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Chapter 9 Transport in Plants

Learning Objectives:
(a) To identify the positions and explain the functions of
xylem vessels, phloem (sieve tube elements and
companion cells) in sections of a herbaceous
dicotyledonous leaf and stem, under the light microscope
(b) To relate the structure and functions of root hairs to
their surface area, and to water and ion uptake
(c) To explain the movement of water between plant cells,
and between them and the environment in terms of water
(d) To outline the pathway by which water is transported
from the roots to the leaves through the xylem vessels
Think Like a Scientist

Scientists use ‘thought experiments’ to

help them solve problems.

Copyright © 2006-2011 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 19 March 2010 2
Think Like a Scientist

I wonder where trees

get water from?

Well, obviously
from the ground.

PAUSE to • How are plant roots adapted to absorb water from the soil?
PONDER • Do they do this by osmosis?

Copyright © 2006-2011 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 19 March 2010 3
Think Like a Scientist

How does water move

through the transport system
of a plant if it does not have
a heart to act as a pump?

PAUSE to • Is water carried through some system

of vessels from the roots to the leaves?
• How is water lifted against gravity
from the ground to the leaves through
this transport system?
• Are the products of photosynthesis
also carried in a set of vessels from the
leaves to the roots?
• Are these the same vessels that water
is carried in or does the tree need a
different set of vessels?
Copyright © 2006-2011 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 19 March 2010 4
Think Like a Scientist

Plants could get

their nitrogen from
the air!

Yes, but nitrogen

from the air is
highly unreactive.

PAUSE to • How do nitrate ions get into plants?

PONDER • How are ions transported around in plants?

Copyright © 2006-2011 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 19 March 2010 5
Think Like a Scientist

Now, the hard

work begins!

I should:
• list down my questions on
• collect information on each
question as I read this chapter.
• record the answers on paper.

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Think Like a Scientist

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Transport/ Vascular tissues in Plants

 Xylem (Wood)
 Phloem
 Consists of many vessels that are long and
hollow and stretches from the root to the leaf
 Hollow space or lumen in the xylem vessel is
 No cross walls separating the cells

 Cells are dead

 The wall is strengthened by a hard

substance called lignin that is deposited on it.
Different patterns of lignification

 To conduct water and dissolved mineral

salts from the roots to the stems and leaves
 To provide mechanical support for the plant

 A continuous lumen without any partition wall

or protoplasm to prevent the flow of water
and mineral salts
 Walls are lignified to prevent the collapse of
the vessels.
 Consists of sieve tubes and companion cells.

 A sieve tube consists of a single column of elongated,

thin-walled living cells called the sieve tube cells.
 Cross-walls separating the cells are perforated by
minute pores like a sieve called sieve plates.
 Matured sieve tubes do not have vacuole, organelles
and nucleus except a thin later of cytoplasm
 Substances are transported by active transport and
Companion cells

 It accompanies each sieve tube cell.

 It is a narrow, thin-walled cell with a rich

cytoplasm and a nucleus.
 It nourishes the sieve tube cell; transport of
food across the phloem.

 To transport manufactured food (sucrose

and amino acids) from the leaves to other
parts of the plant.

 The sieve tube cells are perforated to enable

food substances to pass through them to be
transported to various parts of the plant.
 Companion cells have many mitochondria to
load sugars from mesophyll cells into sieve
tubes by active transport.
Vascular Bundles in Stems

Cross-section of a dicotyledonous
Xylem Phloem

Consists of dead cells Consists of living cells

-Transports water and mineral Transports sugar and amino
salts acids
-Provide mechanical support to
the plant
Transport is unidirectional Transport – directional,
upwards and downwards
Substances are transported by Substances are transported
passive transport - osmosis, by active transport, diffusion
root pressure, capillary action,
transpiration pull
1 In a dicotyledonous stem, the xylem and
phloem are grouped together to form
vascular bundles.

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1 vascular bundles

2 The vascular bundles are arranged in a

ring around a central region called the

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1 vascular bundles

2 pith

3 The phloem lies outside the xylem with a

tissue called the cambium between them.
Cambium cells can divide and differentiate
to form new xylem and phloem tissues,
giving rise to a thickening of the stem.

cambium vascular bundle
Copyright © 2006-2011 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 19 March 2010 22
1 vascular bundles

2 pith

3 cambium

4 The region between the vascular bundles

and the epidermis is the cortex. Both the
cortex and the pith serve to store up food
substances, such as starch.

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1 vascular bundles

2 pith

3 cambium

4 cortex

5 The stem is covered by a layer of cells

called the epidermis. The epidermal
cells are protected by a waxy, waterproof
cuticle that greatly reduces evaporation
of water from the stem.

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1 vascular bundles

2 pith

5 epidermis

3 xylem

4 cortex

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Vascular Bundles in Roots

Cross-section of a
dicotyledonous root
Longitudinal section of a young root
1 In a dicotyledonous root, the xylem and
phloem are not bundled together.
Instead, they alternate with each other.

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1 xylem and phloem alternate with each

2 The cortex of the root is also a storage

tissue. The innermost layer of root
cortex is called the endodermis.


Copyright © 2006-2011 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 19 March 2010 29
1 xylem and phloem alternate with each

2 cortex

3 The epidermis of the root is the outermost

layer of cells. It bears root hairs. It is also
called the piliferous layer.

Copyright © 2006-2011 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 19 March 2010 30
1 xylem and phloem alternate with each

2 cortex

3 piliferous layer

4 Each root hair is a tubular outgrowth of

an epidermal cell. This outgrowth
increases the surface area to volume
ratio of the root hair cell. The absorption
of water and mineral salts is increased
through this adaptation.

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1 xylem and phloem alternate with each 4 root hair

2 cortex

3 piliferous layer
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Learning Objectives:

 (e) To define the term transpiration and explain that

transpiration is a consequence of gaseous
exchange in plants
 (f) To describe:

• the effects of variation of air movement, temperature,

humidity and light intensity on transpiration rate
• how wilting occurs
 (g) define the term translocation as the transport of
food in the phloem tissue and illustrate the process
through translocation studies
 Transport of
manufactured food
substances (sugars and
amino acids).
 Occurs in the phloem
Translocation pathway
1. Sugars
form in leaf
cells, and are
by companion
cells (loaded)
into phloem.
2. Bulk flow
of water
pushes sap to
sinks. Sink
cells actively
sugars, and
convert them
to starches.
Water is
•Aphids are insects which “feed on plant juices.
• They penetrate phloem tissue with their stylets.
•Aphids are anaesthetised with carbon dioxide while it is
feeding. Body is cut off.
• The stylet remains in place, and rate of sap droplet
enlargement can be measured
Using Isotopes in translocation studies

 Providing a leaf using Carbon-14 (14C)

radioactive isotope.
 Stem is cut off.
 Exposed it onto an X-ray photographic film.
 Radioactive substances are present in the
Entry of Water into a Plant

cytoplasm soil particles

film of liquid
1 solution of
mineral salts)

cell surface
nucleus membrane of
root hair cell

cell wall 1 Each root hair is a fine tubular outgrowth of

an epidermal cell. It grows between the soil
particles, coming into close contact with the
water surrounding them.

Copyright © 2006-2011 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 19 March 2010 39
Entry of Water into a Plant

cytoplasm soil particles

film of liquid 2 The thin film of liquid
(dilute surrounding each soil
1 solution of particle is a dilute
mineral salts) solution of mineral salts.

cell surface
nucleus membrane of
root hair cell

cell wall 1 Each root hair is a fine tubular outgrowth of

an epidermal cell. It grows between the soil
particles, coming into close contact with the
water surrounding them.

Copyright © 2006-2011 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 19 March 2010 40
Entry of Water into a Plant
a section of root
3 The sap in the root hair showing the path of
cell is a relatively water through it
concentrated solution of
sugars and various salts.
Thus, the sap has a water entering
lower water potential the root hair
than the soil solution. C B
These two solutions are
A 3
separated by the
partially permeable cell root hair
surface membrane of xylem piliferous layer
the root hair cell. Water
enters the root hair by phloem

Copyright © 2006-2011 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 19 March 2010 41
Entry of Water into a Plant
a section of root
3 The sap in the root hair showing the path of
cell is a relatively water through it
concentrated solution of
sugars and various salts.
Thus, the sap has a water entering
lower water potential 4 the root hair
than the soil solution. C B
These two solutions are
A 3
separated by the
partially permeable cell root hair
surface membrane of xylem piliferous layer
the root hair cell. Water
enters the root hair by phloem

4 The entry of water dilutes the sap. The sap of the root
hair cell now has a higher water potential than that of
the next cell (cell B). Hence, water passes by osmosis
from the root hair cell into the inner cell.

Copyright © 2006-2011 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 19 March 2010 42
Entry of Water into a Plant
a section of root
3 The sap in the root hair showing the path of
cell is a relatively water through it
concentrated solution of
sugars and various salts.
Thus, the sap has a 5 water entering
lower water potential 4 the root hair
than the soil solution. C B
These two solutions are
A 3
separated by the
partially permeable cell root hair
surface membrane of xylem piliferous layer
the root hair cell. Water
enters the root hair by phloem

4 The entry of water dilutes the sap. The sap of the root 5 Similarly, water passes from cell B into the
hair cell now has a higher water potential than that of next cell (cell C) of the cortex. This process
the next cell (cell B). Hence, water passes by osmosis continues until the water enters the xylem
from the root hair cell into the inner cell. vessels and moves up the plant.

Copyright © 2006-2011 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 19 March 2010 43
Entry of water through the roots

1. This takes place at the root hairs.

2. Root hair grows between the soil particles with close
contact with water.
3. Mineral salts are dissolved in soil water.
4. Sap of root hair cells has a higher concentration of
sugars and salts. Its is very concentrated.
5. Since the surrounding soil particles has a high water
potential, water enters the root hair from the soil
through osmosis.
6. .
Entry of mineral salts through the roots

1. Diffusion –when the concentration of

minerals salts in the soil solution is higher
than that in the root hair cell.
2. Active transport –when the concentration of
ions in the soil solution is lower than that in
the root hair cell sap.
3. The energy comes from cellular respiration
in the root hair cells
Adaptation of the root hair

1. Root hair is elongated and narrow.

 Increases surface area to volume ratio

 Increases the rate of absorption of water and

mineral salts
2. Cell sap has more sugars, amino acids and
salts than soil.
 Osmosis can take place
3. Root hair cell is living
 Generates energy from cellular respiration.

 Active transport can take place.

Entry of water up the stem

 Root pressure
 Capillary action
 Transpiration pull
 By using active transport, ions in the living
cells around the xylem vessels in the root are
pumped into the vessels.
 Water potential in the xylem vessels is
 Water passes from the living cells into the
xylem vessels by osmosis and flows
 Water also moves up
inside fine capillary tube
by capillary action..

 Water molecules attract

other water molecules by
the force of cohesion.
 Water sticks to the inner
surface of the xylem
vessels by adhesion.
 The water moves up the
plant into the leaves.
Transpiration is the loss of water vapour from the
leaves, especially through the stomata.

The suction force caused by transpiration is called

transpiration pull

The stream take the water moves up the plant is

called transpiration stream.
Movement of Water inside a Leaf
19 March 2010
cuticle upper

nucleus arrows show path
of water vapour
and water
1 film of
1 Water continuously
moves out of the xylem
mesophyll cells to of vein
form a thin film of
moisture over their
surfaces. spongy

cell sap
air space

air space lower
guard cell epidermis
stomatal pore
Copyright © 2006-2011 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 19 March 2010 52
cuticle upper

nucleus arrows show path
of water vapour
and water
1 film of
water 2
2 Water evaporates
xylem from this thin film
of vein of moisture and
moves into the
intercellular air
spongy spaces. Water
mesophyll vapour accumulates
in the large air
cell sap spaces near the
intercellular stomata (sub-
air space stomatal air spaces).

air space lower
guard cell epidermis
stomatal pore
Copyright © 2006-2011 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 19 March 2010 53
cuticle upper

nucleus arrows show path
of water vapour
and water
1 film of
water 2
of vein

cell sap
3 Water vapour intercellular
then diffuses air space
throughout the
stomata to the sub-stomatal
drier air outside air space lower
the leaf. This is guard cell epidermis
transpiration. stomatal pore 3
Copyright © 2006-2011 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 19 March 2010 54
cuticle upper

nucleus arrows show path
of water vapour
and water
1 film of
water 2
4 As water
xylem evaporates from the
of vein mesophyll cells, the
water potential of
the cell sap
spongy decreases. The
mesophyll mesophyll cells
begin to absorb
cell sap water by osmosis
intercellular from the cells
air space deeper inside the
leaf. These cells, in
sub-stomatal turn, remove water
air space lower from the vein, that
guard cell epidermis is, from the xylem
stomatal pore vessels.
Copyright © 2006-2011 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 19 March 2010 55
cuticle upper

nucleus arrows show path
of water vapour
and water
1 film of
water 2
of vein

4 cell sap
air space 5 This results in a
suction force
sub-stomatal which pulls the
air space lower whole column of
guard cell epidermis water up the
stomatal pore xylem vessel.
Copyright © 2006-2011 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 19 March 2010 56
 Transpiration pull draws water and mineral salts
from the roots to the stems and leaves.
 Evaporation of water from the cells in the leaves
removes latent heat of vaporisation. This cools the
plant, preventing it from being scorched by the hot
 Water transported to the leaves can be used in the
- to keep cells turgid
- to replace water lost by the cell
Turgid cells keep the leaves spread out widely to
trap sunlight for photosynthesis.
1. Temperature
2. Air humidity
3. Light intensity
4. Wind
5. Carbon dioxide concentration
A rise in the temperature of the surroundings increases the rate of
evaporation, thus increasing the rate of transpiration.

T Stomata

T • Air inside leaf is saturated with water
• Increasing the humidity of the air will
decrease the water vapour concentration
gradient between the leaf and the
atmosphere, therefore decreasing the
rate of transpiration


When the atmosphere’s

humidity decreases, the rate
of transpiration increases.
Stomata closed
• When light intensity is
increases, guard cells become
• The stomata opens,
increasing the rate of
Light absorbed
• When light intensity is
reduced, the stomata closes.
An increase in light intensity increases
the rate of transpiration.

• Blows water vapour away at the

surface of leaves
• Increases concentration gradient
between water vapour in the leaf
and outside the leaf
• This would increase transpiration Wind
• When the air is still, transpiration
reduces or stops

Rapid transpiration occurs

under windy conditions.
An increase in carbon dioxide
concentration decreases the rate of

• When carbon dioxide
concentration in the intercellular
spaces of the leaf falls below a
critical concentration, the stomata
Co2 concentration opens. This increases transpiration.
1. Small, spiny hairy leaves
to reduce surface area
exposed to evaporation
2. Thick, waxy cuticle

3. Reduction in the
number of stomata
4. Stomata are
sunken un pits to
trap pockets of
moist air around it.
 The turgor pressure in the leaf mesophyll cells helps
to support the leaf and keep it firm and spread out
widely to absorb sunlight for photosynthesis.
 In strong sunlight, when the rate of transpiration
exceeds the rate of absorption of water by the roots,
the cells lose their turgor, become flaccid and the
plant wilts.
 Wilting also occurs in the soft stems of certain
plants in which the stem mesophyll cells lose water.
Advantages of Wilting

 When the leaf folds up, the surface area that

is exposed to sunlight is reduced, causing the
guard cells to become flaccid.
 The stomata close and the rate of
transpiration is decreased.
Disadvantages of Wilting

 The rate of photosynthesis is reduced

because water becomes a limiting factor.
 As the stomata close, the amount of carbon
dioxide entering the leaf is also reduced.
Carbon dioxide becomes a limiting factor,
thereby decreasing the rate of
Chapter 9 Transport in Plants
Transport of Materials in a Flowering Plant (Concept Map)

19 March 2010
Section of Leaf


Phloem translocates sucrose

and amino acids from leaves
to other parts of the plant,
including the roots.

Section of Root

Copyright © 2006-2011 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 19 March 2010 71
path of water

Section of Leaf


Phloem translocates sucrose

and amino acids from leaves
to other parts of the plant,
including the roots.

Section of Root

The sap in the root hair cell has

lower water potential than the soil
solution.Water enters the root hair
by osmosis and dissolved mineral
salts by active transport.
Copyright © 2006-2011 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 19 March 2010 72
path of water

Section of Leaf


Phloem translocates sucrose

and amino acids from leaves
to other parts of the plant,
including the roots.

Section of Root

Water flows across cortex down

a water potential gradient.
The sap in the root hair cell has
lower water potential than the soil
solution.Water enters the root hair
by osmosis and dissolved mineral
salts by active transport.
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path of water

Section of Leaf
xylem vessels

Xylem conducts water and

mineral salts upwards,
from roots to leaves.
Phloem translocates sucrose
and amino acids from leaves
to other parts of the plant,
including the roots.
Thick lignified walls Section of Root
prevent collapse of
xylem vessels.
Water flows across cortex down
a water potential gradient.
The sap in the root hair cell has
lower water potential than the soil
solution.Water enters the root hair
by osmosis and dissolved mineral
salts by active transport.
Copyright © 2006-2011 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 19 March 2010 74
path of water
path of water vapour

water movement by osmosis

intercellular air space Section of Leaf
xylem vessels
phloem Water evaporates from surface
of mesophyll cells into the
intercellular air space.

Xylem conducts water and

mineral salts upwards,
from roots to leaves.
Phloem translocates sucrose
and amino acids from leaves
to other parts of the plant,
including the roots.
Thick lignified walls Section of Root
prevent collapse of
xylem vessels.
Water flows across cortex down
a water potential gradient.
The sap in the root hair cell has
lower water potential than the soil
solution.Water enters the root hair
by osmosis and dissolved mineral
salts by active transport.
Copyright © 2006-2011 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 19 March 2010 75
path of water
path of water vapour

water movement by osmosis

intercellular air space Section of Leaf
xylem vessels
phloem Water evaporates from surface
of mesophyll cells into the
intercellular air space.

Xylem conducts water and

mineral salts upwards, stoma Water vapour diffuses out of
from roots to leaves. leaf through stomata
Phloem translocates sucrose
and amino acids from leaves
to other parts of the plant,
including the roots.
Thick lignified walls Section of Root
prevent collapse of
xylem vessels.
Water flows across cortex down
a water potential gradient.
The sap in the root hair cell has
lower water potential than the soil
solution.Water enters the root hair
by osmosis and dissolved mineral
salts by active transport.
Copyright © 2006-2011 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 19 March 2010 76
path of water
path of water vapour

water movement by osmosis

intercellular air space Section of Leaf
xylem vessels
phloem Water evaporates from surface
of mesophyll cells into the
intercellular air space.

Xylem conducts water and

mineral salts upwards, stoma Water vapour diffuses out of
from roots to leaves. leaf through stomata
Phloem translocates sucrose
and amino acids from leaves
to other parts of the plant,
including the roots. Transpiration
Thick lignified walls Section of Root
prevent collapse of cools creates excessive
xylem vessels. the transpirational transpiration
Water flows across cortex down plant pull causes wilting
a water potential gradient.
The sap in the root hair cell has
lower water potential than the soil
solution.Water enters the root hair
by osmosis and dissolved mineral
salts by active transport.
Copyright © 2006-2011 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 19 March 2010 77

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