Refugees in The World Today

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Name: Charmaine Teo Wern Lyn

Student ID: 0325182

Topic: Why are there so many refugees in the world today?
There is an increase in number of asylum seekers in the world today. Stories of millions of
refugees fleeing their homeland and seeking protection from neighbouring countries are being
broadcasted nearly every day in the year of 2015. It is terrifying for those living in peaceful
countries to hear stories of conflict zones and violence. The dire situation refugees are in, has
caused the refugees to be desperate enough to leave, despite the uncertainty of their future.
Today, developing countries such as America, Turkey, United Kingdom, Germany and France
host over 86% of the refugees in the world compared to 70% ten years ago. In the year 2014,
half of the refugees were under the age of 18, the highest number of child refugees in the last
decade. The increasing number of asylum seekers in the world today has been induced by civil
wars, persecution and environmental issues.
Civil wars often result in acts of terrorism by rebel soldiers, deaths of the guilty and innocent and
numerous people living in fear of being attacked or killed the next day. Young men and even
children will be forced to become soldiers or terrorists. If they refuse the recruitment, it is likely
that the soldiers or terrorist will not be hesitant to kill them and their families. The refugees
realize how dangerous their situation is. Hence, they are willing to take the risk of travelling to
the border and seeking help from neighbouring countries.
Another factor for fleeing would be fear of persecution. Refugees of a certain race, religion,
nationality or who holds a particular political opinion that rebels or the government disagrees
with or dislikes, are discriminated against. They face the threat of death and mutilation and are
constantly intimidated by those who do not agree with their beliefs. Refugees flee in attempt to
protect themselves and their families from harm.
Environmental issues, namely climate changes are also a relevant reason as to why refugees
choose to leave their home country. People who are displaced due to climate changes are referred
to as environmental refugees. These people, however, rarely move across borders. Instead they
move a short distance away from their homes, usually in cities. Unlike social issues such as wars
and terrorism, climate changes are not controllable and it is often unpredictable.

In conclusion, the number of refugees in the world are on the rise today. The occurrence of civil
wars, persecution and presence of environmental issues has resulted in an increase of refugees
worldwide. The acceptance of refugees in neighbouring countries and decrease of xenophobia
would result in the refugees finally finding a place where they belong and lessen their hardship.
(442 words)

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