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Australia in Its Regional and Global Contexts (Objectives)

Students learn about:

Students learn to:

The place of Australia in the world

Australias location in relation to its near

neighbours and their territorial boundaries

locate Australia in the AsiaPacific region and the


collect data to identify and locate nations with

which Australia has regional and global links and
describe the nature of the links

communicate findings that demonstrate Australias

links in its regional and global context

Australias regional and global links

the ways Australia interacts with other nations


At least ONE regional and global link chosen from aid, defence, migration or trade:

the nature of the link

describe the link and identify countries involved

the roles of the government and of nongovernment organisations in relation to the link

explain the roles and actions of different levels of

government in relation to the link

discuss the importance of relevant non-government

organisations in relation to the link

identify and describe the purpose of a treaty

and/or agreement relevant to the link

outline the importance of the treaty and/or

agreement to the countries involved in the link

treaties and/or agreements relevant to the link

cultural, economic and geopolitical advantages

and disadvantages to Australia

analyse the advantages and disadvantages of the

link to Australia

social justice and equity issues in Australia and

other countries

recognise implications for social justice and equity

in relation to the link

Future challenges for Australia:


current and future population trends:

growth rates, age structure and spatial
government population policies to manage
population growth

identify and discuss government population

growth rates

implications of population trends:

ecological sustainability
population movement and urban planning

analyse current and future population trends and

their implications

future challenges for Australia in relation to:

human rights

identify human rights agreements

describe responses of individuals, groups and

governments in Australia to these challenges

how other nations have responded to these


compare the responses of Australia and other

nations to the challenges

recognise implications for the international


Human rights and reconciliation

Students learn about:

Students learn to:

strategies to address the challenges

suggest strategies Australia can adopt to address

the challenges better in the future

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