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Vol2.Issue3. March2010
Price: Free

The need for a better way to do business

Rafayili Ronald Rwakigumba Sleek

Glenn Lauren Love @rhinorck Priscilla Mbabazi

Brian B Coutinho Bee Bernard Ewalu Olupot

Auma Maria Kagayi Peter

Sara AKelly

Techies vs Accountants 3

Getting back from the sack 5

And What of Now? 10

Tips and Tricks for the Ignorant 13

Idler’s Corner 14

The Cuddlers 16

SuperPower Nation 20

The Team Writers In This Issue

Businge Abid Weere Ronald Rwakigumba
Managing Editor Rafayili
Raymond Kukundakwe<rhino>
Content and Design Editor
Jacque Kasoma Glenn Lauren Love
Legal Affairs Editor Bee
Darlyne Komukama
Brian B Coutinho
Fashion Editor
Bernard Olupot Sara AKelly
Prose and Poetry Editor Sleek
Lourd Mathhias Muwonge Priscilla Mbabazi
Sports Editor
Kagayi Peter
Gereminah Oberu
Designer Bernard Ewalu Olupot
@rhinorck Auma Maria
Editor’s Word

Techies vs Accountants

It’s an open secret that work is a popularity contest. Abrihet <Addis Ababa> points out that it comes with
To win it you have to work hard, be innovative, be con- the territory: “don’t expect someone to be nice all the
sistent or just kiss ass. The rewards are a promotion, time when everyone is bugging her for money, some
more pay, more benefits, transfer to a more lucrative of it based on very flimsy excuses. You don’t get a mo-
office, more power, less workload, bonus at the end of ments peace. The finance office should be restricted
the year, longer leave days, “business lunches”, out of like the IT room.” Iracema <Sao Luis> backs that up:
town workshops with eye-popping amounts of per- “if IT can have a restricted room that even the boss
diem, “consultative” meetings abroad and all crap doesn’t enter, why can’t we? We do get irascible when
like that . But there are two groups of people who you are counting huge sums of money and not even a
seem to be competing for the title of least popular at fraction of it is yours. The most you get is good work.”
the workplace. Erwin <Vienna> sniggers at the suggestion: “it’s the
finance role to count money and pay it out. Why the
The WorkZine editor notes that each issue has had a hell would they want a restricted room? This is a
complaint about IT people. Doreen <Nairobi > shud- modern age of cheques and e-banking. If they don’t
ders when you mention IT: “those think they are on how, we the IT people can show them how it’s done.”
top of the world. Just because they can switch on
a computer doesn’t make you royalty.” For Brenda Keba <Jinja > says the easiest way to deal with the
<withheld> its personal: “IT guys SUCK.They do not imperious IT people is to befriend them: “Why not
respect our privacy, they hack into our email and read make friends with the IT guy instead? I’m telling u,
our raunchy emails to our significant others.” For Er- people who have done that here know it pays!!! :)
nest, IT guys are beyond redemption as he shows in Peace!” And indeed, if you can’t beat them, then join
this joke: “What do you call 5000 #IT guys at the bot- them. The IT and finance departmenzzts are the key
tom of the ocean? A good start.” support departments in an organization, you can’t
do without them. So try to live with them, even if it
Micheal <Cape Town > decries finance: “the finance means swallowing your pride!!
department guys behave like they own the company.
That is MY money!” Akinola <Lagos> doesn’t really
care: “as long as my machine is working and my sal-
ary is paid promptly, they can dance with anybody
naked.” Don <fort portal > is an IT technician: “that
reputation is unfounded. People simply expect us to
be everywhere at the same time. They want us to re-
spond to every little thing that they could figure out
themselves. ”

Oscar < Boston > defends his fellow accountants

“most times we are acting on directions from on-high.
It’s not our wish to offend people. They forget that we
are all affected by those same decisions. If you have
no salary, then neither do I!” Julius says “Whoever is
complaining should have a look at the company IT
policy first” Johnie loathes accountants: “What’s with
the asking for quotations and receipts for purchases
as low as 1$?”
The Workplace
reer goals all drawn out, we know the paths we are

Walk Beside Me
taking, we love people, customers even more, we enjoy
working with colleagues, we consult, and we are an-
swerable and accountable to our superiors. My ques-
tion then is, who drafted those little tree-like charts
where the MD is right at the top, and then there are
managers, then the abc’s? This whole idea of domi-
nance does not help the customer, employee, or proc-
esses. That little chart over there is a sweet reminder
of powers-that-be that they have actually ‘made’ it, as
they are nicely seated on some good location in this
‘tree’ that companies are so obsessed with. Then the
abc’s have to be reminded with each subsequent ap-
praisal on how to aim up there. Find a location on the
tree and aim at it.

It’s some kind of Hypnosis. So where are the people

up there supposed to go – apparently the ‘system will
absorb them’ So the hypnotic pendulum is swinging
as we gaze without a blink at the happenings and non
happenings, hoping to jump to the nearest branch,
drink up to the promotion, and start gazing all over
again. Assuming you reach the tree top, then chaos
A lot can be said about the need for man- looms, not only are you busy cutting off the nearest
agers to walk beside their subordinates and not branches and shaking the tree so no one Is poised to
impose such an aura of influence and domi- jump, you are also watching the birds outside to make
nance on them until, it finally drains even the sure they do not nest in your tree, the owners of the
little life left. And that’s half the problem – a lot tree are an ever increasing threat. They might sell off
can be said, but not a lot done. Why this appar- the tree and with it your fate or they might decide
ent reluctance to act, when teamwork is one
of those issues that are rarely (if ever) argued

Never been the kind to take up the podium, but

as this is not exactly a podium, I might just give
it a try. In any case why do those podiums have
to be so high? To indulge a little, I recall as a
young lad in patched grey shorts of Buhinga, it
was enough a problem to stand up and still be
seen - vertically challenged. But that was then.
You little boys (grown up now) watch out, I am
coming for you so that you can ask me properly
to ‘stand up again’, and you teachers owe me an
explanation as to why I could not seat with the
‘cool’ boys (aka ‘New Kids on the Block’) at the
back whom all the girls adored. And you girls, you’ve been up there long enough and it’s time you
hear it from me, I am not short, and that is pe- found another tree on which to nest loses.
riod. lol. Looks like I have enough scores to settle
in my past. But that is what it is – the past. It’s madness out there, albeit uncalled for. But it is the
mental picture elaborately crafted world over. It’s no
Today, I would like to issue a yellow card to our use fighting the system, we are all too engrossed, and
HR friends – especially the kind that keep us- there is no turning back. Yes, there is such a thing as
ing the word ‘under’. For how long will we have a point of no return.
to remind you that we are not under anybody?
Fine, we report to X,Y,Z but we are not under any It’s just that from time to time our HR friends need
one. We respect our superiors, even bordering to know that we actually know the hypnosis they
love (really), but you take that word ‘under’ and are playing on us. We do not like it but we shall play
return it to your rack of letters because in this this ‘tree game’, for as long us the fruits can enable
game of scrabble we do not use that word. It is us count sea shells on the coast with whomsoever
not just the word, if it was, I would have just left chance and time bestow.
my pen here and gone to collect sea shells.
Thumbs up to the few managers that are really groom-
It’s the whole mentality of superiority and dom- ing individuals, and are empowering them to prosper
inance that leaves a sour taste. We have our ca- in their trade. These Lady’s and Gentlemen restore
The Workplace

the least pay and whose minimum qualification
requirement is a 6 month certificate in “anything
relevant”. Wonder what that is. Anyway, given the
government’s reputation, you would be lucky to get
the job without bribing for it, and even luckier if
getting back from you are paid your April’s wages before Christmas.

the sack As such you dump all those options and turn to do-
ing small odd jobs while looking for the permanent
Ever been fired! Well, I haven’t had the misfortune thing. Since you have a little experience in what-
but if I did, I would probably sue my boss. Anyhow, ever odd stuff you were lucky to get employed to do
after several (read three) years of having a nice for three years, you have a little experience to aid
time at your workplace, the recession finally hits a few naïve people with more money than brains
your company and the most inefficient employees to seek better consultants to help them with their
are terminated. Only problem is, you are the only businesses. Together with a few people you studied
one that is fired! Maybe you should not have been with, you set up a quack Consulting Firm, that is
a smartass towards your boss’ secretary. Anyhow, mainly beefed up your friend’s resumes more than
here you are jobless, rent due, salary loan in ar- your own as they are certified professionals unlike
rears and the next best job available is paying you yourself. And with that you do all the donkey work
half what you earned. You are in need of a seri- since it is you without the 8-5 job and as such with
ous job connector, but to whom do you turn cause the time to run around looking for new clients and
the only money you have will last you at best two coming up with the crazy ideas to aid your current
weeks. clientele.

There are several web based organizations that With the little revenue you get from your “consult-
have made it a point to post the latest jobs and ing” you are able to finish your professional qualifi-
vacancies available to those looking for employ- cation studies and before you know it [probably 18
ment. Unfortunately, they do not promise a swift or so months] you are a certified professional who
response and if you are lucky you will get a call owns his own firm and earning his own paper, and
from them in 6 months, long after you have been lots of it. And all you had to do was to talk ill to
jailed for failing to settle your loans and dues. that loud mouthed secretary for you to get out of
the Rat-Race and join the Money Autobahn!
You may also look into the newspaper dailies which
usually also boast of having several thousand jobs.
Upon looking at two dailies, you discover half the Rafayili
jobs being advertised are government jobs with

Walk Beside Me
some sanity to employment and as hard to come buy as they are, props that there is even one.

So now is very much not the time for HRs to sit back with staff personnel on this tree and think things are OK. Not at
all, there is need to breed a healthy respect for individuals to thrive and as they thrive so does the Company grow. Not
to chop off their wings, cram them under a boss in a thick canopy, and watch from afar. Even the bosses need to be held
accountable, they need to be pruned as well, not for them to sit back and watch how well they are faring on the tree,
when the base, which is supporting the customer, is gasping for air.

I believe Companies ought to take a good, hard look at how they manage People (not Human resources). We actually
need to graduate from Human resource management mentality to People Management, and you do not need to look far
to see the difference. One system is really human, while the other is stuck on the dear old shelves, in HR manuals that
still carry tree drawings, practice psychology, and still refer to some as under others.

There you have it. Society has a strong inertia to the past. A few companies are slowly but steadily tearing down age old
organizational structures and rearranging the organization around the customer. And there are many others ventur-
ing into the obscure to yield value for the customer, and not just feed into the egos of the elitists who adore the tags.
Their Business cards do not carry titles, and neither do the email signatures, but I bet you, they have plenty of duties to
execute without their egos being deflated.

And one thing for sure: responses like ‘that’s the way we’ve always worked’ will not count as much of a defense.

Ronald Rwakigumba

The Open Business

The Business Model Canvas Designed for:

Key Partners Key Activities Value Proposi

Who are our Key Partners? What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? What value do we deliver to the custom
Who are our key suppliers? Our Distribution Channels? Which one of our customer’s problems
Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Customer Relationships? What bundles of products and services
Which Key Activities do partners perform? Revenue streams? Which customer needs are we satisfyin
motivations for partnerships: categories characteristics
Optimization and economy Production Newness
Reduction of risk and uncertainty Problem Solving Performance
Acquisition of particular resources and activities Platform/Network Customization
“Getting the Job Done”

Abid and I have been business that I engage in should

Cost Reduction

serve first and foremost, my purposes,

Risk Reduction

having conversations about the WZ. should not put me in a situation where
We organised a shareholders meeting I have to compromise any values that I
and unfortunately, only Abid showed believe to be essential to my definition
up. The idea for this here zine is to of self and that just as it takes care of
evolve into a profitable business and I me, I should be willing to dedicate my
hear such is its appeal that WZ shares time to it and even find pleasure in do-
are in high demand. (oba on which ing so. Essentially, I am always looking
stock market?)

I have attempted to start/run a busi-

ness before. Some years ago I left uni- Key Resources
versity with a dream of having a suc-
What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require?
cessful business by the time I turned Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?
thirty; there is still time, hopefully. Revenue Streams?
Along the way, I have made several
types of resources
Intellectual (brand patents, copyrights, data)
mistakes and learnt many useful and Financial

useless things. Several times I consid- for new ways to work.

ered joining the corporate world and The WZ is not my idea, I found Abid
enjoying the perks; a monthly salary dilligently at it, delivering it every
and some menial task to make work three weeks as promised and then I
utterly meaningless. I have so far re- upset the rythm, tinkered with the de-
sisted the temptation and I don’t see sign and basically played around with
myself defecting any time soon. the idea. I am done playing, I have
seen the potential and I like what I see.
Having made a few mistakes in the However I am currently struck by the
past, I have come to believe that any idea of long term planning and vision.

Cost Structure I want to know what the big plan is, whether it
fits me and my purposes. Which brings us to
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? the business plan, the most essential bit when
Which Key Resources are most expensive?
Which Key Activities are most expensive? you’re starting a business.
is your business more:
Cost Driven (leanest cost structure, low price value proposition, maximum automation, extensive outsourcing)
Value Driven ( focused on value creation, premium value proposition)

sample characteristics:
Fixed Costs (salaries, rents, utilities)
Many people are prone to the mistake of think-
Variable costs
Economies of scale
Economies of scope
ing that some generic plan out there will fit your
business idea and if you’re going into some-
thing as basic as hunting, then you’re probably
right. Most business ideas however need a plan
that comes from those that dreamt it up in the
first place. Of course, there are many lessons to
The Open Business
Day Month Year
Designed by:

itions Customer Relationships Customer Segments

mer? What type of relationship does each of our Customer For whom are we creating value?
are we helping to solve? Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Who are our most important customers?
are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which ones have we established? Mass Market
ng? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? Niche Market
How costly are they? Diversified
Multi-sided Platform
Personal assistance
Dedicated Personal Assistance
Automated Services harness the business benefits away at
the cost of other stakeholders and `the
be learned from those that have tried market´. Open Business structures seek
similar things and it is only prudent to rectify this. They activate personal pro-
to do so. When it comes down to it ductivity like no other organization can
though, if its your idea, you’ve got to by simply redirecting the returns to those
fuel it. that produced them, and by their nature,
I have been reading up on business the individuals themselves play a central
models and the idea of an open busi- role.”
ness makes sense to me.
I like this idea and I want to build
something (hopefully the WZ) like
Channels that. I have seen it in play and any-
one who is familiar with open source
Through which Channels do our Customer Segments software will know what I’m talking
want to be reached?
How are we reaching them now?
about. The WorldWideWeb is one of
How are our Channels integrated? the most open technologies invented
Which ones work best?
Which ones are most cost-efficient? by man and whoever profits from it
How are we integrating them with customer routines? should thank Sir Tim Berners Lee for
channel phases:
1. Awareness
How do we raise awareness about our company’s products and services? his selflessness.
2. Evaluation
How do we help customers evaluate our organization’s Value Proposition?
3. Purchase

If you’re inclined to listening to the

How do we allow customers to purchase specific products and services?
4. Delivery
How do we deliver a Value Proposition to customers?
5. After sales
How do we provide post-purchase customer support? chatter of the chatter of the wide world,
you’ll no doubt know that there are big
“Open business is in general the concept questions out there about the way we
of doing business in a transparent way work. The theory of “The Firm” is be-
by intimately integrating an ecosystem ing refined and new/different business
of stake holders and abiding by a model models are in high demand.
of transparency. Often, small minorities

There is little doubt that future generations will work

Revenue Streams differently, more efficiently and in a much smarter way.
For what value are our customers really willing to pay? It is up to us to come up with the ideas.
For what do they currently pay?
How are they currently paying?
How would they prefer to pay?
How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues? @rhinorck
types: fixed pricing dynamic pricing
Asset sale List Price Negotiation( bargaining)
Usage fee Product feature dependent Yield Management

Further Reading:
Subscription Fees Customer segment dependent Real-time-Market
Lending/Renting/Leasing Volume dependent
Brokerage fees

Open Business
Business Model Alchemist

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
To view a copy of this license, visit
or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

Daring to Dare
Its 1.25pm on a warm Saturday afternoon. Our
chat is scheduled for 2.00pm. When he finds out I
am at the venue, he gets there by 1.35pm.
Mark Andrew Karamira Karyegesa is just 23 years of
age. He is co-owner and co-founder of two companies.
Dial-A-Service Uganda and Maika. He is the chief execu-
tive at Dial–A–Service and general manager at Maika .

Dial –A- Service (DAS) is the country’s only on call di-

rectoey where one can call to find out the exact location
and availability of a company or service. Dial- A –Service is also the country’s only for-hire call center.
Maika is a student exchange service that helps prospective students get admission into Malaysia Univer-
sities comfortably. Karamira has always been self-driven. When he was about to start his o’level education,
Karamira told a cousin that he will one day be the owner of a big corporation. And he is living up to that
dream. Straight from his university studies, he wasted no time starting his two companies.

“How does it feel to be your own boss?” He laughs. “People say I am lucky but it’s not luck. I work hard and
long hours. It’s more of a responsibility than anything else. To your employees, to your customers, to those
who support you and above all to yourself. It does feel good to be your own boss but the advantages of those
will come later. I want to leave my own legacy. Of course I want to also live in the comfort I dream of . I want
to make a difference in whatever way I can.”

Running two start-up businesses is not as rosy it may seem. There have been days when he has felt like
giving up. “There was a point when I felt like shutting down DAS. Things were not moving but thankfully I
hang in there and right now we are doing the help-line for Uganda Lotto. ” Numerous challenges have lined
the path, most surprising of which has been his age. “People lose interest in what I am saying sometimes
when they get to know my age. That’s stupid!! Let them listen to me and judge what I am saying for its merit
not my age. ” He has to overcome different obstacles like cash flows, unfriendly work hours, quality employ-
ees. Yet through it all, there is rock solid support.

He thanks his parents for the unwavering support and his peers for setting both bad and good examples.
“There are some people I look at and I pray that I don’t become like them. Others I see and I strive to du-
plicate.” What maxim do you live by? Karamira answers with this interesting experience: “My grandfather
taught me that life is one big school and every experience whether good or bad is a new lesson.”

Abid Were

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tor for my success in life has digressed to how well I

And what of Now?

can clean the tops of ketchup bottles. Please tell me
that someday–soon–the fruits of my days will amount
to more than this! I know it is only temporary, but
how long is temporary anyway?

There is a voice in my head that tries to compel me

to be a more saintly version of myself. I have gone
through phases in my life where I’ve been more re-
ceptive to what it’s saying, but other times I want
none of it. Like now; I wonder why it can’t leave me
alone and let me be miserable if I want to be. Some-
times the way things are really does suck! But the
voice is too reasoned for such frivolity. Who are you to
act like you are so above waiting tables? It isn’t what
you had planned, but you are where you are, and you
are grateful for what you have. Therefore there is no
reason to feel self pity. Wipe away those phony tears
and be who you have the potential to be, or get out of
here and come back when you decide you’re serious
about living.

Does everyone have such a ruthless little voice? It can

It was dark when I pulled up in front
be so brutally honest and so doggedly persistent that
it leaves me feeling like a worm. Small, pathetic and
of the house around quarter-till-ten tonight after exposed.
work. I glanced towards the house—Mom’s light on
in her room downstairs (she must be reading be- I know the self pity is uncalled for. Out of everyone in
fore bed), the main level halls lights turned dim for our household right now, my troubles are fairly be-
me, and a flicker from the TV in Pop’s room upstairs nign. I am the least crippled. I feel guilty taking up
(which he keeps on constantly now)—and I just anyone’s emotional reserves with my pettiness. My
broke down crying. guilt is redoubled by the fact that I am failing miser-
ably at what I came here to do. I was supposed to be
My life is not bad or disagreeable. I am still a very a bright spot—a happy, gracious and helpful presence
lucky woman. But the truth is that where I am right for my family. That was my plan. But I’m failing at it.
now is SO FAR from anywhere I had ever planned I can’t keep my own shit together enough to feel like
or hoped to be. And I couldn’t stop crying. I turned I’m doing anyone here any good.
off the car and switched the music up a bit so I
wouldn’t have to hear my sobs. The little voice points out my passive negligence. In
NOT choosing to collect your “shit”, you are effec-
Now I wonder, is it wiser to embrace exactly where tively, INTENTIONALLY, failing. This is a choice. It is
you are–exactly where life, chance, your mistakes always a choice. I am not as strong as I hoped I was.
have placed you–or should you hold on tight to that And that really does make me sad.
vision of who and where you want to be and hope
that pulls you through less worse for the wear? So, I sat in the car, intending to sob into the yellow,
Right now I’m holding on for dear life, afraid that if Wendy’s napkins leftover from the car trip home until
I let go, these visions may float past me and never I either tired of feeling sorry for myself or I ran out
again be retrievable. But this is a silly thing to do. of napkins. I cried and continued crying, until I was
Regardless of the gravity of a situation, you cannot crying for me, but also for my dad, whose ailments
pass through time and come out unchanged. Life rather ruthlessly strip him of his self-image on an al-
has no regards for your plans and sets you along most daily basis. For my brother, who seems about as
its own determined path; the tighter you hang on lost as I am right now. For my mom, who carries the
to where you were, the more mangled you become weight of all of our individual worlds on her shoulders
and any beauty in the breakdown is lost. and tries not to buckle under it all. I feel like some-
times the sorrow just has to be acknowledged.
I’m bitter too. I hate it, because the person I want to
be doesn’t get bitter. But I do. I don’t want to stoop When will you grow up??
to accept this lousy hand I’ve been given! I feel like
I’m being force-fed a great big slide of humble pie. Glenn Love <read more from her blog at http://glennlau-
I’ve been walking around with visions of a worldly >
life inevitable in my future. But instead I am pen-
ny-less, living with my parents, and working at an-
other food and beverage job. With no plans in place
to change this any time soon, I feel as if the indica-

The case of the insolent thief

and the interesting IT guy
1. The IT guy and decided that he finally wanted to talk to us and
bargain for his release. We agreed to talk to him,
So we have this dude who runs our one man IT thinking we would get a way of getting him to com-
department at work. Most of the time he is a ma- pensate the company for the losses he caused. So
jor pain in the ass, but we put up with his shit be- I headed to Jinja Road Police Station (yesterday) to
cause…umm I actually do not know why we put up talk to this ninja. I tell you it was like talking to a
with his shit. So a few weeks ago, my bosses decide stone! Eventually I was so incensed at the thief’s
they want our office domain name to be changed to attitude, who for some reason decided he was in a
something funkier [read:more client friendly]. The bargaining position despite the overwhelming evi-
thing is they neglected to tell the IT guy, but I was dence against him! I asked the OC to take the dude
in the know since I am supposed to be organizing to court so we he could be charged with theft to end
the whole thing, and I never bothered to tell him the whole charade. The thief obviously gets fright-
either. My bad. ened out of his wits and agreed to compensate the
company, and was released on police bond. We de-
So today, he receives an email asking him to verify cided to give him a day to sort out himself, and tell
user IDs I think (I wish it had been sent to me), and us how he plans on compensating the company,
also notifying him of the domain name change. He and agreed to meet at 3.30 today to sign some sort
huffs and puffs and then goes on to tell our boss- of agreement to that effect.
es how a domain name change is a very very very
complicated procedure that will “entail interfering To my dismay, the thief was hell bent on playing
with our servers” blah blah blah. All this sounded games with us! He refused to hand over his car
weird to me. I remember being told that the whole which would clear his debt to the company, since
process isn’t so complicated, so I sought clarifica- it is worth more than the value of the claim against
tion from the service provider, who explained the him. He started talking about some sister in the US
not so complicated procedure to me. In the mean- who would send him the money to clear his debt. I
time IT guy had gone to all the bosses complaining was annoyed. I could not believe that this guy had
about the domain change, its “complicated-ness” been given an opportunity to pay back the company
and the lawyer who-doesn’t-know-what-she-is- in return for all charges being dropped against him,
doing interfering in his business! Whoever he went and that he was not taking it. When I realized the
to politely informed him that a decision had been thief was playing games, I left. Man, I was angry!
made and apologized for not keeping him in the A thief holding a whole company at ransom? Seri-
know. ously?? I think he forgot that his bond expires to-
Poor guy. But seriously servers and shit? Surely he morrow, and that when he shows up at Jinja Road
could have come up with something better than Police Station, he is going back to prison, and his
that. I shook my head in wonder, in wonderment? time not to a holding cell at Jinja Road, but to Luzira
Yeah, that one. on remand.

I have scratched my head and failed to under-

2. The Insolent Thief stand how someone cannot give up his car, a car
for goodness’ sake, a worldly possession that can be
Oh my goodness, the thief!!!!!!! replaced anytime, to secure his freedom and hon-
One of the clients has been having an issue with ourable send off [read: allowed to resign with no
this jamaa who had a serious operation stealing embarassing ads in the papers] from a really repu-
very expensive company property and then sell- table organization. Does he know that he will now
ing it on the low-low. When the client found about not get his terminal benefits or any sort of benefits?
the whole operation, the dudewas suspended, and Ahhhhhh I tell you. I shook my head.
told to appear for a disciplinary hearing to answer I am still shaking my head.Ahaaa. Man.
the charges against him. Jamaa decides to bring a
lawyer to the hearing, you know how we employees Bee <>
are empowered these days! The lawyer obviously
disrupted the proceedings, which ended up in lots
of insults being hurled either way and the jamaa
in prison. I wish I had been at the hearing…I am
so sure nothing would have escalated to the level
it did.

After two days in prison, I think the dude got scared


Game Theory: Debug Mode

The Tech floor is a frenzy of disheveled forms pacing about with heads buried
deep in thought. They think not of world peace or grand scientific mysteries but of the
same thing that every trouser on every floor of Head Quarters is thinking about. And
that’s why despite this commotion, there’s an almost eerie silence about because it is one
of those moments when suddenly every mind thinks the same thing. This moment was
always bound to happen because the male mind will think about it several hundred times
a day even without knowing. Therefore this moment was always inevitable, an accident
waiting to happen and in a world without women there would be no contingency. But the
breasted species that are woman folk, those soft and cuddly humans that quietly slave in
background of male hegemony suddenly spring to the foreground because they are the
only ones awake, the only ones still functional because they do not share our weakness.
They weren’t constructed with this vulnerability, this design error that sits patiently in
the finer detail of the male circuit waiting for a moment like this.

A moment when external forces are spoofing the corporate LAN, a moment when our cli-
ent data is one click away from corruption, a moment when number one is about to make
a fatal error of judgment and enter a shoddy merger, a moment when I am about to hook
up my system to a wrong adapter plug, a moment when the marketing guy is about to
shift the decimal point by one position to the left and before you know it the fundamen-
tal weakness of our little perfect world is exposed. Which is its single point of failure, the
fact that its stability is dependent on the faultless functioning of its male architects even
through the inevitable mental blackout. It’s the moment we start a world war, the mo-
ment we kill Jesus, the moment we invade Troy, the moment we celebrate Amin’s ascent
to power, the moment we buy into Socialism, the moment we bomb Hiroshima and Na-
gasaki and before we know it five million Jews are dead and a million Tutsi have perished.
Our political activism, our renaissance and newly found faith is simply a symptom of the
anomaly of our construction. It is simply the moment when a random error occurs simul-
taneously within us due to the common internal design flaw that is our hunger for more.

And because men rule the world the contingency that is women folk can sometimes be
overridden because in their perfect functioning they sometimes simultaneously desert
man folk and when that occurs history is made for better or for worse. Its because for
several cycles a minute the male creature is preoccupied with taking and we are in a con-
stant fantasy of acquiring more and as long as we aren’t held back by the possibility of ro-
mance we are raging bulls on the brink of anarchy. So, thank God for Sir Tim Berners Lee,
for Bill gates, for Steve Jobs for Larry Ellison and all the eccentric nerds at Silicon valley
and Bangalore who make the internet possible because at exactly five minutes to midday
Head Quarters momentarily stopped as the fundamental anomaly paralyzed the male
brain wave and every man thought of more and the contingency was overridden because
the women were congregating in bathrooms too far away to mitigate the malfunction.
However, thanks to internet streaming when we thought of more we thought of a bikini
clad Beyonce Knowles and not revolution, we thought of Halle Berry in monster’s ball and
not a hydrogen bomb, we thought of semi nude pics of Megan Fox and not a Biological
weapon. Because of the incredible invention of the computer network we no longer need
women in the flesh because they inhabit our minds in glorious continuum of Gucci bath-
ing suits. Therefore no war was begun, no revolution ensued and no bomb was detonated
but rather a breathless turmoil of mpeg downloads and flash video clips.

Mark Abraham <the writer is an IT download manager of specific items. Do you want his

Tips and Tricks for the Ignorant

You would think that most guys know these things but apparently I am wrong. And so,
in an effort to save you and your victims I present a few tips.

If you are a guy, you like this girl and you’re in a bar cradling a beer when said girl walks

1. Don’t steal a kiss when she offers a hug. Even if it’s from her cheeks. It is just

If 3 hours later, she walks into the same bar where you happen to be, again, and your
blood alcohol level has increased in direct proportion to the amount of time passed,

2. Do not run and hug her. You smell bad, ok? The cologne is finished. OVER. Now it
is just sweat and smoke from your cigarettes. Horses smell better.

3. If you ask her to dance and she says no, leave her alone. Do not, I repeat DO NOT,
grab her hand and begin pulling her or grab her shoulders and begin shaking her shoul-
ders in dancing movements. It is not funny. It is only annoying. You are pissing her off.

4. Do not declare your undying affection for her while squeezing her scalp in one
huge palm after you shoved her head into your armpit in misdirected move to
your mouth so she could hear you better when you are shouting.
5. Do not hit on her cousin.
6. Do not hit on her other cousin.
7. Do not follow her around the club.
8. Do not attempt deep conversation on why she does not like you back in the
9. When you finally piss her off and she snaps at you, do not attempt to kiss her.
10. When she sees you and runs for the bathroom do not wait outside the bath
room door until she comes out.
11. Do not tell her what she thinks and then get pissed off when she disagrees
with you.
12. When you hug her and you catch her holding a make believe gun to her head
to her laughing friend behind you in the mirror on the wall, take a hint
13. If every time you want to have a conversation with her, she happens to be in
the middle of her beefiest male friends or crazy violent girl friends, take a hint

Basically if you like a girl and you are drunk, you’re ruining your chances by attempting
to talk to her so just stay away. Smile and retreat. Unless she likes you back, then obvi-
ously none of this applies.

Yvonne K. Zabu
The Idler’s Corner
Apparently I have a signature style!! if he wished.
Cool!! I always start with “I don’t know what to
write…” someone was complaining about that, mbu, By the way, if you are laughing for some reason
but seriously, have you actually read the hmm, er, right now, it is not because of this article, it’s be-
“articles” I think is the right word, barely. How many cause when you got here, you expected to laugh,
times have you actually managed to make some- and hey presto!!(jeers anyone?) Ah, the beauty of
thing out of them? the human brain, mind, whatever controls that,
Apparently every great writer has something to com- could be the adrenals for all I care, I mean, that
municate, wonder what my message would be… would certainly explain why some people’s mouths
are constantly running… unfortunately not away.
Ever thought of competing in one of these reality
show thingies where they judge you not according to Yikes, but six hundred is a tough limit, um, uh,
your skill but… nah, boring. aha!! He he, that made sense!! I did say I was just
typing, did I not? I’m not in the mood to complain
So here I am, just sitting at my pc and typing, and of today, that sucks, I mean, I want to complain,
course hoping fervently that what I do write actually but I can’t. (on a side note, well, not really a side
does make some sense, well, not really, but at least note, more of an aside, or whatever they call these
pretending to…. Otherwise I’d just be writing “ram- things…. (you know, the problem of writing like I
alama bang bang…” (good song by the way… I mean, do is that you’re constantly, well, I’m constantly
really, I have good taste, sue me), for some reason it losing track of what I want to say, memory of a
won’t leave my head especially that beat, you know, goldfish our dear Editor would call it, but then
the ding-ding ding-ding, ding-ding ding-ding… ok, again someone already made off with that yellow
clearly music was not meant to be communicated on (I mean yellow, not gold (yay, six nested brackets,
paper, I’ll think of something, use canvas instead, or way cool, this is starting to look like code, I only
parchment or even better, maybe get our dear editor need to add in parentheses and stuff like that
to attach the song to the WZ when he’s mailing it, (um, what exactly are parentheses?(oh, six now,
oh, wait, that would be piracy of some sort, huh? nested brackets I mean, and of course I’ve com-
pletely forgotten that point I was trying to avoid
How about, ok, yeah, I could just write out the lyr- making(JACKPOT ))))) cup, yellow cup, that’s what I
ics, not that that would make much sense without was talking about, not a trophy, a yellow cup) I re-
the beat… anyone out there know sheet music? You ally don’t remember the point I was trying to make
could show me how to write it… and then of course here, but seven nested brackets, again, yay!! So
teach all the worthy readers how to read it, come to what if I don’t remember what each bracket is for?
think of it, might just be easier to deal with the law- I have made six hundred after all)
suit that comes with the piracy… If you really are asking “six hundred what?” by the
way, you really need to read a bit more, my stuff
Mish mash, you know some people who won’t take especially, the bad part is, it almost never makes
no for an answer? Ok, this is where I would usu- sense, the good part is, it never makes sense, yep
ally tell some kind of funny or sad story about some that was me advertising myself, wonder why I’m
poor sop that would make you giggle or jeer, but, eh, doing that… hmmm
Nothing comes to mind, seriously, nothing, nothing And for my one, my only, my beautiful proud hunt-
nothing. ress, come closer, let me whisper it…

You know that everytime I’m writing a flash of the Brian B Coutinho
last thingy thing I wrote comes to mind? I mean,
right now it was with the nothing, nothing nothing…
Abid would probably tell you where that came from,
A’LEVEL RESULTS family will at least have two ‘people persons’. So
when I am woken up with a phone call that the last
Even after four years, I’m still affected.
born has excelled and even made it into the news-
In my family, we are all assumed to be bright.
papers, you cannot begin to imagine the trauma. The
But we know better. Some of us are the ‘bright’
loss of hope, the re-beginning of self pity, the..the..
of having the potential to open up your own
the.. please allow me go dry my eyes while I try to
company in your field of study, and the rest, it’s
digest the issue at hand!
for doing what you love and what you consider
to be your calling, being a people person, and
Sara AKelly <the writer is still suffering from night-
hoping that gets you to the top.
mares of her A’Level results>

Now one may ask; how is this determined?

Ans: A’Level exams. You can fail O’Level and

blame it on the teachers who taught in an ex-
cuse of English, but when it comes to A’Level,
you have to deliver.
How do you determine delivery?
There is only one clear answer. You get govern-
ment sponsorship. This can be done in many
i) You get maximum points and appear in
ii) You do science related courses; the country
fails, so with your ‘average’ results, you still get
government sponsorship
iii) You bribe an LC in a remote district some-
where so you get into the quota system, thus
government sponsorship
If you don’t deliver, you can at least half deliver.
Get a good professional course on self sponsor-
ship that will automatically determine a bright
future in the payee’s eyes.
All this is supposed to be easy, unless of course
you are the exception.

You fail O’Level, pass A’Level in relation to some

of your family members but fail to get govern-
ment sponsorship for a professional course be-
cause of poor application, fail to get in through
quota system due to utter refusal to bribe, miss
the other professional course on private by 0.1,
miss the same course at another university
because they are not admitting foreigners that
year, despite the fact that you aced their tests,
and thus you settle for a course that only the
people studying it understand the importance.

When this happens, there is only one thing to

look forward to...... A’Level results. Not yours,
but those of the one that comes after you. You
spend sleepless nights not praying for failure,
but rather for consolation. You pray that the

The Cuddlers
You’re standing there; that song comes on, the beat slowly takes you over, you start tapping your
feet. You tap your feet some more; then you hear your favourite part, your body moves to the rhythm,
your hands form a guitar and start strumming it. Your hands form drumsticks and start hitting;
your hands form the saxophone and start gearing it, your hand forms a microphone and you mime
all the high notes and incredulous growls.
Slowly you build up to the all conquering
song finale, the crowd goes wild, you take
a bow and the crowd shouts even more.
You are the star. You are THE CUDDLERS,
air banders!!!.

The Cuddlers is a group of ten profes-

sionals who have taken to the front of the
new wave of air banding. Air banding is
a form of dance and movement in which
the performer pretends to play different
instruments including vocals. It could be
described as a more complex and coordi-
nated form of miming. The beauty about air banding is that you don’t actually have to know how
to play an instrument; you just have to be good at pretending to play it. In fact only one member of
the Cuddlers knows how to play an instrument. The Cuddlers was formed in august 2009 by a group
of creative imaginative wild young professionals who feel there is more to leisure than just bars
and parties. The group is made up of nine guys and one lovely lady. It is a diverse mix of a graphic
designer, an IT security officer, a programmer, a call center manager, a lecturer, and IT consultants.
The group originally started out as just that, a group of friends who just wanted to print t-shirts with
their names and the group name. Within a few hours however, due to the incessant rock music play-
ing in the background at that time, and with everyone miming along or playing an air instrument,
two of the group members decided to turn it into an air band.

The Cuddlers prefer to look at this as a hobby rather than a career and even though they meet regu-
larly to play some songs, they have actually never played any venue…not that it bothers them. They
believe with time the air banding theme that they have pioneered will catch up in Kampala.

Their name is in tribute to every ones instinct to embrace something true in this case, music that
moves the soul. the band includes members who play different instruments like drums, guitars,
piano, trumpet as well as lead and back up vocals.

Members are Muhinda Aaron(co-founder)- lead vocals, Wasukira Gibson-writer/vocals, Mukwaya

Brian-Piano, Lwanga James-trumpet ,Komukama Darlyne-tambourine/vocals/costume designer
,Sekikubo Michael-bass guitar/vocals ,Okura Joe-rhythm guitar/vocals, Bwire emma-acoustic guitar
,Kinene Jason(co-founder)-drums
Ssemakula Brian and Abigaba Godfrey-sometime managers :-)

than the band acknowledging that they probably

should have referenced their sources of inspiration

WorkZine Top Ten

in the form of a discography.

10. Bruce Springsteen was accused of lifting the

Famous examples of tune and lyrics of a Sam Cooke song. The choruses
of the two songs are virtually identical:
Meet me at Mary’s place
1. Martin Luther King plagiarized approxi- We’re gonna have a party . . .
mately one third of his doctoral thesis. He also ap-
propriated others’ text, without credit, for his fa- Cooke:
mous speeches, including “I Have A Dream”. Meet me at Mary’s place
We’re gonna have us a ball today . . .
2. George Harrison was successfully sued for
plagiarizing (though perhaps unconsciously) the Sourced from,www.exam-
Chiffons’ “He’s So Fine” for the melody of his own and
“My Sweet Lord”.

3. Senator Joseph Biden was forced to withdraw

from the 1988 Democratic Presidential nominations
when it was revealed that he had failed a course in

law school due to plagiarism. It was also shown that
he had copied several campaign speeches, notably
those of British Labour leader Neil Kinnock and Sen-
ator Robert F. Kennedy.

4. Alex Haley was permitted to settle out-of- 1.Asheru (Intro)

court for $650,000, having admitted that he copied
large passages of his novel from The African by Ha- 2.Asheru - The Boondocks Theme
rold Courlander.
3.Black Lincolns (Asheru, Heron Gibron, Blackberry
5. In 2003, the United Kingdom Government Jones) - The Hustle (Produced by Blackberry Jones)
was accused of copying some text from the work of
a CSU Monterey Bay post-graduate student for its 4.Talib Kweli - More Or Less (Produced by Hi-Tek)
security dossier on Iraq, dubbed by the media the
‘dodgy dossier’. 5.Little Brother feat. Mos Def - Let It Go (Produced by
9th Wonder)
6. Science fiction author Harlan Ellison sued
and won in a case against James Cameron, claim- 6.Skyzoo - The Bodega (Produced by 9th Wonder)
ing that his film The Terminator plagiarized his epi-
sodes “Soldier” and “Demon With a Glass Hand” of 7.Gan...gstalicious Ressurection (Interlude)
the show “The Outer Limits” Doris Kearns Goodwin
(2002 scandal) 8.Asheru Speaks (Produced by Tough Junkie)

7. Micheal Bolton was accused by the Isley 9.Dead Prez feat. Common & Last Poets - Panthers
Brothers of plagiarizing their song “Love is won- (Dub Floyd Screamixx Produced by J. Dilla R.I.P.)
derful thing” Isley brothers won and were awarded
$5.4M 10.Akir - Politricks
11.Asheru - Revolution
8. William Shakespeare is thought to have lib- 12.Common - Nag Champa (Produced by J. Dilla
erally sprinkled his work with ideas snagged from R.I.P.) (Flashback)
fellow playwrights. As one critic put it, however, “If 13.Method Man feat. Lauren Hill & CL Smooth -
this is plagiarism, perhaps we need more of it.” They Say (Dub Floyd Screamixx 14.The Roots feat.
Maimouna Yousef - It Don’t Feel Right
9. Cold Play : The British band Coldplay whose 15.Doujah Raze feat. AG & Sean Price – Fahrenheit
songs topped the UK charts in 2000 has admitted
to charges of plagiarism in their “X & Y” album. It Daniel Sozi
seems that there have been no repercussions other

Dreams Within
I go to bed thinking about Him,
Spend the whole night with Him, A family Portrait
Always wake up in his world
But he is not here with me I heard the boy playing daddy say
All this pain I feel I’ll beat you,
Why is it so real Because am daddy.’
Why can he not be in my arms? The girl playing mummy was kneeling before
They say dreams come true the boy,
This one might never be Her head slightly bowed as though coy
For lately it’s not a dream To subdue.
It’s a Nightmare! I heard the boy playing daddy say,
Also like my daddy,
I’ll divorce you.’
Priscilla Mbabazi
Kagayi Peter


More Than One
She was black beauty;
Ask me for one reason for Love Ebony was skin-deep;
And ten reasons you will Have Her hair was thick dark;
Tell me to pray to God Above Her blood flowed vast.
And he will be all that I Serve
When she walked, she sashayed;
Take me through One Session When she talked her voice were bells;
And I will learn my Lesson But her place was in the kitchen;
Henceforth it will be my Mission Her hands were blistered and beaten;
And I will answer any Question Yet she carried her burden.

Give me one bowl of Soup She is the strength there in;

And just a meal’s Scoop She is the beauty unseen;
And I will be within the Loop She is the power of life;
Making sauce to feed the Troop And the heart of the wise.

Henceforth I reserve my Comment Auma Maria

For, even without my Comment,
Everything I say in a moment,
Earns me a lifetime of Torment

Bernard Ewalu Olupot


FUNsBEE Charity Drive
Saturday 13th March,
2010 saw weeks of prepara-
tion finally pay off. The Grande
finale of the ‘Teenz Involved’
campaign, a drive that saw
teenagers in different sec-
ondary schools in and around
Kampala contribute items to-
wards the landslide victims of
Bududa, came to pass. The First
Uganda National Spelling Bee
(FUNsBEE) Company, the Pay It
Forward Foundation (PIFF) and The WorkZine together collected different
materials and these were handed over to the Uganda Red Cross Society.
The colorful handover ceremony was followed by a charity walk from KCC
grounds to Garden city where a mini-spelling bee competition and lots of
thrilling entertainment from Bonfire crew took place. During all the spills,
and thrills, blood donation went on at Nakumatt. The camera captured the

Anita Asiimwe, Biribwa D Arinaitwe, Paul Ninsiima, Irene Josephine, Mark
Mayanja ,Agaba Francis, Gideon Kyabakama, Mark P. Lewis, Stuart Gordon
Katungi, Batemyetto Evelyn, Habil Musa Ajobe, Kansiime Caroline, Natasha
Karugaba, Kusemererwa Peter, Muheki Onesmus, Norman Anguzu, Nsubu-
ga Mark, Martin Oluka, Singirankabo Nduwayo Claude, Suze Peru, Dianah-
Rose Nassozi, Edwin Olowo Essy Annony, John Baptist, Dogo Singh, Lydia
Nasira, Allan Atukunda, Alfred Cole McChora, Godfrey Ssajja Ssali, Murun-
gi N Ronald, Mabonga Herbert, Belinda Roanah K, Esta Wannyana, Nancy
Amito, Bob Reyman Kabango, Darlyne Komukama, John Mutama, Charity
Kamusiime, Kayondo Francis, Ivan Mugisha R, Erasmus Ellis Katwebaze,
Daisy Marione, Morris Abajai, Douglas Pascal S, Ssesanga Allan Simon, Edd
Whewell, Joseph Kazibwe, Herbert Byamukama, Katusiime Annet

So, the BBC is carrying out an experiment as part of their special season of programmes
on how the internet is changing the world.

According to their website,

The internet brings millions of people together digitally every day, but one thing it
cannot do well - at least, not yet - is allow people who speak different languages to
understand each other easily.

BBC World Service wants to explore whether technology will be able to change this -
in a unique experiment using our language services and translation software - broad-
cast live online from 1300GMT on 18 March 2010.

SuperPower Nation on the Web

As a part of SuperPower Nation Day, we are running an experiment using automatic

machine translation technology to see how the internet can break down language

It’s your turn to talk. And we have no agenda - any topics or issues will be debated
and discussed.

What is unique about this is that you can talk to speakers of completely different
languages in your own voice. Speakers of click Arabic, click Chinese, click English,
click Persian, click Indonesian, click Portuguese and click Spanish will be able to talk
to each other using Google’s machine translation.

Your call

SuperPower Nation will be broadcast from 1300GMT on the click live event page and
BBC World television. *

* BBC SuperPower Nation


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