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Darwin Digital Library of Evolution

Alphabetical Listing of Works

the Editorial Staff of the Darwin Digital Library
October 11, 2006

This file lists references in the working bibliography of the Darwin Digi-
tal Library of Evolution. Editorial staff at the library may be contacted at
The Internet address for the Library is
Works from Di Gregorio and Gill’s Darwin’s Marginalia (New York: Garland,
1990) are marked with an asterisk (“*”); they are annotated with information in
brackets about the condition and provenence of the works to which they refer.
The key to these annotations may be found in Di Gregorio and Gill’s book.

*. 1770. A dictionary of the english language. 4th ed. London: W. Strahan.
[Down, S of Josiah Wedgwood]
Willdenow, Karl Ludwig, ed. 1797-1824. Species plantarum exhibentes plantas
rite cognitas ad genera relatas cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus,
synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas. By Carl
Linnaeus. 6 vols. 4th ed. Berlin.
*. 1816-1830. Dictionnaire des sciences natur-elles, planches. Paris: F.G.
Levrault. [CUL]
Cuvier, Frédéric, ed. 1816-45. Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles. 61 vols.
Strasbourg and Paris.
*. 1817; 1823. Journal of a horticultural tour through some parts of flanders,
holland and the north of france in the autumn of 1817. Edinburgh; London:
Bell and Bradfute; Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown. [CUL]
———. 1821 & 1823, 1819. Introductory lectures in the year 1814 and The
Hunterian oration for the year 1819 part of the Introductory lecture for the year
1815. [publ 1819]

Reference List, Darwin Digital Library of Evolution

———. 1822-1831. Dictionnaire classique d’histoire naturelle. Paris: Rey &

Gravier. [Down, pre-B, on B, S in vol. 1]
de Saint-Vincent, Jean Baptiste Georges Marie Bory, ed. 1822-31. Dictionnaire
classique d’histoire naturelle. 17 vols. Paris: Rey and Gravier.
*. 1823. A dictionary of chemistry. London: Thomas Tegg. [CUL, pre-B, S]
Blainville, Henri Marie Ducrotay de, ed. 1824. Traité zoologique et physiologique
sur les vers intestinaux de l’homme par M. Bremser . . . traduit de l’allemand
par M. Grundler. 2 vols. Paris.
*. 1824-26. Natural history. London: Whittaker. [Down, pre-B]
———. 1827. Die hühner und pfauzenzucht in ihren ganzen umfange. Ulm: F.
Ebnerschen. [CUL, pre-B]
———. 1828. Enten, schwanen und gänsezucht. Ulm: Ebnerschen Buchhand-
lung. [CUL]
———. 1828-1830. The farrier and naturalist edited by a member of the
zoological society of london. London: Simpkin & Marshall. [CUL, pre-B]
———. 1829. Conversations on vegetable physiology. London: Longman, Rees,
Orme, Brown & Green. [Botany School, pre-B, FD, E. Catherine Darwin in
vol. 1]
———. 1831. Dictionary of the spanish and english languages. Vol. 1. 5th ed.
London: Longman, Rees & Co. [CUL, pre-B]
*Jourdan, A.J.L., ed. 1834. Dictionnaire raisonée, étymologique, syn-onymique
et polyglotte des termes usités dans les sciences naturelles. Paris: J.B. Baillière.
[CUL, on B]
*R.B. Todd, 6 vols., ed. 1835-1859. The cyclopaedia of anatomy and physiology.
London: Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts. [Down]
*. 1837 and 1840. L’institut: Sciences mathématiques, physiques et naturelles.
———. 1838. Bible. Cambridge: The Pitt Press. [Down, the family Bible]
———. 1839. Catalogue of the scientific books in the library of the royal society.
London: Richard & John E. Taylor. [CUL, S]
Hinds, Richard Brinsley, ed. 1844. The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Sulphur,
under the command of Captain Sir Edward Belcher . . . during the years
1836–42. 2 vols. London: Smith, Elder.
Lehmann, Johann Georg Christian, ed. 1844-7. Plantae Preissianae sive Enu-
meratio plantarum quas in Australasia occidentali et meridionali-occidentali
annis 1838–41 allegit Ludovicus Preiss. 2 vols. Hamburg.

Reference List, Darwin Digital Library of Evolution

*. 1845. Descriptive and illustrated cata-logue of the fossil organic remains of

mammalia and aves contained in the museum of the royal college of england.
London: Richard & John E. Taylor. [Down, I by President and Council]
———. 1846. Catalogue of the books and maps in the library of the geological
society of london. London: R. & J.E. Taylor. [CUL]

———. 1854. Psychological enquiries. London: Longman, Brown, Green &

Longman. [CUL]
———. 1857. Plans of the various lakes and rivers between lake huron and the
river ottawa. Toronto: John Lovell. [Down, I by M. Logan]

1860. [Account of a meeting between Hooker and Wilberforce]. The Anthenaeum

2: 64–65.
*. 1866. International horticultural ex-hibition and botanical congress. London:
Truscott, Son & Simmons. [Down]
———. 1868. Principles of organic life. London: Robert Hardwicke. [Down, S]
———. 1868. A sketch of a philosophy, part 2: Matter and molecular morphology.
London: Williams & Norgate. [Down]
1869. Discussion of Coues, ‘On variation in the genus Aegiothus’. Proceedings
of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences p. 72.
1870. Before the French Academy. Nature 2: 298.
*. 1870. Natural science, religious creeds and scripture truth. Edinburgh &
London: William Blackwood & Sons. [Down, I by publisher]
1870. [Report of a meeting of the French Academy]. Revue des Cours Scien-
tifiques 7: 513.
1871. Darwin’s ’Descent of Man’. Monthly Religious Magazine 45: 501–507.
1871. Darwin’s ’Descent of Man’. Old and New 3: 594–600.
1871. Discussion of Meehan, “bud varieties”. Proceedings of the Philadelphia
Academy of Natural Sciences pp. 112–113.
1871. [discussion of the descent of man]. Independent 23: 6.
1871. Evolution and theology. Radical 9: 375–385.
*. 1871-1872. A dictionary of chemistry. 2nd ed. London: Longmans, Green &
Co. [Down]
———. 1872. Domestic medicine, a handbook. London: Bell & Daldy. [Down]
———. 1872. Our blood relations. London: Sipkin, Marshall & Co. [Down]

Reference List, Darwin Digital Library of Evolution

———. 1873. Congrès international d’anthropologie et d’archéologie

préhistorique (bologna, 1871). Bologna: Fava & Gavagnani. [Down, I by
Cappellini (secretary of conference)]
———. 1873. Report of the Select Committee on wild birds’ protection. London:
House of Commons. [Down, I by C.D. Groom Napier]

*Andrew, J. and vol. 11 T. Smith, eds. 1875. Saint bartholomew’s hospital

reports. London: Smith, Elder & Co. [Down, FD]
*. 1876. Das kind: Tagebuch eines vaters. 2nd ed. Leipzig: H. Hartung & Sohn.
[CUL, I Should “kind” be capitalized here? -Adam]

———. 1876. Public libraries in the united states of america. Washington:

Government printing office. [Down, S]
———. 1877. The survival. London: Remington & Co. [Down, I by publisher]
1877. The American Naturalist. Nation 25: 137.
1878. Bulletin des Sociétés Savantes. La Revue Scientifique, 2nd ser. 15: 141.
*. 1878. Catalogue of the chiroptera in the collection of the british museum.
London: by order of the Trustees. [Down, I]
———. 1878. Natuurkundige verhandeligen van de hollandsche maatschappij
der wetenschappen, te haarlem. Part 3, 3 ed. Haarlem: De Erven Loosjes.
———. 1878. The supernatural in nature. London: C. Kegan Paul & Co.
1879. The dangers of Darwinism. Popular Science Monthly 15: 68–71.
1879. Do our colleges teach evolution? Independent 31: 14–15.
*. 1879-1882. Encyclopaedie der naturwissenschaften. Breslau: Trewendt.
1880. Scientific teaching in the colleges. Popular Science Monthly 16: 556–559.

*. 1880-81. Fauna und flora des golfes von neapel, monografien 1–4. Leipzig:
Wilhelm Engelmann. [Botany School]
1882. Hommage à Darwin. La Revue Scientifique, 3d ser. 4: 829.
1882. Mort de Ch. Darwin. Bulletins de la Société d’Anthropologie, 3d ser. 5:
1882. [Notice of Charles Darwin’s death]. Académie des Sciences: Comptes
Rendus 94: 1215.

Reference List, Darwin Digital Library of Evolution

Waddington, Conrad Hal, ed. 1968-1972. Towards a Theoretical Biology. 4 vols.

Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
*. n.d. The british aviary. London: Dean and Munday. [CUL]
———. n.d. Catalogue of scientific papers, 1867–79. Vol. 1-8. London: Eyre &
Spottiswoode. [Botany School]
———. n.d. The gooseberry growers’ register for the year 1862. Macclesfield:
C. Leicester. [CUL]
*Jardine, W., ed. n.d. The naturalists’s library. Edinburgh: W.H. Lizary. [CUL]
*. n.d. The rabbit book. London: Journal of horticulture. [CUL]
———. n.d. Thoughts on the mental functions. Edin-burgh: Oliver & Boyd.
[Down, I]
———. n.d. Wanderings through the conservatories at kew. London: Society
for promoting Christian knowledge. [Down]
*Abercrombie, John. 1838. Inquiries concerning the intellectual powers and the
investigation of truth. 8th ed. London: John Murray. [CUL]
*Abernethy, John. 1822. Physiological lectures, exhibiting a general view of Mr
Hunter’s Physiology, and of his researches in comparative anatomy. 2nd ed.
London: Longman, Hurst Rees, Orme & Brown. [ED, 352pp, CUL]
*Acébla, Alexandre. 1878. Les Impiétés. Paris: A. Ghio. [Down]
*Acharius, Erik. 1803. Methodus qua omnes detectos Lichens. Stockholm:
F.D.D. Ulrich. [Down, ED]
*Adams, Andrew Leith. 1873. Field and forest ramblers. London: Henry S.
King & Co. [CUL, I by author]
Adams, Charles Baker. 1849-1852. Hints on the geographical distribution of
animals, with special reference to the Mollusca. Contributions to Conchology 1.
Adams, Henry and Arthur Adams. 1853-8. The genera of recent mollusca;
arranged according to their organisation. 3 vols. London: John Van Voorst.
Adanson, M. 1772. Examen de la question, si les espêces changent parmi les
plantes. Mémoires de l’Academie des Sciences. Institut de France pp. 31–48.
Adanson, Michel. 1763. Familles des plantes. Vol. 2. Paris: Lehre, Cramer.
Aeby, Christian. 1867. Die Schäedelformen des Menschen und der Affen. Leipzig:
F. L. W. Vogel.
Agardh, Jacob Georg. 1858. Theoria systematis plantarum; accedit familiarum
phanerogamarum in series naturales dispositio, secundum structuræ normas et
evolutionis gradus instituta. Lund, Sweden: C. W. K. Gleerup.

Reference List, Darwin Digital Library of Evolution

Agassiz, Alexander. 1880. Paleontological and embryological development.

American Journal of Science 120: 294–302, 375–389.
*Agassiz, Alexandre. 1865. Illustrated catalogue of the Museum of Comparative
Zoology at Harvard College, No. 2, Acalephae. Cambridge, Mass.: Sever &
Francis. [Down, I]

*———. 1872-1874. Illustrated catalogue of the Museum at Harvard College –

Revision of the Echini. Cambridge, Mass. [Down]
*———. 1877. North American Starfishes. Cambridge, Mass. [Down, I]
*———. 1882. The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger, Part 9, Report
on the Echinoidea. London: Longmans & Co. [Down, I]
*Agassiz, Alexandre and L.F. Pourtalès. 1874. Illustrated catalogue of the
Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College: Echini, Crinoids and
corals. Cambridge, Mass. [Down]
*Agassiz, Elizabeth and Alexandre. 1871. Seaside studies in natural history:
marine animals of Massachussets Bay: Radiates. Boston: James R. Osgood &
Co. [Down, I]
Agassiz, Jean Louis Rudolphe. 1833-43. Recherches sur les poissons fossiles. 5
vols in 2. Neuchâtel: Petitpierre.
———. 1840. Etudes sur les glaciers. Neuchâtel: Jent & Gassmann.
———. 1840. On the development of the fish in the egg. Report of the meeting of
the British Association for the Advancement of Science. 10th Annual Meeting.
———. 1842. On the succession and development of organized beings at the
surface of the terrestrial globe, being a discourse delivered at the inauguration of
the academy of Neuchatel. Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal 23: 388–399.
———. 1845-55. A monograph of the British nudibranchiate Mollusca: with
figures of all the species. 7 pts. London: Ray Society.
———. 1847. Nouvelles études et expériences sur les glaciers actuels, leur
structure, leur progression et leur action physique sur le sol. Paris: Victor
———. 1848-54. Bibliographia zoologiæ et geologiæ. A general catalogue of all
books, tracts, and memoirs on zoology and geology. Edited and enlarged by Hugh
Edwin Strickland. 4 vols. London: Ray Society.
———. 1850. Lake Superior: its physical character, vegetation, and animals,
compared with those of other and similar regions. Boston: Gould, Kendall and

Reference List, Darwin Digital Library of Evolution

———. 1857-62. Contributions to the natural history of the United States of

America. 4 vols. Boston and London: Little, Brown, & Company and Trübner.
———. 1859. An essay on classification. London: Longman, Brown, Green,
Longmans, & Roberts.

———. 1874. Evolution and permanance of type. Atlantic Monthly 33: 92–101.
———. 1967. Studies on Glaciers. New York: Hafner.
*Agassiz, Louis. 1848. Nomenclatoris zoologici index universalis. Soloduri: Jent
& Gassmann. [CUL]

*———. 1848-54. Bibliographia zoologiae et geologiae, corrected and edited by

Hugh Strickland. London: The Ray Society. [Down]
*———. 1850. Lake Superior: its character, vegetation, and animals, compared
with those of other similar regions. Boston: Gould, Kendall & Lincoln. [CUL,
*———. 1863. Methods of study in natural history. Boston: Ticknor and Fields.
[Down, I]
*———. 1869. Address delivered on the centennial anniversary of the birth of
Alexander von Humboldt. Boston: Boston Society of Natural History. [Down]
*———. 1869. De l’espèce et de la classification en zoologie. Paris: Germer
Baillière. [CUL]
*———. 1880. Reports on the Florida reefs. Cambridge, Mass. [Down, I by
Alexandre Agassiz]
*———. n.d. Contributions to the natural history of the United States of North
America. Vol. 1. [CUL, I]
*Agassiz, Louis and Augustus Addison Gould. 1848. Principles of zoology: part
1, Comparative physiology. Boston: Gould, Kendall & Lincoln. [CUL]
Ajasson de Grandsagne, Jean Baptiste François Étienne. 1829-33. Histoire
naturelle de Pline. 20 vols. Paris.
Alberch, Pere, Stephen Jay Gould, George F. Oster, and David B. Wake. 1979.
Size and shape in ontogeny and phylogeny. Paleobiology 5: 296–317.
Albert, W. 1845. Authentische Thatsachen über die Verjüngung der Kartoffeln
aus Samenkörnern, mit Berücksichtigung der unter denselben jetzt herrschenden
Krankheiten. Magdeburg.
Alder, Joshua and Albany Hancock. 1845-55. A monograph of the British
Nudibranchiæ Mollusca: with figures of all the species. 7 pts. in 1 vol. London:
Ray Society.

Reference List, Darwin Digital Library of Evolution

*———. 1845-55. A monograph of the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca. London:

The Ray Society. [CUL]
*Allen, George James. 1877. A report on the Hydroida. Cambridge, Mass.:
University Press. [Down, I by A. Agassiz]
*Allen, Grant. 1877. Physiological aesthetics. London: Henry S. King & Co.
*———. 1879. The colour sense: its origin and development. London: Trübner.
*———. 1880. Der Farbensinn. Leipzig: Ernst Günther. [Down]
Allen, Joel. 1872. Geographical variation in North American birds. Proceedings
of the Boston Society of Natural History 15: 212–219.
———. 1872. Remarks on the geographical variation of mammals and birds.
Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 15: 156–159.
———. 1877-1878. The influence of physical conditions in the genesis of species.
Radical Review 1.
———. 1907. Mutations and the geographic distribution of nearly related
species in plants and animals. American Naturalist 41: 653–655.
*Allen, Joel Asaph. 1880. History of North American pinnipeds. Washington:
Government printing office. [Down]
Allen, William and Thomas Richard Heywood Thomson. 1848. A narrative
of the expedition sent by Her Majesty’s Government to the River Niger, in
1841. Under the command of Captain H. D. Trotter, R.N. 2 vols. London: R.
*Allman, George James. 1856. A monograph of the fresh-water Polyzoa. London:
The Ray Society. [Down]
*———. 1871-72. A monograph of the gymnoblastic or tubularian hydroids.
London: The Ray Society. [Down]
*Altum, Bernard and Hermann Landois. 1872. Zoologie. 2nd ed. Freiburg im
Breisgau: Herder’sche Verlagshandlung. [Down]
Alvarez, Luis, W. Alvarez, S. Asaro, and H. V. Michel. 1980. Extraterrestrial
cause for the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction. Science 208: 1095–1108.
*Anderson, John. 1871. A report on the expedition to Western Yunan viâ
Bhamô. Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government printing. [Down,
*Angelin, Nils Peter. 1878. Iconographia crin-oideorum. Holmiae: Samson &
Wallin. [Down]

Reference List, Darwin Digital Library of Evolution

Anson, George. 1748. A voyage round the world, in the years 1740-4. London:
John and Paul Knapton.
Antonovics, Janis. 1987. The evolutionary dys-synthesis: Which bottles for
which wine? The American Naturalist 129: 321–331.

*Archiac, Étienne Jules Adolphe D’. 1847. Histoire des progrès de la géologie
de 1834 à 1845. Vol. 1. Paris: Soc. Géol. France. [CUL]
*Argyll, Duke of, Campbell George Douglas. 1869. Primeval man. London:
Strachan & Co. [CUL]
Argyll, George Douglas Campbell, 8th Duke of. 1867. Primeval man: An
examination of some recent speculations. London.
———. 1886. Organic evolution. Nature 34: 335–336.
———. 1888-1889. Acquired characters and congenital variations. Nature 41:
———. 1898. Organic Evolution Cross-Examined. London: John Murray.
*Argyll, George Douglas) Duke of, (Campbell. 1867. The reign of law. London:
Alexander Strachan. [CUL, S]
Ariew, André and R. C. Lewontin. 2004. The confusions of fitness. British
Journal for the Philosophy of Science 55: 347–363.
*Aristotle. 1882. On the parts of animals. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co.
*Arnott, Neil. 1833. Elements of physics or natural philosophy. London:
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green. [Down]
*Askenasy, Eugen. 1872. Beiträge zur Kritik der Darwin’schen Lehre. Leipzig:
Wilhelm Engelmann. [CUL]
Asso y del Rio, Ignacio Jordán Claudio de. 1784. Introductio in oryctographiam,
et zoologiam Aragoniæ accedit enumeratio stirpium in eadem regione noviter
detectarum. [Amsterdam]: [C. Sommer].
*Association, British. 1834. Report of the third meeting of the British Association
for the advancement of science held at Cambridge in 1833. London: John Murray.
[CUL, S]
*———. 1842. Report of the eleventh meeting of the British Association for the
advancement of science, held at Plymouth in July 1841. London: John Murray.
Astley, Thomas. 1745-7. A new general collection of voyages and travels . . . in
Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. 4 vols. London: T. Astley.

Reference List, Darwin Digital Library of Evolution

Atkinson, Henry George and Harriet Martineau. 1851. Letters on the laws of
man’s nature and development. London.
*Aubuisson De Voisins, Jean François D’. 1814. An account of the basalts of
Saxony, with observations on the origin of basalt in general. Edinburgh: A.
Constable & Co. [CUL, pre-B]

*———. 1819. Traité de géognosie. Strasbourg & Paris: Levrault. [CUL S: C.

Darwin HMS Beagle]
Aubuisson de Voisins, Jean François de. 1819. Traité de géognosie. 2 vols.

Audubon, John James. 1827-38. The birds of America, from original drawings.
4 vols. London: John James Audubon.
*———. 1831-39. Ornithological biography. Edinburgh: Adam Black. [CUL, B]
———. 1831-9. Ornithological biography, or an account of the habits of the
birds of the United States of America accompanied by descriptions of the objects
represented in the work entitled “The birds of America” and interspersed with
delineations of American scenery and manners. 5 vols. Edinburgh: Adam
Black; Adam & Charles Black.
*Audubon, John James and John Bachman. 1846. The viviparous quadrupeds
of North America. New York: J.J. Audubon. [CUL]
———. 1846-54. The viviparous quadrupeds of North America. 3 vols. New
*Aveling, Edward. 1881. The student’s Darwin. London: Freethought Publishing
Company. [Down, I]
Avise, J. C. 1977. Is evolution gradual or rectangular? Evidence from living
fishes. Proceedings. National Academy of Sciences (United States of America)
74: 5083–5087.
Ayala, Francisco. 1974. Biological evolution: Natural selection or random walk?
American Scientist 62: 692–701.
———. 1975. Genetic differentiation during the speciation process. Evolutionary
Biology 8: 1–78.
———. 1975. Scientific hypotheses, natural selection, and the neutrality theory
of protein evolution. In F. M. Salzano, ed., The Role of Natural Selection in
Human Evolution. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co.
Ayala, Francisco, ed. 1976. Molecular Evolution. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer

Reference List, Darwin Digital Library of Evolution

*Ayrault, Eugène. 1867. De l’industrie mulassière en Poitou. Niort: L. Clouzot.

[CUL, I]
Azara, Félix d’. 1801. Essais sur l’histoire naturelle des quadrupèdes de la
province du Paraguay. 2 vols. Paris: Imprimerie de C. Pougens (Librarie de
Mme Huzard).

*Azara, Félix D’. 1801. Essais sur l’histoire naturelle des quadrupèdes de la
province du Paraguay. Paris: Charles Pougens. [CUL, pre-B, B?]
Azara, Félix d’. 1809. Voyages dans l’Amérique méridionale. 4 vols. Paris.
*Azara, Félix D’. 1809. Voyages dans l’Amérique méridionale. Paris: Denton.
[CUL, pre-B]
*B., J.p. 1879. An essay on spiritual evolution. London: Trübner & Co. [Down]
Babbage, Charles. 1837. The ninth Bridgewater treatise. A fragment. London.
Babington, Charles Cardale. 1843. Manual of British botany: containing the
flowering plants and ferns arranged according to the natural orders. London:
John Van Voorst.
*———. 1851. Manual of British botany. London: John Van Voorst. [CUL]
Backhouse, James. 1844. A narrative of a visit to the Mauritius and South
Africa. London: Hamilton, Adams, and Co.
Baer, Karl Ernst von. 1828-37. Über Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere.
Beobachtung und Reflexion. 2 vols in 1. Königsberg: Gebrüder Kornträger.
———. 1834. Das allgemeine Gesetz der Entwickelungsgeschichte der Natur.
In Vorträge aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften und der Oekonomie
gehalten vor einem Kreise gebildeter Zuhörer in der physikalisch-ökonomischen
Gesellschaft zu Königsberg. Königsberg.
———. 1835. Untersuchungen über die Entwickelungsgeschichte der Fische;
nebst einem Anhange über die Schwimmblase. Leipzig: F.C.W. Vogel.

———. 1873. The controversy of Darwinism. Augsburger Allegmeine Zeitung

130: 1968–1988.
*Baerenbach, Friedrich Von. 1877. Das Problem einer Naturgeschichte des
Weibes. Jena: Her-mann Duft. [CUL, I]
*———. 1878. Gedanken über die Teleolgie in der Natur. Berlin: Theobald
Grieben. [Down]
*———. 1879. Prolegomena zu einer anthropologischen Philosophie. Leipzig:
J.A. Barth. [Down, I]

Reference List, Darwin Digital Library of Evolution

*Bagehot, Walter. 1872. Physics and politics. London: Henry S. King & Co.
[Down, I, S]
———. 1872. Physics and politics: Or thoughts on the application of the
principles of “natural selection” and “inheritance” to political society. London.

*Baildon, Henry Bellyse. 1880. The spirit of nature. London: J. & A. Churchill.
[Down, I]
*Bain, Alexander. 1864. The senses and the intellect. London: Longman, Green,
Longman, Rob-erts and Green. [CUL]
*———. 1865. The emotions and the will. London: Longmans, Green & Co.
*———. 1875. The emotions and the will. 3rd ed. London: Longmans, Green
& Co. [Down, card from author]
Baird, William. 1850. The natural history of the British Entomostraca. London:
Ray Society.
*———. 1875. The natural history of the British Entomostraca. London: The
Ray Society. [CUL]
*Baker, J.g. 1875. Elementary lessons in botanical geography. London: Lovell,
Reeve & Co. [CUL, I]
Bakewell, Robert. 1813. An introduction to geology, illustrative of the general
structure of the Earth. London.
Baldwin, James Mark. 1902. Development and evolution, including psychophys-
ical evolution, evolution by orthoplasy, and the theory of genetic modes. New
York: The Macmillan Company.
*Balfour, Francis Maitland. 1878. A monograph on the development of elasmo-
branch fishes. London: Macmillan & Co. [Down, I]
*———. 1880. A treatise on comparative embryology. London: Macmillan &
Co. [Down marks by FD]
Balfour, John Hutton. 1849. A manual of botany; being an introduction to the
study of the structure, physiology, and classification of plants. London and
Glasgow: John Joseph Griffin (London) and Richard Griffin and Co. (Glasgow).
———. 1852-4. Class book of botany: being an introduction to the study of the
vegetable kingdom. 2 pts. Edinburgh: A. and C. Black.
*Ball, Valentine. 1880. Jungle life in India. London: Thos de la Rue & Co.

Reference List, Darwin Digital Library of Evolution

Barbot, Jean. 1732. A description of the coasts of North and South Guinea;
and of Ethiopia Inferior, vulgarly Angola: being a new and accurate account
of the western maritime countries of Africa. Vol. 5 of Churchill, Awnsham, a
collection of voyages and travels. In Collection of voyages and travels, some now
first printed from original manuscripts, others now first published in English.
London: Awnsham and John Churchill.
*Barclay, John. 1822. An inquiry into the opinions, ancient and modern,
concerning life and organization. Edinburgh: Bell and Bradfute. [CUL, pre-B,
*Barker-Webb, Philip and Sabin Berthelot. 1840. Histoire naturelle des Îles
Canaries. Paris: Béthune. [CUL]
*Barrago, Francesco. 1869. L’Uomo fatto ad imagine di Dio fu anche fatto ad
imagine della scienzia. Cagliari: Corveso di Sardegna. [Down, I]
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Reference List, Darwin Digital Library of Evolution

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Reference List, Darwin Digital Library of Evolution

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eggs of British birds, with figures of each species, as far as practicable, drawn
and coloured from nature: accompanied by descriptions of the materials and
situation of their nests, number of eggs, etc. 2 vols. Newcastle upon Tyne.
Includes additional supplement.
*Hewson, William. 1846. The works of William Hewson, F.R.S. London: The
Sydenham Society. [CUL, I by editor]
*Heyworth, Lawrence. 1866. Glimpses at the origin, mission and the destiny of
man. London: Williams & Norgate. [Down, I]
*Hibberd, Shirley. 1872. The fern garden. 4th ed. London: Groombridge &
Sons. [Down]
*Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. 1871. Out-door papers. Boston: James G.
Osgood & Co. [Down]
*Hildebrand, Friedrich. 1867. Die Geschlechter-Vertheilung bei den Pflanzen.
Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann. [CUL, S]
*———. 1873. Die Verbreit-ungsmittel der Pflanzen. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engel-
mann. [CUL, bound together with previous item, I]
*Hildebrant, Gustav. 1861. Die Verbreitung der Coniferen. Bonn: Carl Georgi.
Hill, John. 1748-52. A general natural history: or, new and accurate descriptions
of the animals, vegetables, and minerals, of the different parts of the world;
with their virtues and uses . . . in medicine and mechanics. 3 vols. London: T.
*Hinds, Richard Brinsley. 1843. The regions of vegetation, being an analysis of
the distribution of vegetable forms over the surface of the globe in connection
with climate and physical agents. London: G.J. Palmer. [CUL, I]

Reference List, Darwin Digital Library of Evolution

———. 1843. The regions of vegetation; being an analysis of the distribution

of vegetable forms over the surface of the globe in connexion with climate and
physical agents. 2 vols. London: G.J. Palmer. Appendix to vol. 2 of Belcher,
Edward, Narrative of a voyage round the world, performed in H.M.S. Sulphur,

His, Wilhelm. 1870. Ueber die Bedeutung der Entwicklungsgeschichte für die
Auffassung der organischen Natur. Leipzig: F. C. W. Vogel.
———. 1874. Unsere Körperform und das physiologische Problem ihrer Entste-
hung. Leipzig: F. C. W. Vogel.

Hitchcock, Edward. 1841. Final report on the geology of Massachusetts. 2 vols.

Northampton, Massachusetts: J.H. Butler.
*———. 1841. Final report on the geology of Massachussets. Amhurst: J.S. &
C. Adams. [Down, I]
*Hochstetter, Ferdinand Von. 1866. Reise der Österreichischen Fregatte Novara
um die Erde ... Wien: K.K. Hof & Staatsdruckerei / Karl Gerold’s Sohn
respectively. [Down]
*Hodge, Charles. 1874. What is Darwinism? London and Edinburgh: T.
Nelson & Sons. [Down]
*Hodgson, Shadworth H. 1870. The theory of practice. London: Longmans,
Green, Reader & Dyer. [Down, I]
*Hoek, Paulus Peronius Cato. 1876. Embryologie von Balanus. Leiden: E.J.
Brill. [Down]
*———. 1881. The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger: 10. Report on
the Pycnogonida. London: Longmans & Co. [Down, I]
*Hoernes, Rudolf and M. Auinger. 1879-1882. Die Gasteropoden der Meeres-
Ablandungen der ersten une zweiten Miocären Mediterran-Stufe. Wien: J.C.
Fischer & Co. [Down, I by Hoernes]

Hoeven, Jan van der. 1856-8. Handbook of zoology. London.

*Hofacker, J.d. 1828. Über die Eigenschaften welche sich bei Menschen und
Thieren von den Eltern auf die Nachkommen vererben, mit besonderer Rücksicht
auf die Pferdezucht, mit Beiträgen von F. Notter. Tübingen: G.F. Dsiander.
[CUL, on B]

Hoffmann, Hermann. 1852. Pflanzenverbreitung und Pflanzenwanderung; eine

botanisch-geographische Untersuchung. Darmstadt: Darmstadt, Jonghaus.
*———. 1875. Zur Speciesfrage. Haarlem: De Erven Loosjes. [CUL]

Reference List, Darwin Digital Library of Evolution

*Hoffmann, L. 1881. Thier-Psychologie. Stuttgart: Schickhardt & Ebner.

[Down, I]
*Hofmann, August Wilhelm. 1876. The life-work of Liebig. London: Macmillan
& Co. [Down, I]
*Hofmeister, Wilhelm. 1862. On the germination, development and fructification
of the higher Cryptogamia. London: The Ray Society. [Down, S]
*———. 1867. Die Lehre von der Pflanzenzelle. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann.
Hofmeister, Wilhelm Friedrich Benedict. 1851. Vergleichende Untersuchungen
der Keimung, Entfaltung und Fruchtbildung höherer Kryptogamen (Moose,
Farrn, Equisetaceen, Rhizocarpeen und Lycopodiaceen) und der Samenbildung
der Coniferen. Leipzig: Friedrich Hofmeister.
Hogben, Lancelot. 1919. The progressive reduction of the jugal in the Mammalia.
Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London pp. 71–78.
*Hogg, Jabez. 1861. Elements of experimental and natural philosophy. London:
Henry G. Bohn. [Down, S of Henrietta Crofts-Adel]
*Hölder, H. Von. 1876. Zusammenstellung der in Württemberg vorkommenden
Schädelformen. Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart. [Down]
*Holland, Henry. 1839. Medical notes and reflections. London: Longman, Orme,
Brown, Green & Longmans. [CUL]
———. 1852. Chapters on mental physiology. London.
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———. 1855. Medical notes and reflections. 3rd ed. London.
*———. 1855. Medical notes and reflections. 3rd ed. London: Longman, Brown,
Green & Longmans. [CUL, I]
*———. 1858. Chapters on mental physiology. 2nd ed. London: Longman,
Brown, Green, Longmans & Roberts. [CUL, I]
*———. 1862. Essays on scientific and other subjects. London: Longman,
Green, Longman & Roberts. [Down, I]
*———. 1868. Recollections of past life. London: Spottiswoode & Co. [Down,
Holmes, S. J. 1915. Are recessive characters due to loss? Science 42: 300–303.
*Holub, Emil. 1881. Seven years in South Africa. 2nd ed. London: Sampson
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Reference List, Darwin Digital Library of Evolution

*Holub, Emil and August Von Pelzen. 1882. Beiträge zur Ornithologie
Südafrikas. Wien: Alfred Hölder. [Down, I]
*Hooke, Robert. 1667. Micrographia. London: James Allestry. [Botany School,
pre-B, ED, FD]

*Hooker, Joseph Dalton. 1844-47. The botany of the antarctic voyage of H.M.S.
Erebus and Terror in the years 1839–1843: 1. Flora antarctica. London: Reeve.
———. 1844-7. Flora Antarctica. 1 vol. and 1 vol. of plates. Pt 1 of The botany
of the Antarctic voyage of HM discovery ships Erebus and Terror in the years
1839–1843, under the command of Captain Sir James Clark Ross. London:
Reeve Brothers.
———. 1845. Testimonials in favour of Joseph Dalton Hooker R.N., M.D.,
F.L.S. as a candidate for the vacant chair of botany in the University of
Edinburgh in four series. 4 vols in 1. Edinburgh.
———. 1848. Notes of a tour in the plains of India, the Himalä, and Bor-
neo; being extracts from private letters, written during a government botanical
mission to those countries. 2 pts. London: Reeve, Benham, and Reeve.
———. 1849. The rhododendrons of Sikkim-Himalaya; being an account, botan-
ical and geographical, of the rhododendrons recently discovered in the mountains
of eastern Himalaya, from drawings and descriptions made on the spot, during
a government botanical mission to that country. Edited by William Jackson
Hooker. London: Reeve, Benham, and Reeve.
———. 1853. Introductory essay to the flora of New Zealand. London: Lovell
*———. 1853. Introductory essay to the flora of New Zealand. London: Lovell
Reeve. [CUL]
———. 1853-5. Flora Novæ-Zelandiæ. 2 vols. Pt 2 of The botany of the Antarctic
voyage of HM discovery ships Erebus and Terror, in the years 1839–1843, under
the command of Captain Sir James Clark Ross. London: Lovell Reeve.
*———. 1854. Himalayan journals. London: John Murray. [CUL, I in vol. 1]
———. 1854. Himalayan journals; or, notes of a naturalist in Bengal, the
Sikkim and Nepal Himalayas, the Khasia Mountains, &c. 2 vols. London: John

———. 1855. Illustrations of Himalayan plants. London: Lovell Reeve.

———. 1855-60. Flora Tasmaniæ. Pt 3 of The botany of the Antarctic voyage
of HM Discovery Ships Erebs and Terror, in the years 1839–1843, under the
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Reference List, Darwin Digital Library of Evolution

*———. 1859. On the flora of Australia. London: Lovell Reeve. [CUL]

———. 1859. On the flora of Australia, its origin, affinities, and distribution;
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———. 1860. On the origination and distrubution of vegetable species—
introductory essay to the flora of Tasmania. American Journal of Science
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*———. 1876. Botany. London: Macmillan & Co. [Down, I]
———. 1882. Presidential Address to Section E (Geography) pp. 727–738.

*———. n.d. Introductory essay to the flora of New Zealand

*———. n.d. Memoirs of the geological survey of Great Britain. Vol. 2, part 2.
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*Hooker, Joseph Dalton and John Ball. 1878. Journal of a tour in Marocco and
the Great Atlas. London: Macmillan & Co. [Botany School]
*Hooker, Joseph Dalton and Thomas Thomson. 1855. Flora Indica. London:
W. Pamplin. [CUL, vol. 1 only, I]
———. 1855. Flora Indica: being a systematic account of the plants of British
India, together with observations on the structure and affinities of their natural
orders and genera. London: W. Pamplin.
*Hooker, William Dawson. 1838. Notes on Norway. 2nd ed. Glasgow: George
Richardson. [CUL, I by J.D. Hooker]
Hooker, William Jackson. 1818-20. Musci exotici; containing figures and
descriptions of new or little known foreign mosses and other cryptogamic
subjects. 2 vols. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown.
———. 1821. Flora Scotica; or a description of Scottish plants, arranged both
according to the artificial and natural methods. 2 pts. London.
———. 1830. The British flora; comprising the phænogamous, or flowering
plants, and the ferns. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, & Green.
*———. 1838. The British flora. 4th ed. London: Longman, Brown, Green &
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———. 1838. The British flora; in two volumes. Vol. 1, comprising the phænog-
amous, or flowering plants, and the ferns. 4th ed. London: Longman, Orme,
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———. 1840. Flora Boreali-Americana; or the botany of the northern parts of
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Reference List, Darwin Digital Library of Evolution

Captain Sir John Franklin R.N. To which are added . . . those of Mr. Douglas,
from north-west America, and of other naturalists. 2 vols. London: Henry G.
———. 1849. Niger flora; or, an enumeration of the plants of western tropical
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by Dr. J. D. Hooker . . . and George Bentham. London: H. Baillière.
———. 1851. Victoria regia; or illustrations of the Royal water-lily . . . by
Walter Fitch; with descriptions by William Jackson Hooker. London: Reeve
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Hooker, William Jackson and George Arnott Walker Arnott. 1850. The British
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of Hooker, William Jackson, The British flora. London: Longman, Brown,
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———. 1855. The British flora: comprising the phænogamous or flowering
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*Hooker, William Jackson Et Al. 1831-65. Sup-plement to the English botany
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Hopkins, William. 1860. Physical theories of the phenomena of life. Fraser’s
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Hopkirk, Thomas. 1817. Flora anomoia. A general view of the anomalies in
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*Houghton, William. n.d. Gleanings from the natural history of the ancients.
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*Hromada, Adolf. 1879. Die vorsokratische Nat-urphilosophie und die moderne
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Huber, Jean Pierre. 1810. Recherches sur les moeurs des fourmis indigènes.
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*Huber, Pierre. 1810. Recherches sur les moeurs des fourmis indigènes. Paris:
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*Hubrecht, Ambrosius Arnold Willem. 1882. Studien zur Phylogenie des Ner-
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Hudson, R. R., M. Kreitman, and M. Aguadé. 1987. A test for neutral molecular
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———. 1967. Certainty and circularity in evolutionary taxonomy. Evolution
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———. 1978. A matter of individuality. Philosophy of Science 45: 335–360.
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24: 511–573.
Humboldt, Alexander von. 1797. Versuche über die gereizte Muskel- und
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der Thier- und Pflanzenwelt. 2 vols. Berlin.
———. 1805-34. Voyages aux régions équinoxiales du Nouveau Continent, fait
en 1799 . . . 1804 par A. de Humboldt et A. Bonpland. 34 vols. Paris.
———. 1808. Ansichten der Natur mit wissenschaftlichen Erläuterungen. 1 vol.
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*Humboldt, Alexander Von. 1811. Political essay on the kingdom of New Spain.
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Humboldt, Alexander von. 1814-29. Personal narrative of travels to the equinoc-
tial regions of the New Continent, during the years 1799–1804, by Alexander
de Humboldt and Aimé Bonpland . . translated into English by Helen Maria
Williams. 7 vols. London.
*Humboldt, Alexander Von. 1826. Essai géo-gnostique sur le gisement des
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Reference List, Darwin Digital Library of Evolution

Humboldt, Alexander von. 1828. Tableaux de la nature. Translated from the

German by J. B. B. Eyriès. 2 vols. 2nd ed. Paris.
———. 1831. Fragmens de géologie et de climatologie asiatiques. 2 vols. Paris.
*Humboldt, Alexander Von. 1831. Fragmens de géologie et de climatologie
asiatiques. Paris: Gide, A. Phian Delaforest, Delaunay. [CUL, on B, S in both
vols., vol. 2 Chas Darwin Monte Video Novem: 1832]
Humboldt, Alexander von. 1836-9. Examen critique de l’histoire de la géographie
du Nouveau Continent, et des progrès de l’astronomie nautique au 15e et 16e
siècles. 5 vols. Paris.

———. 1845-62. Kosmos. Entwurf einer physischen Weltbeschreibung. 5 vols.

Stuttgart and Tübingen.
———. 1845-8. Kosmos; a general survey of the physical phenomena of the
universe. 2 vols. London. Translated by Augustin Prichard.
*Humboldt, Alexander Von. 1846. Cosmos. London: Longman, Brown, Green
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Humboldt, Alexander von. 1846-58. Cosmos: sketch of a physical description of
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———. 1849. Aspects of nature, in different lands and different climates; with
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———. 1849-58. Cosmos: a sketch of a physical description of the universe. 5
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*Humboldt, Alexander Von and Aimé Bonpland. 1819- 1829. Personal narrative
of travels to the equinoctial regions of the New Continent during the years 1799–
1804, by Alexander von Humboldt and Aimé Bonpland. London: Longman,
hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown. [CUL trans. M.H. Williams, I in vol. 1 by Henslow:
J.S. Henslow to his friend C. Darwin on his departure from England upon a
voyage round the World 21 Septr 1831; CUL]
Humboldt, Alexander von and Aimé Jacques Alexandre Bonpland. 1811-33.
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Schoell et G. Dufour. Pt 2 of Voyage aux régions équinoxiales.
———. 1815-25. Nova genera et species plantarum quas in peregrinatione orbis
novi collegerunt, descripserunt, partim adumbraverunt Amat. Bonpland et Alex.
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———. 1819-29. Personal narrative. Place Unknown.

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———. 1778. The natural history of the human teeth. London. 2nd ed.
———. 1837. Observations on certain parts of the animal oeconomy. Vol. 4 of
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