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Anul colar 2013-2014

Limba englez
Clasa a VI-a L2
Numele i prenumele elevului:
Data susinerii testului:
Pentru rezolvarea corect a tuturor cerinelor din Partea I i din Partea a II-a se
acord 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se acord 10 puncte.
Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.

Partea I

60 (puncte)

1. Fill in the blanks with the present forms of the verbs to be or to have, as necessary:
a. Hello, Tom!
I..fine, thanks. And you?
b. brother, Daniel. He ..20 years old. Hean expensive car.
c. What.the weather like? Itsunny and warm.
d. .you got any brothers or sisters? Yes, Itwo brothers.They
very nice
( 10p)
2. Put the right indefinite article:
a. ..Indian
I .elephant

h car
j . student
(10 p)

3. Write the plural for:

a. book
e. box
g. fly
i. wife
k. mouse
m. goose
o. child
r. computer
. atlas

d. tomato
f. play
h. wolf
j. man
l. woman
n. tooth
p. foot
s. man
t. room

( 10p)
4. Put the verbs in brackets in the right tense- present simple/ present continuous:
a. Tom (go) to school every day.
b. Tom.. ( go) to school now.
c. . you ( like) pizza?
d. Ana( do ) her homework every day.
e. She..( not/ eat ) her cake every day.
f. I (dance) every day.
g. Our friend .(come) at home at the moment
h. Today we ..(play) a nice computer games.
I Flowers ( be) beautiful .
j . Mother ..(give) me many notebooks.
( 10p)
5. Write the days of the week .
( 7p)
6. Write the seasons of the year.
7. Choose the right form:
a. There is/ there are many books on the table.
b. This is/ These are a cat.
c. Ana is taller/ tallest than Maria.
d. Mother washed/ washes the car.
e. He dont/ doesnt make the bed every morning.
f. I go/am going to school now.
g. You eat/eats a lot of fruit.
h. We don't/ doesn't write this poem.
i. That /Those is mz plane.
Partea II
30( puncte)
Write a short letter to your unknown penfriend to introduce yourself.

10p of


Anul colar 2013-2014
Limba englez
Clasa a VII-a L2
Numele i prenumele elevului:
Data susinerii testului:
Pentru rezolvarea corect a tuturor cerinelor din Partea I i din Partea a II-a se
acord 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se acord 10 puncte.
Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.

Partea I
60 (puncte)
1 Fill in the blanks with the present/ past forms of the verbs to be or to have, as necessary:
g. Hello, Mary!
h. I..fine, thanks. And you?
i. Thismy brother, Daniel. He 20 years old. Hean expensive car.
j. Last weekend weat the circus. It.a sunny day and we.a great time.
k. I only a cat but Anatwo.
( 10p)
2 Put the right indefinite article:
a. ..American

Write the plural for:

a. book
e. box
g. fly
i. wife
k. mouse
m. goose
o. child

d. tomato
f. play
h. wolf
j. man
l. woman
n. tooth
p. foot
( 8p)

Put the verbs in brackets in the right tense:

2. Tim ( read). a story every day.
3. Tim ( read ) a story now.
4. Yesterday they (go). to the circus.
5. Susan ( not/ like). strawberries but Anne ( do).
6. I just ( miss). the bus so I (be). late for school.

( 10p)
5. Choose the right form:
a. There is/ there are many pencils in the pencilcase.
b. My joke is funniest/ funnier than yours.
c. Yesterday Mother have / had an exam.
d. He dont/ doesnt make coffee every morning.
e .I go/ am going to the circus now.
7. Helen smiled at me happy/ happily yesterday.

( 12p)

5. Fill in with the right letters:

D_ct_r ; t_ach_r ; n_rs_; ch_f ; dri_er ; astr_na_t ; s_nger; Fir_ma_; wr_t_r
Post_an ;
(10 p)
Partea II

30 P

Write a paragraph about about a film which you have seen recently and enjoyed.

10p of


Anul colar 2013-2014
Limba englez
Clasa a VIII-a L2
Numele i prenumele elevului:
Data susinerii testului:
Pentru rezolvarea corect a tuturor cerinelor din Partea I i din Partea a II-a se
acord 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se acord 10 puncte.
Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.
Partea I


1. Fill in the blanks with the present/ past forms of the verbs to be/ to have as necessary:
a. Hi! My nameMartha and I24 years old. I..a doctor but last year Ia
nurse. Thismy husband Tom. He24 too and he a cameraman.
We..two children, Tim and Sarah.
b. What..the weather like yesterday? It..sunny and warm but today it
rather cloudy and cold.
c. Last week we a very difficult exam.
d. ..he got any brothers or sisters? Oh, yes. one brother and two
sister. / .he have any pets last year? No, he
2. Put the right indefinite article in front of the following nouns:
a. ..pencil
d man
f wife
3. Write the above nouns into the plural.
4. Put the verbs in the brackets into the right tense.
a. Tom .( go) to school every Friday but he. ( not/ go) to school on Sunday.
b. you ..( like) strawberries? Yes, I do but my brother(not/ like).
c. They.( read) the newspaper now.
d. Tomorrow I.( buy) a present for my mother because I just (earn)
some money.
e. If I ..( have) money, I.( come) to England next year.

f. Yesterday Tim.( not/ make) the bed in his room.

5. Write the degrees of comparison for the following adjectives:
good, beautiful, happy, bad., ugly,


6Write the other two forms of the following irregular verbs;

a. do _______ _______
b. be _________
c. have _______ _______
d. drink _________
e. eat _______ _______
f. come _________
g. cut _______ ________
h. write _________
i. read _______ ________
j. say _________


Partea II

30 P

Write a story about your summer holiday. You should include information about the place you
visited, weather , people and food
Do not use more than 100 words.

10 p of

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