English Year 5 Paper 1

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Section A

[ 20 marks ]
Choose the best answer.
1. The boys _____ swimming in the pool.
A. are
B. is
C. were
D. was
2. ____________ is sleeping in the basket.
A. a litter of kittens
B. a stable of horses
C. a bunch of grapes
D. a herd of elephants
3. I completed the homework ______________ .
A. ourselves
B. myself
C. themselves
D. himself
4. ________ boat did they take to see the beautiful lake?
A. What
B. Who
C. Which
D. Whom
5. _________ King Sam did not have children, he decided to find an heir to his throne.
A. Although
B. Or
C. So
D. Since

Choose the most suitable idiom.

6. Do you know that an 11-year-old girl was almost kidnapped in the neighbourhood? It
was a _____________ ?
A. white elephant
B. apple of my eyes
C. close shave
D. silver lining
Choose the best answer for each blank.
You are the boss of your own body. Nobody ____ (7)_____ the right to hurt you or make
you feel uncomfortable. If someone _____(8)_____ you at places the shouldnt be
touching, that is a bad touch. Tell _____(9)_______ to stop and report it immediately to
your parents or teachers.
7. A. have
B. has
C. had
D. having
8. A. touch
B. touches
C. touched
D. touching
9. A. she
B. he
C. they
D. them
Choose the word that has the similar meaning as the underlined word.
10. Sujita is wearing a beautiful dress.
A. ugly
B. pretty
C. short
D. large
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.
11. A. Can you name the traditional costume of japanese women.
B. can you name the traditional costume of japanese women?
C. Can you name the traditional costume of Japanese women?
D. Can you name the traditional costume of Japanese women.

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

Pitung and her brother _____( 12 )______ at the beach. Pitung is ___( 13 )___ along the
shore. She wants to collect ___( 14 )_____ . She is holding a pail. There is a trowel in the
____( 15 )____. Her brother, Pitang is sitting on a big rock and looking out to sea.
12. A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were
13. A. walking
B. running
C. jumping
D. skipping

14. A. corals
B. stone
C. pebbles
D. seashells
15. A. hoe
B. pail
C. knives
D. sickle
Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Electronic books or e-books are electronic versions of printed books. The can be
viewed on a computer or on an electronic book reader.
E-books can be purchased on the Internet from publishers or e-bookstores. We can
only pay for these books using credit or debit cards. Purchasing an e-book is faster
compared to purchasing a book from a bookstore.
Nowadays, more people are choosing to read e-books. This is because the materials
can be downloaded and accessed anywhere. E-books are also environmentally friendly
because the reduce the number of trees being cut.
The future of e-books is bright. It allows us to bring the whole library with us
wherever we go. They are slowly gaining popularity because of its convenience.
16. What is an electronic book?
A. Printed book
B. Computer
C. Electronic versions of printed books
D. Electronic mail
17. Where can we purchase an e-book?
A. School canteen
B. Bookstores
C. E-bookstores
D. Supermarket
18. Why electronic version of printed book gaining popularity?
A. It is convenience.
B. Heavy
C. Expensive
D. Not environmentally friendly
19. What is the meaning of download?
A. Written file.
B. Moving or copying file from computer system to other device.
C. Searching for website.
D. Surfing internet.

20. From the passage, we know that

A. E-book is not user friendly.
B. The future of e-book i not bright.
C. E-books are not popular.

D. E-books can reduce the number of trees being cut.

Section B
[ 30 marks ]
21. Based on the given pictures, give the correct answers in full sentences.
Write your answers in the spaces provided.

(2 marks)

(2 marks)

Read the letter below and answer the questions that follow.
812, Artistic Road,
(2 marks)
46600 Artistic

23 July 2015
Dear Ashton,
How are you? I hope you are doing well. I had an amazing experience visiting the Kings
castle today.
The castle was huge and beautiful. I never knew it had many areas and rooms.
The first time I stepped foot into the castle, I was amazed by the courtyard. It was
well-maintained with big colourful flowers and beautiful plants. The trees were green and
birds were chirping. I could spend hours painting there.
My favourite area in the castle was the Art Gallery. As you know, the King is an avid
art collector. He collects paintings from all over the world. Most of the paintings were
painted by famous artists. Im sure they are worth a lot.
Thats all from me. Do write to me about your interesting experience over the
Yours sincerely,
Question 22.
Tick () the correct answer.
(a) John had an amazing experience....
Visiting the Kings castle
Visiting The Kuala Lumpur Twin Tower
Visiting his village
(b) What is the meaning of Art Collection of the letter?
Someone who collects paintings
Someone who collects stamps
Someone who collects shoes
Write your answers in the spaces provided
(c) Who wrote the letter?
( 2 marks)
(d) Where is John favourite area in the castle? Why?
( 2 marks )
(e) Is John amazed by the courtyard? Why?

( 2 marks )
Read the brochure below and answer the questions that follow.

Question 23
Tick ( ) the correct answer.
(a) Sabah is also know as
Land Below The Wind
The Land of the Hornbils
The Land of Paddy Field
(b) These are the activities you can do in Sipadan Island except...
River cruising
(c) Match the words to their meanings.

A quick escape
The same kind or the same group
Swimming underwater
A place that provides shelter or protections

Write your answer in the spaces provided.

(d) What are the two ways to get more information about Sabah?
( 2 marks )
(e) What do you think the slogan Where real adventure begins means?
( 2 marks )

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.

Question 24 and 25.

Tick ( ) the correct answer.
24. (a) Where is Lena?
Putrajaya Challenge Park
Rock Climbing Park
Kinabalu National Park
(b) What is she doing?

Teaching rock climbing

Learning rock climbing
Reading about rock climbing
You also need to learn how to use special climbing equipment.
Why do you think we need to learn how to use special climbing equipment?
( 2 marks )
(b) suggest two safety equipment for rock climbing.
( 2 marks )
(c) Would you like to learn rock climbing? Why?
( 2 marks)


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