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Council of

Unitarians and

Office of the Secretariat

345 Addiscombe Road

Croydon, Surrey

+44 20 8407 2866

Global Chalice Lighting for October 2015

ICUU announces the 146th in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to use
the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the ICUU Global Chalice
Lighting for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting was originally submitted by the Danish Unitarian Church.

Lad denne lille flamme symbolisere den guddommelige livsgnist,
som findes i alle levende vsener.
M dets flamme lede os til strre viden og tolerance.
M dets varme lede os til dybere krlighed og omsorg.
Og m dets lys lede os mod strre visdom og forstelse.
Ja, hver for sig er vi kun en lillebitte flamme.
Men tilsammen kan vi oplyse verden!
-submitted by Lene Lund Shoemaker, Danish Unitarian Church

Let this flame symbolize the divine spark of light
embedded in all living beings.
May its flame lead us to greater knowledge and tolerance.
May its warmth lead us to deeper love and compassion.
And may its light lead us toward greater wisdom and understanding.
Yes, each of us is but a tiny flame.
But together we can enlighten the world!
-submitted by Lene Lund Shoemaker, Danish Unitarian Church

Que cette flamme symbolise l'tincelle divine de la lumire scelle dans tout tre vivant.
Puisse sa flamme nous conduire une plus grande connaissance et tolrance.
Que sa chaleur approfondisse notre amour et notre compassion.
Et que sa lumire nous conduise plus de sagesse et d'intelligence.
Oui, chacun de nous nest quune bien minuscule flamme, mais, ensemble, nous pouvons clairer
le Monde !
Prsent par Lene Lund Shoemaker, Eglise unitarienne danoise


Lasst diese Flamme den gttlichen Funken versinnbildlichen,

der in allem Lebendigen lebt.
Mge sein Licht uns zu grerer Erkenntnis und Toleranz fhren.
Mge seine Wrme uns zu tiefer empfundener Liebe und Mitgefhl fhren.
Und mge sein Leuchten uns zu mehr Weisheit und Verstndnis fhren.
Ja, jeder von uns ist nur eine winzige Flamme,
aber gemeinsam knnen wir die Welt zum Leuchten bringen.
-submitted by Lene Lund Shoemaker, Danish Unitarian Church


Sia questa fiamma il simbolo della scintilla divina

che alberga in ogni essere vivente.
Possa questa fiamma condurci verso una conoscenza e una tolleranza.sempre maggiori.
Possa il suo calore condurci ad amore e a compassione sempre pi profondi
e possa questa luce condurci verso saggezza e comprensione sempre pi grandi.
Certo, ognuno di noi solo una piccola fiammella,
ma insieme possiamo illuminare il mondo.
Lene Lund Shoemaker, Danish Unitarian Church


Que esta llama simbolice la chispa divina

presente en todos los seres vivos.
Que su llama nos gue a un mayor conocimiento y tolerancia.
Que su calor nos lleve a un amor y una compasin ms profundos.
Y que su luz nos conduzca a una sabidura y comprensin ms elevadas.
S, cada uno de nosotros es una llama diminuta.
Pero juntos podemos alumbrar el mundo!
-Enviado por Lene Lund Shoemaker, Iglesia Unitaria Danesa
(With many thanks to our volunteer translators: Jean-Claude Barbier (French), Freya Bednarski-

Stelling (German), Paola Ferarri (Italian) and Jaume de Marcos (Spanish).)

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