Motivation Plan LDR 531 Week 5

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RUNNING HEAD: Motivation Plan

Motivation Plan
Kimberly England
September 28, 2015
LDR 531/Brenda Shore

Motivational Plan

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Just as there are not any manuals for being a parent, there are no manuals for being a
perfect manager. A business owner has to put trust and confidence in whomever is hired to fulfill
the mission and vision statement of a company. What makes people unique it their attitudes,
work ethics, styles of behavior and personalities. An effective manager and leader should assess
the team and work to compliment the strengths of each member while minimizing the
weaknesses. In order to do this effectively, a manager or leader may choose to administer the
DiSC assessment to analyze the team members personalities and how their personalities
influence the success of the team. This paper will address a proposed plan for Steve Finley to
implement to help get his team motivated for success.
DiSC Assessment
During the interview with Steve Finley, a lot about his company (Environmental Health
Company EHC) was discussed. His success and his failures along with lessons learned the hard
way have had a positive enlightened effect during the past few weeks. Steve is the owner, general
manager, and financial officer for his company. His company is in a rural area and employees 21
people at this time. His major need for motivation is in the sales department. Currently he has
two members in the sales team, John Triglia and Kimberly England. Using each team members
personality test assessment, a plan of motivation, performance improvement and employee
satisfaction will be devised that will benefit the sales department at EHC.
Steve needs to review what the assessment has determined to be Johns and Kimberlys
behavioral styles. Of the four behavioral styles (Dominance (D), Interactive (I), Steadiness (S),
Cautious (C)) (DISC Insights, n.d.), the sales team has one Dominance Style (John) and one
Cautious Styles (Kimberly). The substyle for John (D) is the Producer. He is less guarded and
less direct than most Dominant Styles. Kimberly is the Assessor under the Cautious Style. She is

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less guarded and less indirect than most Cautious Styles. With the two of them being less
guarded, they are more apt to take things for what they are and are more likely not to be offended
Motivational Plan
In both types of personality (Dominance and Cautious), to be effective in achieving
success, both have to be careful and take the time to clarify time frames, recognize the feelings
of others, and be more accepting of the ideas and behaviors of others. (DISC Insight, n.d.) Steve,
as a leader, will need to make sure he sets guidelines so that the both styles complement each
other for success. Steve will need to satisfy Johns dominance style be outlining time frames,
assign roles/tasks, and ensure periodic informal Monday meetings. The meetings on Monday will
set the pace for the week and review what went well and what did not work the week prior. For
both styles, this will be a form of motivation. Kimberly and John need to see their achievements
in writing and need to have recognition for their successes. This will also satisfy the cautious
styles need for organization. Both styles of our team (dominance and cautious) are focused on
the tasks and goals at hand; therefore both styles are more apt to work together for the good of
the team with little conflict. Neither one of styles enjoys conflict, so Steve should see an
improvement in the overall departments persona and eagerness for success.
Steve has a monetary plan in place for incentives in the form of commission. As
explained in Robbins & Judge (2012), this may not be enough to motivate employees to do more.
This can cause the employees to do what they need to do to meet their personal financial goals.
For the company, Steve needs to focus more on the future of EHC. In order to do this, his sales
staff (John and Kimberly) need to go over and beyond to bring in the customers. Once the
customers are brought in, the staff needs to go over and beyond for retention. If the company

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brings in new customers but cannot retain the current customers, then the company is just
spinning in a circle. Steve has several options for motivation. He has many vendors that have
weekend training sessions or seminars that usually last half of a day in remote areas. The trips
are fully paid and only require attendance. Kimberly and John both enjoy the getaways because
the trips are usually over with by Friday afternoon and it gives the attendee until check-out time
on Sunday to enjoy themselves. All trips have the option of bringing spouses and/or children. He
has agreed to give these trips to the sales person that is striving to fulfill the companys mission
and vision statement.
During the next year, the motivational plan will also take into consideration the employee
satisfaction. When employees are failing at work, more times than not, this will roll over into
their personal life and vice versa. It is our goal to help the employee in both areas. In all
departments, there will be a formal catered event. The event will be a six month forecasting
event. The requirement will be for the employees to detail a minimum of five goals (personal and
professional) that they want to obtain in the next six months and at least three long term goals
(personal and professional) that they want to accomplish over the next five years. Each employee
will present his/her forecast to the rest of the company and a copy placed in his/her file. This is
important because it sets goals for the employee but it will also give Steve an indication if there
is anything that he needs to be doing different to help his employees succeed in life. A happy and
fulfilled employee will always go over and beyond the call of duty.
Personalities and behavioral styles can cause conflict if they are not nurtured and
embraced. The motivational plan that is set forth for Steve Finleys company, EHC, will
hopefully embrace the differences that John and Kimberly have in their behavioral styles and use

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them to complement each other and the company. The plan will motivate through non-monetary,
monetary and recognition. It will also put forth goals for each employee and serve as an
accountability record for the employees and Steve. EHC has sustained themselves as a fierce
competitor in their industry and motivating their employees to go over and beyond will ensure
growth and much success.


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Personality Types of DISC: D Personality Type (Dominant). (n.d.). DISC Insights. Retrieved
September 5, 2015, from
Personality Types of DISC: C Personality Type (Cautious). (n.d.). DISC Insights. Retrieved
September 5, 2015, from
Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2012). Organizational Behavior, 15th Edition. [VitalSource
Bookshelf version]. Retrieved from

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