City's Pulse On The Beat: Alice in The Wonderland

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Issue 100 MAC 2010

City’s Pulse On The Beat

Alice in the


Issue 100 MAC 2010


05. Editor SpeakerUp

All rise! Our mighty Mr Editor had
something to say on this
memorable 100th issue! Applause!

06. BlockBusters
Alice in the Wonderland and
The Hurt Locker. We’ll tell you more
about this two spectacular movie
and why you should watch it!

10. The‘IN’Thing
RETRO is never out of place! If you
think the laces and the big specs
and the huge ribbons are
past-tense, you’re oudated.

12. Music Scene

Concert! This time, it’s Classic.

This is a special issue, so of course
there’s a special segment. It’s just
normal but unexpected isn’t it?
No heels feels better then Editor SpeakUp
Dear Readers of KLife,
Well, here I am again, writing my personal thoughts and
insights to you readers.

But this time, it’s different because I’m presenting you the
100th issue of KLife. That means we’d been in production
for 8 years and 4 months. Come on! Hoorahh! Instead of
counting our success here, I would like to tell all of you guys
how much I appreciate this issue (and everyone behind it;
that include you readers who’d supported us throughout
the years!)

We’d seen so much changes in the magazine. We began This issue we’re gonna tell you
with only a handful of us, but look at us now! We’d more about parties! Let’s go clubbing!
then 50 staff members who would do anything to dig, write,
snap and steal (Ooops! Now you know!) to satisfy you
readers! Well, some staffs are gone, and new young bloods
came in. But this is what make KLife so KLife ryte?

To the KLife staffs,

We’re family. I’m nothing without all of you.

To the Readers,
Thanks for bringing this big family to me. And for that,
we’ll bring more stuffs for you!
Think 60’s and 70’s are out?
Think again!
This issue we’ll look ito what’s gonna happen in year
2010. It’s not like we’re Nostradamus(s) but we could pre-
dict what’s gonna be BIG this year. After all, we’re the top
notch of this entertainment news business. So, look out for
our signs!

Then, we’ll discuss about being RETRO! What’s in the

80’s is still relevant today! Huge specs, bell bottom pants,
laces, all of them is still seen on the streets. Trust us on our
sense of fashion.

Signing off,
The Editor.

This issue’s front cover was shot by Mohd Ikram.
06 07

Blockbusters Blockbusters
What do we know about ALICE IN THE Burton’s Alice in Wonderland is not pure

WONDERLAND if Tim Burton a.k.a. the di- Lewis Carroll. Burton and screenwriter Linda
rector don’t know what it is, then neither do Woolverton treat the tale as a fable of a young
we. But we know one thing for sure, this is girl who at the end becomes transformed into
helluva-stunning movie to watch! an independent woman.

Director Tim Burton modernizes the beloved Alice is a 19-year old young woman when
Alice In Wonderland story by returning Alice she follows the White Rabbit down the rabbit
back to Wonderland 13 years older, and, with hole, as she tries to escape rigid Victorian
special effects from 3D technology. This mores and a hapless engagement to a vapid
updated adventure also delivers a cautionary twit at a garden gathering. Is she the Alice
tale about the personal cost from “living your who is destined to battle the Jabberwocky for
life to please others”. the White Queen against the Red Queen?
of some distorted live action and
Johnny Depp plays a rather subdued Mad Mia Wasikowska creates an Alice who is
animation. I can’t relate it to anything
because i’m not sure what to relate it Hatter, b u t H e l e n a B o n h a m C a r t e r i s naive but steady, who retains her father’s abil-
to. It’s kind of a new territory to me...” wickedly delightful as the “off with their heads” ity to imagine.
spewing Red Queen. Crispin Clover’s return
Tim Burton to the big screen was a pleasant surprise. Yet,
the most charming character is the floating,
This movie is a must watch. Trust me, Tim can
imagine better than Alice. With him in charge,
turquoise-striped feline, Chessur, who this movie will be amazingly stunning, and
fortuitously disappears ahead of trouble. spectacular.
08 09

Blockbusters Blockbusters
is based on the personal wartime experiences
of journalist Mark Boal, director Kathryn
Bigelow’s Iraq War-set action thriller The Hurt
Locker presents the conflict in the Middle East
from the perspective of those who witnessed
the fighting firsthand -- the soldiers.

As an elite Army Explosive Ordnance

Disposal team tactfully navigates the streets
of present-day Iraq, they face the constant
threat of death from incoming bombs and
sharp-shooting snipers. In Baghdad, road-
side bombs are a common danger. The Army
is working to make the city a safer place for
Americans and Iraqis, so when it comes to dis-
mantling IEDs (improvised explosive devices)...


...the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD)
crew is always on their game. But protecting
the public isn’t easy when there’s no room
for error, and every second spent dismantling
a bomb is another second spent flirting with

Now, as three fearless bomb technicians take

on the most dangerous job in Baghdad, it’s
only a matter of time before one of them gets
sent to “the hurt locker.” Jeremy Renner, Guy
Pearce, and Ralph Fiennes star.

This movie might not feature a whole line

of big stars, but the story is so well written it
gained loads of good review. Even Oscar got
his eye on this one.
10 11

The ‘In’ Thing The ‘In’ Thing


“Retro” is on the rise. Not traditionalism,

which can be defined as a literal re-
invention of past trends. Retro is a
sophisticated, cool, sometimes ironic
take on the pop culture and design of
the 1930s to the 1980s. It represents
a generational response by the under-
40 crowd against the uniformity and
slickness of much of today’s mass
marketing. To some extent it also
suggests a backlash to a culture of
disposability and fakery.

Long story cut short: Retro is not the

STILL MAINSTREAM FASHION Past, it would be the future!
In case you hadn’t noticed, the fashion world has gone
Vintage. Everywhere you turn, the vintage look is being
revived. New trends, inspired by fashion from years gone
by, are suddenly appearing on the catwalks, celebrities,
filling shops, boutiques and even genuine vintage pieces
are being resurrected from lofts and garages!

There’s no surprise when you switch on fashion TV and

find out that the splatter prints, shocking neons, and ag-
gressive shoulder pads of the 1980s have all found their way
back onto today’s catwalks. Oh-so-80’s don’t you think?
12 13

Music Scene Special!

Lionel Richie
Live in Malaysia
No where to go on April? Good!
Because you’d a date with Lionel
KLife hereby
Richie! Lionel Richie is coming to
present you with
perform life at Kuala Lumpur!
what we think
The musical legend which held multi- would absolutely
Grammy and Golden Globe winner, happen in 2010.
whose recorded legacy includes time-
less classic hits and multi-platinum
best-selling albums is finally coming Definitely.
to Malaysia. Don’t miss it! We guarantee it.

Ticket Price:
RM888, RM688, RM438, RM338, RM238

You may book online or call 03-7711 5000

Website :
14 15

Special! Special!
The term INDIE often means “independantly
made and produced film/art/music”. The term
used to describe independence from major com-
mercial record labels and an autonomous, Do-It-
Yourself approach to recording and publishing.
Independent labels have been known to strive
for minimal influence on the artist they represent,
avoiding the artist-cultivating behavior of many
major labels. Artists represented by Independent
labels have been known to be focused more on
producing music than becoming wealthy and/or
well known.

With so many bands out there reaching out for

fame today, yeah, 2010 will be filled with
Malaysian’s Indie music! Malaysia Boleh!

We already know there’s LOADS and LOADS 3. WHAT’S ELSE? LET’S PARTY!
of blogger in Malaysia already, so put this as
something big in 2010? Bare with me.
Like No.1, I’d already predicted that Malaysia will be showered with more music than the year be-
Dudes, I’m not talking about you and I. I’m fore, but if you think I’m only talking about local music, here come No. 3!
talking about the ‘baby-boomer-generation’ a.k.a.
the ‘uncles’ and ‘aunties’ in their mid 50’s. In
recent years, we’d seen them all over Facebook This year will mark the huge entry of foreign Disc Jockeys (DJs) and musician to Malaysia. So
and many other online social network, so it’s no many music events had been planned ahead for 2010 since last years events all came successful.
wonder if they start blogging around now! Guiness brought Black Eyed Peas for Guiness’ Day. DiGi brought All American Rejects for DiGi Mu-
sic Unlimited Concert. Henessy Artistry brought a handful of foreign DJs in. Even Celcom brought
In the 90’s, they said computer is the thing for
Lee Hom in! Many Malaysian turned up for these events, and the you can feel the crowd go, “Yeah!
youngster. But ever since we crossed the new
milennium, trust me; they OUTNUMBER us.

If your mum and dad starts sneaking to use your Seems to me that the organizers know wat we want and they’re planning for more! So it’s no sur-
computer when you’re asleep, encourage them. prise that they’ll be more DJs and bands coming in to perform on our local stage.

Now who said the Internet is the playground for

And it seems to me that they are all eaager to perform here too (because Malaysia’s crowd is the
youngsters? Ironic isn’t it?
best!) Malaysia Boleh! Wuhoo~

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