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November 3, 2004

Create an Actual Assessment Cycle

Overview: Assessment cycles are used to allocate costs via secondary cost elements from
one cost center to another cost object. A common example is the allocation of the
expenses in one cost center to other cost centers. The allocation of manufacturing
overhead costs to the production cost centers to determine the actual amount under or
over applied is a specific example. Within SAP, an assessment cycle consists of segments
that contain the details relating to which costs are to be allocated and how are the costs to
be allocated. There may be multiple segments in one cycle. This document will explain
how to create an assessment cycle and build segments within the cycle.

1. Enter transaction code KSU1. The following screen will appear:

Enter the name of the cycle and

the starting date here.

2. Enter the name of the cycle to be created and the starting date desired for the
cycle. The starting date represents the first date that the cycle will be needed for
allocating data. Hint: Set the start date well ahead of the period to be allocated to
avoid any potential date conflicts. I usually use the first of the current year.

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3. Select enter and the following screen will appear:

Click here to create/attach segment.

Enter the cycle description and

end date here.

This is the status field that will

change from new to saved
when the cycle is saved

4. Enter a description for the cycle into the text field and an ending date for the
cycle. Hint: Select an end date well into the future to avoid any date conflicts.
This is a validity period for the cycle.
5. Click on the save button. The following message will appear at the bottom of the
screen and the status field will change from new to saved.

6. The cycle has now been created. It is now time to create the segments that belong
in the cycle. This is where the information regarding the actual allocations is
maintained. Click on the attach segment button and the following screen will
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Enter the segment name and

Enter the secondary cost element
to be used to post the allocation.

This receiver tracing factor tab is

where the fixed amounts, or fixed
percentages or fixed proportions are
entered after a receiver rule is
selected. See step 13.

7. Enter the segment name and description. These can be anything but it is a good
idea to make them descriptive of the department to be allocated.
8. Enter the secondary cost element to be used to post the allocation.
9. Select the sender rule for this segment. This determines what amount is to be
allocated. There are three different possibilities displayed below. If posted
amounts is selected, the amount posted to the cost center will be allocated. If
fixed amount is selected, the same value will be allocated each period
regardless of the amount posted. If fixed rates is selected, a fixed price will be
entered and multiplied by another factor to determine the amount to be allocated
each period. For this example posted amounts was selected.

10. Select the percentage of the costs to be allocated. Using 100% will allocate the
full amount identified by the sender rule selected above.

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11. Select either plan values or actual values to be allocated. Note: This determines
whether the sender will be actual or plan values. The receivers will be actual
regardless of the selection made here. This transaction builds actual assessment
cycles. Plan assessment cycles are built under transaction (KSU7). For this
example, select actual.

12. The next step is to determine how to divide the amounts to be allocated between
the receiving cost centers (receivers). Selecting a receiver rule does this.

13. There are four possible entries for the receiver rule. If variable portions is
selected, the allocation is made proportionally based upon values automatically
determined by the system after selecting a variable portion type. Note: the
variable portion type field will appear on the screen after the variable portions
rule has been selected. If fixed amounts is selected an amount to be received by
each cost center is entered on the receiver tracing factor tab and that amount will
be received each period the allocation is executed. If fixed percentages is
selected, percentages for each cost center are entered on the receiver tracing factor
tab. The amount to be allocated to each cost center each period will be
determined by these percentages. Finally, if fixed portions is selected then
values are entered into the receiver tracing factor tab and the allocation will be
made proportionally based upon the values entered. For this example select
fixed percentages.

Enter cost center and cost

elements to be allocated and
then enter the cost centers or
orders that are to receive the

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14. Next click on the Sender/Receiver tab and the input fields above will appear. This
is where the specific cost centers and cost elements to be allocated and the
allocation receivers are identified. In the example above cost center 3110 will be
allocated to all the cost centers in cost center group 2100. Since no specific cost
elements are entered, all cost elements will be allocated.
15. Next click on the Sender Values tab and the input fields below will appear. The
sender values are copied over from the segment header tab automatically.
However, this is where the plan version would be entered if a plan version other
that the default value was being used. For this example, actual values are being
used and no entry is necessary.

16. Finally, click on the Receiver Tracing Factor tab and the input fields below will
appear. This is where the data related to the receiver rules selected in step 13 is
entered. For this example, fixed percentages were selected as the receiver rule
and the sum of the amounts entered must equal 100.

17. Select save and the message below will appear.

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18. Now the cycle ER-ACT has been created and the segment FACT ADMIN has
been attached to the cycle. Additional segments may be added to this cycle by
clicking on the attach cycle button and repeating steps 6 through 17.
Note: It may be desirable to create additional segments for other overhead
departments to be allocated to the production departments. For example, the factory
admin, maintenance, and quality departments may all be in a cycle called Alloc Erl
Act Indir Mfg Cost because the departments are all indirect production costs that
should be allocated to the production cost centers. But, each may have a separate
segment because they require different methods of allocation (fixed amounts, variable
amounts, or fixed percentages) or different secondary cost elements for reporting

Click here to attach additional segments

to this cycle

If multiple segments are

on a cycle use these
arrows to scroll through
the segments.

19. When all the desired segments have been created/attached, the cycle can be
executed using transaction KSU5.

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