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Reservoir characterization







framework, rock fabric, facies, and porosity and permeability

distributions, are some of the most widely investigated production
issues. Many challenges exist in characterizing, quantifying, and
predicting carbonate reservoir quality.
The key to understanding carbonate reservoirs is recognizing the
critical link between geological heterogeneity and reservoir
quality and performance.
Finding the link between geological heterogeneity and reservoir
quality often becomes a matter of finding the appropriate data
and sampling the heterogeneity at the appropriate scale. For
example, many carbonates are characterized by abundant
macrofauna and macroflora that are larger than the scale of some
sampling methods, such as 1 core plugs, and may be better
sampled with longer, whole cores or wireline logs. In this case,
geological heterogeneity must be sampled at greater scales to be
valid. In another example, very fine-grained mudstones may be
extremely uniform in reservoir quality at a scale much smaller
than a 1 core plug. The recognition of the appropriate scale of
investigation is, therefore, critical to reservoir characterization
efforts in carbonates.


Rocks are classified in order to communicate information about

them. All classifications of limestones are arbitrary and they
frequently overlap or do not fit ones particular needs. Thus most
classifications require that the most significant sedimentary
particle in the rock be described.
Two of the most widely used classifications are those of Folk
(1959, 1962) and Dunham (1962). Both classifications subdivide
limestones primarily on the basis of matrix content.

Folks classification
A widely used classification of carbonates, based on the type of
particles and the nature and proportion of the matrix and/or
cement present. In his original classification Robert L. Folk defined
three main components to limestones. These are allochems,
comprising various grains and particles; micrite (microcrystalline
calcite mud matrix); and sparite (sparry calcite cement). The main







(intra-), and ooids (oo-).

In defining a limestone by the Folk classification the rock is
named according to the nature of the material filling the spaces
between the particles (i.e. micrite matrix or sparite cement),
prefixed by an abbreviation to denote the main allochems
present: bio- for bioclasts, pel- for pellets, oo- for ooids, and intrafor intraclasts. Dismicrite is used for micrites with fenestral

cavities. Organically bound limestones, e.g. reef rocks, or

stromatolites, are termed biolithites.

Dunhams classification
A widely used limestone classification, proposed by Robert
Dunham in 1962, which divides limestones on the basis of their
texture and mud content. For limestones which retain their







mudstone (limestone with less than 10% grains in a mudsupported sediment); wackestone (limestone with more than 10%
grains in a mud-supported sediment); packstone (grain-supported
limestone with mud matrix between the grains); grainstone
(grain-supported limestone with no mud matrix); and boundstone
(limestone in which the original components bound together at








Accessory minerals like phosphates, chert, quartz, glauconite,

ankerite, siderite, feldspars, anhydrite, clay minerals and pyrite
are also present depending on the environment of deposition and
diagenetic history.
Disseminated pyrite present in minor quantities can affect the
resistivity logs and
results in apparently pessimistic estimation of oil saturation.
Total gamma ray logs are insufficient to estimate clay volumes
because of the presence of phosphate or organic matter, which
result in relatively high uranium content which effect on the total
gamma ray log.
Diagnostic crystal structure of the different carbonate minerals is
revealed by x-ray studies. Correct mineralogy is important for
accurate estimation of porosity. Also, there may be a relationship
between mineralogy and reservoir quality.

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