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SCES PTA Meeting

Wednesday May 5, 7pm

SCES Media Room

Principal’s Report
 GeneralScience testing has started, the building is being spruced up
for the summer.
 StaffingCurrently searching for a 5th grade teacher (there will be three
5th grade classes from August). An Asperger teacher will be replaced. We will
have an open position in Kindergarten. The ESOL position has been filled.
 Partners in Learningwill welcome 40 kids this summer
 French Immersion CutsPrincipals from French Immersion schools
are coming together to share staff recommendations and come up with a shared
proposal for teaching English.
 Healthstaff are monitoring the availability of soap in the restrooms. A
problem with key cards was reported and Ms. Swift will follow-up.

Meeting Minutes
The April meeting minutes are moved and approved.

Treasurer Report
 No substantial developments
 The IRS fine was refunded
 Treasurer is receiving a list of requests for next year
 Instruments are still being purchased for the music grant
 No request yet for the staff gift fund
 PTA babysitting invoices still need to be submitted
 Becky and Lori are talking about the audit

French Immersion Staffing Cuts

 A meeting was held last week
 Several working groups have been formed
 About 250 letters (including copies) have been written advocating for
reinstatement of the French Immersion position
 A note will be sent to parents asking them to follow-up with the Board of Education
 Some media interest has been generated (The Gazette and maybe The Voice)
 The budget will be voted on in June but the fight might stretch through August
 PTAs are getting together to send a joint letter. The PTA approves a letter that
has been jointly drafted with other immersion programs

Art Show
Discussion about preparation for the Art Show. In the past there were concerns that
not all the artwork was being displayed.

Boundary Study
 Bruce Hawkins and Laura Foradori report that the Long
Range Planning Board will give more options the next day. Redrawing has been
requested to accommodate 40 more kids and allow for 2 classes per grade.
 There is a heated debate about who would be affected.
The expectation is that walking areas would need to be redrawn too. East Silver
Spring doesn’t want to look at its boundaries.
 Bruce has been trying to set up a joint meeting to discuss
the changes

Minutes Prepared by Yasmina Mudarres –PTA Secretary

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