Thermodynamics Question Bank

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Thermodynamics Question Bank

Unit 1
Q.1 (i) what do you understand by flow work? Is it different from displacement work? How?
(ii) A Pump discharges a liquid into a drum at the rate of 0.032m3/s. The drum, 1.50m in diameter
and 4.20m in length, can hold 3500kg of the liquid. Find the density of the liquid and the mass flow
rate of the liquid handed by the pump.
Q.2. A metal block of 5kg and temperature 200C is submerature is 30C. If the specific heat of metal
is 0.2kj/kg K, what will be the final temperature of the system?
Q3. A fluid undergoes a reversible adiabatic compression from 0.5 MPa, 0.02m3 to 0.05m3 according
to the law pv1.3= Constant. Determine the change in enthalpy, internal energy, entropy and heat of
work transfer during the process.
Q.4. Determine the reversible work and irreversibility associated with the process in which a metallic
block of 2kg is cooled from 300C to 150C by keeping it in the open air at 20C. Specific heat of
metal may be taken as 0.45 KJ/kg.K.
Q.5. An engine cylinder has a piston area of 0.12m2 and contains gas at a pressure of 1.5 MPa. The
gas expands according to a process which is represented by a straight line on a pressure-volume
diagram. The final pressure is 0.55 MPa. Calculate the workdone by the gas on the piston if the stroke
is 0.3m.
Q.6. A closed system whose initial volume is 50x104cc undergoes a non-flow reversible process for
which pressure and volume co-relation is given by P= (8-4 V) where p in bar and V in m3 if 200kJ of
work is supplied to the system.

Final process
Final volume after the completion of process.

Q7 Show that the work, W in non-flow processes for polytropic process, i.e

pV n = const. is given by

W = ( p1V1 p2V2 ) /( n 1) .
Q8 Differentiate between reversible and irreversible process ?
Q9 What do you understand by flow work? Is it different from displacement work?
Q10. Difference between Closed, open and Isolated System with example?

Q1. Derive general energy equation for steady flow.
Q2. State the first law of thermodynamics as applied to closed systems and prove that for a non- flow
process, it leads to energy equation ,Q= U +W. also explain the difference in non-flow and steady
flow process

Q3 Explain the principle of degradation of Energy?

Q4 Prove that internal energy is the property of System ?
Q5 Explain different forms of energy? Derive general energy equation for unsteady flow?
Q6 A closed system undergoes a reversible process at a constant pressure process of 3.5 bar and its
volume changes from 0.15m3 to 0.06 m3. 25KJ of heat is rejected by the system during the process.
Determine the change in internal energy of the system.
Q7 What is Quasi Static process and explain its characteristics features
Q8 1 Kg of a fluid is compressed reversibly according to a law PV=0.25 where P is in
bar and V is in m3 /kg. The final volume is of initial volume. Calculate the work
done on the fluid and sketch the process on a P-V diagram
Q9 Derive an expression of polytropic heat transfer and work transfer?
(i) Show that heat is a path function ?
(ii) Show that energy is a Property
(iii) State Joule Law
Unit 3
Q1 Derive Clausius Clapeyron equation?
Q2 A rigid vessel of volume 0.86m3 contains 1 kg of steam at a pressure of 2 bar. Evaluate the
specific volume, temperature, dryness fraction, internal energy, enthalpy and entropy of system

Q3 State and explain

i) Daltons law of partial pressures
ii) Avogadros Law
Q4 Define Helmholts and Gibbs function and hence derive the Maxwell relations using mathematical
conditions for exact differential ?
Q5 What is pure substance? What is the use of steam table and mollier Diagram ?
Q6 Draw T-S diagram for Rankine cycle ? Briefly explain the effect of superheat in rankine cycle
Q7 With the help of P-V and T-S diagrams, show that for the same maximum pressure and
temperature of the cycle and the same heat rejection thermal Efficiency of diesel > dual > Otto cycle

Q8 Derive air standard efficiency of an otto cycle and draw its T-S diagram ?
Q9 Derive the expression for TdS Equations (entropy equation)?
Q10 Under what condition real gas behaves like an ideal gas. What is Boyles law, Charles Law. What
is the Equation of state ?
Q11 Derive an expression for Vander waals Equation ?


Q1 Define the following :


Thermal reservoir


Heat engine


Heat pump



Q2 Explain the concept of perpetual motion machine of 1st and 2nd kind?

Q3What do you understand by COP and derive the relation for COP of refrigerator and heat pump ?

Q4 Define Carnot Cycle and derive the expression of efficiency of the cycle ?

Q5 what is carnot theorem ? A cyclic heat engine operates between a temperature 800 C and 30 C.
What is the least rate of heat rejection per kW net output of the engine ?

Q6 . A Carnot Engine operates between temperatures T1 and T2 with efficiency 1 and other
Carnot engine operates between temperatures T2 & T3 with efficiency 2. Show that the carnot
engine operating between temperatures T1 and T3 will have efficiency given as (1+ 2- 1 .2).
Q7 A reversible heat engine operates between two reservoirs at temperatures of 600 C and 40 C
.the engine derives a reversible refrigerator which operates between reservoirs at temperatures of 40
C and (-) 20 C .the heat transfer to the heat engine is 2000KJ and the net work output for the
combined engine refrigerator is 360KJ.

Calculate heat transfer to the refrigerat and the net heat transfer to the reservoir at 40 C.


Reconsider, given that efficiency of the heat engine and the COP of refrigerator are each
40% of the maximum possible value.

Q8 .A carnot cycle operates between source and sink temperatures of 260 C and -17.8 C, if the
system receives 100kJ from the source. Find

Efficiency of the system


Net work transfer


Heat rejected to the sink.

Q9. State Carnot theorem and Show that no engine working between two fixed temperatures can
have efficiency greater than that of a reversible engine working between same temperatures.

Q10. Write a short note on.


Carnot s principle


How is the absolute temperature scale independent of the working substance?











Air at 15 C and 1.05 bar occupies a volume of 0.02 m3. The air is heated at constant
volume until the pressure is 4.2 bar and then cooled at constant pressure back to the
original temperature . Calculate
(i) The net heat flow to or from the air and
(ii) The net entropy change, sketch the process on T-S diagram













Q4 Discuss the entropy change in a irreversible process

Q5 A Carnot engine working between 377 C and 37 C produces 120KJ of work. Determine
i) The heat added in KJ
ii) Entropy change during heat rejection process
iii) The engine Thermal efficiency

Q6 State and illustrate second law of thermodynamics. Provide the mathematical statement of
second law?

Q7 Show that entropy is the state function ?

Q8 Define
(i) Availability
(ii) Dead State
Q9 Determine available and unavailable energy of a heat source of 1000kJ at 1073 K. the lowest
possible temperature is 20C.
Q10 Show that entropy change of 1 kg of an ideal gas between states 1 and 2, s2- s1 is given by
s2- s1 = R ln v2/v1 + cv ln T2/T1

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