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Pt The Roman Empire “ late mM aldhiee lait ayy “why do people move? eee eee Cette urhd SI A A Great Empire and a New F 27 vc rages becomes it 40,117 etanan ene ‘0.313 Epo Conant nds te foun emo tacos gett Poneto Chins to pe ‘Around 1 5. eas 40.80% — av. 180 Thera 0.476 tewestem itkom, aconingta [Colsoumis | Romaraends Forman empire colagses 1} ‘Christin radon, empital I ral u. ls = Ss hip Ww reck Paul’ life had been in danger before. For many years he had traveled 4) from place to place acros the Roman empire preaching Christianity, anew religion. His message rubbed some people the wrong way. ‘Anangry crowd in Jerusalem had almost killed him in a.p. 57. The Romans arrested him, saving his life, but then imprisoned him in Caesarea for two long years. As a Roman citizen, Paul had the right, to appeal his case all the way to the emperor, and he did, Now, in 4.0.59, Paul's life was still in danger—but this time from sea Voyage and not a mob, His journey is described in the Acts of the Apostles, a book that is part of Christianity’s scripture. In Cacsarea, Paul got on board a huge ship full of grain, heading west across the Mediterranean Sea. He was ‘going to Rome for trial before Emperor Nero. Grain ships were the largest vessels of the time, bringing food to Rome from Egypt and other provinces. Rome's population was huge and hungry. If the government didnot keep the masses fed, they might riot or try to over- throw the emperot, Petly for this reason, the emperors made sure travel by sea twas as safe as possible Fy B 3 E 3 + © Section 3 Origins of Christianity © Key © Many Jews opposed Roman @ Jesus was an influential ——_@ Jesus followers founded rule in de Jewish teacher whose Clvsianiy and spread Ito Ideas followers believed he was rrany people, despite Roman the Messiah perieution Key Terms sresivecion = baptim —sqrucivion *corversion «marr (QI ¥ HULHHHE Reading skitt sequence Take notes using the graphic ‘organizer in your journal. ihe cova sheer, SY hei ss npn perce tsctfcing for his lode W technology and culture. Still, many people in the empire opposed Roman rule, A Jewish spiritual leader named Jesus arose during the ax Romana. He was executed by the Romans. A new religion soon, ‘emerged based on his teachings and the writings of his early followers. Judea Under Roman Rule 163 n.c,,the Romans took control of the Jewish kingdom of Judea, centered in Jerusalem, A large number of Jews opposed Roman rule. Zealots Many Jews saw the Romans as foreigners who occupied their land and treated them cruelly. They hoped that God would send a Messiah, or specially chosen king who would save the Jews from oppression. The Messiah would drive the Romans from their homeland. One group of Jews called the Zealots resisted the Romans by force. They refused to pay taxes and killed Roman officials. Religious Groups Different religious groups existed among Jews uring this time. One group was called the Pharisees (rax uh see?). ‘These were educated people who observed jewish law. They believed that good people could be resurrected after the Messiah came. Restrrection ‘means coming back to life. Another large group was the Sadducees, They came from the elite and supported the known as the Gospels. According to the fa @)) traditions ofthe Temple in Jerusalem. Gospels, Jesus was a descendant of the 3 “The Sadducees generally cooperated with great Jewish king, David, and his birth a oman rule Wasmircdouc Accordingto tradition, woke a. Other, smaller groups of Jews with Jesus was acarpentes like hisfather, ——sssitrancthe i drew from society and lived in isolated jasys the Teacher The Gospels tell us =f ‘ceamitandting ncthecdesert, Mon nk that as an adult, Jesus was baptized by a Fy these groups practiced etual eansing Prater named John nthe Jordan Rive a by plunging into water. Christianity later adopted this ritual as baptism. Reading Check Who were the Sadducees? Jesus’ Life and Teachings During this period of upheaval, a Jewish ‘man named Jesus of Nazareth lived and taught. He attracted a large following. Early Life Most of what we know about Jesus comes from early Christian writings Afterward, he began teaching from the Hebrew scriptures. For three years, Jesus traveled throughout Judea, telling people that God would soon come to establish his kingdom, Jesus became known as a champion of the poor and the outcasts of society. ‘Word spread that he could heal sick peo- ple who came to him for help. His closest followers began to wonder whether Jesus ‘was the Messiah, Map Skills Place Where wes Jesus bor? Region Ws Jes’ hornetown a Galleecx Judes? oui hin i ‘eit The Resurrection Afier Jesus died, his body was taken down from the cross and laid in a tomb. The Romans sealed the tomb and posted guards around it. ‘According to the Gospels, some of Jesus’ followers visited the tomb three days later. They found the guards gone and the tomb empty. They ran to tell the other disciples. Many claimed to have seen him after his death, They believed that God had resurrected Jesus and that he was indeed the Messiah. The Greek word for ‘Messiah is “Christ” Jesus and his early followers were Jews, But those who believed Jesus was the Messiah eventually formed a new religion known as Christianity. Reading Check What does the word Christ The Spread of Christianity During his lif, Jesus chose twelve trusted followers, called disciples or apostles, ‘After his death, they spread his teachings. ‘The Early Church When Jesus died, Peter, a key apostle, became a leader of the new church. The word church can refer to the community ofall Christians, a specific group of Christians, ora building (Christians worship in. Peter and other apostles spread belief in Jesusas the Messiah, They carried their faith to many parts of the world. They Visited Europe, Asia, and North Africa Christians and Jews ‘The first followers of this new faith still considered themselves Jews. They respected most Jewish laws and traditions. They read the Hebrew Bible and prayed in synagogues. But differences grew between Jevrish followers of Christianity and other Jews. Christians began sharing theie beliefs with non-Jews outside of Judea, The apostle Peter even traveled to Rome itsel, People from different backgrounds heard the apostles’ message. More and more gentiles, or non-Jews, became Christians In A.D, 66, the Zealots you have already read about led a huge rebellion against Rome. With difficulty, the Romans de. feated them and destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem. After a later rebellion, Jews ‘were forbidden to live in Jerusalem, Many Jefi Judea as migrants or were taken away as haves. They settied around the empire The Apostle Paul You have already read about Paul. He helped spread Christianity around the Roman empire. Early in his life he was opposed to Christians. He had an experience that led to his conversion to Christianity. A conversion is « heartilt change in one’ opinions or beliefs. Paul believed that Jesus had appeared to him and told him to spread the new faith, Paul is called an apostle, though he was not ‘one of the original twelve. Paul traveled to Greece and other areas, He founded churches and preached. Paul also wrote letters called epistles to various Christians. He helped spread the belief that non-Jews did not need to follow all Jewish laws to become ‘Christians, They still needed to live moral lives and could not worship other gods. Asmore gentiles came into the church, Christianity became e separate religion and no longer a part of adaism. 405 a 8 i Section 4 Beliefs of Christiani Key —— ® Early Christians wrote books @ Most Christians share acore _@ Christians believe thatiitis Id about the life of Jesus and set of beliefs, including faith portant to follow Jesu EAS other topics that form part in Jesus a8 the ton of God, ethical teachings of Christianity’s scipture, and in the Trinity. Mey erme +NewTesarent «Gosiel «paable spite «Tiny ethics» denomination 2 & Resding Skil Summarize Take notes using the graphic ‘organizer in your journal. in the centuries after the death of Jesus, Christians gathered their acred writings and developed their faith. Their writings centered Christian man at ‘on the life of Jesus and the Christian belief in Jesus as the son of God. prayer witn a copy ot the Bible ¥ The Christian Bible You have already read about the Hebrew Bible, which contains Jewish history, religious laws, and many other writings. Like Jews, early Christians read the Hebrew Bible as their scripture, or holy writings. The Old and New Testaments At first, the Hebrew Bible was the Christians’ only sacred text. Then they began to add their own body of writings. Jews did not and still do not accept these as scripture. Christians called the Hebrew Bible the Old Testament, and this new body of work the New Testament. They read both together as their holy text "The works that became the New Testament were written down between .p, 50 and 150. By the 300s they were collected and began circulating in the form that Christians recognize today. Jesus and his early followers probably spoke Aramaic. But the New Testament was written in Greek. Greek was the most widely spoken language in the ‘eastern part of the Roman empire. The New Testament contains 27 separate documents, called books. mM @) contraversia, 2 subject to agreement or ‘The Sermon on the ‘Mount is one at the most famous parts of tie New Testament His aspeech given by Jesus on a mountain. Its words continue to guide and inspire Christians today, 410 Beliefs About God ‘Christians use the New Testament as a source for their teachings. Throughout the centuries, Christians have disagreed about some parts of their faith. Bat most ‘Christians today share many basic beliefs ‘The Son of God The Gospels refer to Jesus not only as the Messiah, but also as the Son of God. Christian belie holds that Jesus was God in human form. To the early Christians, Jesus’ death proved he was human. His resurrection proved that he was divine, or godlike, For some, the idea of Jesus as both human and divine was puzzling or controversial. But Christians could have faith that they, too would be resurrected after death, Christians believe that by believing in Jesus, they will be rewarded with eternal, or endless, life in the presence of God ‘The Soul and Salvation Christians believe that everyone has a soul, or spirit. Toa Christian, what happens to the soul after death depends on how that petson lnas lived and whether that person believes in Jesus. Christians believe that people need God to forgive their sins, or ‘wrongsioings, so that their souls can live on in the presence of God after death, They believe that God may forgive people who are truly sorry for their sins and choose to follow Jesus. Many Christians view Jesus’ death and resurrection as key to forgiveness. In the ancient world, some peoples atoned, or made up for sins, by offering animal sacrifices to their gods. Many Christians RPA ZAN TAS TANT AUN TAS TAU IN A believe thet Jesus, by being crucified, became the sacrifice for everyone’ sins The Trinity Like Jews, Christians are monotheists. As you have read, this means that they worship one God. Most Christians, hovrever, believe that God exists as three forms, called persons, Together, these three forms are known as, the Tiinity. The Trinity includes God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Christians believe that God the Father created the universe. They believe that Jesus is God’ son. He is God in human form. The Holy Spirit, also called the Holy Ghost, is described as the power of God as experienced on Earth. To early Christians, the Holy Spirit allowed them to sense the presence of God after Jesus ‘was no longer with them, Reading Check How did people in the ancient world atone for sins? (66 Blessed are the poor in spit for theis isthe Practicing Christianity In daily life, Christians try to fallow Jesus teachings. Most Christians also observe similar rituals and holidays. Following Jesus’ Teachings Much of Jesus’ teaching has to do with ates, or issues of right and wrong and how to treat people. Christians today try to live according to Jesus’ ethical teachings. Jesus urged his followers to treat others as they ‘would like to be treated, This is called the “Golden Rule? 66 in everyting, co to others as you would have them do to ou. Matthew 712 Jesus also showed great concern for poor and humble people. He accepted even those with the lowest social standing among his followers, imyWorld Activity the ight Thing Jesus may have given the Sermon on the Mount on ail overlooking the Sea of Galilee, below. V reser) lcngdom of heaven. Blessed are those who meu, {or they wil be comforted. Blessed ae the meek, forth wil inheritthe earth Blessed are those vwho hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filed. 99 Tach : (66 You have heard that it was sad, "You shall love matthew 53-6 you, Love your enemies and pray for those who Dersecute you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven. 23 A anae 42-48 > SVAN UA NO UANT OAING 14 As well as following fesus'teachings, @)) most Christians believe religious faith is also important. To most Christians, Christianity means believing in Jesus, in his sacrifice for other people’ sins, and in his resurrection. Rituals and Holidays Many practices are shared by nearly all groups of Christians Most Christians observe Sunday as the special day of rest and prayer. At worship services many Christians participate in a ritual meal called a Holy Communion ‘or Bucharist. This usually includes bread and wine or grape juice. Many Christians are baptized, either as infants or adults, Christmas and Easter are two important holidays for most Christians, Christmas celebrates the bieth of Jesus, miracle according to Christian tradition. Faster celebrates Jesus’ resurrection, Reading Check What event is marked by Easter? Section 4 Assessment Key Terms 41. When was the New ‘Testamem writen down? 2. Who do Christians believe are the ‘members of the Trinity? Key Ideas Paul? Rule"? 6. What two feiths make Up the Judeo-Christian tradition? ‘3. Which part of the Now Testament wes partly written by the apostle 4, D0 most Christians believe thet Jesus wae human, civine, or both? 5. What isthe "Golden The Judeo-Christian Tradition Judaism and Christianity are separate religions. They have many important differences. Bat the two faiths also have much in common. Both Jews and Christians worship one God. Both read the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) as seripture. They share a similar ethical tradition. Members of both groups respect the Ten Commandments, Together the common elements of Judaism and Christianity are called the Judeo-Christian tradition. This tradition has helped shaped much about life in Burope, the Americas, and other areas. Ithas contributed to art and literature. For example, stories from parts of the Bible read by members of both faiths are common themes in art. The tradition also helps shape law. For example, it teaches the equality of all people before the law. Reading Check What is one clement that Judaism and Christianity have in common? clement, part ye Think Critically 7. Analyze Primary Sources In the Sermon fon the Mount, whet sorts of people did Josus say are “blessed”? What does hls say about how Christians believe people should act? Identify Main Ideas ‘What de Chratiane beliove about atonement, or making up for sins? ‘Why do people move? 18. D0 more Christians today live in Asia, where Christianity was founded, or on other continents? Go t0 your Student Journal to record your answer SOeor Teor) ae ac) (© Christianity spread despite perrecution by the Roman government Pose ie eseaepebte asa me sine eipeeoinie religious beliefs incladed the worship of multiple goes. The Roman government often persecuted, or mistreated, Christians for refusing to worship the Roman emperor. This intolerance is shown in the first document, a letter written by the Roman governor Pliny to Emperor Trajan. But as the Roman empire weakened, Christian, practices and beliefé spread. Under the emperor Theodosius, who ruled from A..379 to 395, Christianity became the official religion of the Roman empire. ‘A painting frm the 10008 show ing the burial of an early Chistian ied by Roman persecution Read the text on the right. Stop at each cicied letter Then answer the | Bllny’s Letter to Emperor Trajan SOE SLs Sane eet os 66 |I|n the case of those who were denounced to me as Christians, | have observed the following procedure: 1 © lientity Detais What punish- | Siergaied hace asta whether thy ere Cito tose ‘ment is given to those who do SEER leseriountoa se ecny anil a ESRI not conteas to being Christianst threatening them with punishment; thase who persisted 1 © DrawInferences How docs this | @ ordered executed, Fort had no doubt that, whatever the pastage reveal Pliny’ pointot nature of their creed, stubbornness and inflexible obstinacy view? ‘© surly deserve to be punished. There were others possessed of the some folly but because they were Roman citizens | signed an order for them to be transferred to Rome. [Mihis superstition has spread not only to the cites but also to the villages and farms, But it seems possible to check it eis certainly quite clear that. .. the established religious G rites ong neglected, are being resumed.99 Pliny the Younger Letters, about 49. 111=113 @ Summarize In your own words, shat is Pliny describing in the last paragraph? denounced, v, accused publicy interrogated, v, questioned formal raed, n. ast ot bales obstinacy. stubbornness folly, lack of good sense heck, vt sow of top 422 SScvcrced eter Thesanswer tre | The@dosian Code {Question with the some etter on 4 its pur desire that al the various nations which are subject i spl to our clamency and moderation, should continue tothe pro- QD 'Sminiwscite Epi infor, fession of that religion which was delivered to the Romans: ‘own words what Theodosius is ‘the divine Apostle Peter. . According to the apostolic ‘saying in the first sentence. OM see mh BS rrr teaching and the doctrin af the Gospel, let us belive in the @ entity Details What does g ane dit af the father Son and Holy Spit, in equal majesty ‘Theodosius mean by belief in and in a holy inty we authorize the followers ofthis Iw ‘one deity”? to assume the title Catholic Christians; but as for the others, © Draw inferences What do ‘ince in our judgment they are feolih madmen, we decree ‘you think might happen to that they shall be branded with the iqnominious name of people who refs to become heretics and shall not presume to give thelr conventicles the Christians? Q name of churches. They will suffer... divine condemnation and the... punishment of our authority in accordance with [what] the will of heaven shall dacide to inflict, damoney 1, 0 ac of ein, mtey —Thecdesus at 280 fom Documents ofthe Con Chueh, Ga ee anise Coad ‘sted by ery betescn an chi Maun deity», 908 6 goasess Ignominious, 2, dstonerabe, nuritatng arene, poscn who conrad o> shed gous beets conventie.,2egia ser condemnation, 9. tae 41. Compare and Contrast How are these two, documents similar? How are they different? 2. Writing Task Using these two documents to support your thoughts, write a para- {graph giving your opinion about the following statement: Religious tolerance is needed to maintain a peaceful society

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