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One of the many elements used in this was

analogy. This is because this entire comic is
a way to describe the hypocrisy our
government sometimes falls under.

b. No, everything was normal, and no

exaggeration of the figures or fancy shading

c. The fact that our country's free government is only free to control us without giving us a reason.

d. I feel that sometimes the basics of our country's founding are challenged today due to overwhelming
pressure or lazy officials. There way of doing things sometimes make them look like a hypocrite, which
in most cases is true.

e. I think that this would offend officials, or fiercely patriotic people. However, it could also offend
people who believe that they are free, because they can't stand something that questions their

a. From different point of views, many

different elements could be used. I will say
that from my opinion, it looks like a lot of
symbolism, that has been mixed in with a
lot of concealing humor.

b. No all characters in the comic were

drawn to size and were not exaggerated,
although, the cat's clothing is questionable.

c. The issue with how all anarchists make a mountain of a mole hill. Yes, this is a comedic comic, but it
has many true, but silent points.

d. The viewpoint is that anarchists will take any doors closed by officials to be a reason for them to
protest that true freedom can only come without government.

e. I think any anarchist familiar with the labels that they deal with on their beliefs will quickly find
offense in this as it is mocking their actions against the existent or non-existent threats they observe in
the world.

a. A bit more serious than the others, this one

includes obvious symbolism, as well as

b. The sizing of the characters is a bit strange,

but it isn't very abnormal. The shading it uses
also gives a better air of seriousness.

c. The topic of how Monarchy affects the future

of civilians. It looks well enough at first, but after a while it becomes a burden.

d. I personally don't like Monarchy as it gives an enormous amount of power to one absolute leader,
however, I can also see where Monarchy can be a help. Although, regardless, of its Pros, Monarchy
will always have long-term effects that are gruesome, which is recognized by the picture.

e. I don't it would offend any current government or group to my knowledge, however I can see how
this could be offensive.

Communism is a type of government that is usually labeled as bad, and as a corrupt system that
caters on to one group's interests. Yet, that is the same thing some people say about the U.S. and it's
officials. However, I'm not here to discuss the U.S., I'm here to explain the sometimes forgotten Pros of
a Communist system.

Some people would say that giving one group to much power is a dangerous thing to do and is
ethically wrong, because it takes away from the power regular people have. With this in consideration,
a question might come up in some people's mind. Why do people have to have power of the
government? Without the interference of the individual opinions and outrage, a communist country can
get many things done in half the time it would take for any other government. Personally, I enjoy my
rights, and I think that having rights is a good thing for us, however, that doesn't make not having rights
a bad thing. Different cultures are so used to being submissive in the face of a higher power, that
having anything other than a dominant hand guiding them can set them down a winding path of
uncertainty. This uncertainty is usually filled up by another harsh control, bringing the cycle into a full
circle. What this means is that communism can provide a set in stone path to a bright future for the
country. This stone path also paves the social differences between ethnic groups and helps to ease the
tension between the levels of wealth as well as belief. Mostly because, you're not going to be glaring at
the person beside you when the government is constantly staring you down.

Another good thing about Communism is the educational concern increase. It is not a
requirement, but most Communist countries focus a lot of resources on a strict education regime that
spits out many young men and women who are more than ready for the work force their leaders have
chosen for them. This explains why China, a communist country, is one of our leading providers in
many things that we take for granted. Their machine-like work force are a force to be reckoned with

when it comes to competition. That is not even mentioning the fact that a lot of Communist bred
individuals are some of the brightest these days. The best part is how efficient the Communists are as a
whole. The basically breed individuals that are smart, and then put them into the system where they
will work to make the next generation even better. A cycle that is even seen in America, but compared
to how China does it, America is somewhat lacking.

Now, my final statement in this Pro-Communism paper is dealing with the hate it gets for being
corrupt. They say absolute power, corrupts absolutely, and that is usually right, and it most likely will
happen. However, can we truly say that our own government is any different from theirs? Yes, people
have rights and have power that limits the government, but that doesn't make them any less human.
Humans are a race that are naturally corruptible, and it doesn't take much for them to come crashing
down and writhing in their twisted success. Half-truths, cover-ups, and all sorts of propaganda that are
all kept in place to appease the civilians. What I am trying to say, is that in the place of half-truths,
Communism is a government where they take the cold hard truth and then beat it into their citizen's
heads until their repeating it back to them like parrots. They don't care if you believe in it or not, they
are only concerned with if you follow the rules that lay down.

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