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Bible Believers' Newsletter 822

"We focus on the present Truth what Jesus is doing now. . ."
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we appreciate your fellowship in
God's unchanging Word.
Speaking to ministers Brother Branham said, "Many men go out, impatient; but believing that the
time is near, you try to do something within yourself. Wait upon the Lord. Patience is virtue. If you
can have patience, it's virtue. . . "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." Not
they that try to get ahead of the Lord, they that try to tell the Lord, "Lord, I know You want me to
do this, and glory to God I . . ." Don't do that. Wait upon the Lord. . . Many churches tried to
produce messiahs. But God had the time set for His Messiah. . ."
"We are creatures of time. He's God of eternity. We try to press ourself; we try to make something
different, "Oh, this has got to be done." Remember, He knows all about it. It's going to happen
anyhow. See? Let Him do it. Just commit yourself to Him. "Look up," and shine with joy of the Lord
to know that you've been privileged, your eyes have come open and see this day. Trust in Him for
the future" (Shalom, p. 24:148-149, 160-161).
Before His crucifixion Jesus prophesied the Seven Seals in Matthew 24 and warned the Church of
Old Jerusalem Rome would utterly destroy their city. They were to "look up," and flee the moment
they see the legionnaires pennants on the Mount of Olives. The invasion took place forty years later
and historians inform us that the Christians all escaped to safety. Later in that same conversation
Jesus warned His end-time Bride throughout the world to "look up" for certain unmistakable signs
confirming "our redemption draws nigh." Astronomers have established these signs will soon be
visible in the sky. Most of them pertain to Israel, but as Israel is God's timepiece we are bound to
study them prayerfully. It appears that they are providing us about one year's advance notice, but I
may be mistaken, so "look up".
What more can the Lord do to catch the attention of believers? He has sent and vindicated the
prophet William Branham (1909-1965) who has restored the apostolic faith (Malachi 4:5-6;
Matthew 17:11), and he has "finished the mystery of God" by introducing Christ revealed in His
own Word (I Corinthians 13:10; Revelation 10:1-7). The sign of His second or 'parousia' Coming
was manifested publicly eight days before the event (Daniel 7:9; Matthew 26:64; Acts 1:9-11;
Revelation 1:7, 14). God veiled Himself behind His Prophet and for thirty years revealed Jesus
Christ, the same yesterday and today and forever by discerning the thoughts and intents of
people's hearts in this Sodom and Gomorrah generation around the world (Luke 17:28-30; Genesis
18; Hebrews 4:12; 13:8). The besetting sin today is miscegenation called 'multiculturalism'
between Cainites and the sons of Adam as it was in the days of Noah so another consummation of
life is looming, this time by fire (Matthew 24:37; Genesis 6). For years now most of our ministry
has been to souls who have rejected grace and are imprisoned now; surely God's longsuffering
grace must soon be replaced with judgment.
Please read this Newsletter carefully, proving what we have written with the written and spoken
Word, and speak with your pastor.
This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to
feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed
personally in your own Bible.
Your brother-in-Christ,
Anthony Grigor-Scott

Sochi Olympics Threat of Terrorist Attack. Who is Behind Caucasus Terrorists?

February 6, 2014 In the weeks leading up to the Sochi Winter Olympics, the Western Media
has released a dribble of "trustworthy reports" examining "the likelihood" of a terrorist attack at
the height of the Olympic Games. . . The Sochi Games are occurring at the height of a Worldwide
crisis marked by the confrontation between the US and Russia on the geopolitical chessboard. In
turn, the ongoing protest movement in Ukraine has a bearing on Russia's geopolitical control of the
Black Sea.
What would be the underlying political objective of a terrorist attack? Are these slanted media
reports solely intended to create an aura of fear and uncertainty which causes political
embarrassment to the Russian authorities? While network TV and the tabloids have their eyes
riveted on the Black Widow, the more fundamental question as to Who is behind the Caucasus
terrorists goes unmentioned. None of the news reports has focused on the fundamental question
which is required in assessing the terror threat. Both the history of Al Qaeda as well as recent
developments in Syria and Libya confirm unequivocally that the Al Qaeda network is covertly
supported by Western intelligence.
History: Who is Behind the Chechen Terrorists? What are the historical origins of the Chechen
jihadists, which are now allegedly threatening the Sochi Games? Who is behind them?
In the 1990s, following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the US waged a covert war against Russia.
The objective was to promote the secession of Chechnya, a "renegade autonomous region" of the
Russian Federation, at the crossroads of strategic oil and gas pipeline routes. This was a covert
intelligence operation. The main Chechen rebel leaders, Shamil Basayev and Al Khattab, were
trained and indoctrinated in CIA-sponsored camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
The two main Chechen jihadist formations, affiliated to Al Qaeda were estimated at 35,000 strong.
They were supported by Pakistan's Military intelligence (ISI) on behalf of the CIA; funding was also
channeled to Chechnya through the Wahhabi missions from Saudi Arabia. The ISI played a key role
in organizing and training the Chechnya rebel army . . . The Sochi Olympics are at a strategic
location on the Black Sea at the crossroads of Russia's oil and gas pipelines.
The forbidden question (both by the West as well as by the Russian government) in addressing the
possibility of a terror attack is: Who is behind the Terrorists?
While the US sponsored Chechen rebels were defeated in the 1990s by Russian forces, various Al
Qaeda affiliated formationsincluding the "Caucasus Emirate militant group, Imarat Kavkaz (IK)
remain active in the Southern Caucasus region of the Russian Federation (e.g. Chechnya,
Dagestan, Ingushetia and Abkhazia). Both the Russian based Al Qaeda groups as well as the
broader network of jihadist formations in the Middle East, Central Asia and the Balkans constitute
CIA "intelligence assets" which could potentially be used to trigger a terrorist event at the height of
the Sochi Olympics . . .
The more fundamental questions which both the Russian and Western media are not addressing for
obvious reasons:
Who is behind the Caucasus terrorists? What geopolitical interests would be served, were the US
and its allies to decide to trigger a "False Flag" terror event before or during the Sochi Olympic
Games? Full story:

The East African Response Force, a Creation of the Pentagon

February 11, 2014 The intervention of both France and the US has only worsened the
conditions for people in the CAR. With the dislocation of tens of thousands of Muslims who are
fleeing out of the country to neighboring Chad, divisions are becoming more pronounced based
upon religious differences and perceptions of political power.
The only solution being advocated as a next step in the process is the deployment of more troops
from the European Union (EU). The United Nations Security Council has authorized the deployment
of EU troops but there is no evidence to suggest that this will stabilize the situation.
The growing French, US and EU military involvement in Africa is designed to secure western
imperialist dominance over the oil, diamonds, gold and uranium that exist in abundance in both the
CAR and South Sudan. These western states are creating the conditions for the deterioration of the
societies involved, and consequently through their false propaganda about humanitarian
assistance, will only provide a further rationale for an even heavier military occupation . . .
Full story:

Haredim Community opposes Israel's Draft Law: Is Civil War brewing?

February 6, 2014 The state of Israel arrested an ultra-Orthodox man of the Haredim
community for refusing a mandate to enlist in the Israeli-Defense Forces (IDF). The move by the
Israeli government sparked protests across the nation demanding his release from a military prison
Before the Israel became a state for the Jewish people, the Haredim were in opposition to Zionism
(a political movement). The majority of the Haredim community opposes the state of Israel for
religious and political reasons. The Haredi religion teaches that the Jewish people will not settle in
Israel by enforcing violence against the indigenous population and will not engage in any war with
other nations in the Middle East or in the world and behalf of the Zionist state. The Haredim
opposes Israel's ethnic cleaning of the Palestinians and other Jewish settlers' expansionist policies
regarding Palestinian land. The Haredim say that Israel's militaristic nature has transformed the
Jewish character of spirituality into a warlike state. The Haredim has been facing a number of
issues including discrimination and religious persecution by the Israeli government. There is also a
rise of Haredim families living in poverty. Now with the arrest of a Yeshiva student from the
Haredim community, police authorities will increase its harassment and arrests of those who refuse
conscription into the Israeli army.
Israel is preparing for a major war involving Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Hezbollah in Southern
Lebanon, and a possible strike in Syria with collaboration with the US military if the Assad
government does not meet its deadline to remove its chemical weapons. Israel also has Iran in its
future war plans that would involve a military strike if nuclear talks fail. That is why Israel needs all
members of its society to enlist in the military. But the Haredim have moral values, those that are
for a peaceful world, free from violence. . . Full story:
Comment: No one has sought to remove Israel's chemical weapons. Based on past form one
would expect Israel to strike Syria once its chemical weapons are removed.

We must impose sanctions on Israel: Jewish MPUK Sir Gerald Kaufman

February 8, 2014 It is totally unacceptable that the Israelis should behave in such a way, but
they do not care. Go to Tel Aviv, as I did not long ago, and watch them sitting complacently outside
their pavement cafs. They do not give a damn about their fellow human beings perhaps half an
hour away . . .
The time when we could condemn and think that that was enough has long passed. The Israelis do
not care about condemnation. They are self-righteous and complacent. We must now take action
against them. We must impose sanctions. If the spineless Obama will not do it, we must do it
even unilaterally. We must press the European community for it to be done. These people cannot
be persuaded. We cannot appeal to their better nature when they do not have one. . . He pointed
out that the Irgun [infamously responsible for the bombing in 1946 of the King David Hotel, HQ of
the British Mandate government, murdering 91, and the Deir Yassin massacre in 1948] were
terrorists, and that "Israel was born out of Jewish terrorism".
There's an interesting footnote on the Wiki page which says: "In 2010, the Supreme Court of Israel
rejected a petition by the newspaper Haaretz for the declassification of documents, reports and
photographs concerning the Deir Yassin massacre. The court cited the possible damage to Israel's
foreign relations . . ."
The US Congress is stuffed to the gunwales with Jews and Zionist stooges and hirelings. How is it
that they are so taken in, or cowed, by the lie machine that few, if any, have the balls or integrity
to see the Israeli regime, like Kaufman, for what it is. If they didand acted accordinglythere
would be far less grief around the world.
Sadly, there are big profits to be made from strife and grief. Full story:
Comment: Non-Semitic Israelis are still driving Semitic ArabsPalestiniansoff their land. Soon
multitudes of non-Semitic anti-Semitic Israeli impostors will desert Israel and genuine Israelites
descended from Abraham, Isaac and Israel will return.

15,000 Cops give Obama Gun Agenda Thumbs Down

February 12, 2014 In the midst of the heated gun-control debate in the nation's capital, a
leading Internet web site, exclusively for federal, state and local law enforcement, on Monday
released the surprising results of a survey of police professionals from across the US. The survey
provides revealing insights into the opinions of American law enforcement regarding gun control
policies and the root causes of, and potential solutions, to gun crime in the US. The organization
that released the surveyPoliceOne.comconducted the study. officials stated that
their research team received 15,000 responses from law enforcement professionals. Full story:
the results

Ottawa actively participated in Haiti Coup d'Etat

February 8, 2014 Canada was centrally involved in planning the Coup. A year in advance . . .
Canadian soldiers, notably those serving in Joint Task Force 2, were assigned by Canadian
government leaders to join local paramilitary mercenaries and US troops illegally deployed to Portau-Prince, Haiti, to conduct the Coup d'tat.

The Coup was followed by several documented massacres and arbitrary arrests of pro-democracy
activists. It dismantled Haiti's entire elected government structure, and US-appointed post-coup
regimes backed financially, militarily and diplomatically by Canada . . . Haiti, a country with no
known cases of cholera for the past 100 years, now has one of the worst cholera epidemics in the
world. The cholera death toll has already reached 8500 and as of January 2014, more than
700,000 have gotten sick from the deadly bacterium. . . Full story:

US Postal Service announces Giant Ammo Purchase

February 5, 2014 The US Postal Service joins the long list of non-military federal agencies
purchasing large amounts of ammunition. On January 31, the USPS Supplies and Services
Purchasing Office posted a notice on the Federal Business Opportunities website asking contractors
to register with USPS as potential ammunition suppliers for a variety of cartridges.
"The United States Postal Service intends to solicit proposals for assorted small arms ammunition,"
the notice reads, which also mentioned a deadline of February 10. The Post Office published the
notice just two days after Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) announced his proposal to remove a federal gun
ban that prevents lawful concealed carry holders from carrying handguns inside post offices across
the country.
Ironically the Postal Service isn't the first non-law enforcement agency seeking firearms and
ammunition. Since 2001, the US Dept. of Education has been building a massive arsenal through
purchases orchestrated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. The Education Dept. has
spent over $80,000 so far on Glock pistols and over $17,000 on Remington shotguns. . . Full
Comment: Capital punishment for poor math? At my school discipline was limited to the cane. The
World is going insane!

Virtual Visit to the Sistine Chapel

View every part of the Michael Angelo's masterpiece just click and drag your arrow in the direction
you wish to see. In the lower left, click on the plus (+) to move closer, on the minus (-) to move
away. Click on the semiquaver to listen to Bible Believers' choir. Full story:

The Presence of God Unrecognized

Genesis 1:14, "God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven to divide the day from the
night; and let them be for signs, [signals, omens, and warnings] marking appointed times of
cyclical assembly, delineated by days, months and years" (Psalm 19:107; 50:6; Romans 1:18-28;
Psalm 104:19, "God appointed the Moon to mark appointed times of cyclical assembly: the Sun
knows the exact time of its setting".
God's calendar is lunisolar. The Moon fixes moon-ths that order Israel's sacred assemblies
before the Lord: the annual feasts of Passover and Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits, Pentecost,
Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Tabernacles according to the precise time ordained in His
Covenant. While the Sun determines the passage of years, sabbatical and jubilee years and
dispensations and knows the precise time of its setting because the days and years are reckoned
as commencing at sunset. Each Church dispensation and individual elect plays his part in the
spiritual antitypes foreshadowed by Israel's feasts, for God chose Israel above all other nations to
demonstrate His love, and against adversity honour the oath He had sworn to the patriarchs
(Deuteronomy 7:6-11). Accordingly Israel is His template and timepiece and each dispensation and
individual elect being foreknown before the world (Isaiah 42:9; 48:1-8; Amos 3:7; Revelation
13:8) must fulfill the "present Truth" for its designated decreed season in order to fulfill its position
in the Body.
The Sun represents Christ
the Word, while the moon
represents His wife, the
church, which is to obey
Him in everything and
reflect his glory in the earth
during his absence (I
Corinthians 11:3, 7). These
diagrams looking down on
the solar system from
above are not to scale and
prescient license (?) has
displaced the equator 90
A Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon or church apostatizesovercome by man-made creeds and
traditions of reasoning against the faith of Jesus Messiahand stands before the S_O_N causing
"darkness to cover Earth and gross darkness the people." The Prophet said, "Of course this is
prophesying of the day we're now living" (Shalom, p. 6:30, 54). "God's Light is come and
the glory of His second or 'parousia' Coming has risen upon us" (Isaiah 60:1-2). A Solar Eclipse can
occur only when the Moon is at just the right distance and angle in the sky to cover the Sun, this
can only occur when the Sun, Moon and Earth are exactly aligned producing a Total Solar Eclipse. A
Total Solar Eclipse occurs during daytime and only when there is a New Moon. The duration of a
solar eclipse is short with totality lasting from a few seconds or minutes; it is seen by a minority of
people along a narrow corridor and appearances differ according to ones location and distance from
the central track of totality. The dark umbra shadow is the region of Total Solar Eclipse, surrounding
that in the lighter shaded penumbra area is the region of Partial Eclipse.
God's first Bible The Witness of the Stars is "forever settled in heaven" (Psalm 119:89). The
Pleiades represent "the seven stars in God's right hand who are the angels of the seven Church

Ages"Paul, Irenaeus, Martin, Columba, Martin Luther, John Wesley and William Branham
(Revelation 1:20). They formed the Pillar of Cloud or Shekinah witnessed to the world on February
28, 1963 "the sign of Christ's second or 'parousia' Coming" to us (Daniel 7:9; Matthew 24:3;
26:64; Acts 1:9-11; Revelation 1:7, 14; see Life Magazine below). A similar manifestation of the
Pillar of Cloud will manifest to Israel over the Mount of Olives at the close of the Gentile
dispensation (Zechariah 14:4; Matthew 24:30). On December 22, 1962 the Lord showed Brother
Branham a vision in which he was in a mountain north of Tucson when a great blast shook the
mountain and he was caught up into a constellation (or alignment) of angels in the form of a
pyramidGod's second Bible. The vision was fulfilled on Sunset Mountain on March 8, 1963, and
the Lord told him to return to his Church and He would reveal the mystery of the Seven Seals. Like
the heavenly bodies, the seven stars had to be exactly aligned before Christ could open the Seals
and reveal the parousia Coming of the Son of man with power and great glory.
A Total Lunar Eclipse occurs
at night in the absence of
the Sun and only at Full
Moon when all seven Church
Ages are fulfilled and Earth
(or the worldliness of
Laodicea Revelation 3:17)
blocks the Son-Light from
the Moon or church. This
can occur only when the
Sun, Earth, and Moon are
almost exactly aligned (II
Timothy 4:3-4); Pleiades
also. Earth's atmosphere
disperses blue light more
readily than red light so in the darkness of an eclipse when blue light is less profuse only the
reddest light reaches the Moon. Some sunlight bent through Earth's atmosphere typically allows
the Moon a coppery or brownish pink glow. The umbra on this diagram illustrates the seventh
image of the Total Lunar Eclipse on December 30, 1963 preceding Pope Paul VI's visit to Israel to
meet Ecumenical Patriarch Athanagorus I in Jerusalem from January 4-6, 1964. Christians are not
of Jerusalem that is below but of "New Jerusalem that is above that is the mother of us all [and]
will come down from God out of heaven as a Bride adorned for her Husband" (Galatians 4:26;
Revelation 21:2). Laodicea ended as a move of God when Christ opened the Seven Seals on March
8, 1963. As Israel rejected His first or 'erchomai' Coming the churches that bear His Name have
rejected His second or 'parousia' Coming and "crucified Him to themselves afresh and hold Him up
to contempt . . . He stands at the door and knocks" calling the sleeping virgins to come out and
sup with Him (Hebrews 6:6; Revelation 3:17-20; 18:4; The Feast of the Trumpets, p. 8:53).
Brother Branham said, The Pope is "doing this to win fellowship as on the day after he come into
Jerusalem, he met the Greek Orthodox hierarchy. And what does that reflect? Fellowship, they're
wanting Protestants and Catholicism joining together, which they are doing and will completely do.
And God reflected this to us in the Moon of a total blackout. By His mercy and grace. . ."
"Did any of you see the paper where they took the
pictures of the Moon? I have it here. If it ain't a
perfect image, leaving out the seventh age . . .
exactly the way I drawed by the Holy Spirit, the
Church Ages. There's the six of them; the seventh is
not finished yet. [Laodicea is finished as a move of
God; but Darkness has not yet completely replaced
Light Ed]. The six conditions of the Moon, how in its
brightness in the first Church Age, dark in the second,
third, fourth, fifth, and sixth; just the way the Holy
Spirit let me draw them on the board, then

identified them with Hisself on the wall of the Tabernacle two years ago. [On the last day
when the last Church Age was drawed out, this great Pillar of Fire (which is among us)
came down among hundreds of people, and took itself back to the back wall of the
Tabernacle, and there, before these hundreds, drawed those Church Ages, darkening and
lightening, just exactly the way I had it drawed on the board: mysteriously]. The Moon
reflects itself, and science again picks up the picture of the Church Ages, just as they picked up
that Light yonder and put it in "Life" Magazine, of the opening of the Seals, of the revealing in the
age of the seventh angel. In the days of his ministry, the seventh messenger, the mysteries of God,
which all the mysteries has been along the ages, should be revealed, made manifest; it should be
at that time. And He did it. His Words don't fail. Isn't that a mysterious thing? God drawing in the
heavens the same thing that they hold, same God let me draw on the blackboard, and then by
Himself. That's three times He's perfectly identified it, and just before the pope goes into
"The Moon is the church, represents the church. And before the church, the shadow of
the world crosses the Moon. And the shadow of worldlyism, the shadow of worldliness,
worldly church, has swept across to blackout the entire Light of the Bible. The world got
in the light of the reflection. Do you understand? The world crossed in the light of the
Moon, and blinded out the Sun. And the reflection of the Moon that's supposed to be
giving light to the earth, it was blacked out. And it come in and drawed the pictures just
exactly like it did, by inspiration, before it happened. . ." (#13:5 Shalom, p. 12:67, 79-88,
"God does the signs in the heavens before He declares it on earth. Did you notice, the moon went
to a complete blackout? Jerusalem is the oldest church in the world . . ." (Countdown, p. 19:132).
Jesus warned the Church "When first you see the pennants of the Roman Legions on the Mount of
Olives flee immediately to the mountains" of Jordan (Matthew 24:15-21). And He warned us:
"When the Gentile dispensation is about to be fulfilled there will be signs in the sun,
moon and stars, with distress among the nations on earth, bewilderment at the roaring of sea
and waves; men's hearts failing them for fear in dread and apprehension concerning events that
are about to take place in the world: for the powers of heaven will be shaken. Then they will see
[the Presence of God unrecognized in] the [second or parousia] Coming of the Son of man [to
Israel] with great power in the Cloud [of Shekinah glory over the Mount of Olives (Zechariah
14:4)]. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and be encouraged; for [the
first resurrection will have begun and] your redemption [translation] draws nigh" (Luke 21:24-28).
Brother Branham said, "I foretold you a year and six months before it
happened when He told me to go to Arizona, what would happen out
there in the desert; and there's men setting right here tonight was
standing right there and present when the seven Angels came down,
and even the magazines"Life" Magazine packed the article of it. It
was right there in the observatory and everything, and now they
don't even know what it is all about. And everything has been said,
even to the destruction of California, coming up now, and all these
other things, and how I told them how many days it
would be. How it would be where this great
earthquake would happen in Alaska and that
would be the beginning of the sign of time
(Daniel 12:4, 9; Revelation 10:4), and what
would take place (Revelation 18:21-23). And just
word by word what it said. It's never failed one time"
(The Invisible Union of the Bride and Christ, p. 42:3).
Now that we see these things beginning to come
to pass we are to "look up and be encouraged."
Solar and lunar eclipses are common but Revelation

6:12-14 declares: "When the Sixth Seal manifests there will be a great earthquake and a 1,500 x
300 400 mile segment of earth's crust will sink Los Angeles and much of California to the bottom
of the ocean; the sun will become black as sackcloth of hair and the moon become as
blood [a Total Lunar Eclipse]; and the stars of heaven will fall to the earth, even as a fig tree
casts her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And heaven will depart like a scroll
when it is rolled together; this earthquake [of unprecedented magnitude] will move every
mountain and island from its place" (Revelation 16:18; 18:21; Isaiah 34:4; Joel 2:31).
The Sun's darkening and heaven's departure is not due to a Total Solar Eclipse but "a
great earthquake of a magnitude unprecedented in human history" (Revelation 16:18).
On Nisan 14 the full Moon will be on Earth's dark side for a Total Lunar Eclipse.
"Looking up" Astronomers calculate that four consecutive Total Lunar Eclipses or 'blood
moons' (a tetrad) and two solar eclipses will occur in 2014 and 2015, each falling on one
of Israel's compulsory feasts. This will be the eighth tetrad which has coincided with Israel's
Feasts since Jesus Christ, and eight signifies eternity, resurrection and the first in a new series. The
sixth tetrad occurred on the Feasts of Passover and Tabernacles in 1949 and 1950, just after the
creation of the Jewish state of Israel in 1948 and the first Arab-Israeli War (May 15, 1948 to March
10, 1949). The seventh tetrad occurred on Passover and Tabernacles in 1967 and 1968 during the
Six Day War (5-10 June, 1967) when Israel took East Jerusalem and additional land. The next
tetrad will occur over Jerusalem on the Feasts of Passover April 15, 2014 and Tabernacles (Sukkot)
October 9, 2014, and again Passover April 4, 2015, Trumpets September 13, 2015, and
Tabernacles September 28, 2015. Significantly Passover is Israel's first compulsory annual feast
and Tabernacles is its last.
A 'blood Moon' refers to the calendar full Moon that is the first full Moon after the 'Harvest' full
Moon in the Northern Hemisphere. The Harvest full Moon is the Moon closest to the Vernal or
Autumnal Equinox. The term blood Moon has only been in use from the 18th century and is not
commonly used in the Southern Hemisphere. It does not indicate that the Moon will necessarily be
red in colour although sometimes it can appear red due to atmospheric conditions at that time.
Israel's Civil New Year begins with the Feast of Trumpets on Tishri 1 (Leviticus 25:1-10).
In the Feast of Weeks every seventh year was a Sabbatical year in which fields lay fallow,
agricultural workers rested, and paid neither principal nor interest on debt. The Sabbatical year
enters into force and also ends on Tishri 1 when people can legally begin to harvest once again
(Deuteronomy 15). It seems Tishri 1/September 25, 2014 to Tishri 1/September 14, 2015 will be
the forty-eighth year in the current cycle. Thus Tishri 1/September 14, 2015 to Tishri 1/October 3,
2016 will be the forty-ninth year and the year of release, and Tishri 1/October 3, 2016 to Tishri
1/September 21, 2017 will be the fiftieth Sabbatical year, followed by the Jubilee year from Tishri
10/September 30, 2017 to Tishri 10/September 19, 2018 during which all land is restored to its
original owner, all debts are cancelled, and all slaves are freed to enable a new beginning to the
nation, a type of new birth to the individual (Leviticus 25; 27:16-25; Numbers 36:4). The Six Day
War occurred in the previous Jubilee year of Tishri 10/September 24, 1966 to Tishri 10/October 14,
1967. There was a tetrad on the Feasts of Passover and Tabernacles in 1967 and also in 1968. If
we add fifty years to the Jubilee of 1967 we anticipate the next Jubilee from the Day of
Atonement Tishri 10/September 30, 2017 to September 19, 2018.
The Israel nation is in debt to Jesus Messiah who paid sin's price in their behalf despite high priest
Caiaphas prophesying: "It is expedient for us that one Man should die for the people, and that the
whole nation perish not. [And] all the people of Israel said, His Blood be upon us and upon our
children" as it is to this day (Matthew 27:25; John 11:50). As at Sinai Israel rejected "the
acceptable year of the Lord," or Pentecostal Jubilee (Isaiah 61:2; Luke 4:19) and Jerusalem must
serve its master Satan until Daniel's Seventieth Week of years is fulfilled and the kingdom restored
in New Jerusalem under Jesus Messiah and His Gentile Bride. The debt of the 144,000 will be
remitted by grace through faith and martyrdom releasing them from bondage under the curse of
"the Law of sin and death" (Isaiah 66:8; Daniel 9:24-27; Matthew 23:33-39; Romans 8:2; 11:25-

26; Revelation 6:11; 14:12 15:4). On the Day of Atonement the Trumpet sounded throughout
Israel to announce the Jubilee year (Leviticus 25:9).
Preaching repentance and new birth to the Israelites in the porch of the Temple after the
miraculous healing of the man born lame from his mother's womb Peter consoled: "Now I know,
brethren, that you acted in ignorance (Acts 23:34; Luke 13:27; 26:9) just as your rulers did: but
God has thus fulfilled what He foretold by the mouth of all His prophets, that His Christ should
suffer." [But Israel's denominational leaders having usurped the Law and the Prophets by their
"traditions made the words of God of no effect" (Matthew 15:9), and by rejecting God's prophet
John the Baptist knew nothing of a suffering Messiah but expected a conquering general who would
destroy Rome and restore the kingdom to Israel].
"Repent therefore and return, that your sins may be remitted in order that the [millennial] times of
refreshing may come from the Presence of the Lord [after Israel is born in one day]; so that He
may send your predestinated Messiah, Jesus, whom heaven must receive until the times of
restitution of all things which God spoke by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the
world began. [This comprehends the rectification of all the disorders of the fall, then the
restoration of the Kingdom to Israel (Acts 1:6)]. In fact Moses said, "The Lord God will raise
up from among your brethren a Prophet like me [the Mediatorial Head of a new order in intimate
communion with Him (Numbers 12:6-8; Hebrews 3:2-6)]; pay heed to Him in all things He will tell
you; every soul that will not listen to that Prophet will be utterly destroyed [Heb. 'cherem'] from
the people." And all the prophets who succeeded Moses, beginning with Samuel have likewise
foretold these "last days" of the Messianic Age of redemption and completion. You are the sons of
the prophets and of the Covenant that God gave to our fathers, when He said to Abraham, "In your
Seed shall all the families in Adam's race be blessed." When God raised up His Servant, He sent
Him to bless you in turning away every one of you from his evil ways" (Acts 3:17-26).
For Christians the resurrected first ripe sheaf Jesus Messiah was waved on the eighth day and
"presented Himself to them alive during forty days discussing the kingdom of God. And as He met
with them He charged them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the
Father: not many days hence you will be baptized with the Holy Ghost" (Acts 1:3-5). And on the
fiftieth day the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead inaugurated and presented the Church
as bread of the firstfruits waved before the Lord.
The end of the dispensation of the Law at Passover types the end of the dispensation of
grace at Passover. Matthew 27:45, 50-53: "From noon until three o'clock there was darkness
over all the earth . . . once more crying with a loud voice, Jesus dismissed His spirit. And the veil of
the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked and the rocks split; and [on
the third day] also the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, and
coming out of the tombs after His resurrection they entered the holy city and appeared to many."
In Matthew 24:29 and Revelation 6:12-17 Jesus prophesied the antitype. Three days after
earthquakes sink Los Angeles, split the Mount of Olives and demolish the Dome of the Rock the
New Testament saints will begin to resurrect and the latter rain of the Holy Spirit will fall on all
flesh, causing the wheat and the tares, the good and bad figs, the evil and the good, just and
unjust to manifest the life of the seed they have believed (Daniel 12:10; Luke 8:11; 17:21; I Peter
1:23; II Peter 3:3; Revelation 22:11, 14). Throughout their unseen resurrection the Spirit will be
waved in our corruptible flesh producing the 'third pull' to manifest that we are the Sons of God
and to elevate our faith for translation grace (Romans 8:19; Ephesians 1:17-20). Ours will be a
Pentecostal Jubilee; after a short and powerful demonstration of the Spirit this little hunted and
persecuted group will go to be with Jesus.
Meanwhile Isaiah 13:15-16; 34:1-8; Zechariah 14:2, Revelation 12:7-17 and 16:19 describe the
casting down of Satan and his host at the close of the dispensation. The Seven Seals hold the
mystery of Christ and the redemption of Adam's race, causing spiritual warfare; the Trumpet
judgments unleash natural war on Christ-rejecting Israel and its impersonators. The Seventh
Trumpet will call the 'hot stage' of the present World War III which will lead to Armageddon after
Rome abrogates her agreement with the self-styled Jews and the Black Nobility after the midst of


Daniel's Seventieth Week. A mass exodus of Israeli self-styled Jews following the bloody invasion
and utter defeat of Israel will enable genuine Israelites to return to the Land of their Covenant for
redemption, for outside the land their Covenant is of no effect.
The tetrads and solar eclipses are announcing three warnings: "their sound goes into all
the earth, and their words will go to the ends of the world . . . before the great and
dreadful Day of the Lord" (Romans 10:18; Psalm 19; Joel 2:30-31; Acts 2:19-20). Malachi
4:4, "Remember the Law of Moses My servant, even the statutes and ordinances which I
commanded him in Horeb for all Israel." Wherever Israelites might live Total Lunar Eclipses will
bring Passover, Israel's first compulsory annual feast to remembrance on April 15, 2014, and the
Feast of Tabernacles, its last compulsory annual feast on October 9, 2014, and an Annular Solar
Eclipse will speak to all nations on April 29, 2014. (Click these dates to see where these
phenomena will be visible). Is God stirring the hearts of Israelites and pricking the scruples of
foolish virgin? Grace will cease with Daniel's Seventieth Week"the time of Jacob's trouble; but
144,000 elect Israelites will be saved out of it" (Jeremiah 30:7).
As the Prophet once said, "I PREDICT (I do not prophesy)" these heavenly signs express
warnings mandated by Psalm 19:
Is the blood Moon of April 15, 2014 warning
the end of grace on the blood Moon of Nisan
14/April 4, 2015? When Pope Francis I visits
Israel on May 24-26, 2014 his visit (like that of
Pope Paul VI in 1964) will be preceded by a
Total Lunar Eclipse on April 15, one of a tetrad
that according to Brother Branham reflects the
condition of the world church system: "the
shadow of worldlyism, the shadow of
worldliness, worldly church, has swept across
to blackout the entire Light of the Bible." He
noted that the last plague to hit the Church
would be spiritual death (Speak To This Rock,
#60-0612) and now we see this reflected in
the heavens.
Is the worldwide Annular Solar Eclipse of April
29, 2014 warning Adam's race "the darkness
shall cover the earth"?
Should the blood Moon of Tishri 15/October 9,
2014 tell Israelites, "Next year Jerusalem
really"? Owing to a mass exodus of Israelis
after the brief 'hot stage' of World War III in
the Feast of Weeks 2015, Israelites need not
"fear the Jews." Now unwelcome in Islam they
will return to the Land of their Covenant.
Tishri 1/September 14, 2015 will commence the Sabbatical year in which land is returned to the
original ownersreturning Semitic Israelites and Semitic Arabs and the "two state" final solution of
UN Resolution 181 will be enforced as prophesied in Zechariah 14:2 and Revelation 16:19. This has
already been agreed as per the following reports:
In February 15, 2000 Pope John Paul II [who was born on a Solar Eclipse] met with Yasser Arafat in
Rome to sign an accord to normalize relations between Roman Catholic churches in Jerusalem and
the Palestinian Authority. Palestinian Legislative Council Speaker Ahmed Qurei told The Jerusalem
Post that the agreement is "recognition by the Catholic Church of the Palestinian claims to the
eastern half of Jerusalem." According to Arafat's spokesperson, Nabil Abu Rudaineh, "Arafat had


been lobbying for the idea of sharing undivided Jerusalem, and for creating a Vatican-style
sovereignty in the Old City." The agreement calls for Jerusalem to be "an international city based
on international resolutions and an international guarantee." The pact was signed despite the
Vatican having signed an agreement with Israel six years earlier on December 30, 1993 which gave
legal jurisdiction under Israeli law over the Church's own institutions and assets in the Holy Land.
On September 26, 2013 Vatican Radio announced a joint statement on the latest talks between
Holy See and the State of Palestine: "On September 26, 2013 the Bilateral Commission of the Holy
See and the 'State of Palestine,' which is working on a Global Agreement following on the Basic
Agreement, which was signed on February 15 2000, held a Plenary Session in the Vatican to
acknowledge the work done at an informal level by the joint technical group following the last
official meeting held in Ramallah at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Palestine on
January 30, 2013, and to plan future progress, with the aim of accelerating the conclusion of the
Brother Branham said, "They will trod down," said Jesus in Matthew 24 (the abomination maketh
desolation); "they'll trod down the walls of Jerusalem until the Gentile dispensation be finished."
When that's finished, then the Jews [he means Israelites] will return back into
Jerusalem to re-establish the temple and temple worship" (Gabriel's Instructions to
Daniel, p. 34:145).
"A confederation of church will consolidate them together and bring the Jews into this
confederation, and bring them back to their own temple worship again in the THUS SAITH THE
LORD out of the Bible, and they will have their own church."
". . . And then when they are brought into this confederation, Rome will break it in the middle of
the seventieth yearthree and one half years he'll break that covenant with them, and cause the
abomination that maketh desolation to spread to the consummation. Then he'll take both
Protestant and Jew and persecute them, and that time these two prophets will stand up and curse
the earth that she'll not rain in the days of their prophecy; they'll call fire out of heavens and
everything else . . ." (The Sixfold Purpose of Gabriel's Visit, p. 81:140-141).
Will the Total Solar Eclipse of Adar 29/Nisan 1/March 20, 2015, the beginning of Israel's religious
New Year (Exodus 12:1-2) be the last warning before the end of the Gentile dispensationperhaps
on Nisan 14/April 4, 2015?

Will the blood Moon of Nisan 14/April 4,

2015 mark the end of the Gentile
dispensation with the manifestation of
the Sixth Seal and the sounding of the
Seventh Trumpet? Jesus prophesied,
"Immediately after the great tribulation
[upon Christians from the sighting of Roman
troops on the Mount of Olives to the end of
grace (Matthew 24:15-29; Revelation 1:9;
7:14)] the sun will be darkened and the


moon will not give her light, the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be
shaken [as Satan is cast down to earth with his host]: then the sign of the 'parousia' Coming of the
Son of man shall appear over the Mount of Olives as the Pillar of Cloud unrecognized by Israel
(Zechariah 14:4): and all the tribes of the earth will mourn when they recognize the Son of man
Coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory [realizing the 'rapture' is past]. And He
will send His angels [(Zechariah 4; Revelation 11) in the spirit and power of Moses and Elijah] with
a great sound of the [Seventh] Trumpet and they will gather together His [144,000] elect
[Israelites] from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other".
The manifestation of the Sixth Seal coincident with the sounding of Israel's Seventh Trumpet will
cause a convulsion of nature; earthquakes will "shake not only earth but also heaven" (Isaiah
10:6-14; 24:16-23; Jeremiah 4:23-28; Joel 2:30; Haggai 2:6; Hebrews 12:26) accompanied by
tidal waves and volcanic eruptions (Luke 21:25). The first resurrection will commence after three
days. I expect the earthquakes that sink Los Angeles and cause the Mount of Olives on
the other side of earth to cleave, ignite the Pacific Ring of Fire and shake earth from its
axis will be so severe it will cause quakes and volcanic eruptions on the Moon and
darken the Sun in the antitype of Matthew 27:51-53 unforeseen by astronomers. Brother
Branham indicated this blood Moon may be caused by extraordinary factors. "Earthquakes in divers
places; the Moon is spurting out red blood, or red volcanic all over it, covering it," as Jesus
said watch for that sign in the last days; "sea a roaring, men's hearts failing for fear, and
perplexed of time, distress between the nations" (Presence of God Unrecognized, p. 16:112).
Then there will be a Partial Eclipse of the Sun on Tishri 1/September 14, 2015, which is
the Feast of Trumpets and the first day in Israel's Civil New Year. Israel's prophets will
minister the revelation of the Seven Trumpet mysteries throughout the first half of Daniel's
Seventieth Week.
According to NASA: the total blood Moon on September 28, 2015 will be at perigee meaning it will
be a super moon and seen in Jerusalem during the feast of Tabernacles when people will be
dwelling outside in booths "looking up because their redemption draws nigh." September 25 to
September 14, 2015 will be a Sabbatical year with release of debtors. Israel has been in debt to
the Lord "life for Life" for the price He paid on Calvary for their redemption. When "all the people of
Israel said, His Blood be upon us and upon our children" the nation rejected its Jubilee or
"acceptable year of the Lord" (Isaiah 61:2; Luke 4:19) and for the price of a gored slave Israel
entered a pact with Satan and must serve him as master until the Jubilee (Matthew 23:33-39;
27:25). When the Seventh Trumpet sounds the close of the Gentile dispensation "the Lord shall set
His hand again the second time to recover the remnant of His people, which shall be left, from
Assyria, Upper and Lower Egypt, Ethiopia, Persia, Iraq, Syria, and from the coastlands of the sea.
And He shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather
together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth" (Isaiah 11:11-16). Do you see
how the Edomite Judaeo-Roman church and Edomite-Jewish controlled USA, that "have the
dominion" are fulfilling Esau's oath to "slay my brother Jacob" (Genesis 27:39-41)?
Brother Branham said that "ensign for the nations" was when the First Committee of the United
Nations, on which each of the 55 members is represented, held twelve meetings, from May 6 to
May 13, 1947, using the facilities for simultaneous translation available at Lake Success on May 6
to determine the make-up of the commission called the United Nations Special Committee on
Palestine (UNSCOP) that would determine the future of Palestine (UN docs. A/C.I/P.V.46-57 (May 613, 1947). And "the oldest flag in the world" the [occult] flag [of the House of Rothschild] was
raised over Jerusalem [perhaps metaphorically] on May 6, 1947 as an ensign, signal or rallying
point to the diaspora.
The Lord told Isaiah, "Go, and tell Israel, You hear but do not understand; and see but do not
perceive. Render the hearts of this people insensitive, their ears dull and their eyes dim; lest they
see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their hearts, and repent and are
healed. Then I said, Lord, how long (Daniel 12:6; Revelation 6:11)? And He answered, "Until the
cities ARE MADE RUINS without inhabitants, the houses without people and the land utterly


desolate, and the Lord sends men far away, and the forsaken places of the land will be many. And
though a tenth remains in it, it shall again be consumed, but as a terebinth or oak tree whose
stump remains when it is felled, so the holy seed [or 144,000 elect] is its stump" (Isaiah 6:8-13).
The "present Truth" ministered by Israel's two prophets will open the blind eyes and deaf ears, and
soften the hard hearts of an election of 144,000 elect Israelites who return to the Land of the
Covenant after Laodicean Israel is raped and conquered in the brief 'hot stage' of World War III and
a great number of non-Semitic, anti-Semitic self-styled Jews have returned to their Gentile host
nations (Ezekiel 36:21 37:28). This release from Satan's tyranny will culminate in the martyrdom
of captive Israel. Brother Branham's ministry proclaimed "the day of vengeance of our God" and
called Christ's Bride out from the world church system into "the unity of the faith" for "the
manifestation of the Sons of God and the translation" (Revelation 18:4; Ephesians 4:13; Romans
8:19; I Corinthians 15:51-56). Israel's two prophets will minister "comfort to all that mourn [the
rejection of Messiah by their forefathers]; to grant [atonement] to them that mourn in Zion (Joel
2:32; Zechariah 12:10-14), a beautiful turban instead of ashes and the oil of joy instead of
mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint heart; that they might be called what they really
are, mighty oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified" (Isaiah
61:2b-3). nl822.htm


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