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The Essential C.H.E.

by Paul Chek

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Personal~ Professional~
Spiritual Success Mastery
Program now. Visit us at

The number of my clients, patients and students that have expressed to me a

difficulty in capturing what I do and what I teach has reached critical mass. Being
repeatedly stimulated by such
communications, and the fact that many of
my own beginning students could not
effectively explain their own practice
motives, I decided to rectify the situation.
What follows is, in both written and graphic
format, an overview of my philosophy of
life and my motives for health and wellbeing. My philosophy of life and living
energize the education system I have
developed, and it is through this system
that I share the fruits of my life and
career. Ill begin with a brief sketch of how
my career developed. Next, I overview
each of the C.H.E.K certification programs.
Finally, I explain the C.H.E.K Mandala,
which demonstrates graphically the living philosophy behind all the programs Ive
designed, including the P~P~S Success Mastery Program.
From The Beginning
My career began as a fighter on the U.S. Army Boxing Team at Ft. Bragg, North
Carolina. While boxing, I also trained for triathlons. Between the two events I trained
six to eight hours a day on most days of the week. Not surprisingly, the coaches and
fighters on the team were very curious as to how I was able to put out that much
energy each day, and still perform well in the boxing ring! This curiosity cultivated
respect for my methods, which included the use of massage and careful eating
practices, regular consumption of water and fluids from raw fruits and vegetables,
and the knowledge that I was supported in my efforts by Cosmic Consciousness.
My athletic successes eventually drew the attention of my company commander who
offered me support from our unit to train full time for triathlon. He was very excited
to see a soldier from aviation winning athletic events and it was good motivation for
other troops to exercise more, as even the army has weight management
challenges. Training full time for triathlon would not allow me to continue boxing.
This was fine since I knew in my heart that boxing was not to be my mission and
that instead my life mission would require the use and maintenance of a fully
functional brain! I approached the coaches on the boxing team and informed them of
my decision to leave. They didnt like the idea and offered me the job as team
Trainer. This position allowed me to continue my triathlon training around my boxing

The Essential C.H.E.K Philosophy 1

duties as well as to explore my intellectual pursuits. The seed of my career would

now have a place to germinate.
For two years, I studied massage therapy, sports injury care, and special
applications of conditioning for fighters and other army athletes. These studies
consumed me as my knowledge and skills increased rapidly, and soon enough my
military tour of duty was over. I had already decided what I would do. I would move
to California and start a sports massage therapy business and implement my
concepts with tri-athletes there.
My first task upon arriving in San Diego was to complete Sports Massage Therapy
School in Encinitas, a small beach town near San Diego. This was a very rewarding
experience and added valuable skills to my army training and experiences. Using all
these abilities, I became very successful very quickly. I landed a job with Keith
Jeffers, D.C., who specialized in running injuries. Working out of his facility for the
next two years, I was able to meet and work with many of the top runners and triathletes in the world. Using my then unusual approach of stretching only the muscles
that were tight and exercising the muscles that were lengthened and/or weak,
coupled with sports/clinical massage and basic dietary recommendations, I
developed a very large following.
The next stage of my career began in April 1988, when Kathy Grace, P.T., asked me
to work at her physical therapy clinic (Sports & Orthopedic Physical Therapy). This
clinic was arguably the largest physical therapy clinic in San Diego, with some 22
physical therapists and athletic trainers and a staff of a dozen or more surgeons
linked to the venture. For the next four years, I worked with these therapists and
surgeons, expanding my education and ideas and getting valuable practice with
every sort of orthopedic injury one can imagine.
In 1989, I completed the St. John Neuromuscular Therapy certification. This
complemented my existing clinical skills. Shortly thereafter, I completed all the
seminars given by the famous Chilean Physical Therapist Dr. Mariano Rocobado. In
addition, I studied the Norwegian system of medical exercise therapy through
courses given by Bjorn Svenson. In 1989, I also became qualified as a licensed
Holistic Health Practitioner in California. All the while, I had continued my practice of
using calisthenics, resistance training, and sport-specific endurance training as part
of my own regimen, while incorporating my practical experience and knowledge with
my patients. My results with even the most challenging patients led to the senior
physical therapist, Chris Segiel, M.S., P.T., suggesting that I give workshops on my
methods. She told me that students did not learn my methods in physical therapy
school, and that other physical therapists would benefit from my approach.
I began putting together seminars in clinical massage therapy, sports-specific
strength development and injury prevention, posture correction, and many other
topics. The seminars were successful, leading to a number of private consulting jobs
with physical therapy clinics in San Diego as well as with professional sports teams
that had heard of my work through therapists attending my seminars.
All this coincided with my leaving Sports & Orthopedic Physical therapy to start my
own physical therapy clinic (Golden Triangle Rehabilitation) with Steve Clark, M.S.,
P.T. We ran the clinic successfully for three and a half years. A progressively

The Essential C.H.E.K Philosophy 2

worsening situation with insurance companies (they would not pay fairly for
treatment rendered) led my partner and I to sell our business. So in 1995 I took
what now amounted to 11 years of hard work in the sports and clinical arenas and
started what is now the C.H.E.K Institutes C.H.E.K Practitioner program. This
began in La Jolla, California, where I opened an office with a gym, treatment rooms,
a library and offices. From here, I developed some of my initial programs, such as
Program Design, Scientific Abdominal Training (now Scientific Core Conditioning),
Scientific Back Training, Controversy and Current Concepts of Pulling Exercises, Paul
Cheks Medicine Ball Workout, Dynamic Medicine Ball Training, Swiss Ball Training
For Better Abs, Buns and Backs, Swiss Ball Training For Athletes, and others.
Soon I was getting requests to teach these programs in Australia and New Zealand,
and that became the focal point for much of my teaching for the next few years. I
grew and developed the Corrective High-performance Exercise Kinesiology
(C.H.E.K) program to four levels, designed to be completed over four years. My
initial batch of Level 4 C.H.E.K Practitioners came from the South Pacific, four of
which (Chris Maund, Janet Alexander, Suzi Nevell, and Mark Buckley) are still
instructors at the institute today.
We opened up a much nicer location in Encinitas in 1997 and stayed there for several
years. While in Encinitas, I continued consulting patients, sports teams, and
corporations, developing educational materials and products. I also expanded my
lecture tour to include the UK, Sweden, Denmark, and elsewhere. This led to the
expansion of the C.H.E.K programs into these countries. I also worked with Dr. Cliff
Oliver, D.C. to develop our Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching program because I could
see that most of my practitioners were getting stuck with patients in this area. The
NLC Program now has three levels and is designed to be completed over 1.5 years.
Additionally, in 1998, my wife, Penny Crozier, and I published The Golf
Biomechanics Manual, which became both a book for the serious player and the
manual for our 7-day Golf Biomechanics certification course.
We outgrew our 7,500 sq. ft. space in Encinitas and, after much searching, in 2002
we purchased two buildings side by side (26,000 sq. ft.) in Vista, CA. Vista is now
the home of our ever-growing institute. We have all the facilities and space
necessary to run our educational programs effectively and people come from around
the globe to attend our many courses. Today, there is a staff of qualified instructors
that travel constantly around the world teaching the C.H.E.K programs, which are all
multidisciplinary. We have practitioners from a wide range of fields including:
medical doctors, nurses, physical therapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, personal
trainers, strength coaches, massage therapists, teachers, dance and movement
instructors and more. Our Vista location is also the home of my Personal~
Professional~ Spiritual Success Mastery Program. P~P~S is where my heart
and my head have been for quite some time now. Its a fantastic path to take, and I
am confident that anyone who is ready to take the helm and create his or her own
legacy will find the tools they need with P~P~S.
During the entire process of seeing patients, training athletes, consulting for clinics,
teams, and corporations, I have been on an intense but exciting pursuit of
knowledge about holistic health. At last count, I had read well over 1,000 books on
related topics, completed some 135 home study courses, hired many consultants for
private training, and attended numerous seminars and workshops around the world.
With my growing abilities, it was only natural that the patients I received became

The Essential C.H.E.K Philosophy 3

more and more challenging. This process was noticeable very soon after leaving the
army; I found that doctors and therapists were repeatedly referring to me patients
who had been written off as unfixable. Many of these patients had suffered
numerous accidents and injuries and had undergone multiple surgeries. For example,
while consulting for a famous rugby team in Australia, I was asked to rehabilitate an
extremely skilled player who, at the tender age of 20, had already endured nine
orthopedic surgeries! I have consulted many clients with diseases, those with both
orthopedic problems and diseases, and even those with diseases, orthopedic
problems, as well as psychological ills. Finally, lets not forget those with digestive,
eliminative, and detoxification problems.
The condition of many of my patients are so complex that I need to use meditative
skills passed on to me as a budding teenager at the Self-Realization Fellowship Lake
Shrine. Thanks to my very wise mother, I was trained by Yoganandas monks to
meditate and see life for what it really is. This valuable teaching seemed at the time
a bit disjointed from my teenage consciousness, but it has repeatedly been the
blessing of my life for my personal growth and career development. Through this gift
of meditation, in conjunction with other skills I developed through studying
disciplines like metaphysics, Qi-Gong, Tai-Chi, Pranic Breathing, I have been able to
offer help to those that believed there was no help to be had. Sometimes the help
comes in the form of intuitional insights about the etiology of their ailments. Other
times my patients feel the benefit of the energy I can share with them when I teach
them to cultivate their own healing energy.
All the while, a common theme emerged repeatedly with my clients and others I
worked with. That theme was the belief that God and the Church was judging them,
and that they would be punished for living and experiencing the life they had chosen
to live. This Faulty God Model is the source of ailments of all kinds. Seeing this
theme repeated like a scene from Groundhogs Day stimulated in me what is now a
long study of metaphysics, comparative religion, theology, mythology, healing,
psychology, and related topics. I have now studied what amounts to literally shelves
full of books, videos, DVDs, CDs, cassette tapes, home study courses, and
workshops so that I am better able to understand my clients and myself. I have been
able to implement this information into my personal life and practice as a teacher,
life coach, and Holistic Health Practitioner. As I grow, learn and experience, I share
my findings with my students and they share theirs with me; we help each other
grow more and more rapidly so that we can help others grow with us!
Now more than 2 decades into years into my career, I have developed a model that
has proven to be rewarding both for the students using it and the clients seeing
those students. The C.H.E.K Mandala is my overview of what we teach at the
institute, and my philosophy of life, exercise, and healing. Much of what follows could
be expanded into a number of books, but by studying the C.H.E.K Mandala below,
anyone will be able to come away with a good working idea of:

What any of the C.H.E.K Exercise Coaches, C.H.E.K Practitioners, Nutrition

and Lifestyle Coaches or Golf Biomechanics do and the philosophy behind
their training.
My personal philosophical position regarding life, exercise, spirituality, and
Whether or not the C.H.E.K approach is right for you as a potential student or
as a client for a C.H.E.K trained practitioner/professional.

The Essential C.H.E.K Philosophy 4

Your C.H.E.K Practitioner

Exercise and healthcare professionals typically begin their comprehensive training at
the C.H.E.K Institute by achieving certification as an Exercise Coach, Nutrition and
Lifestyle Coach (NLC) Level 1, or Golf Biomechanic. With completion of any of these
courses, members of the C.H.E.K Institute may advance, becoming a Corrective
and High-performance Exercise Kinesiology specialist. As students advance
through the C.H.E.K certification program they may present themselves as C.H.E.K
Practitioner Level-1, 2, 3, 4, or as Certified upon meeting all training requirements.
The Exercise Coach certification is designed to offer personal trainers and other
health professionals a solid foundation in the prescription and execution of basic
resistance training, stretching, and Chi cultivating exercises. Students learn to base
their prescriptions on key postural assessment and basic orthopedic assessment
techniques. Ultimately, all of this training is integrated with the study of case
histories and specific program design training. This five-day course prepares
students for the more advanced training in the C.H.E.K Practitioner Level 1 course.
C.H.E.K Practitioner Level 1 training consists of a five-day course focusing on general
orthopedic assessment. Students learn to recognize the red flags of serious
pathologies, as well as corrective exercises for common spinal pathology with an
emphasis on the Lumbar spine. At this level of C.H.E.K training, students develop
skills in special program design for sports and orthopedic concerns in both a
theoretical and practical setting.
C.H.E.K Practitioner Level 2 is also a five-day course. The training builds upon basic
orthopedic assessment and program design skills with the addition of motor skills
assessment. Students learn mastery of the Primal Pattern system of movement
analysis. This training includes infant development, basic motor skills development,
as well as work and sport-specific motor skills development. Level II Practitioners are
taught to implement advanced program design skills. This includes working with
challenging case histories that require integration of their newly learned skills.
C.H.E.K Practitioner Level 3, a nine-day course, including one rest day, can only be
entered by those achieving a passing grade on 10 case histories demonstrating
mastery of all prior training in the C.H.E.K Practitioner program. C.H.E.K Practitioner
Level 3 training focuses first on why people dont heal. Next, we learn to assess the
human body based on survival reflexes. This extremely effective system seeks to
identify the etiology of each patients challenges or injury based upon sound
orthopedic, neurological, hormonal, digestive, eliminative, and limbic/emotional
factors. The head, jaw, neck, and upper extremity (upper ) are covered in this
training program. The students learn comprehensive assessment, treatment,
exercise and program design skills, specifically to aid those patients with challenging
injuries in the upper region of the body.
C.H.E.K Practitioner Level 4 students must also gain entry to their 14-day training
and testing program through submission of case histories. Once accepted, they begin
intensive training, focusing on chronic pain patients, medical failures, and what are

The Essential C.H.E.K Philosophy 5

otherwise referred to as challenge cases. Students are encouraged to have

completed C.H.E.K NLC Level 1 and 2 prior to arriving for C.H.E.K Practitioner Level
4 training.
During C.H.E.K Practitioner Level 4 training, students review all major facets of prior
C.H.E.K training and discuss challenging case histories. Because so many ailments
can be traced back to the Faulty God Model, students are given extensive training in
basic metaphysics, comparative religion, and philosophy so that they may effectively
understand many of the common reasons people dont heal. They are also taught the
basic principles of non-violent communication and when to refer or partner with
clinical psychologists and other highly specialized professionals.
Using comprehensive reflex mapping systems developed especially for C.H.E.K Level
4 and NLC 3 practitioners, the students are taught to use the Aristotelian fourelement system, Chinese five-element system, the five element-system used in
polarity therapy, and the Hindu seven chakra system. By identifying which of these
systems best suits the needs of an individual patient/client, C.H.E.K Practitioners are
able to develop highly specific and effective physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual
development programs. Having completed NLC 2, C.H.E.K Level 4 practitioners can
also identify and rectify most nutrition, hormonal, organ, circadian, and lifestyle
challenges. While many C.H.E.K Level 4s hold professional licenses, those that dont
are trained to work within the scope of practice for their profession and to effectively
integrate with licensed professionals for optimal patient outcomes.
Upon completion of C.H.E.K Level 4 training, students begin testing. Testing requires
that they take on a new client. The clients selected for Level 4 student testing are
referred to the institute from around the world and are selected because they have
had a challenging time recovering from their particular combination of physical,
emotional, mental, or spiritual ailments. Students are monitored through the entire
process of assessment, counseling/life coaching, treatment procedures, program
design, and program instruction. Students must then monitor their test subjects
through a follow-up session and compile a report of their findings. Level 4 C.H.E.K
Practitioners can only identify themselves as
Certified after having passed testing and
turning in a completed thesis. All thesis
projects are aimed at practical application
and are designed to further educate other
C.H.E.K students.
Every C.H.E.K Level 4 that I have ever
trained has been a beautiful person,
committed to the life process and the wellbeing of both others and the planet. They
are truly special people.

Nutrition And Lifestyle Coaching Program

C.H.E.K Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaches, represented as C.H.E.K NLC Level 1, 2, and
3, are those who have chosen to specialize in coaching people to health and well-

The Essential C.H.E.K Philosophy 6

being through holistic application of exercise, whole-foods eating, stress

management, lifestyle factors, and spiritual development. While the C.H.E.K
Practitioner program places much more emphasis on orthopedic rehabilitation, and
general, work, and sport-specific conditioning, the Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach
program focuses more on eating, internal health and well-being, spiritual
development, and the use of exercise as a necessary component of a healthy
NLC Level 1 training parallels my book How To Eat, Move and Be Healthy! and my
audio CD/workbook program entitled, You Are What You Eat! NLC 1 training places
great emphasis on getting yourself healthy as a necessary requisite for helping
others. It is a fundamental principle of the C.H.E.K philosophy that we as
practitioners cant give what we dont have. Therefore, we must begin with the
basics and master them within our own lives and, where possible, within our
immediate family circle. The world is filled with unhealthy health experts and the
C.H.E.K NLC program seeks to rectify that problem by producing healthy leaders! As
part of NLC 1 training, each participant learns and practices a variety of Chi
cultivation exercises so that they become comfortable using them. The practice of
self-help is the foundation for effectively helping others as an NLC 2 or 3.
NLC 2 is a five-day course, which I co-developed with Dr. Cliff Oliver. There are other
guest instructors that add technical expertise, particularly in the area of Chi
cultivation exercise, metabolic typing, clinical nutrition, and clinical management.
The course begins when you receive your four-kilogram manual, which springs
forward from the basic principles the students have implemented from Level 1. NLC
2 focuses on how to help others, yet remains true to the foundational C.H.E.K
principles of becoming healthy and staying healthy. In addition, Dr. Oliver does an
outstanding job of demonstrating that the treatment model used in medicine is
failing humanity at large. This course encourages a return to a coaching model. All
NLC 2 foundation principles are expanded upon in detail and supported by research
wherever possible. Students are given a copy of my book Lifting the Veil Of
Deception, which supports their study through the lectures I give on organic food,
organic farming, and the health of both humanity and the planet. Students learn to
use a very detailed health appraisal questionnaire system and other key lifestyle
assessments. Students are
trained to design exercise
programs for people with a
variety of health concerns.
Typically, we conclude the
program by demonstrating the
use of vibrational healing
methods and review how to
integrate and apply all the
technology learned in the
course. Students from around
the world have found NLC II to
be a life-changing event for
them, and so have their clients!
NLC 3 is consists in six days of training. The focus of this course is how to help the
challenge patient/client that has hit a plateau with the principles taught in NLC 2.
In this program, Dr. Oliver teaches many useful low-tech tests that offer valuable

The Essential C.H.E.K Philosophy 7

information regarding the state of a clients autonomic nervous system and overall
physiology. These tests often determine the need for more comprehensive lab tests.
Guest speakers such as Dr. Kalish, or Dr. Timmons from BioHealth Diagnostics, teach
the application of key lab tests. My contribution to NLC 3 focuses on advanced
assessment of organ systems, understanding the metaphysical implications of
common health problems, how to decipher complex information from complex
patients, and how to put together an effective coaching and treatment plan of action.
NLC 3 students are also given an abridged version of C.H.E.K Level 4 training on how
to identify Faulty God Models and educate accordingly. Experts in a variety of other
fields lecture on topics such as Emotional Self Management and how to use your
mind to take action in your life. Dodie Anderson teaches a metabolic typing review
and updates students on recent findings in the study of metabolic typing. The
students who attend NLC 3 leave empowered by their newfound understanding of
the roadblocks to their clients progress. Students leave with more effective means of
testing their clients, a better understanding of whom to refer their clients to, as well
as a clearer vision of how to better understand and counsel their clients on the
meaning of their life challenge(s). Like C.H.E.K Level 4 students, NLC 3 students are
by nature, very intelligent, loving and compassionate people that are truly pioneering
examples of how to live fully and vitally.

The Golf Biomechanics Certification

The Golf Biomechanic Certification is a seven-day specialty
certification designed to teach students how to assess and
condition golfers. The course includes relevant information and
training on swing assessment, length-tension assessment,
postural correction, and exercise progression. The C.H.E.K model
for progression (flexibility/stability strength power) is
explained and practiced in detail. The exercise, golf, and medical
professionals attending this powerful training program leave
knowing how to assess and condition the golf athlete,
contributing not only to their game but their life!

The Essential C.H.E.K Philosophy 8

The C.H.E.K Mandala

Figure 1

Before delving into the specifics of my personal philosophy on life, let me preface my
remarks with an important statement. I do NOT require my students to share my
spiritual views, nor do I require that they subscribe to any of my teachings. I merely
require that they have an open mind and be willing to test my teachings in the
clinical environment, or any environment in which they work. I encourage both my
P~P~S Success Mastery Practitioners as well as my C.H.E.K Professionals to
take other courses, to study as much as they can so that we can grow and learn
Frequently, I have insights and inspirations as I quest for knowledge and
understanding. With the growth of my programs, including the P~P~S Success
Mastery Program, and the perpetual need of C.H.E.K Practitioners to explain the
philosophy behind their approach, I felt the need to develop an explanation that
suited both the left brain/logical and right brain/creative types. I sought to develop a
mandala that spoke to the subconscious so that those who are experiential types
could simply look at the mandala and feel the essence of the C.H.E.K way. Because

The Essential C.H.E.K Philosophy 9

the C.H.E.K Mandala (Figure 1) captures the essence of my philosophy, I want to

discuss it in some detail now.
Holy Trinity
Gods potential () and the forces of Yin & Yang create
the Holy Trinity that expresses all creation. All of Gods
creation is seen as the Big Idea or The One. The Two is
symbolized as the forces of Yin (Eve, ) and Yang
(Adam, + ). God, as unlimited potential in the Absolute,
projects spirit into matter creating consciousness.
Consequently, everything in Gods created universe,
whether inanimate or animate, expresses a level of
consciousness symbiotic to its construction. For humans,
this means that our Higher Self (HS) or Spiritual Self
exists behind the relative as an expression of the
Godhead. Mans Lower Self is projected into the relative
as a bridge between what is cosmic (heaven) and what is earthly.
As described by Rowena Kryder, the spirit energy expressed by the Godhead may be
seen as codes or information, while matter may be seen as condensed energy. All
matter expresses the codes suited to it. Plants express plant codes, animals express
animal codes, humans express human codes. Typically, as the complexity of material
construction (atom, molecule, cell, multi-cellular, multi-membrane) increases, so to
does the complexity of the codes processed or expressed by each entity (organic or
Element/Ether Forces
Aristotle is credited with explaining that all
creation can be broken down into four elements,
while Rudolph Steiner took this philosophy
further with his explanation of the ethers. The
four-element/ether combinations are the
essence of creation. Elements provide materials
to build creation while ethers are the forces that
move creation or life. I like to think of the elements as vehicles of expression for the
information/codes carried by the ethers/forces that guide and direct creation. While
science is still grappling with the concept of the ether, quantum mechanics now sees
the ether as a possible Zero Point Field; the field of energy and influence that
enlivens and provides the structural matrix of the
The Zodiac
The zodiac symbology is the written expression of
spiritual or formative forces emanating from
constellations known through antiquity to express
themselves in man and nature. Everything created
within our solar system is subject to the energy and
influence from the constellations of the zodiac in cycles.

The Essential C.H.E.K Philosophy 10

Being very far away, these galactic forces are ever-present, but much less intense
than the forces of our own sun and planets. The constellations of the zodiac all
influence us, yet there is a cycle of dominance in which each constellation expresses
a majority influence for approximately 2,000 years in much the same way the sun
affects our planet through seasonal cycles. We are now leaving the influence of
Pisces and entering the field of influence of Aquarius. Just as the song said, This is
the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.
The Serpent
The serpent consuming his own tail is an ancient symbol
for gnosis, or knowledge, of spirit and matter. It is also
used to symbolize the fact that life eats life. All C.H.E.K
Professionals are aware of the symbiotic process of giveand-take in nature and seek to facilitate knowledge of your
unique needs so that you may most effectively contribute
to the life process, moving humanity forward in physical
and spiritual evolution. As the founder of the C.H.E.K
Institute, it is my philosophy that faith begins where
knowledge ends. Therefore, we should all actively seek to
educate ourselves. To be healthy means to take
responsibility for ones self, and that requires that we make choices that can only be
made effectively through knowledge.
Information must be differentiated from knowledge in that information alone will not
help anyone. The world is swimming with information yet we are more unhealthy
than ever. Clearly those that are healthy have applied health information and,
therefore, exhibit knowledge of how to be healthy.
Man (I AM) The Microcosm
Ancient mystics tell us that everything that exists out
there in the cosmos can be found within each of us.
C.H.E.K Practitioners seek to find the truth and
beauty in all that is through studying the macrocosm
outside and the microcosm within. These studies are
revealing in a number of ways. We learn that the
Yin/Yang polarity of the Holy Trinity is expressed
through all solids, liquids, and gases, including those
that make up man. These cosmic dialectics create
both sexed relationships and rhythm(s) in man and
nature. Students discover that I AM is one of the
many names attributed to God, yet we human beings possess many godlike powers:
the power to create, the power to love, the power to hate, and the power to destroy.
Confucius said man was the bridge between heaven and earth, the caretaker left to
guide all earthly life forms to evolution. As we become progressively more aware of
our potential as gods, we emulate and radiate more and more of the Truth that God
is. We seek to attain Cosmic Consciousness; I AM that. As we evolve toward
Cosmic Consciousness, we are able to experience and understand more and more of
the codes that create and run the Universe. Through this process we begin to
understand and accept that we do life, life does not do us!

The Essential C.H.E.K Philosophy 11

The Chakras
Divine and cosmic energies above create levity, drawing man up from
Mother Earth. Earth is the negative pole relative to the sun. Earth energy,
or Kundalini, rises up in man, enlivening his spiritual centers or chakras
(wheels of light). This facilitates communication and creation with all that
is. God and His Angels (Forces) permeate the heart from above and greet
the animal (earth being) from below in the human heart, which injects
the blood with Soul. C.H.E.K Professionals always seek to guide the
animal or Lower Self with the angelic or Higher Self, leading man to full
expression of Love. Buddha refers to earth and
her grounding experiences as the cage of the
five senses. Buddha, like Christ and other
avatars, served to show us that by attaining
Cosmic (Christ) Consciousness, we can free
ourselves from the bondage of the cage of the
five senses.
The chakras are not only energy centers, they are
information centers that decipher Gods Universal codes.
As we evolve as beings, we meet the life challenges
necessary to evolve. Eventually, we have optimal
energy/information transmission through the chakra
system and we reach nirvana or Cosmic Consciousness.
This process takes most of us untold numbers of lifetimes,
yet along the way, we are always an example for someone
to follow, and there are always examples for us to follow
(see Figure 2).

Figure 2. Jacobs

Sense Man
The mind of man expresses itself through the nervous
system. The C.H.E.K Professional recognizes that the mind
is the builder. Just as the physical body feeds on good
food, for effective building the mind must be fed good
thoughts! Through optimal nutrition and hormonal balance,
we are able to feed our emotional being optimal emotions,
our mental being optimal thoughts, and therefore act
optimally in accordance with our Higher Self.

Metabolism Man
Metabolism man generates the fire that creates warmth
and moves the life force in man. The warmth ether,
linked with fire, produces thought. The C.H.E.K
Professional knows that a healthy metabolism is the
foundation of optimal thought, word, and deed
creation. Just how metabolism, consciousness, and
creation are linked can be appreciated in the fact that

The Essential C.H.E.K Philosophy 12

hormones are molecules of emotion. Each hormone has a corresponding

mental/emotional component. For example, testosterone is heavily polarized,
producing progressively increased awareness of and/or affinity towards both sexual
behavior and destructive behavior. Serotonin in optimal amounts elevates our mood
whereas a deficiency of serotonin often produces depression. Food, being the
resource from which all our hormones are derived, therefore becomes essential as a
bridge linking the purely physical with consciousness.
Rhythm Man
Man the microcosm contains, and is expressive of,
numerous cosmic and earthly rhythms. Examples of
rhythms concerning the C.H.E.K Professional are solar,
planetary, lunar, respiratory, craniosacral and hormonal.
Limb Man
An outgrowth of the core of man,
the limbs stimulate Sense Man,
supporting Metabolism Man and
Rhythm Man. Mans limbs are
Gods limbs. How we use our limbs to create determines
how we contribute to nature. We can create or destroy, we
can love or we can fight, we can work or we can resist, we
can catalyze evolution or bring about our devolution! What
are you creating with your limbs?
Dr. Quiet
Dr. Quiet (as the C.H.E.K Professional) works with Rhythm Man to assure adequate
time for introspection, relaxation, rest, and recovery. Dr. Quiet, exerting himself
through Rhythm Man, protects Sense Man, Metabolism
Man and Limb Man from overuse, abuse, or disuse.
Whenever Dr. Quiet is suppressed, there is inadequate
time for introspection and we can easily become
excessively externalized. Being externalized is exactly
what many corporate entities want because in an
externalized state, human beings perceive that they
achieve what they want through material means, be it
cars, clothes, jewelry, money, drugs, etc. Given adequate
time to work, Dr. Quiet finds the glory, joy, and
knowledge of all that is within the individual. This is why
gurus like Paramahansa Yogananda say we dont come
here to learn, we come here to remember (re-member; to put back together, to
realize what we are). Dr. Quiet says, if you dont go within, you go without! Clear
evidence of this truth is seen all around us in famous movie personalities, rock stars,
athletes, and business moguls that seemingly have it all, yet often commit suicide
after failing to find fulfillment or meaning in life.
Dr. Diet
C.H.E.K Professionals know how to individualize your diet to meet your unique racial,

The Essential C.H.E.K Philosophy 13

genetic, and spiritual needs. Failure of Dr. Diet to

demonstrate practical application leads to dysfunction
within the physical body. Failure to educate Dr. Diet results
in grounding our consciousness only to physical reality as
our body goes first into the protective mode governed by
animal instinct, and finally into vegetative mode governed
by the vegetative ancestry we all carry within us. C.H.E.K
Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaches can specifically address
your needs for health and vitality, educating the Dr. Diet
within you.
Dr. Movement
Life is movement! C.H.E.K Professionals know that too much
or too little movement is detrimental to your entire physical,
emotional, mental and spiritual being. Dr. Movement works
with Rhythm Man, Metabolism Man and Limb Man to
stimulate health and vitality. Everything in the created
universe is moving, and everything has an optimal pace or
rate of movement. Too much or too little movement proves
detrimental and, therefore, requires education of Dr.
Movement. Dr. Movement is expressed by the C.H.E.K
Professionals through maintenance of their own exercise
program and active lifestyle, and in their clients by the ability
to write and subsequently teach optimal exercise programs.
Dr. Happiness
The Soul wants to create and to remember its Divine
origins. When Dr. Happiness is on the job, Dr. Quiet, Dr.
Diet, and Dr. Movement are never over or under worked on
the whole. Dr. Happiness directs man in his spiritual quest
as the bridge between heaven and earth. All C.H.E.K
Professionals are leaders in the quest to remember our
Higher Self and encourage Love and Compassion as the
driving force behind all our actions. As we understand the
Universe more and more, happiness is an inevitable
byproduct of expanded consciousness. This is why all true
avatars were/are happy beings!
The Journey of a C.H.E.K Practitioner
Completing the journey I have laid out for C.H.E.K practitioners to become a fully
qualified C.H.E.K Practitioner and an NLC 3 is no small task. It necessitates on
average 5.5 years of commitment, as it requires mastering a great deal of
information and techniques. As you can see in the C.H.E.K Mandala, C.H.E.K Exercise
Coaches, Level 1, 2, and 3, and Golf Biomechanics are trained to improve function
primarily through Sense Man, Dr. Happiness, Limb Man, Dr. Movement, and Rhythm
Man (indicated by orange/yellow). NLC Practitioners and C.H.E.K Level 4
Practitioners both overlap into the left side of the diagram (orange/yellow) but NLCs
also develop the ability to assist themselves and their clients through mastery of Dr.
Happiness, Sense Man, Dr. Quiet, Metabolism Man, Dr. Diet, and Rhythm Man.

The Essential C.H.E.K Philosophy 14

Like my P~P~S Success Mastery Practitioners, all C.H.E.K Instructors, graduates

and students are encouraged to take other courses, to study as much as they can
while respecting Dr. Quiet, Rhythm Man, and Dr. Happiness so that we can grow and
learn together. I have NOT built the C.H.E.K or the P~P~S programs on an academic
model. The programs borrow from academia where academia has made respectable
progress. We borrow from successful doctors and practitioners in the field wherever
they have demonstrated progress, regardless of whether science has caught on or
validated what we see as clinically relevant and productive. To be an effective
C.H.E.K Practitioner (of any type) is first to learn to learn, and learn to love
ourselves. Second, we share our knowledge and ourselves with others. And finally,
we naturally branch out to share our successes with humanity, both through our
accomplishments and as teachers who live by example. In sum,
All P~P~S Success Mastery Practitioners and C.H.E.K Professionals are
taught and encouraged to lead by example. They are typically fit, healthy,
intelligent, compassionate people that happily engage in the life process.
Practitioners of all types are taught that information only becomes
knowledge when that information is used to change the lives of others for
the better!
May we evolve together!
Paul Chek, Holistic Health Practitioner
Founder, C.H.E.K Institute and P~P~S Success Mastery Program

The Essential C.H.E.K Philosophy 15

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