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DTP Failure Issue

govind bhavar 42 posts since 24 Sep, 2011

DTP Failure Issue 23 Sep, 2014 12:21 PM
Hi Experts,
We are having DTP in production, which has failed due to below shown error messages. I have gone through
some of the threads regarding the error message. But could not find the relevant solution. Please suggest the
The Error messages are as shown in screenshot attached.

Thanks a lot in advance..!!

Tags: sap_bw, sap_bi

Ramanjaneyulu Korrapati 14,352 posts since 17 Jun, 2006

Re: DTP Failure Issue 23 Sep, 2014 12:27 PM
Can you please share your DTP logs from dtp monitor.
Is this is delta dtp or full dtp?

Generated by Jive on 2015-09-15+02:00


DTP Failure Issue

Your info pack load was suceeded?

From above screen please share Ltxt(orange) message here.

Any changes are happens on transformations of DSO?

DSO - All loaded request are green?


govind bhavar 42 posts since 24 Sep, 2011

Re: DTP Failure Issue 23 Sep, 2014 12:53 PM
Hi Ram,
The DTP is Delta and the Infopackage run is successfull. Except the current request, all the requests are green
in DSO.
The DTP monitor :

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DTP Failure Issue

The long Text of the error as you mentioned :

Data package 2 / 09/23/2014 02:40:55 / Status 'Processed with

Message no. RSBK257
There are no changes done to the Transformation recently.

Please find the long text of second error message :

Record 0, segment 0001 is not in the cross-record table
Message no. RSM2716
You created new data records in a routine of the transformation. They do not have a data record number. An
error occurred in one of these data records. Since this record does not have a data record number, it cannot be
handled by error processing.
You cannot process the error on single-record basis since this sorts out the corresponding original data records
and provides a correction.
System Response
The processing of the data package is terminated.

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DTP Failure Issue

Copy the data record number (field RECORD) from the original data record into the new data record.
DATA: result_fields TYPE _ty_s_tg_1.
LOOP AT result_package INTO result_fields WHERE accounttype = 'I'.
result_fields-accounttype = 'E'.
APPEND result_fields TO result_package.
Each data record of the original package exists twice, once with accounttype = 'I', and once with accounttype =
'E'. The new data records
have the same record numbers as the original data records.

Thanks a lot..!!!

kalpana korrapati 471 posts since 4 Apr, 2013

Re: DTP Failure Issue 23 Sep, 2014 12:55 PM
Hi , Refer this note:
Note 1180163 - RSM2 716 data record 0 segment; RSBK 257 in DTP monitor

Ramanjaneyulu Korrapati 14,352 posts since 17 Jun, 2006

Re: DTP Failure Issue 23 Sep, 2014 12:59 PM
After the DTP Failure who took action about this?
You or other bw member?
if not yet take any action then please share above screen in full page. means i need to see the tool and menu
bar icon.


govind bhavar 42 posts since 24 Sep, 2011

Re: DTP Failure Issue 23 Sep, 2014 1:07 PM
Hi Ram,

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DTP Failure Issue

As of now, no action is taken. Even though, the DTP is failed, one of the Data package is somehow yellow.
Please find the full screen :

Ramanjaneyulu Korrapati 14,352 posts since 17 Jun, 2006

Re: DTP Failure Issue 23 Sep, 2014 1:14 PM
How many data packets are red?
Select failed data packge and select above icon which is in green circle.
Or go to menu Request-->post manually, it will process your failed data packet only.
After that you can see two data packets as one is failed one and another one is suceeded.

Generated by Jive on 2015-09-15+02:00


DTP Failure Issue

Icon which is green circle is always not visible. its depend on error, it will be enable. when its enabled, we need
use it.

govind bhavar 42 posts since 24 Sep, 2011

Re: DTP Failure Issue 23 Sep, 2014 1:37 PM
Hi Ram,
Even after posting manually, its failing again with same error.

Ramanjaneyulu Korrapati 14,352 posts since 17 Jun, 2006

Re: DTP Failure Issue 23 Sep, 2014 1:39 PM
i think it won't.
Which data packet number you processed by using post manually?
Can you share your dtp monitor screen.

govind bhavar 42 posts since 24 Sep, 2011

Re: DTP Failure Issue 23 Sep, 2014 2:41 PM
Hi Ram,
Please find the screen as below :
I tried package 2 manually. This screen is after deleting the red req from DSO and repaired the DTP. It failed,
then again I tried posting it manually.

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DTP Failure Issue

After selecting the option Post manually, system is asking Asynchronous and Synchrounous ? I selected

Ramanjaneyulu Korrapati 14,352 posts since 17 Jun, 2006

Re: DTP Failure Issue 23 Sep, 2014 2:49 PM
Before delting your request have made techncical status to red and deleted?
Can you refresh your dtp monitor and see.
Whether data package 2 shows the same messages or not.
if its shows the same message then above option not worked.
Mean while refer the oss note 1180163 which is shared by kalpana.

govind bhavar 42 posts since 24 Sep, 2011

Re: DTP Failure Issue 23 Sep, 2014 3:04 PM
Hi Ram,
As you mentioned earlier, I tried by other option i.e. go to menu Request-->post manually, then its going into
debug mode as below :

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DTP Failure Issue


Ramanjaneyulu Korrapati 14,352 posts since 17 Jun, 2006

Re: DTP Failure Issue 23 Sep, 2014 3:08 PM
Just continue after that screen, it will process your failed data packets.

govind bhavar 42 posts since 24 Sep, 2011

Re: DTP Failure Issue 23 Sep, 2014 3:16 PM
Hi Ram,
If I continue from that screen, I can see next run ID i.e. Run ID : 3, but the technical status getting turned to
Red immediatly, hence packages are not getting processed.

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DTP Failure Issue


Ramanjaneyulu Korrapati 14,352 posts since 17 Jun, 2006

Re: DTP Failure Issue 23 Sep, 2014 3:19 PM
plese check above mentioned note 1180163

Martin Maruskin 2,109 posts since 14 Jan, 2009

Re: DTP Failure Issue 15 Oct, 2014 2:42 PM
hi Govind,
I see in your error log that you have a routine in there where you adding new records into data pack?
If so maybe your new records are being created w/o reference?
Please check following Notes if is this a case:
1223532 - Design rules: Adding records to end routine
1258089 - Design rule: Adding records to the start routine

AD KR 114 posts since 17 Jun, 2014

Re: DTP Failure Issue 15 Oct, 2014 3:05 PM

Generated by Jive on 2015-09-15+02:00


DTP Failure Issue

HI Govind,
As said by dibyajoti biswal can you please check your end routine once again .
Loop at result_package assigning <result_fields>. not INTO.
And you do not need any append statement for field symbols.


Amit Sharma 164 posts since 26 Jun, 2014

Re: DTP Failure Issue 23 Sep, 2014 12:43 PM
Please check if there are any dumps in ST22 regarding this.
Also check system logs in SM21.
It looks like from your error message that some table is missing.

govind bhavar 42 posts since 24 Sep, 2011

Re: DTP Failure Issue 23 Sep, 2014 1:09 PM
Hi Amit,
There is one dump in ST22. Please find the sceen of the same :

Generated by Jive on 2015-09-15+02:00


DTP Failure Issue

kalpana korrapati 471 posts since 4 Apr, 2013

Re: DTP Failure Issue 23 Sep, 2014 1:24 PM
Hi , try to install 0REQUEST infoobject from bi content and also refer this document:
ERROR - UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION ABAP Dump When Loading Data Into an InfoProvider - SAP NetWeaver
Business Warehouse - SCN Wik

govind bhavar 42 posts since 24 Sep, 2011

Re: DTP Failure Issue 23 Sep, 2014 1:38 PM
Hi Kalpana,
If I install 0REQUEST again in prod, will it cause any other problems ?

govind bhavar 42 posts since 24 Sep, 2011

Re: DTP Failure Issue 30 Sep, 2014 3:19 PM
Hi Kalpana,

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DTP Failure Issue

We tried to reinstall 0request. But the issue is still not resolved. Any other suggestion ?

Andras Margitics
Re: DTP Failure Issue 14 Sep, 2015 3:53 PM
Hello govind,
please search for text: I_IOBJNM in dump and let me know the result.
Br, Andras

govind bhavar 42 posts since 24 Sep, 2011

Re: DTP Failure Issue 30 Sep, 2014 3:21 PM
Hi Expert,
The issue is still not resolved. Please provide some suggestions. It will be much appreciated.

S. van Middelkoop 274 posts since 28 Jul, 2011

Re: DTP Failure Issue 30 Sep, 2014 3:27 PM
Did you, or did you not look at the note kalpana korrapati posted?
1180163 - RSM2 716 data record 0 segment; RSBK 257 in DTP monitor l

govind bhavar 42 posts since 24 Sep, 2011

Re: DTP Failure Issue 30 Sep, 2014 3:35 PM
Yes, we checked the note. But it doesnt look relevent to our system version. We are on BI 7.4.

Karthik Vasudevan 296 posts since 10 Jun, 2010

Re: DTP Failure Issue 30 Sep, 2014 3:57 PM
Hi Govind

Generated by Jive on 2015-09-15+02:00


DTP Failure Issue

Got these information SCN only. In two of the cases, the issue got fixed by the Note 1180163. Since you have
mentioned that the notes are not relevant for BI 7.4 version, please raise a high priority message with SAP and
let us see if they release a new Note for you
Also you haven't done any changes to the transformation and followed most of the corrective measures given
by many people here. So the last option is to deal with SAP.
It will not take much time for them to analyse and give you a solution.


Raki R 442 posts since 29 Jun, 2012

Re: DTP Failure Issue 15 Oct, 2014 1:15 PM
if u hav any routines in this , just debug it with ABAP consultant help. then u can know the cause....

dibyajoti biswal 24 posts since 13 Nov, 2012

Re: DTP Failure Issue 15 Oct, 2014 9:17 AM
Hi Govind,
From above details I think there is issue in start routine.
Can you please try below code
LOOP AT result_package INTO assigning result_fields.
Means using assigning in place of INTO.
It might work.

Shreesh Bhat 137 posts since 13 Oct, 2014

Re: DTP Failure Issue 15 Oct, 2014 9:33 AM
Hi Govind,
the error is not related to the DTP, but its more to do with the routine in the transformations.
Just check the start/end routine, the error might be due to the fields in the select statement and the internal
table fields. And their assignment should be in proper way.
Just work on that the load will run fine...

Generated by Jive on 2015-09-15+02:00


DTP Failure Issue


Amit Rawat 169 posts since 14 Jul, 2014

Re: DTP Failure Issue 15 Oct, 2014 11:44 AM
Hi Govind,
As mentioned by experts here, you have to check your start routine. I can see some data packets processed
with green. so there is no error in DTP.
Run Error DTP, this may give you some insight on the failure.
Also Cross check data in PSA for these records, you may find some difference in the records.

nilesh patil 73 posts since 2 Jun, 2011

Re: DTP Failure Issue 17 Oct, 2014 12:12 PM
Hi Govind,

It seems you are changing the value of only one object accounttype to 'E' if its value is 'T.
Try the same logic in Field routine and then check.

Are you getting same error in Dev/Quality as well?


Generated by Jive on 2015-09-15+02:00


DTP Failure Issue

karthikeyan GM 6 posts since 21 Aug, 2015

Re: DTP Failure Issue 14 Sep, 2015 9:02 AM
Hi Govind,

We have received the same DTP issue in BW 7.4.Could you please share the solution if you have fixed this
issue already..provide your valuable input in this case...


Generated by Jive on 2015-09-15+02:00


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