 houses arranged in 3 blocks on
ramparts built into the sloped land interspaced by landscaping and recreational arrangements. Park 312 Evleri Sales Office, built for the sales and promotion of the complex,
is positioned at the tip of the land, on the northwestern side of the site, observable
from the ayyolu Ky Road. This single-story sales unit, which will continue to be
used once the construction is finished, covers 300 square meters in total; differing from
ordinary office structures it is built in brute concrete, and has been left uncovered, thus
expressing the clear and simple attitude of the designer.
This brutal approach has been emphasized by a simple elevated 8-columned concrete
frame, thus eliminating the connection with the ground, and the transparent glass surfaces placed inside the structure further enhance the effect. The reflection pool, which
has been created between the glass surface drawn back on the front faade and the
concrete colonnade, creates different plays of light, causing changes in the tone and
texture of the structure during the day. The rhythmic order and classical effect of the
concrete structure takes on a modern and asymmetric quality due to the positioning
of the vestibule and the fact that the first axis has been left empty. The proportions of
this pavilion structure, as well as its architectural positioning and delicately constructed
atmosphere, attempts to create an extraordinary solution to the layout, succeeding in
establishing a sustainable, fluid plan scheme with the office and service areas collected
in the center, separated from the outer walls of the structure, thus creating a floating
effect. These compacted service and office areas have been carefully positioned in the
scheme, dividing the main body into two, a presentation hall and a meeting room. In
this way a free space is established and the fluidity has been continued by the corridors
that flow around them. With all of these simple and modest qualities, Park 312 Evleri
Sales Office is one of the most successful office structures created in recent years, presenting architectural richness and sensitivity.



park oran mae-pa sat ofisi

park oran mae-pa sales office
Ankara, 2007

: Ahmet Can Ersan, Orun Ersan, Nilgn Deniz | ACE Mimarlk


Commissioned by


: Mesa-Aktrk Ortakl

Ankara Or-anda eski milletvekili lojmanlarnn arsas zerine ACE Mimarlkn projelendirdii Park Oran projesinin sat ofisi olarak tasarlanan bina; yerleiminin ana giriine
eklenmi kk lekli bir yap. Pazarlama fonksiyonu, temelde bir ak ofis kurgusu ile
karlanm durumda. ki katl yapnn zemin katnda sat temsilcilerine ayrlm alan,
sergileme olanakl bir ana hol ile birleiyor. kinci katta ise, banka temsilcilerinin ofisleri
ve bir toplant odas, iki kat birletiren galeri etrafnda konumlanyor. Olabildiince sade
bir dile sahip olmas istenen yapnn tayc sistemi elik olarak kurgulanm, bu karar
tasarmn genel karakterine de yanstlmtr.

Ankarann kent merkezini, kenti kuatan ilk ulam halkasna balayan Turan Gne
Bulvar, Eymir Glne doru uzanan gneydeki kentsel geliimi belirleyen en nemli
arterlerden biridir. Kentsel dokunun ilk ulam halkas ile snrland Ankarann gney
ucunda yer alan ve eski TBMM Lojmalar, Diplomatik Site ile evki Vanlnn tasarlad
Ankarann ilk uydu yerleim projelerinden biri olan OR-AN yerleimi ile karakterize olan
bu blge, Turan Gne Bulvarna bitiik konumu, kent merkezinden kolay ulalabilirlii,
brokrat ve teknokratlarn tercih ettii blge oluu nedeniyle 1990lardan itibaren kentin prestijli blgeleri arasnda yer almaya balamtr.
Behruz inici tarafndan 1984 ylnda yapm tamamlanan 400 konutluk TBMM Milletvekilleri Lojmanlar, 2006 ylnda zelletirilerek satlmalarnn ardndan yklm ve yerlerine Toplu Konut daresi tarafndan Mesa-Aktrk-Emlak Pazarlama ortaklna yaptrlan
32 katl 12 bloa yaylm toplam 1.832 konuttan oluan ParkOran Konutlar ina edilmitir.
ParkOran projesinin sat ve tantm ofisi olarak tasarlanan 300 mlik bu kk lekli
MAE-PA Sat Ofisi, 246.650 mlik yerleimin gney ucunda, Turan Gne Bulvarna balanan eski girie yakn bir noktada ina edilmitir. Toplam inaat alan 560 m olan bu iki
katl sat ve tantm ofisi, projenin genel karakterine uygun olarak elik tayc sistemle
ina edilmitir. Zemin katnda, sat temsilcilerine ait ak ofis birimleri ile mterilere
yerleimin btnn kavratacak byk lekli bir maket yer almaktadr. Galeri katnda
ise, 5 banka sat temsilcisine ayrlm ak ofis birimleri ile toplant odas yer almaktadr. Maketin st kattan da algnlanmasna imkn veren galeri boluu, birok sat ofis
yapsnda olduu gibi bu binann tasarmnda da tercih edilmi; te taraftan dier sat
ofislerinden farkl olarak, ziyaretilerin deneyimleyecekleri rnek daire, binann dnda
ayr bir yap olarak ina edilmitir. Bu nedenle sat ofis binasnn iinde, girii karlayan
bir noktada rnek daireye geii salayacak bir balant tasarlanm ve yapnn dnda
yar kapal bir yrme yolu oluturulmutur.
Park Oran MAE-PA Sat Ofisine ana karakterini veren, gneydeki effaf giri cephesinin
nne yatay metal gne krclardan oluan geirgen ikinci bir yzey konularak yapda
gne kontrol salanmtr. Bu sayede geirgen gne krc yzey ile yapnn effaf yzeyi arasnda bir derin yzey oluturulabilmi, yapya girme eyleminin kendisi iki cidar
ile bunlar arasnda oluan arayzn almas anlamnda bir deneyime dntrlmtr. Yap sahip olduu olduka sade ve yaln tasarm diline ek olarak, cephesinde tekrar
eden narin elik tayclar sayesinde kendi ritmini ve dzenini sessizce oluturmaktadr.


The building, designed as the sales office of the Parkoran project, was planned by ACE
Mimarlk on the old parliamentarian lodgings land at Ankara Oran. It is a small-scale building appended to the settlements main entrance. The buildings marketing function is
fulfilled through its open-office structure. The area allocated for sales representatives at
the ground level of the two-story building joins a main hall with the option to exhibit.
The offices of bank representatives and a conference room located on the second floor
are positioned around a gallery that connects both floors. The bearing system of the
building is intended to be as plain as possible, and is a steel frame construction; this
decision is also reflected in the general character of the design.

The Turan Gune Boulevard, which connects Ankaras city center to the first ring road
circling the city, is one of the most important arteries determining the urban development to the south of the city, and stretches as far as Eymir Lake. In this region at the
southern outskirts of Ankara where the urban texture is bounded by the ring road are
the former lodgings of the Turkish Parliament, diplomatic complexes and the OR-AN
settlement, one of Ankaras first satellite residential projects designed by evki Vanl.
Since the 1990s, it has been acknowledged as being one of the citys more prestigious
areas due to its location near Turan Gune Boulevard, ease of access to the city center
and residential profile of bureaucrats and technocrats.
The ParkOran estates, constructed by the Mesa-Aktrk-Real Estate Marketing partnership with the Public Housing Authority (TOKI), consists of a total of 1,832 apartments
spread over 12 blocks each consisting of 32 storeys. This complex was erected to replace the 400-unit lodgings of the Turkish Parliament constructed by Behruz inici in 1984.
The lodgings were privatized and sold off, later being demolished in 2006.
The MAE-PA Sales Office, which is on a small scale measuring 300 square meters, was
designed as the sales and promotion office of the ParkOran project. The sales office was
built on the southern edge of a plot measuring 246,650 square meters, near the former
entrance, thus connecting it to the Turan Gune Boulevard. The two-story sales and
promotion office, with a total of 560 square meters, has been constructed with a steel
bearing system, in keeping with the general character of the project. On the ground
floor are located the open-office units of the sales representatives and a large-scaled
model to help customers understand the layout of the settlement. On the gallery floor
there are open-office units reserved for 5 bank sales representatives and a meeting
room. As with many sales office, the gallery has been designed with a large degree of
empty space which makes it possible to perceive the model from the upper floor; on
the other hand, a distinct difference from other sales offices is that the show apartment
has been built as a separate structure outside the building. For this reason, a connection has been created to provide access to the show apartment at a point inside the
sales office, opposite the entrance, and a semi-enclosed corridor has been constructed
outside the building.
Control of daylight has been made possible with the installment of a second conductive
surface formed from horizontal metal blinds placed in front of the transparent entrance
on the southern faade. This arrangement gives the ParkOran MAE-PA Sales Office its
main character. In this way a deep surface has been formed between the conductive
blinds and the transparent surface of the building, and the action of entering the building has been transformed into an experience of passing between two walls and the
interface created between them. The building, in addition to its rather plain and simple
design, quietly creates its own rhythm and harmony thanks to the delicate steel carriers which are repeated along the faade.




sur yap sat ofisi

sur yap sales office
stanbul, 2010

: Gkhan Aktan Altu, Tatsuya Yamamoto | TAGO Mimarlk


Commissioned by


: Sur Yap naat

Tasarlanan ofis binas, stanbulun mraniye ilesinde skdar-mraniye balant yolu

zerinde bir yamaca, cephesi anayoldan alglanacak ekilde konumlanmaktadr. Bina ait
olduu konut projesinin ilk izlenimini yaratacandan dolay dikkat ekici bir mimari dile
sahip olmalyd. Binann dikkat eken gney cephesinde cam yzeyin nnde ikinci bir
cephe olarak uzanan geometrik ahap paneller yapnn yoldan algsn glendirirken,
panellerdeki boluk-doluluk etkisi gne kontroln ve ses yaltmn salamaktadr.
Bu sayede i meknda konforlu bir ofis ortam olumaktadr. Yapda doal ta, ahap
ve cam malzeme keskin geometrik hatlarla bir araya gelerek binann genel karakterini
oluturmaktadr. Ayn dile sahip peyzaj tasarm da bu karakteri vurgulanmaktadr.

stanbulun Anadolu yakasnda, Altunizade-ekmeky aks boyunca lks konut, i, finans ve alveri merkezlerinin olumasna neden olan ile Otoban zerinde konumlanan Sur Yap Sat Ofisi, mraniye ilesi snrlar iinde kalan son byk arazilerden biri
zerinde yaplacak olan Sur Yap Exen stanbul Konutlarnn tantm ve sat ofis binas olarak 2010 ylnda ina edilmitir. Arazinin eperinde konumlandrlmas dnlen
44 katl rezidans blou ile 11-15 katl yatay konut bloklarnn evreleyecei rekreasyon
alanlarndan oluan yerleimi tantmak amacyla tasarlanan yap, projenin tamamlanmasndan sonra firmann genel merkezi olarak kullanlacaktr. Sat ofis binasnn daha
sonra da kullanlaca ngrld iin, brt beton gibi kalc malzemelerle ina edilmi
ve genel yerleim emasn engellemeyecek biimde arazinin kysnda konumlandrlmtr.
Toplamda 2.182 mlik kapal alana sahip yap 3 katl olup, arazideki yamata konumlandrlarak 1i zemin altnda olmak zere 2 adet bodrum kat oluturulmutur. Tantm
ve pazarlama ofisi olarak dzenlenen zemin katnda sat ve ynetim birimleri ile sergi
alan, 1. bodrum katnda rnek daireler, 2. bodrum katnda ise teknik hacimler ve kapal
otopark bulunmaktadr.
ile Otoyoluna paralel olarak arazinin gney ucunda konumlandrlan yapnn, yoldan
grlen gney cephesi, hem ina edilecek konutlarn tasarm dili hakknda ipucu vermek hem de k ve ses kontrol salamak zere prizmatik ahap paneller ile kaplanmtr. Filtreleme grevi stlenen bu geirgen ahap yzey ile yapnn effaf ana
gvdesi arasnda bir ara mekn oluturularak, yap boyunca uzanan 2 adet ince balkon
Dardan masif ve monolitik bir etki vermek amacyla doal ta kapl dikdrtgen prizma
olarak tasarlanan yap, kuzey cephesinde yaratlan prizmatik geni effaf yrtn dou
cephesinde de devam ettirilmesi sayesinde ii oyulmu bir ktle etkisi yaratmaktadr.
Bu mimari ifadeyi kuvvetlendirmek zere, duvar kalnln derin gstermek ve ktle
iine doru bklme etkisini artrmak amacyla, saydam yzeylerin etrafndaki keskin geometrili eimli yzeyler ahap ubuk elemanlar ile kaplanmtr. Bu prizmatik
geometriler, yapnn kuzey cephesindeki peyzaj tasarmnda da kullanlm ve formsal
sreklilik yakn evrenin tasarmnda da devam ettirilmitir. Kot fark sayesinde tmyle
effaf olarak ele alnan 1. bodrum kat, giri katn masiflii ile gerilim yaratan bir iliki
Bu kk lekli prestij yaps, sahip olduu gerilimli tasarm dili ve presizyonu yksek
arpc tasarm yaklam nedeniyle ayrcalkl bir konum edinmekte ve Trkiye mimarlna taze bir soluk getirmektedir.


The office building is located on a slope along the skdar-mraniye access road in
Istanbuls mraniye district in such a way that its faade is visible from the highway.
Since the building was to form the first impression of the housing project, it needed to
have an attractive architectural language. While the geometric wooden panels form a
second faade in front of the glass surface, reinforcing the buildings perception from
the highway, the full-empty effect of the panels provides sun control and sound insulation. Hence, a comfortable office environment has been created inside. Natural stone,
wood and glass materials have been combined in the building, and sharp geometric
lines create the buildings general character. The landscape design shares the same
language, also emphasizing this character.

The Sur Yap Sales Office is located on the Altunzade-ekmeky axis of the ile Highway, a road that has been the impetus for the creation of luxury complexes, office,
finance and shopping centers on Istanbuls Anatolian side. The Sur Yap Sales Office was
built in 2010 as the promotion and sales office for the Sur Yap Exen Istanbul Estates,
which is planned to be constructed on one of the largest remaining tracts of land within
the borders of the borough of mraniye. Designed to promote the residential complex
which will consist of a recreational area surrounded by a 44-floor residential block and
11-15-floor horizontal residential blocks on the perimeter of the land, the Sur Yap Sales
Office will be used as the head office of Sur Yap on completion of the project. Due to
the projection that the sales office building will be used later as well, it was built from
durable materials like brute concrete and is located on the edge of the plot, thus not
obstructing the integral plan of the rest of the complex.
The three-storey structure has a total of 2,182 square meters of indoor space. Located
on an incline, two floors form the basement, one of which is below ground level. On the
ground floor, which has been designed as the promotions and marketing office, there
are sales and management units and an exhibition area; the first basement functions
as a showroom for model apartments and the second basement houses the technical
capacity and an indoor car park.
The southern faade of the building, which runs parallel to the ile Highway on the
southern edge of the plot and which can be seen from the road, is covered with prismatic wooden panels, providing an idea about the design of the projected residential
complex; these panels help to control light and sound. Two narrow balconies, which
extend along the faade of the building, have been created by forming an intermediate
space between the conductive wooden surface which acts as a filter and the transparent main faade.
The wide prismatic transparent tear created on the northern facade has been carried
over to the eastern faade and gives the building a feel of being a mass with a hollowed-out interior. The building has been designed as a rectangular prism covered with
natural stone, thus creating a massive and monolithic impression from the exterior.
In order to strengthen this architectural expression, the oblique sharply geometrical
surfaces around the transparent surfaces have been covered with wooden strips to
make the walls appear thicker and to increase the impression of a twisting towards
the inside of the mass. This prismatic geometry has also been used in the landscaping
on the northern front of the building, and the formal continuity has been continued in
the design of the immediate surroundings. Thanks to the difference in elevation, the
first basement floor, which has been treated as a completely transparent entity, forms
a tense relationship with the massive nature of the first floor.
This small-scaled prestigious building distinguished by a tense design approach and a
high precision striking design approach brings a fresh breath of air to Turkish architectural design.




zorlu center sat ofisi

zorlu center sales office
stanbul, 2008

: Emre Arolat | EAA-Emre Arolat Architects


Commissioned by


: Zorlu GYO

Zorlu Center Sat Ofisi, antiye yaplarndan birinin yapsal olarak dntrlerek yeniden ilevlendirilmesi ile tamamland. Mevcut iki katl antiye ofisi yapsnn kuzey ve
gney eperlerine eklemlenen iki byk galerinin ilki olan kuzey galerisi, olabildiince
geirgen bir cephe ile tanmlanarak yapnn giri blmn tarifledi. Alt salon, zgl
bilgiye ilikin enstrmanlarn yapsal elemanlardan ayrtrld bir zemin, gney galerisi
ise projenin farkl blmlerinde kullanlan yapsal zmlerin fragmanlarnn da izlenebildii bir mekn olarak tasarland. Dolam senaryosu ierisinde gney galerisinden
sonra ulalan son mekn olan mood room, yapya ilikin tantm filminin gsterimi ve
benzer sunumlarn hazrlanmas amacyla grsel ve iitsel yaltlm bir mekn olarak
dzenlendi. st katta yer alan ofisler ise deitirilmeden kullanld.

stanbulun Zincirlikuyu semtinde ina edilmekte olan Zorlu Center, rezidans, ofis, otel
ve alveri merkezi programlarnn yan sra, Performans Sanatlar Merkezini de ieren
karma kullanml mega bir komplekstir. Karayollar Genel Mdrlne ait 96.505 mlik
arazinin 2007 ylnda zelletirilmesinin ardndan alan 2 etapl Zorlu Center Mimarlk ve
Kentsel Tasarm Yarmasna bavuruda bulunan 117 firmadan 13 uluslararas mimarlk
ofisi yarmaya katlmaya hak kazanm, Emre Arolat Mimarlk ve Tabanlolu Mimarlk
Ortak Giriim Grubunun tasarlad proje uygulanmak zere seilmitir.
1980lerden itibaren ofis, alveri merkezi ve lks konut yaplar ile biimlenen Zincirlikuyu-Levent-Maslak hattndaki kentsel gelimeyi tekrar Zincirlikuyu blgesine ekecek
olan Zorlu Center Projesini tantmak ve potansiyel mterileri bilgilendirmek amacyla
tasarlanan Zorlu Center Sat Ofisi, 2 katl mevcut prefabrike antiye yapsnn sat ve
bilgilendirme birimine dntrlmesiyle elde edilmitir. Emre Arolat Mimarlkn ou
iinde grlen sra d tasarm yaklam, snrl bir srede gerekletirilmesi gereken
bu dntrme projesinde de kendini gstermi, mevcut yapnn her iki dar cephesine
eklenen iki kat yksekliindeki giri ve sergi holleri ile uzun cephenin nne eklenen
dokulu ve opak ikinci bir cephe sayesinde yapnn mevcut duvar ve strktr bozulmadan yeniden ilevlendirme ilemi gerekletirilmitir. Dar cepheye eklenen 8 m yksekliindeki effaf giri hol ve ierisinde medya yzeyi olarak adlandrlan dijital ekranl
bir masann bulunduu sergi holne ek olarak zemin katnda, proje maketinin ortasna
yerletirildii bir baka sergi hol daha bulunmakta olup, ayrca grsel ve iitsel sunumlarn izlenebildii mood room ad verilen izole edilmi zel bir mekn da yer almaktadr.
Yapnn st katnda bulunan 4 ofis mekn ise deitirilmeden mevcut halleriyle braklm ve grme odalar olarak kullanlmalar ngrlmtr.
Konvansiyonel sat ofislerinde maruz kalnan yazl ve grsel bombardmanlardan farkl
olarak Zorlu Center Sat Ofisinde proje hakknda verilmek istenen bilgi ve yaratlmak
istenen izlenim, tasarlanan mimari senaryo dorultusunda yapnn iinde oluturulan
mimari atmosfer yoluyla aktarlmak istenmitir. Etkileyici olduu kadar krlgan da olan
bu hassas atmosferi yaratmak zere, arpc imgeler yerine mimari nitelikler zerinden
ilerleyen bir dizi tasarm startejisi gelitirilmitir. Oluturulmak istenen etki ve yaratlmak istenen izlenim ile balantl olarak yapnn baz blmlerinin lo ve sessiz noktalar
olarak brakld, renk, malzeme ve dokusal farkllklarn yan sra aydnlk yzeyler ve
k hatlar ile pasif ynlendirmenin yaratld, bu sayede de meknlarn birbirlerine
grsel, dokunsal ve iitsel olarak baland sinematik bir mekn kurgusu oluturulmutur. Gcn ve etkisini her bir malzemenin dieriyle bir araya gelme biiminden alan
tektonik yaklamdan farkl olarak, maddi ve maddesel olmayan niteliklerin yaratt
sinerjiden beslenen mimari atmosfer grsel algnn tesinde derinlikli bir sezgisel kavray da gerektirdii iin, bu kayglarla biimlendirilmi Zorlu Sat Ofisi, ada Trkiye
mimarlndaki en sra d yeniden ilevlendirme projelerinden biridir.


The Zorlu Center Sales Office was completed by transforming and redefining a site building. The north gallery, the first of the two large galleries appended to the north and
south perimeters of the existing two-story building, was defined as the entrance with a
faade that is as permeable as possible. The lower hall was designed as a space where
information-specific instruments are distinguished from structural elements, and the
south gallery is an area in which the fragments of the structural solution used in various sections of the project can be observed. The mood room, the last area within the
circulation after the south gallery, is provided with sound and vision insulation; here a
promotional film on the building is screened, as well as other similar presentations. The
offices situated on the top floor have been used without any alterations.

Built in Istanbuls Zincirlikuyu district, the Zorlu Center is a mixed-use mega complex
that includes a performing arts center, as well as residential and office space and hotel
and shopping mall programs. Subsequent to the privatization in 2007 of the 96,505
square meter area belonging to the General Directorate of Highways, the Zorlu Center
Architecture and Urban Design Competition was opened and a total of 117 firms submitted projects, including 13 international architectural offices. The winning project was
that designed by Emre Arolat Architecture and Tabanlolu Architecture Partners Enterprise Group.
In order to promote and attract potential customers to the Zorlu Center Project, a project
that would pull the urban development commenced in the 1980s of office buildings,
shopping malls and luxury residential structures built on the Zincirlikuyu-Levent-Maslak
axis towards Zincirlikuyu, the Zorlu Center Sales Office was created by transforming the
prefabricated two-storey worksite into a sales and information unit. The extraordinary
design approach that can be seen in many works by Emre Arolat Architecture is also
apparent in this rapidly achieved transformation project. In addition to the entrances
that are two storeys in height on both of the narrow facades of the existing building,
the addition of exhibition halls in front of the long faade has created a textured and
opaque second faade. Thanks to this feature, the building has been given a new function without disrupting the existing walls and structure. In the 8-meter high transparent
entrance hall added to the narrow faade there is a table with a digital screen known as
a media surface; in addition, there is also another exhibition hall located in the center of
the project model, on the ground floor, offering a special isolated location, known as a
mood room, in which visual and audio presentations can be watched. The four office
areas on the upper floor of the structure have been left without any changes and are
used as meeting rooms.
As opposed to the written and visual bombardment that conventional sales offices
are subjected to, the information about and the impression of the project that was to
be created for the Zorlu Center Sales Office was designed to be transmitted through
the architectural atmosphere created inside the building in keeping with the designed
architectural scenario. In order to create this impressive, but fragile atmosphere, rather
than employing glossy images, a range of design strategies through architectural features was preferred. In accordance with this intended effect and impression, some
parts of the building have been left as quiet spaces with subdued lighting; in addition
to differences in color, materials and texture, the employment of bright surfaces and
illuminated lines creates a passive route. In turn, a cinematic spatial perception is created by the interconnection of areas in a visual, tactile and audible sense. Unlike the
tectonic approach, which takes its power and effect from combining each of the materials with the others, the architectural atmosphere in the Zorlu Sales Office is supported
by features that go beyond the material and concrete, thus requiring a deep intuitive
understanding taking one beyond visual perception, creating one of the most extraordinary projects that redefine functions in contemporary Turkish Architecture.





bmw grubu istinye kompleksi

bmw group istinye complex
stanbul, 2002

: Metin Hepgler | ITAC Corporation


Commissioned by


: BMW Grubu, Borusan Holding

17.295 m arsa alan zerinde granit ta ve mevcut gl derinlii 9.5 m olan zeminde asitli
zemin suyunun artm ve zel izolasyon teknii ve deprem ve ekolojik ve akll bina
teknoloji verilerine gre ina edilen bina, bitiminde BMW Almanya tarafndan, BMWnin
fonksiyonel ve sanatsal adan en baarl ve rnek binas seilmitir.

Borusan Otomotiv bnyesinde yer alan firmalarn sat, sergileme ve servis hizmetleri
vermesi amacyla 2002 ylnda ina edilen Borusan Oto stinye ubesi, stinye Koyunun
i kesimlerinde, Saryer Caddesi zerinde yer almaktadr. Granit ta oca olarak iletilen
bir kaz alan zerine ina edilen kompleks, ocaktaki hafriyat sonucunda slfatl yer alt
sularnn oluturduu 9.70 m derinliindeki kk gl alann da tasarm srecinin paras olarak deerlendirmitir.
Boazii Kanununu tanmlad Geri Grnm alan ierisinde kalan Borusan Oto stinye, + 9.50 m gabari snrlamas nedeniyle, zemin kotu altna inmek zorunda kalmtr.
17.295 mlik arazi zerinde 38.880 mlik kapal alana sahip yap, sergileme ve showroom blou, idari brolar, mekanik-tamir atlyeleri ile otopark blmlerinden olumutur.
Her biri birbirinden bamsz ilev grebilen birimlerden oluan bu organizma benzeri
btncl ve kompakt kompleks, topografya ile kurduu uyumlu ilikinin yan sra tasarm srecinin her aamasnda doal kaynaklar verimli ekilde kullanmay hedeflemitir.
elik ve betonarme karma sistemle ina edilen komplekste, detayl bir geridnm
sistemi kurularak, atlardan toplanan yamur sular biyolojik ilemle artlmakta ve
%95 orannda geri kazanlan su, slak hacimlerde, ara ykamada, bahe sulamada ve
yangn depolarnda kullanlmaktadr. te taraftan, arazideki yeralt ve yerst sular
ayr sistemlerde toplanarak, slfatl yeralt sularnn geridnm iin kullanlan yzeydeki sulara karmas engellenmektedir. Aralardan toplanan atk yalar ise, geridnml artma tesisi sayesinde tekrar kullanma kazandrlmaktadr. Bilinli ve evreye
duyarl yap iletme politikas sayesinde, cam, kat, metal, ya, ve ahap gibi atklar
zelliklerine gre ayr ayr toplanmaktadr. Kompleksin ierisinde yer alan ve yapy
dier sat ve servis birimlerinden farkllatran Sanat Atlyesi birok yaratc gence ev
sahiplii yaparak, katlmclarn atk, hurda ve kullanlm otomobil paralarn deerlendirerek heykeller yapmalarna imkn vermekte, showroom binasn sanat ve kltr
odakl bir kamusal mekna dntrmektedir. Bu balamda, Alman heykeltra Karl
Schlammingerin byk boy metal eseri, firmann ada sanat ile olan yakn ilikisini
vurgulamak zere yapnn n giri avlusunda konumlandrlmtr.
D ortamdaki verilere gre kendi kendisini dzenleyen bina otomasyon sistemleri sayesinde kompleks, stma, soutma ve aydnlatma konularnda yksek oranda enerji
verimlilii de salamaktadr.
Borusan Otomotivin kurum kimliini de belirleyen irketin mottosu yaratclk ve mkemmellik, yapnn plan emasnda da yaratc zmler retilmesine neden olmu,
bodrum katlardan at katna kadar ulaan ara asansrnn, kayar at sistemi sayesinde tantm platosuna kadar kmas salanmtr. Buna ek olarak, otoparkn iki
katndaki elik demeler, bu meknn daha sonra ok amal salon haline getirilebilme
ihitmali dikkate alnarak, sklebilir ekilde ina edilmitir.
Sra d bir arazi zerinde konumlanyor oluunun yan sra, yapm srecini belirleyen
evreci tasarm kararlar ve geridnm konusunda iletmede gsterilen hassasiyet
nedeniyle, Borusan Oto BMW Grubu stinye Kompleksi, irketin Trkiye ve Almanyadaki
ubeleri ierisinde ekolojik kayglarla biimlendirilmi en arpc yaplarndan biridir.


The granite stone structure was constructed on a 295 square meter plot of land with
an existing lake with a depth of 9.5 meters. The structure was built in accordance with
underground water purification and special insulation techniques and data pertaining
to earthquake, ecological and smart building technology. Once the construction was
finished, it was selected by BMWs head office in Germany as the most successful and
exemplary BMW building in terms of functionality and art.

The Borusan Auto stinye Branch, built in 2002 for sales, display and maintenance services for companies Borusan Automotive group companies, is situated on Sariyer Street
on the inner curve of stinye bay. During the design process the complex, which was
built over an area that had been used as a granite quarry, made use of the 9.70- meter
deep pond formed as a result of the quarry excavation created by the subterranean
sulphated waters.
As Borusan Auto stinye lies within the area on which the Bosphorus Legislation has
imposed a height restriction of +9.50 meters; the construction had to go below ground.
The structure, possessing an area of 38,880 square meters of closed space spread over
17,295 square meters of land, consists of a display and showroom block, managerial
offices, mechanic-maintenance workshops and a car park. This integral and compact
complex functions like an organism of sections which can work independently and was
designed to make efficient use of natural resources at every stage and to harmonize
with the topography.
In the complex an intricate recycling system made of a combination of steel and reinforced concrete has been installed that purifies and recycles 95% of the rainwater collected from the roof via a biological process. This water is used in wet areas, for cleaning
vehicles and watering the landscaped areas, and is stored to be used in case of fire.
At the same time, subterranean and surface water on the site is collected in different
systems to prevent the underground sulphated water from coming into contact with
the surface water that is to be used for recycling. Oil that is collected from the vehicles
is recycled via a recycling purification system. The conscientious and environmentallysensitive building management policy has ensured that waste such as glass, paper,
metal, oil and wood is separated and collected. The Art Workshop, situated within the
complex that makes this building different from other sales and service units welcomes
many creative young artists, enabling them to make sculptures from the waste, as
well as used automobile parts, thus transforming the showroom building into a public
space dedicated to art and culture. In connection with this, a large metal work by the
German sculptor Karl Schlamminger has been placed at the front entrance courtyard to
emphasize the companys keen interest in contemporary art.
The complex includes a high percentage of energy efficient heating, cooling and lighting
solutions which are operated by automated systems that regulate themselves according to external environmental data.
The companys motto, creativity and perfection, that has also determined the corporate identity of Borusan Automotive, has given rise to the production of creative solutions in the plans of the building. In this context, the vehicle lift goes from the basement
floor to the roof, and continues onto the demonstration platform via a moveable section in the roof. In addition, the steel joists used on the two floors of the car park have
been built so that they can be dismantled if so desired, thus creating the possibility that
this area can be used as a multipurpose hall at a later date.
Borusan Auto, BMW Group stinye not only is located in an extraordinary location, but
the environmentally-friendly design decisions that were determined during the construction phase and the sensitivity shown to recycling in the day-to-day functioning of
the building mean that it is one of the most striking buildings of the companys Turkish
and German branches, all of which have been formed with concern for the environment.




koluman / mercedes showroom

stanbul, 2004

: Kurtul Erkmen, Grhan Bakrkre | KG Mimarlk


Commissioned by


: Koluman Holding

Badat Caddesi zerinde 1.700 m alana sahip, d grnyle cam bir kutuyu andran bina, meknla btnleen yapsal elemanlarn da vurumuyla tasarlanmtr. elik
strktr tayc sistemi ile kurgulanan binada, elik yap elemanlar ve tm mekanik,
elektrik sistem akta braklm, cephe planar sistem ile zlmtr. Yap st kattan
bodrum kata gn n ulatran bir galeri boluuna sahiptir. Merdivenin hemen yannda yer alan bu boluk, ayn zamanda yukardan bakldnda binann derinliini de
alglamay mmkn klmaktadr. Bodrum ve giri katnda Mercedes showroomu bulunan binann, 1. kat restoran, 2. ve 3. katlar ofis, en st kat ise uygun mevsimlerde
kullanlabilecek bir teras olarak dzenlenmitir.

Bizans dneminden beri stanbulun Anadolu ile balantsn kuran ve Osmanl dneminde gnmzdeki ismini alarak daha da genileyen Badat Caddesi, 1930larn ortalarndan itibaren kentin Asya tarafndaki en prestijli ulam aks olagelmitir. Blgenin
ayrk dzende gelien ve arlkl olarak konut yaplar ile biimlenen kentsel dokusu,
1980lerden itibaren lks markalarn prestijli ofis ve showroom yaplar iin tercih ettii
blgelerden biri olmutur.
Badat Caddesi zerinde yer alan Koluman / Mercedes Showroom Binas, inaat ksmen
balam bir yapnn showroom binasna dntrlmesi projesi dorultusunda, mevcut
elik strktr sisteminin akta braklmasyla ekillenmi ve 1700 mye yaylan programn ve sergilenecek rnlerin yol kotundan alglanabilmesi amacyla tm cephesi effaf
olarak tasarlanmtr. Bu effaflk yalnzca cam giydirme cephe ile snrl kalmam, zemin zerinde yer alan 4 kat arasnda grsel iletiimi ve meknsal sreklilii salayacak
bir galeri boluu olarak da ele alnmtr.
Yapnn zemin ve bodrum katnda Mercedes-Benz firmasna ait otomobillerin sergilendii showroom, birinci katnda bar ve restoran olarak darya da hizmet veren M-Cafe,
ikinci katnda alma ofisleri, en st katnda ise firma sahibine ait alma ve misafir
arlama meknlar bulunmaktadr. Tm bu kullanm eitliliine karn firmann kurum
kimliini yanstmak zere yapnn tm cephesi effaflk olgusu zerinden btncl bir
tasarm diliyle ele alnmtr. leri teknolojiye sahip bir araba markasnn kurumsal kimliini yanstmas ve modellerini sergilemesi hedeflenen Koluman / Mercedes Showroom Binasnn tasarmnda, binann kendi yapm teknolojisini de gzler nne sermesi
fikrinden yola klm, ilevselci kurgusu ve mekanik estetii tm detaylarda gsterilmitir. Grlmek ve izlenmek zere tasarlanm showroom binasnn, bir cam prizma
ve byk bir vitrin olarak alglanmasn mmkn klan doramasz geni cam yzeyleri
planar cephe sistemi ile tatlm olup, tm konstrktif detaylar grnr klnmtr.
Showroom olarak dzenlenmi bodrum ve zemin kat ile kafe olarak hizmet veren birinci kattaki tavan zmleri, tpk bir arabann iyi entegre edilmi motor aksamlar gibi
sktrlarak tasarlanm ve brtalist yaklam dorultusunda, havalandrma sistemleri
ile tesisatlar akta braklmtr.
levselci ve inovatif yapsn tm detaylarnda da vuran bu prestijli showroom yaps, katlar birbirine balayan U formlu elik krmz merdiveni, giriten bodrum kattaki
showroom alanna inen ara rampas ve sergilenen aralarn zerlerine dorudan k
dmesini engelleyen zel olarak gelitirilmi aynal aydnlatma sistemi ile konvansiyonel yaklam ve zmlerin tesine geen, Trkiyede ina edilmi en nitelikli ve
presizyonu yksek showrom meknlarndan birisidir.


The building whose exterior resembles a glass box on an area of 1,700 square meters
on Badat Avenue was designed with structural elements that integrate with the locale. The steel building elements and all mechanical and electrical systems have been left
exposed in this building, which was constructed using the steel frame bearing system,
and the solution chosen for the faade was the planar system. The building features a
gallery space that channels daylight from the upper floor to the basement. When viewed from above, this space adjacent to the staircase also makes it possible to perceive
the buildings depth. Housing a Mercedes showroom on the basement and ground
floors, the structure features a restaurant on Level 1, offices on Levels 2 and 3, and a
terrace on the uppermost level, which can be used when weather permits.

Badat Avenue, which was given its name during the Ottoman period and has connected Istanbul and Anatolia since the Byzantine period, has been the most prestigious
communication axis on the Asian side of the city since the mid-1930s. The area has
grown in a distinct pattern with an urban configuration formed mainly by residential
structures and since the 1980s has been favoured by the prestigious offices and showrooms of high-end brands.
The Koluman / Mercedes Showroom building is located on Badat Street and was created by converting a partially constructed structure. It was decided to leave the existing
steel structure system exposed and to make the entire faade transparent so that the
activities and products could be exhibited over the 1,700 square meters of space and
made visible from the road. This transparency was not limited to the glass curtain on
the front, but was also echoed on the ground in the gallery space providing visual communication and continuity of space between the four floors.
Mercedes-Benz automobiles are exhibited in the ground floor and basement showroom. On the first floor is M-Cafe, which also performs outside catering as a bar and
restaurant. The second floor serves as office space and the top floor is used by the
owner of the firm as office space and reception area for entertaining visitors. Despite
all this diversified utilization, the transparency of the entire faade of the structure has
been approached as an integral design vernacular in order to reflect the firms corporate identity. In the design of the Koluman Mercedes-Benz Showroom, the objective of
which is to reflect the corporate identity through advanced-technology cars and their
display, the idea to reveal the buildings own construction technology, its functionalist
construction and mechanical aesthetic can be seen in every detail. The showroom building has been designed to be seen and observed; its large glass surfaces without any
joinery that is carried by a web-like system that gives the perception of a glass prism
and a large showcase have exposed all the constructional details. The solutions for the
ceilings of the basement and ground floor, arranged as a showroom, and the first floor,
which serves as a cafe, are a compressed design, echoing the well-integrated engine
parts of a car, while the ventilation systems and installations have been left exposed,
in a Brutalist approach.
This prestigious showroom, with every detail attesting to its functional and innovative
structure, the U-shaped staircase that connects the floors, the vehicle ramp that leads
from the ground floor to the basement and the specially-designed mirrored lighting
system, which prevents the light falling directly on the exhibited vehicles, goes beyond
conventional solutions and approaches; indeed, this is one of the most distinctive, highest precision showroom spaces built in Turkey.



ark hal - ors genel mdrlk binas

ark hal - ors general directorate building
Ankara, 2003

: Boran Ekinci | Boran Ekinci Mimarlk


Commissioned by


: Ortadou Rulman

ark Hal Genel Mdrlk yapsnda, Eskiehir Yolunda ayn gruba bal irketlerin bir
araya toplanmas hedeflenmitir. Eskiehir Yolunda yaplan ilk yaplardan olan genel
mdrlk 2001 ylnda projelendirilip 2003 ylnda inas tamamlanmtr. Yer stnde
ilk 4 kat hal maazas olarak planlanm, st katlar ise ofis ilevinde dnlmtr.
Tm servis ve ekirdekler yapnn bat hattnda toparlanm; bu sayede ofislerin ve maazann kullanm meknlar serbest braklmtr. Yap, ilk tasarm aamasndan itibaren
mimari ve mhendislik zmleri uyumlu, ada, ekonomik ve belirli bir esneklikte
tasarlanmtr. Yapnn inaat srecinde bat ve kuzey cepheleri projeden sapmalar gstermi olsa da, Eskiehir Yolu algsnda gl ve yaln bir etki yaratr.

Ankarann bat ynndeki geliim hamlesinin Atatrk Orman iftlii ve Ky Hizmetleri

Aratrma Enstitsne ait byk arazilerle kesintiye urad ve Eskiehir Yolu boyunca
devam eden kentsel srekliliin sona erdii Mustafa Kemal Mahallesinde yer alan ark
Hal ve ORS Genel Merkez Binas, iinde yer ald yar kentsel peyzaj ierisinde kendi
balamn kendisi zerinden retmeye almakta, kentsel diyalounu Eskiehir Yoluna
bakan gney cephesi yoluyla kurmay denemektedir.
Toplamda 12.100 mlik kapal alan bulunan 6 katl yapnn ilk 4 kat ark Hal firmasnn showroom ve sat mekn olarak dzenlenmi, geriye ekilmi stteki 2 kat ise
Ortadou Rulman Sanayi Genel Merkezinin kullanaca ofis meknlar olarak tasarlanmtr. Yapnn ieriindeki bu ikili kurgu yapnn ktlesinde de okunur klnm; ilk
4 kattaki blntsz geni aklkl maaza katlarna karlk en stteki 2 ofis kat yapnn 3 cephesinde geriye ekilmi; bylece ilevdeki farkllama boyut deiiklii ile
ktlede de okunur klnmtr. Eskiehir Yolu zerinden alglanan asimetrik ktle kurgusuna karn, yapnn plan emas dou-bat aksnda keskin bir simetriye sahiptir. Dou
ve bat cepheleri tmyle sar olarak kurgulanan yapnn plan emasnda tm servis
ve sirklasyon birimleri yapnn bat cephesinde toplanarak sktrlm, bu sayede de
blntsz serbest kullanm alanlar yaratlabilmitir. Drt katl hal sat maazasnn
ortasnda galeri boluu oluturularak, ierisine yerletirilen bamsz dey sirklasyon
elemanlar sayesinde, boyutlu grsel ilikilerin kurulmas hedeflenmitir. Galerili ak
mekn kurgusu ofis katlarnda deitirilmi, 3 cepheden geriye ekilerek oluturulan
teraslar ve onlarn effaf cepheleri sayesinde yeterli gn i meknlara tanmtr.
Yapnn boyutlarndaki bu klmeye karn en stteki ofis kat plannda, yapnn orta
ksmlarndaki k almayan blgelere gn salamak zere bir i bahe yaratlmtr.
Yapnn effaflatrlm giri cephesi boyunca tekrar eden yatay gne krclar, yapnn
cephe oran sistemini yeniden tanmlamakta, sar yzeylerin yaratt dey etkiyi yataya dntrmektedir. Giri ve zerindeki katta gerekletirilen i mekn dzenlemesi
sayesinde hallarn sergilendii vitrine dnen esnek cephe kurgusu, yapnn showroom kimliini ne karmakta, hzla akan Eskiehir Yolu trafiinde bile sergilenen rnlerin alglanabilmesini mmkn klmaktadr. Yaln ve ekonomik tavr sayesinde, mimari
ifade gcn tasarmsal incelikler ve zenginlikler zerinden baaryla kurgulayan ark
Hal ve ORS Genel Merkez Binas, Eskiehir Yolu boyunca oluan mimari oulluk iinde
presizyonu ve net tavr ile ayrabilmeyi baaran sayl rneklerden biridir.


The purpose of the ark Hal General Directorate building was to bring together all the
companies affiliated with the same group on the Eskiehir highway. The general directorate, one of the first buildings constructed on the Eskiehir highway, was planned
in 2001 and completed in 2003. The first four floors above ground level were planned
as a carpet showroom, while the upper floors were designed to function as an office.
All services and cores are on the west end of the building, leaving the office and store
spaces free for use. From the earliest stages of design, the building was to be modern
and economical, to have flexibility and to be in sync with both architectural and engineering solutions. Though the buildings western and northern faces deviated from the
project somewhat during the construction stage, overall it creates an effect of powerful
simplicity on the Eskiehir highway.

The ark Carpet and ORS General Headquarters Building is located in the Mustafa Kemal neighborhood where the urban expansion along the Eskiehir Road peters out.
This area, which is interrupted by the wide expanse of land belonging to the Atatrk
Forest Farm and Village Services Research, is part of the developmental growth on the
west side of Ankara; the headquarters establishes its own context within the partiallyurbanised landscape and thus creates a municipal dialogue with the southern side of
the Eskiehir Road.
Stationed on 12,100 square meters of area in total, the first four floors of the six-storey
structure are organized as showroom and sales units for the ark Carpet firm; the other
two floors have been designed as office units for the Ortadou Rulman Industries Headquarters. This double installation has been written into the mass of the structure; in
contrast to the undivided wide spaces of the sales units on the first four floors of the
building, three sides of the two top office floors have been pulled back, thus creating
dimensional changes that make the diversity of function legible in the mass. In contrast
to the asymmetrical mass that can be perceived along the Eskiehir Road, the eastwest scheme of the structure has a clear symmetry. The muted design of the eastern
and western faades of the structure, as well as the fact that all the service and circulation units are positioned on the western faade of the structure in the plan, creates
undivided areas that are open to free use. Gallery space has been created in the middle
of the four-storey carpet store and by placing independent vertical circulation elements
inside this space, three-dimensional perceptions have been created. The open-space installation of the gallery has been transformed on the office floors by means of terraces
and their transparent fronts; as a result of three faades being pulled back to create
terraces, the interior receives sufficient daylight. Despite this reduction in the size of
the structure, an interior garden has been designed on the top floor of the office plan
to provide inner areas of the structure with daylight, which they would otherwise not
Continuous horizontal sunshades along the semi-transparent entrance faade redefine
the proportions of the structure, converting the vertical effect of the blank surfaces to a
horizontal effect. Owing to the interior design on the entrance floor and the floor above
it, the flexible front installation has been transformed into a showcase for the carpets,
emphasizing the showroom identity of the structure and enabling the perception of
the products despite the fast flow of the traffic on the Eskiehir Road. Due to this understated and economical treatment, ark Carpet and ORS General Headquarters has
successfully created architectural articulation through design nuances and richness; it
is one of the unique examples on the Eskiehir Road that manages to distinguish itself
from others with its precision within architectural plurality and its clear approach.



beikta balk pazar

beikta fish market
stanbul, 2009

: Gkhan Avcolu | GAD



: stanbul Beikta Belediyesi & Balk Pazar Esnaf

Commissioned by Beikta Municipality of Istanbul & Local Merchants


GAD ve Gkhan Avcolu, tasarm srecine gen alan ve zeminde pek ok deneme
yaparak balamtr. Proje, sokak seviyesinde bulunan elikten yaplm dev bir deniz
kabuu eklindedir. Bu ekil sayesinde bina iinde kolon kullanma zorunluluu ortadan
kalkmtr ve bu ekilde hem geni bir alan elde edilmi hem de programn ihtiyalar
karlanmtr. Tehir kutular yerel zanaatkrlar tarafndan elde yaplm ve kendine
has ekillerde tasarlanmtr. Aydnlatma sistemi iin tavandan sarkan standart 150 W
ampuller kullanmaktadr, nk bu balk pazarlarndaki en yaygn ve uygun kullanmdr. Yeni tasarm, nl balk pazar iin modern ve pragmatik bir yaklamla zm
sunmakta; blge halk ve yetkililerinin evreyi salkl hale getirme abalarna yardmc

1996 ylnda tamamlanan Kadky Yeralt Tuvaleti Projesinden sonra GAD Mimarlkn
kentin bir dier noktasnda gerekletirdii bu kamusal projesi, Beiktata tarihi ar
ierisinde yer alan mevcut balk pazarnn yeniden dzenlenmesi amacyla ina edilmi. Bu dorultuda, Panayia Rum Ortodoks Kilisesi ile Rum Okulunun evreledii gen
arazide konumlanan eski balk pazar tmyle kaldrlarak yerine betonarme kabuk
grnml bir st rt tasarlanm.
Maksimum aklk gemek amacyla arazinin ularnda konumlandrlm tayc
ayak tarafndan tanan ve mimar tarafndan deniz kabuu metaforu ile ilikilendirilen bu st rt, tanan ve tayan ikiliini ortadan kaldran srekli yzey mantnda
ele alnm elik kafes strktre sahiptir. Tayc sistem mantyla atacak biimde
ar ve in situ betonarme kabuk grnmne sahip olan bu st rt, elik konstrksiyon zerine kaplanm beton esasl panelleri ve bunlarn zerine uygulanan rtc ve
su geirimsiz sva kaplamas sayesinde mat ve przl bir doku edinmekte ve iinde
yer ald tarihsel evrenin malzeme kltryle dokunsal ve grsel bir diyalog kurmaya
Yaklak 1.70 m kalnla sahip gen formlu bu srekli yzey ke noktalarnda yere
doru erilerek tayc elemanlara dnmekte ve sokan eimli zeminine noktadan demektedir. Sokan eimli topografyasnn rtnn altnda da devam ettirilmi
olmas, zeminle kurulan noktasal ilikiyi daha da gerilimli hale getirerek, kabuun dolu
ve ar etkisini ikircikli klmaktadr. Akkan formlu gzken bu srekli yzeye yakndan bakldnda ise, yapya heykelsilik etkisi kazandran krkl yzeylerden olutuu
grlmektedir. Bu hassas nanslarla zenginletirilmi tasarm, st rtnn ortasna konumlandrlan dairesel yrtkta daha da belirginlemektedir. atda oluturulan bu oculus, hava sirklasyonunu salamann yan sra gneli gnlerde k hzmelerini, k
aylarnda ise yamur ve kar ksmen ieriye tayarak, rtnn altn d dnya ile ilikili
klmay amalamaktadr.
Eski balk pazarnn sokaktan ileyen da dnk kurgusundan farkl olarak yeni balk
pazar, yzlerini ieriye dnm alt adet sergileme adas ve bunlarn arasnda oluan
akkan sirklasyon emasyla ele alnm. Sokak eiminin zeminde de devam ettirilmesi nedeniyle sergileme adalar farkl kotlara oturmakta, bu sayede i meknda grsel
zenginlik oluturan topografik teraslamalar olumaktadr.
Balk pazarlarnn konvansiyonel elemanlarn modern bir dille yeniden retmeyi hedefleyen GAD Mimarlk, paslanmaz elikten rettirdii tezghlarn parlakl ve tavandan
sarkan 150 ampuln yaratt prltl atmosfer sayesinde, kstl bte ve snrl malzeme
ile sra d bir kamusal proje yaratmay bir kez daha baarm gzkmektedir.


After a number of trials, GAD and Gkhan Avcolu created this design to fit a triangular
area. At street level, the project is composed of a gigantic steel seashell. The shape of
the building eliminates the necessity for interior columns, thus not only meeting requirements, but also creating an expansive space. The steel display boxes were handmade
by local experts, with a design that suggests infinity. The lighting system consists of
standard 150-watt light bulbs suspended from the ceiling, as this is the most common
form of lighting in traditional Istanbul fish markets. The new design offers a solution
for this famous fish market with a modern and pragmatic approach while assisting in
efforts by the local public to beautify the market.

On completion of the Kadiky Underground Toilets Project on the Anatolian side of

Istanbul in 1996, GAD Architecture executed another civil project, implementing their
plans for the restoration of the fish market in the historic Beikta market area. The
old fish market positioned in a triangular space flanked on the other two sides by the
Panaia Rum Orthodox Church and the Rum School was completely removed from this
area, and replaced with a design that designed it with a shell-shaped concrete canopy.
In order to create maximum openness, this cover, which was interpreted in a shell
metaphor by the architect, is held up by three supports stationed at the edges of the
area; it has been constructed as a steel case and with the creation of a continuous surface, the duality of supporter-supported has been eliminated. In contrast to the carriersystem logic, and appearing like an in situ concrete shell, this layer has an opaque and
rough texture owing to the steel constructions that have been covered with concretebased panels; this effect has been emphasized by the application of a covering and
waterproof overcoat. Thus, a tactual and visual dialogue with the material culture of the
historical environment has been established.
This continuous triangular-shaped surface, approximately 1.70 meters thick, descends
from the corners to make contact with the gradient of the street at three different points. The continuation of the inclined topography under the cover intensifies the point
relationship with the cover, creating a state of ambivalence to the full and heavy effect
of the shell. When this continuous surface that has been created with a flowing formula
is examined, it can be seen that the sculptural features of the construction are derived
from the broken surfaces. The design, enriched by these delicate nuances, is made
even more remarkable by the circular opening located in the middle of the cover. This
oculus in the roof is intended to connect the area beneath the cover with the outer
world by carrying light on sunny days and rain and snow in inclement weather, as well
as providing air circulation.
Unlike the construction of the previous fish market, which, as it functioned in the street
was outward in its positioning, the new fish market has been established as six inwardfacing exhibition blocks and a circulation theme which creates a flow among these.
Due to the inclination of the street, the exhibition blocks have been placed on different
levels and form topographic terraces which create a visual richness in the interior area.
It appears that GAD Architecture has achieved their aim of reconstructing the conventional elements of the fish market in a modern way. Due to the gleaming stainless-steel
counters and glistening atmosphere created by the 150 light bulbs hanging from the
ceiling an extraordinary public project has been created on a shoestring budget and
with limited materials.




bursa sebze, meyve ve balk hali

bursa fruit, vegetable and fish market
Bursa, 2008

: Tuncer akmakl | Tuncer akmakl Architects



: Bursa Bykehir Belediyesi

Commissioned by Bursa Metropolitan Municipality



Balk Hali, yalnl ve alg kolayln destekleyen elips mekn ve ktlesiyle hibir ke
ve krklk yaratmayan simgesel bir yapdr. Youn mal, ara ve insan trafiini koordine
edecek ve hijyenik ortam salayabilecek alveri mekn, koridorlara blnmek yerine
akkan elips bir form ile tanmlanarak doal ynlendirme ve alglama salamaktadr.
eliin statik ekme ve basn kuvvetlerini mevcut yap malzemelerinin eriemeyecei
kesitlerle tayabilmesi, inaat kolayl, nakliye ve montaj olanaklar ile birlikte yap mimarisine sunduu estetik hafiflik, sebze hali binasnn yapsal strktrne aktarlmtr.
elik gergili tonoz bir at altnda yksek bir mekn, alverii kontroll ve salkl bir
ortamda kurgulamaktadr. Doal havalandrmayla iklimlendirilen alveri mekn, mimari formu ile ynlendirme kargaas yaratmadan tm rnlerin grlebilmesini salar.

Bursa Bykehir Belediyesi tarafndan Nilfer ilesinin Grkle Mahallesinde, kent merkezine 21 km uzaktaki bir tepe zerinde kurulan yeni hal kompleksi, Bursa evre Yolu
zerinde oluu ve Grkle Balant Yolu ile Bursa-zmir Yoluna balanmas nedeniyle,
ulam asndan stratejik bir noktada konumlanmaktadr. Kent iindeki mevcut hal binasnn, kentin byme hz karsnda yetersiz kalmas ve genileme alannn olmamas
nedeniyle kentin eperine tanmas ve Meyve ve Sebze Hali ile Su rnleri Halini ierecek ada bir kompleksin yaplmas karar alnmtr.
Kendi kurallar olan kk bir yerleim rnts, bir yaam modeli neren toplam
304.000 mlik inaat alanna sahip kompleks, mezat alanndan sat birimlerine, idareden otel ve camiye kadar farkl birok program bnyesinde barndrmaktadr. Her biri
bamszlaarak kendi varlklarn kazanan bu farkl programlar, bir tepenin zerinde birbirlerinden kopuk olarak, esnek bir btnlk oluturacak biimde bir araya getirilmitir.
Merkezinde eliptik formlu Meyve ve Sebze Halinin bulunduu bu soyut kompozisyonda, mekik formlu Balk Hali Binas, silindir formlu Ynetim-Otel-Restoran birimi, eliptik
giri saa ile dairesel formlu gvenlik birimi kompozisyonun yrngesine dalm
durumdadr. Bamszlatrlan bu birimler ve aralarnda oluturduklar boluklar, gn
iindeki ara ve insan hareketleri ile performatif olarak her seferinde yeniden tanmlanmaktadr. Topografyann belirledii bir dzlem zerinde ngrlen tm bu hareket,
gzergh ve yrngeler, bir yandan kompleksin doal snrlarn grnr klmakta, dier
yandan da btn araziyi organize ederek ak alanlar tanml hale getirmektedir.
Kompleks, otel ve restoran da iinde barndran 2.400 mlik 5 katl idare binasnn
yan sra, 132 sat alann ve asma katlarndaki komisyoncu dkknlarn da ieren
51.700 mlik Meyve ve Sebze Halini, ierisinde 24 dkknn bulunduu 4.000 mlik
Balk Halini ve buz imalat nitelerini kapsamaktadr. Bunlara ek olarak, rnlerin denetlendii laboratuvar, paket ambalaj, p niteleri, su deposu ve karakol binas ile henz
tasarm aamasndaki cami yaps, kompleksteki dier birimlerdir. Komplekste yer alan
158.000 mlik ak alan ise, TIR park ve sandk depolama alan olarak kullanlmaktadr.
Ara, insan ve mal akn hassas bir biimde ynlendiren bu akkan formlu birimler, ulam ve i sirklasyonlar dzenlemekle kalmamakta, ayn zamanda koridorsuz
mekn kurgular sayesinde, bask tonozlu elik atlarn altnda btncl meknlar da
yaratmaktadr. Yapmnda 3.104.000 kg elik kullanlan bu devasa birimler monolitik
yaplarna karn gerek dinamik formlar, gerek narinletirilmi elik tayclar, gerekse
atdaki elik gergi sistemleri sayesinde, topografyann zerine hafife temas ediyor etkisi yaratmaktadr. Paral kompozisyon kurgusu karsnda bir denge kurmay salayan
birimlerin bu iddial byklkleri ve monolitik yaplar, iinde yer aldklar krsal peyzaj
ortamnda kompleksin btnne hem mtevaz bir antsallk etkisi hem de sra d bir
sembolik g kazandrmaktadr.


The Fish Market is a symbolic building, which, without corners or breaks and with an
elliptical area and mass, ensures simplicity and ease of perception. The shopping area
that coordinates heavy goods, vehicle and pedestrian traffic, provides a hygienic environment; it is defined by a flowing elliptical form rather than being divided into corridors,
thus providing natural direction and perception. In order to bear static tension and pressure, steel was used for the Vegetable Market, as other building materials do not offer
the same ease of construction, transportation or assembly, or the aesthetic lightness
that was required for this building. A lofty area under a guyed steel vaulted roof creates
a controlled and healthy shopping environment. The architectural form of the naturally
air-conditioned shopping area allows all products to be viewed without creating route

The market complex, commissioned by the Bursa Metropolitan Municipality, is located

in the Grkle neighborhood of the Nilufer district on a hill 21 kilometers from the city
center. It is situated on a strategic point in terms of transport, on the Bursa Highway
at the intersection of the Grkle Link Road and the Bursa-Izmir Road. As the building
in the city was unable to meet the demands of a rapidly expanding population and as
there was no room for expansion, the decision was made to move the existing market
building to the city limits, thus establishing a contemporary complex that would include
a Water Products Hall as well as a Fruit and Vegetable Hall.
The complex, which has a small establishment pattern with its own definitions, offers
a life model; the total area of construction measures 304,000 square meters and incorporates many different aspects, ranging from auction areas to sales units, from management offices to a hotel and a mosque. This variety of programs, each of which have
been built on a hillside independent from one another, gain their own character with
this independence, while being brought together to form a flexible integrity. In this abstract composition, the elliptical-shaped Fruit and Vegetable Market stands in the centre;
the Fish Market Building, resembling a weavers shuttle in shape, the cylindrical Management-Hotel-Restaurant Unit, the elliptical eaves of the entrance and the circular security
unit spread out over the hill. The roles of these units, which have been independently
constructed, and the gaps formed between them are redefined by the movements of
vehicles and people during the day. This movement, the route, orbit, and trajectory of
which have been determined by the topography, defines the natural borders of the
complexes while arranging the entire plot and defining the open areas.
In addition to the 2,400 square-meter, five-storey managerial building, which incorporates a hotel and a restaurant, the complex also incorporates a 51,700 square meter Fruit
and Vegetable Hall with 132 stalls; the wholesale units are located on the mezzanine.
The 4,000 square meter Fish Hall includes 24 shops and ice production units. In addition
to this, the other units of the complex consist of a laboratory where produce is inspected, a packaging unit, a disposal unit, water storage, police building and a mosque, which
is still at the design stage. The 158,000 square meter open space located in the complex
is used as a parking area for trucks and as a box storage area.
These units, formed in a flowing style, manage the flow of vehicles, people and goods
delicately, organizing the transportation and inner circulation, while also creating integrated places under the low-vaulted steel roofs, thanks to the absence of aisles. In
contrast to the monolithic structures of these huge units, for which 3,104,000 kilograms
of steel was used in the construction, the dynamic form, the slender supports and the
steel rack system on the ceiling give the impression that the structure is only gently
resting on the ground. The challenging dimensions and the monolithic structures of the
units provide a balance to the fragmented composition, thus establishing integrity for
the complex, creating a modest monumental effect and an unusual symbolic power in
the rural landscape in which these buildings are located.







laleli zeytin ve zeytinya iletmesi

laleli olive and olive oil refinery
Balkesir, 2007

: Belgin Koz | Belgin Koz Architects


Commissioned by


: Laleli Zeytin ve Zeytinyalar letmesi

Kurumsal kimliin oluumu aamasnda iverenin yannda yer alarak fabrika binas ve
sat maazalar projelerinde, markann mimari dile yanstlmas amalanmtr. Tayleli
Ky zeytinlik arazisinde yer alan Laleli zeytinya fabrikas binas, aa rlvesinin verdii aklklar arasnda, retim hattnn kurgusundaki tm zorluk ve skntlara ramen
hi aa kesmeden projelendirilmitir. Yine Tayleli Ky arazisi iinde, Ayvalk-Burhaniye yolu zerindeki sat reyonu ise fabrikann yapmndan 6 yl sonra projelenmitir.
verenin yap iin verdii ihtiya program, rettii zeytinya ve zeytin satyla birlikte,
Edremit Krfezinin yemeklerinin, yann, zeytininin tadlabilecei, retim bilgilerinin
paylald eitim meknlar ve Egenin bitki rts rneklerinden oluturulan evre
dzenlemesi iinde yer alan pazaryeri ile erevelenmitir.

Balkesirin Burhaniye ilesine 7 km, skele Mahallesine ise 1,5 km uzaklktaki Tayleli
Ky Laleli Zeytin ve Zeytinyalar letmesi Sat Reyonu, anakkale-zmir Karayolundan
ulalan Tayleli Ky Yolu zerinde, 2001 ylnda ina edilen zeytinya retim tesislerinin ierisinde konumlanmaktadr.
Mevcut zeytin aalar arasndaki bo alana ina edilen toplam 800 mlik Tadm Evi, sat ve sergileme reyonlarnn dnda, kafe, seminer salonu ve ak pazar alan gibi farkl
programlara da ev sahiplii yapmaktadr. Zeytin ve zeytinya rnlerinin satld dier
yaplardan farkl olarak, Kuzey Ege gastronomisinin deneyimlendii kafesi, zeytin retim
kltr ile ilgili eya ve nesnelerin sergilendii ak mze alan, zeytin reticilerine ynelik eitim ve bilgilendirme faaliyetlerinin gerekletirildii seminer salonu ve Tayleli
Ky sakinlerinin rettikleri rnleri ziyaretilere sunabilecekleri ak pazar alan sayesinde tesis, kyn sosyo-kltrel adan olduu kadar ekonomik adan da kalknmasna destek vermektedir. ki katl Tadm Evi, gerek zeytinya fabrikasnn gerekse Ankara
ve stanbuldaki sat noktalarnn tasarm konsepti ile benzer bir anlayla ele alnmtr.
ki katl krma atl yapnn girii verandadan olup, zemin kat sergi, tadm ve sat alan
olarak ayrlmtr. Yapnn at katnda bulunan idari ofis ve eitim salonuna ise, sra d
bir kurguyla, yapnn dndan, ikinci verandadaki ak merdiven zerinden ulalmaktadr. Yapnn inasnda blgenin mimari repertuvar ve malzeme kltr tercih edilmi,
yresel kaynaklarn kullanlmasna zen gsterilmitir. Yapy evreleyen ak alanda
ise, yeni aa dikimlerinin yan sra, blgeye has ifal ve trl bitkilerin dikildii bir peyzaj dzenlemesi gerekletirilmitir.


In cooperation with the client during the planning stage, it was desired that the corporate identity be reflected in the architecture of the refinery and sales stores. The Laleli
olive oil factory building, located on the olive grove of Tayleli village, was constructed
between the spaces in the grove; no trees were cut down, despite the difficulties that
this created. The sales stand, positioned on the Ayvalk-Burhaniye road on the Tayeli
village plot, is to be completed 6 years after the construction of the refinery. The requisites set out by the clients included the sales of olive oil, olives and by-products, as well
as education-areas where the food, oil and olives of the Edremit gulf can be tasted and
production information given; moreover, the market is to be surrounded with landscaping planted with examples of the Aegean flora.

Located 7 kilometers from the district of Burhaniye in Balkesir and 1.5 kilometers from
the neighbourhood of skele, the Laleli Olive and Olive Oil Refinery-Shop is positioned on
the Tayleli Village Road, which it can be reached via the anakkale-zmir highway. The
shop, built in 2001, is situated within the olive oil production facilities.
Tadm Evi, built amidst olive trees on an empty space totalling 800 square meters, not
only houses sales and exhibition departments, but also other activities, for example, a
cafe, a seminar room and an open market space. Unlike other structures that sell olives and olive oil products, the cafe offers a gastronomical experience in North Aegean
cuisine, the open air museum exhibits goods and objects with cultural relevance to
olive production, and informative activities are carried out in the seminar room for olive
producers. Tayleli Village residents can also offer their produce to the visitors in the
open market space. Thus, the facility supports development from a socio-cultural perspective as well as making an economic contribution to the region. The design concept
of Tadm Evi, built on two floors, was treated with a similar design concept to the olive
oil refinery and the sales outlets in Ankara and Istanbul.
The entrance to two-storey gable-roofed building is through the veranda and the ground floor is dedicated to exhibition, tasting and sales areas. The administrative office
and training room located on the top floor are accessed from the outside of the building
via an unusual structure, namely an open staircase on the second terrace. In the construction of the building, the local architectural repertoire and materials were selected,
and care was taken to use local resources. In the open space surrounding the building,
a landscaping arrangement was carried out, and, in addition to olive trees, medicinal
plants and aromatic herbs unique to the region were planted.






1976da Ankarada dodu. 2000 ylnda Ankara Gazi niversitesi Mimarlk Blmnden mezun oldu. Karaaslan Mimarlkta
konut ve ofis, Tepe naatta okul, yurt ve lojman projelerinde alt. 2007de ortaklaryla beraber Lego Yapy kurdu.
2008de Evren Karaduman Pars ile birlikte kurduu Lima Mimarlk bnyesinde proje, tasarm, dekorasyon ve restorasyon
ilerini yrtmeye devam ediyor.
Yasemin Adal was born in Ankara in 1976. She graduated in Architecture from Ankara Gazi University in 2000. Adal worked for Karaaslan Architecture on residential and office projects, as well as on the Tepe Inaat school, dormitory and lodging projects. In 2007, she
established Lego Yapi with her partners. Adal continues to work on projects and designs, as well as on decoration and restoration work
in Lima Mimarlik, which she established with Evren Karaduman Pars in 2008.

Yasemin Adal
stanbul Teknik niversitesi Mimarlk Blmnden 1995 ylnda mezun oldu. ENKA ile yurtd projelerde alt. 1997de
Trkiyeye dnerek serbest tasarm almalar yapt ve yarma projelerine katld. 1998 ylnda Umut yign ile MuuMu
kurdu. 2000de T Fen Bilimleri Enstitsnde lisansst almasn tamamlad. Ulusal ve uluslararas mimarlk yarmalarnda eitli kategorilerde dl ald.
Murat Aksu graduated in Architecture from ITU in 1995. He has worked with ENKA in projects outside of Turkey. In 1997, Aksu returned
to Turkey and carried out some independent design work, as well as participating in competitions. Aksu established MuuM with Umut
yign in 1998. Aksu completed his postgraduate work at ITU Science and Technology Institute. Aksu has won awards in various categories in national and international architecture competitions.

Murat Aksu
ODT Mimarlk Fakltesinde 1989 ylnda lisans, 1993 ylnda yksek lisans programn tamamlad. 1989-1998 yllarnda birok organizasyon ve mimarlk firmasnda byk lekli projelerde alt. 1998 ylnda ortak olduu ncolu
Mimarlkta proje tasarm, antiye ynetimi, kontrolrlk ve proje koordinasyonu zerine almaktadr. Ulusal mimarlk
yarmalarnda 2 dl kazanm, projeleri Cityscape, CRE gibi uluslararas dle layk grlmtr.

Cem Altnz

Cem Altnz completed his undergraduate degree in 1989 and his postgraduate degree in 1993 at MET U, Faculty of Architecture. Between
1989 and 1998, Altnz worked on many wide-scaled projects for a variety of organizations and architecture firms. Altnz still works
on project design, construction area control, inspection and project coordination for ncolu Mimarlk, where he became a partner in
1998. Cem Altnz has been awarded 2 prizes in national architecture competitions; he has won international prizes for projects such
as Cityscape and CRE.

1995 ylnda Tago Mimarlk ofisinin kuruluundan nce 1991-95 yllar arasnda Eskiehir Anadolu niversitesinde eitimciydi. Avrupa ve Trkiyede nemli alveri merkezi ve konut projelerini gerekletirmitir ve zellikle karma ilevli ok
katl yaplar konusunda deneyimlidir. Son dnemde projeleri mimarlk basn ve eletirmenleri tarafndan ilgiyle karlanmaktadr.
Gkhan Aktan Altu worked as a lecturer at Eskiehir Anadolu University between 1991 and 1995 before establishing Tago Mimarlk in
1995. Altu has carried out important shopping center and residential projects in Europe and Turkey and has a great deal of experience,
particularly in hybrid multiplex structures. Recently his projects have attracted the attention of the architecture media and critics.

Gkhan Aktan Altu

1997 ylnda Berlin Teknik niversitesinden mezun oldu. 1998-2000 yllarnda asp Architekten Arat - Siegel & Partner
firmasnda ulusal ve uluslararas birok baarl proje ve yarmada alt. Berlin Teknik niversitesinde eitmenlik yapt.
2003te ortak olduu asp Architekten Stuttgart firmasnda 2006 ylndan beri ynetici ortaktr. 2005ten beri BDA-Alman
Mimarlar Birlii yesidir.
Cem Arat graduated from Berlin Technical University in 1997. Between 1998 and 2000, Cem Arat worked at the asp (Architekten Arat
Siegel & Partner) firm, contributing to many successful projects and entering both national and international competitions. Cem Arat has
worked as a lecturer at Berlin Technical University. He became a partner in the asp Architekten, Stuttgart, in 2003 and has been a managing
partner since 2006. Cem Arat has been a member of BDA, the Association of German Architects, since 2005.

Cem Arat
1959-1965 yllar arasnda Stuttgart niversitesinde eitim grd. 1971-1986 yllarnda Prof. M. Volz ile ortaklk yrtt.
1976dan beri BDA-Alman Mimarlar Birlii yesidir. 1982den beri Prof. H. D. Kaiser ile ortak projeler gerekletirmektedir.
1992den beri asp Architekten Arat Siegel & Partner ile almakta, 2006dan beri ayn ofiste danmanlk yapmaktadr.
Mete Arat studied at Stuttgart Universtiy from 1959 to 1965. He was in partnership with Professor H. D. Kaiser from 1971 to 1986. Mete
Arat has been a member of BDA, the Association of German Architects, since 1976. He has been running joint projects with Professor H.
D. Kaiser since 1982. Mete Arat has worked with asp Architekten Arat, Siegel & Partner since 1992, and has been an office advisor in
the same office since 2006.

Mete Arat
Mimarlk eitimini ABDde tamamlad. Otuz yl aan mesleki deneyimiyle 1992 ylnda Arkolu Arkitekt mimarlk ve planlama irketini kurdu. Mimarlk sanatnn her trl koulda yaratc olmas gerektii inancyla projelerinin gerek koullara
uygun tasarlanmasna ve uygulanmasna nem vermektedir. ukurova corafyasnn iklimine, tarihsel ve sosyal artlarna
uyumlu, evrensel ve geleneksel yaam artlarn yaratan, ada bir mimari srdrmektedir.
Kaya Arkolu studied architecture in America. He established the Arkolu Arkitekt architectural and planning firm after having gained
work experience of over 30 years. Firmly believing in the creativity of architectural art, Arkolu gives importance to environment-friendly design and application. Arkolu presents a contemporary approach to architecture, while creating universal and traditional living
conditions that are in harmony with the climate, and the historical and social conditions of ukurova.

Kaya Arkolu


1963te Ankarada dodu. 1986da MS Mimarlk Fakltesinden mezun oldu, ayn okulda yksek lisans eitimini tamamlad. 1998 ylndan beri, atlye yrtcs ve jri yesi olarak eitli niversitelerde dersler vermektedir. Konut , ynetim
yaplar, alveri merkezleri, kltr yaplar, spor tesisleri, eitim kompleksleri, sanayi yaplar, havaliman ve rekreasyon
alanlarnda farkl leklerde gerekletirdii projeleriyle ulusal ve uluslararas dllere sahiptir.
Emre Arolat was born in Ankara in 1963. He graduated from MSU, Faculty of Architecture in 1986, and completed his postgraduate work
at the same school. Since 1998, Arolat has lectured at a number of universities, working as a moderator and jury member. Arolat has
won national and international awards with his projects, created on a variety of scales, in residential and business structures, shopping
centers, culture structures, sports facilities, educational complexes, industrial structures, and in airport and recreation fields.

Emre Arolat
1961 Ankara doumlu Gkhan Avcolu, eitimini KSU Mimarlk Blmnde tamamlad. 1994 ylnda faaliyete geen
GAD irketinin kurucusu olan Avcolu, stanbul, New York, Kazan, Tahran, Bodrum, Bursa, Antalya ve Ankara gibi birok
ehirde ofis, konut, alveri merkezi, kltrel yaplar, otel ve restoran gibi birok yapya imza atm, uluslararas ve ulusal
birok dl almtr.
Gkhan Avcolu was born in Ankara in 1961 and completed his education at KSU, Faculty of Architecture. In 1994 Avcolu established
the GAD company, and he has put his signature to many structures, such as offices, residences, shopping centers, cultural structures,
hotels and restaurants in a number of cities, including Istanbul, New York, Kazan, Tehran, Bodrum, Bursa, Antalya and Ankara. Avcolu
has won many national and international awards.

Gkhan Avcolu
1965te stanbulda dodu. 1985te stanbul talyan Lisesini bitirdi. 1989 ylnda MS Mimarlk Blmnden mezun oldu.
Kurtul Erkmen ile birlikte1990 ylnda KG Mimarlk ve 1999da Romanya Bkrete KGROM isimli Mimarlk irketini kurdu.
2007 ylnda ise Kurtul Erkmen ve Alkm nal ile birlikte Kazakistan / Almaatada ErmasKG Mimarlk irketini kurdu.
Grhan Bakrkre was born in Istanbul in 1965 and graduated from the Istanbul Italian High-School in 1985. Bakrkre graduated from
MSU, Faculty of Architecture in 1989 and established KG Mimarlk in 1990 with Kurtul Erkmen; he went on to establish the KGROM Architecture Company in Romania, Bucharest in 1999. Bakrkre established the ErmasKG Architecture Company in Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan
with Kurtul Erkmen and Alkm nal in 2007.

Grhan Bakrkre
1964 ylnda Ankarada dodu. 1989 ylnda ODT Mimarlk Fakltesinden mezun oldu. Eitimi boyunca, babas Vedat
Dalokay ile beraber eitli proje ve yarmalarda grev ald. 1990-93 yllarnda almalarn yurtdnda srdrd. 1995 ylndan itibaren kurucusu olduu sdb mimarlk ltd ofisinde, mimarlk, i mimarlk, proje danmanlk, uygulama ve kontrol
hizmetleri alannda birok nemli proje gerekletirmitir.
Sibel Dalokay Bozer was born in Ankara in 1964. Bozer graduated from METU, Faculty of Architecture, in 1989. She took part in a number
of projects and competitions with her father, Vedat Dalokay, throughout her education. From 1990 to 1993, Bozer continued her work
abroad. Since 1995, representing her company, sbd Mimarlk Ltd, she has implemented many important projects in architecture, interior
design, project consultation, applications and control services.

Sibel Dalokay Bozer

1966da Ankarada dodu. ODT Mimarlk Blmn bitirerek Kentsel Peyzaj Tasarm konusunda yksek lisansn tamamlad. 1990 ylnda kurduu Art Tasarm bnyesinde gerekletirdii projeler ile ulusal ve uluslararas yarmalarda
pek ok dl ve mansiyon kazand. niversitelerde temel tasarm ve peyzaj tasarm dersleri verdi. 2008 ylnda kurduu
Btner Mimarlk bnyesinde meslek pratiine devam etmektedir.
Hseyin Btner was born in Ankara in 1966. He graduated from METU, Faculty of Architecture and completed his postgraduate work on
municipal landscape design. Btner has won many national and international awards, as well as honorable mentions for his projects
within the scope of the Art Tasarm Company, established in 1990. Btner continues to work in Btner Mimarlk, which he established
in 2008.

Hseyin Btner
1991 ylnda T Mimarlk Fakltesi Mimarlk Blmn bitirmi, yksek lisans ayn blmde 1993te tamamlamtr.
1993-1995 yllar arasnda T Mimarlk Fakltesinde Bina Bilgisi Ana Bilim Dalnda aratrma grevlisi olarak almtr.
1995 ylndan itibaren Doan Tekeli - Sami Sisa Mimarlk Ltd. irketinde proje sorumlusu olarak alm, 2004 ylnda irketin yeniden yaplanmas ile beraber ortakla katlmtr.
Mehmet Emin akrkaya graduated from ITU, Faculty of Architecture in 1991 and completed his postgraduate work at the same school
in 1993. akrkaya worked as an academic at the ITU, Faculty of Architecture. akrkaya has worked as a project officer for Doan Tekeli
Sami Sisa Mimarlk Ltd. since 1995. In the restructuring of the company in 2004, akrkaya was made into a partner.

Mehmet Emin akrkaya

Tuncer akmakl, yksek lisans eitimini Almanyada tamamlam ve 30 yllk uluslararas mimarlk tecrbesi ile bata Almanya ve Trkiye olmak zere eitli lkelerde proje ynetmitir. Profesyonel almalarna paralel olarak
Karlsruhe Teknik niversitesi-Rwth-Aachen Teknik niversitesi ve MSGSde gen mimarlarn eitimine katkda bulunmutur.
Tuncer akmakl completed his postgraduate education in Germany and, with his 30 years of international architectural experience,
has directed a number of projects in a variety of projects in Germany and Turkey. In parallel with his professional work, akmakl has
contributed to the education of young architects at the Karlsruhe Technical University -Rwth-Aachen Technical University and the Mimar
Sinan University of Fine Arts.

Tuncer akmakl


1969da stanbulda dodu. MS Mimarlk Fakltesinden 1992de mezun oldu. Yksek lisansn YTde Mimarlkta G ve
ktidar ilikisi zerine yapt. eitli niversitelerde davetli retim grevlisi olarak dersler verdi. 1993 ylnda Kerem Erginolu ile birlikte kurduu Erginolu&allar, farkl yllarda kazand Ulusal Mimarlk dllerinin yan sra Dnya Mimarlk
Festivalinde (WAF) byk dl alan ilk Trk mimarlk ofisi oldu.

Hasan C. allar

Hasan allar was born in Istanbul in 1969. He graduated from MSU, Faculty of Architecture, in 1992. allar completed his postgraduate
studies at YTU, his thesis being on Power and Authority in Architecture. allar has given lectures in various universities as a guest
academician. He established the company of Erginolu & allar in 1993 with Kerem Erginoglu, In addition to having won National Architecture Awards a number of times, Erginolu & allar is the first Turkish architectural office to win the most prestigious architectural
prize awarded at the World Architecture Festival (WAF).

1983de Malatyada dodu. YT Mimarlk Blmnden 2006 ylnda mezun oldu. renimi sresince katld ulusal-uluslararas atlye ve yarmalarda ok sayda dl ald. Betonart Mimarlk Yaz Okulunda moderatr olarak bulundu. Eitim
amacyla bir sre New Yorkta bulunduktan sonra almalarna 2008de ortak olduu Arif Suyabatmaz ile Suyabatmaz
Demirel Mimarlk Brosunda devam etmektedir.
Hakan Demirel was born in Malatya, 1983. He graduated from YTU, Faculty of Architecture in 2006. Demirel has won many awards in both
national and international workshops and competitions during his education. Demirel participated in Betonart Architectural Summer
School as a moderator. After staying in New York to further his education, Demirel continued to work with Suyabatmaz Demirel Mimarlk,
a company he established with Arif Suyabatmaz in 2008.

Hakan Demirel
1977de Ankarada dodu. 2002 ylnda GMMF Mimarlk Blmnden mezun oldu. eitli firma ve projelerde tasarmc
mimar ve proje yrtcs olarak grev aldktan sonra, 2006 ylndan itibaren ACE Mimarlkta Parkoran Konutlar, Parkofis,
Anatolia-250 Renault Plaza, CNR Fuar Merkezi, D8 gibi projelerde proje yrtcs / mimar olarak grev yapmtr.
Nilgn Deniz was born in Ankara in 1977. She graduated in architecture from GUMMF in 2002. After working for various firms and participating in a number of projects as designer, architect and project manager, she has been working with ACE Mimarlk since 2006; she
has worked as Project Manager/Architect for projects such as Parkoran Residences, Parkofis, Anatolia-250 Renault Plaza, CNR Exhibition

Nilgn Deniz
1965de Konya Erelide dodu.1990da YT Mimarlk Fakltesinden yksek lisans derecesiyle mezun oldu. niversitelerin
mimari tasarm atlyelerinde dersler verdi ve proje jrilerinde bulundu. 1995 ylnda Dilek Topuz Derman ile db Mimarl
kurdu. Derman, ulusal ve uluslararas ok sayda yarmada alts birincilik olmak zere ok sayda dl ve mansiyon
kazanm, jri yelikleri yapmtr.
Bnyamin Derman was born in Eregli, Konya in 1965. He completed his postgraduate degree at YTU, Faculty of Architecture 1990. He has
given lectures in architectural design workshops at a number of universities and has taken part on project juries. Derman established db
Mimarlk with Dilek Topuz Derman in 1995. Derman has won many rewards, including 6 first prizes and honorable mentions in national
and international competitions, as well as working as a jury member.

Bnyamin Derman
Ankara Gazi niversitesi Mimarlk Blmnden 1992de mezun olup TU Mimarlk Blmnde yksek lisansn tamamlad.
2003 ylnda Emir Uras ile birlikte URASXDLEKC Mimarlk kurdu. Halen mesleki almalarn stanbulda srdrmekte ve
YT Mimarlk Fakltesinde mimari tasarm dersleri vermektedir.
Durmu Dilekci graduated from Ankara Gazi University, Faculty of Architecture in 1992 and completed his postgraduate degree at ITU,
Faculty of Architecture. Dilekci established URASXDLEKC Architects in 2003 with Emir Uras. Dilekci still continues to work in Istanbul and
gives architectural design lectures at YTU, Faculty of Architecture.

Durmu Dilekci
1987 ODT Mimarlk Blm mezunu Boran Ekinci, 1989dan 1996ya kadar Ankara ve stanbulda devam ettirdii mimarlk almalarna halen stanbulda Boran Ekinci Mimarlk Ltd. devam etmektedir. Yurtii-yurtd yaynlarda yaymlanan projeleri Ulusal Mimarlk dlleri Yap Dal Baar dlleri alm, Mies van der Rohe ve Aa Han Mimarlk dllerine
aday gsterilmitir.
Boran Ekinci graduated from METU, Faculty of Architecture in 1987. Ekinci still continues to work at Boran Ekinci Mimarlk Ltd. in Istanbul,
a company that he established in Ankara between 1989 and 1996. His national and international published projects have won National
Architecture Awards for building and he has been nominated for the Mies van der Rohe and Aga Khan Architecture prizes.

Boran Ekinci
1966da Zonguldakta dodu. MS Mimarlk Fakltesinden mezun oldu. Yksek lisansn ayn niversitede Tarihi Dokuda
Yeni Bina Tasarm zerine yapan Erginolu, bir sre ABDde bulundu. esitli niversitelerde dersler verdi. 1993 ylnda
Hasan C. allar ile birlikte kurduu Erginolu&allar, farkl yllarda kazand Ulusal Mimarlk dllerinin yan sra Dnya
Mimarlk Festivalinde (WAF) byk dl alan ilk Trk mimarlk ofisi oldu.

. Kerem Erginolu


I. Kerem Erginolu was born in Zonguldak in 1966. Erginolu graduated from MSU, Faculty of Architecture. After completing his postgraduate studies on New Building Design in the Historic Texture at the same institution, Erginolu stayed in the US for some time. He has
lectured at various universities. He established the Erginolu & allar company with Hasan C. allar in 1993. In addition to winning the
National Architecture Awards a number of time, the company is the first Turkish architectural office to win the greatest prize in World
Architecture Festival (WAF).

1972 stanbul doumlu olan Hray Erk, 1994 ylnda stanbul Teknik niversitesi Mimarlk Blmnden mezun oldu. 19952001 yllar arasnda eitli mimari ofislerde proje tasarm ve uygulama alanlarnda alt. 2002 ylndan beri Metex Design
Groupta eitli mimari ve i mimari projelerde proje yrtcs olarak almalarna devam etmektedir.
Born in Istanbul, in 1972, Huray Erk graduated from ITU, Faculty of Architecture, in 1994. From 1995 to 2001, Erk worked at a number of
architecture offices, focusing on project design and application fields. Erk has continued to work in the Metex Design Group since 2002,
working on various architecture and interior design projects as project manager.

Hray Erk
1971 Merzifon doumlu olan Kaan Erk, 1993 ylnda stanbul Teknik niversitesi Mimarlk Blmnden mezun oldu.
1993-1997 yllarnda eitli mimari ofislerde proje tasarm ve uygulama alanlarnda alt. 1997 ylndan beri Metex Design
Groupta eitli mimari ve i mimari projelerde proje yrtcs olarak almalarna devam etmektedir.
Born in Merzifon in 1971, Kaan Erk graduated from ITU, Faculty of Architecture in 1993. From 1993 to 1997, Erk worked in a number of
architecture offices on project design and application fields. He has continued to work in the Metex Design Group since 1997, serving on
various architecture and interior design projects as project manager.

Kaan Erk
1961de stanbulda dodu. 1978de stanbul Erkek Lisesini bitirdi. 1983 ylnda MS Mimarlk Blmnden yksek mimar
olarak mezun oldu. S. Grhan Bakrkre ile birlikte 1990da KGMimarl, 1999da Romanya / Bkre te KGROMu kurdu.
2007 ylnda S. Grhan Bakrkre ve Alkm nal ile birlikte Kazakistan / Almaatada ErmasKG Mimarlk irketini kurdu.
Kurtul Erkmen was born in Istanbul in 1961. He graduated from MSU, Faculty of Architecture as a professional architect in 1983. He
established KG Mimarlk in 1990 with S. Grhan Bakrkre and KGROM Architecture Company in Bucharest, Romania in 1999. Erkmen
established ErmasKG Architecture Company in Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan with S. Grhan Bakrkre and Alkm nal in 2007.

Kurtul Erkmen
1953 ylnda Samsunda dodu. 1974 ylnda T Mimarlk Fakltesinden mezun oldu. 1977-1984 yllar arasnda Ankara
Belediyesi bnyesinde Proje eflii ve Altnda Belediyesinde mar Mdrl grevlerinde bulundu. 1985 ylnda ACE
Mimarlk Mhendislik Mavirlik Brosunu kurdu. Konut ve ofis arlkl mimarlk almalarna kurucusu olduu ACE
Mimarlk Mhendislik Mavirlik Limited irketinde devam etmektedir.
Ahmet Can Ersan was born in Samsun in 1953. He graduated from ITU, Faculty of Architecture in 1974. Between 1977 and 1984 Ersan
worked under the auspices of Ankara Municipality and Altnda Municipal Development Directorate as Project Chief. He established
ACE Mimarlk (Architecture-Engineering-Consultants) Office in 1985. Ersan has continued to work in the field, focusing on residences and
offices with his company ACE.

Ahmet Can Ersan

1978de Ankarada dodu, 2002 ylnda GMMF Mimarlk Blmnden mezun olarak ACE Mimarlk irketine ortak oldu.
ODT Mimarlk Fakltesi Mimarlk Blmnde Avrupa Birlii Uyum Srecinde Mimarlk Mevzuatnn AB Normlarna Adaptasyonu; Bir Sylem Analizi balkl teziyle yksek lisans almalar devam etmektedir. D-8 Projesi ile 2010 ylnda proje
dalnda Ulusal Mimarlk dlne aday gsterilmitir.
Orun Ersan was born in Ankara in 1978. He graduated from GUMMF, Faculty of Architecture, in 2002 and became a partner of ACE Mimarlk. Ersan is still continuing his postgraduate thesis, Adaption of Architectural Legislation to EU Norms in the Process of Complying with
the European Union: A Discourse Analysis at METU, Faculty of Architecture. His D-8 Project has been nominated for the 2010 National
Architecture Awards.

Orun Ersan
1987 ylnda ODT Mimarlk Fakltesinden mezun oldu. Almanya ve Suudi Arabistanda alt. Yurtii kentsel tasarm
yarmalarnda eitli dller kazand. 1992 ylnda iki orta ile beraber Art Tasarm kurdu. Projeleri ulusal ve uluslararas
yaynlarda yer ald. 2008 ylnda kurduu Hilmi Gner Mimarlk kapsamnda yurtii ve yurtdnda mimarlk, kentsel tasarm ve i mimarlk projeleri yrtmektedir.
Hilmi Gner graduated from METU, Faculty of Architecture in 1987. He has worked in Saudi Arabia and Germany. Gner has won various
prizes in national urban design competitions. He established Art Design in 1992 with two partners. Gners projects have been included
in national and international publications. He continues to design on a national and international scale, as well as being involved in urban
design and interior design projects within the scope of Hilmi Gner Mimarlk, which he established in 2008.

Hilmi Gner
T Mimarlk Fakltesinde 1984-1988 yllarnda lisans, ODT Restorasyon Anabilim Dalnda 1993te yksek lisans eitimini
tamamlamtr. Ankarada 1991de kurduu Ven Mimarlk firmasnda, uluslararas ve ulusal projelerle almalarn srdrmektedir. YEM tasarm dl (2008), Fransz Kltr Merkezi (2008) ve Kayseri Adalet Saray 1. dl (2009), Mersin Adalet
Saray 2. dl (2007) gibi dl ve dereceleri vardr.
Gl Gven completed her bachelor degree at ITU, Faculty of Architecture between 1984 and 1988 and her postgraduate degree in 1993
at METU, Restoration Department. She continues to work in Ven Mimarlk, which she established in Ankara in1991. Gven has won prizes
like the YEM design award (2008), the French Cultural Center Award (2008), the Kayseri Court House, first prize (2009) and Mersin Court
House, second prize (2007).

Gl Gven


1931 ylnda stanbulda dodu. 1952 ylnda T Mimarlk Fakltesini birincilikle bitirdi. 1966da MHM, 1969da svirede
Architects Association, 1993de ABDde ITAC International Turkish Architects Corporation kurdu. Hepglerin, 181 dl,
42 yurtii, 29 uluslararas birincilik dl vardr. 13.380.000 m realizasyonla Yaayan Efsane, Asrn Sinan, IBC Best
Performer Architect, Milletleraras Meslek Lideri seilmi, George Washington Madalyas ile dllendirilmitir.

Metin Hepgler

Metin Hepgler was born in 1931 in Istanbul. In 1952, he graduated in architecture from ITU as the most outstanding student. He founded
MHM (Metin Hepgler Enterprise) in 1966, and in 1969 in Switzerland, he established the Architects Association and in 1993, the ITAC
International Turkish Architects Corporation in the USA. Of the 181 awards won by Hepgler, 42 were awarded in Turkey and 29 were
international first prizes. With his opus consisting of 13,380,000 square meters, he has been selected as a Living Legend, the Sinan of
the Century, IBC Best Performer Architect, Leader of the International Profession and was awarded the George Washington Medal.

1976da stanbulda dodu. Tasarm atlyelerinde asistanlk grevi de stlendii Ecole Spciale dArchitecture (Paris)de
lisans, Columbia niversitesinde (New York City) Mimari ve Kentsel Tasarm yksek lisans programlarn tamamlad. 2003
ylndan itibaren almalarna ERA Trkiye ve in ofislerinde devam etmektedir. Tasarmlar arasnda Starmall Shenyang
Plaza, Forum Kapadokya, Garanti Teknoloji Kamps, Zorlu Center yarmas gibi projeler yer almaktadr.
Ali Hzrolu was born in Istanbul in 1976. He completed his undergraduate degree at Ecole Spciale dArchitecture (Paris), where participated in design workshops; Hzrolu completed his postgraduate studies at Columbia University (New York) on Architectural and
Urban Design. Hzrolu has been continuing to work in the ERA Turkey and China offices since 2003. Among his projects are the Starmall
Shenyang Plaza, Forum Kapadokya, Garanti Technology Campus, and the Zorlu Center competition.

Ali Hzrolu
1944 ylnda stanbulda dodu. 1970 ylnda Devlet Gzel Sanatlar Akademisi Mimarlk blmnden mezun oldu. YTden
1979 ylnda doent, 1988 ylnda profesr nvan ald. Ulusal ve uluslararas yarmalarda dereceleri vardr. Halen
Trkiyede ve yurtdnda -2001 de kurulan Paris ofisinde- almalarna devam etmektedir.
Ertun Hzrolu was born in Istanbul in 1944. He graduated from the Fine Arts State Academy (DGSA), Faculty of Architecture in 1970.
Hzrolu was given the title of associate professor in 1979, and became a full professor in 1988 at YTU. Hzrolu has won recognition in
national and international competitions. He still continues his work in Turkey and abroad, establishing a Paris office in 2001.

Ertun Hzrolu
T Mimarlk Blmnden 1995 ylnda mezun oldu. 1995-1997 yllarnda serbest tasarm almalar yapt ve yarmalara
katld. 1998 ylnda Murat Aksu ile MuuMu kurdu. 2001de T Fen Bilimleri Enstitsnde lisansst almasn tamamlad. Ulusal ve uluslararas mimarlk yarmalarnda eitli kategorilerde dl ald.
Umut yign graduated from ITU, Faculty of Architecture in 1995. Between 1995 and 1997 he performed some free design work and participated in competitions. In 1998, yign established Muum with Murat Aksu. He completed his postgraduate degree at Istanbul Technical
University, Istanbul Technical University of Science and Technology in 2001. yign has won awards in a variety of fields, in both national
and international architectural competitions.

Umut yign
1964te stanbulda dodu.1986 ylnda T Mimarlk Fakltesinden mezun oldu. stanbulda balayan almalarna, Londra, Montreal ve Romada eitli mimarlk ofislerinde devam etti. 1990 ylnda ortak olarak Metex Design Groupa katld.
Yurtii ve yurtd otel projeleri; alveri merkezleri, konut projeleri ve eitim yaplar ile ofis binalar konusunda mimari
ve i mimari projeler retmeye devam etmektedir.
Sinan Kafadar was born in Istanbul in 1964. He graduated from ITU, Faculty of Architecture in 1986 and started to work in Istanbul, as
well as a number of architecture offices in London, Montreal and Rome. Kafadar joined the Metex Design Group as a partner in 1990.
Kafadar continues to create for national and international hotel projects, as well as shopping malls, residential projects, and educational
structures, as well as working on architectural and interior design for office buildings.

Sinan Kafadar
1984 ylnda Seluk niversitesi Mimarlk Fakltesinden mezun oldu. 1993 ylnda ODT Mimarlk Fakltesi Restorasyon
Blmnde yksek lisansn tamamlad. 1991-1997 yllar arasnda kurucusu ve genel mdr olduu Ano Yapda eitli
projeler gerekletirdi. 1998den beri ncolu Mimarlkta ortaklar ile almalarn srdrmektedir. Ulusal mimarlk yarmalarnda 2 dl kazanm, projeleri Cityscape, CRE gibi birok uluslararas dle layk grlmtr.
nder Kaya graduated from Seluk University, Faculty of Architecture in 1984. He completed his postgraduate degree at the METU, Faculty of Architecture, Restoration Department in 1993. Kaya has carried out some projects with Ano Yapi which he founded and served
in as general manager from 1991 to 1997. Since 1998, Kaya has continued to work with his partners at ncolu Mimarlk. He has won
two prizes in national architecture competitions, with his projects winning many international prizes such as Cityscape and CRE.

nder Kaya
1990 ylnda Orta Dou Teknik niversitesinden yksek mimar olarak mezun oldu. 2003ten beri, ncolu Mimarlkta
almaktadr. Firmann Trkiye, Rusya ve Kazakistanda yakn zamanda gerekletirdii birok projesinde grev almtr.
ODT ve Bilkent niversitesinde eitmen olarak alm, ulusal mimarlk yarmalarnda 3 dl kazanm, projeleri Cityscape, CRE gibi birok uluslararas dle layk grlmtr.
Cumhur Keskinok graduated from METU with MArch degree in 1990. He has worked at ncolu Mimarlk since 2003. Keskinok has
taken part in many recent projects that the firm has carried out in Turkey, Russia and Kazakhstan. He has worked at METU and Bilkent
University as a lecturer, winning three prizes in national architecture competitions, as well as many international prizes such as Cityscape
and CRE with his projects.

Cumhur Keskinok


1962 ylnda dodu. 1985 ylnda Dokuz Eyll niversitesi Mimarlk Fakltesinde lisans eitimini tamamlad. 1987 ylndan
beri kurucusu olduu M art D Mimarlk Ofisinde tasarm ve uygulama almalarn srdrmektedir. Tasarlad projeler
arasnda salk yaplar, konutlar, eitim yaplar ve ticari yaplar bulunmaktadr.
Metin Kl was born in 1962. He graduated from Dokuz Eyll University, Faculty of Architecture in 1985. Kl continues to work at M art D
Mimarlk, which he established in 1987, focusing on design and application. His projects include health structures, educational structures
and trade structures.

Metin Kl
1985 ylnda Gazi niversitesi Mimarlk Fakltesinden mezun oldu. rencilik yllarnda Merih Karaarsalan ve Umur Erkman Mimarlk ofislerinde alt. Mezuniyeti ile birlikte, yurtii ve dnda mimarlk, i mimarlk projeleri ve uygulamalar
gerekletirdi. Bunlar arasnda ok sayda konut, otel, hastane, labratuar, restoran, maaza, fabrika ve ofis projeleri ile
mimari dnm ve kurumsal mekn tasarmlar bulunuyor.
Belgin Koz graduated from Gazi University, Faculty of Architecture in 1985. As a student, she worked in the Merih Karaarsalan and Umur
Erkman Architecture offices. After graduating she designed projects on both a national and an international scale, as well as interior
design projects and implementations. Among these projects are included many residences, hotels, hospitals, laboratories, restaurants,
commercial premises, factories and office projects, as well as architectural transformation and corporative residence design.

Belgin Koz
1989da ODT Mimarlk Blmnden mezun olduktan sonra ncolu Mimarlkta balad alma hayatn 1996dan
beri genel mdr olarak srdrmektedir. almalar karma kullanml projeler, alveri merkezi, salk, otel, konut ve
ofis yaplar zerine gelimitir. Trkiye, Rusya, Kazakistan, Dou Avrupa ve Ortadouda projeler gerekletirmitir. Ulusal
mimarlk yarmalarnda 8 dl kazanm, Cityscape, CRE gibi birok uluslararas dle layk grlmtr.
After graduating from METU, Faculty of Architecture in 1989, Enis ncolu started his carrier at ncolu Mimarlk; he has continued to
work with this firm as a general manager since 1996. His projects are based on mixed-use structures, shopping malls, as well as health,
hotel, residence and office structures. ncolu has carried out projects in Turkey, Russia, Kazakhstan, Eastern Europe and the Middle
East. He has won 8 awards in national architecture competitions and many international prizes, such as Cityscape and CRE.

Enis ncolu
1983 ylnda Gazi niversitesi Mhendislik Mimarlk Fakltesinden mezun oldu. Profesyonel almalarna 1984 ylnda
balamtr ve 1991 ylndan itibaren Uz Mimarlk Atlyesi bnyesinde devam etmektedir. Ulusal Mimari Proje yarmalarnda 6s birincilik olmak zere 29 dl ve mansiyonu bulunmaktadr. 2010 ylndan itibaren Gazi niversitesi ve
Eskiehir Osman Gazi niversitesi Mimarlk Mhendislik Fakltelerinde yar zamanl retim grevlisi olarak proje dersleri

Mete z

Mete z graduated from Gazi University, Faculty of Architecture in 1983. He started his professional career in 1984 and has continued
to work within the scope of Uz Mimarlk Atlyesi since 1991. z has won 29 prizes, including 6 first prizes, and honorable mentions in
national architectural project competitions. Since 2010, he has been working full time and part time as a lecturer at Gazi University and
Eskiehir Osman Gazi University, Faculty of Architecture and Engineering.

1989 ylnda Gazi niversitesi Mhendislik Mimarlk Fakltesinden mezun oldu. Profesyonel almalarn 1990 ylndan
beri Uz Mimarlk Atlyesi ats altnda yurtii ve yurtdnda srdrmektedir.
mit z graduated from Gazi University, Faculty of Architecture in 1989. She has continued her professional career within the scope of
Uz Mimarlk Atlyesi since 1990, both nationally and internationally.

mit z
1965te Ankarada dodu. ODT Mimarlk Fakltesinden lisans ve yksek lisans derecelerini ald. 1987-93 yllar arasnda
ODT Mimarlk Blm Tasarm Stdyosunda aratrma grevlisi olarak alt. 1997 ylna kadar ODTde, 1998 ylnda
Gazi niversitesinde yar zamanl retim grevlisi olarak dersler verdi. 1997 ylnda kurduu A Tasarm Mimarlk brosu
ile birlikte projeler retmeye devam ediyor.
Ali Osman ztrk was born in Ankara in 1965. He received his undergraduate and postgraduate degrees from METU, Faculty of Architecture. ztrk worked as a researcher at the METU, Faculty of Architecture, Design Studio from 1987 to 1993. ztrk gave lectures
part-time until 1997 at METU and at Gazi University in 1998. ztrk continues to create projects with the A Tasarm Mimarlk that he
established in 1997.

Ali Osman ztrk

2000 ylnda T Mimarlk Fakltesi, Mimarlk Blmn; 2005 ylnda da ayn niversitenin mimari tasarm yksek lisans
programndan nsana likin Veriler Inda Mimari Tasarm ve ne kan Meknsal Kavramlar balkl teziyle yksek
mimar nvan ald. Katld mimari proje yarmalarnda, biri uluslararas olmak zere 4 birincilik, toplam 18 dl kazand.
Orkun zer became a professional architect after graduating in architecture from ITU in 2000; he completed an architectural design
postgraduate degree on Architectural Design and the Spatial Concepts that Come to the Fore in the Light of Data on Human Relations at
the same institution in 2005. zer has won 18 prizes, including four first prizes - one international and three national - in architecture

Orkun zer


1976, stanbul doumlu. 1999da YT Mimarlk Fakltesi Mimarlk Blmnden; 2003te T Mimari Tasarm Blmnden
mezun oldu. Midek Ming, Ertunga Mimarlk ve Zoom TPU firmalarnda alt. 2006da konut ve maaza gibi projelerin tasarm ve uygulamalarn yapmaya balad. 2008de Yasemin Adal ile kurduklar LMA MMARLIK bnyesinde proje, tasarm,
dekorasyon ve restorasyon ilerini yrtyor.
Evren Karaduman Pars was born in Istanbul in 1976. She graduated from YTU, Faculty of Architecture in 1999 and from ITU, Department
of Architectural Design in 2003. Pars has worked with Midek Ming, Ertunga Architecture and Zoom TPU. She began to make designs and
implementations in residential and commercial projects in 2006. Pars established Lima Mimarlk in 2008 with Yasemin Adal, and still
works on project, design, decoration and restoration projects here.

Evren Karaduman Pars

Joshua Prince-Ramus, New Yorkta bulunan mimarlk ve tasarm irketi REXin yneticisidir. OMA New York ofisinin kurucu
orta iken, irketin adn 2006 ylnda REX olarak deitirdi. Yale niversitesinde felsefe lisansn tamamladktan sonra
Harvard niversitesinde mimarlk yksek lisansn tamamlad. Yale, Columbia, Harvard, Syracuse ve MITde mimarlk
dersleri verdi.
Joshua Prince-Ramus is Principal of REX, an architecture and design firm based in New York City. He was the founding partner of OMA
New York until he renamed the firm REX in 2006. He received a BA in Philosophy (Yale University) and a MArch from Harvard University.
He has taught architecture at Yale University, Columbia University, Harvard University, Syracuse University, and MIT.

Joshua Prince-Ramus
1979 ylnda DGSA Yksek Mimarlk Blmnden mezun olduktan sonra nal Gral ile birlikte ilede bir tatil sitesi projelendirmi, ardndan Doan Tekeli - Sami Sisa mimarlk brosunda almaya balam, 2004 ylnda irketin yeniden yaplanmas ile beraber ortakla katlmtr. YEM Yaynlar tarafndan yaynlanan Doan Tekeli - Sami Sisa, Projeler - Yaplar,
1954 -1994 kitabn yayna hazrlamtr.
After graduating from the State Academy of the Fine Arts (DGSA), Architecture Department in 1979, Dilgn Saklar designed a summer
resort project in ile with nal Gral; she then started working for the Doan Tekeli - Sami Sisa architecture bureau, becoming a partner in
2004 when the company was restructured. She prepared the book Doan Tekeli - Sami Sisa, Projects - Structures, 1954 to 1994, published
by YEM Publications.

Dilgn Saklar
1954te Hatay-Drtyolda dodu. 1978 ylnda Ege niversitesi Gzel Sanatlar Fakltesi Mimarlk Blmn bitirdikten
sonra 1980 - 1984 yllar arasnda okul sonras eitim iin Cengiz Bekta ile alt. 1985ten beri kendi mimarlk atlyesinde
almalarn yrtyor. Bilgi niversitesi mimarlk yksek lisans program kurucu yesi olarak grev ald. Halen niversitelerde dersler veriyor; seminer, konferans, atlye, sergi ve yaynlaryla mimarlk ortamna katk salyor.
Nevzat Sayn was born in Drtyol, Hatay in 1954. After graduating from Ege University, Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture in 1978, he
worked with Cengiz Bekta from 1980 to 1984 to continue his training. In addition to working in his own architectural studio since 1985,
Sayn is a founding member of Bilgi Universitys postgraduate architecture program; not only does he give lectures at universities, but he
also contributes to architecture with his seminars, conferences, workshops, exhibitions and publications.

Nevzat Sayn
1994 te ESA (Ecole Spciale dArchitecture)dan mimar olarak mezun olmutur. 1995te EAPB (Ecole dArchitecture de
Paris-Belleville)de yksek lisans yapmtr. Pariste Michel Gourion ile ortak olarak serbest mimarlk almalar yrtm,
1996-1998 yllar arasnda E. De Portzamparcn brosunda proje efi olarak almtr. 1998 ylnda stanbula dnm,
2004 ylnda Tekeli-Sisa Mimarlk bnyesinde ortak olarak almaya balamtr.
Nedim Sisa graduated from Ecole Spciale dArchitecture in 1994 and completed his postgraduate degree at Ecole dArchitecture de
Paris-Belleville in 1995. Sisa set up his first independent architecture office with Michel Gourion in Paris, and worked as project manager
for E. De Portzamparcs bureau from 1996 to 1998. Sisa returned to Istanbul in 1998, and started working as a partner in Tekeli-Sisa
Mimarlk in 2004.

Nedim Sisa
Cem Sorgu, 1968 ylnda Mardinde dodu. Mimarlk eitimini Mimar Sinan niversitesi Mimarlk Blmnde tamamlad.
2000 ylnda kurduu CM Mimarlk, Cem Sorgu yrtclnde mimarlk hizmetleri vermeye devam etmektedir.
Cem Sorgu was born in Mardin in 1968. He completed his education at Mimar Sinan University, Faculty of Architecture. Sorgu continues
to provide architectural services with his firm, CM Mimarlk, which he established in 2000.

Cem Sorgu
Gazi niversitesi Mimarlk Mhendislik Fakltesinde 1983 ylnda lisans, 1987 ylnda yksek lisans renimini tamamlad.
1984 ylnda balad profesyonel almalarna, 1991 ylndan itibaren ise Uz Mimarlk Atlyesi bnyesinde devam
etti. Ulusal Mimari Proje yarmalarnda 6s birincilik olan toplam 29 dl bulunmaktadr. 2006-2011 yllar arasnda Gazi
niversitesi, 2010 ylndan itibaren Eskiehir Osman Gazi niversitesi Mimarlk Mhendislik Fakltesinde proje dersleri

Mehmet Soylu


Mehmet Soylu completed his bachelor degree at Gazi University, Faculty of Architecture in 1983, and completed his postgraduate degree
in 1987. He began his professional career in 1984, and has continued to work within the scope of Uz Mimarlk Atlyesi since 1991. Mehmet Soylu has won 29 awards, including 6 first prizes in national architectural project competitions. Soylu has lectured at Gazi University
since 2006 and at Eskiehir Osman Gazi University, Faculty of Architecture, since 2010.

1963 ylnda stanbulda dodu. 1988de MSGS Mimarlk Fakltesinden mezun oldu. Yksek lisans almalarna Viyana
Teknik niversitesinde devam etti. Viyanada aralarnda Prof. Wilhelm Holzbauerin de bulunduu mimarlarn brolarnda
alt. 1995te stanbulda Suyabatmaz Mimarlk Brosunu kurdu. eitli niversitelerde mimari tasarm dersleri verdi.
almalarna 2008den beri Hakan Demirel ile birlikte Suyabatmaz Demirel Mimarlk Brosunda devam etmektedir.
Murat Arif Suyabatmaz was born in Istanbul in 1963. He graduated from MSGSU, Faculty of Architecture in 1988. Suyabatmaz continued to
pursue his postgraduate studies at Vienna Technical University. In Vienna, he worked in architectural bureaus, including that of Professor
Wilhelm Holzbauer. He established Suyabatmaz Mimarlk in Istanbul in 1995. Suyabatmaz has lectured in architectural design at various
universities. He has continued his work since 2008, working with Hakan Demirel at Suyabatmaz Demirel Mimarlk.

Murat Arif Suyabatmaz

1965 ylnda dodu.1987 ylnda Dokuz Eyll niversitesi Mimarlk Fakltesinden mezun oldu. Yksek lisans ve doktora
almalarn ayn okulda tamamlad. 1987-2006 yllar arasnda DE Mimarlk Fakltesinde retim yesi olarak alt.
eitli mimarlk dergilerinde yaynlanm yazlar bulunmaktadr. 2007 ylndan beri M art D Mimarlk ofisinde almalarn
Drrin Ser was born in 1965. She graduated from Dokuz Eyll University, Faculty of Architecture in 1987. Ser completed her MArch and
Phd degrees at the same university. She worked as a lecturer at Dokuz Eyll University, Faculty of Architecture between 1987 and 2006.
Ser has published articles in a number of architecture journals. She has been working with the M art D Mimarlk since 2007.

Drrin Ser
T Mimarlk Blmnden 1993 ylnda mezun oldu. Metropolitan Catalunya Politeknik niversitesinde srdrd Mimarlk Mastr ve eitli mimari deneyimlerden sonra 1995 ylnda Tabanloluna ortak olarak katld. Yurtii ve yurtd
jrilerde yer alan, konferanslar veren Melkan Grsel Tabanlolu 2008 ylnda The European Centre for Architecture Art
Design and Urban Studies tarafndan Avrupann 40 ya alt 40 mimarndan biri seildi.
Melkan Grsel Tabanlolu graduated from ITU, Architecture Department, in 1993. After completing a postgraduate degree in architecture
as well as gaining various experience with the Metropolitan Catalunya Polytechnic University, she was made a partner with Tabanlolu
Architects in 1995. Tabanlolu has served on national and international juries, given conferences and in 2008 was chosen as one of the
top 40 architects under the age of 40 in Europe by The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies.

Melkan Grsel
Viyana Teknik niversitesi Mimarlk Blmnden 1992 ylnda mezun oldu. Viyanada nemli mimarlarla kazand deneyimin ardndan 1990 ylnda babas Dr. Hayati Tabanlolu ile birlikte Tabanlolu Mimarlk kurdu. Son yllarda bata Bilgi
niversitesinde olmak zere eitli niversitelerde dersler veren Murat Tabanlolu, 1999 ylndan beri yurt ii ve yurt
dnda konferanslar vermekte, ulusal ve uluslararas yarmalarda jri yelii yapmaktadr.
Murat Tabanlolu graduated from Vienna Technical University, Architecture Department in 1992. After gaining experience working with
influential architects in Vienna, Murat Tabanlolu established Tabanlolu Architects with his father Dr. Hayati Tabanlolu in 1990. In
recent years, Murat Tabanlolu has given lectures at a number of universities, including Bilgi University, and has participated in domestic
and foreign conferences, as well as serving as a juror in national and international competitions since 1999.

Murat Tabanlolu
1952 ylnda T Mimarlk Fakltesinden yksek mimar mhendis olarak mezun olup 1954 ylnda Sami Sisa ile birlikte
kurduu Site Mimarlk irketi, gnmzde Tekeli-Sisa Mimarlk Ortakl olarak varln srdrmektedir. 1992de Aa Han
Mimarlk dl Jrisinde grev yapmtr. 1994 ylnda Mimarlar Odas Ulusal Mimarlk dlne layk grlmtr. 2000
ylnda stanbul Teknik niversitesi tarafndan kendisine fahri doktora unvan verilmitir. Projeler, Uygulamalar, 1954-1974
ve Projeler, Yaplar, Doan Tekeli-Sami Sisa adl iki kitab yaynlanmtr.

Doan Tekeli

Doan Tekeli graduated from ITU, Faculty of Architecture in 1952; as a professional architect he established Site Architectural Company
with Sami Sisa in 1954; this company continues to function today under the name Tekeli-Sisa Architectural Partnership. Tekeli served on
the jury for the Aga Khan Architect Prize in 1992. He was awarded the Chamber of Architects, National Architectural Prize in 1994. Tekeli
has published two books, Projects, Implementations, 1954-1974 and Projects, Structures, Doan Tekeli-Sami Sisa.

1964 ylnda stanbulda dodu. 1988 ylnda MS Mimarlk Blmn bitirdi ve ayn kurumda aratrma grevlisi olarak
almaya balad. Yksek lisans tezinin ardndan 1990-1993 arasnda New York, Pratt Institutede 2. derece yksek lisans
ve serbest mimarlk almalar yapt. 1993te MSdeki grevine dnd ve 2000 ylnda doktora almasn tamamlad.
Halen MS Mimarlk Blmnde retim yesidir.
Ahmet Tercan was born in Istanbul in 1964. He graduated from MSU, Faculty of Architecture in 1988 and started working as a researcher
at the same institution. After completing his postgraduate degree, between 1990 and 1993 Tercan worked on a second postgraduate
degree and worked as an independent architect in New York at the Pratt Institute. He returned to his position at MSU in 1993 and completed his doctorate in 2000. He still works as a lecturer at MSU in the Architecture Department.

Ahmet Tercan
Mimarlk renimini Tde tamamlayan Tmertekin 1986 ylndan beri almalarn kurucusu olduu Mimarlar ve Han
Tmertekinde srdrmektedir. 1992 ylndan bu yana ulusal ve uluslararas mimarlk ortamlarna konferans, atlye ve
jri yelikleri ile katkda bulunmakta, yurtii ve dnda eitli niversitelerde konuk retim yelii yapmaktadr. Ulusal
ve uluslararas dlleri bulunan Tmertekin, 2008 ylndan bu yana Aa Han Mimarlk dlleri Ynetim Kurulu yesidir.
Tmertekin completed his studies in architecture at ITU, and since 1986 has pursued his work at Mimarlar ve Han Tmertekin, of which
he is the founder. Since 1992, he has participated in conferences, workshops and worked as a jury member in national and international architectural events, as well as being a guest lecturer in Turkey and abroad at a number of universities. Tmertekin, who has won
national and international awards, is a member of the Board of Directors of the Aga Khan Awards for Architecture (AKAA), since 2008.

Han Tmertekin


Londrada bulunan Architectural Associationda eitim aldktan sonra yksek lisansn Southern California Institute of
Architecture (SCIARC)da tamamlad. 1995 ylnda Urastudio ad altnda Los Angelesta kurduu irketinde balad almalara stanbulda devam etti. 2003 ylnda Durmu Dileki ile birlikte URASXDLEKC Mimarlk kurdu. Halen almalarna
stanbulda devam etmekte, YT Mimarlk Fakltesinde dersler vermektedir.
After completing his education at the Architectural Association in London, Emir Uras finished a postgraduate degree at the Southern
California Institute of Architecture (SCIARC). He continued the work of the company, Urastudio, which he established in Los Angeles in
1995, in Istanbul. Uras established URASXDLEKC Mimarlk with Durmu Dileki in 2003. Uras still continues his work in Istanbul and gives
lectures at YTU,. Faculty of Architecture.

Emir Uras
1984 ylnda Mimar Sinan niversitesi Mimarlk Fakltesinden mezun oldu. Mezuniyet sonras eitli yaplarn n ve uygulama projelerini gerekletirdi. Katld yarmalarda 13 birincilik, 17 ikincilik olmak zere 67 kez dl kazand.
Selim Veliolu graduated from Mimar Sinan University, Faculty of Architecture in 1984. After graduating, he carried out implementation
projects on various structures. Veliolu has won 67 awards, including 13 first prizes and 17 second prizes.

Selim Veliolu
1964 Avusturya doumlu olan Brigitte Weber 1994 ylnda Viyana Teknik niversitesi Mimarlk Blmn yksek mimar
olarak tamamlad. 1997 ylnda Arif Suyabatmaz ile birlikte kurduklar Suyabatmaz Mimarlk Ofisinde farkl proje ve uygulamalar yapan Brigitte Weber, Trkiyede imza hakkna sahip ilk yabanc mimar olarak Brigitte Weber Mimarlk ad altnda
2005 ylnda kendi ofisini kurdu.
Born in Austria,1964, Brigitte Weber graduated from Vienna Technical University, Architecture Department in 1994 as a professional
architect. Carrying out different project and applications with the Suyabatmaz Mimarlk, which she established with Arif Suyabatmaz in
1997, Brigitte Weber is the first foreign architect to directly put her name to structures in Turkey; she established her own office, Brigitte
Weber Architecture, in 2005.

Brigitte Weber
1995 ylnda Tago Mimarlk ofisinin kuruluundan nce Japonya, Fransa ve Trkliyede mimarlk eitimi grm, yksek
lisans almalarn modern mimarlk zerine yrtmtr. MS ve Eskiehir Anadolu niversitesinde dersler vermitir.
zellikle kentsel tasarm projelerinde uzman olan pek ok ulusal dl sahibi Yamamoto 18 Aralk 2010 tarihinde hayatn
Before the establishment of the Tago Architecture office in 1995, Yamamoto was educated in Japan, France and Turkey, where he completed a postgraduate degree on contemporary architecture. Yamamoto gave seminars at Mimar Sinan University and Eskiehir Anadolu
University. Specializing in urban design projects, Yamamoto won many national awards. He died on 18th December, 2010.

Tatsuya Yamamoto


1974 ylnda Ankarada dodu. 1995 ylnda stanbul Teknik niversitesi Mimarlk Blmnden lisans derecesini ald. 1998
ylnda Orta Dou Teknik niversitesi Mimarlk Blmnde yksek lisans yapt. 2006da ODT Mimarlk Blmnden doktora derecesini ald. Halen ei Dr. Mimar Kerem Yazgan ile birlikte 2003 ylnda kurduu Yazgan Tasarm Mimarlk ofisinde
mimarlk hayatn srdrmektedir.
Begm Yazgan was born in Ankara in 1974. She was awarded her undergraduate degree by ITU, Architecture Department in 1995. Yazgan received her postgraduate degree from METU, Department of Architecture in 1998. She received her doctorate from METU, Department of Architecture in 2006. Yazgan continues to pursue her career in architecture with Yazgan Tasarm Mimarlk, which she established
in 2003 with her husband, Dr. Kerem Yazgan.

Begm Yazgan
1969 ylnda Ankarada dodu. Orta Dou Teknik niversitesi Mimarlk Blmnden 1993 ylnda lisans derecesini
ald. 1996da ilk ofisini kurdu. 1997 ylnda ODT Mimarlk Blmnden yksek lisans derecesini ald. ODT Mimarlk
Blmnden doktora derecesini ald 2003 ylnda, ei Dr. Mimar Begm Yazgan ile Yazgan Tasarm Mimarlk adnda
ikinci ofisini kurdu.
Kerem Yazgan was born in Ankara in 1969. He graduated from METU, Department of Architecture in 1993. He established his first office in
1996. Yazgan received his postgraduate degree from METU, Department of Architecture in 1997. In 2003, he received his doctorate from
the same department and established his second office, Yazgan Tasarm Mimarlk, with his wife Dr. Begm Yazgan.

Kerem Yazgan
1942 ylnda stanbulda dodu. 1965te T Mimarlk Fakltesinden yksek mimar mhendis olarak mezun oldu. T
dnda eitli Trk ve yabanc niversitelerde konuk retim yelii dnda birok konferansa katld ve jri yelii yapt.
1983ten beri nemli kesimi yaynlanm konut, kamu yaplar, turizm, restorasyon, koruma proje ve uygulamalar mevcuttur. Akademik almalarn Bilgi niversitesinde srdrmektedir.
Atilla Ycel was born in Istanbul in 1942. He graduated from ITU, Faculty of Architecture in 1965. In addition to ITU, he has worked as a
guest lecturer in a number of other universities, both in Turkey and abroad, he has given many conferences and served as a juror. Ycel
has completed many important projects and implementations for residential and public buildings, as well as in tourism, restoration, and
conservation since 1983. Ycel continues his academic career at Bilgi University.

Atilla Ycel
1972 ylnda stanbulda dodu. 1998de T Mimarlk Fakltesini bitirdi. 2001 ylnda Yldz Teknik niversitesinde yksek
lisans eitimini tamamlayan Cem Ycel, 2002 ylnda balayan retim faaliyetlerini 2008 ylndan itibaren eitli niversitelerde konuk retim grevlisi olarak, 2000 ylndan itibaren mesleki proje ve uygulama almalarn ise MarS-Mimarlar
bnyesinde bro orta olarak srdrmektedir.
Cem Ycel was born in Istanbul in 1972. He graduated from ITU, Faculty of Architecture in 1998. Having received his postgraduate degree
from YTU in 2001, Cem Ycel has continued to be involved in education from 2002, working in a number of universities as a guest lecturer
since 2008; he has also continued to serve as a partner with MArS-Mimarlar since 2000.

Cem Ycel




A Tasarm

evreye duyarl ve insanlarn yaam kalitesini ykseltecek ada projeler retmek amacyla, 1997 ylnda Ali Osman ztrk tarafndan kuruldu. A Tasarm Mimarlk, kentsel tasarm, karma kullanm, alveri-ticaret merkezi, ofis, konut, kamu,
kltr, elence, konaklama, eitim, aratrma, salk ve i mekn tasarm konularnda uzmanlamtr. Firmann projeleri
eitli ulusal ve uluslararas dllere sahiptir.
In order to create environmentally friendly projects to improve the quality of life, this company was established by Ali Osman ztrk in
1997. A Tasarm Mimarlk are experts on urban design, the creation of shopping malls and commercial centers, offices, residences, public,
cultural, entertainment, educational, research and health facilities, as well as in interior design. The projects of the firm have won various
national and international awards.


1985te Ankarada kurulan ofis, 1995ten beri A. Can Ersan ve Orun Ersan ynetiminde ulusal ve uluslararas deneyimi ile
mimarlk, mhendislik proje hizmetleri, kentsel tasarm, proje ynetimi ve danmanlk vermektedir. Yaklam, ilevsellik,
estetik, ekonomi, evre, enerji etkinlii ve kullanc rahatl gibi parametrelere odaklanarak en uygun zm sunabilmektir.
Established in Ankara in 1985, the office provides services in architecture and engineering projects, as well as urban design, project
management and consultancy; it has been run by A. Can Ersan and Orun Ersan since 1995, both of whom have national and international experience. The office provides the best solutions by focusing on the approach, functionality, and aesthetics, as well as economic,
environmental, energy effectiveness and user friendliness parameters.


Arkolu Arkitekt mimarlk brosu, standart mimari proje hizmetler yannda kentsel tasarm, peyzaj ve proje denetimi
hizmetleri vermektedir. Bro mteri memnuniyetini n planda tutarak, yksek eitimli ve deneyimli kadrosu ile nitelikli
ve kaliteli projeler retmeye devam etmektedir.
Arkolu Arkitekt architecture bureau provides services in urban design, landscape and project control, as well as services for standard
architectural projects. The bureau creates high-quality projects with a highly-educated and experienced staff, always placing customer
satisfaction first.


Stuttgartl mimarlar Mete Arat ve Henner Siegel ortaklnda 1992 ylnda kuruldu. O dnemden beri eitli leklerde birok
proje gerekletiren ofis, Almanyann nde gelen mimarlk ofisleri arasnda saylmaktadr. Son dnemlerde portfolyosunu
uluslararas projeleri de katarak geniletmektedir.

Belgin Koz

22 yldr yurtii ve dnda ok sayda konut, otel, hastane, laboratuvar, restoran, maaza, fabrika ve ofis projeleri ile mimari
dnm ve kurumsal mekn tasarmlar ve uygulamalar yapmaya devam etmektedir.

Boran Ekinci

Boran Ekinci tarafndan 1991de Ankarada kurulan ofis, 1996 ylndan beri faaliyetlerine stanbulda devam etmektedir.
Ofisin ulusal mimarlk dllerinin yan sra, yurtii ve yurtd yaynlarda projeleri yaymlanm, Mies van der Rohe ve Aa
Han Mimarlk dl adaylklar olmutur.

Brigitte Weber

This firm was established in 1992 by a partnership of architects from Stuttgart, Mete Arat and Henner Siegel. Carrying out many projects
on a variety of scales since this time, the office is one of the most recognized architectural firms in Germany. Recently, it has enriched
its portfolio by adding international projects.

The Belgin Koz Architectural firm has carried out architectural renovations and institutional design implementations for many residential
buildings, hotels, hospitals, laboratories, restaurants, commercial premises, factories and office projects domestically and abroad for 22

The office, established by Boran Ekinci in 1991 in Ankara, has continued its activities in Istanbul since 1996. In addition to winning a
national architectural award, the projects of the firm have been published in domestic and foreign publications, and the firm has been
nominated for the Mies van der Rohe and Aga Khan Architect Award.

2005 ylnda Brigitte Weber tarafndan kurulan Brigitte Weber Mimarlk Ofisi, bugne kadar 120 nin zerinde mimari ve i
mimari proje gerekletirdi. Bunlar arasnda Borusan Holding Genel Merkezi, Eczacba-gyo Kanyon Rezidans i mimari,
Soyak Holding Genel Merkezi i mimari, SIEC S Uluslararas Binicilik Tesisleri ve Next Level Ankara karma kullanml projeleri
Established in 2005 by Brigitte Weber, Brigitte Weber Architectural Office has realized more than 120 architectural and interior design
projects. Among such achievements are the Borusan Holding General Headquarters, the interior design of the Eczacba-gyo Kanyon
Residence, the interior design of the Soyak Holding General Headquarters, the SIEC S International Equestrian Facilities and Next Level
Ankara mixed-use projects.



Btner Mimarlk, Hseyin Btnerin kurucular arasnda yer ald ve gemi 16 yl ierisinde birok proje rettii Art
Tasarm takiben 2008 ylnda kuruldu. Gnmzde mimar, i mimar ve peyzaj mimarlarndan oluan ekibi ile geleneksel
ve yerel deerleri yeniliki teknolojilerle birlikte yorumlayarak ada bir mimari dil retmeyi amalamaktadr.
Btner Mimarlk was established in 2008 subsequent to Art Tasarm, which had carried out many projects over a period of 16 years,
and included Hseyin Btner among the founders. Today the firm, with a team of architects, interior designers and landscape architects,
aims to create a contemporary architectural language through the interpretation of traditional and domestic values by using innovative



2000 ylndan beri faaliyet gstermekte olan CM Mimarlk, iveren, yapm maliyeti ekonomisi, fiziki konum, zaman, kullanc
ve fonksiyonel kriterleri doru, estetik ve bilimsel artlar dorultusunda ele alan; slup ve genelgeer eilimlerin basks
altnda kalmadan, ada, teknolojik, evreye duyarl ve ileyen bir tasarm anlayn benimsemektedir.
Active since 2000, CM Mimarlk has adopted a design perception that encapsulates criteria that include the employer, manufacturing
costs, physical conditions, the era, the user and which functions accurately, aesthetically and scientifically; this perception avoids the
pressure of tone and universal tendencies and takes contemporary, technological and environmentally-friendly circumstances into

1995 ylnda Dilek Topuz Derman ve Bnyamin Derman tarafndan kurulan DB Mimarlk ve Danmanlk Limited irketi, konu
ve lei ne olursa olsun, her trl tasarm sorunsalna ayn hassasiyetle yaklamay ilke edinmi bir kurumdur. Mimarln
yaratma ediminin ortaya koyduu, yaama dair bir olanaklar alan ve mimarn sorumluluunun salt bugne deil, ayn
zamanda gelecee de olduu yaklamn benimsemektedir.
Established in 1995 by Dilek Topuz Derman and Bnyamin Derman; db Mimarlk makes it a principle to approach every design problem,
regardless of the subject or the scale, with the same sensitivity. Adopting an understanding that the creative results of architecture will
affect not only the world today, but due to the circumstances of life and architectural responsibilities, it will also have an effect on the

DDG Development
Design Group

ABD, Baltimoreda bulunan DDG, inovatif planlama, mimarlk, grafik ve i mekn tasarm zmleri ile tm dnyada hizmet
veren, uluslararas dllere sahip lider bir ofistir.
Baltimore, USA-based DDG is an internationally renowned, industry leader, delivering innovative and award-winning planning, architecture, graphics, interiors, and design solutions to commercial developments in cities, towns, and suburbs around the world..

EAA Emre Arolat


Emre Arolatn 1987 ylnda Arolat Mimarlkta ortak olarak balad mimarlk kariyerinin devam olarak 2004n Mays aynda Emre Arolat ve Gonca Paolar tarafndan stanbulda kuruldu. EAAdaki mimari tasarm srecinde esas kararlar evrenin
en geni anlamnn yorumu dikkate alnarak verilir. Sonu olarak tanmlanm kavramsal bir taban baz alnarak esnek bir
mimari ifade takip edilir.


1972de Prof. Dr. Ertun Hzrolu nderliinde kurulan ERA bugn 120 kii ile Bulgaristan Sofya (1990), Fransa Paris (2000), in
Pekin (2005) ve Trkiyedeki ofislerinde fiziki durum ve srdrlebilirlii gz nnde bulundurarak en yksek kalitede mimari ve teknik zmler kurgular. ERAnn irket felsefesinin temelinde mimari ve tasarm mkemmellii, yaratc bilimsel
dnce ile harmanlanm baarl ynetim yatar.

Erginolu & allar

Subsequent to Emre Arolats architectural background, which started with a partnership in Arolat Mimarlk in 1987, EAA was established
in Istanbul in May 2004 by Emre Arolat and Gonca Paolar. The fundamental decisions made in EAA in the architectural design process
are taken in accordance with the broadest interpretation of the environment. As a result, a flexible architectural expression is achieved
through a clear conceptual base.

Established in 1972 under the leadership of Professor Dr. Ertun Hzrolu, ERA creates the highest-quality architecture and technical
solutions by considering the physical situation and sustainability; they have offices in Sophia, Bulgaria (1990), Paris, France (2000), Beijing,
China (2005) and Turkey, in which 120 people are employed. The fundamentals of the ERA philosophy lie in the perfection of architecture
and design, as well as successful methods blended with creative scientific thinking.

1993 ylnda Kerem Erginolu ve Hasan allar tarafndan kuruldu. Mimarlk ve kentsel tasarm alanlarnda proje, uygulama
ve kontrol hizmeti veren ofis uluslararas nemli almalar gerekletirdi. Pragmatik ve estetik mimari anlaylar, her
projeyi kendi balam iinde ele alan ve o balama deer katacak yeniliki zmlemeleriyle nc projelere imza att ve
birok dl kazand.
Established in 1993 by Kerem Erginolu and Hasan allar this firm provides architectural and urban design projects, as well as offering services in implementation and control; the firm has carried out significant international projects. With a pragmatic and aesthetic
architectural perception, many leading projects have been carried out with innovative solutions and have been awarded many prizes.


FOA Alejandro Zaera-Polo ve Farshid Moussavi ynetiminde uluslararas alan bir ofisti. Londrada bulunan ofis, 1993
ylnda kurulmu ve mimarlk, kentsel planlama ve i mekn tasarm hizmetleri vermitir. Haziran 2011de ofisin kapanmasnn ardndan ortaklardan Alejandro Zaera-Polo AZPA ile (Barselona ve Londra), Farshid Moussavi ise FMA (Londra) ile
almalarna devam etmektedir.
FOA was an internationally acclaimed architectural design studio headed by Alejandro Zaera-Polo and Farshid Moussavi . The London based studio, established in 1993, specialised in architectural design, master planning and interior design services. Studios activities ended
in June 2011. The establishment of two new practices, London and Barcelona base AZPA (Alejandro Zaera-Polo Architecture) and London
based FMA (Farshid Moussavi Architecture) followed.


Global Architectural Development, 1985 ylndan beri mimarlk, deneysel ve konsept tasarm zerine alan, stanbul ve
New York tabanl, dll bir mimarlk firmasdr. Gkhan Avcolunun kurucusu olduu GAD, global ortaklaryla birlikte
hareket etmektedir. Global Architectural Development, yaklamlaryla kendini inovatif bak alar bulmaya, projeler ve
fikirler ile yeni meknsal deneyimler yaratmaya adamtr.
Global Architectural Development is an award-winning architectural firm that has been working on architectural, experimental and
conceptual designs since 1985, with offices in Istanbul and New York. Established by Gkhan Avcolu, GAD acts with global partners.
Global Architectural Development dedicates itself to finding innovative approaches to create new projects and ideas to create original
spatial expressions.


Hilmi Gner

Hilmi Gner tarafndan 2008 ylnda kuruldu. Ulusal ve uluslararas meslek pratii, kentsel tasarm, konut, i mekn, ofis,
eitim ve salk yaplar, rekreasyon alanlar, idari yaplar, kamusal ve ticari yaplar konularnda proje deneyimi ve ald
dllerle Hilmi Gner Mimarlk, yurtii ve yurtdnda mimarlk, kentsel tasarm ve i mimarlk alanlarnda projeler yrtmektedir.
Hilmi Gner Mimarlk was established by Hilmi Gner in 2008. With project experience from national and international projects, urban
design, residential, interior design, office, education and health structures, recreation areas, management buildings, public and commercial structures and various prizes, Hilmi Gner Architecture runs domestic and foreign projects on architecture, urban design and interior

ITAC International
Turkish Architects

Architects Association Ltd. 1969 ylnda svirede, ITAC International Turkish Architects Corporation 1993 ylnda ABDde
Metin Hepgler tarafndan kuruldu. Prof. Metin Hepglerin amac, uluslararas almalar ile Trk kltr ve sanatsal zenginliini dnyaya tantlmas oldu. ITAC ats altnda, Trkiye, Suudi Arabistan, Libya, Siera Leone, svire, Almanya, Meksika, B.A.E., Arjantin, Trkmenistan ve Avustralyada 566 proje gerekletirilmitir.


1990 ylnda Kurtul Erkmen ve Grhan Bakrkre ortaklnda kurulmutur. Bebekteki ofisinde mimari ve i mimari alanlarda, yurtii ve yurtd almalarn srdren KG Mimarlk, 1999 ylnda KG Architecture SRL ad ile Bkre ofisini am ve
Romanyada ayn alanlarda hizmet vermeye balamtr. KG Mimarlk 2007de Kazakistan ofisini kurmutur.


Metin Hepgler founded Architects Association Ltd in Switzerland, in 1969 and ITAC, International Turkish Architects Corporation, in the
USA, in 1993. The aim of Professor Metin Hepgler was to introduce Turkish culture and its artistic wealth to the world through international works. Under the umbrella of ITAC, 566 projects have been carried out in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Sierra Leone, Switzerland,
Germany, Mexico, the United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Turkmenistan, and Australia.

KG Mimarlk was established in 1990 by Kurtul Erkmen and Grhan Bakrkre. Carrying out domestic and foreign projects in architecture
and interior design at their office in Bebek, KG Mimarlk opened an office in Bucharest, KG Architecture SRL, in 1999, and started providing
services in the same fields. KG Mimarlk opened a Kazakhstan office in 2007.

Lima Mimarlk 2008 ylnda Yksek Mimar Evren Karaduman Pars ve Mimar Yasemin Adal tarafndan kurulmutur. Ofis
mimarlk, i mimarlk, mobilya tasarm, uygulama ve uygulama kontrolrl alanlarnda faaliyet gstermektedir. Firmann
felsefesi eitli lekteki tm projelerinde ilevsellii, estetii, kaliteyi stn klarak ekonomik olanaklarn nclnde,
yeniliklerin izini srerek en doru ve en iyi zm retebilmektir.
Lima Mimarlk was established in 2008 by the architect Evren Karaduman Pars and the architect Yasemin Adal. The firm specializes in the
fields of office architecture, interior design, furniture design, implementation and application. The philosophy of the firm is to create the
most accurate and appropriate solution by following economically-led innovations and offering high quality aesthetics and functionality
in every project on a variety of scales.


Mimarlk Aratrmalar Stdyosu (MArS-Mimarlar) 1984 ylnda kuruldu. Proje grubunun son yllardaki almalar, Trkiye
dnda Balkanlarda, Trkiyede ise byk kentler dndaki yrelerde yaplan tasarm ve uygulamalar da iermektedir.
MArS-Mimarlarn projeleri ulusal ve uluslararas meslek medyasnda, proje sekilerinde ve dl programlarnda yer almtr.

M art D

1987 ylnda kurulan M art D Mimarlk, Metin Kl ve Drrin Ser ynetiminde mimarlk hizmetlerini srdrmektedir. Yap
pratii ve akademik ortam deneyimlerinin salad ngr ile konut, ticaret, salk, eitim binalar gibi eitli konularda ve
kentsel tasarm gibi farkl leklerde projeler retmekte, uygulama ve kontrolrlklerini yapmaktadrlar. Ekibin dllerinin
yan sra yaynlanm projeleri de bulunmaktadr.

MArS (Architectural Research Studio) was established in 1984. The teams latest works include projects all over Turkey as well as Balkan
countries. MArSs projects has been nominated for various awards and were published in national and international architectural media.

Established in 1987, M art D Mimarlk provides services under the management of Metin Kl and Drrin Ser. With a foresight provided
by experience with structural practices and an academic environment, the office produces, applies and controls projects such as residential, commercial, health and educational buildings and urban design on various scales. In addition to a number of received awards,
the teams projects have also been published.


Mimarlar ve
Han Tmertekin

1990 ylnda mimari ve i mimari tasarm ofisi olarak stanbulda kurulan Metex Design Group, otel, niversite, ofis, alveri
merkezi ve maaza gibi farkl sektrlerdeki birok alanda, konsept projeden uygulama projesine kadar kapsaml olarak
mimari ve i mimari tasarm hizmetleri sunmaktadr. Metex Design Grubunun ortaklar Cavit Sarolu ve Sinan Kafadardr.
Established in 1990 as an architecture and interior design office in Istanbul, Metex Design Group provides architecture and interior design
services ranging from developing concepts to implementations in a variety of sectors, such as hotels, universities, offices, shopping malls
and commercial premises. Cavit Sarolu and Sinan Kafadar are the partners in the Metex Design Group.

Han Tmertekin tarafndan 1986 ylnda stanbulda kurulan eitli konularda ve leklerde almalarn bata Trkiye
olmak zere Holanda, Japonya, Kanada, Birleik Krallk, in, Kenya, Moolistan ve Fransada gerekletirmektedir. Ulusal
ve uluslararas birok dl kazanan Mimarlar ve Han Tmertekin olabildiince basit ve yaln bir tasarm anlay benimser.
Proje retimi yannda yayn, seminer ve konferanslar ile mimarlk ortamna katkda bulunur.
Founded in Istanbul in 1986 by Han Tmertekin, this company works in a number of different areas and on a variety of scales, particularly
in Turkey, but also in the Netherlands, Japan, Canada, the United Kingdom, China, Kenya, Mongolia and France. Mimarlar ve Han Tmertekin, a national and international award-winning association, embraces a simple and streamlined design approach. In addition to the
development of projects, the company contributes to the architectural milieu with publications, seminars and conferences.




Daha nce Group MDKnin bir paras olan Molestina Architekten, Kln ve Madrid ofislerine almalarna devam etmektedir. Kln ubesinde Prof. Juan Pablo Molestina ve Barbara Schaeffer ynetiminde saylar 15i aan bir ekip almaktadr.
Uluslar aras proje hizmeti veren ofis, tasarmlarnda srdrlebilirlik konusunu zellikle nemsemektedir.
Previously a part of Group MDK, Molestina Architekten continues to work in offices in Cologne and Madrid. In the Cologne office, a
15-member team works under the supervision of Professor Juan Pablo Molestina and Barbara Schaeffer. The office offers international
project services and pays special attention to sustainability in design.

MuuM, fonksiyonel, estetik ve sosyal sorumlu evreler retmek amac ile tasarm srecinde konunun etki alanndaki tm
kesimlerin sesini duymaya alarak, projelerini sanat, bilim, teknoloji ve ekonomi ile harmanlayan, aratrmac ve yaratc
bir yaklam ile ele almaktadr. MuuM, mimarlk alannda en ada teknikleri kullanarak yeniliki ve srdrlebilir zmler retmeyi hedeflemektedir.
In order to create a functional, aesthetic and socially responsible environment, MuuM endeavors to listen to the voices from all those
who are under the influence of the design process; it approaches projects with an explorative and creative understanding that combines art, science, technology and economics. MuuM aims to create innovative and sustainable solutions with the most contemporary
techniques in architecture.


Norm Mimarlk; tasarm, mimarlk ve danmanlk hizmetleri vermek amacyla 1990 ylnda stanbulda kurulmutur. Ticari
messeseler, belediyeler, finansal kurumlar, mteahhit firmalar, sanayi yatrmclar gibi kurumlar iin birok yapnn tasarm, projelendirme, uygulama, kalite kontrol, proje ynetimi ve danmanlk hizmetlerini fizibilite almalarndan nokta
detaylar ve iletme konseptine kadar tamamlam ve mimarlk alannda dller kazanmtr.
Norm Mimarlk was established in 1990 in Istanbul in order to provide design, architecture and consultancy services. The firm carries out
design, planning, implementation, quality control, project management and consultancy, ranging from feasibility working details to controlling concepts of many institutional structures, such as commercial establishments, municipalities, financial institutions, contracting
firms, and trading investors; the firm has also won architectural prizes.


1985 ylnda Nevzat Sayn tarafndan stanbul Kuzguncukda kuruldu. Mimari tasarm alannda; ofis, konut, eitim, endstri,
cami, otel, mze, kltr yaplar konularnda farkl leklerde projeler retti. eitli uluslararas ve ulusal dller ald.
Established in 1985 by Nevzat Sayin, NSMH is located in Kuzguncuk, Istanbul. The firm has created a number of works on a variety of
scales in the architectural design field, including offices, residential, educational and industrial buildings, mosques, hotels, museums and
cultural centers. The firm has won both national and international prizes.


1964te Hasan ncolu tarafndan kurulan firma, 1996dan beri Enis ncolu ve ortaklar tarafndan ynetilmektedir.
Firma, uluslararas almann bir gereksinimi olarak ACP ismi altnda yurtdnda blgesel ofisler kurmutur. Karma kullanml merkezler, alveri merkezi, konut, ofis, salk ve eitim yaplarnda uzmanlaan firmann gerekletirdii projeler
Cityscape, CRE gibi birok dle layk grlmtr.
Established in 1964 by Hasan ncolu, ncolu Mimarlk has been managed by Enis ncolu and partners since 1996. The firm has
established regional offices abroad under the name of ACP, in response to international working conditions. Experts in mixed-use centers,
shopping malls, residential buildings, offices and health and education structures, the projects of the firm have been nominated for a
number of prizes, such as Cityscape and CRE.


REX New Yorkta bulunan mimarlk ve tasarm firmasdr. 2006 ylnda Joshua Prince-Ramusun kurduu firmann son ileri
arasnda AT&T Dee Performans Sanatlar Merkezi ve Charles Wyly Tiyatrosu (Dallas, Teksas) ve Vakko Moda Merkezi ve
Power Medya Merkezi (stanbul) de bulunmaktadr.
REX is an architectural and design firm located in New York. Established in 2006 by Joshua Prince-Ramus, some of the recent projects of
the firm are AT&T Dee Performing Arts Center, Charles Wyly Theater (Dallas, Texas), the Vakko Fashion Center and Power Media Center
(Istanbul, Turkey).


1995 ylnda Sibel D. Bozer tarafndan kurulmutur. Mimarlk ve i mimari tasarm alanlarnda almalarn srdren firma,
yurtii ve yurtdnda proje danmanl, konsept proje gelitirme, uygulama ve kontrolrlk hizmetleri vermektedir. Felsefesi her projeyi kendi kapsamnda irdelemek ve zmek; iverenin kullanm ve yaam nceliklerini deerlendirerek estetik,
ekonomik ve akll zm / retim metodlar ve detaylar gelitirmektir.
sdb Mimarlk was established in 1995 by Sibel D. Bozer. Carrying out projects in architecture and interior design, the firm provides consultancy on domestic and foreign projects, conceptual project development, application and controlling services. The company principles
are to examine and find solutions for every project within its own scope, evaluating the use and residential priorities of the client and
developing aesthetic, economic and smart solutions for production methods and details.


Suyabatmaz Demirel Mimarlk Ofisinin temelleri 1995te Arif Suyabatmaz tarafndan atld. Hakan Demirelin 2008 ylnda ortak olmas ile birlikte ofisin ad Suyabatmaz Demirel olarak deiti. Ofisin konut, ticaret ve ofis fonksiyonlarnda younlaan
mimari retimlerinde geni bir lek dalm grlr. Suyabatmaz Demirel her projeye ayr bir aratrma alan ve klielerin
sorgulanabilecei bir frsat olarak yaklamaktadr.
The foundation of Suyabatmaz Demirel Mimarlk was established in 1995 by Arif Suyabatmaz. After establishing a partnership with Hakan
Demirel in 2008, the name of the office was changed to Suyabatmaz Demirel. The office performs wide-scaled architectural production,
focusing on residential, commercial and office functions. Suyabatmaz Demirel approaches every project as a new field of research and
an opportunity to destroy clichs.


Swanke Hayden
Connell Mimarlk
stanbul Ofisi

SHCA, 1995ten bu yana Swanke Hayden Connell Mimarlk ad ile Trkiyede resmi olarak almaktadr. Kent merkezinde,
birok yerel proje ile birlikte uluslararas ofis yatrmlarna liderlik etmektedir. SHCA, son alt yldr, Londra ofisi ile kurduu
gl ibirlii ile farkl yelpazelerde proje tasarm hizmeti yrtmektedir.
SHCA has worked under the name of Swanke Hayden Connell Architecture in Turkey since 1995. They have led many international office
developments in addition to local projects in the city center. SHCA has run a project-design service, working with a strong partnership
with the London office for the last six years.

Murat Tabanlolunun 1990 ylnda Dr.Hayati Tabanlolu ile birlikte kurduu, 1995 ylnda Melkan Grsel Tabanlolunun
katld Tabanlolu Mimarlk, geni bir yelpazede yeniliki projeleriyle hizmet retmektedir. Kresel ve evresel gereksinimler balamnda yeni yaklamlar arayyla alan, birok uluslararas ve ulusal dln sahibi olan Tabanlolu Loft
Bahe projesi ile 2011 ylnda Uluslararas RIBA dln Trkiyeden kazanan ilk ofis olmutur.
Tabanlolu Mimarlk, established by Murat Tabanlolu in 1990 with Dr. Hayati Tabanlolu, and in partnership with Melkan Grsel Tabanlolu since 1995, provides innovative projects on a wide scale. Tabanlolu looks for new approaches in keeping with global and
environmental needs. Tabanlolu Mimarlk has won many international and national prizes and was the first office in Turkey to win the
International RIBA Award in 2011 with the Loft Garden project.


1995 ylnda kurulmutur. Fonksiyonel, ekonomik ve estetik zmlere, evrensel ve adas deerleri yanstan tasarmlara
ulamay hedeflemektedir. Tatsuya Yamamoto ve Gkhan Aktan Altu ynetimindeki Tago Mimarlk mimari proje, dekorasyon ve danmanlk alanlarnda yaklak 300 projeye imza atmtr. 2007den itibaren, Tokyo, Bkre, Kiev ve Dubaideki
mimari ofisleriyle Avrupa, Orta Asya ve Uzak Douya proje hizmetleri vermeye balamtr.
Tago was established in 1995. The firm strives to attain functional, economic and aesthetic solutions, as well as to create projects that
reflect universal and contemporary values. Managed by Tatsuya Yamamoto and Gkhan Aktan Altu, Tago Mimarlk has carried out
approximately 300 projects in architecture, interior decoration and consultancy. Since 2007, the firm has started to provide services in
Europe, the Middle Asia and the Far East, with offices in Tokyo, Bucharest, Kiev and Dubai.

Mimarlk Ortakl

1954te Doan Tekeli ve Sami Sisa tarafndan kurulan Tekeli-Sisa Mimarlk Ortakl, bugn yeni ortaklk yaps ile mimari
tasarm ve proje gelitirme konularnda almalarn srdrmektedir. Kurum almalarnda gncel tasarm yaklamlarn
ve iveren taleplerini rasyonel ve zamansz bir mimari yaklamla btnletirmeyi hedeflerken makale, sergi, jri yelikleri
gibi aktivitelerle de mimarlk mesleine ve mimarlk etiine katkda bulunmaya almaktadr.
Established in 1954 by Doan Tekeli and Sami Sisa, Tekeli-Sisa Architectural Partnership continues to work in fields of architecture design
and project development with the new partnership structure. The firm aims to unify current design approaches and employer demands
with a rational and timeless architectural approach, while contributing to architecture and architectural ethics with articles, exhibitions,
and acting as jurors.

Tuncer akmakl

Tuncer akmakl Architects, ehir planlamasndan kap kolu tasarmna kadar farkl leklerde tasarm ve projelendirme
hizmeti verir. Uluslararas alanda her trl hacim ve byklkteki i mekn tasarm ve uygulamasndan, kurumsal ve kamu
projelerine ve kentsel tasarma kadar uzanan projeleri gerekletirme tecrbesine sahiptir.


2003 ylnda Durmu Dilekci ve Emir Uras tarafnda kurulmutur. Ofis, st dzey yaratclk, ekonomi tabanl tasarm stratejileri, aratrma ve gelecek yap sistemlerini gelitirme odakl olarak almalarn srdrmektedir. URASXDLEKC halen Trkiye ve yurtdnda, gerektiinde nemli yabanc mimarlk ofisleri ile ortaklklar kurarak nemli projelere imza atmaktadr.

UZ Mimarlk

Ortaklarn profesyonel almalar 1984 ylnda kurucu orta olduklar Modl Mimarlk Atlyesinde balam ve 1991
ylnda kurduklar Uz Mimarlk Atlyesi bnyesinde yurtii ve yurtd almalaryla devam etmektedir. lk yurtd almalarndan biri olan Yksel Erdemir ile tasarladklar Moscow Park Place binas Rusya Devlet Mimarlk dln almtr.


1991de Ankarada kuruldu. almalar byk lekli binalardan, i mimarlk ve restorasyon projelerine kadar eitli yaplar
kapsamaktadr. Gen bir firma olarak VEN, geleneksel verilerle ada vizyon arasnda denge kurmay, mimari evre ve
kullanclar iin en iyi zmleri salamay hedefler. Fransz Kltr Merkezi ve Kayseri Adalet Saray yarmalarnda birincilik
dllerinin yan sra 2008 YEM Tasarm dl sahibidir.

Tuncer akmakl Architects, offer service in design and projects in a wide range of dimensions, from city planning to doorknob design. In
the international arena they have the experience to realize projects of every volume and dimension from interior design and implementation to institutional and public projects and urban design

URASXDLEKC was established in 2003 by Durmu Dilekci and Emir Uras. The firm continues to work with a high degree of creativity,
economic design strategies, as well as carrying out research into future structure systems. URASXDLEKC carries out important projects
in Turkey and abroad, partnering with foreign offices when needed.

The professional career of the partners of Uz Mimarlk Atlyesi began in 1984 at the Modl Architecture Studio, and continues today in
Turkey and abroad carrying out projects under the scope of Uz Architecture Studio since 1991. Their first foreign project, Moscow Park
Place, was designed with Yksel Erdemir, and won the Russian State Architecture Prize.

VEN Mimarlk was established in 1991 in Ankara. Their works range from large-scaled buildings to interior design and restoration projects.
A young establishment, VEN aims to balance traditional data with a contemporary vision, providing the best solutions for the architectural environment and users. In addition to winning first prize in the French Culture Center and Kayseri Court House competitions, it was
awarded the 2008 YEM design award.

Yazgan Tasarm

Yazgan Tasarm Mimarlk, 2003 ylndan bu yana, inaat alan toplamda 3.500.000 myi geen ve eitli lkelerde bulunan
yaplarn mimari, i mekn ve peyzaj projelerine imza atm bir firmadr. Karma kullanml yaplar, alveri merkezleri,
oteller, konutlar, ofisler, eitim binalar, hastaneler, kltr merkezleri, havaalanlar ve spor salonlar, irketin projelendirdii
yap tiplerinden bazlardr.
Yazgan Tasarm Mimarlk has carried out architecture, interior design and landscape projects in a number of countries since 2003 and
has worked on more than 3,500,000 square meters of construction land. Mixed-use structures, shopping malls, hotels, residences, offices, educational buildings, hospitals, cultural centers, airports and sports centers are among some of the projects realized by this firm.




212 stanbul AVM 34

A Tasarm Mimarlk 76, 232, 298
ACE Mimarlk 250, 298
Adal Yasemin 162, 288
Addresistanbul Yaam Merkezi 40
Aksu Murat 216, 288
Altnz Cem 126, 224, 288
Altu Gkhan Aktan 254, 288
Arat Cem 34, 288

Arat Mete 34, 288

Arkolu Arkitekt 192, 298
Arkolu Kaya 192, 288
Armona Kurueme 158
Arolat Emre 40, 228, 242, 258, 289
asp Architekten 34, 298
Avcolu Gkhan 274, 289

Bakrkre Grhan 102, 266, 289
Belgin Koz Architects 284, 298
Beikta Balk Pazar 274
BMW Grubu stinye Kompleksi 262
Boran Ekinci Mimarlk 170, 270, 298
Brigitte Weber Mimarlk 144, 298
Bursa Sebze, Meyve ve Balk Hali 278
Bursa Ticaret Borsas 162
Btner Hseyin 220, 246, 289
Btner Mimarlk 220, 246, 298

Citys Nianta AVM 46
CM Mimarlk 182, 299
akrkaya Mehmet Emin 178, 289
akmakl Tuncer 278, 289
allar Hasan C. 82, 206, 290
imta Ynetim Ofisi 166

Dalokay Sibel Bozer 170, 289
db Mimarlk 34, 299
DDG - Development Design Group 58, 299
Demirel Hakan 238, 290
Deniz Nilgn 250, 290
Derman Bnyamin 34, 290
Dileki Durmu 88, 290

EAA - Emre Arolat Architects 40, 228, 242,
258, 299
Ekinci Boran 170, 270, 290
ERA ehircilik Mimarlk 52, 108, 299
Erginolu & allar 82, 206, 299
Erginolu . Kerem 82, 206, 290
Erk Hray 46, 291

Erk Kaan 46, 291

Erkmen Kurtul 102, 266, 291
Ersan Ahmet Can 250, 291
Ersan Orun 250, 291

Finansbank Blge Mdrlk Binas 170

FOA 70, 299
Forum Aydn AVM 52
Forum stanbul 108

G Plus Sat Ofisi 238

GAD 274, 299
Gksu Ofis Binas 174
Gner Hilmi 246, 291
Gven Gl 132, 291

Habertrk Medya Merkezi 178
Hepgler Metin 262, 292
Hzrolu Ali 52, 108, 292
Hzrolu Ertun 108, 292
Hilmi Gner Mimarlk 246, 300
IBTECH Bilgi lem Merkezi
Genel Mdrl 182
ITAC Corparation 262, 300
stanbul Sapphire 114
stinye Park 58

yign Umut 216, 292
Jerde Partnership 120

Kafadar Sinan 46, 292
Kanyon 120

Kaya nder 126, 224, 292
Kentpark Alveri Merkezi 126
Keskinok Cumhur 126, 224, 292
Keyport Ticaret Merkezi 132
KG Mimarlk 102, 266, 300
Kl Metin 94, 293
Koluman Mercedes Showroom 266
Koz Belgin 284, 293
Laleli Zeytin ve Zeytinya letmesi 284
Levent Ofis 186

Lima Mimarlk 162, 300

M art D Mimarlk 94, 300
M1 Meydan Merter AVM 64
Maksimum Evler Sat Ofisi 242
Mall of Montenegro Alveri Merkezi
Kompleksi 138

MArS Mimarlar 138, 300
Mersin Deniz Ticaret Odas 192
Metex Design 46, 300
Meydan Alveri Merkezi 70
Mimarlar ve Han Tmertekin 166,
Molestina Architekten 186, 300
MuuM 216, 301
Norm Mimarlk 158, 301
NSMH 174, 196, 301

Ortadou Otomotiv Genel Mdrlk ve
Ofis Yaps 196

merler Mimarlk 58
ncolu Enis 126, 224, 293
ncolu Mimarlk 126, 224, 301
z Mete 202, 293

z mit 202, 293

ztrk Ali Osman 76, 232, 293
zer Orkun 216, 293

Panora Alveri ve Yaam Merkezi 76
Park 312 Evleri Sat Ofisi 246
Park Oran MAE-PA Sat Ofisi 250

Pars Evren Karaduman 162, 294

Pendorya Alveri Merkezi 82
Prestige Mall 88

Prince Ramus Joshua 150, 294
REX 150, 301

Saklar Dilgn 178, 294
Sayn Nevzat 174, 196, 294
sdb mimarlk170, 301
Sisa Nedim 178, 294
Sorgu Cem 182, 294
Soylu Mehmet 202, 294
Sur Yap Sat Ofisi 254
Suyabatmaz Demirel Mimarlk 238, 301
Suyabatmaz Murat Arif 238, 295
Ser Drrin 94, 295
Swanke Hayden Connell Mimarlk
stanbul Ofisi 186, 301
ark Hal - ORS Genel Mdrlk Binas 270
Tabanlolu Melkan Grsel 64, 114, 120, 295
Tabanlolu Mimarlk 114, 120, 64, 302
Tabanlolu Murat 64,114, 120, 295
TAGO Mimarlk 254, 302
Tekeli Doan 178, 295
Tekeli-Sisa Mimarlk Ortakl 178, 302
Tercan Ahmet 158, 295
TESKOMB Hizmet Binas 202
Trump Towers - ili stanbul 144
Tuncer akmakl Architects 278, 302
Tuzambar Medina Turgul DDB 206
Tmertekin Han 166, 295
Trkiye Basketbol Federasyonu
Genel Merkezi 212
Trkiye Noterler Birlii
Merkez Binas 216
Uras Emir 88, 296
URAS x DLEKC 88, 302
Urla ar ve Meydan 94
UZ Mimarlk Atlyesi 202, 302
mitky Merkezi 220

Vakko Moda Merkezi 150
Veliolu Selim 216, 296
VEN Mimarlk 132, 302
Weber Brigitte 144, 296

Yamamoto Tatsuya 254, 296
Yazgan Begm 212, 297
Yazgan Kerem 212, 297
Yazgan Tasarm Mimarlk 212, 302
Yeilyurt Ofis Binas 224
Yorum Ajans Ofis Binas 228
Ycel Atilla 138, 297
Ycel Cem 138, 297

Ziraat Bankas Kadky ubesi, 232
Zorlu Center Sat Ofisi 258


photograph credits

fotoraf kaynakas

Akay Grkan 102, 105, 106 (1),

107 (2 | 3),158, 161 (1 | 2 | 3)
216, 219 (1 | 2 | 3 | 4), 254, 257 (1 | 2),
266, 269 (1 | 2 | 3 | 4)
232, 235, 281, 282(1 | 3), 283 (4 | 5)
Arkolu Kaya 192, 195 (1 | 2 | 3)

Hepgler Metin 262, 265 (1 | 2)

Baan Iwan 153, 154 (1 | 2 | 3), 155 (4)
Bal Seyfettin 282 (2)
Bekman Ali 150, 228, 231
Binet Helene 118 (2), 119 (4)
120, 124 (3), 125 (5)
Brown Chris 88, 92 (1), 93 (2 | 3)
Btner Hseyin 220, 223 (1 | 2)

de Mar Lilia 250, 253 (1 | 2)
Drter Emre 117

Emden Cemal 64, 67, 68 (1), 69 (2 | 3),
76, 79, 80 (1 | 2), 81 (3) 82, 85, 86, 87,
94, 97, 98 (1 | 2), 99 (3 | 4 | 5)
108, 111, 118 (3),126, 129 (1 | 2),
130, 131, 138, 141, 142, 143 (1 | 2),
144, 147, 148 (1), 149 (2 | 3)
166, 169 (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7),
170, 173,174, 177 (1 | 2 | 3)
178, 181 (1 | 2 | 3),182, 185 (1 | 2 | 3)
206, 209, 210 (1 | 2), 211 (3 | 4),
242, 245 (1 | 2 | 3) 246, 249, 258,
261 (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5), 270, 273

Ferik Fehim 278 (1 | 2)

GAD 274, 277 (1 | 2 | 3)
Genaslan Abdullah 224,
227 (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6)
Germen Murat 114 (1), 118 (1), 123, 124 (1)
Gngr Aykut 162, 165


Kaplan Fikret 132, 135, 136 (1 | 2 | 3),
137 (4)
Karakurt Sebati 46, 49, 50 (1 | 2), 51 (3)
Keribar zzet 125 (4)
Kktuna Salih 91

Mayer Thomas 114 (2), 124 (2), 125 (6)

Orta - Dou 58, 61, 62 (1), 63 (2 | 3)
Palma Cristobal 70, 73, 74

Sinem Senem 34, 37 (1 | 2 | 3),
38 (1 | 2 | 3 | 4), 39 (5)
Struelens Benjamin 52, 55, 56 (1),
57 (2 | 3 | 4),112, 113
Studio Majo: Aras Kazmaolu,
Engin Gerek 43, 44 (1 | 2 | 3), 45 (4)
196, 199, 200 (1 | 2), 201 (3)
Serda Tun 284, 287 (1 | 2)
imek Ali 262, 265 (1 | 2)

Uar Melih 202, 205
lgen Orhun 238, 241 (1 | 2)

Yanmaz Muammer 186, 189, 190, 191
Yazgan Kerem 212, 215 (1 | 2)

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