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CO COMPLAINT AFFIDAVIT ee ed SHADED FIELDS MUST BE ANSWERED | Bi ARREST FORM sane rn ry Sovnse > | ossons : a ae oa ork DEL Ta Ye oe wT ie [00 [200 [nace | aon! 24 [ozar001 G30 NI. 1STH DRIVE 308, SUNRISE 3323 a ant et Alen 1439 NCAT DRIVE 08, [7 iad Be Bia HAMM 226TH D 598 TRUCK STOP, ee a Saas aad S OENTTTOT is bcrmise roxsce (ons 1400 [nin cHmisTonmER a, 2697 meer ied: YL] NEM} [Zone [Beat | Shit | Trans. Unt — [rmo: YL] NTS] Transporting OficeciCCN [Pick-up Time | Tire Arivedt3SO. aa oe a ae i i EL sccm weer, Sin ron eee ee — Re Ce is dincapatr 1630 NW. 123TH DRIVE 308, SUNRISE, FL 33323, FS oc Caplan ‘Ofentes Charged wor ciation Before moths dato personaly appenrd_ PIPER, CHRISTOPHER B._(3477) wh Being fet ay sven depose nd says hon 20 dayot_ September, jean 2015 at 1430 N.W. 128TH DRIVE 308, SUNRISE, FL. 33523, (etm eaten) ‘a above nae defendant comme i above eos chrged and to fcsshowng probable cat to bees th aro ae 6 lows ‘The above defendant, Fidel Lopez, did intentionally commit the crime of first degree murder. To wits on 09/20/15, at 0339 hours, Sunrise Police Dispatch received a 911 call from the defendant, Fidel Lopez, advising that his girlfriend was having trouble breathing and was going to die. Rescue 92 and Sunrise Police Officers responded to the incident * 9 * Continued * + + Teartie above a (Criminal Investigations ‘Soars Satire ‘OfiooreNamatCN ‘iors Dion | ‘STATE OF FLORIOA, COUNTY OF BROWARD _Swoin ofr aad and eubeorbes etre me tis_20.__dayot__September_._2015 _ (oa, y___ DETECTIVE PIPER-CHRISTOPHER B, (ar anit), who ls personaly kaown 9 me ors rosueed ssiriteaton SERGEANT / 5517 | “ToRerkand ct VISNERS, SEAN R Pi ips tae Cant away AS coxa Seyret Jul Oest Sonim ERSTAPPEARANGEARREST FORK = oi Smo Fea {SH0ULD ADOrIONAL SPACE HE NEEDED, USE THe PROBABLE CAUSE AFFIDAVIT CONTIMIATON (890.0842) Foster 280 Des fasted 00) COURT COPY 0 COMPLAINT AFFIDAVIT PROBABLE CAUSE AFFIDAVIT CONTINUATION [BROWARD COUNTY ARREST a a = Tumse | Siifones Eee LOPEZ. FIDEL. ae cain) cpa wna nan was apa Coan "WH non 6 (tappiesle)_| Fa CapleaWiarant# Before the date personaly appesed_ PIPER, CHRISTOPHER B._(3497) ih bing ft uy swam depotes and says tat en 20-day of September, yea) 2015 _ st _1630 N.W. 128TH DRIVE 308, SUNRISE, FL 33323, (Ame lcaton) is above nome defendant smth above ees charged andthe fal showing probele caso fo batew He aane ae Bion location, 1630 N.W. 128th Drive apt #308 Sunrise, FL. Upon entry into the apartment, Sunrise Officers and Fire Rescue observed Fidel Lopez crying for help standing next to the deceased, Maria Nemeth. Officers observed a large amount of blood on the floor surrounding Maria"s body and on the floor inside the closet. There was damage to the walle and doors inside the apartment. It appeared that there was some type of struggle and foul play. Rescue 92 checked Maria”s body for any signs of life and she wat pronounced deceased at 0402 hours. A crime scene was immediately established and the apartment was secured, ‘The Criminal Investigation Division was contacted and all essential personnel responded to the scene. I arrived at the scene at 0509 hours. I was informed by Lt. Berman that Detective White and I would be the lead investigators. 1 made contact with Road Patrol Officer Twerkins, who advised me of the following:. Fidel Lopez and the deceased, Maria Nemeth, live together inside apartment #308 (incident location). ‘There are no other occupants. They"ve lived there for approximately one week. The decedent~s boyfriend, Fidel Lopez, was standing by with Sunrise Officer Marzouca waiting to be interviewed. After speaking with Officer Twerkins, I. conducted a preliminary walk through of the apartment: I observed the decedent (Maria Nemeth) lying on her back naked on the bathroom floor inside the doorway. Wer head was facing out into the hallway. There was blood observed on the bathroom floor, on the walls in the hallway, and on doors. There was a large amount of blood obsezved on the floor inside the closet. There were also what appeared to be several chunks of bloody tissue on the floor inside the ++ * continued + ++ Tari above: ong a ble, PIPER, CHRISTO) 97) Criminal Invesigations ‘Ocarhtants Sinatae ‘rcs NameiCCN ‘icaFs Divison SSTATEOF FLORIDA ‘COUNTY OF BROWARD ‘Sue orate) and ubeotbed before mathis_20__ayot_ September 2015 ea. oy, (vam ar te), he personaly known tm orhsprosucod 2: Kenteston SERGEANT / 3517 Tyas bey Sn Mh aa ohn Bats er “Rank ad Gon v1 pe Sap Comaana Nansen aS omy cewed Can [RST APPEARANCEARREST FORM 0% cast Sup ofFee Be: Serer COURT COPY SoS pemgraner 1950 0B eis 0800 0 COMPLAINT AFFIDAVIT BROWARD COUNTY PROBABLE CAUSE AFFIDAVIT CONTRVUATION ARREST FORM ARREST 8 Fina heey Se ‘Sunese rp B1509-088683 arse Nae Fit LOPEZ FIDEL Ti ee) Weapon sid nae ta a reaper bia ‘ensos Cargo TCs cabo FS Copantarant ae Before me date peeonalysppesred__ PIPER, CHRISTOPHER B._(3497 ___ho blog et uy swom dpases and sys faton 20 _ dey ot_Seplember, yor) 2015 _ ot _1630N.W. 128TH DRIVE 308, SUNRISE, FL 33523, (cfm ate) ‘hear we 8 on ia above named tenant conmtled he so es charge ng probable cause bal closet. The rear glass sliding door was shattered. There were holes in the dry wall and the closet door was removed and lying on the hallway floor. It appeared that there was a physical struggle inside the apartment. I also observed a half full bottle of 1800 tequila and cut limes in the kitchen. I was informed by Detective Jackson that there were next door neighbors in apartment #307 that heard a males voice yelling inside Fidel and Maria"s apartment #308. The neighbors alao heard loud banging noises coming from inside apartment. #308. They said the loud noises went on for about two hours. After the walk through, I made contact with the defendant, Fidel Lopez. 1 introduced myself and told him I was there to investigate what happened to his girlfriend, Maria. I asked Fidel if he would mind coming back to the Sunrise Police station to be interviewed, Fidel agreed to voluntarily go to the police station. Sunrise Officer Crawford transported Fidel to the police station and brought him to the CID conference zoom, I made contact with Fidel in the conference room and provided him with food and drink. At approximately 0740 hours, I brought Fidel to an interview room and began the interview. Before any questions were asked regarding the incident, Fidel was advised of his Miranda rights. Fidel completed and signed a written rights waiver form. Fidel was interviewed about what happened to Maria. During the initial part of the interview, Fidel advised that he and Maria were hanging out inside the apartment drinking tequila. Fidel advised that at some point they began to have rough sex. # # # Continued + + + Teasers ve a py Roope and baa PIPER, CHRISTOPHER B. (3497) Criminal Investigations crs NareiCCN ‘oer Owen ‘Orica Sigratirs STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF BROWARD ‘Suomno (or ana) and sbstrbgs before me Bis_20_sayot_September_,_2015 yan, (name end lo) wh personaly known ome ors rosie a enaton. SERGEANT / 3517 Tank do VISNERS,SEANR ‘et Tp Sap Coase a nay Pe any Beeescony PRST APPEARANCEIARREST FORM Of + oat Se | Sb aay Sib Ponda Se COURT COPY 1 > Keston 180 Deze Rovesdo500) (i COMPLAINT AFFIDAVIT [BROWARD COUNTY PROBABLE CAUSE AFFIDAVIT CONTINUATION ARREST FORM ARREST# 877 ing pia PO SUNRISE PD “F1509-058683. ata Hare co LOPEZ FIDEL. a aa) CSRS Clea ms Sd oT oars "WH Cinion FG apples) | FSorConatarants {Probable Case Affidavit | Beto me te datepareonly appoared_ PIPER, CHRISTOPHER B. (3497), te bain ft ly ewom posse and sye tatoo 20_day of September, yen) 2015 _ st _1630 N.W. 128TH DRIVE 308, SUNRISE, FL, 33523, (cre ocaton) ‘is above named eterdar comatid a above Gtonsescarpod and ta cs shor pobabo caus Ib Doles Hisar ae Se RE Fidel advieed that Maria asked him to put a beer bottle and his fist inside her vagina. Fidel advised that he put both a beer bottle and his fist including his arm inside her vagina. Fidel advised the sexual act was Maria‘s idea and that she enjoyed it. Pidel advised that Maria then went into the bathroom to vonit. Fidel advised he later found Maria in the bathroom having trouble breathing. Fidel then called 911. Detective white and I encouraged Fidel to be truthful in regards to what happened to Maria. Fidel then made progressive admissions throughout the interview and ultimately admitted to the following: Fidel advised that he was inside the apartrient with Maria drinking tequila. Fidel advised that Maria became very intoxicated. At some point, Fidel and Maria ended up ingide the closet of the apartment. Fidel advised that they began to have vaginal Antercourse. During that time, Maria said the name of her ex-husband twice. Fidel advised that hearing Maria cay someone else~s name during sex upset him and he became enraged. At that point, Fidel left Maria inside the closet and began to break things throughout the apartment. Fidel ehattered the rear sliding glass door and punched holes in the wall. Fidel then went back inside the closet where Maria was lying unconsious. Fidel then began to insert several items into Maria*s vagina and anus without her consent. Fidel advised that Maria was so drunk she and unable to resist. Fidel advised that he inserted a beer bottle, a flat iron for hair, and both his fist into her vagina and 4 # * continued * + * Tovear he ave sofa krowioago aa bale PIPE B._(3491 Coiminal Investigations ‘itceramants Signe ‘cers NamerccN ‘iicars ison STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROWARD ‘Svomto or afemed) and subscribed beter mofris_20_dayot_Sepfember_, _2015_ ex, DETECTIVE PIPER, CHRISTOPHER B. (ar and ts), hls personaly krown ome orbs prosucod ssiertcaion SERGEANT / 3517. Tank aN VISNERS SEANR retype Sap Conmed Naan ay Pais (sea ao! FIRST APPEARANCEIARREST FORM ofa - ont Sito Fin i! rwoamey COURT COPY at) erenng Aa3n0y 830 Deon Reveoso000) O COMPLAINT AFFIDAVIT PROBABLE CAUSE AFFIDAVIT CONTINUATION ARREST FORM BROWARD COUNTY ARREST# ng ia ee ‘Sunwise PD “1sbsi0ss643 sas nae a LOPEZ EIDEL, neo Mann GSES ene nie STC neo ‘orerses Chavos ice into plead) efor mete date personaly apeeared_ PIPER, CHRISTOPHER B. (3497) who beng fret ly som depose ad aye hat on 20 ey ot September, year __ 2015 _ at _1630 N.W. 128TH DRIVE 308, SUNRISE, FL 33823 (etme ocaton) Ts above named defendant comin Te above Gees cfarged and cls sowirg pobabo cals fo Baws He fahe a0 OTN anus. Fidel advised that his arm was inserted all the way up to his elbow. Fidel admitted that he inserted his fist and arms so violently inside Maria‘s vagina that she began to bleed. Fidel advised that he became a "Monster". Fidel admitted to pulling internal tissue out of Maria’s vagina that included intestinal matter, Fidel wae shown pictures of what appeared to be bloody tissue on the closet floor. Fidel admitted that he pulled and ripped the bloody tissue out form Maria“s vagina and anus. Fidel advised that Maria never gained consciousness during this time. Fidel then carried Maria to the bathroom and tried to put water on her face. Maria did not wake up. Fidel then washed the blood off his hands in the bathroom eink and then went out to the porch to smoke a cigarette. Fidel then advised he started to panic and went back into the closet and used items to cover up the bloody tissue. Fidel then went back to the bathroom to check on Maria. Maria was no longer breathing so Fidel. called 911. Tcaria move oy knoe an bel PIPER, CHRIS! 497 Criminal Investigations “Greate Signa Ofc NaretCcN ‘iors von STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF BROWARD ‘Swomn oor aimed) and subecbos btoe me 20__ day September 2015 _ toa, ». ‘CHRISTOPHER B. oan 304 te), whos personaly known fe cas produced cenit, SERGEANT / 3517 Ti Rank ano wea tn may VISNERS, SEAN R NE eaane ex) Sean uti ct fer ArPeavccnnnesT Fon cy. ome Sanotnone BS: Sey COURT COPY an = resin Agency 50 bein Rovesdo500)

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