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rgdi-rogn satatnuaktn-aea-kya-prastn-aen
autsukya-mohratidn jaghna yoprva-vaidyya namostu-tasmai //1//
rgdi - all the qualities accompanying attachment (kma, krodha, lobha, mada, mtsarya
etc.), colour, music; rogn to the diseases; satata - always; anuakta - closely associated
with; aea - limitless, totally; kya - body; prastn issuing from, spreading (derived from
prasra); aen limitless; autsukya - anxieties; moha - delusion; arati not having any
interest, restlessness; dn that which produces; jaghna has destroyed, eradicated; ya
who; aprva rare, never seen before (signifying greatness); vaidyya unto the physician;
namo astu let there be obeisances; tasmai - unto him

Obeisances unto that unique and rare (uncomparable) physician who has completely
eliminated limitless diseases that are closely associated with and spreading all over the body
and mind, perpetually causing anxiety, confusion and restlessness. These diseases include
attachment (and aversion) and their various transformations which are an integral aspect of
all living beings.

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$01 !  
athta yukmyam-adhyya vykhysyma
iti ha smhur-treydayo maharaya // prose 1//
athta therefore; yukmyam quest for longevity; adhyya chapter; vykhysyma
will describe; iti this; ha sma-hur as spoken by; treydayo treya ri and others;
maharaya the sages

Therefore as advised/spoken by the great hermit treya and the group of sages, is described
the chapter on the quest for longevity.


yu-kmayamnena dharmrtha-sukha-sdhanam
yurvedopadeeu vidheya paramdara //2//
yu long life; kmayamnena since it causes the desire; dharma virtue, duty; artha
wealth; sukha happiness; sdhanam goal; yurveda upadeeu in the teachings of
yurveda; vidheya practiced, applied; paramdara with great care and respect
One who desires a long life in order to attain virtue, wealth and happiness, should very
respectfully apply oneself to (study, understand, implement and advocate) the teachings of

67 $ 8 I

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brahm smtvyuo-veda prajpatim-ajigrahat

so'vinau tau sahasrka so'tri-putrdikn-munn //3//
te'gnivedikste tu pthak tantri tenire //4a//
brahm Lord Brahma; smtv having recollected; yuo-veda the science of longevity
(yurveda); prajpatim unto Daka Prajpati; ajigrahat given; sa he (Prajpati); avinau
to the avini kumras; tau two of them; sahasrka unto Lord Indra; sa he (Indra);
atri-putrdikn unto the son of Atri muni and others; munn unto the sages; te they (the
sages); agnivedikn to Agnivea and others; te they (referring to Agnivea and others);
tu indeed; pthak discretely, separately;

tantri all the tantrs; tenire spread,

Lord Brahma recollected the science of yurveda and delivered it to Prajpati Daka. He in
turn taught the twin brothers, Avini Kumras who imparted the same to King Indra. King
Indra passed it down to the great sages like the son of sage Atri and others, who later taught
Agnivea and other sages. They then composed their own separate treatises which were
propagated all around (the world).

@A4@  B

tebhyoti-viprakrebhya prya srataroccaya //4//

kriyatega-hdayam nti-sakepa-vistaram

tebhyo for the people; ati too much (various sources); viprakrebhya from the scattered
(tantrs in previous verse); prya mostly; sratara the better parts of the essence;
uccaya is spoken; kriyate is composed; aga-hdayam this book aga hdayam;
nti not too much; sakepa concise; vistaram expansive

For the benefit of the people, the essence of the science, which was scattered in the form of
several tantras, is now being presented, in the form of Aga Hdaya which is neither too
expansive nor too concise.

DE $0K L I

kya-bla-grahordhvnga-alya-datr-jar-v //5//
atvagni tasyhu-cikits yeu sarit

kya - internal medicine; bla pediatrics, gynecology and obstetrics; graha - psychiatry,
medical astrology, spirits; dhvnga - upper part of body (head, neck and face); aly surgery; datra - toxicology; jar - rejuvenation and geriatrics (rasyana); vrn aphrodisiacs, virility, fertility, dealing with procreation and health of reproductive system; aa
eight; agni parts; tasya of them; hus it is said; cikita treatment/ management of
diseases; eu among them (the 8 branches mentioned above); sarit completely
depends upon
The management of diseases is completely dependent upon the eight branches (limbs) of
yurveda, which are said to be general medicine, pediatrics (including gynecology and
obstetrics), psychiatry and medical astrology, diseases of the head and neck (above the
clavicle), surgery, toxicology, rejuvenation and virility.

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vyu pitta kaphaceti trayo do samsata //6//

vikt-'vikt deha ghnanti te vartayanti ca

vyu pitta kaphaceti of vta pitta and kapha; iti referring to something that has already
been said; trayo do the three dos; samsata in brief (meaning that detail will come
later); vikt imbalance (disease); avikt without imbalance (health); deha body;
ghnanti te they destroy; vartayanti ca and maintain
In short, vta, pitta and kapha are the three doas responsible for destroying and
maintaining the body in their vitiated and balanced states respectively

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te vypino pi hnnbhyor-adho-madhyordhva-saray //7//

vayoho-rtri-bhuktn tenta-madhydig kramt
te those (three doas mentioned above); vypina are spreading all over at all times; api
although, yet; hn (hd) heart; nbhyo umbilicus; adho lower ; madhya middle; rdhva
top; samray residing, sheltered; vayah age, life; aho - day ; rtri night; bhuktnm
food that is already eaten (i.e. being digested); te that; anta end; madhya middle; di
beginning; g going (in that order); kramt in systematic order, respectively
The three doas are spread all over the body at all times. Yet they are sheltered in the area
below the umbilicus (primary location of vta), between the umbilicus and the heart (primary
location of pitta); and above the heart (primary location of kapha) in that order. The end,
middle and beginning of (each of the following) - life, day, night and digestion of food - are
predominantly influenced by the tridoas, in the same order. (i.e. vta, pitta & kapha).

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tair-bhaved-viamas-tko manda-cgni samai sama //8//

tair due to those (three doas) ; bhaved - becomes; viamas - irregular or erratic; tko sharp, quick & intense; manda - dull, poor, inadequate; ca and; agni digestive and
metabolic fire; samai that in which all the doas are balanced; sama is known as
balanced digestive fire

Of the digestive fires, the (four) types are unpredictably irregular, intensely sharp, inadequately
slow and balanced.

+! + $M
koha krro mdur-madhyo madhya syttai samair-api

koha lumen, digestive tract; krra cruel (meaning hard and dry - of vta); mdu - soft
(of pitta); madhya - medium or moderate (of kapha); syt - that; tai of those; samair of
balanced (doas); api also
The (three) types of digestive tracts are dry, soft and moderate. Balanced doa also has
moderate koha.

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ukrrtava-sthair-janmdau vieeva viakrime //9//
taica tisra praktayo hna-madhyottam pthak
samadhtu samastsu reh nindy dvidoaj //10//

ukra semen; rtava ovum; sthair firmly situated in the; janmdau at the time of
conception; vieeva - just as (their own) poison is; viakrime (not poisonous) for poisonous
insects, worms, microbes (originate); taica from them and; tisra three types of; praktayo
of constitution; hna inferior; madhya medium; uttam superior; pthak discrete,
separate (single doa); samadhtu balanced tissues; samastsu - combined, put together;
reh best nindy abhorred; dvidoaj born of combination of two doas

In the beginning, at the time of conception, i.e. the union of the sperm and ovum, constitution
(prakti) of the living being is formed. Prakti is like the poison of the poisonous creatures
(i.e.which does not cause them any harm). There are three separate single doa predominant
constitutions - inferior, medium and superior in that order. There is one constitution in which

all the three doas are balanced. The other (three) constitutions in which two doas are
predominant are abhorred.

1 V< TW
tatra rko laghu ta khara skma-calo nila
tatra of that; rka dry; laghu light; ta cold; khara rough; skma subtle; cala
that which initiates movement; anila vta
Of those three, vta is dry, light, cold, rough, subtle and initiation of all processes i.e.
movements or transformations

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pitta sasneha tkoa laghu visra sara drava //11//

pitta pitta; sa-sneha a little oily (accompanied by oily quality); tka sharp, quick;
ua hot; laghu light; visra foul smelling; sara moving; drava fluid
Pitta is a little oily, sharp, hot, light, foul smelling, mobile and fluid.

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snigdha to gurur manda lako mtsna sthira kapha

snigdha unctuous; to cold; guru heavy; manda slow; lako fine, smooth,
slippery; mtsna sticky like glue; sthira stable; kapha kapha

Kapha is unctuous, cold, heavy, slow, smooth or slimy, sticky and stable.
AH S 1. 12 (contd.)

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samsarga sanniptaca tad-dvi-tri-kaya-kopata //12//
samsarga called by the name samsarga; sanniptaca and called by the name sannipta;
ca and; tad that; dvi two (dos); tri three (dos); kaya decrease; kopata
Involvement of two doas is called samsarga and of three doas is called sannipta. There
can be either increase or decrease of each of the doas in this combination.

Seven dhts (also known as dyas)

rassg-msa-medo-sthi majja-ukrni dhtava
rasa lymphatic tissue; ask blood tissue; msa muscle tissue; medas adipose
tissue; asthi bone or skeletal tissue; majja marrow or nerve tissue; ukrni reproductive
tissue; dhtava the support of the body (tissues)

Those that support the body are lymph, blood, muscle, fat, bone, marrow and reproductive

a ) 1 $
sapta dy mal mtra akt sveddayo pi ca //13//

sapta seven; dya those which are vitiated (i.e. dhtus); mal waste; mtra urine;
akt faeces; sveda sweat; dayo - and others; api also ; ca and

Each of these seven (dhtus) can get vitiated. The waste products which are feces, urine,
sweat etc can also get vitiated (by doas).

b 4 c!!
vddhi samnai sarve vipartair-viparyaya
vddhi increase; samnai similar qualities; sarve - of them all (i.e. dhtus &
malas); vipartair - opposites; viparyaya - do the reverse (i.e. reduce)
Similar qualities cause an increase (i.e. of the doas, dyas and malas having similar
qualities). Opposite qualities cause the reverse (i.e. decrease of doas, dyas & malas
having the opposite qualities)

Y-L$ e

ras svdvamla-lavaa-tiktoaa-kayak //14//

a dravyam- ritste ca yath-prva-balvah

ras tastes; svdu - sweet; amla - sour; lavaa - salty; tikta - bitter; ua - pungent; kaya
astringent; a six; dravyam substances; ritste (their properties) depend upon; ca
and; yathprvam in the preceding order, the first half of the list; balvaha providing
strength (strengthening)
The tastes are six in number and they are sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent and astringent.
The tastes are dependent on substances (for their expression). The strengthening effect of
the tastes mentioned here increases in the ascending order.

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tatrdy mruta ghnanti trayas tiktdaya kapha //15//

kaya-tikta madhur pitta-manye tu kurvate
tatrdy the first three; mruta vta; ghnanti destroys, pacifies; trayas of the three;
tiktdaya bitter and so on (bitter, pungent, astringent); kapha kapha; kaya
astringent; tikta bitter; madhur sweet; pitta-manye curbs pitta; tu but; kurvate does
The first three tastes (svdu, amla & lavaa) alleviate vta, the last three beginning with
bitter (tikta, uaa & kaya) alleviate kapha, pitta is alleviated by astringent, bitter and
sweet tastes (kaya, tikta & madhur).

$$ Y- 1

amana kopana svastha hita dravyamiti tridh //16//

amana - palliating, pacifying; kopana - aggravating; svastha hita - beneficial for health;
dravyam - substances; iti tridh - these three types

There are three kinds of substances. They are those which are palliating, aggravating and
beneficial for health (strengthening).

)!M1 e S $
ua ta guotkart tatra vrya dvidh smta
ua - hot; ta - cold; gua - quality; utkart - eminent, prominent; tatra - there; vrya potency; dvidh - two types; smta - known as

Substances are known to possess heating or cooling potencies depending on which one they

1 Y-$ $SW 
tridh vipko dravyasya svdvamla katuktmaka //17//

tridh - three types; vipko - of post digestive effect; dravyasya - of substances; svdu sweet; amla - sour; katuka - pungent; tmaka - consisting or composed of
The three types of post-digestive effects (tastes) consist of sweet, sour and pungent.

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gu sa-skma-viad viati sa-viparyay //18//

guru heavy; manda slow; hima cold; snigdha unctuous; laka smooth; sndra
solid; mdu soft; sthir stable; gu qualities; skma subtle; viad clear; viati
twenty; sa viparyay along with their opposite (qualities)

The twenty qualities are heavy, slow, cold, unctuous, smooth, solid, soft, stable, subtle and
clear along with their opposite counterparts.

!! i1

klrtha-karma yogo hna-mithyti-mtraka

samyag-yoga-ca vijeyo rogrogyaika-kraa //19//

kla - season or time; artha - sense object; karma - activities; yoga - method, union; hna
- poor, insufficient; mithy - inappropriate, perverted; ati excessive; mtraka - quantity;
samyak balanced; yoga interaction; ca and; vijeyo knowledge of; roga disease;
rogya absence of disease (health); eka only, exclusive; kraam reason, cause


The deficient, perverted and excessive interactions of time (kla), sense objects (artha) or
actions (karma) are the only causes of disease. Their balanced interactions are the only
causes of health.

$ W, W

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rogastu doa vaiamya doa-smyam-arogat
nijgantu vibhgena tatra rog dvidh smt //20//

rogastu of disease; doa vaiamya disturbance or irregularity of doa; doa-smyam

equilibrium of doa; arogat of health; nija internal, endogenous; gantu external,
exogenous; vibhgena divisions; tatra of that; rog disease; dvidh two types; smt
it is known
Disease is the irregularity of doas, health is the equilibrium of doas. It is known that there
are two categories of diseases - endogenous and exogenous.


tem kya-mano-bhedd-adhithnam-api dvidh

tem of that (the two types of diseases mentioned); kya body; mano of the mind;
bhedd is distinctly divided; adhithnam - basis or foundation; api also; dvidh two types
Of the two types of diseases mentioned, there are two foundations. They are the body and
the mind.

$K S F
rajas-tamas-ca manaso dvau ca dovudhtau //21//

rajas passion; tamas ignorance, darkness; ca and; manaso of the mind; dvau two in
number; ca and; do faults; udhtau it is said

It is said that passion (rajas) and ignorance (tamas) are the two faults of the mind.

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darana-sparana-pranai parketa ca rogia

darana inspection; sparana touch (palpation, percussion); pranai interrogation,

history taking; parketa is examined by; ca and; rogia the patient

The patient is examined using visual, tactile and interrogatory techniques.


roga nidna-prgrpa-lakaopaayptibhi //22//

nidna cause or etiology; prgrpa or prvarpa prodromal symptoms; lakaa clinical

symptoms; upaaya diagnostic tests / trial & error; pti or samprpti pathogenesis

Etiology, initial non-specific prodromal symptoms, expressed specific clinical symptoms,
diagnostic tests (trial and error) and pathogenesis are the ways to evaluate a disease.

0l S

bhmi-deha-prabhedena deamhur iha dvidh
jgala vta-bhyiha-npa tu kapholbaa //23//
sdhraa sama-mala tridh bhdeam-diet

bhmi land; deha body; prabhedena types; deamhur all the regions; iha in this
world; dvidh two types; jgala dry, arid; vta bhyitha vta predominant; npa
situated near water, watery; tu but; kapha ulbaa excessively or predominantly kapha;
sdhraa moderate type; sama - uniformly distributed; mala doas; tridh three
types; bhdeam land; diet has been said
Land bodies are of three types. One which is dry is vta predominant. The one which is watery
is kapha predominant. The third is a moderate type where there is equal distribution of the


kadir-vydhy-avasth ca klo bheaja-yoga-kt //24//

kadi according to units of time on the clock; vydhyvasth according to stage of the
disease; ca and; klo time for; bheaja treatment; yoga kt is appropriately administered

yurvedic treatment is administered after considering two aspects of time - as per the units of
real time and as per the stage of disease.

odhana amana ceti samsd-auadha dvidh

odhana cleansing; amana pacifying, palliating; ca and; iti this; samsd

succinctly grouped; auadha treatments; dvidh two groups

Treatments are succinctly divided into two groups, namely, palliating the doas and
cleansing the doas.

arrajn do kramea param-auadha
vastir-vireko vamana tath taila ghta madhu

arrajn originating from body; do (diseases of the) doas; kramea - in the

order, by regimen; param ultimate, best; auadha medicine; vastir enema; vireko
purgation; vamana emesis; tath respectively; taila oil; ghta ghee; madhu
The best treatments for the (vitiated) doas in the body are medicated enema (vasti),
therapeutic purgation (virecana) and therapeutic emesis (vamana) in that order using oils,
ghee and honey respectively.


dh-dhairytmdi-vijna mano-doauadha para

dh intelligence (discrimination); dhairya courage, will power, patience; tmdi vijnam

knowledge of soul and allied subjects; mano of the mind; doa diseases; auadha
medicine, therapy; para best

The best therapies for the mind are nourishing the intelligence, developing will power and
cultivating spiritual knowledge.

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bhiak dravyyupastht rog pda-catuayam

cikitsitasya nirdia pratyeka taccatur-guam //27//
bhiak physician; dravyi medicines; upastht paramedical staff, attendant, nurse;
rog patient; pda legs; catuayam four types; cikitsitasya to be treated; nirdia
indicated, declared; pratyeka distinct; tat of each of these; catur guam four qualities
Physician, medicines, nurse and patient are the four legs of treatment process. For obtaining
indicated results, the four legs should possess four qualities each.

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dakas-trthtta-strrthe da-karm ucir-bhiak

bahukalpa bahugua sampanna yogyam-auadha //28//

dakas expert; trthtta learned from the gurus (trtha holy abode i.e. in the presence of
the guru; tta obtained); strrthe all the meanings and interpretations of the texts; dakarm observed and experienced (performed) directly; ucir hygienic, pure hearted, having
good intentions; bhiak the physician; bahukalpa -

capable of being used in many

pharmaceutical modes and doages; bahugua having many qualities; sampannam

easily obtainable, palatable; yogyam suitable for use (according to the situation); auadham
The physician should be an expert, learned from masters, knowing all the meanings and
interpretations of the yurvedic texts, observed and practically performed the treatments
oneself and clean (in mind and body). The medicinal substance should have the capability to
be used in different types of formulations, possessing many healing qualities, easily
obtainable and appropriate for use in the particular given situation.

 !< b l
anurakta ucir-dako buddhimn paricraka

anurakta loving; uci hygienic, having pure intentions; daka skilled; buddhimn
intelligent (able to understand quickly the instructions of the physician); paricraka nurse,
caretaker, assistant
The nurse or caretaker should be loving, pure and clean, skilled and intelligent.

q Zr j s
hyo rog bhiag-vayo jpaka sattvavn-api //29//
hyo wealthy enough to afford treatment; rog patient; bhiak-vayo willing to be
controlled by the physician (obedient); jpaka communicative; sattvavn mentally
strong, stable and peaceful (having sattvic qualities); api also

The patient should be affording, obedient, communicative as well as mentally pure and strong.

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sdhyosdhya iti vydhir-dvidh tau tu punar-dvidh

susdhya kcchra-sdhyaca ypyo-yacnupakrama //??//

sdhyo curable; asdhya incurable; iti thus; vydhir diseases; dvidh classified into
two types; tau those; tu but; punar-dvidh again two types; susdhya easily curable;
kcchra-sdhya cured with difficulty; ca and; ypyo not curable but kept under control
with medicines, diet and lifestyle changes; yaca and those; anupakrama incurable or
fatal (those in which nothing can be done)


Diseases are classified into two types - curable and incurable. The two types are again
classified into two each. Curable is divided into easily curable and cured with difficulty.
Incurable diseases are divided into those can be kept under control and fatal.

sarvauadha-kame dehe-yna puso jittmana
amarmagolpa-hetvagra-rpa-rponupadrava //30//

sarva complete; auadha medicine; kame effectiveness, ability to tolerate the

potency; dehe by the body; yna along with; puso person (the patient); jittmana
self controlled; amarmago not on any vital body parts; alpa trivial; hetu - cause; agrarpa (prva rpa) prodromal symptoms; rpa signs and symptoms; anupadrava not
having complications
The body of the person should have the ability to tolerate the potency of the medicine and
treatments. The person should be self controlled, the vital body parts uninjured, very few
causative factors and though having prodromal and visible signs of disease, not having any
complications. (This suggests good prognosis)

I)! W

atulya-dya-dea-tu-prakti pda-sampadi
grahev-anuguev-eka-doa-mrgo nava sukha //31//

atulya dissimilar; dya vitiated body tissues; dea habitat or place of residence; tu
season; prakti constitution; pda limbs (the four limbs of treatment); sampadi in excellent
condition, beneficial, in abundance; ghev-anugueu favorable planetary astrological
influence; eka doa arising from only a single doa ; (eka) mrgo manifesting in one
disease pathway (of the doa); nava newly manifested (early stage of disease); sukha
is easy (to cure)
The factors for good prognosis of a disease are dissimilarity (incongruence) between the
vitiated tissues, habitat, season and constitution. Having the four limbs of treatment in

excellent condition, favourable planetary influences, imbalance of only a single doa, the
disease manifesting in only one pathway and of recent onset are also factors for good

o tu E
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astrdi-sdhana kcchra sakare ca tato gada
eatvd-yuo-ypya pathybhysd-viparyaye //32//

astrdi sdhana requiring surgical instruments; kcchra difficult to cure; sakare mixed
together (more than one dya, mrga etc); ca and; tato that which; gada disease;
eatvd what is left or remaining; yuo of the life span; ypya to remain cured;
pathybhysd following the suitable rules of diet and lifestyle; viparyaye reversed, altered,
to turn around.
Diseases requiring surgery, with multiple involvement of doas, dhtus and pathways
(rogamrga) are difficult to cure. They can be kept under control for the remaining life span
by following a strict regimen which is opposite to the disease.

C $$=!
anupakrama eva syt-sthitotyanta-viparyaye

autsukya-mohrati-kd darioka-nana //33//

anupakrama incurable, unmanageable, not to be entertained; eva certainly; syt of these;

sthito situated; atyanta severely; viparyaye opposite, perverse, contrary to; autsukya
anxiety; moha delusion; rati restlessness; kt - showing; da able to see; aria-aka
visible signs of end of life; nana destruction

When the situation is severely opposite (gravely contrary), the disease is said to be incurable.
One will be able to perceive the visible signs of the end of life such as anxiety, delusion and

e ZcS!D S S

m [ P #
tyajed-rta bhiag-bhpair-dvia te dvia dvia
hnopakaraa vyagram-avidheya gatyua //34//
caa oktura bhru ktaghna vaidyamnina

The situations in which patients may be rejected treatment by the physician are those who
are against the king (state), those who harbour feelings of animosity towards the vaidya, lack
of equipments to perform the treatment, those who are too busy (not having the time), those
who are unable to follow the dos and donts, those whose life span is completed, the evil
minded, pessimistic, ungrateful and those who do not pay heed to the advice of the vaidya.

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