LibertyReport March 2010

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The Liberty Report

For the Patriots of Northern Michigan

The 3rd edition. Created by the Northern Michigan Liberty Alliance Volume 2 of the year 2010.

Pg 1…Mission, Values, Reach THE NORTHERN MICHIGAN LIBERTY The webpages of our
Pg 2...Letter writing campaign ALLIANCE HAS BEEN FORMED! alliance and of groups
Pg 3…Demonstration of Success
Pg 4…Letters to the Editor viewed as champions of
Pg 5…Precinct Delegate Initiative On January 30th in St. Ignace, Michigan an alliance, liberty
Pg 6, 7…Activist Calendar known as the Northern Michigan Liberty alliance, To add to or be deleted from
Pg 8, 9…Opinion / Editorial formed. This alliance unites and organizes all this list, please send an email
Pg 10,11…Candidate Information known Tea Party groups in Michigan’s 1st to
Congressional District behind our unwavering
statement The Northern Michigan
The Republican Creed Liberty Alliance
“We are free American who believe in limiting the
Tea Party
government through the strict adherence to the
Constitution; we believe in free markets, the American’s For
I do not choose to be a
natural rights of man, and the principles of Life, Constitutional Enforcement
common man. It is my right
Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” (A4CE)
to be uncommon.
125 leaders of Tea Party Groups, representing 31
If I can seek opportunity,
counties throughout Michigan’s 1st Congressional National Defender U.P.
not security,
District stood and proclaimed their alliance to this Patriots
I want to take the calculated
Mission Statement and this movement.
risk to dream and to build, to
fail and to succeed. and
Know that, this statement, and only this statement,
can represent the beliefs of the Tea Party Movement
I refused to barter incentive
in Upper Michigan. Know also that we are non- Campaign for Liberty
for dole. I prefer the
partisan. We welcome all Greens, Libertarians,
challenges of life to
Constitutionalists, Democrats, Republicans, and m
guaranteed security, the thrill
etcetera to help us secure freedom and prosperity
of fulfillment to the state of
for future generations, but only if they are loyal to Petoskey Tea Party
calm utopia.
the principles above. We do not seek to divide the
electorate through the creation of a political party.
I will not trade freedom for
We pledge to work tirelessly to transform the
beneficence, or my dignity
current political parties by becoming precinct Northwoods Patriots
for a handout. I will never
delegates and by representing the Tea Party beliefs. http://northwoodspatriots.blo
cower before any master,
save my God.
The Northern Michigan Liberty Alliance will not
endorse a candidate. However, each individual Tea Menominee Sons and
It is my heritage to stand
Party organization may endorse and support Daughters of Liberty
erect, proud, and unafraid. To
candidates as they see fit.
think and act for myself, to
enjoy the benefit of my and
We believe that the best tactics to effect the change
creations; to face the whole
we seek are as follows. nette-Menominee-Sons-and-
world and boldly say,
1. Write: Letters to your editor, create
"I am a free American."
pamphlets, opinion pieces for the Liberty To obtain help with the
Report. creation of a website or the
2. Become a precinct delegate by filing and creation of a group on
‘It should be your care, Affidavit of Identity with your County Clerk send an
therefore, and mine, to by May 11th, and by participating in the email to
elevate the minds of our August election.
children and exalt their 3. Hold events, and continue to have the Tea
courage; to accelerate and Party Movement visible in the public’s eyes.
animate their industry and 4. Thoroughly vet the candidates
activity; to excite in them an 5. Network with Liberty Organizations by
habitual contempt of creating a website, or create a group on
meanness, abhorrence of
injustice and inhumanity, and
an ambition to excel in every More detailed information on the above items can
capacity, faculty, and virtue. be found inside this edition of the Liberty Report!
If we suffer their minds to
grovel and creep in infancy,
they will grovel all their

-John Adams

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The Liberty Report
For the Patriots of Northern Michigan
The 3rd edition. Created by the Northern Michigan Liberty Alliance Volume 2 of the year 2010.

Letters to the Editor

A How-To Letter to the Editor Online Submission
To add to this list, send Newspaper and method of
1. Choose one issue for submission to Submit under header “Submit
your letter. News” then “Letter to the
2. Remove every non- The Daily Globe – Ironwood Editor”
essential word. For
example, don't say, "I Submit under left hand sidebar link “Letter to the Daily Mining Gazette –
think..." It's obvious editor” Houghton
that these are your www.mininggazette.c
thoughts. Be concise. The Daily News – Iron Mountain om
3. Use verified facts. Submit under header “Submit
Take the time to Submit under header link “submit news” then News” then “letter to the
check original sources “letters to the editor”. Editor”
rather than repeating
"fact" cited in another The Daily Press – Escanaba TV6 News – Marquette
media outlet. Submit under header link “submit news” then under www.uppermichigans
4. Create immediacy by opinion category “letters to the editor”.
indicating how Submit under header
readers will be The Evening News – Sault Sainte Marie “Letters” then “Letters to the
affected by the issue Editor”, then look for
you address. Submit under header link “online forms” then “Submit your own” in the
5. Direct people to “submit your news”. middle of the page.
additional information
or to engage in action. The Alpena News – Alpena Ontonagon Herald –
6. Identify your Ontonagon
organization or your Submit under header link “submit news” then www.ontonagonheral
interest in the issue. “letters to the editor”.
7. Write one or two Submit by emailing
sentences of The Bay City Times – Bay City Maureen@ontonagonherald.c
background om
information. Submit under sidebar link “Bay City Opinion” then
8. Write one or two find sidebar category “Contact us” and click “email WHO IS WRITING – THE
sentences on your the Editor”. LEADER BOARD
opinion. Beginning March 17th,
9. Offer a solution, The Antrim Review – Antrim provide proof of publication
encourage readers to to score. One point awarded
take a specific action. Submit under sidebar link “Contact Us”, then for each newspaper
10. Proof Read. “Editorial Contacts”, “letter to the editor”. publishing.
11. Do not use Luce County 0
generalities such as The Cheboygan Daily Tribune – Cheboygan Chippewa County 0
liberal or neo-con. A4CE 0
Let your argument Submit under header link “online forms” and then CCUP 0
speak for itself and let “Submit your news”. Iron County 0
a person’s stance L’Anse Tea Party 0
classify themselves. The Crawford County Avalanche – Crawford Petoskey Tea Party 0
Do not divide or unite County Delta County 0
with your words, do it Petoskey Tea Party 0
by the principles you Submit under header link “opinions” then “submit a Onaway Tea Party 0
stand for. letter”. Cheboygan Tea Party 0
12. Avoid absolutes, Charlevoix Tea Party 0
unless it is factually Midland Daily News – Midland Menominee Tea Party 0
absolute. Example
“The Democrat’s Submit under header link “Opinion -> submit a Precinct Delegate Board
never vote for tax letter” Record the number of
cuts”. If the reader Precinct Delegates that your
can find one instance Oscoda Press – Oscoda organization has generated.
where you’re wrong. Luce County 0
Then you are Submit under header link “Send Letter” Chippewa County 0
discredited. A4CE 0
13. Avoid jargon or Petoskey News – Petoskey CCUP 0
acronyms. Spell it Iron County 0
out once and then use Submit under FOOTER category “Contact Us”, L’Anse Tea Party 0
the acronym in then “Letter to the Editor”. Petoskey Tea Party 0
parentheses. Delta County 0
14. Send to your local Iosco News – East Tawas Petoskey Tea Party 0
newspaper, or utilize Submit under header link “Send Letter” Onaway Tea Party 0
this handy list that we Cheboygan Tea Party 0
have compiled for the The Mining Journal - Marquette Charlevoix Tea Party 0
1st Congressional Menominee Tea Party 0
Email to
be added to the tally.

Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.
Thomas Jefferson
The Liberty Report
For the Patriots of Northern Michigan
The 3rd edition. Created by the Northern Michigan Liberty Alliance Volume 2 of the year 2010.
Thanks to the Escanaba Daily Press, Ironwood Daily Globe, Marquette Mining Journal, and TV6 news for publication.
Letter #1 to Rasmussen desires this complete and thorough audit, are you are
Representative Bart Stupak must support a complete and thorough smarter than all of them?
Audit of the Federal Reserve by co-sponsoring House Resolution 1207. We, the Northern Michigan Liberty Alliance, an allegiance of every
Throughout its 96 year history, the Federal Reserve has presided over Tea Party Group throughout the 1st Congressional District, know
the approaching destruction of the United States Dollar. Since 1913 the where you stand on the issue of sound money and the preservation of
dollar has lost over 94% of its purchasing power. This has been aided the wealth of the people. If you do not co-sponsor H.R. 1207 and if you
and abetted by the Federal Reserve’s loose monetary policy. How long continue to fail to speak out against this most grievous offense, we will
will you as our Representative stand idly by while the citizens of your expend our entire effort to replace you with a candidate who
Country watch their savings dissolved by inflation? understands the importance of ending the collusion between Wall Street
In a “worst case scenario” presented by Neil Barofsky, the Inspector and Congress.
General of the Treasury Department’s TARP program, the U.S. You, Debbie Stabenow, and Carl Levin remain enemies of our
taxpayer has been exposed to a maximum responsibility of $23.7 currency.
trillion. This is the summation of the automotive and banking industry -Eric Cadeau, Newberry
bailouts, all of the stimulus programs, and the bailout of Freddie Mac
and Fannie Mae and other federal programs. Bart’s 2nd Response
While it is disappointing to me that my Country has created a mockery I would like to address Eric Cadeau's concerns in his letter to the editor
of Capitalism by rewarding failures and by oppressing the opportunity regarding H.R. 1207, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009. I
for the natural occurrence of competition to rid these industries of inept fully support increased government transparency, including in the
leadership and rotten business practices. It is REVOLTING to me that Federal Reserve. However, I have not co-sponsored H.R. 1207 because
any representative of the great citizens of the U.S. and our modem of I remain concerned that in its current form it does not do enough to
trade, the U.S. Dollar, could turn his back and ignore the on going protect sensitive information held by the Federal Reserve. Without
devaluation of our currency and its resulting cancer to our liberty and proper protections, this market-sensitive information could adversely
prosperity. affect both our national and the global economy - a risk we cannot
I know how essential a tool it must be, the Federal Reserve, to merely afford in the midst of our current economic crisis.
print any sum of money it requires for Congress to stimulate the While I have concerns, I support the overall goal of H.R. 1207.
economy, police the world, and still bring home the bacon. But I do I supported the inclusion of a modified version of H.R. 1207 that
not want any gifts besides liberty. I am capable of earning all material Congressman Ron Paul, the author of the original bill, added in
goods that I want or need. committee to H.R. 4173, the Wall Street Reform and Consumer
It is paramount that you defend the rights of the individual and become Protection Act of 2009, which passed the U.S. House of
a Champion for the objective value of our dollar, transparency in Representatives. This provision would allow confidential material to be
government, and prosperity for future generations. released to the public 180 days after market actions are taken by the
311 Representatives in Congress have already co-sponsored House Federal Reserve, while allowing the Government Accountability Office
Resolution 1207. What is holding you? immediate access to perform a complete audit. This would bring
Be not an enemy of our currency. additional transparency to the world's largest financial regulator
-Eric Cadeau without putting our economic stability at risk. H.R. 4173 now awaits
action in the U.S. Senate. I am hopeful the Senate bill will also include
Bart’s Response this provision, as well as additional provisions to increase transparency
I would like to address Eric Cadeau's concerns in his letter to the editor in our financial markets that Wall Street interests defeated in the House
regarding H.R. 1207, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009. I bill.
fully support increased government transparency, including in the Mr. Cadeau claims that my support for the goals of H.R. 1207 is fake
Federal Reserve. However, I have not co-sponsored H.R. 1207 because and misleading simply because he does not agree with me.
I remain concerned that in its current form it does not do enough to His letter illustrates that for some people any answer I give will be
protect sensitive information held by the Federal Reserve. Without wrong no matter what I say.
proper protections, this market-sensitive information could adversely While I will not be able to please every person on every issue, the best
affect both our national and the global economy a risk we cannot afford interests of northern Michigan remain my top priority in Congress.
in the midst of our current economic crisis. -Bart Stupak, Member of Congress
While I have concerns, I support the overall goal of H.R. 1207. I
supported the inclusion of a modified version of H.R. 1207 that My response for March 24th. After a 30 day time limit.
Congressman Ron Paul, the author of the original bill, added in Bart Stupak. This is my response to your letter to the editor dated
committee to H.R. 4173, the Wall Street Reform and Consumer February 26th, 2010. In it you claim that you supported the inclusion
Protection Act of 2009, which passed the U.S. House of of a modified version of H.R. 1207…added in committee to H.R. 4173.
Representatives. This provision would allow confidential material to be In my opinion this is a false statement and you are using it to mislead
released to the public 180 days after market actions are taken by the the public.
Federal Reserve, while allowing the Government Accountability Office To the best of my knowledge, utilizing govtrack, the House Energy and
immediate access to perform a complete audit. This would bring Commerce Committee Webpage, and calling the other Michigan
additional transparency to the world's largest financial regulator Representatives on this committee. I have confirmed with a great
without putting our economic stability at risk. H.R. 4173 now awaits degree of certainty that you did not have the opportunity to support the
action in the U.S. Senate. I am hopeful the Senate bill will also include Audit the Fed legislation in this committee. This amendment was
this provision, as well as additional provisions to increase transparency added in the House Financial Services Committee, which you are not a
in our financial markets that Wall Street interests defeated in the House member of.
bill. You have never co-sponsored H.R. 1207. You could not have voted on
- U.S. Rep. Bart Stupak, 1st District - Michigan the inclusion of H.R. 1207 as an amendment into H.R. 4173, this vote
never occurred in your committee. When you had the opportunity to
Letter #2 vote for H.R. 4713, you voted against it. Therefore there is no recorded
Bart Stupak. You have not once publicly, nor on record, supported HR vote that you have made in favor of Auditing the Federal Reserve.
1207. Any statement that you make claiming that you support the How can anyone believe you support the overall goal of H.R. 1207?
overall goal of Auditing the Federal Reserve is fake and misleading. To reiterate, I believe your claim of support for Auditing the Federal
This will not be rectified until you co-sponsor the bill on its own Reserve is fake and misleading because, it appears to be. I pressed you
merits. in my last letter to lead me by the hand and show me a recorded vote
HR 1207 was never allowed a stand alone vote. Tremendous effort was that you have made in support of this. And this you could not provide.
needed to include the provision of HR 1207 as amendment to HR 4173, Instead you dismiss me, stating “His letter illustrates that for some
the Wall Street Reform Act of 2009. This is the amendment that you people any answer I give will be wrong not matter what I say”.
claimed to support its inclusion. This amendment was added in the My letter better illustrates the effective tactic of a letter to the editor
House Financial Services committee, which you are not a member of. campaign. With sound principled arguments, one patriot is able to grab
Prove you've supported this! Direct me towards a vote you've made in the ear of a politician who no longer listens, and publicly force the
support of Auditing the Federal Reserve. Lead me by the hand and politician to choose which side he represents. Either he defends the
show me how greatly you desire exposing the fraudulent counterfeiting value of our dollar and our desire to have a transparent Federal
of money by our Central Bank. Affirm your opposition to taxing the Reserve. Or he protects the collusion between Wall Street and
public through inflation. Stand with us in protest against our federal Congress, so that Congress may continue to run huge deficits and thus
governments "monetization of the debt." Co-sponsor a complete and monetize the debt by taxing us through inflation.
thorough Audit of the Federal Reserve. Bart, you can please me on this issue. You have two ways to
May you never again tell me, "This undisclosed information is too demonstrate your willingness to champion transparency. One, you can
sensitive for the good of the public," for I too am the public and I know direct me towards a vote that you have made in support of H.R. 1207 as
what information ought to be disclosed! 317 Representatives do not an amendment to another bill. Or two, you can co-sponsor H.R. 1207.
feel that they know better than the public, why do you persist with this -Eric Cadeau
rhetoric? Remember again that 80 percent of the population, according
Our Letters to Editors
For the Patriots of Northern Michigan
The 3rd edition. Created by the Northern Michigan Liberty Alliance Volume 2 of the year 2010.

A letter on health care provide him by, you guessed it, the Fed. And as far as
Christmas Eve the most corrupt congress in US history, being monitored by Congress, make no mistake about it,
in an absence of transparency, wrote and then passed a the Fed is not monitored, rather it reports to Congress. It
2,000+ age unread Health Care Bill behind closed doors, reports on the state of the economy, its interest rate
100% Democrat. In a hostile takeover attempt of the US decisions, future economic forecasts, etc. It divulges none
economy, modeled after failing European, Canadian of its secret inner workings. In fact, when asked by
socialism, BO’s anti-capitalist policies will cripple the Congress about the inner workings of the Fed, former
world’s economy. BO is printing money faster than he’s Chairman Allan Greenspan was not bashful in telling
quadrupling the deficit; the sixth time democrats have Congress that was not their business.
increased the national debt since taking over Congress in
2007. Finally you mention your support for transparency. Well
BO’s deficit-neutral claim is a fraud. Dem’s tried to Mr. Stupak, that’s what HR-1207 is all about. Like
pass HR 3961 “doc. Fix”; the exposed intent to take $500 previous attempts to audit the Fed such as the Henry
million from Medicare to cover up front costs, collect taxes Gonzalez effort in 1993, you can be assured that the Fed
for 10 yrs, and only pay benefits for last six. will make every attempt to thwart Congressman Paul’s
$900 billion in new spending and $500 billion in new taxes bill. You mention the need to protect the public from
annually begin immediately, yet the ‘poor’ wait four long sensitive information. What sensitive information? What
years for ANY “reform”. Senior’s get no SS COLA do you want to hide? Don’t we have a right to know where
increases; Medicare payments get cut, job killing taxes on the TARP funds went? Could some of them have ended
small businesses, strapped states, and our kids and up in foreign banks? When was our gold supply last
grandkids inherit the burden. Of course, all govt audited and how much of our county’s gold reserves
employees, congress and all union members are exempt; remain at Ft. Knox? These are just two of the many
creating an “elite” class, above the law. BO raids questions that need to be asked and answered.
Medicare; forces seniors to buy supplemental insurance-
AARP made ½ $ billion in 2008 selling Medigap plans. You say that you support transparency. Does that include
BO incentivizes employers to drop employee health full, complete, open and honest transparency that does not
insurance, insurance coverage is dropping faster than hide sensitive information? Or are we going to continue to
approval ratings. Mayo Clinic no longer accepts Medicare allow the Fed complete control over the monetary policy
patients. New taxes on medical devices destroy life-saving and economy of our country along with an exorbitant profit
innovations. Call Congress while hiding under the mantle of unlimited secrecy? We
NOW, our future depends on you. citizens deserve the audit required by HR-1207 and as a
constituent I urge you to support The Federal Reserve
Mary Schultz, Iron Mountain Transparency Act as introduced. Failure to do so would
indicate your continued failure to represent the wishes of
A letter on the Federal Reserve your constituents in your district.
Dear Mr. Stupak,
Recently a friend wrote asking you to co-sponsor and Richard E. Abraham
support the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, HR-1207, a President
bill to audit the Federal Reserve. That legislation, Americans for Constitutional Enforcement
introduced in February 2009 by Congressman Ron Paul,
has received wide bipartisan support in both houses of
Congress with over 300 co-sponsors in the House of
Representatives alone. You declined and I have a copy of
your response which to me is deceptive to say the least.

You stated that the Federal Reserve was created by

Congress in 1913. That is clearly deceiving. The truth is,
the Fed was authorized by Congressional passage of the
Federal Reserve Act in 1913, however the Fed was created
in super secret meetings at Jeykll Island by a group of
international bankers and, passed by Congress under
questionable circumstances during the Christmas recess in
1913. Convinced to sign the Federal Reserve Act,
President Wilson later said of it, “I have unwittingly ruined
my country.”

You also say that the Federal Reserve was created to be

independent of political and private pressures, its Board is
appointed by the President and that Congress routinely
monitors the Fed. Again there is truth in your statement
that the Fed is independent, alarmingly so. The Fed is, in
fact, a privately owned, secret, for-profit-corporation. With
the recent failure of Lehman Brothers, it is now owned by
eleven member banks, six of them foreign, the same ones
who created the Fed. And profitable it is, in fact in 2009,
the Federal Reserve was the most profitable corporation in
the United States showing a profit of $46.1 billion dollars,
more even than Exxon-Mobil.

True, as you say, its Board of Governors is appointed by

the President, however you fail to mention that his
selections are made from a list of suggested appointees

Future Letters to the Editor of the Liberty Report should be 350 words or less. Longer entries will be considered, however a premium is placed upon a focused and direct letter.
The Liberty Report
For the Patriots of Northern Michigan
The 3rd edition. Created by the Northern Michigan Liberty Alliance Volume 2 of the year 2010.

Since we view the Democrats and the Republicans with equal responsibility for the poor condition of our Republic, it is upon
us to bear the responsibility of our civic duty and become the delegates of our precincts. We place no preference on which
Political Party you choose to join, and keep in mind that we do not dismiss the efforts of individuals choosing a third party.
We strongly advise you to file as a precinct delegate with the party of your choice.

Attached you will find the Affidavit of Identity for Precinct Delegate. The filing dead line is May 11th.

1.) What is a Precinct Delegate? winter or spring to elect delegates to the

National Convention.
A Precinct Delegate is an elected representative to
the local political party from a precinct. b.) Precinct Delegates make a difference
(A precinct is the smallest political geographic In addition to participating in the convention
division in a state, varies in size, and is determined process, precinct delegates are involved in
by population. A precinct contains a maximum of helping local parties and candidates in a number
2,999 registered voters, although many precincts are of ways. They are the foundation of the Party.
smaller). Every precinct has at least one Delegate,
and many have more. The local party determines Precinct delegates should be asked to help with
the number of delegates based on the number of a variety of activities. The State Party has
votes in that precinct in the previous election. several programs they ask precinct delegates
assist in implementing. These programs include
2.) How does one become a Precinct Delegate and how distributing yard signs, performing literature
long is the term? drops, helping with absentee voter programs,
and get-out the vote phone calling. Participation
To run for precinct delegate a candidate must be a in these programs makes the difference between
registered voter residing in the precinct in which candidates winning and losing.
they are running. The candidate needs to fill out an
“Affidavit of Identity.” Affidavits are available at 4.) You’re most important Task as a precinct
the county clerk’s office, as well as city and delegate will be to canvass your precinct.
township offices. These affidavits need to be
notarized by a notary public. Notary publics can be a.) You will conduct a door to door survey of all
found at the county clerk’s office, or at most banks households in your precinct. This survey will
or insurance offices. The completed affidavit may be short, non partisan, yet issue related. My
be turned into the county clerk, or your local city or example survey would be:
township clerk. The affidavit must be submitted by
4 p.m. on May 11, 2010. The candidate’s name will - “Do you feel that the federal government
be placed on the ballot in the August 3rd Primary should provide universal health care?”
under the heading “Candidate for County - “Do you think that the Federal
Convention Delegate.” In the case that the race is Government is spending too much?”
contested, the person with the most votes wins. The - “Do feel that the War on Terror has been
term is a two-year term, so delegates elected in too costly in terms of dollars and
August 2010 will serve until the August primary of infringement upon privacy?
2012. - “Do you support the bailout of banks
and other industries?”
3.) What are the duties of a Precinct Delegate? - “What is your greatest concern for our
a.) County Conventions
The official role of a precinct delegate is to To finalize your survey, politely request the
attend all County Conventions during the two- person’s name, and a way to contact them, phone,
year term. The number of County Conventions address, or email. Also utilize this time to ask for
varies from three to four, depending on if it is a volunteer help.
presidential or gubernatorial cycle. A County
Convention is a meeting of the precinct b.) Conducting this survey will identify who you
delegates and elected county (state legislative) want to “Get out the Vote”. We will keep good
officials in a county. At these meetings the records of the people that we believe will vote
participants elect people to serve on the county for our cause. We will then remind them not to
party executive committee (You could be the forget to vote on Election Day.
County Chair), and elect individuals to be c.) After the first survey of your precinct, which
delegates and alternates to the State Convention can be done as soon as warm weather arrives,
(or you could be elected delegate to attend the we encourage you to contact the people you
state convention, where you can participate wish to “Get out to Vote” again with
in a vote for District Leadership, and also personalized information on the issue(s) that
State Leadership. These are the people who support the Tea Party Movement.
ultimately decide on party platform and d.) Finally, this list of people who we know are
monetary support for candidates). Your first with our cause will be utilized on Election Day,
County Convention will be held in August 2010, or the day before Election Day. As we call,
soon after the primary where precinct delegates email, or visit individuals to ensure they turn out
are elected. The next County Convention will to vote. If able to, ask the individual if there is
be held within 30 days of the November 2, anything that might keep them from voting on
2010, general election. The third and final that day, such as a ride, or the need for someone
County Convention will take place in January to watch a pet, and etcetera. Offer help, if you
2011. In presidential election years there is an can.
additional county and state convention in the
March 2010
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
28 Feb 2010 1 Mar 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

A4CE Meeting Republican

at the Pine Candidate
Mountain Roundup. In
Resort in Iron Marquette at
Mountain. the Holiday
Social hour at Inn. 21
5:30, dinner at candidates.
6:00. Event begins
at noon.

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

28 29 30 31 1 Apr 2 3

PDF Calendar by

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Spring Roundup
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PDF Calendar by
The Liberty Report
For the Patriots of Northern Michigan
The 3rd edition. Created by the Northern Michigan Liberty Alliance Volume 2 of the year 2010.

“The state is the great fiction by which everybody tries to live at the expense of everybody else."
An opinion essay by Eric Cadeau

These are not my words, they are the words of Frederic Bastiat, a man who’s essay, The Law, has captured my heart perfectly
with his definition of the role of government.

His essay, The Law, begins

“We hold from God the gift which includes all others. This gift is life—physical, intellectual, and moral life. But life cannot
maintain itself alone. The Creator of life has entrusted us with the responsibility of preserving, developing, and perfecting it. In
order that we may accomplish this, He has provided us with a collection of marvelous faculties. And He has put us in the midst
of a variety of natural resources. By the application of our faculties to these natural resources we convert them into products,
and use them. This process is necessary in order that life may run its appointed course. Life, faculties, production—in other
words, individuality, liberty, property—this is man. And in spite of the cunning of artful political leaders, these three gifts from
God precede all human legislation, and are superior to it.

Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and
property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.

What, then, is law? It is the collective organization of the individual right to lawful defense. Each of us has a natural right—
from God—to defend his person, his liberty, and his property. These are the three basic requirements of life, and the
preservation of any one of them is completely dependent upon the preservation of the other two. For what are our faculties but
the extension of our individuality? And what is property but an extension of our faculties? If every person has the right to
defend—even by force—his person, his liberty, and his property, then it follows that a group of men have the right to organize
and support a common force to protect these rights constantly. Thus the principle of collective right—its reason for existing, its
lawfulness—is based on individual right. And the common force that protects this collective right cannot logically have any
other purpose or any other mission than that for which it acts as a substitute. Thus, since an individual cannot lawfully use
force against the person, liberty,
or property of another individual, then the common force—for the same reason—cannot lawfully be used to destroy the
person, liberty, or property of individuals or groups.
Such a perversion of force would be, in both cases, contrary to our premise.”

And then continues in these selected topics.

“The Complete Perversion of the Law

But, unfortunately, law by no means confines itself to its proper functions. And when it has exceeded its proper functions, it
has not done so merely in some inconsequential and debatable matters. The law has gone further than this; it has acted in direct
opposition to its own purpose. The law has been used to destroy its own objective: It has been applied to annihilating the
justice that it was supposed to maintain; to limiting and destroying rights which its real purpose was to respect. The law has
placed the collective force at the disposal of the unscrupulous who wish, without risk, to exploit the person, liberty, and
property of others. It has converted plunder into a right, in order to protect plunder. And it has converted lawful defense into a
crime, in order to punish lawful defense. How has this perversion of the law been accomplished? And what have been the
The law has been perverted by the influence of two entirely different causes: stupid greed and false philanthropy. Let us speak
of the first.

A Fatal Tendency of Mankind

Self-preservation and self-development are common aspirations among all people. And if everyone enjoyed the unrestricted
use of his faculties and the free disposition of the fruits of his labor, social progress would be ceaseless, uninterrupted, and
unfailing. But there is also another tendency that is common among people. When they can, they wish to live and prosper at
the expense of others. This is no rash accusation. Nor does it come from a gloomy and uncharitable spirit. The annals of
history bear witness to the truth of it: the incessant wars, mass migrations, religious persecutions, universal slavery, dishonesty
in commerce, and monopolies. This fatal desire has its origin in the very nature of man—in that primitive, universal, and
insuppressible instinct that impels him to satisfy his desires with the least possible pain.

Property and Plunder

Man can live and satisfy his wants only by ceaseless labor; by the ceaseless application of his faculties to natural resources.
This process is the origin of property. But it is also true that a man may live and satisfy his wants by seizing and consuming the
products of the labor of others. This process is the origin of plunder. Now since man is naturally inclined to avoid pain—and
since labor is pain in itself—it follows that men will resort to plunder whenever plunder is easier than work. History shows this
quite clearly. And under these conditions, neither religion nor morality can stop it. When, then, does plunder stop? It stops
when it becomes more painful and more dangerous than labor. It is evident, then, that the proper purpose of law is to use the
power of its collective force to stop this fatal tendency to plunder instead of to work. All the measures of the law should protect
property and punish plunder.

The Results of Legal Plunder

It is impossible to introduce into society a greater change and a greater evil than this: the conversion of the law into an
instrument of plunder. What are the consequences of such a perversion? It would require volumes to describe them all. Thus
we must content ourselves with pointing out the most striking. In the first place, it erases from everyone’s conscience the
distinction between justice and injustice. No society can exist unless the laws are respected to a certain degree. The safest way
to make laws respected is to make
them respectable. When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral
sense or losing his respect for the law.

For a full pdf version of Frederic Bastiat's "The Law" travel to
The Liberty Report
For the Patriots of Northern Michigan
The 3rd edition. Created by the Northern Michigan Liberty Alliance Volume 2 of the year 2010.

How to Identify Legal Plunder

But how is this legal plunder to be identified? Quite simply. See if the law takes from some persons what belongs to them,
and gives it to other persons to whom it does not belong. See if the law benefits one citizen at the expense of another by
doing what the citizen himself cannot do without committing a crime.

This is where I will digress and begin my point.

Two claims are prevalent in our society today. These two claims are the opposite side of a great divide in our society. The
Democrats claim that providing health insurance to the uninsured is necessary, and can be accomplished under the general
welfare clause of our Constitution. They claim that it is only fair and needed because a number of individuals die each year
from this. All of this reeks of false philanthropy. They moan that we need to take care of our brethren in society and that this
is a philanthropic law. False! Any time that they seize property from one and give to another, they pervert the law. They
violate one’s property, and his liberty, and because they do so, they violate his life. In one unjust law, they break all of the
tenements of our God given rights. And they do this so they may achieve increased political clout with the haughty argument
that they hold a higher moral ground by helping these people out.

The other side of this divide has a chink in its armor as well. The Republicans, who boast, that an aggressive war on Terror is
the only essential monetary expense that is required to maintain our freedom, have also embraced false philanthropy. A
philanthropic stance that they are championing democracy in other countries and are also the only defense for our Republic is
the stance they must take to justify the role that they have played in increasing government beyond its bound. The false
protection that is promoted in the war on Terror has breached my liberties in numerous instances.

It is said to check if the law benefits one citizen at the expense of another by doing what the citizen himself cannot do without
committing a crime. Let us begin with the pretense that a terrorist is someone that I wish to be protected from. I may say that
I am capable of protecting myself, if allowed to be armed sufficiently. Others may wish to form a collective force to combat
this enemy. Are they committing legal plunder?

First let us determine if any of my life, liberty or property must be relinquished for this cause. I will pay taxes for this war,
therefore my property is seized. Domestic spying has been utilized in this war, so now, my liberties are being eroded. The
Patriot Act further devalues my freedoms.

Has the law benefited one citizen at the expense of another? Yes. This law has perverted my liberties and has seized my
property. Do I benefit from this law? This can be debated. Do I value security greater than liberty? – No, I do not!

Does this law do what the citizen himself cannot do without committing a crime?

This war on terror claims to protect me from terrorists. I hold that I can protect myself. If I were to defend my life, liberty,
and property from terrorists could I do what the government has done legally?

Can I conduct pre-emptive attacks? Can I take life, liberty, and property from another without being attacked or imminently
threatened? No, I cannot. Therefore a pre-emptive war in Iraq would be a breach of the law. There is a difference between
defensive actions and offensive attacks.

Can I tap the phone wires of my enemies, or suspected allies of my enemies? This I cannot legally do. This is a second breach
of the law.

When I capture an enemy can I subject them to cruel and unusual punishments without breaking the law? No, this would be a
third breach of the law.

The Patriot Act is a fourth breach of my God given rights.

The purported protection that I receive is not worth these grievances that I hold against the war on terror. No just cause will
require an individual to relinquish essential liberties for a bit of temporary safety. A continuation of the promotion of this
worldwide conquest against terror will most surely empty the vaults of this Republic. It allocates the financial, youthful, and
impassioned resources of our Republic against an enemy whose threat to our life, liberty, and property is insignificant when
compared to the looming omnipotent government which it is forming in Washington.

The worst consequence of this allocation of resources is that we promote principles incompatible with a just law. The law will
become viewed as unjust, or the citizen will lose their moral sense. The integrity of our word is questioned. The value of our
principles can be dismissed as hypocrisy. The growth of our movement towards limited government, freedom, and prosperity
will be crippled upon the memory of the previous president.

Do you value opportunity greater than security?

Take the calculated opportunity to dream and to build this Tea Party Movement to greater heights by relinquishing your
position that you desire limited government except when it comes to defense.

You are responsible for the defense of your life, liberty, and property. I am at your aid if you need me. I beg of you, do not
compromise my liberties, do not compromise this moment of opportunity for freedom, the opportunity that Providence has
given us. Focus only on that which unites us, beginning at “We are free American who believe in limiting the government
through the strict adherence to the Constitution; we believe in free markets, the natural rights of man, and the principles of
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

Readers are encouraged to submit an opinion essay in opposition to these thoughts. The opinion portion of the liberty report is intended to be challenging to all readers, and contributed to, by all readers.
Readers are reminded that the opinion essays are representative of the views of the author only, and do not reflect the views of every member of the Norther Michigan Liberty Alliance.
The Candidate Report
For the Patriots of Northern Michigan
The 3rd edition. Created by the Northern Michigan Liberty Alliance Volume 2 of the year 2010.

Meet the candidates for U.S. House for Michigan’s 1st US Marine George Miller, home school their two teenage
Congressional District. We will be unveiling more about sons.
the candidates each publication. Today we asked them one
question. “What is the role of government?” Their As a pro bono attorney, Linda has watched the decay of our
responses, as well as their biographies, are below, in liberties and privacy with real concern, and seeks to halt the
alphabetical order, for your reading pleasure. devaluation of our dollar and expansion of top-heavy
government. Linda believes that limiting government to its
Dan Benishek surprisingly small Constitutional role would accomplish
much towards these goals.
Hi, I am Dan Benishek. I am running for U.S. Congress in
Michigan’s 1st District and would like your support. Goldthorpe states, “As your representative, I’ll commit to
evaluate government actions and legislation in light of its
I was born in Iron River, Michigan. My mother was adherence to the principles of the US Constitution, and
of Polish descent and my father of Bohemian descent. My fight against unnecessary and costly legislation. I’d like my
father worked for the Civilian Conservation Corps and then new colleagues in Congress to get reacquainted with the
in the iron mines of Iron County. He died in a mining word no.”
accident in 1957 and my brother and I were raised by my
mother, with the help of family. I graduated from West Iron “What is the role of government?”
County High School in 1970. I earned a B.S. in Biology
from the University of Michigan in 1974 and graduated First semester of law school you learn that the Constitution
from Wayne State Medical School in 1978. I have served is the "supreme law of the land." Then you pay for a zillion
as a general surgeon in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula since classes teaching you how to circumvent the constitution.
1983. My wife Judy and I live in Crystal Falls. We share As a freshman, I couldn't understand Administrative Law,
five children and two grandchildren. I am an avid hunter where you learn about all the agencies. "The Constitution
and fisherman and an NRA member. says the legislature makes laws. Why is it that now
agencies make laws?" The answer was, "they don't make
I have never held political office but I feel laws, they promulgate rules." "Yeah, but you can go to jail
compelled to seek a position at this time because of over these rules, right?" "Yeah, but..."
disturbing developments in our nation’s capitol. I have
watched with horror and disbelief as congress has voted to This is not OK. This is not how our founding fathers
spend trillions of dollars on legislation that no one even intended things to be. Presidents are not supposed to issue
read. I very much want to serve my country and the citizens executive orders. The IRS is not supposed to have a
of the 1st District standing army. We are supposed to be permitted to choose
the water capacity of our own toilets. We are not supposed
“What is the role of government?” to be FORCED to pay for fossil research in Argentina and
radio advertisements telling teenagers to conserve (that's
To answer your questuion I quote from The Declaration of cute, right?) energy by turning the stereo off! Things are
Independence. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, out of control.
that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by
their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among We're supposed to have a little government. We're
these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - That supposed to be permitted to live our own lives without
to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among having to even think about the government. That is not the
Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the case.
My favorite Jefferson quote sums up what small impact
More information on Mr. Benishek can be found by government should have on our lives: "A wise and frugal
emailing him at His government, which shall restrain men from injuring one
campaign can also be found on another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their
own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not
Linda Goldthorpe take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This
is the sum of good government."
Linda says she quit practicing law for money because she
couldn’t offer people any assurance that they’d obtain I'll not elaborate about the frugality component, because "I
justice. Watching Congress brought her to the same hold these truths to be self-evident", however our
conclusion. She’d like to see the federal government keep government is not wise, either. The United States has
its hands off state affairs, eliminate international troops in 130 countries. We regularly intervene in
entanglements, restrain itself to Constitutionally mandated international affairs and the lives of our own citizens. We
issues, and cease taking personal property through taxation discourage thrift, industry, enterprise, production, and self-
and excessive regulation. responsibility. We meddle, meddle, meddle.

“I did not see myself running for Congress until I realized According to the supreme law of the land, our government
how urgently we need new leadership, leadership that trusts is illegal. The constitutional requirements for government
the people and the state and local governments to govern are very few. They should protect us, which they don't
themselves. It’s been a thrill to discover that this simple when our borders are wide open. They should coin money,
message of freedom resonates with so many people. I feel which they don't since 1913 and the establishment of the
passionately about many specific issues, but it all boils Federal Reserve. They should run the post office, which
down to one uncomplicated thing: we need less they've done poorly 6 days a week, and now wish to reduce
government, not more.” to 5. All government is supposed to do, basically, is to
protect our liberties.
Linda’s family has lived in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula for
over a hundred years, at the same site on Big Manistique The one thing government does well is tell us how to live.
Lake. A graduate of Northern Michigan University and That is the one thing government was absolutely not
Thomas Cooley Law School, she and her husband, former
The Candidate Report
For the Patriots of Northern Michigan
The 3rd edition. Created by the Northern Michigan Liberty Alliance Volume 2 of the year 2010.

intended to do. It is unconstitutional. It is immoral. And it Travel

is intolerable. Traveled over 5,500,000 miles, (yes over 5 million) of our
49 states.
More information on Mrs. Goldthorpe can be found by Visited every major city in the United States.
visiting her website at Her Traveled most of the Canadian provinces, except several on
campaign can also be found on the far eastern coast.
Traveled Mexico, Great Britain, and France
Don Hooper
“What is the role of government?”
Biographical Data
Born, raised, and educated in Iron River, Michigan. Mr. Hooper did not response by the time this publication
Served in United States Aviation Engineers, during the went to circulation. His response, upon receipt, will be
Korean war. Honorably discharged after tour of duty. published in future issues. Until then, with diligence and
Married - four children, three boys, one girl honest assessment, we selected the following paragraphs
from Mr. Hooper’s announcement of candidacy.
Attended North Park College, (Chicago Ill.) 1961– 1964 We dream of living in a free country as secure Americans,
(Now, North Park University.) a peaceful place where we can enjoy life and prosperity
Major: English Literature Minor: Speech Preparation without the uncertainties of incompetent government and
for Seminary it’s agencies, and unelected people, who insist on
Worked an average of 56 hrs. per week to pay for all controlling every aspect of our lives.
education and living expenses while attending school.
Spiritually, we want to be governed exclusively by the rules
Religion History set for us by God through the scriptures, and culturally, by
Served as intermittent lay preacher in local church. (Grace our American Constitution and The Bill of Rights. These
Covenant) two directives contain the very basic fundamentals of our
Served as intermittent lay pastor in a church in Northern cultural existence, and are the total requirements necessary
Wisconsin (Conover Covenant) for human happiness in this nation as long as we choose to
Served as Sunday School teacher. (Grace Covenant) embrace their wisdom without restraint.
Served as Sunday School Superintendent. (Grace
Covenant) More information on Mr. Hooper can be found by visiting
Director of Bible Camp for Two years. (Hagerman Lake his website at
Bible Camp)

Work History
Up to 10 Years Working for Industry
Underground mining
Heavy equipment operator
Certified High Pressure Steam Welder
AFL, CIO, Teamsters, Operating Engineers - Union

Business History
Over 35 years of Hands-On Business Experience
CEO of Trucking company
Fleet of up to 21 semi-tractors & trailers
Employed up to 24 people
Manufacturer of retail & wholesale product
Accommodations Industry
Grain & Farming Industry
Maintained riding & boarding stable

Civic History
Co-Founded the first deep water search and rescue
organization (SCUBA) in the State of Michigan, before
State Police provided.
Rescued and recovered individuals from rivers, deep lakes,
and mine shaft sump about 1800 ft. underground.

Political Involvement
Iron County Chairman of Republican Party - 3 years
Member of National Republican Party
Congressional candidate for 1st District Rep. in U.S.
Congress 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2008

Other Organizational Memberships

National Rifle Association since 1987
Board of Directors for A.C.E. (Americans for
Constitutional Enforcement)

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