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4.1. Absorber:
Gas absorbers are used extensively in industry for separation and purification of gas streams as
product recovery devices, and as pollution control devices. Gas absorbers are most widely used
to remove water soluble inorganic contaminants from air streams. Absorption is a process where
one or more soluble components of a gas mixture are dissolved in a liquid (i.e., a solvent).
The component of gas that needs to be dissolved in a solvent
In our case the solute is ammonia that is dissolved in a lean solution of ammonia and water.
The substance that dissolved solute in it is called solvent.
Liquids commonly used as solvents include water, mineral oils, nonvolatile hydrocarbon oils,
and aqueous solutions. The solvent chosen should have a high solubility for the gas, low vapor
pressure, low viscosity, and should be relatively inexpensive.
Absorption, in chemistry, is a physical or chemical phenomenon or a process in
which atoms, molecules, or ions enter some bulk phase - gas, liquid or solid material. This
is a different process from adsorption, since the molecules are taken up by the volume, not
by surface. In gas absorption, soluble vapors are more or less absorbed in the solvent from its
mixture with inert gas. The purpose of such gas scrubbing operations may be any of the

For separation of component having the economic value.

As a stage in the preparation of some compound.

For removing of undesired component (pollution).

4.2. Types of Absorption:

Physical absorption,
Chemical Absorption

4.2.1. Physical Absorption:

In physical absorption mass transfer take place purely by diffusion and physical absorption is
governed by the physical equilibria. Physical absorption occurs when the absorbed compound
dissolves in the solvent. Physical absorption depends on properties of the gas stream and solvent,
such as density and viscosity, as well as specific characteristics of the pollutant in the gas and the
liquid stream. These properties are temperature dependent, and lower temperatures generally
favor absorption of gases by the solvent. Absorption is also enhanced by greater contacting
surface, higher liquid-gas ratios, and higher concentrations in the gas stream.

4.2.2. Chemical Absorption:

Chemical absorption occurs when the absorbed compound and the solvent react. When oxides of
nitrogen absorb in water the chemical reaction take place and nitric acid form this is common
example of chemical absorption.

4.3. Types of Absorber:

There are three major types of absorbers which are mainly used for absorption purposes:

Packed column
Plate column

4.3.1 Packed Tower:

Packed towers, which are the most commonly, used gas absorbers for pollution control. Packed
towers are columns filled with packing materials that provide a large surface area to facilitate
contact between the liquid and gas. Packed tower absorbers can achieve higher removal
efficiencies, handle higher liquid rates, and have relatively lower water consumption
requirements than other types of gas absorbers. However, packed towers may also have high
system pressure drops, high clogging and fouling potential and extensive maintenance costs due
to the presence of packing materials. Installation, operation, and wastewater disposal costs may
also be higher for packed bed absorbers than for other absorbers.

Packed column 1

4.3.2 Plate Tower:

Plate, or tray, towers are vertical cylinders in which the liquid and gas are contacted in stepwise
fashion on trays (plates). Liquid enters at the top of the column and flows across each plate and
through a downspout (down comer) to the plates below. Gas moves upwards through openings in
the plates, bubbles into the liquid, and passes to the plate above. Plate towers are easier to clean
and tend to handle large temperature fluctuations better than packed towers do. However, at high
gas flow rates, plate towers exhibit larger pressure drops and have larger liquid holdups.



Merits of Plate

Plate column

Packed column

Can handle wide range of liquid rates Flooding can occur due to fluctuation in liquid
without flooding


For large diameter column

For small diameter column

Cannot be used for highly corrosive Packed towers prove to be cheaper and easier

to construct if highly corrosive fluids must be


Pressure drop more

Pressure drop is low

Total weight of dry plate tower is less Total weight of packed tower is high than
than packed tower

plate tower


Less expensive

The choice between use of a plate tower or a packed tower for a given mass-transfer operation
should, theoretically, be based on a detailed cost analysis for the two types of contactors. In
many cases, however, the decision can be made on the basis of a qualitative analysis of the
relative advantages and disadvantages.
The following general advantages and disadvantages of plate and packed towers should be
considered when a choice must be made between the two types of contactors:

4.4. Absorber System Configuration:

Gas and liquid flow through an absorber may be

Co current.

4.4.1. Countercurrent:
The most commonly installed designs are countercurrent, in which the waste gas stream enters at
the bottom of the absorber column and exits at the top. Conversely, the solvent stream enters at
the top and exits at the bottom. Countercurrent designs provide the highest theoretical removal
efficiency because gas with the lowest pollutant concentration contacts liquid with the lowest

pollutant concentration. This serves to maximize the average driving force for absorption
throughout the column.

4.4.2. Crosscurrent:
In a crosscurrent tower, the waste gas flows horizontally across the column while the solvent
flows vertically down the column. As a rule, crosscurrent designs have lower pressure drops and
require lower liquid-to-gas ratios than both co current and countercurrent designs. They are
applicable when gases are highly soluble, since they offer less contact time for absorption.

4.4.4. Co current:
In co current towers, both the waste gas and solvent enter the column at the top of the tower and
exit at the bottom. Co current designs have lower pressure drops, are not subject to flooding
limitation. Co current designs are only efficient where large absorption driving forces are
available. Removal efficiency is limited since the gas-liquid system approaches equilibrium at
the bottom of the tower.

4.5. Packed Tower Internals:

4.5.1. Tower Shell:
The tower shell may be made of steel or plastic, or some combination which may require the
addition of liners or inner layers of rubber, plastic or brick. The mechanical problems of
attaching depending on the corrosiveness of the gas and liquid streams, and the process operating

4.5.2. Mist Eliminator:

At high gas velocities, the gas exiting the top of the column may carry off droplets of liquid as a
mist. To prevent this, a mist eliminator in the form of corrugated sheets or a layer of mesh can be
installed at the top of the column to collect the liquid droplets, which coalesce and fall back into
the column.

4.5.4. Packing:
Packing materials provide a large wetted surface for the gas stream maximizing the area
available for mass transfer. Packing materials are available in a variety of forms, each having
specific characteristics with respect to surface area, pressure drop, weight, corrosion resistance,
and cost.

4.6. Packing Selection:

Packing materials are categorized as random or structured.

Dumped tower packing

Stacked tower packing

4.6.1. Dumped Tower Packing:

Random packing as the name implied, are dumped into a column during installation and allowed
to fall in random. Small packings poured randomly into a vessel is certainly the more popular
and commonly employed form of packed-tower design. However, in certain instances
where exceptionally low pressure drop and very high flow rates are involved, stacked or oriented
packing have also been used. Random packings are usually dumped into an absorption column
and allowed to settle.



Tower Packing:

Structured packings are considerably more expensive per unit volume than random packings.
They come with different sizes and are neatly stacked in the column. Structure packing usually
offer less pressure drop and have higher efficiency and capacity than random packing. Structured
packing may be random packing connected in an orderly arrangement,

4.7. Types of Packing:

4.7.1. Pall rings:
Pall ring that is improved on the basis of rashing rings. The design of pall rings provide higher
capacity and lower pressure drop than other packing the open cylindrical walls and inward bends
protrusions of pall rings allow greater capacity and lower pressure drop.
Lower pressure drop (less than half) than Raschig rings, also lower HTU (in some systems also
lower than Berl saddles), higher flooding limit. Good liquid distribution, high capacity.
Considerable side thrust on column wall. Available in metal, plastic and ceramic.
These are of two types:

4.7.2. Metal Pall Rings:

The rings are made up of metal.

4.7.3. Plastic Pall Rings:

The rings are made up of plastic material.

4.8. Distributor:
Distribution of the liquid onto the packed bed or structured packing is realsed by appropriate
liquid distributors. It is important to distribute the liquid flow equally across the column area in
order to secure an intensive mass transfer between the phases.
In addition to the task of regular liquid distribution the part has to meet following requirements:

pressure drop in the gas phase should be low

part should be resistant against dirt or solids in the liquid

high turn down ratio

low entrainment of droplets

prevention of irregular gas distribution

prevention of wall effect on liquid flow

Distributors are used for the good distribution of liquid over the packing so that the liquid come
in contact properly with incoming gas.

4.8.1. Types of The Distributors:

The following types of liquid distributors are available:

orifice distributor

trough distributor

rough-type distributor

ladder-type distributor

spray nozzle-type distributor Trough Distributor:

Trough distributor provides good distribution under widely varying flow rates of gas and liquid.
the liquid may flow through simple V notched weirs, or it may flow through tubes that extend
from troughs to near the upper level of the packings.some deposition of solids can be
accommodated. Because of its large free area at is suitable for high gas rates

Orifice trough liquid distributor Orifice Distributor:

Orifice distributor type which gives very fine distribution though it must be correctly sized for a
particular duty and should not be used where is disk of plugging. The orifice riser distributor is

designed to lay the liquid carefully onto the bed, with a minimum of contact with gas during the
process. Perforated Pipe Distributor:

The perforated ring type of distributor for use with absorption columns where high gas rates and
relatively small liquid rates are ecounter.this is specially suitable where pressure loss must be
minimized, for the larger size of tower where installation through manholes is necessary, it may
be made up in flanged sections. The orifices are of 4 to 6 mm in diameter, and can be subject to
plugging if foreign material is present. The pipe must be carefully leveled for larger diameter

4.8.2. Redistributors:
The liquid coming down through the packing and on the wall of the tower should be redistributed
after a bed depth of approximately 4 tower diameter for rashing rings and 5-10 tower diameters
for saddle packings.Collector/Redistributors, is very similar to the distributor in that it will

contain a deck and chimneys. The collector is used under a packed bed section to collect the
liquid to aid in mixing and redistribution. The difference is that the redistributors will contain
caps or hats to prevent the water falling from the packing from bypassing the collector.

4.9. Support Plates:

These are the simplest and least expensive type of packing supports. They also utilize the least
vertical space. They are designed for low to medium gas loading when used for dumped packing













The support grids are available in various materials such as plastic, FRP and metals. They can
also be used as bed limiters. Sometimes support beams are required for structural reasons
depending on the material and size of the support grate.

4.9.1. Gas Injection Support Plate:

It is a device used to hold the packing. It generally sits on a support ledge and can be supported
additionally by structural beams. There are two design criteria for the gas injection support plate.
It must hold the packing and liquid hold-up but also requires an open are greater than the cross
sectional area of the tower. The larger open area is accomplished by using slotted or perforated
plate that is corrugated or positioned in such a way to allow increased gas flow. Open area ranges
from 85% to greater than 100%.

4.9.2. Grid Type Support Plates (APS-GS):

Grid type packing supports are used for structured packing to provide a horizontal contact
surface and to prevent distortion of the packing. This design can also be considered for
random packing. A wide range of openings is available to prevent the packing from falling
through. The supports typically rest on support ledges. For larger towers with man ways,
sectional designs are standard.

4.10. Design of


4.10.1. General

Design Steps:

The designer is required to consider and determine

select suitable column type

select appropriate solvent
select type and size of packing
]material and energy balance
Calculate column diameter
Pressure drop calculation
Determine the number of transfer units
Determine height of transfer unit
Find the height of column
Select column internals

4.10.2. Input Data:

Operating temperature


Operating pressure


Packing type

Pall rings

Packing size

1.5 Inches

Packing factor, (Fp)


Surface area of packing (ap)

128 m2/m3

4.10.3. Gas Properties:

Gas flow rate

6357 kg/hr
587.52 kgmoles/hr

Gas pressure at entry

68.02 atm

Gas temperature at entry


Gas mol weight (Mg)


Gas density (g)

35.88 kg/m3
2.24 lb/ft

4.10.4. Component to be Scrubbed:

Component Name


Component flow rate

197 kg/hr
0.05472 kg/s

Molecular weight of comp (Mg)


4.10.5. Liquid Properties:

Liquid flow rate, L

1439 kg/hr

Liquid Density, (l)


Liquid Viscosity, (l)

0.0014 Pa-s
1.4 Cp

Molecular wt of liquid (Ml)


4.10.6. Humidity Calculations:

Total pressure (Pt) =

6203.57 kpa

Vapor Pressure of water =

0.836 kpa

Molecular wt of exit gas (Mg2) =


V.P * Mg

(Pt-V.P) *Mg2

0.000227 kg/kg dry gas

1.422 kg/hr

4.10.7. Material Balance:

Mol fraction of ammonia in entering gas

= 5.5x10-4

Mol fraction of ammonia in exiting gas

= 7.9x10-5

Mol fraction of ammonia in entering liquid


Mol fraction of ammonia in exiting liquid

= 4.5x10-3

4.10.8. Column Diameter Calculations:

Pressure drop for absorber = 15 to50 mmH2O/m of packing
Assume pressure drop

= 42 mmH2O/m of packing
= 0.0569psi/m of packing
= 0.01734psi/ft of packing

4.10.9. Column Diameter:

D = 1.1283[G(kg/sec)/G(kg/secm2)]

G= gas mass flow rate

G = 200,000kg/h
L = liquid mass flow rate
L = 8500kg/h

X- Coordinate value:
X L/V( g / l g ) 0.5

X = 0.04368
Y- Coordinate value:
By using the assumed pressure drop = 42mmHg/m of packing
Y G 2 * Fp l0.1/( g / l g ) 0.5

Y = 0.055 (unit operation by McCabe & smith edition 5 fig 4.1)

After putting the variables known, mass velocity of gas can be calculated as
G =1431 Lb/ ft2 h
Put in the equation;

X L/V( g / l g ) 0.5

4.10.10. Area Calculation:

Ac = /4(D)2

Ac =

0.15 m2

4.10.11. Liquid Mass Velocity:

L = 2.665Kg/s m2
L = 0.5449 Lb/ ft2 sec

4.10.12. Pressure Drop Calculation:



P (10 L )


P = 0.48 in H2O / ft of packing

P = Pressure drop in inches of water /ft of the packing height
G = Gas superficial mass velocity lb/s-ft2 tower cross section
L = liquid superficial mass velocity lb/s-ft2 tower cross section
g = Gas density ,lb/ft2
& are constant taken from (Applied process design for chemical & petrochemical plant by
Ernest E. Ludwig table 19-24)

4.10.13. Percentage Flooding:

K4 at flooding from graph = 3.2
K 4 13.1Vw * Fp ( l / l ) 0.1 /( v / l v )
K4 = 1.991
Percentage flooding = (K4/ K4) 0.5*100
= 78%
From graph 11.44: by using K4 = 1.77 and FLW =0.0429 the P line come out to be 42mmHg/m
of packing and is same as was assumed
Passumed = Pcalculated

4.10.14. Calculation of Equilibrium Constant:

As our operating temperature and pressure is such that they are out of range of data so we
calculate equilibrium constant by using thermodynamic relationship which is as follow
Ke = yi/xi = ifiOL/PTi
i = activity coefficient of component ammonia i=7.4
fiOL = (fugacity of pure liquid component i ammonia N/m2)

fiOL = Pi i [exp {(PT-Pi)ViL/RT]

Pi (vapor pressure of ammonia at 263.5 K) = 2.7 bar
PT = 62.03 bar
ViL = specific volume
After putting all values we get
f iOL = 1.7884 bar
i = ( fugacity coefficient of pure liquid component i ammonia unit less) calculated by
generalized correlation available in thermodynamics
ln i = BoPr/Tr +B1Pr/Tr
For ammonia all values available in literature we get the value of i = 0.57078
Putting all values in equation the value be:
Ki = 0.374
Which is the slope of operating line
Absorption factor = slope of O.L/ slope of E.L = L/mG
= 0.77/0.374
As absorption factor is greater than 1 this indicate that more and more solute absorbed in liquid
cause the decrease in height of column and hence the cost.
Equilibrium curve plotted according to (ref McCabe and smith)
Slope of equilibrium line = 0.374

4.10.15. Number of Transfer Units Calculations:

NTU = A * (ln [(yb/ya)*(A-1) +1])

= 9

4.10.16. Height of The Column:

As our packing size is 1.5 inch and column diameter less than 3 ft the HETP can be taken in the
range 0.4 to 0.75m so we select it
HETP = 0.7m
Dc = 0.438m
Ls = VL t / A

Where Ls =height of bottom section for liquid surge time ts = 10sec

VL = volumetric flow rate of liquid = 1439kg/hr
After putting values we get
Ls =1.598m
Zt = Ne * HETP + 3ft +0.25Dc + Ls
Zt = 8m
Height of packing:
HOG = height of overall gas phase transfer unit
NOG = number of overall gas phase transfer unit
As we know
HOG = HG + m ( G/L)HL
m = slope of equilibrium line
L/G= slope of operating line
To calculate HOG there are two methods:
Cornells method
Ondas method
We use Cornells method:
According to it

4.10.17. Individual Height of Gas Phase Transfer Unit Calculations:

HG = 0.01h (Sc)v0.5(Dc/0.305)1.11(Z/3.05)0.23/ (L*f1*f 2*f3)
HG = height of gas phase transfer unit
h = at 58% flooding = 80
Lw = 2.67kg/m2sec
f1 = liquid viscosity correction factor
f1 = (L/ w)
f1= 1.089
f 2 =liquid density correction factor
f 2 = (w / L)1.25
f 2 = 1.0532
f3 = surface tension correction factor

(from fig:4.2)

f3 = (w/ L)
f3= 0.93
(Sc)v= gas phase Schmidt number= (v/ vDv)
(Sc)v = 0.429
HG =0.699m

4.10.18. Individual Height of Liquid Phase Transfer Unit Calculations:

HL= 0.305h (Sc)L0.5K3 (Z/3.05)0.15
HL = height of liquid phase transfer unit
K3 = at 58% flooding = 0.87

(from fig:4.3)

h = 6.2 * 10-2

(from fig:4.4)

(Sc)L= liquid phase Schmidt number= (l/ lDl)

(Sc)L = 976.47
HL = 0.6

4.10.19. Overall Height of Gas Phase Transfer Unit:

HOG = 1.03
Y1/ Y2 = 0.02/0.0002021
Y1/ Y2 = 94.96
NOG = 6.2 (from fig: 4.5 by using mGm/L and Y1/ Y2)
Z = 6.4m approximately same as calculated from the estimated value

4.10.20. Liquid Hold up Calculation:

Hlw =0.0004(L/dp)
Hlw = water holdup (ft3 liquid/ ft3 vol of tower)
dp = equivalent spherical packing diameter (inches)
L= liquid rate (lb/ft2hr)
Hlw =0.0004(1961.64/1.5)0.6

Hlw = 0.03m3/m3 of tower (ref. applied process design for chemical & petrochemical
plant By Ernest E. Ludwig)

4.10.21. Minimum Wetting Rate:

Lmin = MWR*ap
Volumetric flow rate = V= L/ L
= 1.439m3/hr
Velocity= vol flow rate/ area of column
MWR= v/ap
=0.00749m2/hr= 0.84 ft2/hr
(Ref. applied process design for chemical & petrochemical plant by Ernest E. Ludwig)

4.10.22. Check for Channeling:

In the ratio 1:8 to minimize the channeling. (Ref. applied process design for chemical &
Petrochemical plant by Ernest E. Ludwig)

4.11. Mechanical Design:

4.11.1. Material Selection:
Low alloy steel 43XX (nickel 1.83%, chromium 0.80%, molybdenum 0.25%)

4.11.2. Thickness of The Column:

e = Pi Di/2f- Pi
Pi = internal pressure = 6.646N/mm2
f = design stress = 250N/mm2
e = 6.0597mm
e. = e + corrosion allowances
e. = 6.0597+ 2
e. = 8.059mm

4.11.3. Packing Support:

Simple grid and perforated plate supports

The function of support plate is to carry the weight of wet packing whilst allowing the passage of
gas & liquid.

4.11.4. Liquid Distributors:

Orifice type liquid distributor

Liquid distributors are needed to ensure the good distribution at all liquid flow rates.

4.11.5. Redistributors:
Wall wiper type redistributors

Redistributors can be equipped with wall wipers to collect the liquid clinging to the tower walls.


Packed Absorption Column

No. required



To absorb ammonia in aqua ammonia.



Design Temperature

280 K

Design Pressure

6894 kPa

Height of packing section

5.22 m

Size and type of packing

Plastic pall rings

Total height of column

8.27 m

Inside diameter


Packing arrangement


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