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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of

degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA) under M.S.
Patel Institute of Management Studies, University of Vadodra


BATCH : 2014-2016


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I hereby acknowledge SBI mutual funds providing the constant guidance for
encouragement which helped me a lot to be successful in my efforts. This formal
acknowledgement will hardly be sufficient to express my deep sense of gratitude to all
of them. It was a memorable experience while doing my summer training project on a
study of SBI Mutual Funds.

I would like to acknowledge my obligation to MR. RAVNEET PAL SINGH for

granting me the permissions for the assignment work, under whom I have done the
work and for his warm and constant guidance. I express my deep gratitude and sincere
thanks to him.


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This is to certify that Summer Training Report entitled A Study of SBI Mutual
Fund which is submitted by me in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award
of degree Master of Business Administration (MBA), at M.S. PATEL INSTITUTE OF
original work and due acknowledgement has been made in the text to all other material


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In few years Mutual Fund has emerged as a tool for ensuring ones financial well being.
Mutual Funds have not only contributed to the India growth story but have also helped families
tap into the success of Indian Industry. As information and awareness is rising more and more
people are enjoying the benefits of investing in mutual funds. The main reason the number of
retail mutual fund investors remains small is that nine in ten people with incomes in India do
not know that mutual funds exist. But once people are aware of mutual fund investment
opportunities, the number who decide to invest in mutual funds increases to as many as one in
five people. The trick for converting a person with no knowledge of mutual funds to a new
Mutual Fund customer is to understand which of the potential investors are more likely to buy
mutual funds and to use the right arguments in the sales process that customers will accept as
important and relevant to their decision.
This Project gave me a great learning experience and at the same time it gave me enough scope
to implement my analytical ability.. This Report will help to know about the investors
Preferences in Mutual Fund means Are they prefer any particular Asset Management Company
(AMC), Which type of Product they prefer, Which Option (Growth or Dividend) they prefer or
Which Investment Strategy they follow (Systematic Investment Plan or One time Plan). This
Project as a whole can be divided into two parts.
The first part gives an insight about Mutual Fund and its various aspects, the Company Profile,
Objectives of the study, Research Methodology. One can have a brief knowledge about Mutual
Fund and its basics through the Project. The second part of the Project consists of data and its
analysis collected through survey done on 50 people. For the collection of Primary data I made
a questionnaire and surveyed of 50 people. I have also taken interview of many People those
who were coming at the SBI Branch where I done my Project. The data collected has been well
organized and presented. I hope the research findings and conclusion will be of use.


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Executive Summary

Chapter - 1


Chapter - 2


Chapter - 3


Chapter- 4





Chapter 7







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What is a Mutual fund?
Mutual fund is an investment company that pools money from shareholders and invests in a variety
of securities, such as stocks, bonds and money market instruments. Most open-end Mutual funds
stand ready to buy back (redeem) its shares at their current net asset value, which depends on the
total market value of the fund's investment portfolio at the time of redemption. Most open-end
Mutual funds continuously offer new shares to investors. Also known as an open-end investment
company, to differentiate it from a closed-end investment company. Mutual funds invest pooled cash
of many investors to meet the fund's stated investment objective. Mutual funds stand ready to sell
and redeem their shares at any time at the fund's current net

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asset value: total fund assets divided by shares outstanding.

In Simple Words, Mutual fund is a mechanism for pooling the resources by issuing units to the
investors and investing funds in securities in accordance with objectives as disclosed in offer
document. Investments in securities are spread across a wide cross-section of industries and
sectors and thus the risk is reduced. Diversification reduces the risk because all stocks may not
move in the same direction in the same proportion at the same time. Mutual fund issues units
to the investors in accordance with quantum of money invested by them. Investors of Mutual
funds are known as unit holders. The profits or losses are shared by the investors in proportion
to their investments. The Mutual funds normally come out with a number of schemes with
different investment objectives which are launched from time to time. In India, A Mutual fund
is required to be registered with Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) which
regulates securities markets before it can collect funds from the public. In Short, a Mutual fund
is a common pool of money in to which investors with common investment objective place
their contributions that are to be invested in accordance with the stated investment objective of

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the scheme. The investment manager would invest the money collected from the investor in to
assets that are defined/ permitted by the stated objective of the scheme. For example, an equity
fund would invest equity and equity related instruments and a debt fund would invest in bonds,
debentures, gilts etc. Mutual fund is a suitable investment for the common man as it offers an
opportunity to invest in a diversified, professionally managed basket of securities at a
relatively low cost.
A Mutual Fund is a trust that pools the savings of a number of investors who share a common
financial goal. The money thus collected is invested by the fund manager in different types of
securities depending upon the objective of the scheme. These could range from shares to
debentures to money market instruments. The income earned in these investments and the
capital appreciation realized by the scheme is shared by its unit holders in proportion to the
number of units owned by them. Thus a Mutual Fund is the most suitable investment for the
common man as it offers an opportunity to invest in a diversified, professionally managed
portfolio at a relatively low cost. Anybody with an invest able surplus of a few thousand rupees
can invest in Mutual Funds. Each Mutual Fund scheme has a defined investment objective and
A mutual fund is the ideal investment vehicle for todays complex and modern financial
scenario. Markets for equity shares, bonds and other fixed income instruments, real estate,
derivatives and other assets have become mature and information driven. Price changes in these
assets are driven by global events occurring in faraway places. A typical individual is unlikely
to have the knowledge, skills, inclination and time to keep track of events, understand their
implications and act speedily.

A mutual fund is answer to all these situations. It appoints professionally qualified and
experienced staff that manages each of these functions on a fulltime basis. The large pool of
money collected in the fund allows it to hire such staff at a very low cost to each investor. In
fact, the mutual fund vehicle exploits economies of scale in all three areas research,
investment and transaction processing.

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A draft offer document is to be prepared at the time of launching the fund. Typically, it pre
specifies the investment objective of the fund, the risk associated, the cost involved in the
process and the broad rules for entry into and exit from the fund and other areas of operation. In
India, as

in most countries, these sponsors need approval from a regulator, SEBI in our case. SEBI looks
at track records of the sponsor and its financial strength in granting approval to the fund for
commencing operations.

A sponsor then hires an asset management company to invest the funds according to the
investment objective. It also hires another entity to be the custodian of the assets of the fund
and perhaps a third one to handle registry work for the unit holders of the fund.In the Indian
context, the sponsors promote the Asset Management Company also,in which it holds a
majority stake. In many cases a sponsor can hold a 100% stake in the Asset Management
Company (AMC). E.g. Birla Global Finance is the sponsor of the Birla Sun Life Asset
Management Company Ltd., which has floated different mutual funds schemes and also acts as
an asset manager for the funds collected under the schemes.

As per SEBI regulations, mutual funds can offer guaranteed returns for a maximum period of
one year. In case returns are guaranteed, the name of the guarantor and how the guarantee
would be honored is required to be disclosed in the offer document.

Investments in securities are spread across a wide cross-section of industries and sectors and
thus the risk is reduced. Diversification reduces the risk because all stocks may not move in the
same direction in the same proportion at the same time. Mutual fund issues units to the
investors in accordance with quantum of money invested by them. Investors of mutual funds
are known as unit holders.

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A mutual fund uses the money collected from investors to buy those assets which are
specifically permitted by its stated investment objective. Thus, an equity fund would
buy equity assets ordinary shares, preference shares, warrants etc. A bond fund would
buy debt instruments such as debentures, bonds or government securities. It is these
assets which are owned by the investors in the same proportion as their contribution
bears to the total contributions of all investors put together.

Any change in the value of the investments made into capital market instruments (such
as shares, debentures etc) is reflected in the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the scheme. NAV
is defined as the market value of the Mutual Fund scheme's assets net of its liabilities.
NAV of a scheme is calculated by dividing the market value of scheme's assets by the
total number of units issued to the investors.

A Mutual Fund is an investment tool that allows small investors access to a welldiversified portfolio of equities, bonds and other securities. Each shareholder

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participates in the gain or loss of the fund. Units are issued and can be redeemed as
needed. The funds Net Asset value (NAV) is determined each day.

When an investor subscribes to a mutual fund, he or she buys a part of the assets or the
pool of funds that are outstanding at that time. It is no different from buying shares
of joint stock Company, in which case the purchase makes the investor a part owner of
the company and its assets. However, whether the investor gets fund shares or units is
only a matter of legal distinction.

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A Mutual Fund is a trust that pools the savings of a number of investors who share a
common financial goal. The money thus collected is then invested in capital market
instruments such as shares, debentures and other securities. The income earned through
these investments and the capital appreciation realized is shared by its unit holders in
proportion to the number of units owned by them. Thus Mutual fund is most suitable
investment for the common man as it offers an opportunity to invest in a diversified,
professionally managed basket of securities at a relatively low cost.


From the above chart , it can be observed that how the money from the investors flow
and they get returns out of it. With a small amount of fund, investors pool their money
with the funds managers. Taking into consideration the market strategy the funds
managers invest this pool of money into reliable securities. With ups and downs in

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market returns are generated and they are passed on to the investors. The above cycle
should be very clear and also effective.
The fund manager while investing on behalf of investors takes into consideration various
factors like time, risk, return, etc. so that he can make proper investment decision.



Professional Management.
The major advantage of investing in a mutual fund is that you get a professional money manager to
manage your investments for a small fee. You can leave the investment decisions to him and only
have to monitor the performance of the fund at regular intervals.


Considered the essential tool in risk management, mutual funds make it possible for even small
investors to diversify their portfolio. A mutual fund can effectively diversify its portfolio because of

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the large corpus. However, a small investor cannot have a well-diversified portfolio because it calls
for large investment. For example, a modest portfolio of 10 bluechip stocks calls for a few a few

Convenient Administration.

Mutual funds offer tailor-made solutions like systematic investment plans and systematic withdrawal
plans to investors, which is very convenient to investors. Investors also do not have to worry about
investment decisions, they do not have to deal with brokerage or depository, etc. for buying or
selling of securities. Mutual funds also offer specialized schemes like retirement plans, childrens
plans, industry specific schemes, etc. to suit personal preference of investors. These schemes also
help small investors with asset allocation of their corpus. It also saves a lot of paper work.

Costs Effectiveness

A small investor will find that the mutual fund route is a cost-effective method (the AMC fee is
normally 2.5%) and it also saves a lot of transaction cost as mutual funds get concession from
brokerages. Also, the investor gets the service of a financial professional for a very small fee. If he
were to seek a financial advisor's help directly, he will end up paying significantly more for
investment advice. Also, he will need to have a sizeable corpus to offer for investment management
to be eligible for an investment advisers services.


You can liquidate your investments within 3 to 5 working days (mutual funds dispatch redemption
cheques speedily and also offer direct credit facility into your bank account i.e. Electronic Clearing


Mutual funds offer daily NAVs of schemes, which help you to monitor your investments on a regular
basis. They also send quarterly newsletters, which give details of the portfolio, performance of

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schemes against various benchmarks, etc. They are also well regulated and Sebi monitors their
actions closely.

Tax benefits

You do not have to pay any taxes on dividends issued by mutual funds. You also have the advantage
of capital gains taxation. Tax-saving schemes and pension schemes give you the added advantage of
benefits under section 88.


Mutual funds allow you to invest small sums. For instance, if you want to buy a portfolio of
blue chips of modest size, you should at least have a few lakhs of rupees. A mutual fund gives
you the same portfolio for meager investment of Rs.1,000-5,000. A mutual fund can do that
because it collects money from many people and it has a large corpus.


Professional Management
Did you notice how we qualified the advantage of professional management with the word
"theoretically"? Many investors debate over whether or not the so-called professionals are any better
than you or I at picking stocks. Management is by no means infallible, and, even if the fund loses
money, the manager still takes his/her cut. We'll talk about this in detail in a later section.

Mutual funds don't exist solely to make your life easier--all funds are in it for a profit. The Mutual
fund industry is masterful at burying costs under layers of jargon. These costs are so complicated
that in this tutorial we have devoted an entire section to the subject.


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It's possible to have too much diversification (this is explained in our article entitled "Are You OverDiversified?"). Because funds have small holdings in so many different companies, high returns
from a few investments often don't make much difference on the overall return. Dilution is also the
result of a successful fund getting too big. When money pours into funds that have had strong
success, the manager often has trouble finding a good investment for all the new money.

When making decisions about your money, fund managers don't consider your personal tax situation.
For example, when a fund manager sells a security, a capital-gain tax is triggered, which affects how
profitable the individual is from the sale. It might have been more advantageous for the individual to
defer the capital gains liability.
Equity funds, if selected in the right manner and in the right proportion, have the ability to play an
important role in achieving most long-term objectives of investors in different segments. While the
selection process becomes much easier if you get advice from professionals, it is equally important
to know certain aspects of equity investing yourself to do justice to your hard earned money.

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Open Ended Schemes.

Close Ended Schemes.

Interval Schemes.


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Growth Schemes.

Income Schemes.

Balanced Schemes.



Tax Saving Schemes.

Special Schemes.

Index Schemes.

Sector Specific Schemes.


The units offered by these schemes are available for sale and repurchase on any business day at NAV
based prices. Hence, the unit capital of the schemes keeps changing each day. Such schemes thus
offer very high liquidity to investors and are becoming increasingly popular in India. Please note that
an open-ended fund is NOT obliged to keep selling/issuing new units at all times, and may stop
issuing further subscription to new investors. On the other hand, an open-ended fund rarely denies to
its investor the facility to redeem existing units.



The unit capital of a close-ended product is fixed as it makes a one-time sale of fixed number of
units. These schemes are launched with an initial public offer (IPO) with a stated maturity period
after which the units are fully redeemed at NAV linked prices. In the interim, investors can buy or
sell units on the stock exchanges where they are listed. Unlike open-ended schemes, the unit capital
in closed-ended schemes usually remains unchanged. After an initial closed period, the scheme may
offer direct repurchase facility to the investors. Closed-ended schemes are usually more illiquid as
compared to open-ended schemes and hence trade at a discount to the NAV. This discount tends
towards the NAV closer to the maturity date of the scheme.

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These schemes combine the features of open-ended and closed-ended schemes. They may be traded
on the stock exchange or may be open for sale or redemption during pre-determined intervals at
NAV based prices.


These schemes, also commonly called Equity Schemes, seek to invest a majority of their funds in
equities and a small portion in money market instruments. Such schemes have the potential to
deliver superior returns over the long term. However, because they invest in equities, these schemes
are exposed to fluctuations in value especially in the short term.


These schemes, also commonly called Debt Schemes, invest in debt securities such as corporate
bonds, debentures and government securities. The prices of these schemes tend to be more stable
compared with equity schemes and most of the returns to the investors are generated through
dividends or steady capital appreciation. These schemes are ideal for conservative investors or those
not in a position to take higher equity risks, such as retired individuals. However, as compared to the
money market schemes they do have a higher price fluctuation risk and compared to a Gilt fund they
have a higher credit risk.


These schemes are commonly known as Hybrid schemes. These schemes invest in both equities as
well as debt. By investing in a mix of this nature, balanced schemes seek to attain the objective of
income and moderate capital appreciation and are ideal for investors with a conservative, long-term


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Investors are being encouraged to invest in equity markets through Equity Linked Savings Scheme
(ELSS) by offering them a tax rebate. Units purchased cannot be assigned / transferred/ pledged /
redeemed / switched out until completion of 3 years from the date of allotment of the respective
The Scheme is subject to Securities & Exchange Board of India (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996
and the notifications issued by the Ministry of Finance (Department of Economic Affairs),
Government of India regarding ELSS.
Subject to such conditions and limitations, as prescribed under Section 88 of the Income-tax Act,



The primary purpose of an Index is to serve as a measure of the performance of the market as a
whole, or a specific sector of the market. An Index also serves as a relevant benchmark to evaluate
the performance of mutual funds. Some investors are interested in investing in the market in general
rather than investing in any specific fund. Such investors are happy to receive the returns posted by
the markets. As it is not practical to invest in each and every stock in the market in proportion to its
size, these investors are comfortable investing in a fund that they believe is a good representative of
the entire market. Index Funds are launched and managed for such investors.



Sector Specific Schemes generally invests money in some specified sectors for example: Real
Estate Specialized real estate funds would invest in real estates directly, or may fund real estate
developers or lend to them directly or buy shares of housing finance companies or may even buy
their securitized assets.

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1. FORTIS Mutual fund
2. Alliance Capital Mutual fund,
3. AIG Global Investment Group Mutual fund
4. Benchmark Mutual fund,
5. Baroda Pioneer Mutual fund
6. Birla Mutual fund
7. Bharti AXA Mutual fund
8. Canara Robeco Mutual fund
9. CRB Mutual fund (Suspended)
10. DBS Chola Mutual fund,
11. Deutsche Mutual fund
12. DSP Blackrock Mutual fund,
13. Edelweiss Mutual fund
14. Escorts Mutual fund,
15. Franklin Templeton Mutual fund
16. Fidelity Mutual fund
17. Goldman Sachs Mutual fund
18. HDFC Mutual fund,
19. HSBC Mutual fund
20. ICICI Securities Fund,

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21. IL & FS Mutual fund,
22. ING Mutual fund,
23. ICICI Prudential Mutual fund
24. IDFC Mutual fund,
25. JM Financial Mutual fund
26. JP Morgan Mutual fund
27. Kotak Mahindra Mutual fund,
29. LIC Mutual fund
31. Morgan Stanley Mutual fund
32. Mirae Asset Mutual fund
33. Principal Mutual fund
34. Quantum Mutual fund,
35. Reliance Mutual fund
36. Religare AEGON Mutual fund
37. Sahara Mutual fund,
38. SBI Mutual fund
39. Shriram Mutual fund
40. Sundaram BNP Paribas Mutual fund,
41. Taurus Mutual fund
42. Tata Mutual fund,
43. UTI Mutual fund

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1. Systematic Investment Plan: under this a fixed sum is invested each month on a
fixed date of a month. Payment is made through post dated cheques or direct debit
facilities. The investor gets fewer units when the NAV is high and more units when
the NAV is low. This is called as the benefit of Rupee Cost Averaging (RCA)
2. Systematic Transfer Plan: under this an investor invest in debt oriented fund
and give instructions to transfer a fixed sum, at a fixed interval, to an equity scheme
of the same mutual fund.
3. Systematic Withdrawal Plan: if someone wishes to withdraw from a mutual
fund then he can withdraw a fixed amount each month.

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WHY INVESTOR NEEDS MUTUAL FUND :Mutual funds offer benefits, which are too significant to miss out. Any investment has to be
judged on the yardstick of return, liquidity and safety. Convenience and tax efficiency are
the other benchmarks relevant in mutual fund investment. In the wonderful game of
financial safety and returns are the tows opposite goals and investors cannot be nearer to
both at the same time. The crux of mutual fund investing is averaging the risk.

Many investors possibly dont know that considering returns alone, many mutual funds
have outperformed a host of other investment products. Mutual funds have historically
delivered yields averaging between 9% to 25% over a medium to long time frame. The
duration is important because like wise, mutual funds return taste bitter with the passage of
time. Investors should be prepared to lock in their investments preferably for 3 years in an
income fund and 5 years in an equity funds. Liquid funds of course, generate returns even
in a short term.

MUTUAL FUND RISK:Mutual funds face risks based on the investments they hold. For example, a bond fund faces
interest rate risk and income risk. Bond values are inversely related to interest rates. If
interest rates go up, bond values will go down and vice versa. Bond income is also affected
by the changes in interest rates. Bond yields are directly related to interest rates falling as
interest rates fall and rising as interest rates.
Similarly, a sector stock fund is at risk that its price will decline due to developments in its
industry. A stock fund that invests across many industries is more sheltered from this risk
defined as industry risk.
Followings are glossary of some risks to consider when investing in mutual funds:-

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COUNTRY RISK :- The possibility that political events (a war, national election),
financial problems (rising inflation, government default), or natural disasters will
weaken a countrys economy and cause investments in that country to decline.

INCOME RISK :The possibility that political events (a war, national election), financial problems
(rising inflation, government default), or natural disasters will weaken a countrys
economy and cause investments in that country to decline.

MARKET RISK :The possibility that stock fund or bond fund prices overall will decline over short or
even extended periods. Stock and bond markets tend to move in cycles, with periods
when prices rise and other periods when prices fall.


This graph shows risk and return impact on various mutual funds. There is a direct
relationship between risks and return, i.e. schemes with higher risk also have potential
to provide higher returns

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Our Identity
With 28 years of rich experience in fund management, we at SBI Funds Management Pvt. Ltd.
bring forward our expertise by consistently delivering value to our investors. We have a strong
and proud lineage that traces back to the State Bank of India (SBI) - India's largest bank. We are
a Joint Venture between SBI and AMUNDI (France), one of the world's leading fund
management companies.
With our network of over 222 points of acceptance across India, we deliver value and nurture the
trust of our vast and varied family of investors.
Excellence has no substitute. And to ensure excellence right from the first stage of product
development to the post-investment stage, we are ably guided by our philosophy of growth
through innovation and our stable investment policies. This dedication is what helps our
customers achieve their financial objectives.
Our Vision
To be the most preferred and the largest fund house for all asset classes, with a consistent track
record of excellent returns and best standards in customer service, product innovation,
technology and HR practices.
Our Services
Mutual Funds
Investors are our priority. Our mission has been to establish Mutual Funds as a viable investment
option to the masses in the country. Working towards it, we developed innovative, need-specific
products and educated the investors about the added benefits of investing in capital markets via
Mutual Funds.

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Today, we have been actively managing our investor's assets not only through our investment
expertise in domestic mutual funds, but also offshore funds and portfolio management advisory
services for institutional investors.
This makes us one of the largest investment management firms in India, managing investment
mandates of over 5.4 million investors.
Portfolio Management and Advisory Services
SBI Funds Management has emerged as one of the largest player in India advising various
financial institutions, pension funds, and local and international asset management companies.
We have excelled by understanding our investor's requirements and terms of risk / return
expectations, based on which we suggest customized asset portfolio recommendations. We also
provide an integrated end-to-end customized asset management solution for institutions in terms
of advisory service, discretionary and non-discretionary portfolio management services.
Offshore Funds
SBI Funds Management has been successfully managing and advising India's dedicated offshore
funds since 1988. SBI Funds Management was the 1st bank sponsored asset management
company fund to launch an offshore fund called 'SBI Resurgent India Opportunities Fund' with
an objective to provide our investors with opportunities for long-term growth in capital, through
well-researched investments in a diversified basket of stocks of Indian Companies.

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Mr. Dinesh Kumar Khara

Mr. Philippe Batchevitch


Deputy CEO

Mr. L. Pattabhiraman

Mr. Navneet Munot

Executive Director & Chief Operating


Executive Director & Chief Investment


Mr. R. S. Srinivas Jain

Mr. D. P. Singh

Executive Director & Chief Marketing

Officer (Strategy and International

Executive Director & Chief Marketing

Officer (Domestic Business)

Ms. Aparna Nirgude

Mr. Rakesh Kaushik

Chief Risk Officer

Senior Vice President (Accounts &


Ms. Vinaya Datar

Mr. Rohidas Nakashe

CS & Compliance Officer

Head - Customer Service


Ms.Arundhati Bhattacharya

Mr. Dinesh Kumar Khara

Chairman and Associate Director

Managing Director & CEO

Mr. Shishir Joshipura

Mr. Vellur Gopalaraghavan Kannan

Independent Director

Independent Director

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Mrs. Madhu Dubhashi

Mr. Fathi Jerfel

Independent Director

Associate Director

Mr. Jashvant Raval

Mr. Philippe Batchevitch

Independent Director

Alternate Director to Mr. Jerfel

Mr. Om Prakash Gahrotra

Independent Director
Mr. Thierry Raymond Mequillet
Associate Director
Dr. Prafulla Agnihotri
Independent Director

We had 30,500 AMFI certified Agents as on 31st March, 2014 as against 31,083 AMFI certified
Agents as on 31st March, 2013. The number of AMFI certified Agents came down as several
Agents did not renew their ARNs and New Agents enrolment also came down due to changed
regulatory environment making retail IFA model unviable. The number of AMFI certified
employees in State Bank Group, however, increased to 20,491 as on 31st March, 2014 from
20,166 as on 31st March, 2013. As on 31st March, 2014, SBI Mutual Fund had 29 Investor
Service Centres, 122 Investor Service Desks, 8 Investor Service Points and 1 Overseas Points of

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Schemes Of SBI Mutual Fund

A. Equity Schemes
B. Debt & Liquid Schemes

A. Equity Schemes SnapShot :

SBI BlueChip Fund
SBI Magnum Balance Fund
\SBI Magnum Global Fund
SBI Magnum MidCap Fund
SBI Magnum TaxGain Scheme
ASBI Contra Fund
SBI Magnum Multiplier Fund
SBI Magnum MultiCap Fund
SBI Magnum Comma Fund
SBI Emerging Businesses Fund
SBI I.T Fund
SBI Small and Midcap Fund
SBI Gold Fund
4 Most Preferable Schemes :
SBI BlueChip Fund: (an open ended growth scheme)

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Minimum investment: Rs 5000 & in multiples of Re 1

Additional Investement: Rs 1000 & in multiples of Re 1
Exit Load: For exit within 1 year from the date of allotment ---_1%
After 1 year from date of allotment : Nil
Plans Available : Regular & Direct
SIP : Monthly : a minimum Rs 1000 for minimum 6 months or
minimum Rs 500 for minimum 1 year
Quaterly: Minimum Rs 1500 and in multiples of Re 1 thereafter for
minimum 1 year

SBI Magnum Balance Fund: ( an Open ended Balanced Scheme)

Minimum investment: Rs 5000 & in multiples of Re 1
Additional Investement: Rs 1000 & in multiples of Re 1

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Exit Load: For exit within 12 months from the date of allotment
After 12 months from date of allotment : Nil
Plans Available : Regular & Direct
SIP : Monthly : a minimum Rs 1000 for minimum 6 months or
minimum Rs 500 for minimum 1 year
Quaterly: Minimum Rs 1500 and in multiples of Re 1 thereafter for
minimum 1 year
SBI Contra Fund: ( Open ended Equity fund)
Minimum investment: Rs 5000 & in multiples of Re 1
Additional Investement: Rs 1000 & in multiples of Re 1
Exit Load: For exit within 1 year from the date of allotment ---_1%
After 1 year from date of allotment : Nil
Plans Available : Regular & Direct

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SIP : Monthly : a minimum Rs 1000 for minimum 6 months or

minimum Rs 500 for minimum 1 year
Quaterly: a minimum Rs.1500 and in multiples of Re 1 thereafter for
minimum 1 year.

SBI Magnum Tax Gain Scheme: (Open ended Equity Linked

Savings Scheme)
Minimum investment: Rs 500 & in multiples of Rs 500
Additional Investement: Rs 500 & in multiples of Rs 500
Exit Load: NIL
Plans Available : Regular & Direct
SIP : Rs 500 and in multiples of Rs 500

SBI Magnum MultiCap Fund: (an Open Ended Growth Scheme)

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Minimum investment: Rs 1000 & in multiples of Re 1

Additional Investement: Rs 1000 & in multiples of Re 1
Exit Load: NIL (w.e.f. September,01,2014
Plans Available : Regular & Direct
SIP : Monthly : a minimum Rs 1000 for minimum 6 months or
minimum Rs 500 for minimum 1 year
Quaterly: Minimum Rs 1500 and in multiples of Re1 thereafter for
minimum 1 year
SBI Small and MidCap Fund: (Open Ended Equity Scheme):
Minimum investment: Rs 5000 & in multiples of Re 1
Additional Investement: Rs 1000 & in multiples of Re 1
Exit Load: For exit within 1 year from the date of allotment ---_1%
After 1 year from date of allotment : Nil

P a g e | 37

Plans Available : Regular & Direct

SIP : Monthly : a minimum Rs 1000 for minimum 6 months or
minimum Rs 500 for minimum 1 year
Quaterly: Minimum Rs 1500 and in multiples of Re 1 thereafter for
minimum 1 year

B. Debt & Liquid Schemes:

SBI Magnum Monthly Income Plan
SBI Magnum Income Fund
SBI Magnum Children Benefit Plan
SBI Ultra Short term Debt Fund
SBI Short term Debt Fund
SBI Savings Fund
SBI Dynamic Bond Fund
SBI Regular Savings Fund
SBI Corporate Bond Fund
SBI Magnum Gilt Fund-Short Term Plan
SBI Magnum Gilt Fund-Long Term Plan
SBI Inflation Indexed Bond Fund
Preferable Debt & Liquid Schemes:
SBI Short term Debt Fund: ( an Open ended income scheme)

P a g e | 38

Minimum investment: Rs 5000 & in multiples of Re 1

Additional Investement: Rs 1000 & in multiples of Re 1
Exit Load: For exit within 90 days from the date of allotment
After 90 days from date of allotment : Nil
Plans Available : Regular & Direct
SIP : Monthly : a minimum Rs 1000 for minimum 6 months or
minimum Rs 500 for minimum 1 year
Quaterly: Minimum Rs 1500 and in multiples of Re 1 thereafter for
minimum 1 year

SBI Magnum Childerns benefit plan: (Open ended income scheme)

Minimum investment: Rs 5000 & in multiples of Re 1
Additional Investement: Rs 1000 & in multiples of Re 1

P a g e | 39

Exit Load:within 1 year 3% within 2 years 2%, within 3 years

-1% . above 3 years_ NIL
After 12 months from date of allotment : Nil
Plans Available : Regular & Direct
SIP : Monthly : a minimum Rs 1000 for minimum 6 months or
minimum Rs 500 for minimum 1 year
Quaterly: Minimum Rs 1500 and in multiples of Re 1 thereafter for
minimum 1 year

SBI Magnum Income Fund: (an open ended Debt Scheme) :

Minimum investment: Rs 5000 & in multiples of Re 1
Additional Investement: Rs 1000 & in multiples of Re 1
Exit Load: For exit within 1 year from the date of allotment ---_
For 10% of investment_ NIL

P a g e | 40

For remaining investment 1%

For exit after 1 year from the date of allotment NIL
Plans Available : Regular & Direct
SIP : Monthly : a minimum Rs 1000 for minimum 6 months or
minimum Rs 500 for minimum 1 year
Quaterly: Minimum Rs 1500 and in multiples of Re 1 thereafter for
minimum 1 year

SBI Savings Fund: (an Open ended Debt Fund)

Minimum investment: Rs 5000 & in multiples of Re 1
Additional Investement: Rs 1000 & in multiples of Re 1
Exit Load: within 3 business days from the date of allotment 0.10 %
For exit after 3 business days from the date of allotment NIL
After 12 months from date of allotment : Nil

P a g e | 41

Plans Available : Regular & Direct

SIP : Monthly : a minimum Rs 1000 for minimum 6 months or
minimum Rs 500 for minimum 1 year
Quaterly: Minimum Rs 1500 and in multiples of Re 1 thereafter for
minimum 1 year

SBI Regular Savings Fund: (Open ended income scheme)

Minimum investment: Rs 5000 & in multiples of Re 1
Additional Investement: Rs 1000 & in multiples of Re 1
Exit Load: For exit within 1 year from the date of allotment ---_1%
After 1 year from date of allotment : Nil
Plans Available : Regular & Direct
SIP : Monthly : a minimum Rs 1000 for minimum 6 months or
minimum Rs 500 for minimum 1 year

P a g e | 42

Quaterly: Minimum Rs 1500 and in multiples of Re 1 thereafter for

minimum 1 year
SBI Corporate Bond Fund (An open ended debt fund)
Minimum investment: Rs 5000 & in multiples of Re 1
Additional Investement: Rs 1000 & in multiples of Re 1
Exit Load: For exit within 12 months from the date of allotment
After 12 months within 24 months from date of allotment : 1.5%
For exit after 24 months but within 36 months from the date of
allotment 0.75%
For exit after 36 months from the date of allotment _ NIL
Plans Available : Regular & Direct
SIP : Monthly : a minimum Rs 1000 for minimum 6 months or
minimum Rs 500 for minimum 1 year

P a g e | 43

Quaterly: Minimum Rs 1500 and in multiples of Re 1 thereafter for

minimum 1 year

P a g e | 44

Essential Documents Required for Mutual Funds:

Application Form
This is the most basic requirement. If you wish to start a systematic
investment plan (SIP), you need to fill in two forms. One to open an
account with the mutual fund and the other to specify your SIP details
such as frequency, monthly instalment amount, and so on.
If you are investing afresh in a mutual fund (MF) scheme, both the
above mentioned forms are
KYC And PAN Card
Effective 1 January, know-your-client
(KYC) norms have been made
mandatory for everyone who wishes
to invest in an MF. All you need to do
is to submit your KYC acknowledgement along with your MF
investment form. You no longer need to submit copies of your
Permanent Account Number (PAN) card since your KYC-compliance
proves that you already have PAN. Before KYC was made mandatory
for all, you needed to submit your PAN card copy if your investment
amount was Rs 50,000 (KYCs minimal threshold limit at that time) or
Visit and click on Inquiry on KYC. A small
window will pop up on your screen that will ask for your PAN card
number. Fill it up and submit. If your KYC is approved, you will get a
notification on the screen saying so. You need to take a printout of it as

P a g e | 45

Blank Cheque
Typically, a blank cancelled cheque is not mandatory when you start
your SIP these days. But if you wish to start an SIP straightaway without
investing the minimal amount, its best that you give a cancelled blank
cheque to facilitate an electronic clearing system (ECS) mandate. This is
to ensure that your cheque details like the magnetic ink character
recognition (MICR) code, Indian Financial System Code (IFSC), apart
from your account number and others are appropriately captured. This is
required for opening an SIP. However, if you are investing an amount by
giving a cheque and wish to start an SIP starting from the next month,
your first investment cheque is enough, even if you give both the forms
For Minors
If you wish to invest in the name of a minor, you need to fill in a thirdparty declaration form. Only parents are allowed to invest on behalf of
their children. Documents that establish the parents relationship with
the child should be submitted; for example, a passport. If the child has
no parents in case of an eventuality, then a court-appointed guardian can
invest if necessary documentary proof is submitted to establish the
relationship between the minor child and the guardian.

Once the KYC is formed,a folio no is generated to the customer.

P a g e | 46


1. The analyze the awareness level of investors of mutual funds.
2. An attempt has been made to measure various variables playing in the minds of investors in
terms of safety, liquidity, service, returns, and tax saving.
3. To get insight knowledge about mutual funds
4. To know the awareness of mutual funds among different groups of investors.
5. To find out the Preference of the investors for Asset Management of company.
6. To know why one has invested in SBI Mutual Funds.
7. To find out the most preference channel.
8. To find out what should do to boost Mutual Fund Industry.


To study the general criteria for investing and applying in Mutual Funds.


A big boom has been witnessed in Mutual Fund Industry in resent times. A large
number of new players have entered the market and trying to gain market share in this
rapidly improving market.
The study will help to know the preferences of the customers, which company,
portfolio, mode of investment, option for getting return and so on they prefer. This
project report may help the company to make further planning and strategy.

P a g e | 47

My research project has a specified framework for collecting the data in an effective manner.
Such framework is called RESEARCH DESIGN. The research process which was followed by
me consisted following steps.
The problem at hand was to study and measure the awareness level of people regarding mutual
funds in the city.

A descriptive Research Design method was applied for the project.

The development of Research Plan has the following Steps:
1. DATA SOURCES: Two types of data were taken into consideration i.e. Secondary data &
primary data. My major emphasis was on gathering the primary data. The secondary data has
been used to make things more clear.

Primary Data: Direct collection of data from the source of information, technology
including personal interviewing, survey etc.


Secondary Data: Indirect collection of data from sources containing past or recent past
information like Banks Brochures, Annual publications, Books, Fact sheets of mutual
funds, Newspaper & Magazines etc.
A questionnaire was constructed for my survey. Questionnaire consisting of a set of questions
made to be filled by various respondents.

The sampling plan calls for three decisions.

P a g e | 48
a) Sampling Unit: I have completed my survey in Jammu City, J&K
b) Sample Size: The sample consisted of 50 respondents. The sample was drawn from walk
in customers of SBI MUTUAL FUND. The selection of the respondents was done on the
basis of simple random sampling.
c) Contact Methods
I have contacted the respondents through personal communication.
After this, I have collected the information from the respondents with the help of
The next step is to extract the pertinent findings from the collected data. I have tabulated the
collected data & developed frequency distributions. Thus the whole data was grouped aspect
wise and was presented in tabular form. Thus, frequencies & percentages were prepared to
render impact of the study.
This was the last step of the survey.


P a g e | 49
1) Do you invest your saving in mutual fund? (Investment Willingness)

Number Of Respondents







We observe that 68% of all the respondents invest in mutual fund. We have got 32% of
our total respondents who do not invest in any mutual fund at all.

2) Do you have complete information about mutual fund? (Awareness Level)


Number Of Respondents





Not Much







Not Much

We observe that 56% of all the respondents have complete information of mutual funds.
We have got 24% of our total respondents who do not have complete information of mutual fund
at all and 20% of our total respondents have some information of mutual fund.

P a g e | 50

3) Are you an investor, who is interested in getting good deduction from tax?
(Interested in Tax Deduction)

Number Of Respondents









We observe that 89% of all the respondents are interested in getting good deduction from
tax. We have got 11% of our total respondents who are not interested in getting good deduction
from tax at all.

4) Do you know mutual fund is a good instrument of tax saving? (Awareness for Tax


Number Of Respondents







P a g e | 51



We observe that 76% of all the respondents knows mutual fund is a good instrument of
tax saving. We have got 24% of our total respondents who are mutual fund is a good instrument
of tax saving.

5) Among which of the following income group you fall? (Income Group)
Income group

Number Of Respondents

Upto 1,00,000





3,00,001 & more



P a g e | 52


We observe that 25% of all the respondents fall under income group of less than
1,00,000. We have got 60% of our total respondents fall under income group of 1,00,0012,00,000 and 10% of our respondents fall under income group of 2,00,001-3,00,000 while 5% of
our respondents fall under income group of 3,00,000 & more.

6) Which are the investments you hold at present? (Investment Holding)


Number Of Respondents

Equity market


Mutual fund


Govt. bond

Real estate

Bank FD


Post office




P a g e | 53
(in terms of percentage)

We observed that many respondents invest in more than one instrument of saving. The
people are not channelizing all of their savings in just one Investment Avenue.

7) What is the Basic purpose of your investments? (Purpose for Investment)

Investment purpose

Number Of Respondents

High return


Tax benefit



Wealth creation

Risk diversification



P a g e | 54


(graph shown in terms of percentage)

We observe that 20% of all the respondents Invest for the purpose of high return, 18%
Invest for the purpose of tax benefit, 45% Invest for the purpose of saving, 10% Invest for the
purpose of wealth creation , 7% Invest for the purpose of risk diversification.

8) What returns do you receive at present from all your investments? (Returns from

Investment Returns

Number Of Respondents

Less than 5%






Greater than 20%



P a g e | 55

Less than 5%
Greater than 20%

(pie chart shown in terms of percentage)

We observe that 3% of all the respondents get less than 5%, 65% of all the respondents get
between 5%-10%, 20% of all the respondents get between 10%-15%, 7% of all the respondents
get between 15%-20% and 5% of all the respondents get more than 20%.

9) Which types of funds would you like to prefer for your investment in mutual
fund? (Fund Preference)

Investment preference

Number Of Respondents

Equity fund


Debt fund

Balanced fund




P a g e | 56


Equity fund

Debt fund
Balanced fund

(pie chart shown in terms of percentage)

We observe that 64% of all the respondents prefer investment in equity fund, 12% of all
the respondents prefer investment in Debt fund, and remaining 24% of all the respondents prefer
investment in balanced fund.

10) Give your preference for tax saving plan of SBI Mutual Funds ? (SBI Tax saving

Investment Preference for


Number Of Respondents

Most preferred

Favorably preferred



Least preferred

Not preferred



P a g e | 57


(graph shown in terms of percentage)

We have observed that a large number of investors prefer SBI tax plan.

P a g e | 58


Customer education of the salaried class individuals is far below standard. Thus Asset
Management Companys need to create awareness so that the salaried class people become
the prospective customer of the future.
The target market of salaried class individual has a lot of scope to gain business, as they
are more fascinated to Mutual Funds than the self employed.
Schemes with high equity level need to be targeted towards self employed and
professionals as they require high returns and are ready to bear risk.
Salary class individuals are risk averse and thus they must be assured of the advantage of

risk diversification in Mutual Funds.

There should be given more time & concentration on the Tier-3 distributors.
The resolution of the queries should be fast enough to satisfy the distributors
Time to time presentation/training classes about the products should be there.
There should be more number of Relationship Managers in different Regions because one
RM can handle a maximum of 125 distributors efficiently and also to cover untapped

Regular session should be organized on the handling of the india infoline software so as to
resolve the account statement problem.
All the persons who have cleared the AMFI exam should be empanelled with Mutual Fund
so as to be largest distributor base.

These were my objectives of my project

P a g e | 59

To get an insight knowledge about mutual funds

Understanding the different ratios & portfolios so as to tell the distributors about these
terms, by this, managing the relationship with the distributors
To know the mutual funds performance levels in the present market
To know the awareness of mutual funds among different groups of investors.
To evaluate consumer feedback on mutual funds
Finding out ways and means to improve on the services by SBI Mutual Funds.
I satisfied my objectives of the project in the following manner
1. Complete insight knowledge about the mutual funds were mentioned in the project
2. Different ratios with complete graphical representation were explained in the project
3. To know the performance levels of the project I have done the comparative analysis of the
project using the four major leading mutual fund companies using different parameters.
4. To know the consumer awareness I have done the survey using different customers so as to
analyze the views about the mutual funds and perception of the customer in the present scenario.
4. To evaluate the ways and means to improve SBI Mutual Funds. I have mentioned various
suggestions that are listed above


P a g e | 60

Dear Sir/Madam,
I, Rajat Koul, being the student of M.S. PATEL INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES,
UNIVERSITY OF VADODRA pursuing MBA, doing an internship on a Project with title A
I therefore request you to kindly fill the questionnaire below that would enable me to complete
the said project and I assure you that the data generated shall be kept confidential.
Below 20



45 above



Place of Domicile:


Highest Educational Qualification:


Higher Secondary


Post Graduate

Q.1. Do you invest your saving in mutual fund? (Investment Willingness)



Q.2. Do you have complete information about mutual fund? (Awareness Level)



Q.3. Are you an investor, who is interested in getting good deduction from tax? (Interested
in Tax Deduction)

P a g e | 61


Q.4. Do you know mutual fund is a good instrument of tax saving? (Awareness for Tax


Q.5. Among which of the following income group you fall? (Income Group)


Q.6 Which are the investments you hold at present? (Investment Holding)
Equity Market

Mutual Funds

Govt. Bonds

Bank FDs

Post Office


Real Estate

Q. 7. What is the Basic purpose of your investments? (Purpose for Investment)

High Return
Wealth Creation

Tax Benefit


Risk Diversification

Q. 8. What returns do you receive at present from all your investments? (Returns from
Less than 5%



Greater than 20%


Q.9. Which types of funds would you like to prefer for your investment in mutual
fund? (Fund Preference)

P a g e | 62
Equity Fund

Debt Fund

Balanced Fund

Q.10. Give your preference for tax saving plan of SBI Mutual Funds ? (SBI Tax saving Plan)
Mostly Preferred

Favourably Preferred

Least Preferred

Not Preferred


P a g e | 63

Handbook of SBI Mutual Funds


Journal of Business Management, Commerce & Research Acomparitive study of

SBI Mutual Funds & Unit Trust of India

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