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Catatan Perkuliahan ( Lecture Notes )


Topik 10: Dinamika Benda Kaku


Pengelola dan pengajar : Wahyu Nirbito, Ir., MSME, DR.

Departemen Teknik Mesin
Fakultas Teknik
Universitas Indonesia

Depok, 2012

Topik 10: Dinamika Benda Kaku

Chapter Objectives :
To introduce the methods used to determine the mass moment of inertia of a body.
To develop the planar kinetic equations of motion for a symmetric rigid body.
To discuss applications of these equations to bodies undergoing translation,
rotation about a fixed axis, and general plane motion.
Mass Moment of Inertia
The mass moment of inertia is a measure of the resistance of a body to a change in
its angular velocity.
It is defined by I r 2 dm and will be different for each axis about which it is
For a body having axial symmetry, the integration is usually performed using disk
or shell elements.
Many bodies are composed of simple shapes.
If this is the case, then tabular values of I can be used, such as the ones given on
the inside back cover of this book.
To obtain the mass moment of inertia of a composite body about any specified
axis, the mass moment of inertia of each part is determined about the axis and the
results are added together.
Doing this often requires use of the parallel-axis theorem. I I G md
Handbooks may also report values of the radius of gyration k for the body.
If the bodys mass is known, then the mass moment of inertia is determined from

I mk 2

Consider only symmetric bodies having surfaces which are generated by revolving
a curve about an axis
An example of such a body which is generated about the z axis
Two types of differential elements can be chosen
Shell Element
A shell element with height z, radius r = y, and thickness dy is chosen for
integration, volume, dV = (2y)(z) dy
Used to determine moment of inertia Iz of the body about the z axis, since the
entire element, due to its thinness, lies at the same perpendicular distance r = y
from the z axis
Disk Element
A disk element with radius y, and thickness dz is chosen for integration, volume,
dV = y2 dz
Finite in the radial direction and its parts do not lie at the same radial distance r
from the z axis
Determine moment of inertia of the element about the z axis and then integrate the

Planar Equations of Motion

The equations of motion define the translational, and rotational motion of a rigid
In order to account for all of the terms in these equations, a free-body diagram
should always accompany their application, and for some problems, it may also be
convenient to draw the kinetic diagram.
Here I G 0 since 0
Fx maG x
Fn maG n

Fy maG y

Ft maG t

M G 0

M G 0

Rectilinear translation

Curvilinear translation


Establish the x, y, a or n, t inertial coordinate system and draw the FBD to account
for all the external forces and couple moments that act on the body
Direction and sense of the acceleration of the bodys mass center should be
Identify the unknowns
If the rotational equation of motion is to be used, consider kinetic diagram
Equations of Motion
Apply the three equations of motion in accordance with the established sign
To simplify the analysis, the moment equation can be replace by a more general
equation about P where point P is usually located at the intersection of the lines of
action of as many unknown forces as possible
If the body is in contact with a rough surface and slipping occurs, use the
frictional equation

To determine velocity and position of the body
For rectilinear translation with variable acceleration,
aG dvG / dt aG dsG vG dvG vG dsG / dt

For rectilinear translation with constant acceleration,

vG (vG )O aG t vG2 (vG )O2 2aG [ sG ( sG )O ]

sG ( sG )O (vG )O t aG t 2

For curvilinear
(aG ) n vG2 / 2 (aG )t dvG / dt (aG )t dsG vG dvG

(aG )t

Rotation About a Fixed Axis

For fixed axis rotation, the kinetic vector m(aG)n produces no moment about the
axis of rotation, and so the rotational equation of motion reduces to a simplified
form about point O.
Fn maG n m 2 rG
Fn maG n m 2 rG
Fy maG y mrG
Ft maG t mrG



Establish the x, y or n, t coordinate system and specify the direction or sense of
the accelerations and the angular acceleration of the body
Draw the FBD to account for all the external forces and couple moments that act
on the body
Compute the moments of inertia
Identify the unknowns
If the rotational equation of motion is used, draw the kinetic diagram for better
Equations of Motion
Apply the three equations of motion in accordance with the established sign
If the moments are summed about the center of mass, G, MG = IG since (maG)t
and (maG)n create no moment about G
Use kinematics if a complete solution cannot be obtained strictly from the
equations of motion
If angular acceleration is variable, use
= d/dt d = d = d/dt
If the angular acceleration is constant, use = O + Ct
= O + O t + Ct2
2 = 2O + 2C( O)

General Plane Motion

If the body is constrained by its supports, then additional equations of kinematics
can be obtained by using aG a A aG / A to relate the accelerations of any two G to
another point A on the body.

Fx maG x

Fy maG y

Fx maG x

Fy maG y

M P M k P


Establish the x, y coordinate system and draw the FBD for the body
Specify the direction and sense of the acceleration of the mass center and the
angular acceleration of the body
Compute the moment of inertia
Identify the unknowns
If it is decided that the rotational equation of motion is to be used, consider
drawing the kinetic diagram in order to help visualize the moments
Equations of Motion
Apply the three equations of motion in accordance with the established sign
When friction is present, there is the possibility for motion with no slipping or
Use kinematics if a complete solution cannot be obtained strictly from the
equations of motion
If the bodys motion is constrained due t its supports, additional equations may be
obtained by using aB = aA + aB/A, which relates the acceleration of any two points
A and B on the body
When a wheel, disk, cylinder or ball rolls without slipping, then aG = r

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