National Student Employment Week: April 12-16, 2010

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National Student Employment Week

April 12-16, 2010

Receive one raffle ticket for each workshop you attend for our student employee raffle!

Monday, April 12th

On-Campus Employment 101
2:30pm-3:30pm, Loop Campus, DPC 9501
Interested in finding a job on-campus, but not really sure where to start? This workshop will guide
you through the oncampus job search process, answer questions about work-study, and inform you
what DePaul supervisors expect from applicants.
Tuesday, April 13th
On-Campus Employment 101
1:30pm-2:30pm, Lincoln Park Campus, SAC 151
Business Etiquette Workshop
6:00pm-8:00pm, Lincoln Park Campus, Student Center 220
The Business Etiquette workshop will equip you with a general knowledge of how to act in social
outings and while at the office. In addition to open floor discussion, you will interact with others and
complete hands on activities.
Wednesday, April 14th
Get Connected: Using LinkedIn and Twitter to Network and
Job Search
4:00pm-5:30pm, Lincoln Park Campus, Room: TBD
During this “hands on” workshop held in a computer lab, attendees will learn the benefits of
completing their LinkedIn profile, how and why to make connections, get recommendations, and
join industry or interest-specific groups. Also included: tips, tricks, and etiquette for using LinkedIn
and Twitter for networking, job search and career information. Please be sure to create a LinkedIn
account before the workshop so you have starting point when you attend the workshop.
Resume Drive Thru
11:30am-12:30pm & 4:30pm-5:30pm, DPC 9500 & SAC 192
Need help with your resume but don’t have time to set an appointment? Cruise on over to the Career
Center. Career Center staff will be standing by to help you create or review your resume and assist
you with any questions you may have.
Thursday, April 15th
Managing Your Paycheck
12:00pm-1:00pm, Lincoln Park Campus, SAC 151
Congratulations! You’ve secured your first on-campus job and are going to have a steady stream of
income, but what are you going to do with that money? Managing Your Paycheck will cover savings,
budgeting, and debt management all on a student budget.

Skills Builder Workshop

2:00pm-3:00pm, Lincoln Park Campus, SAC 151
This workshop will help you identify transferable skills you use in your daily life in school, work and
extra-curricular activities. You will learn how some of your skills overlap from one area of your life to
another, and how to effectively communicate those transferable skills onto your resume!
Friday, April 16th
How to Avoid Rookie Mistakes: Professionalism at Work
2:00pm-3:00pm, Lincoln Park Campus, SAC 151
Your hard work and effort paid off and you landed a job on-campus! There is a lot to learn whether this is
your first job or one of the many you’ve had. This workshop is presented by hiring managers on-campus
and you will learn first-hand what common mistakes are made on the job and how you can avoid them.
Learn how to make a great impression and get a positive reference!

Pre-Registration for events is not required but is recommended.

Register at unless otherwise noted.

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