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CARGO WORK and MAINTENANCE A eollection of important topics for the Cargo Wark and Ship Operation functions of Phase I BY CAPT. ERROL FERNANDES Extra Master BULK CARRIER OPERATIONS Q. How can the maximum amount of cargo to be loaded in a bulk carrier be calculated? When the ship goes on a voyage through different loadline zones, she cannot - exceed the displacement as permitted by the respective zone. Hence the cargo quantity has to be calculated before loading and departure from the loading port, so that, when the vessel sails into a zone permitting lower displacement, she does not exceed the displacement as permitted by that zone taking into account the cargo, bunkers, fresh water, stores and other weights present on the vessel at the time of entering that zone. Thus the ship’s displacement will have to be calculated for every limiting port and zone on the voyage and the cargo quantity will be the least figure permitted in the calculations by which the displacement for that zone or port is not exceeded. This is illustrated with an example of a vessel on a loaded voyage trom Singapore to Rotterdam. (Please note that the figures given are imaginary and not actual.) Singapore - Suez - 15 days. Bunkering at Suez. Suez - Gibralter - 8 days Gibralter - Rotterdam - 6 days Suez - Gibralter - Summer zone Gibralter - Rotterdam - Winter zone Summer displacement - 55240 tonnes. Winter displacement —- 53650 tonnes No draft limitations at any port. Bunker consumption _- 40 tpd FO and 3 tpd DO at sea. Port consumption negligible. Fresh water generation and consumption is assumed same. a: Bh KY a Oe | ons bd Mk Dep S’pore summer 55240 700 $0 15 10240 44235 consumption (15 days) -600 45 Arr Suez summer joo 45 «1S 10240 44880 Bunkers received +560 +42 Dep Suez summer 55240 660 47 15 10240 44278 consumption (8 days) -320 0-24 Arr Gib summer 55240 340 23. 15 10240 44622 Dep Gib winter $3650 340 23 15 | 10240 43032 consumption (6 days) -240 -18 Ar Rot’dam winter 53650 100 5 15 10240 43290 Thus we can see from the above the maximum cargo that can be loaded without exceeding the displacement at any time is 43022 tonnes. However we have not taken into account any draft limitations at the port or corrections for density. If there is a draft limitation, that is also a limiting factor and the displacement will be not of the applicable load line zone but the displacement corresponding to the permissible draft (if less). Hence the cargo quantity will be such that after taking into account the other weights on board, the draft is not exceeded. If there is a density other than salt water together with the draft limitation, then the displacement will be further reduced in the ratio new density = new displacement a / old density old displacement This is especially common with river ports and while crossing a bar, etc. Note that density, by itself, is not a limitation, as the ship can submerge the applicable load line to the extent of Dock Water Allowance or Fresh Water Allowance. It is only with a draft limitation that density is also applicable. Ft Q. Describe the procedure to be followed to prepare a loading / deballasting sequence for a bulk carrier. The factors to be taken into account when loading/deballasting a bulk carrier are: 1, Stresses Stresses (i.e.shear force and bending moments) should not be excessive as this will cause the vessel to break. Thus the load should be spread out evenly between hatches to prevent excessive shear force as well as bending moments. Whenever any hold is being loaded its corresponding double bottom and wings tanks must be deballasted so that weight difference between one section of the ship and another is not excessive. Every stage of loading/deballasting must be put through the loadicator to make sure that stresses are not excessive. Thus the loading sequence will be planned in such a way that the sheer force or bending moment at any stage will not be excessive. 2. Trim The trim of the ship should be maintained so that the permissible draft at the berth is not exceeded. The trim will have to be kept within reasonable limits especially at low water. It is advisable to have a stem trim at all times especially during deballasting and stripping so that unpumpable ballast is minimum. Often tank quantities cannot be correctly estimated with a forward trim. In order to acquire the required departure trim, three hatches must be kept open. One forward and one aft which provide a reasonable timming moment without being excessive and one in the centre which provides no trimming moment but only bodily sinkage. 3._List It is not possible to keep the ship absolutely upright while loading. However when a ship lists due to excess cargo having been loaded on one side, excess cargo is loaded on the other side to compensate and keep the ship upright. Thus we have a situation where torsional stresses are set up, leading to the ship being listed along its centreline. This is a dangerous situation which 4 of the vessel. Draft surveys alsy draft checks the vessel should be ped so as to give an accurate ip is loading to her Marks, It in one of the load lines failure and loss ha situation. For Jeted or stop] could lead to structural cannot be accurate in suc! upright with the deballasting comp! 4 ifthe sh estimate of cargo remaining to be loaded. gee there can be no list on completion as that woul being submerged which is not permitted. Consider the loading sequence for a seven hold oe pul eagle 3 ca of 61,000 tonnes. No. 1 hold is slightly smaller (700! ra eee t holds (9000 ts). All stages must be checked through the hea a fo ensure that at no stage are the stresses more than the maximum permissible in harbour condition. 0. 4 in this case) before arrival unless there is an ans that the ship must have a certain minimum ween the hatch tops and the shore Deballast the ballast hold (N air draft restriction (this me: draft so that there is adequate clearance bet grabs/ loading chute.) Ist Run LOADING WEIGHT DEBALLASTING No.3 4000 No.3 DB & Forepeak tank. No.5 5000 No.5 DB 123 4 5 6 &7 wing tanks may No.1 3000 No.1] DB be deballasted either together with the No.7 5000 No.7 DB respective DB tanks or in line from No.4 4000 No.2DB _ forward depending on the air draft, No.2 4000 No.2 DB trim and stresses. No.6 4000 No.6 DB 2nd. run LOADING WEIGHT DEBALLASTING No.3 5000 Continue with an . y left over di y ak No.5 4000 tank and stripping. r eballaping, aft pe No.1 4000 Nos, 3, 5,1 & 7h . 3, 5, hatches can be cleaned, closed, No.7 4000 and battened : No.4 4000 2 No.2 4000 No.6 4000 Draft and trim check The balance cargo of approximately 3000 tonnes will be gree ea Nos. 2, 4 & 6 holds according to the trim required. Nos. 2 & pals He loaded (beginning with either one) and then when the require: me reached, the balance cargo will be dumped into No. 4 hold which will only provide bodily sinkage. Alternate hold loading It is often the case with high density cargoes such as ores, concentrates, pig iron, etc. that the ship may be asked to load in alternate holds. There are advantages and disadvantages to this method and the risks and benefits are a subject of debate to this day. From the ship's point of view, the main | consideration to be checked is whether the ship is permitted to load in alternate holds. This is evidenced by examples of alternate hold loading in the ship's stability booklet. Further the load density of the tank top must be checked and kept in mind while planning the distribution of cargo. It is tempting to put more cargo in the hold since this type of cargo occupies so less space! The main advantage of alternate hold loading is a lower GM. Because of the low centre of gravity which would result if the cargo was distributed in all holds, the ship would become excessively stiff and would behave violently in even a low swell. The G is raised and consequently GM reduced by loading in alternate holds, thus making the vessel less stiff. Other advantages include quick loading and unloading. The advantage is greater during unloading as the process of using bulldozers for scraping, collecting and discharging the end remains of cargo would be almost halved, Less hold cleaning, less damage to the holds and less we: Tesults. Besides with some holds empty, (Maintenance, inspection and surveys of these hol : ar and tear also it is possible to carry out Ids on the loaded voyage. 5 the ballast and cargo operation proceed synchronously without getting out of step. Exercise Prepare a loading sequence for M.V. Enterprise loading to her marks in alternate holds. Case History : An 80,000 dwt bulk carrier was loading iron ore in a port with limited water alongside and a restricted air draft. The load rate was 3,000 - 4,000 tph and the cargo was to he loaded in ti], 3, 5, 7 & 9 holds. The 2.0 and 3.O worked watches and the ('O was always on call handling de-ballasting. At about 1145, the vessel was one quarter loaded und about 45 minutes into the second of four 4,000 mt runs into #1 hold. De-ballastingof #1 DB tank was Scheduled 10 run simultaneously to the loading but was delayed by a faulty valve, The C'O went to assist the CE; with the valve in the pipe tunnel. About 30 minutes later, having released the valve, they emerged from the pipe tunnel to find, unexpectedly, that cargo was still being loaded into :1 hold. Enquiries revealed that the loading gauge had ceased working and the shore did not know how much they had loaded, Loading was immediately stopped. A rough drafi survey found the vessel considerably further by the head than had been planned and with about 2,000 tonnes excess cargo in #1 hold. The loader was ordered to #9 but, because of the air draft, could only reach Excessive negative trim prevented discharge of forward DB tanks. ‘The fore peak tank and 1W'1's were already empty. Loading continued at #7 and the aft tanks were ballasted. ‘The loader moved to 9 as soon as the air drafi allowed. The next day, with all the cargo on board and the ves 4 ssel on an even keel,the calculated "at sea" bending moments were 104% of allowable; the additional weight in ii], the counter balancing cargo in 9 and the reduced loads in ‘3, #5 and 117 resulting in a severe hog. Centre double bottoms and wing tanks were hallasted as the vessel cleared the berth. This brought the siresses (0 Just within the sea limits but submerged the tropical marks, This condition remained until de-ballasting of #4 wingtank and double boom in th English Channel. The difficult decision of whether to be over stressed of 6 over loaded in bad weather fortunately was unnecessary as the weather remained favourable throughout the voyage. Some factors that precipitated this incident are: + The late report from the engineers that the valve was stuck was exacerbated by the inability to reach the OOW or C O by telephone The OOW and the C/O failed to halt the loading once the problem had been reported to them. The C/O did not adequately brief the OOW regarding the draft, rim and expected completion time of the run. In this case the interruption to de- ballasting complicated the issue. The Loadicator was in the C O's cabin and not available to the OOW. The C/O allowed himself to become involved with freeing the valve instead of re-calculating the draft and trim for the end of the run with the ballast still in. * The implications of the jammed valve may not have been made clear when the OOW handed over the watch at noon. * The fact that the ballast controls were in the Engine Room complicated the communication and control. * The remote drafi read outs were inoperative and, reportedly had been for several years. + The Terminal failed to stop the loading when their equipment failed. This should be standard operating procedure. Actions Taken to Avoid Similar Occurrences in the future: 1. Standard Operational Procedure set so that the OOW would stop loading if drafi or trim varied from predictions by 5em and 10cm respectively, Stability calculator was moved from the CO's cabin to the cargo office to allow the OOW to update predictions in case of ballast problems. The Engineers were lent a radio to aid communication. This was only partially successful due to the ship's structure. UHF radios were not available. 4. Deballasting of double bottoms was scheduled first, allowing fall back on TWTs for stress and trim control. It is seldom that TWTs cannot be pumped oul. 3. Further unsuccessful attempts were made to have the remote drafi indicators repaired. N w Design faults which contributed to the incident: . Bane, butterfly valves on the ballast system, . pean ee te had no forward. Jacing windows Os hig Office. The Chief Steward, on the other hand, had a large Office. Perhans this was an indication of the priorities of the French owner, * The view forward from the cargo office on the main deck was blocked by the hatch coaming which was metre from the scuttle, Some other thoughts which come to mind: * Why not mount a large shore tonnage display on every loader? The expense of this would be recouped quickly by the improved loading efficiency and the avoidance of delays such as those which occurred in this incident, * Bulk carriers need proper cargo control rooms with ballast controls and @ clear view over the deck. The height of modern coamings require these to be at least one deck above the main deck. * Access to the shore for draft reading is ofien difficult. A gangway should be provided from the loading structure. * All bulk carriers should have reliable remote draft indicators. * At the very least, they should have fore and aft deck lines similar to amidships so that freeboards can be easily taken, It is hoped that the analysis of this incident will Provide an insight into bulk carrier operations for those who do not have a first hand experience of bulk carriers between the ship and the terminal On the precautions to be taken. If a question is not applicable 'N/A\ sh per eae if appropriate. should be written in the box explaining why, Ship/Shore Safety Checklist For Loading or Unloading Dry Bulk Cargo Carriers Date, Port Load_] Unload] Available depth of water at berth, Terminal/Quay. Minimum air draft, SHIP'S NAME, Arrival draft (read/calculated), Air draft Calculated departure draft, Air draft The Master is responsible at all times for the safe loading and unloading of the ship, details of which should be confirmed to the terminal in the form of a loading or unloading plan. In addition the Master should ensure that the checklist is completed in consultation with the terminal manager before loading or unloading is commenced. SHIP-TERMINAL 1.1s the depth of water at the berth and the air draft adequate for the cargo operation?) “The term air draft should be construed carefully; if the ship is in a river or an estuary ituusually refers to the maximum mast height for passing under bridges, while on the berth it usually refers to the height available or required under the loader or untoaders 2.Are mooring arrangements adequate for all local effects of tide, current, weather, traffic and craft alongside? 3.1n emergency, isthe ship able o leave the berth at any time? oO 4.|s there safe access between the ship and the wharf? Tended by ship/terminal (cross out the appropriate) 5. Is there an agreed ship/terminal communication system operative? Communication method. Language, Radio channels/phone number 6. Are the liasion contact persons during operations positively identified? oO Ship contact persons. ‘Shore contact person(s). Location, 7. Are adequate crew on board and adequate staff in the terminal for emergencies? 8. Have any bunkering operations been advised and agreed? 9. Have any intended repairs to wharf or to ship while alongside been advised and agreed? 10. Has a procedure for reporting and recording damage from cargo operations beeny—) agreed? 11. Has the ship been provided with copies of port and terminal regulations, 9 cceeeeeeaianiat rae F jency services? Including safety and pollution requirements and details of emera 10 in accordance 12, Has the shipper provided the Master with properties of the card! a with the requirements of Chapter VI of SOLAS? . ich access may be 18, Is the atmosphere safe in holds and enclosed spaces ey {for monitoring ‘eQuired, have fumigated cargoes been identified and has of the atmosphere been agreed by ship and termina sf loader’ 14, Have the cargo handling capacity and any limits of travel for each unioader been passed to the shipfterminal? Loader No, Rete______tonnes/nr Loader No. Rae Loader No, Rate. tonnes/hr 15. Has a loading/unloading plan been calculated for all stages of loading/ deballasting or unloading/ballasting? Copy lodged with 16. Have the holds to be worked been clearly identified in the loading or unloading plan, showing the sequence of work and the grade and tonnage of cargo to be transferred each time the hold is worked? 17. Has the need for trimming of cargo in the hold been discussed, and the method and extent been agreed? 18. Do both ship and terminal understand and accept that if the ballast programme becomes out of step with the cargo operation, it will be necessary to suspend cargo Operation until the ballast operation has caught up? 19, Have the intended procedures for removing cargo residues lodged in the holds While unloading, been explained to the ship and accepted? 20. Have the procedures to adjust the final trim of the loading ship been decided and agreed? Tonnage held by the terminal conveyor system, a 24. Has the terminal been advised of the time required for the ship to Prepare for sea on completion of cargo work? ‘THE ABOVE HAS BEEN AGREED: Time, Date, | For Ship For Terminal Rank, ——_——____________Position/Titie O & sy, ma This checklist is to be made out in two copies - one for the ship and one for the terminal. 10 DRAFT SURVEYS The displacement of a ship can be calculated from the drafis of the vessel; such a procedure is known as a draft survey. The drafts are read on port and starboard sides, forward, aft and midships. After making corrections for hog and sag, trim, list and density, the displacement is obtained. Two draft surveys are carried out - one on arrival and the other on completion of cargo. The difference in displacements (after making allowances for changes in bunkers, ballast and fresh water and other known weights) gives the weight of cargo loaded or discharged. When a ship arrives at the loading port a draft survey is carried out and from the displacement so obtained, the weights on board such as bunkers, fresh water, ballast, light ship, etc. are subtracted. The remaining figure gives us the ship’s constant This constant is typical for a particular vessel. It includes the weight of unused stores, sludge in tanks, rust and other things which are not accountable. On completion of loading another draft survey is conducted. The displacement is obtained and after subtracting the known weights for the departure condition and the constant as obtained from the initial draft survey the balance figure gives us the cargo loaded at that port The procedure is same but the figures obtained reversed during discharge. The procedure is as follows: 1. Correction of drafts The drafts are read on both sides of the vessel, forward, aft and amidships. These drafts must be the drafts at the forward and aft perpendiculars of the vessel and amidships. If the draft marks are not placed at the F & A perpendiculars, they are to be corrected so as to obtain the drafts at the perpendiculars. Thus in the figure, ‘a’ is the distance between the for’d drafts marks and the for’d perpendicular, ‘b’ is the distance between the aft draft marks and the aft perpendicular, ‘c’ is the distance between the midships draft marks and midships, ‘Df, ‘D,’ and ‘Dj,’ are the position of the draft marks for’d, aft and midships, F, A and M are the for’d and aft perpendiculars and midships. For’d correction = trim x ‘a’ L-a-b Aft correction = trim x ‘b’ L-a-b Midship correction = trim x ‘c’ L-a-b Note : The trim used here is the trim as read from the drafi marks which is not the actual trim of the vessel, ‘& The trim of the vessel as shown in the Sigure is the trim by the stern, The sign of the corrections will be opposite if the ship is trimmed by the head. ® The sign of the amidships correction will be opposite if the drafi marks are forward of midships. _ % Ifthe position of the for'd draft marks are for'd of ‘i sition 7 ri ae : J the FP and the position Of the aft draft marks are aft of the AP, the denominator will be {Lage 6). It may also be ts ta- 5 Orla b, if either afi or for'd draft marks Pane ne akpase side ofthe For A perpendiculars ai shown ihe Jigure. However this is not common in practice. 7. 12 2. Correction for hog and sag When the vessel is hogged or sagged, the displacement as obtained from the mean drafts will not be correct. When hogged, it will be increased by the extent of the hog, and when sagged, it will be less by the amount of sag. To correct for this we do not use the mean drafts but rather the mean of means or quarter mean draft. Decrease in displacement Mean of means = F + A + Mid 2 + Mid — Increase in displacement a =F+A+6Mid 8 The displacement of the vessel can be found out now using the mean of means draft. 3. 1. Trim Correction The displacement of the vessel should correspond to the draft at the centre of flotation or hydrostatic draft. When the vessel is on an even keel (trim = 0) with no hog or sag, the hydrostatic draft, the mean of means draft and all other drafts are same and so the 1”. trim correction is zero. However if the vessel is trimmed, the position of the CF changes and a correction has to be applied to the displacement obtained from the mean of means draft to obtain the displacement at the hydrostatic draft. 1*. trim correction = (LBP/2 - LCF) x Trim x 100 x TPC (to be applied with LBP sign to the displacement) (Trim is -ve, if by the head, trim is +ve if by the stern) 13 4, 2" trim correction ction has been obtained from the means of LCF used in the above corre: 1 CEE a Graft which is not strictly eee as a eer oe nal ped i i e pos hydrostatic draft. As the trim changes t a 2, trim correction provides due to the change in shape of the waterline. i vid for this change a displacement due to the change in Pee ae aad he LCF moves in such a way that it desoribes an arc of a circ! ater line tangential to the arc at the CF. This results in a layer being added and so the 2nd. trim correction is always positive. 2™. trim correction = 50 X trim’ X (MCTC)=MCTC2) «...-.-. always +ve LBP MCTC, and MCTC; are the MCTCs 50 cms. above and below the quarter mean draft. 5. Heel Correction we IMMERSED WEDGE When the vessel heels, the mean drafts will reduce as the immersed wedge will normally be greater than the emerged wedge leading to the ship rising bodily. This will result in a lower displacement and so the heel correction will always be positive. Heel Correction = 6 (TPC, - TPC) (D; - D3) where D, & D, are the port and starboard midship drafts and TPC, & TPC; are the TPCs corresponding to these drafts. 14 6. Density correction The hydrostatic particulars of a vessel are given for salt water of density 1,025 t/m3. Hence if a vessel is floating in a density other than salt water, then the displacement taken from the hydrostatic particulars will have to be corrected in the ratio New density = New displacement Old density — Old displacement L ns of a draft survey : 1. The draft has to be read from sea-level which is practically impossible to do and so a parallax error will be introduced by seeing through the transparent sea water. 2. In rough weather it will not be possible to read the drafis accurately and hence the displacement so obtained will be in error. Draft survey reports must always contain the sea conditions prevailing at the time so that the user will be able to judge the accuracy of the survey 3. It is difficult to obtain one figure for the density of water. At the bottom of the ship, density will be maximum while at the top it will be minimum, density has to be taken a three depths and at different locations along the ship’s length port & starboard side 4. The ship must be floating freely and not resting at the bottom. 5. The mooring lines should not be pulling her or exerting any downward pressure. 6. If the sea bottom is soft mud and the water has suspended particles then the density will not be that of salt water. 7. If there is a strong tideway the ship will be subject to squat, there will be a build up of water in the direction from which the current is coming leading to added buoyancy at that part. The drafts must therefore be read at slack water, 1S ular temp, (15°C or 60°F) ig the artic Toner orrect due to expa 8. The hydrometer is calibrated fr ity will not ie temperature is other than this, the and contraction of the hydrometer itself. Sign ‘ and i lower j will expand id if the Part of th 9. At high temperatures, the deck See of the ship. e ship is cool, errors will occur due to the s Problem . . M. V. Hindship is floating in dockwater of density = 1.020. Her arrival drat, are Ford (P) = 4.03 m, For’d (S) = 4.12 m, Mid (P) = 4.90 m, Mid (S) = 5.14 m, Aft (P) = 6.20 mand Aft (S) = 6.67 m. The for'd draft marks are placed s m aft of the F.P,, the aft draft marks are placed 8 m for’d of the A.P. and the amidships drafts are amidships. Her arrival condition is Cargo = 2120.59, = 115 t and ballast = 900.4. She FO/DO = 580,50 t, Stores = 322.1, FW spends 7 days in port loading and in the process consumes 0.5 tons of stores per day, 0.5/2.0 tonnes of FO/DO per day and 14 tons FW per day. She received 200 tons FW and pumped out all but 5 tons ballast in each ballast tank. Her sailing drafts were Fy = 8.12 m, F, = 8.10 m, Ay = 9.29 m, A,= 9.26 m, Mid, = 8.88 m, Mid, = 8.84 m. Find the amount of cargo loaded. FOR'D | 4.03 4.12 4,075 0.091 | 3.984 AFT 6.20 6.67 6.435 10.145 | 6.560 MIDSHIPS | 4.90 5.14 (5.020 | NIL [5.020 Mean of Means Draft = 5.0855 Trim = 2,596 1°" trim correction = -0.0237 LCF=’ 2.866 5.0618 Displacement = 9923.47 =7.2 2™ Trim correction = +16.95 9940.42 Heel Correction = +014 9940.56 Density Correction x1.020 = 9892.07 1.025 16 Cargo FO/DO Stores FW Ballast Light ship CONSTANT. Port Consumption Stores 3.3 ts FO/DO 17.5 ts FW 91.0 ts Ballast (11 tanks) Cargo Light ship Constant Total weights on Board (Departure condition) = = -2120.59 =~ 580.50 =- 322.10 =- 115,00 =- 900.40 = - $500.00 353.48 Added Balance - 318.6 - 563.0 200 217.0 55.0 2120.59 $500.00 353.48 9126.67 FOR B12) Lo 8.11 | -0. AFT 9.29 | 9.26 [9.275 [+0.072 9.347 [ MIDSHIPS | 8.88 8.84 8.86 Nil 8.86 Mean of means draft =8.8215 Trim = 1.282 LCF = 69.896 TPC = 24.03 Displacement (W) =18617.2 1*. Trim Correction =__ 36.2 18653.4 2" Trim Correction 8.2. MCTC\-MCTC2 = 14.3 Heel Correction =negligible 18661.61 Density Correction= 18661.61x1.020 = 18570.57 1,025 Less weights on board = _ 9126.67 CARGO ON BOARD = 9443.95 _ GRAIN LOADING AND CALCULATIONS Grain includes wheat, maize (corn), oats, rye. barley, rice, pulses. seeds and their processed forms, whose behaviour is similar to that of grain in jg, natural state. The carriage of grain is associated with two main hazards : 1. Settling and, 2. Shifting Theré are other minor hazards associated with the carriage of grain such as contamination, dust explosion, fire, rotting due to ingress of water and consequent depletion of oxygen or evolution of toxic vapours, etc. However these hazards just require normal stowage and cargo handling procedures and good seamanship. Hold cleaning aration that must be done is thorough cleaning of the holds. Special attention must be paid to the top of longitudinal frames and stiffeners, the underside of hatch covers, bilges, etc. Prior to loading grain. a hold fitness inspection will definitely be carried out by a surveyor. If any kind of dirt or infestation is found, the loading of grain may be delayed and the ship may have to be cleaned and even fumigated to get rid of cockroaches, weevils, bugs, insects, etc. One important prep: The hazard of shifting Grain settles by about 2% of its volume. Because of this settling, small void spaces that exist on the top of the grain surface in filled compartments. increase in volume. These void spaces permit the grain to shift, The shifting of grain is the greatest hazard involved in the carriage of grain and all regulations contained in the Intemational Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk are: directed towards limiting this shift of grain to within acceptable limits. This Code must always be referred to when loading grain. The figures in brackets in the following text refer to the paragraphs of the Grain Code. Grain has a low angle of repose (as low as 15° - 18° depending on the type of grain) and this results in it shifting very easily. Angle of repose is the angle between the horizontal surface and the cone slope obtained when bulk cargo is poured onto the surface. Materials that have a low angle of repose flow very easily. e.g. water has an angle of repose = 0°. This makes it shift ‘easily from side to side even when the ship rolls by a few degrees. Angle of Repose Fig. 1 : Angle of Repose Similarly cargoes which have a low angle of repose will shift first when the ship rolls as compared to cargoes which have a high angle of repose. As soon as the angle between the grain surface and the horizontal exceeds the angle of repose, the grain will shift. As the ship rolls to 15° in ‘moderate/rough seas and swells and upto 30° -35° in rough/very rough weather, the grain cargo will definitely shift in these circumstances. If the grain surface is not trimmed level, it will shift at even lower angles of heel! Cargo will shift when the angle of roll is greater than or Fig. 2: Trimmed Cargo ~ : equal to the angle of repose Fig. 3; Untrimmed Cargo - Cargo will shift when the angle of roll is less than the ‘angle of repose Whee: zi it couses a list (heel) as with any other cargo. Almougi sticily speaking, keel is owx :nclination of the ship due to external jorces such as wind, sea, etc., since the International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk uses the term frequently we will also use the term to mean list, The heel is the result of the heeling moment ‘w x d’ which is Weight of cargo shifted (w) x distance by which it shifts (d) These heeling moments in all holds add up, as cargo in all holds will shift 1 the same side. It is almost impossible. that cargo in different holds will shili 20. to different sides. The heeling moments thus added give us Total Heeling Moments. ‘Total Heeling Moments ‘w x d’ = W x GG; where W_ = Displacement and GG, = Shift in the ship's centre of gravity or Heeling Arm which is also referred to as Ao. When the ship heels itis the results of all the heeling moments put together Tan @=GG, =wxd__ where Gis the angle of heel GM WxGM Thus we can see from the above formula that the angle of heel is directly proportional to the heeling arm (GG; or 4) or heeling moment (w x d) and inversely proportional to the metacentric height (GM). If the heeling arm or heeling moments are more, the heel will be more but if the GM is more, the heel will be Pig. 4: Heeling Moments less. The ship is allowed a certain amount of hecling moments known as Permissible or Allowable Heeling Moments based on her displacement and KG. As long as the heeling moments are less than the Allowable Heeling Moments, the ship will suffer a heel and loss of stability within allowable limits. The total heeling moments are not to exceed the allowable heeling moments. Thus the heeling moments for the ship are to be kept as small as possible. This is done by |. Having as many holds as possible completely filled with grain, 2. Restraining or securing the grain surface to prevent shifting. 2 Planning of loading to be carried out as follows : ‘The planning to load a cargo of grai fan be loaded taking into acc i ity that ct 1) Calculate the maximum quantity that can BF fon uhrough the eat the ship's deadweight, the loud line zones | ‘on board, draft limitations. etc. as to have the maximum number oy str into the holds s© 2) Distribute this cargo into sealed aan aaa filled holds but also considering the vesst ete, 3) Divide the cargo weight by the stowage factor to obtain the cargo volume/depth of cargo in each hold. 4) From the heeling moment diagrams in the grain loading booklet. find ou the Volumetric Heeling Moments for each hold. 5) Multiply the Volumetric Heeling Moments by the appropriate factor to compensate for the vertical shift of G. 6) Divide the corrected Volumetric Heeling Moments by stowage factor w obtain Heeling Moments which are weight heeling moments. Add up all the heeling moments for each hold to obtain Total Heeling Moments, 7) Compare the Total Heeling Moments with the Allowable Heeling Moments obtained from the grain stability booklet. If Total Heeling Moments > Allowable Heeling Moments go back to Step 2. If Total Heeling Moments < Allowable Heeling Moments, proceed further stability calculations. The Allowable Heeling Moments are the maximum permissible heeling ‘moments for a particular condition beyond which it will be dangerous for the ship to proceed out to sea in that condition of displacement and KG. The allowable heeling moments decrease with an increase in KG due © reduction in GM and consequent stability. They generally decrease Wit increase in displacement due to angle of flooding reducing Wit! displacement although they sometimes increase because the heel (1an®) reduces with increase in displacement 22 Fig. 5: Curve of Volumetric Heeling Moments Exercise : Check out the Allowable Heeling Moments Table for M.V. Mariner and note the increase/decrease with KG and displacement. The volumetric heeling moments and allowable heeling moments are based on an assumed angle of heel. ‘he actual heeling moments experienced by the ship may be more or less depending on the actual shift of grain on the ship. An extremely adverse shift of grain or even a shift of grain as a result of assumed angle of heel but in adverse conditions may result in a condition of stability which is worse than calculated or expected. 23 ‘Types of compartments ‘The manner of stowage of grain gives rise to three types of compartmen, 1. Filled compartment, trimmed 2, Filled compartment, untrimmed 3. Parlly filled compartment A filled compartment, trimmed is one in which the grain, after loading, is trimmed so as to fill all spaces under the decks and hatch covers to the maximum extent possible, so that the grain is at its highest possible level. The word ‘possible’ is important as it ‘means that grain does not have to be filled to the maximum extent. This is not practical or possible. Trimming will generally be carried out by mechanical means such as bulldozers or by spout trimming, Manual trimming is generally not carried out as labour is expensive in the countries trom where grain is exported. Thus, even after trimming, there will still be void spas under the deck and hatch covers of filled compartments, trimmed, although small, and there will still be heeling moments for these compartments although small. Exercise + Find wut the keeling moments for all the holds of MN. Mariner, when filled trimmed, Are they in the form of a graph or table? Void Spaces A filled compartment, untrimmed is one which is filled to the maximum extent Possible in way of the hatch opening, but outside the periphery of the hatch opening, the grain will be at its natural angle of repose, The grain surface in all compartments must be trimied except in the following Fig. 7: A filled compartment. cases :- uuntrimmed 24 a) The compartment is provided with feeder ducts, perforated decks or other similar means or ) The compartment is specially suitable In any case, the heeling moments used must be for filled compartments, untrimmed. Exercise : Find out the heeling moments for all the holds of M.V. Mariner, when filled, untrimmed A specially suitable compartment is one which has at least two, vertical or sloping, longitudinal, grain-tight bulkheads. coincident with the hatchside girder or so positioned as to limit the transverse shift of grain. If sloping. the division shall be inclined at > 30" to the horizontal, | Ze loss nad = ibe honaantal Brooding holes Manholes: Fig, 8 : Specially suitable compartments Specially suitable ships include bulk carriers with wing tanks forming self trimming hatches or OBOs/ankers with longitudinal divisions. The angle of inclination of sloping divisions is specitied as > 30” to the horizontal so that giain which has an angle of repose of 15-18" will flow tightly against the sloping division without leaving any vuis spaces. mn A partly filled compartment is one in which grain is any level but is not filled whether trimmed or untrimmed, The heeling moments for partly filled compartments vary according to depth of cargo in the hold and are obtained from the heelin, inm:.nt curves which are Fi 9: A partly filled compartment 25 The hecling moments start from zero, reach , h and reduce as the height increases but neve, even when the compartment jy given for each Eo maximum around half-dept , reach zero as there are small void spaces filled. Volumetric Heeling Moments The heeling moments given in the grain loading Cooret us| Volumetriy Heeling Moments i.e. they are the shift in volume of cargo Tate “thy assumed angle of heel. It is not possible for the shipyard to provide Weigh, Heeling Moments as the shift in weight of cargo will depend on the density/stowage factor of the cargo which differs for various | types of grain cargoes. However the shift in volume at any depth for a particular assumed angle of heel remains constant. The Volumetric Heeling Moments for each, hold must be divided by the stowage factor of the grain in that hold to obwain the weight heeling moments. Compensation for vertical shift of G ( Part B 1.3-1.6) The heeling moments given in the grain loading booklet take into account a transverse shift of G (gg, in fig. 4) but do not take into account the vertical shift of G (gig2). A shift of cargo in the hold will definitely have a transverse as well as a vertical upward component. A vertical upward shill of G has an adverse affect on the ship's stability as it reduces the metucentric height or GM. The heeling moments as given in the grain louding booklet must be checked if they include the compensation for the vertical upward shift of G. Exercise : Find out if the heeling moments given for M.V.Mariner include the compensation for the vertical shift of G. If not included, the compensation is carried out Y for partly filled compartments, by multiplying the volumetric hecling moments by 1.12 Y for filled compartments, rimmed by multiplying the volumetric heeling moments by 1.06 OR using the centre of the empty compartment as kG of the cargo without taking account of the void spaces and Y for filled compartments. untrimmed by multiplying the volumetri¢ heeling moments by 1.00 OR by using the centre of the empty 26 compartment as KG of the cargo without taking account of the void spaces. It will be noticed that the factor for compensation due to vertical shift of G in a filled compartment, untrimmed is 1.00 which is no actual compensation, This is because, given the disposition of grain in a filled compartment, untrimmed, the grain will never shift upwards, but only downwards. Thus there will be no upward shift of G when grain shifts in a filled compartment, untrimmed. Although there is a vertical downward shift of G which is beneficial, there is no allowance given for this but is used as a margin of safety. A table as shown below may be completed for the calculations. Hold | Weight of | SF. | Weight - | Type of | Volumetie ] Factor | Corrected | SF] Walght Ne. | cargo sf. =| comp- | Heeling vin. Heeling Volume "| artment | Moment Moment 1 oan 3 aa 5 6 La a Allowable Heeling Moments Total Heeling Moments The ship’s officer should fill up the above table and compare Total and Allowable Heeling Moments. If Total Heeling Moments are greater than Allowable Heeling Moments, they have to be reduced before proceeding further. The heeling moments can be reduced by the following methods :~ ’ Redistributing the cargo to reduce heeling moments a) redistributing the cargo so as to have more filled compartments rather than partly filled ones 27 b) redistributing the cargo in partly filled compartments so that the compartment is not half-full when the heeling moments are maximum by, almost full or almost empty when heeling moments ar€ minimum. eg. if there are two hulf-filled compartments, it would be better 1 redistribute the cargo so as to have one compartment which is 75% full ang the other which is 25% full (stresses and trim permitting). The heeling moments for both compartments will reduce substantially. c) If there has to be a compartment which is partly filled, choose one which has the smallest heeling moments. d) increasing the Allowable Heeling Moments by either reducing the KG or the displacement. Exercise : Which hold of M.V.Mariner is most suitable as a partly filled hold and why? Ans, No.3 hold is most suitable as a partly filled hold as it has the smallest width. This is because No. 3 wing tanks and double bottom are combined as side tanks extending the full depth of the shipside. An inspection of the heeling moment diagram of No. 3 hold shows that the heeling moments are much less for No. 3 than for any other hold. In other ships, No. 1 may be a suitable hold because of the reducing hold breadth towards the forward part. If the shipper is rigid as to the type, separation and quantities of the various parcels of cargo to be shipped, then it might not be possible to redistribute the cargo so as to fil] maximum holds. This problem will occur when there are several grades or types of grain, of fixed quantities, which cannot be mixed. In such cases and in all other cases where redistributing the cargo does not result in the total heeling moments becoming less than the allowable heeling moments. the grain surface will have to be secured. Securing the grain surface to reduce or eliminate heeling moments Securing the grain surface reduces the heeling moments and in some methods even eliminates them. Securing is labour intensive and expensive and is only to be carried out when normal methods of lowering heeling 28 moments are not possible or effective. However in all cases, the total heeling moments must be brought down to below the allowable heeling moments. Securing can be carried out by the following methods In filled compartments In partly filled compartments 1, Longitudinal divisions(A-10.9) 1, Longitudinal divisions 2. Saucering (A-14) 2. Overstowing(A-16) 3. Bundling (A-15) 3. Strapping or Lashing(A-17) 4. Securing with wire mesh(A-18) The grain loading booklet must contain the effect of temporary fittings ie. the reduction of heeling moments when securing is carried out in any hold. The grain loading booklet of M.V.Mariner does not contain this information as it is a specially suitable ship and does not have facilities for longitudinal divisions because the ship can be louded such that total heeling moments are less than allowable heeling moments quite easily, without recourse to securing. The heeling moments for filled compartments are small and securing has only a small effect. Since the securing is restricted to the hatchway, the grain forward and aft of the hatchway can still shift. Thus the heeling moments only reduce but are not eliminated as in the case of securing in partly filled compartments. Separation of cargoes It may be easier and cheaper to achieve minimum heeling moments by artificial separation of cargoes rather than by securing. Natural separation is when the transverse bulkheads are used to separate the cargo i.e. the cargo is stowed in separate holds. Artificial separation is used when a cargo, compartment is filled with two or more different types or grades of cargo. After the first cargo has been loaded, the grain surface is trimmed level and covered with burlap or separation cloth or plastic sheets right upto the edges Of the forward and aft bulkheads and the shipsides. In the middle, the burlap Or plastic sheet edges should overlap each other by 100 mm. or be sewn together. The grain surface is now covered with plywood sheets, 10 - 29% 15mm thick, overlapping each other by 50 -100 mm, and nailed to each other. The plywood sheets must cover the grain surface to as near the eng. and sides of the hold as possible without any gaps in between, them The plywood is again covered with a layer of burlap or separation cloth or plastig taken right upto the shipsides and F & A bulkhead, The next grade or type of cargo is now loaded on top of this. Once the: total heeling moments have been brought down to below the allowable heeling moments by redistributing or securing the cargo, we can proceed to the nest step of calculating the stability requirements, Stability requirements (A-7) The curve of statical stability is drawn as follows. The righting arm (G2) for various angles of heel is calculated from the formula GZ=KN : KGSin@ KN is obtained from the stability booklet which includes cross curves for various angles of heel including those for 12° and 40°. KN varies according to the angle of heel. KG of the ship is calculated as the cargo to be loaded and all other weights on board and their respective KGs are known. The GZ points plotted for the various angles of heel are joined by a smooth curve. ~ GZ (m) = KN - KGsine Fig. 10: Curve of S atical Stability 30 The heeling arm curve is now drawn. The heeling arm is equal to GG, or o- % = Total Heeling Moments = wxd= Volumetric heeling moments Displacement Ww Stowage Factor x W Both heeling moments as well as displacement are known. he heeling arm at @ = 0° is maximum and equal to o. As the ship heels the heeling arm reduces (because the horizontal distance between G and G, reduices) as shown in fig, 5 till it becomes zero when @.= 90°. Thus A varies hom maximum at 0° to zero at 90°i.e. it varies as a cosine function. Thus do = do C080, wo = Ag Cos40, w= he Cos’x', Age = AyCos90, etc. To draw the heeling arm curve practically, we mark the point Ao at @ = Or Then we mark the point As at 8 = 40°. Ay= 0.8 Ao because Cos 40 = 0.766 (0.8 approx). We join these two points by a straight line to form the heeling armh curve. The curve of statical stability must now fulfil the following stability criteria:- 1 The angle of heel due to an assumed shift of grain should not exceed 12° or for new ships constructed after | Jan 1994, the angle at which the deck edge immerses whichever is less. The heeling arm curve and the righting arm curve compete with each other w control the ship - the former to heel it and the latter to right it Whichever arm is greater wins. At small angles of heel, the heeling arm i$ greater, hence the ship heels, But later, the righting arm increases to more than the heeling arm and at such angles, the ship tends to right itself The ship will reach an equilibrium position where the heeling arm and righting arm are equal. This is known as the constant angle of heel. Zt should not be confused with an angle of loll although the ship might behave in a manner similar to an angle of loll. An angle of loll is a result of a negative GM. Measures to correct an angle of loll are different from measures to correct an an angle of heel due to grain shift. 31 2, The net or residual area between the heeling arm curve and the righting arm curve upto the angle of maximum separation between the two curves OR 40 OR 6; (angle of flooding) whichever is the least, should not be less than 0.075 m-radians. This is the shaded area shown in fig. 6. It is measured using Simpson's rules, Note that the angle of maximum separation is not the same as the maximum angle. The former will lie slightly to the right of the latter. While solving problems, generally it will only be asked whether the ship satisfies the stability critieria. For this, it is only necessary to know whether this area is more than 0.075 m-radians and not exactly how much it is. Thus if we calculate the area of the triangle formed by the three points and find it more than 0.075 m-radians, it will save a lot of time and trouble. 3. The GM; should not be less than 0.3 m. 4. The ship should be upright before proceeding out to sea. + Obviously it is pointless if the ship, by theoretical calculation on paper does not exceed the angle of heel, but in practice sails out with a list. Such an initial list will cause the grain to shift more than assumed. 5. The Master must demonstrate compliance with the criteria at all stages of the voyage. The stability criteria have to be complied with not only at the commencement of the vovage but all through the voyage even in between loading and discharge ports, till the last grain has been discharged. Authorities at the port of loading may require calculations to be done and shown to comply with stability criteria for the initial, final and warst service conditions, Grain Loading Booklet(A-7) It will have been noticed that all these calculations would not be possible without the volumetric heeling moments being provided to the ship. It is not possible for the ship's officers to calculate these heeling moments for all depths, in all holds, by physical measurement or even from plans. Thus this information must be provided by the shipyard for all ships intending to load grain. The information should include a) Curves or tables of volumes, vertical centres of volumes and assumed volumetric heeling moments for every compartment, tiled or partly filled, including the effect of temporary fittings b) Curves or tables of maximum permissible heeling moments i.e. allowable heeling moments for varying displacements and varying KGs of the ship so as to compare total heeling moments with allowable heeling moments ¢) Details of the scantlings of temporary fittings provided to meet the ssobillty requirements. d) Loading instructions in the form of notes summarising the requirements of the Code e) A worked example for the guidance of the Master f) .Typical loaded arrival and departure conditions and intermediate worst service conditions using stowage factors 1.25, 1.50 and 1.75 m */tonne. Additionally, the normal stability information provided for all ships should also be provided which includes a) Ship's particulars b) Lightship weight and KG c) Tables of liquid free surface corrections d) Capacities and centres of gravity of all compartments e) Curves or tables of angles of flooding where less than 40°, at all permissible displacements t) “Hydrostatic properties for the range of operating drafts g) Cross curves of stability which are sufficient to plot the GZ curve and which include curves at 12° and 40°, Document of Authorisation(A-3) 33 ; ship has been provided with all this information, it can apply fo, eter of Authorisation from the Administration. The Documen, Authorisation certifies that the ship has been provided with the information necessary for it to comply with the requirements of the Tequirements of the International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk. For Obvioy, reasons, the DoA does not state that the ship does actually comply With the requirements of the International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk because even with all the information at hand, the stability Calculations may still be bungled up! The DoA is to be in the national language but if this language is not English or French, then there must be a translation in English or French. The DoA together with the Grain Loading Booklet must be kept on board and produced for inspection if requested for by the attending surveyor at the port of loading. No ship can load grain without a DoA, except in accordance with the regulations given below. Stability requirements for a ship loading grain without a Document of Authorisation (A-9) It must be understood that ships without a DoA are most likely those not having a Grain Loading Booklet and heeling moment information. Hence it is difficult to find out the heeling moments for such a ship. In such cases, the regulations take a safe course, which can be clearly understood from the following:- 1. The weight of grain loaded cannot exceed 5" the deadweight. (This rule does not apply to ships built before 25 May 1980 which can load grain without limitation on the weight but must comply with the other requirements) - All grain surfaces in filled compartments must be restrained by a centreline division extending for the full length of the compartment from the underside of the deck or hatch covers to a depth below the deck line equal to °/, or 2.4 m whichever is greater Alternatively saucering or bundle way be used, except for linseed, 34

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