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Who are they?

WHOM are they waiting

for to be the new Messiah? From
where will this new Messiah come
whom Christians considered as
Please, read lower interesting texts, and
find the strange connections between
the Anglo-saxonian tribes and their
royal families and the statesmen, and
Israel tribes throughout the history.

Queen Elizabeth II is Heir to Great Bible

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Queen Elizabeth II

The Lord promised that the line of David would continue to occupy the throne of

Israel "until He come whose right it is; and I will give it Him."

Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is a reminder that the Sceptre of

Judah still exercises its Royal prerogative over the servant nation of God's

immutable choice.

Just what lies behind the British monarchy and how old is it? We can trace it back along its

line of descent to Kenneth MacAlpin, the first King of Scotland, to the kings of Ireland, back to

Heremon, the husband of Tea Tephi, who was the daughter of King Zedekiah of Judah, and

thence back to David, appointed King of Israel in the eleventh century B.C.

Nathan the prophet, by command of God, said to David: "Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I took

thee from the sheepcote, from following the sheep, to be ruler over my people, over Israel ...

Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell

in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict

them any more as beforetime ... And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for

ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever" (2 SAMUEL 7:8,10,16).

Inheritance Passes to Daughter

It may be said that Zedekiah's daughter could not have been a link in the descendant to our

ruling House, but God made it clear centuries before that, "If a man die, and have no son,

then ye shall cause his inheritance to pass unto his daughter ..." as is done in Britain's Royal

House (NUMBERS 27:8).

Many cannot accept the thought that the Davidic line of royalty is in existence today. Having

discarded God's promises to His chosen race because their poor faith will not let them

understand that God's intentions are unbreakable, they have carried out a metamorphosis and

turned Israel into the Church.

The logical step which had to follow their low estimate of the power of God was that our Lord

Jesus Christ, the Head of His Church and the Son of David, is the continuation of the Davidic

line of kings. The fact that this leaves a gap of centuries between the last king, Zedekiah, and

our Lord does not seem to deter them.

Bible believers, however, preferring Scripture as written, and preferring God's promises to the

traditions of men, make no such errors in their conclusions. They take the promise to David at

its face value, the Divine (and therefore completely honest) promise of the All-Powerful

Eternal God, "I have made a covenant with my chosen, I have sworn unto David my servant,

Thy seed will I establish for ever and build up thy throne to all generations. Selah" (PSALM


No Generations Are Missing

The diagram shows: (1) the disinherited branch of Joseph-Jeconias; (2) the genealogy of

Jesus as a low branch from the stump of David's family tree; (3) the highest branch Zedekiah

to King George VI, and his descendants, reigning until Christ's second Advent.How, then,

could there be all those generations missing between Zedekiah and Jesus Christ? In any case,

the progenitor of our Lord, contemporary with Zedekiah was a quite distant relation of that

king, for the Virgin Mary descended from David through his son Nathan. The result of this

sleight-of-hand trick with scriptures begins to be seen.

On investigation we find it written, "Then Solomon sat on the throne of the LORD as king

instead of David his father ..." (1 CHRONICLES 29:23). There we have it - the throne of the

Lord, which, according to the traditions of men, became unoccupied when Zedekiah was

captured. It has even been said that some 600 years or so later it appeared in heaven on

God's right hand! What a futile story! The Mighty Creator is brought down to the level of

human inefficiency and is said to have skipped about fifteen generations in spite of His

promise for all generations!

The Queen is Christ's Regent

But how magnificent is God's unadulterated account of His intentions, how inexorable in

achievement! In the appointed place the Israel race is set under the throne of Jehovah, with

each successive occupant of the throne holding the position as regent "... until he come whose

right it is; and I will give it him" (EZEKIEL 21:27), for we know that, "... the Lord God shall

give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for

ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end" (LUKE 1:32-33). Today, our Queen occupies

this great throne.


The "Herald", April 22, 1974, printed an article by Brigadier Richard Eason, chairman

of the Committee for Constitutional Monarchy in Australia, entitled "Long May She

Reign Over Us." He said, "We can rightly object to sneaky attempts to persuade

Australians that the monarchy is nonsense and that a republic would be an

unbounded blessing."

"Mr. Whitlam arbitrarily decided that Australians should have a new anthem. 'God

Save the Queen' was not one of the choices offered in opinion 'polls'."

"We should be wary of any steps (such as this) that are ... undemocratically designed to

create a false climate in favour of a republic ..."

"There should be no more underhand attempts to brainwash the people into voting for a

republic ..."

Monarchy System Stood Test

"The constitutional monarchy works well. The Crown is divorced from politics because, while

enjoying supreme power, it allows parliament and the courts to handle them ..."

"The Crown's exercising of its supreme authority is rare ... but can at any moment become an

extremely practical matter... Awareness of this fact ensures, with very rare exceptions, that

politicians confine their actions to the limits of constitutional good sense ... and that all

citizens, whatever their national origins, can ... grow in dignity and freedom while enjoying the

benefits of an independent judiciary system and a constitutionally limited executive."

The throne is the seat of authority in a kingdom. If the kingdom is destroyed, the throne

becomes non-existent. If the kingdom becomes a republic, the throne disappears.

The British monarchy is unique. It has survived invincibly for many centuries. There have been

many almost successful attempts to overthrow it: they have failed because the aggressors

were not pitting their strength against a nation, but against the will of God!

Divine Promise Everlasting

God promised David, "... I will stablish the throne of his (David's) kingdom for ever ... And

thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be

established for ever" (2 SAMUEL 7:13-16).

Jesus Christ cannot receive the throne of His father David if either the throne or the kingdom

over which the throne is established has ceased to exist.

"For thus saith the LORD; David shall never want (lack) a man to sit upon the throne of the

house of Israel ... Thus saith the LORD; If ye can break my covenant of the day, and my

covenant of the night, and that there should not be day and night in their season ... Then will I

cast away the seed of Jacob, and David my servant, so that I will not take any of his seed to

be rulers over the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob ..." JEREMIAH 33:17-26

Source: 'Voice of Revival'

British Israel
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The Bible, broadly speaking, consists of approximately one third historical documentation, one

third serves as guidelines for us as Christians, and one third of its contents are prophecy. We

read in 2 TIMOTHY 3:16,17:

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for

correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly

furnished unto all good works."

God assures us in ISAIAH 46:9-10 that EVERYTHING He has decided will come to pass.

There is a connection between the Israel of the Old Testament and Great Britain today. The

origin of this relationship can be found with ABRAHAM and his genealogical tree:

GENESIS 12:1-2,God's promise that He would make a great nation of Abram (Abraham).

GENESIS 17:1-2, Abram (In Hebrew: 'a high father') received a new name from God:

Abraham (In Hebrew: 'a father of many nations').

In verse 7 of the same chapter, God confirmed that this would be an everlasting covenant

between Him and Abraham.

Abraham gave the birthright of the firstborn to Isaac even though he was not the firstborn son

(GENESIS 25:5; GENESIS 17:18). The actual firstborn was Ishmael, born of Abraham's maid

Hagar. Ishmael was later to live east of Isaac, and was to become the father of the Arabs

(GENESIS 16:12).

Esau and Jacob

These were the two children of Isaac and his wife Rebekah. Esau was the firstborn, but Jacob

(In Hebrew: 'supplanter') cunningly obtained the blessing of his father (GENESIS 27:26-29).

What was the meaning of this birthright?

Birthright and Sceptre

The birthright of the firstborn includes the material blessings owned by a father; which in this

case, also included the promises that God had reserved for Abraham and his descendants.

The birthright is a natural right obtained through birth. This privilege only comes through

descent and does not depend on any other conditions or attributes.

It is also important to explain another word: 'Sceptre'. The Sceptre symbolises the royal office

and power. Possession of the Sceptre means the continuation of the royal line. This royal line

ultimately leads to Jesus Christ - the King of kings. Both the birthright and the Sceptre were

passed to Isaac and later to Jacob.

The Twelve Sons of IsraelJacob:
Two events in the life of Jacob were particularly important:

First event: Jacob dreamt of a ladder reaching to heaven. He anointed the stone that he had

used as a pillow with oil. This stone would reappear at a much later date (GENESIS 28:10-22).

Second event: After wrestling with the angel of God, Jacob received a new name: ISRAEL (In

Hebrew: 'a prince of God') (GENESIS 32:24-28).

The firstborn was Reuben. However, he did not obtain the birthright because he lay with his

father's concubine, as we read in GENESIS 35:22.

Joseph was also one of the twelve sons of Israel. His brothers, out of jealousy, sold him as a

slave (GENESIS 37:12-36). However, God blessed him. He became 'Prime Minister' of Egypt
and through this he had the opportunity to prevent Egypt, as well as his entire family, from

starving to death.

His whole family came to Egypt to dwell in the land of Goshen (See GENESIS 46).

Ephraim and Manasseh:

Joseph had two sons: Ephraim and Manasseh. They were blessed by Joseph's father, Israel

(formerly called Jacob).


Verses 1- Repetition of the promises of God to Jacob.


Verse 5: Israel adopted the two sons of Joseph.

Verses "...and let my name (Israel) be named on them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac..."

Verse 18: Both obtained the birthright. Manasseh (the firstborn) was to become, "a great people", and Ephraim
(the younger one) was to become "a multitude (Commonwealth) of nations."

We will hear more about Ephraim and Manasseh and which nations they represent today at a

later stage.
GENESIS 49:8-10: Jacob blessed his twelve sons and handed the Sceptre over to Judah. This

meant that the royal power and its line would continue via Judah.

Some 225 years later, another Pharaoh was ruling Egypt. He no longer knew Joseph and his

family and turned the Israelites into slaves.

He was the one, called by God, to lead the people of Israel (two to three million people) out of


Moses received the ten commandments at Mount Sinai. The continuous rebellion of the people

towards God caused them to wander in the desert for 40 years as a punishment. At that time

the people of Israel did not have a king. God Himself ruled and led His people.

All tribes together are the people of Israel.

Joshua was the successor of Moses and Israel reached the Promised Land under his

leadership. The Promised Land was divided up amongst the tribes.

Northern and Southern Kingdom of Israel

Judges ruled the land and ensured that God's commandments were being kept and that

offenders were being punished.

The people of Israel murmured against this and wanted to have a KING after their pagan


Strife and war breaks out between the tribes of Israel, and the Promised Land is finally parted

into the Northern and Southern Kingdoms.

The first king to rule over Israel was Saul. However, he was rejected by God for disobedience

during his term of office and he and his sons were destroyed. The successor of Saul was David

(In Hebrew: 'beloved'). He was from the tribe of Judah and was called "a man after God's own

God made fantastic promises to David: See 2 SAMUEL 7:12-16,19:

Verse "...and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom for ever."

Verse 16 "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be
established for ever."

These promises were unconditional and everlasting. Verse 19 applied to the distant future.

Solomon became king after David. However, he turned away from God and was punished

accordingly. However, this did not affect the promises of God and the covenant made between

God and David (1 KINGS 1). The divided Kingdom was reunited for some years during David's

reign, but was finally divided into the Northern and Southern kingdoms.

Jews – Israel
At this point it is important to briefly explain the words Jews and Israel. Many interchange

these two terms at their pleasure believing that they are two different words for one and the

same people. However, this is not the case.

Originally, the nation of Israel consisted of the twelve tribes, their name bring derived from

their ancestor Israel (= Jacob). Judah was one of those tribes. After the division into the

Northern and Southern kingdoms, these tribes - the people of Israel - were divided into two

groups. Subsequently, the Southern kingdom only consisted of the tribe of Judah (therefore

the term "Jews"), the tribe of Benjamin, and parts of the tribe of Levi (see maps 2a and 2b on

page 4).

During the time following this, only the Northern kingdom, consisting of the ten tribes of

Israel, was called 'Israel'. Therefore, when the Bible mentions the 'tribe of Israel', in the first

instance it refers to the ten separated tribes.

As we know, the name "Israel" was also given especially to the sons of Joseph (Ephraim and

Manasseh)(GENESIS 48:16).

God gave the kingdom of Israel to David for an everlasting covenant (2 CHRONICLES 13:4-5).

In another verse, we see that God promised he would have descendants on his throne forever
(PSALM 89: 29-30). This covenant was to remain even if his sons were to sin and fall away

from God (PSALM 89:31-37).

From Rehoboam (Solomon's successor) to Zedekiah, the continuous succession to the

throne of the descendants of David can be seen. However, the succession seems to break off


Jeremiah, the prophet at the time of the above mentioned King Zedekiah, played an

important role in the forthcoming events in the history of Israel.

This may already be noticeable by the fact that he is one of the few of whom it is said in the

Bible that they were chosen by God before birth. John the Baptist and Jesus Christ are the

other two. Jeremiah's mission is clearly explained in chapter 1, verse 10 of the book named

after him:

"See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull

down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant."

ZEDEKIAH, the successor to David, was captured and taken to Babylon. His sons and the

nobles were killed (JEREMIAH 39:1-7). He remained in captivity until his death (JEREMIAH


This brought up the question of who should continue the line of David? Who was to be the

successor to David's throne? One hope remained with Zedekiah's predecessor Jehoiachin. He

was captured by Nebuchadnezzar but was later released (2 KINGS 25:27-30).

However, he was out of the question as a successor to the throne as God Himself had

proclaimed that neither Jehoiachin (= Coniah) nor any of his children would ever sit on the

throne again (JEREMIAH 22:24-25,30).

Would God be able to keep his covenant with David - that his throne would endure forever?

Before answering this question, let us have a look at the situation of the people of Israel at

that time.
At the time of King Zedekiah's reign (King of the Southern Kingdom), the ten tribes of Israel

(Northern Kingdom) had already been in Assyrian captivity for 130 years. The conquerors

reoccupied the vacated Northern Kingdom with other nations. Amongst them were inhabitants

from Babylon, Cuthah, Ava, Hamath, etc. (2 KINGS 17:24). These people still lived in Samaria

at the time of Jesus. We know from the Bible that the Jews (Southern Kingdom) did not

mingle with the heathens from Samaria even up to the time of Jesus, 600 years later. The

capital of the Northern Kingdom was Samaria.

Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel were used as prophets when the Jews were taken away (130

years after the people of Israel).

Therefore, Jeremiah had fulfilled the first part of his mission: "to pull down and to destroy",

but the kingdom had not yet been rebuilt.

As we already know, all of Zedekiah's sons were dead. Jeremiah was also amongst the

captives that were to be taken to Babylon. He was released by Nebuchadnezzar with

permission to go anywhere he desired. His journey took him to Mizpah (JEREMIAH 40:6)

The reason for this was Zedekiah's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10). Jeremiah knew that Hebrew

law also allowed daughters to become rightful heirs in the absence of any male heirs.

However, one condition was that they had to marry within their own tribe (NUMBERS 27:7-10;


Jeremiah fled to Egypt with the princesses and his attendant Baruch. He had found the

princesses; what he needed now was a man from the royal line and the royal tribe of Judah.

In order to find them we have to go right back to the genealogical tree of Judah.

In GENESIS 38:29 & 30 we read of the birth of Judah's twin sons. They were called Zarah and

Pharez. Zarah was actually the firstborn, but he drew his hand back in (with the scarlet

thread) during the birth; so Pharez came out of the womb first.

The breach that the midwife spoke about (GENESIS 38:28-30) would be healed at a much

later date.
The line of Pharez, the second to be born, was blessed; and David was a descendant from this


A healing of the breach could only mean that the Sceptre would ultimately have to be

transferred from the Pharez-line to the Zarah-line. This transfer was not made before the time

of King Zedekiah of Judah as he was a descendant of the Pharez-line. Therefore this had to

happen after King Zedekiah was overthrown. However, God had promised David that his line

(Pharez) was to remain on the throne throughout all generations. Therefore, the healing could

only be realised if an heir to the throne of the Pharez-line would marry a descendant of the


History shows us that a group from the line of Zarah reached the Irish coast via the Middle

East at the time of King David's reign.

The People of Israel today
Let us go back to the people of Israel (Northern Kingdom) after they were deported and

scattered. Where did they go? Or to be more precise: Where are they today? The Bible gives

some prophecies about the whereabouts of Israel after being scattered:

Let us look at all the signs which characterise the place where Israel was to possess land:

1. They will be without a king for a long time. HOSEA 3:4, "They shall abide many days

without a king".

2. The throne will be in the sea and the people will rule over the sea. 2 SAMUEL 7:10:

"And move no more". So Israel was to finally possess land. HOSEA 12:1: "Follow after

the east wind = towards the west". PSALM 89:25: I will set David's hand (= Sceptre)

into the sea; his throne is to be in the sea, and he will control the sea-routes."

3. This land is to the north-west of Israel. ISAIAH 49:3,6; In reference to Israel (Jacob).

Verse 12: From far and from the north and from the west = north-west (there is no

Hebrew word for north-west).

4. It is on a far-away island. JEREMIAH 31:9-10: In the isles "afar off".

When you take a map of Europe and draw a straight line from Jerusalem to the North West,

through the European continent to the sea, and then on to the isles in the sea - you come

straight to the British Isles!

Furthermore, there are numerous secular incidents that show clearly that Great Britain and

the USA are in fact the "lost tribes" of Ephraim and Manasseh. We will have a look at some of


Hebrew Names
The people of Israel are known as the 'people of the covenant'. The Hebrew word for

'covenant' is 'berith' (pronounced 'brit'). The Hebrew word for 'man' or 'people' is 'iysh' or 'ish'.

The word for 'covenant man' or 'covenant people' would therefore read 'British'. Is it mere

coincidence that God's "covenant people" are today called 'British'?

Abraham received the promise from God that his seed should be called in Isaac (GENESIS

21:12). This is emphasised again in ROMANS 9:7 and HEBREWS 11:18. Is it merely

coincidence that the term 'Saxons' sounds very similar to 'Saac's sons'?

Tracing Dan
Jacob prophesies in GENESIS 49:17 that the tribe of Dan will be like a "serpent by the way".

The tribe of Dan originally lived in a coastal area, by the Mediterranean, west of Jerusalem.

We read in JOSHUA 19:47 that the tribe of Dan conquered a foreign city and named it after

their father Dan. The passages in JUDGES 18:11-12,29 confirm that this was common practice

for the tribe of Dan.

The tribe of Dan left behind many geographical names in the course of its migration that

sound much like its own name: Den, Don, Din. For example, we can find names of rivers such

as the Dnjepr, Dnjestr and Don. Further evidence is the Danube and Denmark (meaning

"mark of Dan").

Irish historical sources show that new immigrants arriving in Ireland were called "Tuatha de

Danaan". Translated, this means, "the tribe of Dan". Occasionally "Tuathe De" was mentioned,

which means something like "God's people".

Many other signs can be found in Ireland: Dans-Laugh, Dan-Sower, Dun-dalk, Dun-drum,

Don-egal Bay, Don-agal City, Dun-gloe, Din-gle, Dunsmore, etc. etc. The name 'Dunn' in Irish

has the same meaning as Dan in the Hebrew: 'Judge'. Scotland is just as rich in 'Dans', 'Dons'

and 'Duns' as Ireland.

Ireland's Historical Records

The history of Ireland gives us further clues as to where Jeremiah "planted" the throne anew

after having "rooted it out". Some centuries before David, a large group of immigrants by the

name of "Tuatha de Danaan" (the tribe of Dan) reached the Irish coast via the sea, drove

away the other tribes and settled down there. Later on, during David's lifetime (approx. 1000

B.C.) another group, this time from the line of Zarah, came to Ireland through the Middle

In 569 B.C. an old patriarch with white hair came to Ireland. In historical documents he is at

times referred to as a 'Saint'. He had various attendants accompanying him. One was called

'Simon Brach' who was also called 'Breck', 'Berech', 'Baruch' or 'Berach' in other historical

illustrations. There was also a princess with the Hebrew name of 'Thepi' with them. 'Thepi' was

only a nickname, her proper name was 'Tea-Thepi'.

Jeremiah carried some significant items on his journey to Ireland: amongst other things a

harp, a trunk, and a stone with the name 'Lia-Fail' or 'Stone of Destiny'. The name of the

stone reads the same from left to right (our way of reading) as from right to left (Hebrew way

of reading): Lia-Fail.

It can hardly be called a coincidence that most of the kings of Ireland, Scotland and Great

Britain were crowned on this stone - including the present Queen Elizabeth II.

Today, this stone is in Edinburgh Castle, after being moved from under the coronation seat in

Westminster Abbey. Until the fifties, there was a plate next to the stone with the inscription

"Jacob's pillarstone" (GENESIS 28:18).

Even the red hand in the coat of arms of Northern Ireland can be
explained with the Zarah-line (scarlet thread).Herremon
Herremon (a prince of the line of Zarah), the husband of the Hebrew princess Thepi ascended

his father's throne to be king.

The crown worn by the kings from this line had twelve points (= number of the sons of Israel).

When all the facts are gathered together, one can easily come to the following conclusion:

1. The white-haired patriarch and 'Saint' was Jeremiah.

2. The Hebrew princess Tea was the daughter of King Zedekiah of Judah.

3. The attendant of the patriarch 'Simon Brach' was the writer Baruch.

4. King Herremon was a descendant of Zarah and the marriage to a woman of the

Pharez-line healed the old "breach".

Therefore, we should no longer be surprised to find that there is a continuous line of descent

from David to the present Queen Elizabeth II.

The Word of God was spread in particular from England (Ephraim) and America (Manasseh)

which have their origin

in their identification with Israel.

Therefore, it is of no surprise that the geographical Israel of this day (= tribe of Judah) always

has America and England

at its side when dealing with difficult situations.

"For the word of the Lord is right; and all his works are done in truth." PSALM 33:4

The Coronation
The coronation ceremony of the kings and queens of Great Britain goes back to the year 732


The similarities between today's ceremony and that of the kings of the house of David are

Entry of the king into the abbey
The king is received at the door of Westminster Abbey by political and ecclesiastical dignitaries

and is then led inside. The choir sings PSALM 122 - written by King David.

Presentation of the king

The Archbishop of Canterbury presents the new king to the people. He is announced to the

four corners of the world. With each announcement, the people give their consent with the

exclamation "God save the king!"

The people of Israel shouted the same words for Saul, their first King (1 SAMUEL 10:24).

Anointing with oil

While the king is seated on the coronation seat the Archbishop recites the following prayer:

"O Lord, Holy Father, Who by anointing with oil didst of old make and consecrate Kings,

Priests and Prophets to teach and govern Thy people Israel: Bless and sanctify thy chosen

servant (Name), who by our office and ministry is now to be anointed with this oil, and

consecrated King of this Realm. Strengthen him, O Lord, with the Holy Ghost the Comforter;

Confirm and stablish him with thy free and princely Spirit, the Spirit of Wisdom and

Government; the Spirit of Counsel and Ghostly Strength; the Spirit of Knowledge and true

Godliness, and fill him, O Lord, with the Spirit of thy Holy Fear, now and for ever. Amen."

At that moment, the choir begins to sing the hymn "Zadok the priest" by Handel. The hymn

talks about Solomon being anointed king by the priest Zadok in 969 B.C. (1 KINGS 1:34-


Handing over of the royal insignia

Royal Insignia - The SwordsSwords:

The king is girded with two swords: the sharp sword of spiritual righteousness and the blunt

sword of mercy (compare with ZECHARIAH 7:9).

Royal Insignia - The Bracelets

This insignia goes back to King Saul (see 2 SAMUEL 1:10). It shows the king to be the military


Royal Insignia - The Orb

When the orb is handed over, the Archbishop points out to the king that Jesus Christ is the

actual ruler of this world, the King of kings and the Lord of Lords. Those who do neither obtain

His authority, nor keep His commandments, will not be able to rule with a joyful hand.
The Robe:
The king receives a priestly garment just like the high priest Aaron did in EXODUS 28:4. This

shows his role as head of the church.

Royal Insignia - The Coronation RingCoronation Ring:

The ring signifies the unity between the king and his people; his "marriage" to the nation (see

JEREMIAH 3:14). In old times, the ring was a symbol for power and honour (GENESIS 41:42;

LUKE 15:22).

Two Sceptres:
Royal Insignia - Two Sceptres
The two sceptres go back to the time of the exodus of the people of Israel from Egypt. At that

time, God chose Moses and Aaron to be the leaders. The sceptre with the cross represents

royal power. It corresponds to the rod of Moses which was a symbol of the power God had

given him (EXODUS 14:15-16).

The sceptre with the dove (= Holy Spirit) symbolises righteousness and mercy. We repeatedly

read in Exodus and Numbers that Aaron had a rod when exercising his office as high priest.

With the death of Jesus (MATTHEW 27:51) the giving of sacrifices and the laws about

sacrifices were rendered invalid (COLOSSIANS 2:14). However, the national laws that

contained the commandments, statutes and legal ordinances (DEUTERONOMY 4:1; 5:31;

7:11; LEVITICUS 26:46) remained and still apply today (MATTHEW 5:17; DANIEL 9:25).

Jesus Christ will take up the throne of David on His return. He will hold both the sceptres as

King and High Priest and will rule over all the nations of the earth.

At the end of the handing over PSALM 45:6-7 is quoted.

The king, sitting on the coronation seat, receives the crown. The crown has a cross to

symbolise that Jesus Christ is the actual king and ruler. Twelve big precious stones are set in

the bottom rim of the crown. Their number and their colour is of great importance; they are

identical to those worn by the high priests of Israel (EXODUS 28:15-21; ZECHARIAH 9:16-17)

Presentation of the Bible:

Royal Insignia - The Crown

The king is handed a Bible covered in scarlet velvet with the following words:
"Our gracious King: to keep your Majesty ever mindful of the Law and the Gospel of God as

the rule for the whole life and government of Christian princes, we present you with this book,

the most valuable thing that this world affords. Here is Wisdom: This is the royal Law: These

are the lively Oracles of God."

It was already announced to Moses that the kings of Israel should receive the words and

statutes of God at their coronation (DEUTERONOMY 17:14-19). Immediately after that the

choir sings PSALM 21:1-3.

Confirmation of the king by the people

At the end of the coronation, everyone present gives their consent to the rightful election of

the king by exclaiming repeatedly and with a loud voice: "God save the king" (1 KINGS 1:39-

40). The cheers are accompanied by the loud sound of the trumpets (2 KINGS 11:14).

As we can see, the various events of the coronation ceremony have their foundation in the

Bible. God calls upon us to honour and respect the king or queen that He has set.


The Royal Coat of Arms of Great Britain

The different coats of arms in the world are a symbol of the history of the nations represented


The Royal-British coat of arms has details that identify the people of Great Britain as the

descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

The coat of arms of Great Britain has been in existence in its present form (apart from minor

variations) since the reign of King James I (1603-1625 A.D.). He was the one who instigated a

new English translation of the Bible, the 'King James Bible'. Fortynine of the greatest scholars

in the biblical languages (Hebrew and Greek) worked on it using the Jewish manuscripts

(called 'Massora') until the King James Bible was published in 1611 (ROMANS 9:4).

God blessed Great Britain and America as long as they respected this Bible. One historical

example may clearly show this: King Philippe of Spain ordered his 'Armada', hence thought to

be invincible, to attack Great Britain. On 19th July 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were

sighted near the British coast. Even though the British fleet could only counterattack with 80

small ships, against the 149 ships of the "Spanish Armada", the miraculous happened. A

heavy storm, at exactly that time, gave Britain the victory. In the knowledge of God's
intervention, Queen Elizabeth I, ordered a silver coin to be made with the inscription: "He blew

and they were scattered", with the name of God 'Jehovah' in the Hebrew language written

above it. On the back of the coin was a picture of a church founded on a rock with the Latin

inscription: "I may be attacked but not wounded."

The Inscription on the Shield

The emblems on the shield are all older in origin. The English lions are in the first and the

fourth quarter, the Scottish lion in the second quarter. This lion is the lion of Judah which was

on the royal standard of the Scottish Stewarts (Royal House of Scotland) which was

transferred on to the British coat of arms after the unification of England and Scotland in

1603. In the third quarter is the harp representing Northern Ireland which is the harp of

David. Therefore, all the emblems on the present coat of arms have their origin in Judah.

This confirms God's promise in 2 SAMUEL 7:12-13 - a promise that was fulfilled to the letter!

Queen Elizabeth can trace her family line all the way back to King David. Copies of her

genealogical tree can be found in the British Museum and in Windsor Castle.

The Inscription "Dieu et mon Droit"

When translated, this French sentence means "God and my right" and it appears beneath the

coat of arms on the ribbons. It talks about a "birthright".

If one considers all the promises of birthright given by God to Abraham and then to Isaac,

Jacob and Joseph it becomes clear that these promises were literally fulfilled in today's Anglo-

Saxons. It is therefore to be expected that "the promise of the birthright" appears on the coat

of arms of Great Britain.

The French sentence written around the shield means: "Dishonour to him who thinks ill of it."

(GENESIS 27:29).

The Lion
The lion, being the King amongst the animals (PROVERBS 30:30), represents the

predominance of Israel amongst the nations. The Bible links the symbol of the lion with Israel

(GENESIS 49:9; MICAH 5:8).

The Unicorn
Like the lion, the unicorn is also a symbol of power and strength. Moses and Balaam connect

the symbol of the unicorn with Israel (NUMBERS 24:8).

Another connection can be seen in DEUTERONOMY 33:17. The unicorn was originally part of

the Scottish coat of arms, but it was added to the English lion in the year 1603 A.D. Historical

records show that the unicorn could also be found on the standard of the tribe of Ephraim

during its migration through the desert. This is another incident that points out the British

descent from one half of the tribe of Ephraim.

The Crowned Lion

The crowned lion sits on the crown above the helmet on the shield. We read in LUKE 1:32-33:

"...and the Lord God shall give unto him (Jesus) the throne of his father David: And he shall

reign over the house of Jacob for ever..."

Therefore, Jesus is represented by the lion of the tribe of Judah (REVELATION 5:5) in a

position that emphasises His right to rule over the House of David and Jacob.

The Helmet and the Shield

The apostle Paul mentioned these symbols in his letter to the Ephesians. In EPHESIANS 2:12,

Paul uses the phrase "Commonwealth of Israel", an unusual expression in those days as a

Commonwealth of Israel did not exist then.

According to Old Testament prophecies Israel was to be a special blessing for the other

nations in the last days.

Due to their intense missionary activities, America and Great Britain became mainly

responsible for the spreading of the Bible and consequently the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in

the last days, as prophesied in the Bible (ACTS 2:16-21).

The Tongues of Fire next to the Helmet

To the right and to the left of the helmet ornaments spread out like "tongues of fire". These

ornaments point out the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We read the following explanation in

the Bible:
"And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them."

ACTS 2:3

Identification of Manasseh
Israel's Blessings
The national promises were originally given to Abraham and were repeated for the

descendants of Isaac and Jacob (= Israel). Of the twelve sons of Israel, Joseph was to be the

one to inherit the national promises and his two sons Ephraim and Manasseh inherited them


Jacob blessed Ephraim and Manasseh on his deathbed and he preferred - contrary to tradition

- the younger Ephraim and not the "firstborn" Manasseh (GENESIS 48:19). As could be seen

earlier, the Royal coat of arms of Great Britain contains symbols that connects them to the

promises of Ephraim.

The Thirteenth Tribe

When Jacob blessed Ephraim and Manasseh, they were automatically put into the same

position as the other twelve tribes. As the blessings of Ephraim were greater than those of

Manasseh, it is generally referred to as the thirteenth tribe.

The tribe Manasseh was led into captivity in 744 B.C. If one applies the prophesied

punishment of 2520 years (seven times) to Manasseh, one arrives at 1776 A.D. This was

precisely the year when the United States obtained their independence from Great Britain. In

the previous year (1775), thirteen states agreed to sign the Declaration of Independence; and

in 1783 Great Britain consented. Here are two points of identification: the period of time and

the thirteen states.

Multiples of the Number 13

There are thirteen stars above the eagle; the Latin words "E Pluribus Unum" = "one of many",

again consisting of thirteen letters; the olive branch with 13 leaves and 13 olives on the left

side; 13 arrows on the right side; as well as 13 stripes on the shield. (The stars are mentioned

by Joseph regarding his dream in Genesis 37:9). In this case each star represents a tribe. On

the seal, each star represents a state of the original union.

The Seal of the United States of America

"One out of many" "He prospereth our Undertakings"

Obverse Reverse

"The New Order of Peoples" GENESIS 48:19 "He (Manasseh) shall be a great people"

The seal was designed in 1782 and introduced in 1789. On the front is an eagle which

corresponds with the one in Revelation 12:14 when Israel fled into the wilderness to be

nourished for a time, and times, and half a time. Manasseh and Ephraim were still united at

that time.

The words "Annuit Coeptis" which again consists of 13 letters, also have a spiritual meaning.

They mean: "He prospers our undertakings" or specifically in this case "He promotes our

independence". The founders of the state at that time indeed had to rely on God as they had

no political guidance or financial support to fall back on.

The Standard of the President

This standard is comparable to the "Royal Standard" of Great Britain and is used by the

President as a means of representation like the flag of the Royal House of Britain.

A Great Nation
Let us go back to Genesis 48:19. The Lord spoke through Israel that the descendants of

Manasseh were to become a great nation, but not as great as Ephraim whose descendants

were to become a multitude of nations.

Both Great Britain and the United States have many Israelite roots; but only Great Britain

became a multitude of nations and only America has the sign of 13 - identifying a great
nation. These facts, together with the punishment period of seven times, identify Great Britain

as Ephraim's descendants and the United States of America as Manasseh's descendants.

The Olive Tree

The olive tree is another symbol and is used in the Bible on several occasions to illustrate

Israel (for example ROMANS 11:14-29).

The Back of the Seal

We know from the Bible that the sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh, were born in Egypt

near the pyramids.

The Great Pyramid on the back of the seal has 13 layers of stone, one for each tribe.

The founders of the United States were certainly not aware of the fact that the Great Pyramid

had a system of passages inside which reveals prophecies concerning Israel when applying the

British unit of measurement (inches). The system of passages points out numerous important

dates in the history of Israel, i.e. the exodus out of Egypt and the crucifixion of Jesus Christ,

the beginning of World War I on 4th August 1914 and its end on 11.11.1918. The cornerstone

(Jesus), that was rejected is also missing on the real pyramid.

The identification of America and Great Britain as Israel does not mean they have spiritual

predominance over other nations, but rather that it is their duty to be an example to the other

Particularly in the past few decades, these nations are no longer fulfilling this task and are

going further and further downhill for that very reason.

However, the fulfillment of the promises to Israel shows the reliability of Biblical prophecy in a

fascinating manner and therefore confirms the authority of the Bible as a whole.

"We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto

a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts."

2 PETER 1:
Printable PDF Version

The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a prized document attested by Robert the

Bruce's barons in Parliament assembled, dated A.D.1320, asserts that the nation of the Scots

- with a king-list of one hundred and thirteen monarchs - moved to the British Isles from

Scythia by way of Spain. The document emphasises an Israelite context to the effect that the

migration occurred "1200 years after the outgoing of Israel" (from Egypt). This would indicate

a period of the 3rd-2nd centuries B.C.

Source: ‘Wake Up!’

Where are the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel?

Printable PDF Version

Britain and U.S.A. Identified Today in Bible Prophecy

The literal descendants of the lost ten-tribed House of Israel are found today in the

British Commonwealth of Nations, the United States of America, and certain

countries of north-western Europe, particularly Denmark, Sweden, Norway and

Holland. Without a knowledge of this amazing truth, the full understanding of the

prophecies of the Bible is impossible. Two-thirds of the Bible is devoted to the

formation of the Israel nation, its Biblical history, its prophetic role in world

happenings over the last 2,000 years, and its ultimate destiny in the coming age of

Christ's reign on earth. The identity of the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic nations with the Israel

of the Bible is the key that unlocks the mysteries of Bible prophecy.

It is certain that the Jews do not comprise the whole nation of Israel, but represent only a

minority section. In Old Testament times Israel was divided by civil war into two houses, the

House of Judah and the House of Israel. The House of Judah, or the Jews, consisted of only

two of the twelve tribes of Israel, the tribes of Judah and Benjamin, with a portion of the tribe

of Levi in addition. The Jews today represent only a remnant of the House of Judah.

Almost the whole of the House of Judah was taken captive to Babylon in about 580 B.C., and

only 49,000 returned to the promised land 70 years later (See EZRA 2:64-65). "Ezra ...

records the return to Palestine under Zerubbabel ... of a Jewish remnant. But the mass of the

nation and most of the princes remained by preference in Babylon and Assyria, where they
were prospering" (Scofield Reference Bible).

This remnant of Judah remained in Palestine until the coming of Jesus Christ. Following their

rejection of the Messiah, the Romans came against them in A.D. 70, led by Titus, and after a

great massacre of hundreds of thousands of Jewish people, carried the remainder away into


The Jews intermarried widely with the people among whom they moved (See EZRA 9:2;

NEHEMIAH 13:23-25), and the great Jewish historian Josephus, who lived about the time of

Christ, states that the whole nation of the Edomites (the descendants of Esau, Jacob's brother)

was absorbed among the Jews and ceased to be a separate nation. According to modern

estimates, only about 18% of the Jewish people today represent the true descendants of the
House of Judah. They are called the Sephardim Jews, and are generally light skinned and fair.

The other 82% are called the Ashkenazim Jews, and are generally dark and swarthy,

characteristics which are not Israelitish in origin, but have been inherited from the Gentile

nations among whom they have moved.

Source: 'Voice of Revival'

Jacob (Israel)
Judah 1


K. James VI. and I. (A. D. 1603-1625), Ann of Denmark.

Princess Elizabeth (1596-1613), K. Frederic of Bohemia (1632).
Princess Sophia, m. Duke Ernest of Brunswick.
K. George I. (1698-1727), Sophia Dorothea of Zelle (1667-1726).
K. George II. (1727-1760), Princess Caroline of Anspach (1683-1737).
Prince Frederick of Wales (1707-1751), Princess Augusta of Saxe-Gotha.
K. George III. (1760-1820), Princess Sophia of Mecklenburgh-Strelitz (1744-1818).
Duke Edward of Kent (1767-1820), Princess Victoria of Leiningen.
Q. Victoria (b. 1819, Crowned 1838, d. 1901), Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.
K. Edward VII.
K. George V.
K. George VI.
Originally published, 1902.
The Onion

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