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How to Know if You're Mature / Philippians 3:1-16

We often think we're mature because we know the bible. We promote the idea that
maturity is found in bible knowledge so we encourage people to attend more and
more bible studies. Sometimes that knowledge is misplaced: it puffs up, creates
pride, and causes arguments. Even worse, in the church, conflicts can arise and
authority be taken based on personal accomplishments rather than genuine spiritual

What's the cause of fighting? Cf. 4:2 and 2:5. Dissimilar minds.

Paul teaches us that we can know we're mature by whether we trust Jesus, are
becoming more attached to him, and whether we keep pressing on. Those who are
mature know this and act by it. If you do not know this, and/or you do not act by it,
God will educate you further.

1. Trust Jesus more than yourself (3:1-6).

• Paul is battling a mindset that puts personal accomplishments ahead of
spiritual growth. Of all people, he could call the shots if he really wanted to.
But that's now how it works in the church.
• We are mature when we recognize that spiritual growth occurs when we
trust Jesus more than ourselves.
• How do we trust Jesus? By rejoicing (3:1), which reminds us of who we are
in Jesus; by serving God by his Spirit; and by boasting in Jesus, keeping our
focus where it belongs (3:3).

2. Become more attached to Jesus than to yourself (3:7-11).

• Paul used to derive importance from his previous way of life. Now, he
considers it loss for the sake of Christ (3:7).
• We are mature when we realize that the best thing we can do in our lives is
draw closer to Christ.
• What does being attached to Jesus mean? Finding our righteousness through
him (3:9); knowing him in both power (faith) and weakness (humility); and
becoming like him in his death (cf. 2:1-11; serving others).

© 2010 Jeremy Hoover / /

How to Know if You're Mature / Philippians 3:1-16

3. Keep pressing ahead instead of falling back (3:12-14).

• Some "spiritual giants" think they have arrived, either because of external
markers (church attendance, etc.) or bible knowledge.
• We are mature when we realize Jesus took hold of us for a purpose, and that,
in our lives, we press ahead towards that purpose with everything that we
• How do we do this? Forgetting the past, forgetting what we are owed or
think we are owed, and straining ahead (even in difficulty and trial).

4. If you are not mature, God will educate you (3:15-16).

• Paul lays out his vision for maturity, for people who want to overcome
fighting in the church and lead properly.
• Not all will get it. Not all will choose to get it. Some will choose to assert
their self-proclaimed authority over others. Some will choose to continue to
fight to get their way.
• Sometimes we don't need to worry about that--God will make it clear to
them! Some of the worst education comes directly from God...and when you
least expect it!

5. Live up to what you have already attained (3:16).

• We need a starting point. The starting point is our willingness to leave the
past and strain ahead to a better future.
• We're not all at the same point, but if we have the same desire, we'll have the
same mind.
• Let us live up to what we have already attained.

© 2010 Jeremy Hoover / /

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