GERUND and Infinitive

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Use gerund in the following sentences.

I like to read poetry
I like reading poetry
1. Always check the oil, before you start the car
2. To praise all alike is to praise none
3. I cannot go on to do nothing
4. to see is to believe
5. to give is better than to receive
6. to talk like this is foolish
7. she loves to sing songs
8. the miser hated to spend money
9. i am tired to wait say hundred words where none is called for is the mark of a successful politician
The gerund phrase consists of the gerund, which always ends in -ing, and its modifiers and
The gerund phrase is always used as a noun.
Driving a car takes concentration. (The gerund phrase is the subject of the verb takes).
Paul finished painting the ceiling. (The gerund phrase is the direct object of finished).
After hiking for two hours, we sat down to rest. (The gerund phrase is the object of the
preposition after.
Identifying Gerund Phrases: Underline the gerund phrases in the senteces below
Brisk walking is Annas favorite exercise.
1. Keeping a light on in the house helps discourage robbers.
2. Mrs. Norman enjoys playing bridge.
3. I remember promising Steve my old bike.
4. Standing during a two-hour train trip is not my idea of fun.
5. Do you like sailing on the lake?
6. Volunteering at the hospital is just one of Helen's activities.
7. Mrs. Brent enjoys watching quiz shows on television.
8. Allow twenty minutes a pound for roasting the turkey.
9. Taking out the garbage is not my favorite job around the house.
10.Understanding a foreign language and speaking it well are two different things.
An infinitive is a verb form that can be used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. The word t
o usually appears before the infinitive.
It is important to listen.
He is the one to ask.
Directions: Underline the infinitive in each sentence below.
1. "To conquer Mount Everest is my goal!" exclaimed Erika.
2. In the past, Burton was terrified to play the tuba on Tuesdays.
3. "To succeed takes courage, foresight, and luck," announced Nik to an awestruck Cameron.
4. Stranded in the freezing snowstorm, all Kira wanted was to survive.
5. Afraid to move, Evan froze in terror as the huge cobra slithered over his left foot.
An infinitive phrase
is an infinitive with modifiers or a complement, all acting together as a single part of speech.
It is important to listen carefully.
It is not polite to listen through the keyhole.
I want to hear the news.
They want to give you a present.

Directions: Underline the infinitive phrase in each sentence below.

1. Andrew knows that to drive up a hill of butter is impossible.
2. Sam told J.J. that he'd like to travel to Timbuktu.
3. Courtney told Dylan to kick the football at Henry.
4. Liam built a storm cellar in which to shelter during tornadoes.
5. Mitchell's dream, to fly an M16, was finally coming true!
6. Ben and Zach tried to follow orders, but they failed.
7. Karin and Franny's decision, to stop and get a cup of coffee, made them late for English cla
8. Erica was about to jump into the tub of Jello when her mother got home.
9. After he hit the squirrel, Bruce had no choice except to drive on.
10. Sean's suggestion, to listen carefully, was appreciated.
11. Tyler and Jonathan wanted to listen carefully to Ms. Mathews.
Fill the blanks with the correct options below with gerund or infinitive.
1. I hope
(see) you soon.
2. John decided
(buy) a new car.
3. Maddy tried
(open) the door with a screwdriver.
4. I would love to
(teach) all I know.
5. I dont remember
(you before. Who are you?
6. Mom hates
(go) to parties.
7. We decided
(move) house.
8. Finally, we managed
(find) a vacant room.
9. Dont make me
(cry). stop telling the story.
10.You cant do it. You must give up
11.Could you
(help) me please, Im stuck.
12.How about
(go) somewhere peaceful?
13.I want you
(stand) by me.
14.He offered
(help) us.
15.Dont forget
(call) me when something wrong happens.
(WALK) for a while, we could sit in a terrace and have a snack.
17.It's great
(HEAR) from you! How have you been?
18.What about
(GO) to the theatre? I've heard Hamlet is being performed at
the auditorium.
19.Thanks for
(TALK) to James. He really needs his friends now.
20.Susan lent me some clothes after my luggage was lost. It's nice to know there are people
kind enough
(HELP) you when you need it.
21.This closet is used for
(KEEP) old exams.
22.I'm looking forward to
(SEE) you again!
23.You need to have some knowledge of computers
(WORK) here.
24.Why can't you have a coffee without
(SMOKE)? It would be nice not to sit alone
in the bar!
25.I feel totally rested after
(SLEEP) 8 hours!
John Amos is a salesman. He __________ (1) from door to door selling vacuum cleaners. On his
first day of work, he decided to sell his goods by ________(2) on the doors of a private housing
"My first customer," he thought as he __________(3) the doorbell of the first house. A middle
aged woman ________(4) curlers in her hair opened the door.
John began to _________(5) who he was and the product he was selling. The next minute, the
door was slammed _________(6).
"Not interested !" John heard her shout ________(7) the closed door. She refused to open the
door ________(8) John's persistent knocking.

houses._________(10) rather discouraged, he knocked at the door of the ninth household. This
_________(11) , the occupants of the house __________(12) him in. They also __________(13)
interest in his product. Encouraged by __________(14) , John began to explain the merits of his
vacuum cleaner. When the family __________(15) him for a demonstration, he vacuumed the
place for them. _________(16) the demonstration, the family, however, did not __________(17)
his product. Instead, they politely but firmly told him that they would __________(18) him a call
if they want to buy a vacuum cleaner later.
The family never called him _________(19), John suspected that they had not been really
interested in his product. __________(20) they had wanted was the 'free service' given by John,
who had vacuumed their entire living room.

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