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The following activities are carried out in the final testing;

Visual inspection of coach for proper fitment of equipments.

Ensure that the refrigerant pipes are properly clamped.
Suction pipe for proper lagging.
Ensuring that all modifications are carried out.
Checking safety chain and tension rod of Brushless alternators for proper
Under cables leading to alternator are properly checked.
Checking of earth leakage by two-lamp method.
Checking of system for any refrigerant leakage before gas charging
(a) Vacuum test (for 12 hours)
(b) Pressure test (by charging Freon 12 or CO2 gas)
Vacuum test for 15 minutes for dehydration of refrigeration system.
Checking control panel and ensure that proper fuses are provided.
Checking contactors, relay and switches for correct sequential operation.
Ensure that time delay in operation of contactors No.12, 13,13A is 2.5 Sec.
Checking heaters for correct operation
Start plant and check for any abnormal operation of equipments like,
compressor, blower motor etc.
Check leakage air from doors
Check for proper oil level in compressor
Run the plant for 4 hrs. An equivalent heat load should be dept for
performance test of the plant.
Ensure that batteries are in fully charged condition
Run the plant with dynodrive motors for 8 hrs at different speeds.
Check for proper load sharing of load by alternators.
Apart from the above the following visual checks also have to be done.
Alignment of Axle pulley
Proper belt tensioning

General checks.
Suction pressure gauge reading should be 37-40 PSI [ kg/cm2]
Delivery pressure gauge reading should be 150-170 PSI 10.6.12 kg/cm2]
Oil pressure gauge reading should be minimum 3 kg/cm2 suction pressure.
Feel temperature suctions should be cold sweetly. Delivery should be very
hot and liquid should be warm.
The following are the various maintenance schedules carried out on AirConditioned coaches in divisions.

Trip schedule.
Monthly schedule
Three monthly schedule

Trip Attention

The Ac plant has to be run for about half an hour & the HP, LP& oil pressures
are to be checked and condition of cooling inside the coach has to be observed.
The entries made in the logbooks are to be scrutinized and shortcomings, if
any, have to be attended.
The following are to be checked for availability and proper functioning.
- Lights& Fans.
- Filters.
- Thermostats.
- Panel board& pre-cooling unit.
- Battery (voltage on-load & half load & Specific gravity of cells)
- Axle pulley & V belts.
- Alternator &Regulator.
- General observation of working of Compressor, condenser, evaporator,
Expansion valve, dehydrator& liquid receiver in case of under slung
type AC coaches.
Monthly & Three monthly schedule
In addition to the trip schedule Monthly & Three monthly schedule
are also to be carried out, which involves the following.
-Running the plant for half an hour and noting down the current drawn
by various equipments with the help of clamp tester, attend to the
equipments wherever current drawn is above normal values.
- Check the working of both roof mounted package units.
- Checking the tightness of the terminals in the control panel, power
panel, outings of electrical equipments, Axle pulley fasteners& proper
-Load sharing of alternators
AOH/POH Attention
AOH is done once in 13 months in workshops. All the electrical
equipments& fittings will be stripped out &through attention to all the
electrical equipments& fittings will be carried out.
Window type unit:
Air conditioners of window type are completely self-contained units with
compressor, condenser, evaporator, refrigerant piping and air filter, all assembled in
a very compact assembly. The window units are usually of Ton to 2 tons
Capacity and fitted with 230v motor up to 3 HP. In these units the expansion valve
and liquid receiver are not provided. The refrigerant is controlled in the capillary
system. The unit is so designed that it can be mounted on the window with the
small bracket from outside. Window units are particularly adopted where only few
rooms are to be air-conditioned and they are widely separated.

Maintenance cost is less and very little since the system is sealed.
Ducts are not required
Occupies less space
Shaft seal is eliminated
No alignment problem
Better cooling of the compressor motor from suction gas

1) No repair can be carried out in field since every thing is sealed. The unit has
to be repaired in workshop after cutting the sealed housing.
2) The first cost of installation becomes 50 to 100% costlier than control unit
where a number of units are employed for air conditioning a large area.
Package unit:
These units are functionally similar to the window models but are very much
bigger in size and therefore arranged for floor mounting. These are available in
several capacities ie. 4,6,8, and 12 tons. The units contain all the elements for
cooling, dehumidifying, ventilating and circulating air and is quite in operations. In
large sizes the condenser is often water cooled and the necessary pipe connections
will have to the made. The compressor unit may be hermitically sealed, semi-sealed
or open type. The control panel is conveniently located and provided with 3
position switch marked off, fan and cool, in addition to a knob for setting the
temperature at which thermostat is to function. The disadvantages over are that the
cost of installation is much larger than that of a central plant especially if large area
has to be air-conditioned.
Window Type
Maintenance cost is less and very little, since
the system is sealed.
Ducts are not required.
Occupy less space
Shaft seal is eliminated
No alignment problem
Better-cooling of compressor motor from the
suction gas.
The greatest disadvantage of the system is
that since every thing is sealed, no repair
can be carried out in field.
Window ACs are completely self contained
units, with the compressor, condenser and
evaporator assemble in a very compact
assembly and presenting an attractive
frontage to harmonize with interior of a home
or an office
Window units are usually of 0.5 to 2.0 Ton
capacity. The window units are costly and
convenient to handle.

If a few of the units develop trouble, the rest

would keep the interior reasonable
comfortable in case of large number of
window ACs are installed in air-conditioning
large areas.
Window type AC can be installed in a wall
whose outer face is exposed, so that the hot
air from the condenser may discharge in to
the open

Package Type
Maintenance cost comparatively high.
Ducts are required.
Occupy more space
Prone to failure due to shaft seal is

Repair can be carried out in field.

Package units are functionally very
similar to the window models but are
very much bigger in size and therefore
arrange for floor mounting.
Package units are available in general
capacities of 4,6,8 and 12 tons.
In view of the high capacity, one or two
units are fully capable of air-conditioning
over a moderately large room or hall.
The package units are not so convenient
in handling as in the case of window ACs
Because of single unit defect of the unit
will affect the complete Air-conditioning.

Package units are floor mounted and

suitable opening have to be provided in
the wall for drawing ventilating air and in
throwing out hot air from the condenser.

Water-cooled plants are also available

where necessary pipe connections have
to be made.

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