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Q 1. Can you think of an example for each of the below?

Channel is a bridge between marketer and customer

a) Reach the product/service to the end customer (Supply side)
Ex: Footwear manufacturing company like Nike tried to create categoryspecific retail destinations uses the channels as a bridge.
b) Reduce cost of reaching product by sharing overheads/Opex (Supply side)
Ex: The channel members like the services in telecommunication can
facilitate the facility to multiple companies products simultaneously thus sharing the
overhead and infrastructure costs.
c) Facilitate Search Category of outlets ( Demand side)
Ex: The channel constituents like merchants make it feasible for the items
to achieve the mother and pop stores in remote areas and additionally broad stores
to megastores. Subsequently they encourage the request's inquiry in remotest
d) Facilitate high freq. purchase ( Demand Side)
Ex: The wholesalers can guarantee the interest supply coordinate by serving
the retailer according to the necessity. Amazon provides the reviews to impact their
frequency of purchase.
e) Sorting for unbranded products (Demand side)
Ex: The online retails like Flipkart and Snapdeal promote local brands to
customers wanting low budget products.
f) Basket of products through single window (Demand side)
Ex: The ecommerce sites which are providing range of different categories from
apparel, footwear etc. facilitated by channel.
g) Competitive comparison (Demand Side)
Ex: The channel members which procure the products are knowledge about
the products and hence the can provide a very good comparison based on different
attributes of the product. Example would be mobile comparisons and their delivery
dates by different retails.

Q2) Why is branded retail more common in product categories like

Apparel , Jewellery , watches and spectacles ?
Apparel, jewelry, watches etc. are lifestyle brands and connects a person
with image. These product categories need to preserve distinctive quality
among competitors. In item classes where items can be effectively assessed
on the premise of certain set models or details , assessment and
determination of the item turns out to be generally simple and subsequently
there is little prerequisite for brand building action.
For the item classes like Apparel, Jewelry , watches and exhibitions ,
assessment and choice of items from diverse retailers , producers is
troublesome since there are no set guidelines of execution. This makes brand
constructing a more critical movement on account of such item classes with
the goal that purchasers can assess the items and the general experience of
The brand makes a hedonic need in the customer's psyches. For instance, in
the array classification, purchasers assess for premium brands uniquely in

contrast to mid-business sector brands, for example Marks and Spencers.

This brand building helps organizations to make their items emerge in the
business sector and turn into a decision of procurement.
Q3) In metro markets and for big brands is the WHOLESALER important. If
yes/no, Why?
The wholesaler in metros are a high populace thickness markets where there are
various areas and the vicinity of mother and pop stores is extremely thick. There are
shopping centers and megastores in metros however the wholesalers' capacity is
still of prime significance. The urban communities are growing and the fresher
regions are coming up where little saves set up. Henceforth the little stores need to
get to wholesalers who offer a decent simple open door for the little retailer. The
wholesaler is by and large a more monetarily stable element than merchants and
thus the vicinity of wholesalers is vital.
Q4) Super Stockist/Super- Distributor: Many companies have an additional
intermediary---- Super distributor---- particularly in smaller market. What
is the intended role?
Super Stockist and Distributor refers to who purchases stocks from organization and
after that offers these stocks to retailer. They are the main hub in the chain in the
middle of organization and retailer.
A super stockist would have a few sub stockists under them. Super stockist would
purchase stocks from organization and offer these stocks to sub stockist. Sub
stockist would further offer these stocks to retailers. It makes a sort of center and
talked framework with super stockist speaking to center and sub stockist speaking
to end of spokes. In this chain, there are 2 hubs in the middle of organization and
retailer; super stockist and sub stockist.
In such a model, conveyance expense may be higher as there is an additional hub
as sub stockist and sub stockist should be paid sure commission for their
administrations. This model by and large suits a suits a rural market, where
population pockets are scattered and having a single node model (stockist model).
In terms of inventory, for the most part of stock conveyed by a super stockist >
stock conveyed by stockist > stock conveyed by sub stockist.

& Responsibilities:
maintain adequate stock (of months sales target)
maintain stocks of companys products in safe and hygienic conditions
timely supplies to the Distributors
minimize and resolve complaints and grievance
Cordial and productive relationship with distributors.
keep month wise purchase record of all of company's distributors
necessary sales/stock related information to company officials

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