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SES PTA Meeting

Tuesday December 2, 7pm

SCES Media Room

President’s Remarks

Principal’s Report
SecurityThe new security system is up and going and is easier than
anticipated. A camera may be installed at the front door. The security of kids
leaving for recess from the 1st floor was also discussed.
Staffinga long term teacher has been hired to fill the vacancy in 4th grade.
The school is also getting support for reading and writing.
Green Kids/Green SchoolAll kids participate in the green school program
and a green kids program has been established for 4th graders led by Gina
Razi and Ms. Frye. A science night is in the works.
School BoundariesAs part of the long range planning, renovation of East
Silver Spring has began and parents can expect to be included on further
discussions about boundaries.
DisciplinePositive incentives have been implemented at every grade level
following staff training. Classes use individual incentives (marbles, etc.) as
well as group incentives with the green ticket and banner system.
ESOLSupport is being provided by 2 people one day a week. There is a
special emphasis on ESOL kids because they are experiencing issues with
math. Ms. Swift notes that short exposure to the English language may often
translate into lower test scores.
Meeting Minutes
The November minutes were moved and approved.

PTA Mini Grants

The science teacher has approached Isabelle about the mini-grant program

French Interns
Mme Gouin has been contacted by the University of Dijon to see if SCES could
accommodate a group of interns/graduate students for a month. We would need
families to host the interns and provide food and lodging. Notices are included in
Friday folders.

Doris Cohen is offering her services as tutor
Book Fair
Sara Melnick reports on a successful book fair. Altogether approximately $14,000 in
merchandise was sold including $9,500 in English books and $4,500 in French books.
As a result of these sales, we will receive $4,500 in book credits from Scholastic. Ms.
Elkins will determine how the credits are used. To start with, all teachers wish lists
are being fulfilled.

Treasurer Report
Lori Kaplan reports on PTA revenue including annual gifts. She reminds the PTA that
we need an end of year appeal for the teacher gift.

School Enrollment
Mme Gouin announces that school enrollment procedures for the French Immersion
will change this year. More details are provided in the December PTA newsletter.

Other Business
• 5 grade graduation preparations and coordination are discussed.
• Winter registration for after school activities starts January 5th.
• The fundraising committee meets on Thursday, December 4.
• Teachers are to be reminded about mini-grants.
• Reminder from Ms. Swift about not parking by the portables as it stops lunch
delivery trucks from getting by.

Minutes Prepared by Yasmina Mudarres – Recording Secretary

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