Solved Problems TOE

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The state of stress (MPa) at a point is given by x =13.78 = , y = 26.2, z = 41.34, xy =

27.56, yz = 6.89 and xz = 10.34. Determine the stress resultants and the normal and shear
stresses for a plane whose normal makes angles of 50 70 and 60 with the directions of x
and y respectively.
= 50 70 ;

= 60 ;

l = Cos = 0.62705;


m = Cos = 0.50.

We know that l2 +m2+n2 = 1 and hence n = Cos = 0.597

which implies = Cos-1 0.597 = 53 23


sz l

x xy xz

m n xy y yz
xz yz z


13.78 27.56 10.34

s z 0.627 0.50 0.597 27.56 26.2 6.89
10.34 6.89 41.34


s z 28.59 34.49 34.608

S 2 S x2 S y2 S z2
S = 56.609 and S x Cos S y Cos S z Cos 55.58Mpa

2 2 S 2
2 S 2 2 115 .44
Stress Resultants Sx = 28.59 ; Sy = 34.49; Sz = 34.608 and 55.58Mpa ; 10.74 Mpa


At a point in a material, the state of stress in MPa is given by the components x = 12.8, y
= 27, z= 51.3, xy = 23.4, yz = -6.24 and xz = 11 Determine the normal and shear stresses
on a plane whose normal makes angles of 48 and 71 to the x and y axes respectively.
Also find the direction of the shear stress relative to x and y.
l = Cos = 0.66913;

m = Cos = 0.3255.

We know that l2 +m2+n2 = 1 and hence n = Cos = 0.6680 48 5 3

12.8 23.40

s x s y s z 0.66913 0.3255 0.6680 23.4

11 6.24 51.3
23.53 20.28 39.59

= Sx


S z m =48.79

S2=2532.9 and S = 50.328

2 2 S 2
Directions of shear stress are

S m
S x l
S n
; ms y
; ns z

s 137 38' ; s 696' ; s 5526'

3. A stress resultant of 140 Mpa makes angles 43,75 and 50 53 with x, y and z
axes. Determine the normal and shear stresses on the oblique plane whose normal
makes respective angles 67 13, 30 and 71 34 with these axes.




4. A resultant stress of 170 Mpa is inclined at 23 and 72 with x and y axes

respectively. The resultant stress acts on a plane with normal cosines 0.656, 0.259
relative to x and y respectively. Determine the normal and shear stresses on this
plane. Given the components shear stresses are
Find the normal stresses with invariant J1 = 926.4 Mpa.
S = 170 Mpa;

Also Sz= 40.68 Mpa

5. Find the invariants and principal stresses for the following stress components in

what will

be the principal stresses be? Show that principal stress directions are orthogonal.
The invariants are given by

J3 = 9.68 (14.32 x 17.28 7.382) 2.44 (2.44 x 17.28 10.21 x 7.28) + 10.21
(2.44 x 7.38 10.21 x 14.32) = 640.15
The principal stresses are given by :

Which gives
ii) When

= 28.38 Mpa ;

= 10.8 Mpa ;

= 2.08Mpa;

, the stress determinant becomes

The principal stress directions are given by

A = 71.25

B = 0 and

C = 0;

l1=0.10, m1 = 0 and n1 = 0
l2=1 , m2 = 0 and n2 = 0
And for

l3=1 , m3 = 0 and n3 = 0

Hence the principal stress directions are orthogonal.

6. Given that the partial state of stress at a point is


The stress invariant J1 = 50

Mpa . Determine the remaining normal stresses, principal stresses and maximum
shear stress.
J1 =

The stress tensor is

and J1 = 50 Mpa; J2 = -1100 and J3 = -7000

Solving the above cubic equation ,

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