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Lecture Outline

Chapter 8
Physics, 4th Edition
James S. Walker

Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.

Chapter 8
Potential Energy and
Conservation of Energy

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Units of Chapter 8
Conservative and Nonconservative
Potential Energy and the Work Done by
Conservative Forces
Conservation of Mechanical Energy
Work Done by Nonconservative Forces
Potential Energy Curves and
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8-1 Conservative and Nonconservative

Conservative force: the work it does is stored in
the form of energy that can be released at a later
Example of conservative forces: gravity, spring
Example of a nonconservative force: friction
Also: the work done by a conservative force
moving an object around a closed path is zero;
this is not true for a nonconservative force
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8-1 Conservative and Nonconservative

Work done by gravity on a closed path is zero:

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8-1 Conservative and Nonconservative

Work done by friction on a closed path is not

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8-1 Conservative and Nonconservative

The work done by a conservative force is zero
on any closed path:

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8-2 The Work Done by Conservative Forces

If we pick up a ball and put it on the shelf, we
have done work on the ball. We can get that
energy back if the ball falls back off the shelf; in
the meantime, we say the energy is stored as
potential energy.

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8-2 The Work Done by Conservative Forces

Gravitational potential energy:

Potential energy is
a property of the
entire system.

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8-2 The Work Done by Conservative Forces

Example 8-1: Potential energy of diver with m = 65 kg, y =
3.m . Let U=0 at y=0.

U = mgy = (65 kg)(9.81m/s2)(3.0 m) = 1900 J

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8-2 The Work Done by Conservative Forces

Example 8-2: Climber with m = 82 kg makes a total ascent
of 4301 m . What is the change of potential energy in the
last 100m of the ascent?

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8-2 The Work Done by Conservative Forces

Example 8-2: Climber with m = 82 kg makes a total ascent
of 4301 m . What is the change of potential energy in the
last 100m of the ascent?
We choose as U = 0 the point
of last ascent and we choose this
as the origin.
U = mgy
U(y = 100 m) = (82 kg)(9.81 m/s2 )(100 m) = 80,400 J
You get the same answer if you chose the origin
as the beginning of the 4301 m ascent.
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8-2 The Work Done by Conservative Forces



For U f = 0 (the equilibrium point of the spring)

we can write the the potential energy stored in a spring system is:
1 2
U = kx
This is positive for stretched
and compressed springs.

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8-3 Conservation of Mechanical Energy

Definition of mechanical energy:
Using this definition and considering only
conservative forces, we find:

Or equivalently:

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8-3 Conservation of Mechanical Energy

Energy conservation can make kinematics
problems much easier to solve:

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8-3 Conservation of Mechanical Energy

Energy conservation can make kinematics
problems much easier to solve:
E i = E f Ki + Ui = Kf + Uf
1 2
0 + mgh = mv + 0
v = 2gh

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8-3 Conservation of Mechanical Energy

Example 8-5 Graduation Fling. m=0.12 kg, vi = 7.85 m/s.
(a) v(y=1.18m)=? (b) Show the Ei=Ef

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8-3 Conservation of Mechanical Energy

Example 8-5 Graduation Fling. m=0.12 kg, vi = 7.85 m/s.
(a) v(y=1.18m)=? (b) Show the Ei=Ef
v 2f = v 2i 2gy = v f = 6.2 m/s
E i = K i + U i = mv 2i + 0 = 3.7J
E f = K f + U f = mv 2f + mgy = 3.7 J

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8-3 Conservation of Mechanical Energy

Example 8-6 Ball of m=0.15 kg with vi=36m/s is caught at
h=7.2m. (a) kinetic energy and (b) speed of ball when

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8-3 Conservation of Mechanical Energy

Example 8-6 Ball of m=0.15 kg with vi=36m/s is caught at
h=7.2m. (a) kinetic energy and (b) speed of ball when
Conservation of mechanical energy
since friction is ignored :
E i = E f Ki + Ui = Kf + Uf
1 2 1 2
mv = mv + mgh
2 i 2 f
(a) K f = mv 2f = mv 2i mgh
K f = (0.5)(0.15 kg)(36m/s)2 - (0.15 kg)(9.81 m/s2 )(7.2 m)
K f = 97J -11J = 86J
2K f
= 34m/s
(b) v f =
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8-3 Conservation of Mechanical Energy

Example 8-7 55 kg skateboarder Tony Hawk enters a ramp
with vi=6.5 m/s and exits with vf=6.5 m/s .What is the
height of the ramp?

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8-3 Conservation of Mechanical Energy

Example 8-7 55 kg skateboarder Tony Hawk enters a ramp
with vi=6.5 m/s and exits with vf=6.5 m/s .What is the
height of the ramp?
Conservation of mechanical energy
since friction is ignored :
Ei = Ef
1 2 1 2
mv = mv + mgh
2 i 2 f
1 2
h = ( v i v 2f ) = 1.3 m

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8-3 Conservation of Mechanical Energy

Example 8-8 Spring Time. m = 1.70 kg, k = 955 N/m,
x(v=0)=-4.60 cm. What is the initial speed of the block?

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8-3 Conservation of Mechanical Energy

Example 8-8 Spring Time. m = 1.70 kg, k = 955 N/m,
x(v=0)=-4.60 cm. What is the initial speed of the block?

Conservation of mechanical energy

since friction is ignored :
Ki + Ui = Kf + Uf
1 2
1 2
mv i + 0 = 0 + kd
kd 2
955N /m
vi =
= (4.6 cm)
= 1.09m/s

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8-3 Conservation of Mechanical Energy

Example : Speed of block. m = 1.70 kg, k = 955 N/m,
y(v=0)=-4.60 cm. What is v(y=0) of the block?

Conservation of mechanical energy

since friction is ignored :
Ki + Ui = Kf + Uf
1 2 1 2
0 + 0 + kd = mv + mgd
1 2 1 2
mv = kd mgd v 2 =
kd 2
2gd = 0.535m/s
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8-4 Work Done by Nonconservative Forces

In the presence of nonconservative forces, the
total mechanical energy is not conserved:


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8-4 Work Done by Nonconservative Forces

Example 8-9: A leaf falls in the forest. m = 17 g, h = 5.3m,
vf=1.3 m/s. What is the work done on the leaf by all the
nonconservative forces?

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8-4 Work Done by Nonconservative Forces

Example 8-9: A leaf falls in the forest. m = 17 g, h = 5.3m,
vf=1.3 m/s. What is the work done on by all the
nonconservative forces?
The nonconservative forces will change the total mechanical
energy by an amount equal to the work they do on the leaf.
Wnc = E = E f - E i
Next we find the change of the total mechanical energy :
1 2 1
mv f = (17.0 g)(1.3 m/s) 2
E i = mgh = (17.0 g)(9.81 m/s2 )(5.3 m)
Wnc = E f - E i = 0.014J 0.884J = 0.870J
Ef =

We expect the work to be negative since all the nc forces are in a direction opposite to
the displacement of the leaf and the total energy of the system is reduced.
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8-4 Work Done by Nonconservative Forces

Example : Find the Divers Depth
m=95 kg, h=3.0m. At what depth
will the diver come to rest if the
work done by the nonconservative
forces is Wnc = -5120 J
Wnc = E = E f - E i
Ef = 0
E i = mg(h + d) = mgh + mgd
Wnc = E f - E i = mgh mgd mgd = Wnc mgh
5120 J
h =
2 3.0m = 2.49 m
(95.0 kg)(9.81 m/s )
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8-4 Work Done by Nonconservative Forces

Example 8-10:Landing with a thud. m1 = 2.40 kg,
m2=1.80 kg, d=0.500 m, k=0.45. What is the speed of the
blocks just before m2 lands.

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8-4 Work Done by Nonconservative Forces

Example 8-10:Landing with a thud. m1 = 2.40 kg,
m2=1.80 kg, d=0.500 m, k=0.45. What is the speed of the
blocks just before m2 lands.
Wnc = E = E f - E i
Wnc = - Fk d = - k Nd = - k m1gd
E = U + K (for both objects)
E i = m1gh + m2gd + 0 + 0 (initial mechanical energy)
E f = m1gh + 0 + m1v 2 + m2 v 2 (final mechanical energy)
E = E f - E i = m1v 2 + m2 v 2 m2gd
E = Wnc m1v 2 + m2 v 2 m2gd = - k m1gd

2gd(m2 - k m1 )

(m1 + m2 )

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= 1.30m/s

8-5 Potential Energy Curves and

The curve of a hill or a roller coaster is itself
essentially a plot of the gravitational
potential energy:

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8-5 Potential Energy Curves and

The potential energy curve for a spring:

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8-5 Potential Energy Curves and

Contour maps are also a form of potential
energy curve:

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Summary of Chapter 8
Conservative forces conserve mechanical
Nonconservative forces convert mechanical
energy into other forms
Conservative force does zero work on any
closed path
Work done by a conservative force is
independent of path
Conservative forces: gravity, spring

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Summary of Chapter 8
Work done by nonconservative force on closed
path is not zero, and depends on the path
Nonconservative forces: friction, air
resistance, tension
Energy in the form of potential energy can be
converted to kinetic or other forms
Work done by a conservative force is the
negative of the change in the potential energy
Gravity: U = mgy
Spring: U = kx2
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Summary of Chapter 8
Mechanical energy is the sum of the kinetic and
potential energies; it is conserved only in
systems with purely conservative forces
Nonconservative forces change a systems
mechanical energy
Work done by nonconservative forces equals
change in a systems mechanical energy
Potential energy curve: U vs. position

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