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Schwartz Value Inventory

Schwartz Value
In the early 90s, Shalom Schwartz designed his ‘Schwartz Value
Inventory,’ used to identify common values that acted as ‘guiding
principles for one’s life’.

In this exercise, categorize each value according to how important it

is to you, with 1 being most important and 10 being least important. These values form a
spectrum. Values that
have a close relation-
Power: You take value from social status and prestige.
ship are next to one an-
You look for power through control over others.
other, while their oppo-
Achievement: You take value from setting and achiev- sites are on the opposite
ing goals. The greater the challenge, the greater the side of the circle.
sense of achievement.
Who am I becoming?
Hedonism: You simply enjoy yourself. You seek pleasure Each individual is either
above all things. on the left or the right
side of the circle, and
Stimulation: You find pleasure from excitement, thrills,
and adrenaline.
either the top or the
bottom of the circle.
Who do I want to be?
Self-direction: You enjoy being independent and prefer
freedom rather than being under the control of others. By figuring out which
values are important to
Universalism: You seek social justice and tolerance for you, you can isolate the
all. You promote peace and equality. values that you want
to focus on developing
Benevolence: You are very giving, seeking to help oth- A personality assessment
while avoiding other
ers and provide general welfare.
qualities. guide designed to help you
better understand who you are
Tradition: You like to do things the way they’ve always and to show you ways to be
been done. Change makes you uncomfortable.
who you want to be
Conformity: You like clear rules and structures. You gain
a sense of control by doing what you are told.

Security: You seek health and safety to a greater degree

For more information, go to:
than other people.
http://changingminds.org/explanations/ Rachel Stone
values/schwartz_inventory.htm ENG 440
Dr. Martin
Your personality The “Big Five” Factors of Personality
Every person has different traits
1. Extraversion vs. Introversion
that make them who they are. People who are extroverts: People who are introverts: 5. Openness vs. Low openness
• Enjoy talking a lot • Tend to be quiet People who are open: People who are less open:
• Thrive around people • Are shy and bashful
• Are assertive • Typically like to keep to • Are receptive • Have ‘tunnel vision,’ or only
• Are outspoken themselves • Tend to be creative focus on one element in
• Are imaginative their lives
• Tend to be unoriginal
What makes you...
you? 2. Agreeableness vs. Aggressiveness
People who are agreeable: People who are aggressive:
Combinations of Big Five variables
• Withdraw from conflict • Are pushy
• Are sympathetic • Use power to solve conflicts Good grades
• Tend to be warm and • Tend to be harsh and cruel
• High conscientiouness
As a young adult, so many things around • High emotional stability
you are changing: your friends, your
Risky sexual behavior
environment, and, more importantly, your High conscientiousness vs. Low conscientiousness • High extraversion
identity. Figuring out who you are and who People who are highly People who have low • High neuroticism
you want to be is crucial as you grow up. conscientious: conscientiousness:
• Low agreeableness
In this booklet, you will find two person- • Are punctual • Don’t feel responsibility • Low conscientiousness
• Pay attention to detail • Procrastinate
ality models: The five-factor model, or the • Are organized and neat • Tend to be careless and Happiness
“Big Five,” and the Schwartz Value Inventory. • Typically are reliable sloppy
• High extraversion
These models are designed to point out • High emotional stability
traits and show how these traits may be
displayed in your everyday life, as well as help 4. Emotional stability vs. Neuroticism
direct you in the direction you want to go. People who are emotionally People who are neurotic:
• Tend to remain calm in • Are moody To take the online test, go to:
stressful situation • Are anxious www.outofservice.com/bigfive
• Are relaxed • Tend to be insecure
• Maintain control of their • Tend to be reckless in their
emotions behavior
Larsen, Randy J. Personality Psychology: Domains of Knowledge
About Human Nature. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill: 2008. Print.

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