Site Assessment Report - For Study

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(A Government of India Enterprise)

Engineering Division

Proposed Barrage Axis




(A Government of India UndertakingMinistry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation)
76-C, Institutional Area, Sector - 18, Gurgaon-122015
Gurgaon - 122015

North Karanpura Super Thermal Power Project (6x660 MW), Jharkhand



For the development of backward areas of Hazaribagh District of Bihar, construction of a

Super Thermal Power Plant was conceived by Govt. of India way back in 1990. The
decision to construct a 2000 MW (4X500 MW) power plant near North Karanpura in the
then Hazaribagh District and later in Chatra District of Bihar (now in Jharkhand State)
was primarily guided by ample availability of coal from Tandwa block of north Karanpura
coal fields and the proximity of the coal demands of the thermal power plant. National
Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) was entrusted for implementing the proposed power

During September1999, NTPC entrusted the work of preparation of Detailed

Project Report (DPR) for Make-up Water System to WAPCOS, a Govt. of India
Undertaking. The objectivity of DPR as envisaged by NTPC was to identify and
ensure a permanent source of water and to conceive a suitable arrangement for
utilization of water to meet the make-up water requirement throughout the
operational period of the proposed thermal power plant. The DPR for this project
was prepared by WAPCOS and submitted in 2001.

The Power Potential Studies conducted by WAPCOS estimated the capacity of

the project as 1980 MW against the conceived capacity of 2000 MW. The power
plant was planned to have a closed cycle condenser for cooling and ash handling
system with an estimated uninterrupted water requirement of about 90 cusecs
(2.55 cumecs) by constructing a dam at village Ulrathi across river Garhi. The
proposal envisaged water to be pumped directly from the submergence of Garhi

NTPC has recently taken up the execution of its coal based power project of
3x660 MW capacity at North Karanpura in Hazaribag district of Jharkhand. The
water for the project is envisaged to be drawn from river Garhi for the purpose of
Water Cooling requirements for the Thermal plant.

Site Assessment Report


North Karanpura Super Thermal Power Project (6x660 MW), Jharkhand


Project area is located on Gondwana Super-group of geo-chronological

sequence. The area falls within North Karanpura Coal-fields. It forms the northern
part of the main Karanpura basin. It is a prominent East-West trending valley
surrounded by Pre-Cambrian metamorphic comprising Hazaribagh Plateau to the
North and the Ranchi Plateau to the South.
The project area in general is a wide country with Plateaus, residual hills and
valleys. The drainage is dendritic to sub-dendritic. The Damodar River and its
tributaries including Garhi Nadi are shallow meandering streams.







Measures and Barakars. Gondwanas have been deposited on very uneven

Archaean floor. Gondwandas are known habitats for huge coal deposits.
Reservoir rims are made up of Gondwana rocks which on surface are covered with silty
soil and sand derived partly from the Gondwana bed rock and partly from alluvial
deposits. Gondwana bedrock is made up of coarse grained sandstone with interbedded
shale, siltstone and coal and are in general impervious as far as primary permeability is
concerned. Weathered rock mantle and fractures and fissures within the bedrock could,
however, form conduits & passages for the movement of ground water. Open wells in this
type of medium have been reported to show more fluctuation and get dried up very often.
Secondly there is no major adjoining valley in close proximately to the reservoir rim into
which the stored water could leak. However, during initial reservoir filling the reservoir
water may charge the overburden material and fissures and joints in the rim rocks.

It is pertinent to make a mention of the coal deposits in the project area. Three
bore-holes have earlier been drilled in village Laranga on the right flank of Garhi
River downstream of the proposed dam site. These holes have been drilled to
depth of 300 m, 250 m and 200 m respectively. Coal seams are reported to have
been encountered in holes around 200 m depth. These holes are reported to have
Site Assessment Report


North Karanpura Super Thermal Power Project (6x660 MW), Jharkhand

started in Raniganj formation. The coal mines around Piparwar are mostly open
Geological / Geo-Technical investigations
Since the depth of the bed rock is shallow, sufficient no. of boreholes were
made at DPR stage instead of relying on geophysical investigation.


boreholes along the dam axis have indicated that foundation rock, which is
generally semi-impervious in nature, is available at shallow depth within 8 m
and the overburden material is mostly pervious in nature. For the purpose of
the earth materials laboratory tests were conducted for the physical and
strength characteristics of the soils from various borrow areas. Borrow area
investigation indicated the sufficient availability of desired quality and quantity
of earth materials for construction purposes.
Hydrological Observations
No hydrological observations on the river Garhi was available for arriving at the
hydrological design parameters of the storage dam. A gauge-discharge site
was established by WAPCOS on the river Garhi and daily discharge
measurements were taken from 19.09.1999 to 19.12.1999. This actual
discharge observations were for supplementing the other existing hydrological
/river flow data in the upper Damodar river basin for assessing water availability
and other hydrological studies.

Due to the changes made in the plant cooling system (from water cooling to air
cooling), the consumptive water requirement of the plant has reduced from 90
cusecs to 20 cusecs (18 MCM approx.). NTPC has accordingly requested
WAPCOS to assess the possibility of constructing a low height weir / barrage for
storage of water and pumping the same to an in-plant storage reservoir for its
revised water requirement of 20 cusecs (18 MCM approx.). The structure is
proposed to be located at a close proximity to the high level road Bridge Site
across River GARHI. Water stored at the proposed barrage location shall be
Site Assessment Report


North Karanpura Super Thermal Power Project (6x660 MW), Jharkhand

conveyed thru a buried pipe line to the in-plant reservoir by pumping it from the
pump house envisaged close to the proposed weir/barrage location.

On a request by NTPC, a Team of Experts from WAPCOS along with NTPC

Officers visited the Site on 8th January, 2015 to assess its suitability for the
proposed Barrage. The list of Experts is enclosed as Annexure I.



The proposed location of a low height weir/barrage near the road bridge site is
around 5Kms upstream of the Dam location proposed in the DPR prepared by
WAPCOS. Since no data/ details are available at the proposed location, the
existing reports prepared by RITES Ltd. for the Road Bridge as well as the Data
on the hydrological studies available in the earlier DPR prepared by WAPCOS
Ltd. have been referred for a preliminary assessment.

The Thermal Power Plant requires a sustained water supply and the sources like
Ground Water option and Surface Water through direct pumping or through a
system of infiltration galleries do not appear to provide an uninterrupted source of
supply throughout the project operation period.

The Detailed Hydrological studies earlier conducted by WAPCOS at DPR Stage

confirms the sufficiency of water availability during monsoon season. Since the
discharges available in the Garhi River during monsoon season is considerable,
the option of creating a storage to transform the volume of water available during
monsoon for effective utilization during non-monsoon season appears to be the
Only Feasible Alternative. The reservoir can be impounded only during the
monsoon months viz June to August, as flows during non-monsoon months in the
river Garhi is very small, and will not give the required storage. It is thus
contemplated that the impoundment will be done during the monsoon only.

Site Assessment Report


North Karanpura Super Thermal Power Project (6x660 MW), Jharkhand

The team was also apprised that a Connecting road is proposed from the NH to
the Thermal Plant which crosses the river near the Tandwa village about 1.5 km
D/s of the existing road bridge near Surya Mandir. A bridge has already been
proposed at this location to cross the river. The River width at the proposed
location is about 200-250 m. The river alignment is almost straight up to about 1.5
km U/s where the confluence of two rivers converge. The river course at the
proposed location is well defined. The river slope is almost flat as in the plain
area. The Slope of the river appears to be in the range of 1 in 400-500. The
material on the river banks in the vicinity of the proposed structure appears to be
Silty clay type soil. The water level in the river during monsoon period was
observed to be about 3-4 m above the river bed. The river bed material similar to
silty sand type.

It was also informed that the River carries a lot of silt load during the monsoon
period. No sediment inflow data are available in the Garhi catchment. Some data
of adjoining catchment of the Barakar at Maithon reservoir are available. The
average rate of silting at Maithon reservoir is 1.02 mm/year. The Maithon reservoir
also lies in the Damodar river basin as that of Garhi river basin with almost similar
catchment characteristics. A long term average silt rate of 1 mm/year appears
reasonable and is therefore adopted for the present assessment studies.
Accordingly, it is suggested that adequate silt flushing arrangement need to be
explored and provided in the proposed Barrage after detailed investigations.

The Area plan of the Project demarcating the Proposed Barrage location as well
as the earlier Dam location is enclosed as Annexure-II.


The river Garhi, a tributary of the Damodar, is a non-perennial river. The flows in
the Garhi River are mainly dependent on monsoon precipitation. The average
annual rainfall in the region is around 1350 mm. The catchment is mostly rocky &
sandy interspersed with jungles & bushes.
Site Assessment Report


North Karanpura Super Thermal Power Project (6x660 MW), Jharkhand

Based on the hydrological data furnished in earlier DPR & RITESs reports, it is estimated
(Refer attached Annexure-III) that adequate water can be stored during the monsoon period by
construction of a low height barrage to meet the revised storage requirements of the plant
(i.e 18 MCM approx.). The water after storage at the proposed structure across Garhi
River shall be pumped to an in built reservoir and utilized for the entire life of the project
on a continuous and sustained basis throughout the year including the non-monsoon lean

It was observed at site and also appraised by the NTPC site officers accompanying the
team that sound rock may be available at a depth of around 4-5 meters below the NSL at
the proposed road bridge location. Accordingly, it is opined that a raised crested barrage
adjoining the road bridge would be most suitable proposal for storage of water. The
barrage could be raised over a RCC raft with a u/s and d/s cut off for achieving a safe exit
gradient of seepage flow. Consolidation Grouting below the foundation of the Barrage
need to be adequately planned.

NTPC apprised to provide the guide embankment on either bank of the River as close to
the river course as possible to minimize the submergence area. The river banks on either
side of the river at the proposed Barrage site are proposed to be treated with stone
pitching or boulders in wire crates up to the required height & length for containing the
water within the guide banks. It is preliminary estimated that the embankment length may
be around 1.50 Kms and more on each bank which can be confirmed after detailed
topographical surveys.

The WAPCOS team members are of the view that the Road Bridge can be located on the
proposed Barrages Piers thereby omitting the requirement of Bridge sub-structure (i.e.
deep Pile foundations & Pile cap etc.).

The barrage is planned to be provided with vertical lift fixed wheel type hydraulic gates
electrically operated by means of rope drum hoists for storage of water u/s of barrage.
The rope drum hoists shall be placed on a raised platform over steel trestles. One set of
stop log units operated by means of a monorail crane placed on the extended arm from
the hoist bridge shall suffice for any emergency gate requirements (Refer sketch
enclosed as Annexure-IV.)
Site Assessment Report


North Karanpura Super Thermal Power Project (6x660 MW), Jharkhand

Since, the SEDIMENT LOAD of the river appears to be quiet high, it would be desirable
to restrict the entry of silt into the pump intake. The River slope is almost flat at the
proposed barrage location, it is apprehended that suspended silt would settle down at a
fast rate after the structure is raised. The heavy suspended silt load shall enter the pump
intake and may choke the suction sump and pipes. Since provision of a de-sander with a
flushing arrangement would be a costlier option, the following alternatives are being
proposed for removal of silt and its flushing so as to optimize the pumping operations.
The structural arrangement as well as all other design details / parameters shall be
worked out after further investigations including the river silt studies, in-plant reservoir
simulation studies etc.

1. Alternative. 1.

A raised crest barrage having silt flushing bays with a depressed

invert. The Intake for the pump house shall be located very close to the silt
flushing bays at the right bank of the river towards the thermal plant. A raised
crest with its top level below MDDL and above the Sluice invert is proposed all
around the intake to the pump house for reducing the entry of silt. (Sketch 1
enclosed as Annexure IV)
2. Alternative .2.

A deep cunnette of adequate dimensions could be provided

towards the U/s and adjoining the raised crest all around the pump intake. The
invert of the cunnette shall have a steep slope and connected to a pipe having a
control valve for flushing operations towards the d/s of barrage. (Sketch 2
enclosed as Annexure V)
3. Alternative .3. The suction chamber below the riser pipes of the pumps could be a
hopper shaped with provisions of flushing the silt via pipe line equipped with a
control valve. This alternative could be planned in combination with the measures
listed at alternative 1&2 above (Sketch 3 enclosed as Annexure VI)
4. Alternative .4. A geotextile filter membrane could also be installed in the trash rack
units or separately in order to restrict the entry of suspended silt load along with
trash. Or else a system of pipes wrapped in geotextile filter material could be
installed at various levels around an intake well for water diversions. Arrangement
shall be provided to clean the choked geo-filter at regular intervals by back water

Site Assessment Report


North Karanpura Super Thermal Power Project (6x660 MW), Jharkhand

pressure slushing system or frequent replacement of the filter textile fixed in
panels .( Sketch 4 enclosed as Annexure VII)
5. Alternative .5 Large diameter deep wells can be raised at the middle of river width
above the available bed rock in place of the proposed barrage structure. The
water can be diverted during monsoon thru intakes sufficiently above the river bed
thru a trash rack supporting structure all around the well at top level .The geo
textile filter could also be installed in panels along with the trash rack units. The
geotextile filters could be cleaned of choking by back water flushing arrangement
or by provision of removable panels .The pumps can also be housed in a pump
room located above these intake wells. (Sketch 5 enclosed as Annexure VIII)
The alternative no. 5 appears to be cost effective option as it does not include the
cost of the barrage and guide embankment at the river banks. However, the
merits and demerits of all the above alternative proposals shall be worked out
after detailed hydrological surveys and studies.

Site Assessment Report



List of team members during the site visit on 8th January, 2015 to North Karanpura Super Thermal
Power Project site

Er. Manas Samantray, Sr. Manager


Er. A.Ahluwalia, Consultant

Er. D.C Mathur, Consultant
Er. Kh Ashique Akbar, Engineer


Annexure - III
Preliminary Assessment of Water Availability at the Proposed Barrage


River bed level
Barrage U/s Raft top level
Barrage Crest level
Undersluice Invert El
Top El of Gate
Deck EL of Bridge
Top of Barrage Piers at Crest location


Width of River at Proposed Barrage axis


River bed Slope

Priliminary Assessment
Volume of 90% dependable flow in Garhi River at Old
Dam Axis

Refered from
M/s RITES bridge documents


433.00 approx.
441.00 approx.


1 in




As per DPR
assuming the Catchment area of the Proposed
Barrage Axis is 80% of the Catchment area of the
old dam location

volume of 90% dependable flow in Garhi River at

Proposed Barrage Site



Yeraly Revised Water Requirement of the Thermal Plant

as reported by NTPC


18.00 Approx.


M/s RITES bridge documents
assumed as per visual observations during site
assumed as per M/s RITES Document & Visual
Observations during Site Visit

Adequate Water is Avaiable for Pumping to the In plant Reservoir


MDDL-River Bed Level
Live storage


750.00 m

1500.00 m

FRL Line

3.00 m

Barrage Axis

Natural Embankment/Existing river bank (1.5 m ht. assumed)

1.50 m
Guide Embankment length (tentative)=1500.00 m
River Bed slope (1 in 500)


Pumping Requirement

Assuming that The in plant Reservoir is filled up with 18 MCM in two months (considering the uncertainty if occurred during any year),
although water flow is available for five months

So, Days of Pumping operations per Year




Quantity of water to be Pumped per day

Pumping hours per day assumed
Total Pumping discharge
Pumping capacity as per DPR
Pumping capacity as per DPR
Nos. of Pumps required




to be on the safe side (this can be modified as

per requirments)
based on the requirement of 18 MCM

say 4.00 nos + required nos standby pumps

Note : The priliminary computaions provided above are based on the observations during Site Visit & limited data. The Computed design
parameters may undergoes changes and other Design Parameters shall be assessed after Detail Investigations/Survey






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