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Name ________________________Date _________ Class _____

Hydrological (Water) Cycle

 Without enough usable water, there would be no life.
 The Earth is able to support plant and animal life because of its abundance of
 Almost three-fourths of the surface of Earth is covered by water.
 Only 2.5 Percent is freshwater.

Fill in the Blank

Most fresh water is locked in _________________ ______________ in ice caps

and glaciers. _________________ and __________________ move water downhill to

or from larger bodies of water. Smaller streams and rivers that flow into a major river

are called __________________. The region drained by rivers and its tributaries is

called a ______________________ ________________. The largest drainage basin in

the world is the __________________ __________________. __________________

___________ is found beneath the Earth’s surface.

Salt water is found in the oceans and seas. The Earth’s oceans are the

_________, _________________, ________________, ________________, and

Southern Ocean. The Earth’s water is renewed by a never-ending process called the

__________________ ______________, or water cycle. The hydrological cycle is the

circulation of water between _______________, the _______________, and the

atmosphere. The atmosphere is the layer of _____________ that surround Earth.

Diagram the Hydrological (Water) Cycle for yourself so you will

remember it if you saw it again in the future. Draw in some
clouds, precipitation, rivers, and oceans.

___________________ _________________________



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