Understanding The VISTA Assignment (1 of 14) - Assignment Guide

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PSO Facilitator Guide Understanding the VISTA Assignment

Getting Started: Understanding the VISTA Assignment

VISTA Pre-Service Orientation – Session Flow

Sample project plan

VISTA Introduce the Project
& Terminology
Assignment project plan application
assignment description

Notebook Project plan

reflection & sharing big picture & vision

Capacity VAD analysis Questions for
alliance Definitions
Building w/sticky notes my supervisor

competencies choices
What supervisors

VISTA Integrated Training Program Rev. March 2008 1

PSO Facilitator Guide Understanding the VISTA Assignment

Getting Started: Understanding

the VISTA Assignment
8:30 – 10:30 a.m. (120 minutes)

Session set-up:
• Blank 8 1/2 x 11-inch sheets on the table
• Sticky notes on tables
• Prepare six charts labeled with a Fieldstone Alliance component atop each

By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

• Describe their service responsibilities and activities, based on their assignment
• Relate their assignment to capacity building and addressing poverty
• List skills and competencies required to successfully carry out their assignment
• Create a plan for getting started, including communications with their

Time Steps Resources/

2 1. Introduce the session and its outcomes Overhead:
minutes Session
Introduction to the Project Plan
2. Explain that participants will examine and learn
about the Project Plan and VISTA Assignment
Description (VAD). These documents will serve as
a guide for their VISTA term. The group will spend
a significant amount of time examining individual
VADs, and use a sample VAD and Project Plan to
review terminology.

3. Inform them that the two most important parts of Overhead:

the VISTA project application are the Narrative and VISTA
Project Plan. Application
4. Describe the Narrative, which consists of several
sections: Executive Summary; Past Success as
a VISTA sponsor; Needs and Activities (which
includes the anti-poverty mission and the targeted
community); Strengthening Communities;
Recruitment and Development; VISTA Assignment
Description; Project Management; and
Organizational Capacity.

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PSO Facilitator Guide Understanding the VISTA Assignment

Time Steps Resources/

5. Show the overhead “VISTA Project Plan – Aaron Training
Community Services Example.” Ask participants Materials:
to look at the sample Project Plan found in the VISTA Project
Plan – Aaron
Training Materials. Tell participants that they may
follow along with their own materials, if available, Services
while we review the sample Project Plan. Example
Key Points to Make:

• The sample project plan represents the first year

of a VISTA project. Sometimes the activities are
for one VISTA and sometimes they are for multiple
VISTA members.

• We are only reviewing the goals, activities, and

results of the Project Plan.

• Point out that participants will see other language

in the Project Plan such as end outcomes, inter-
mediate outcome(s), and output(s). This language
relates to how the activities and results are mea-
sured. The performance measurement terms are
defined in the Training Materials.

• The sample VISTA Assignment Description reflects

the assignment of one VISTA during the project’s
first year.

6. Use the Sample Project Plan to show the format Overhead

and language of a Project Plan. Show the & Training
overhead, “Glossary of Terms for Performance Materials:
Measurement,” to explain the language.
of Terms
• Goal – Overarching direction of the program.
Many Project Plans have only one or two goals
and retain those goals for all three years of the

• Activities – The activities VISTA members will

be responsible for completing during the course
of twelve months to support the goal of the

• Results – What will happen if the activities are

completed successfully. Producing results will
lead to the accomplishment of the goal.

4 Rev. March 2008 VISTA Integrated Training Program

PSO Facilitator Guide Understanding the VISTA Assignment

Time Steps Resources/

7. Show the “VISTA Assignment Description (VAD)- Overhead
Sample” overhead. Point out that the VISTA & Training
Assignment Descriptions are a portion of the VISTA Materials:
Project Application. The VAD is usually embedded
in the Narrative portion of the application. As of Sample
Summer 2007, all projects began using this format.

Key Points To Make: PSO VISTA

• VISTAs should come away with the understand- Questions
to Ask My
ing that by accomplishing the activities they are Supervisor
responsible for, they will produce the results that
will help achieve the goal of the project.

• Participants should ask their supervisors what

reporting responsibilities the VISTA has. What
expectations are there for collecting data?

Understanding Your VISTA Assignment Desription
1. Ask participants to take out their VISTA
Assignments for review. If they do not have a
VAD, they can use any kind of documentation that
describes their VISTA service activities (i.e. member
assignment or a project plan).

2. Ask participants to form groups of three so they

can share insights and support each other through
this process.

Note to Facilitator:
Group participants who do not have a VAD with two
other participants who do.
3. Ask the participants to examine their VADs more
closely, paying attention to the big picture: program
outcomes or program goals.

VISTA Integrated Training Program Rev. March 2008 5

PSO Facilitator Guide Understanding the VISTA Assignment

Time Steps Resources/

4. After participants have completed their VAD review,
ask for volunteers who are willing to share their big
picture program outcome or goal.

5. Have VISTA candidates take a piece of paper from Paper and

the center of the table and make a sketch of the markers on
“big picture.” To help them figure out what to draw, tables
ask them to consider what their project will look
like when it is complete.

6. Ask participants to share their pictures with their

triad group. Post all the pictures on the wall. Two
ideas for linking the pictures to yesterday’s poverty
discussions are:

A. Post the pictures on the chart of the resource

(financial, emotional, support system, etc...) that
their project addresses.

B. Post the pictures around the poverty wall, cre-

ating a frame.
7. Point out that this is a way to create a vision of
their VISTA project. Reinforce the importance of
doing this—they are beginning to articulate the
goals of their service.

• Sharing goals is something they will have to do

many times as they move out into the commu-

• Some people refer to this as “planning back-

ward.” They will be able to use this tool in their
8. Mention that they will be working with people who
have multiple learning styles and strengths. It is
important to provide people with a range of ways
to express their ideas.

Key Point To Make:

The right side of the brain thinks, creates, remem-
bers, and solves problems using visual images.
Pictures often present new pathways for problem
solving and visioning.

6 Rev. March 2008 VISTA Integrated Training Program

PSO Facilitator Guide Understanding the VISTA Assignment

Time Steps Resources/

9. Encourage participants to talk about their “big
picture” with their supervisor. Be sure they
understand that we are not asking them to share
the actual drawing, but rather to articulate their
vision. This will help them know if they understand
or have any misconceptions about the VAD.

Note to Facilitator:

We have begun with the end in mind. Now we’re going

to ask participants to take a deeper look at the VAD.
The goal is to deconstruct this VAD to make it man-
ageable as well as personalized.

10. After reviewing their visions, ask participants to VISTA PSO

reflect and write about their VAD in relation to the Notebooks
work of fighting poverty.

Questions to chart for participants to answer in

their PSO Notebooks:

• How does your VISTA Assignment address the

anti-poverty mission of VISTA and the sponsoring

At this point, some VISTAs may have additional ques-

tions to add to the “Questions To Ask My Supervisor”
pages in their VISTA Notebook.

• What is the mission of your sponsoring organiza-


• If you haven’t seen the Project Plan or VAD, where

can you find them?

• Are there any priorities that may have been devel-

oped for implementing your VISTA Assignment?

11. Ask participants to share their responses in their

triads and get feedback/coaching from each other.

VISTA Integrated Training Program Rev. March 2008 7

PSO Facilitator Guide Understanding the VISTA Assignment

Time Steps Resources/

Capacity Building and the VAD
1. Explain that we will now use the “Fieldstone
Alliance Framework” to examine the components
of organizational capacity.

Remind them that capacity building is the essence of

their service.

Note to Facilitator:

We are using this model to establish a conceptual

framework for participants and help them understand
how capacity building leads to sustainable programs
as well as stronger organizations.

VISTA candidates should be able to see which areas

of the framework they will be working on during the
upcoming year. They should also get an idea of the
areas they will not be working on; they can ask ques-
tions about those areas during OSOT.

For example, most VISTAs will not be involved with

the leadership and governance of an organization.
However, it is important for them to ask questions
about the board, leadership, staff, and governance so
they know the context and culture within which they
will be working.

2. Ask participants: “Based on previous discussions

about your VISTA Assignment, do you have any
ideas about what the components of capacity
building might be?” Their answers will give you a
sense of how they are beginning to conceptualize
capacity building.

3. Show participants the overhead “Fieldstone Overhead

Alliance Framework,” which is also in their Training & Training
Materials. Name the six components of the Materials:
framework and acknowledge the ones they have
already mentioned. Framework

8 Rev. March 2008 VISTA Integrated Training Program

PSO Facilitator Guide Understanding the VISTA Assignment

Time Steps Resources/

Note to Facilitator: Six pieces of
chart paper
Prior to the start of the session, prepare six pages of with one FA
component on
chart paper, with one Fieldstone Alliance component each page
written at the top of each sheet. Distribute one sheet
per table. The components are:

• Governance and Leadership

• Mission, Vision, and Strategy

• Program Delivery and Impact

• Strategic Relationships

• Resource Development

• Internal Operations and Management

4. Distribute one sheet of chart paper per table. Ask Overhead:

participants to decide which component they Capacity
should work on (based on what they are interested Building Activity
in, experienced in, or understand). Ask them to
move to the table with that component to complete
this next activity. As a group, they are to:

• Define the component

• Explain why the component is important to the

sustainability of the project/program/organiza-
Note to Facilitator:

The goal is to allow participants working in groups to

come up with their own definitions and explanations of
these categories. Some groups may need more direc-
tion and information depending on the sophistication,
experience, and education of the participants.

“The Fieldstone Alliance Framework” components

description is provided in the Training Materials for
their future use.

VISTA Integrated Training Program Rev. March 2008 9

PSO Facilitator Guide Understanding the VISTA Assignment

Time Steps Resources/

5. Ask each group to report its answers to the larger
group. Add to the responses if necessary and
ask for one or two examples of activities from
participants’ VADs that support each component.

Note to Facilitator - Possible appropriate responses:

Governance and Leadership

Definition: The policies, procedures, by-laws, and gov-

ernance guiding an organization.

Why? The program/organization relies on standards,

procedures, and practices to guide the board and
leadership as well as strong leadership and succes-
sion planning.

Mission, Vision, and Strategy

Mission – Three to four sentences defining the pur-
pose of the organization. Vision – The ideal or expect-
ed future state that results when the organization
achieves its mission. Strategy – How the organization
plans to achieve the mission. It includes measurable
tactics, specific time lines, responsibilities, goals, and
measurable accountability.

Why? So all involved stakeholders agree on the goals

of the organization and have a shared vision. It unites
and guides the path and development of the organiza-

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PSO Facilitator Guide Understanding the VISTA Assignment

Time Steps Resources/

Program Delivery and Impact

Definition: The strategies or approaches an organi-

zation employs to achieve its mission while meeting
community needs. This includes revising the program
as needed and then working to measure the impact
and results of the program.

Why? The strategies used by the organization to try to

attain the vision. If the vision is attained, then the need
for the program is no longer there. Sustainability has
taken place.

Strategic Relationships

Definition: Core and extended networks of community

members, businesses, and organizations.

Why? Strategic relationships bring reciprocity and

mutual benefits. Multifaceted relationships strengthen
the organization. Community-wide capacity building
increases the longevity of the organization.

Resource Development

Definition: Acquisition of money, agencies, training,

support networks, people, and skilled professionals.

Why? Wise, efficient, cost-effective resource develop-

ment creates momentum, energy, and sustainability.

Internal Operations and Management

Definition: Standard operating procedures and lead-

ership that ensures those procedures are adhered to
efficiently so necessary tasks can be carried out and
the mission can be achieved.

Why? Internal Operations and Management ensure

that an organization is running effectively and efficient-
ly on a daily basis and that resources are allocated

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PSO Facilitator Guide Understanding the VISTA Assignment

Time Steps Resources/

6. Post the six component chart sheets on the walls Sticky notes
around the room. Ask participants to use their
VADs to create an “all on the wall” list of the
capacity building activities they will be involved
with as a VISTA. They will create this “all on the
wall” after they have each completed the following

• Step 1: Working as individuals, participants will

analyze their VADs by looking for activities that
support capacity building.

• Step 2: They should then write each activity on

a sticky note and put their name/initials on each

• Step 3: Finally, they post their activities on the

wall around the capacity building component it

Note to Facilitator:

You may want to use the Sample VAD to walk the

group through this activity.

7. Participants are likely to find some of the following

examples of activities in their VAD:

Governance and Leadership

• Develop an advisory board

• Create policies, procedures, and by-laws for a

new advisory or governing board

• Form a guiding coalition of similar programs in

the community

• Attend advisory and governing meetings

• Maintain documentation of governing meeting(s)

for the project

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PSO Facilitator Guide Understanding the VISTA Assignment

Time Steps Resources/

Mission, Vision, and Strategy

• Participate in development to meet emerging


• Explore areas of growth for the organization

• Work with the board of directors to develop new

strategies and goals for the organization

Program Delivery and Impact

• Develop training programs including topics, cur-

riculum, trainers, and schedule

• Develop volunteer job descriptions and a volun-

teer policies and procedures manual

• Conduct a community needs assessment and

determine the continued direction of the pro-

• Develop, distribute, and collect evaluation tools

and analyze evaluation data

• Create a program for project alumni

• Develop a program to provide nutrition to neigh-

borhood children during the summer months

Strategic Relationships

• Work with schools and educators to establish

relationships with the educational system

• Meet with and distribute information to health

care providers in the county

• Create partnerships between the secular and

nonsecular providers of services for the home-

• Develop an online newsletter

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PSO Facilitator Guide Understanding the VISTA Assignment

Time Steps Resources/

Resource Development

• Research potential funders

• Research and compile data on the need for the

program and its effectiveness to support fund-

• Research and implement fee-for-service models

• Recruit volunteers

Internal Operations and Management

• Create a policies and procedures manual for the

mentoring program

• Develop a database of past donors and volun-


• Develop a system for client intake and manage-


• Create a Web site providing legal information on

tenant rights

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PSO Facilitator Guide Understanding the VISTA Assignment

Time Steps Resources/

Note to Facilitator:

Once the “all on the wall” activity is completed, the

room should look like this, with components on the
walls surrounded by participants' posted activities.


Mission, Vision, Program Delivery

and Strategy and Impact


Governance and Internal Operations

Leadership and Management


Sticky notes with activities

from VADs developed & posted
by participants

8. Debrief the activity by asking participants to walk

around the room, and observe which areas they will
be most heavily involved with during the coming
year. Also ask them to note the areas that are not
represented in their VADs.

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PSO Facilitator Guide Understanding the VISTA Assignment

Time Steps Resources/

9. Remind participants that other VISTAs, staff
members of the organization, board members,
and/or volunteers may be working on the other

10. Ask participants to take time to identify questions VISTA PSO

for their supervisors about the other areas. They Notebooks
should formulate questions such as: Have these
areas been addressed? Will they be addressed?
Who is responsible? What strategy is planned?

11. Advise participants that they will choose a session

to attend on Day 4 based on what they have
learned about their VISTA Assignment.

12. Tell participants, “Now that we have more closely VISTA PSO
examined the work you will be doing this year, Notebooks
we are going to reflect on the competencies,
skills, and qualities you will need to be successful
VISTAs working to address poverty.”

10 13. Allow time for participants to respond in their Overhead:

minutes Notebooks to the following questions (show Reflection
“Reflection Questions” overhead). Questions

Reflection Questions: Training

• What are three competencies or qualities you Reflection
have that will make you successful this year?
• What are three things you will need to work on Notebook
to be more successful this year?

• What are your personal and professional goals

for the next 12 months?

• How can your VISTA service help you achieve

these goals?

• What do you need to share with your supervisor

to ensure your service is supporting your goals?

• What do you need to share with your supervisor

about the skills, training, and support you will
need to achieve the VAD and your goals?

16 Rev. March 2008 VISTA Integrated Training Program

PSO Facilitator Guide Understanding the VISTA Assignment

Time Steps Resources/

5 14. Invite participants to share their insights and
minutes strategies for their VISTA assignment based on
what they have learned thus far.

15. Ask participants, “After reflecting and learning

more about your upcoming year and that of others
in the room, what do you think are the attributes
or qualities of the most successful VISTAs?”

16. Record answers on chart paper and compare Overhead

to the supervisors’ responses. Show overhead & Training
on “Successful VISTA Attributes” and refer Materials:
participants to the Training Materials.

17. Distribute the sign-up sheet and ask participants

to sign up for one of the three Capacity Building
sessions to be held on the last day of the PSO.

Key Points To Make: Sign-up sheet

for Day 4
• Participants should select the session that will Sessions
be most beneficial for their year of service.
When selecting, they should ask themselves,
“On which capacity building area will my VISTA Training
work mostly focus?” Ask them to select both a Material:
first and second choice. Capacity
• Session choices are “Volunteer Generation and Descriptions
Development,” “Resource Mobilization,” and
“Partnerships and Building Relationships.”

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PSO Facilitator Guide Understanding the VISTA Assignment

Time Steps Resources/

Volunteer Generation and Development

Why do people volunteer? How do you set up a

volunteer program? In this session, you will identify
trends in volunteering and apply targeted tech-
niques for recruiting volunteers. You will also learn
the steps for developing a volunteer program and
see how volunteers build organizational capacity.

You might want to choose this session if during

your VISTA service you have to: recruit, train and
support volunteers.

Resource Mobilization

How do organizations raise the money needed to

fund their valuable programs? What are the core
elements of a resource mobilization plan? In this
session, you will learn the basics of resource mobi-
lization, what you need to know to make a devel-
opment plan and practice asking for in-kind dona-

You might want to choose this session if during

your VISTA service you have to: organize an event,
seek in-kind donations, develop a fundraising plan
or build partnerships in the community.


What does it take to build sustainable partner-

ships? How do you find common ground in the
community? This is a hands-on session in which
you will experience the opportunities and challeng-
es of the partnership building process.

You might want to choose this session if during

your VISTA service you have to: build partnerships
or networks, identify stakeholders in the community
or apply for funds with other local organizations.

18 Rev. March 2008 VISTA Integrated Training Program

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