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Quality of deciding, controlling or achieving an outcome, firmness of purpose

iGenda 8

Health 9: WebQuest
 Answer the following critical thinking questions about Depression and Suicide
 Health Stats: Looking at the table below, what relationship is there between risks
of depression and how connected teens feel to their school?

Connected to School Risk of Depression

-Very connected -Very low
-Quite a bit -Low
-Somewhat -Low to moderate
-Very little -Moderate
-Not at all connected -High

 What could make someone feel very connected to school? What could make
someone feel disconnected?
 To understand more about depression follow this link
o Scroll down to Watch what happens and press onto See how depression
affects the brain.
o What are brain chemicals called? (Neurotransmitters)
o What are these brain chemicals responsible for? (Emotional State)
o What happens to neurotransmitters when depression happens? (Chemical
messages aren’t delivered correctly between brain cells, disrupting
o What can be done about depression? (Medications to strengthen weak
signals or by improving the neurons’ ability to process signals.)
o After answering the questions, closeout of that window.
o Go to the left hand side of the page and click onto Causes of Depression.
 Is there only one thing in a person’s life that causes depression? No
there’s not.
 What are the 5 common factors involved in depression? Family
history, trauma and stress, pessimistic personality, physical
conditions, other psychological disorders.
 What does a pessimistic personality mean? People that look at
things negative.
o Go to the left hand side of the page and click onto Who Gets Depression.
 Are men or women most likely to become depressed? Why? Yes
because of the things they go thru.
Dr. J. Smith, Facilitator ITU: DETERMINATION iGenda 8
Ms. J. Markley, Facilitator Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”

Mr. M. Pryor, Facilitator Quality of deciding, controlling or achieving and outcome,

firmness of purpose
Ms. R. Muffler, Monday Facilitator World Geography: Poland, Czech, Baltic States, and
o Go back to Who Gets Depression on the left hand side and press onto
Anxiety and Depression.
 Why does anxiety and depression occur together? Because
depression causes sadness, loneliness, and you become afraid and
 Is it treatable? How? Yes it can by medication and therapy.
 Scroll down to Try these simple ways to manage stress and try one
of the Breath Easy or Stretching activities…
 What activity did you try? How could this activity help
you to manage stress? Breathing one it will help you
manage your stress because u kinda for get about it.
 Suicide is the intentional killing of oneself. Suicide affects all kinds of people:
young, old, bright, average, rich, poor, female, male. In the United States, suicide
is the third-leading cause of death among young people ages 15-24. Between
19560 and 1990, the teen suicide rate quadrupled. But since 1990, the rate has
o Is there any way to tell whether or not someone is going to attempt
suicide? Maybe.
o If we understand these risk factors and protective factors, we can take
steps to further reduce the suicide rate.
o Is there a connection between depression and suicide? Yes

Risk Factors
 Mood disorders, such as depression, are a major risk factor for suicide
 A previous suicide attempt or a family history of suicide
 Having both a mental disorder and a substance abuse disorder
 Feelings of hopelessness or isolation
 Lack of access to mental health treatment
 Being influenced by the suicide of family members, peers, or celebrities

 Click onto this link to answer the following

o What is the most common cause of suicide? (Mental disorder)
o Name the other 6 causes for suicide. (Depression, bipolar disorder,
schizophrenia, alcoholism, drug abuse, financial difficulties)
o It is the leading cause of death among what age group? (Teenagers and
adults under 35)
o What does Abrahamic religions mean? (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam)
o What is an offense towards God mean? (Sin)
o What does sanctity of life mean? (Life as holy and held in high regard)

Dr. J. Smith, Facilitator ITU: DETERMINATION iGenda 8

Ms. J. Markley, Facilitator Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”

Mr. M. Pryor, Facilitator Quality of deciding, controlling or achieving and outcome,

firmness of purpose
Ms. R. Muffler, Monday Facilitator World Geography: Poland, Czech, Baltic States, and

Dr. J. Smith, Facilitator ITU: DETERMINATION iGenda 8

Ms. J. Markley, Facilitator Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”

Mr. M. Pryor, Facilitator Quality of deciding, controlling or achieving and outcome,

firmness of purpose
Ms. R. Muffler, Monday Facilitator World Geography: Poland, Czech, Baltic States, and
World Geography: WebQuest
 Click onto this link to answer the
following questions.
 Read the following article called, Suicide rates in Russia on the increase
o Russia’s suicide levels are among the world’s highest…why? Because
people were panicking because the economy was doing bad and some
people got depressed.
o What are the differences in the suicide statistics worldwide as to those in
Russia? (Men are now six times more likely to commit suicide than
women and the age group is 45-54 years old and women most likely after
the age of 75)
o Why do you think suicide rates in Russia increased AFTER the last year
of the Soviet government in Russia? (You will need to really use your
critical thinking skills for this answer…or conduct further research.)

English 9
 Lit Terms in Action (Individual)
o ALL answers must be HIGHLIGHTED in YELLOW
Dr. J. Smith, Facilitator ITU: DETERMINATION iGenda 8
Ms. J. Markley, Facilitator Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”

Mr. M. Pryor, Facilitator Quality of deciding, controlling or achieving and outcome,

firmness of purpose
Ms. R. Muffler, Monday Facilitator World Geography: Poland, Czech, Baltic States, and
 Due Tuesday, March 16

Dr. J. Smith, Facilitator ITU: DETERMINATION iGenda 8

Ms. J. Markley, Facilitator Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”

Mr. M. Pryor, Facilitator Quality of deciding, controlling or achieving and outcome,

firmness of purpose
Ms. R. Muffler, Monday Facilitator World Geography: Poland, Czech, Baltic States, and

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