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Introduction to this special section: Well geosteering

Carlos Torres-Verdn 1 and John Zhou 2

The Leading Edge 2015.34:494-494.

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rilling operations typically account for the largest percent

of the expenses incurred in the exploration and development of hydrocarbon reservoirs. Modern well placement and
real-time navigation methods take into account uncertainties in
a predened earth model to reach and produce hydrocarbonbearing rocks in an ecient manner. Because the construction
of the initial earth model is commonly based on low-spatialresolution data such as seismic-amplitude measurements or is
from extrapolation of conditions encountered in nearby wells,
the well trajectory needs to be adjusted continuously as the drill
bit encounters rocks formations, geometric conditions, and rock
properties unaccounted for by the initial earth model. Most
modern drilling operations are accompanied not only by measurements while drilling (e.g., rate of penetration, weight on bit,
torque, and so forth) but also by logging-while-drilling (LWD)
measurements such as electrical resistivity, density, neutronporosity, acoustic velocities, and magnetic resonance, among
others. The latter measurements are placed in close proximity to
the drill bit and hence provide useful information to modify the
well trajectory in real time to maximize drilling eciency and
to steer the well toward the best storage and production zones.
Spatially complex reservoirs pose challenges to the real-time
navigation of wells with LWD measurements. To begin, most
LWD measurements sense rock formations only in the immediate vicinity of the borehole, typically not farther than 1 ft.
Modern well-navigation challenges include the development of
measurements that can sense several meters away from the borehole, especially ahead of and selectively around the drill bit to
anticipate faults, layer pinch-outs, sedimentary unconformities,
changes in petrophysical properties, and water-hydrocarbon
contacts, among others. Drilling engineers also actively look for
ways to assess pore pressure tens of feet ahead of the bit and
are interested in real-time predictions of other ahead-of-the-bit
geomechanical conditions.
Even though real-time illumination ahead of the drill bit
has evolved signicantly in the last decade, proper well conditioning, navigation, and feedback control for
real-time target relocation requires even
more sophisticated technical solutions to
improve drilling eciency, safety, and
optimal scoping of the best hydrocarbon-producing zones. The contributions
included in this special section are aimed
toward showcasing contemporary trends
in well placement and navigation methods, along with future challenges and
expectations. Most certainly, the discipline of well geosteering will continue to
evolve with accelerated technical developments in the next few years by combining quantitative geologic concepts; new,


Austin, Texas.
Houston, Texas.


deeper, and sectorial-sensing LWD measurements; and fast feedback-control systems based on rapid matching of measurements
with 3D numerical simulations.
The article by Zhou, Uncertainty in geosteering and interpretation of horizontal wells The necessity for constraints
and geometric models, emphasizes the importance of interpreting the geometric relationship between well trajectory and
target reservoir, whether it is for geosteering or for petrophysical-evaluation purposes in a horizontal-well environment.
It then identies the uncertainties associated with interpreting the precise location of a horizontal well and points to the
necessity of introducing additional geometric models and constraints in the assessment.
Deep-directional-resistivity (DDR) LWD technology has
gained acceptance as an ecient method for horizontal-well
landing, geosteering, and reservoir and uid-contact mapping.
Dupuis and Denichous article, Automatic inversion of deepdirectional-resistivity measurements for well placement and reservoir description, addresses the requirements and benets of a
robust automated inversion of the measurements to allow realtime detection of geologic and uid boundaries within a radius
of investigation of more than 30 m around the wellbore.
Pitcher and Gallices article, Beyond gamma ray: Determining a geosteering program for a new unconventional reservoir, examines the planning of a geosteering strategy in a new
unconventional reservoir in the United States. This play involves
technical challenges not typical in most hydrocarbon-bearing
source rocks, and the corresponding dierences are examined
to understand the factors that drive geosteering strategies when
conventional processes do not meet the needs of the play.
Advancement and economic benet of geosteering and wellplacement technology, by Bittar and Aki, examines techniques
to preserve maximum reservoir contact in sweet spots, including
keeping the well trajectory away from hydrocarbon-water contacts.
Using the described techniques, wells that previously appeared to
be dicult or uneconomic are shown to become viable.

May 2015

Special Section: Well geosteering

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