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Actors: An actor is someone who transforms themselves to be someone else.

The reason why I

chose the Actors and Actresses that I did is because theyre the most significant in my figured
world. Yes there were other characters, but they didnt develop as much over the time span.
Penelope Garcia: The tech analyst. She is the spunky behind the scenes woman. She is the kind
innocent one of the group. She always has a headband or clip in her hair, doesnt go a day
without looking top notch. She isnt very good with the whole thought of seeing the crime scenes
and dead bodies. She is better at breaking down firewalls.
Kate Callahan: Kate is hard and straight to the point. We can tell that she had a tough
background. When children are the victims you can see that she is more on edge. But none the
less Kate is clever.
David Rossi: David comes across as stern. You would automatically think that he is a rule
follower and expects others to follow rules. Underneath it all he is really just a hard working
teddy bear.
Spencer Reid: Spencer is a Brainiac. He is one of the lucky guys who can remember everything.
He loves chess. But he is also very awkward. Hes like the geeky little brother that you cant help
but love.
Aaron Hotchner: Aaron is the group leader, he is the one that takes charge. He also like Rossi is
a rule follower. But you can tell he also has a soft side. We see this most when he is interacting
with his son, Jack.
Derek Morgan: The ever so beautiful Derek Morgan. Derek Morgan came from a rough
background. He grew out of the things that defeated him. He and Penelope have a flirtatious
relationship that is also a really sweet one. (Also one of my favorites)
Jennifer JJ Jareau: JJ is a loving mother who would do anything to protect those close to her.
She like Kate is also more on edge when children are the victims. Mostly because it makes her
think of her son Henry. The friendship her and Reid have is also kind of like Penelope and
Derek, its one that only works between the two.
Artifacts: An artifact is an object of importance. It doesnt always have to be an object, it can
be a place or state of mind. In my figured world there wasnt really a whole lot of obvious
artifacts other than the office and the plane. These are the most common meeting places for
the team.
The office: This is where the team first talks about a crime and discusses what has happened. The
first speakings of a profile submerge. And they begin to get ideas of who couldve committed an
The Plane: The plane is where the team gets their assignments.
Communities of Practice: A community of practice is a group of people who share a common
domain. These communities may share a hobby or an interest. For instance, all of the people
in my figured world want to save and protect lives, therefore they share a community of
The FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation): This is the team of Criminal Minds. They all share
the common goal of trying to solve a crime. Theyre all interested in stopping deaths,
kidnappings etc. before they happen.
Domain: The domain is the shared hobby/interest in the community of practice. This is the
common objective of the group. What they want to get out of the situation. In this figured

Commented [SS1]: What kind of things? Do you

receive any background information? Maybe explain
how you know he had a difficult upbringing.

Commented [SS2]: I would like to hear why these

artifacts are important to the story line of the show.
Give reasons how the office impacts the stories. I
believe this would help you go above and beyond.
Commented [SS3]: Is this an actual plane? Try
elaborating on what the setting looks like. This would
give me (a visual person) better understanding of the

world it would be to solve the crime, which is the number one goal of everyone involved in the
Solve the Crime: The common goal of everyone on the team is to solve the crime and get back
home safely with the lowest number of casualties.
Literacy Practices: Literacy practices is how the actors of your figured world communicate.
How they understand one another. In my figured world most things are vocal through phone
calls or in person. But a lot of other times I really do feel as if they read one anothers minds.
Phone Calls: Phone calls are the main method of communication.
Brain waves?: Can that count? I believe that brain waves are used. It is almost as if sometimes
the team can communicate without actually communicating at all. They make connections
between things that most people wouldnt make connections of.
Rules and Conventions: Rules and Conventions are practices that might otherwise not be okay
or be okay. Like Penelope and Dereks friendship, they have a flirtatious but loving bond, yet
they are coworkers. In most other settings this wouldnt be okay, but because of the bond
between the group, it is.
In criminal minds, it is okay for your coworkers to be your family. I remember one of my
favorite episodes, something severe had happened to JJ and Reid was really upset about it. While
talking to one of the other team members he mentioned to them Shes the only person whos
ever called me Spence. I truly love this show. I love how close the characters are. In how many
work settings is it OKAY for two colleagues to call each other Handsome or Baby Girl?
Well right there we have Derek and Penelope. No theyre not Together. They are both in very
happy relationships. But thats okay. In this show it isnt okay to lie to one another on the team.
It isnt okay to be mad at each other. At the end of the day they all get back on that plane and
they go home. They prepare themselves for the next stalker, serial killer or kidnapper. Through
time the characters have grown and the rules and conventions have somewhat changed. Prior to
Penelopes relationship, it wasnt okay for two federal agents to see one another (Penelopes
boyfriend is a tech analyst in another sect of the bureau). Also in this show you cant be someone
who takes everything to heart. You must be as tough mentally as you are physically. In one of
the earlier seasons there was a woman who was a part of the team who had to basically be bait
for a suspect and she couldnt handle it. So the biggest rule is to be there for one another when
you are needed and always come back home safe.
Observation One Notes:
A Thousand Suns
3:00 Minutes The episode starts out showing a plane flying. Then it cuts to a little boy playing
with a little yellow toy truck. There is a baby crying. Then a man who is stressed about all the
noise who looks to be on the flight for some sort of business and he puts in headphones to try and
get some work done. Then it shows a young couple with a baby and the woman mentions she
forgot to pack diapers and her husband makes a witty comment about how theyll get some when
they land its not like theyre going to Afghanistan. The flight attendant looks frazzled trying
to please everyone. A mid-twenties blonde woman complains of the Wi-Fi not working properly.
A man complains One lady has an allergy and no one can get peanuts? This is crazy!
Turbulence hits and rocks the whole plane. Two girls sitting side by side looking stressed about
flying to begin with talk to one another about the one walking down the aisle. Businessman

Commented [SS4]: I like your choice in the domain, I

think it really think its represents the word well. One
thing I think you could do it elaborate on more that the
common goal of the FBI. For instance, giving reasons
why this group of individuals are different than other
Commented [SS5]: I like how you gave reasons you
gave how brain waves work in the show. I would
elaborate more on how cells phones are used. Just like
saying what the calls do for their advantage or how
often they use throughout the shows.

tries to work on laptop again and it crashes. Woman beside him complains to her husband I just
want to get off this plane. Plane gets jolted with turbulence again. Passengers are instructed to
buckle their seat belts. Woman getting married jokes Wouldnt it be crazy if we went down in a
ball of flames right before my wedding? Plane gets rocked again. Everyone panics and begins to
freak out. There is crying and screaming. Oxygen masks drop from overhead. Flight attendant
falls. The scene cuts to black. Ambulance goes by sirens blaring. Kate and JJ are sitting in the car
and Penelope calls with bad news something awful happened that everyone is meeting at the
plane. Kate, JJ and Spencer are walking into the plane to see Rossi and Hotch with Penelope on
the laptop screen video chatting to brief them on whats going on. Garcia says Trans Alliance
Flight 420 Just crashed in a Colorado field Northwest of Durango. One of the girls ask Any
survivors? Hotch says 152 passengers all presumed dead. Morgan asks Where was it coming
from? Penelope replies Pittsburgh. It was going to Phoenix. Rossi says Weve been asked to
determine if there was a crime. And if so the profile of the offender There is a bunch of fire
fighters and its at the scene of the crash and there is a bunch of commotion.
6:00 Minutes There is a bunch of dead bodies and a ton of rubble from the plane. The pilot is
unbuckling his safety belt. Hes looking around at all the dead passengers, stumbling. We find
out that this is actually the copilot. The plane had lost communication 13 minutes before it had
crashed and was about 150 miles off of its flight plan the 13 minutes between losing
communication and crashing couldve been enough time for the plane to travel the distance off
course. This is all discussed in the briefing between officers when they arrive to the state the
plane crashed in.
9:00 Minutes Their top priority is to try and rule out terrorism. They must check all the names
of the passengers who were on board in order to 1. Do background checks and see if anyone
wanted to harm anyone on the plane and 2. Contact the families and let them known the terrible
fate of their loved ones. There was a witness who saw a flash of light just moments before the
plane went down. The team goes to the crime scene. The first thing seen being picked up is the
little yellow truck from the little boy at the beginning of the episode. We see that it is Kate who
picks it up, Kate has kids of her own so this really gets to her heart. Kate then admits to Reid that
her sister and brother-in-law died in 9/11 that they were working at the Pentagon. This is
significant because it is bringing back a lot of painful memories. Reid confides that his
girlfriend was killed in front of him and his mom has schizophrenia Kate then shares after
her sister died she adopted all 10 of her kids. (She was kidding) But Kate did take in her sisters
daughter Meg. As they walk to the copilots seat they notice that the passengers all got sick
before the plane went down.
12:00 Minutes The man who saw the light is being interviewed. He says It was at 10:01am I
was standing at the kitchen sink and I saw the flash out the window. They mention 10:01 is very
precise and he responded he knew it was that time because his favorite show was just starting
and he could hear the theme music. The man describes the light he saw as Squiggly, smoky,
green sort of trail, and then pow, this blinding white light. The man seems unsure if the police
are on his side. The man claims to have known who did it. We then see a group of men in the
back woods all wearing bullet proof vests and handling large weapons, one of which includes a
missile launcher. Then it goes to the hospital, Derek and JJ are trying to interview the copilot.
But the man cannot remember, he seems worried and panicked. He says There was a jolt, severe
turbulence. He cries it was so bad. He says I said stop. I said stop. The nurses then rush him
to surgery. Being that the weather was clear, Derek and JJ go back and forth trying to decide
what wouldve caused turbulence and they settle on the possibility of a missile strike. We see a

Commented [SS6]: You really do a good job making it

like a play by play scene. I really like how youre doing
this because it is showing me one thing after another. It
really is like watching a movie scene because one thing
leads to the next. Good job!
Ryan Parr

Commented [SS7]: One thing I might recommend is

trying to reword this part of your piece. To me it feels
like it is a little bit of a run on sentence. So for example,
where it says was about 150 miles off of its flight plan.
The 13 minutes between losing communication....."
Commented [SS8]: Instead of using "they" and "their"
in these sentences I recommend mentioning who you
are talking about specifically in the first sentence. This
will eliminate confusion and keep me from going back
and forth. Name the people who are in this part of the

Commented [SS9]: Stay in third person throughout

your whole writing. Dont switch between first and third,
Commented [SS10]: Your use of diction and attention
keeping really makes your observation really
interesting. One thing I noticed while reading was when
you used first person and included others in that by
saying "we". The reader did not do any observations so
I suggest you consider revising this part and any other

woman in a car on the phone, she looks like shes been crying. Shes saying she has called the
airline and it just keeps going to a recording.
15:00 Minutes Its the man being integrated again. Hotch claims to be losing his patience, the
man says just one more question. Edgewood Arsenal, What Happened there? After Hotch
correctly answers the question and can be trusted the man then claims it was the military who
took down the plane. There is a huge room of people asking where their loved ones are. The
woman from the vehicle comes in asking for her husband. The woman is the copilots wife.
18:00 Minutes Penelope runs the background checks on everyone in the area of the crash and
everyone on the flight, one person who comes up is Jesse Bronwen and the other is David
Marshak. David was a former army missile operator who was dishonorably discharged for
misconduct. The cops are then coming to get both men for questioning. Rossi mentions how
David posted him and his brother Cole could shoot down a plane and start world war 3. Rossi
asked if that was what they were trying to do.
21:00 Minutes Copilots wife is questioned of her husbands mental stability and his health
due to the new evidence which would indicated that someone in control of the plane could have
caused it to go down. His wife mentions that her husband had stopped taking his depression
medication 4 months prior. The wife now feeling that the copilot is being made a suspect she
mentions how the pilot had rented out a room in his home to a girl from Indonesia and the
woman mentions how weird he is. Frank, the copilot is speaking with JJ and he had mentioned
earlier saying something about telling someone to just stop. JJ asked if this was said to the Pilot
of the plan and Frank confirms, he says that he and Gerry, the pilot, were having an argument.
Frank was the one who turned off the radio which is what caused the plane to lose
communication with the control tower. But Frank cannot remember why he did it. They found
the black box (The machine with the recordings of conversations and locations). On this the first
thing you hear is the Captain asking What did you do to the autopilot? Frank says Nothing.
You must have hit it. Its off now. One of the two voices says No. I cant set a new altitude.
Are you messing with me? The other voice says Calm down Frank asks Gerry why he
deployed the slats, and Gerry claims It just happened. Frank voices What are you doing with
the yoke? Just stop it! Gerry responds Im trying to keep her steady.
24:00 Minutes The conversation is continuing Gerry mentions Somethings buggy in the
system. They shut down the system because of a catastrophic failure. The team now considers
that someone other than the pilot and the copilot was controlling the plane. This means theyre
now profiling for a serial killer. We then see a scene of a man coming into a small shack with a
dead rabbit and he is then looking at screens with planes. This could be their guy. This could be
the killer.
27:00 Minutes - Frank is receiving death threats. Theyre angry emails and voicemails, hang-up
calls. People are mad that he lived while everyone else perished. Though this could just be the
result of distraught family members the team still looks into this and also increases security for
the copilot and his family. We then go back to the man in the shack and he is watching the news,
he gets up out of his seat when he hears of the stable condition of the copilot. It then shows us a
plane getting closer into range of the shack. We get the feeling that the man isnt happy about
Franks condition.
30:00 Minutes The man in the shack has circled the number IA61 this could be his next target.
3 days prior to the crash, a woman on the plane received a text that said I am become death, the
destroyer of worlds. This text came from a prepaid throwaway cell phone in Los Alamos, New
Mexico. The woman who received the text was seemingly normal, she was an ICU nurse,

Commented [SS11]: I like how you used exact quotes

instead of summarizing the conversation. This
observation is easy to visualize and follow. It'd be
helpful to see more of this throughout the observations.

married to an insurance salesman and had 3 kids. They then get news that all planes responded to
commands to land except Interlantic Air Flight 61. The flight left San Diego at 1405 Zulu, and it
was scheduled to land in DC at 1915. Theres 301 passengers on board. Theyve had no
communication since the order to ground all flights. They have been out of touch 11 minutes. We
see the plane and some passengers. A woman trying to play games on her tablet there is a
glitch. Were back in the station and the FBI is talking about how the news is now saying it looks
like a mechanical failure which will as Rossi says Hopefully the unsub will poke is head up.
We find out that the passenger who had received the strange text had went on a blind date with
an aerospace engineer 8 years prior, they know this because the woman posted about it on
Facebook saying it was the worlds worst blind date. His name was Hayman Vasher, soon after
the failed date, the man quit his job and dropped out of society.
Observation Two Notes
The Itch
3:00 Minutes The scene opens in the city at night. Theres a car driving, the man is trying to
send a text via siri. But the voice automated keeps messing up the text so he decides to try and
send it manually as hes texting he almost hits a man. The person driving the vehicle makes an
emergency stop luckily avoiding the man in the middle of the road and also avoiding other cars.
He jumps out trying to get the distraught man out of the road. The man does not want any help
from him. He is scratching all over himself saying Get them off me, get them off me. The man
makes it to the other side of the highway only to get hit by an oncoming car. We are now in the
conference room with the team Penelope is briefing the group on what is known the itchy mans
name is Albert Stillman. He is an investigative journalist for a local paper. He disappeared 3 days
prior on his way to talk to a source for a story, and last night he was killed. He was killed
wondering into traffic. One of his recent stories was one about an inner city drug ring, but
Morgan mentions that Dealers wouldnt let him loose in traffic, though.
6:00 Minutes We are seeing a video on a TV, the video is of Albert, he looks to be tied up and
in an investigation type setting. Hes being asked If you didnt do it, who did it?! There is a
man at a work bench type table and he has got scars all on his arm. Hes got a pincher like tool in
his hand. It shows a better view of his arm and we see something crawling. He pinches it with
the tool in his hand and collects some type of sample from it. Then lets it crawl free. We see the
sample, it goes from pink/red to black in a matter of seconds, and then it is put with a few other
test tubes. We see the plane flying high above the clouds. As the team chatters in the plane we
find that the editor could very well be hiding something.
9:00 Minutes Were now in an interview room. Rossi and Morgan are interviewing the man
from the car that tried to stop Albert from crossing the busy highway. The witness says that
Albert looked like he was trying to get something off of him and right before he got hit by the
oncoming car he looked right at the man and yelled Get them off me! The next scene is Hotch
and Kate talking to the editor, he claims the reason for his skittish behavior is due to the fact Mr.
Stillman was his friend and he Deserved some privacy. Hotch proclaims if a friend of his died
in the same way, he wouldnt rest until he got to the bottom of it. The man then claims he had
filed an injunction (This means that it is harder for a team to get a hold of records from the
mortuary) because his friend had been on drugs for back pain and when he ran out of the pain
meds the man tried to help him get more but by that point he had moved on to cheaper more
accessible drugs. The man says he didnt want Albert to be written off as just another junkie.
Hotch asked about the lead Albert had been following up on and the man claims all he knew was

Commented [SS12]: I must say you did a great job in

observation 1 on capturing the readers attention.
Throughout each of these scenes I kept wanting to find
out and read whats next. It was a very interesting
Ryan Parr

Commented [SS13]: I would maybe consider

rewording this part of the observation. I understand
what you're saying but I had to re-read it over couple
times. One thing you can maybe do is say "luckily
avoiding the man in the road and at the same time
avoiding the oncoming traffic."

it had to do with vaccinations. Morgan gets a call from Penelope, she informs him that a throw
away cell phone (Untraceable cellphone) that had been used to call Albert had also been used to
call a Dr. Suri. Morgan recognizes this name and realizes the same man is part of an
investigation from that morning. All the police know about the incident at the college is that
there was a fight in the research lab, but nobody saw anything.
12:00 Minutes The team heads over to inspect the research lab at the college. There is no sign
of forced entry. This meant that Dr. Suri had to of let his attacker in. Rossi claims This wasnt
an assault, it was an abduction. The doctor was studying the impact humans had on insect
mating habits. Rossi finds the doctors phone lying on the floor, this shows that the unsub is smart
and didnt want them to be able to track using GPS (Global Positioning System). This also
means that this is serial (more than one incident; they can develop a profile.) We see the doctor,
he is tied to a chair in the same room with the man who was taking samples from the thing
crawling in his arm. The man claims that his blood is black, but when the doctor denies seeing
the black the man only sees red. He yells at the doctor claiming he corrupted that sample. The
doctor begins to argue that he was not the corrupt one that the man was. The doctor admits that
he entertained the mans theories but it is impossible. It is only real to the man and that is
because he is sick.
15:00 Minutes The Medical Examiner has looked at the body of Albert and finds that there
was residue of duct tape showing that he was held against his will. But there is something
strange, there is evidence of skin under his nails but it is his own, and there are scratch marks
flesh deep all over him. This is the result of him scratching himself, but why? There are also
places on his arm that show signs of heroin use. JJ asks when the last time he used was and based
on the wounds it was about a week before the examination. The scratch marks could be signs of
withdrawal from heroin being that during his containment he was not using. But instead of
keeping Albert tied up, the suspect allowed him to scratch, this tells us that it isnt torture. There
is a rash behind the victims ear, this could mean a new substance was introduced, or it may be a
bite. We now see the doctor he looks to be in some sort of rusted tube that had a hole cut in it
(Kind of like if you cut a bath shaped hole in a large water heater.) The unsub begins to pore
huge hissing cockroaches onto the doctor. The doctor is pleading for the man to stop. Suri was
found by a dumpster the next morning. He was shot point blank in the head. This means there
was a change in M.O. (Modus Operandi Latin for Method of Operation.) The doctor shows less
signs of scratching but the bite marks are still there. So the unsub wants the victims to itch. Reid
finds a cockroach still left in the nose of the doctor. They are ready to deliver the profile. Hotch
We believe the unsub were looking for suffers from delusional parasitosis, A condition in
which the patient believes that hes being attacked or infested by bugs.
18:00 Minutes Though he has murdered and been the cause of the death of his victims his
intention isnt to kill them, it is a crying out for help. He kidnapped Stillman because he wanted
Albert to write a story about the bugs inside him, unfortunately, because Stillman was suddenly
experiencing opiate withdrawal, he was already hallucinating insects, and this led to a psychotic
break. So he then kidnapped Suri thinking that he would believe him. But the FBI thinks Dr. Suri
recognized the mans symptoms to be that of mental illness. That could also explain why the
doctor was killed so quickly. This man is desperate to diagnose himself, he does not want to be
labeled as crazy or insane. It is suspected that the man believes the government is trying to keep
him sick. We then see the unsub, he is in a group, the people in this group have similar problems.
The unsubs name is Leo.

21:00 Minutes The team is chatting together. Reid picks up on the fact that there might be a
support group. Penelope searches and finds that there is. Leo is at a diner with a woman he met
at the support group. He insists she doesnt drink the water from the diner being that, that is the
easiest way for them to become infected. The woman then says that That means everyones
sick. Leo replies everyone is sick. He claims that the two of them react to it differently. Thats
what makes them special. While the pair has been sitting in the diner theyre chatting and bring
up the fact that neither of them have felt the symptoms since theyve been together. The girl
suggests that maybe theyre the cure. He agrees to the possibility.
24:00 Minutes Leo asks the girl How bad does it get for you? She responds Pretty bad.
She takes a deep breath and asks Do you want to see? Leo replies Yeah, but not here.
Morgan and JJ go to the location where the support group meets and questions the leader. She is
hesitant to cooperate with the FBI being that theyre with the government. But JJ and Morgan
press on anyways. You can tell she knows something she isnt willing to share. We see Leo and
the girl. They make a small cut on her abdomen to retrieve a blood sample. They place it under a
slide and she asks if he can see them wiggling, and shes asking that he please sees them. He
does. He asks her if they are only in her blood. She tells him no, and he looks up with a sense of
understanding. She says Tell me again that its real. Leo Its real.
27:00 Minutes She asks if Leo can heal her. He claims he can. The team finds out that the
group leader went to five different drug stores after her run in with the FBI. Each time she got
diaper rash cream. Leo is in bed with the girl, hes looking at her scars. There is a knock at the
door Hi, Jane. Honey, come on. Quick like a bunny. Its Lisa (the leader of the support group)
Leo sounds upset that she is there, and Jane (The girl) claims that Lisa takes her to meetings
sometimes. They overhear Lisa talking to one of the agents and suddenly believe she is no longer
one of them.
30:00 Minutes - Hotchner uses the fact that Lisa bought the baby rash cream to discover she had
a baby that had passed early in childhood. The woman breaks down and finally gives agent
Hotchner the name of the man, His name is Leo. She claims she doesnt have his number or
anything but she did see him interacting with her friend Jane. Lisa also mentions of her knocking
at the door this morning and Jane didnt answer but there was someone inside because she heard
them whispering.
Observation Three Notes
Boxed In
3:00 Minutes Its sometime in fall, around Halloween. There is pumpkins everywhere. We see
a young woman trying to decide on a pumpkin. She finds one and says Hey, this ones good.
What do you think, Honey? Turning beside her looking for confirmation. She is frantic the
person she was talking to isnt there. She calls out slightly frazzled at first Ty? A little more
stern she says Tyler. Shes beginning to panic Tyler? she repeats. She says this a couple
more times while looking around the music is troublesome which shows us she is worried and
something bad may happen. She yells Tyler! looking around. Finally she sees the little boy off
by a tractor, she runs to him calling his name. Relieved, she tells the boy Dont ever do that.
Ok? You cant just walk off. You have to tell me where youre going The boy says Look,
mom. I found a guy taking a nap. He pulls her to the side to show her. We then see someone
laying under the front of a big machine (a tractor or combine of some sort). The boys mother
asks her son if he had found the guy taking the nap like that. She also questioned if any adults
had been close when the boy stumbled across the other person. The mother is checking out the

Commented [SS14]: I would look at re-wording this

part of the paper. You could say, He insists she does
not drink the water from the diner because this is the
easiest way of becoming infected." The sentence
before this makes sense to me, I was thinking this
might be a better way of rewording it.
Ryan Parr

scene and we realize the guy taking a nap is actually a young boy in a costume. She says
Hello. Are you okay? The boy doesnt budge so she lifts the mask to reveal a dirty face and
possible abrasions. The boy awakes screaming Aah! Let me out! Let me out! Aah! We then
see a city its night time and it is thundering. We see Agent Hotchner speaking with Penelope.
6:00 Minutes - Penelope is rushing Hotch out the door because it is Halloween. (Agent Hotchner
has a son named Jack, Jacks mother was killed by a criminal who had been following Hotch. He
wouldve killed Jack too had it not been for clever thinking.) Agent Hotchner is going to see a
psychic. The psychic is a man presumably dressed in drag. Hotch was picking up something for
Jack We are now at Hotchners house Jack is there with his aunt. Aaron (Hotchner) opens the
box to reveal a Darth Vader costume. Jack is super excited, his aunt questions How did you find
it the night before Halloween? He gets a call to go to work. Garcia (Penelope) briefs the team
Last Halloween, 11 year old Joshua Parker disappeared in San Diego. Thunder rolls and
Lightning flashes, the power goes out. Generator kicks in and they continue. Because little
Joshua was considered a Chronic runaway and had disciplinary problems. This being the case
they never considered his disappearance to be an abduction. Joshua was the boy from the
pumpkin patch (AKA The guy napping) He had gone missing the Halloween before.
9:00 Minutes We find out that Joshua was not the first victim this had happened to. They had
thought they caught the suspect but are now realizing they may have a copycat or the man who
conducted the first abduction had a partner. The team gets ready to head to the plane. We now
see a dark room, it flashes to what looks to be a cellar door opening. There is a man. He hops
down. He grabs a blanket from the small room, he also grabs a pot. The man begins putting on
gloves and has a bucket and some bleach. Frantically he begins cleaning everything. He then
replaces the blanket and pot with some fresh ones. He also tosses a small pen sized flash light
into the cellar. The door slams shut. The plane is up in the air and its night time. We hear Hotch
saying There is nothing funny about Halloween. This sarcastic festival reflects rather an
infernal demand for revenge by children on the adult world.- Jean Baudrillard We find out that
both victims were found exactly 364 days after their disappearance, which suggests they were
actually released. Theyre trying to get an understanding of the victimology. (what the suspect
wants in a victim and what it suggests about the suspect themselves.) They note that both boys
were Caucasian and they were about the same age when they were kidnapped. They try to
understand why this is happening around Halloween and their best guess is that it was the result
of a childhood tragedy. The team suspects that the person committing the crime is in affiliation
with a man who had been known to do it before, but with the previous kidnapper he would
sexually assault the boys. With the currant assailant there are no obvious signs of assault. The
team begins to talk of how the first victim was found, the young boy passed away due to
malnutrition and his muscles were severely atrophied (like in a person with MD his muscles
were deteriorated/deteriorating.) This suggests that he had very little physical activity and its
possible he was restrained for a portion of his containment. The first boy also had puncture
wounds, bruises and was covered in splinters. The team then discusses the game plan. (Who will
go where and talk to who.)
12:00 Minutes We see the most recent victim in a hospital bed. We notice there is a tall
slender man in glasses dressed in suit and tie at the boys bed side. The doctor is just double
checking all fluids. The boy is dehydrated. As the screen pans out, we see that there is also a
woman in a chair on the other side of the bed. The doctor seems frustrated. She breathes a sigh of
relief when she sees JJ and Spencer. The physician makes them aware of his prognosis. Hes
exhausted and slightly dehydrated, but somebody made sure he ate, maybe even gave him

vitamin supplements. Remembering with the other victim, Reid asks if the newer victims
muscles were atrophied. The woman responds Yes. Badly. Hes going to need physical therapy
but in time he should make a full recovery. Reid also asks about splinters and puncture wounds.
The woman again responds Yes. Both. JJ asks when the boy will be able to talk to law
enforcement. The doctor responds Uh, No time soon, Im afraid. Its his mental state that
concerns me. Hes sedated now, but when he first came in, he was unable to communicate and
extremely agitated. The young boy was supposedly violent, tried to escape from the hospital, he
kept screaming Let me out, Let me out. Reid suggests the boys are kept in boxes, this would
account for the low physical activity and the splinters. JJ questions about the puncture wounds
and Reid rebuttals the box was probably homemade so the wounds couldve come from nails.
Were then at the station and Rossi and Hotch are talking back and forth. They speak of how Josh
(The most current victim) may never be able to truly tell them his story. And how solitary
confinement can make grown men go crazy, its impossible to imagine what it can do to a child.
Killing isnt part of the plan in this situation. They speak to the man in jail for the first known
abduction (a man who is a known pedophile). But from tell tail signs (proof that hes anxious, or
about to lie) that he wasnt even the one who committed the first act and he is just a creep who is
15:00 Minutes The team realizes theyre looking for someone entirely different. They make
their statement to the press. We see a family eating supper. There is a younger boy with an older
teen sister, and the mother is bantering with the son. He seems like a trouble maker. On the TV is
the news report. We see the boy stocking up, he had been complaining wanting to go out with
friends for Halloween. We now see the son with his group of friends, theyre egging houses and
cars. The boy is hiding in a bush from a man who found the young kids egging his home. Once
the man goes back into his home, the coast is seemingly clear. But the boy is being watched by
someone in the distance. There is a car with the lights off. The boy sneaks out of the bushes to
retrieve a bike he had earlier dropped when they were caught egging homes. There is a sound of
a car door opening, and the scene moves to the car and we see someone in a hoodie with gloves
and a mask on get out. The boy begins walking fast, and the masked man begins to walk towards
him. Right when the boy gets ready to run, the man comes behind him and covers his mouth and
snatches the young boy up.
18:00 Minutes Hotch is at the station talking on the phone with someone. We can suspect its
about Jack. (Hotchners son) Hotch is half way smiling while having the conversation. He
apologizes for not being there and he will see him as soon as he can. After he gets off the phone,
he says to JJ standing in the room with him Jack won best costume in school. We get news
from a local agent that a 12-year-old boy has gone missing. We see the parents from the family
scene just minutes before, the mother is distraught. Though the agents try to calm the mother
with the thoughts that the boy will be kept alive the mother mentions that the other boys were
missing for a year.
21:00 Minutes The mother begins to show signs of anger, which is a normal stage of grief in
this type of situation. The husband tries to calm her, but there is no way she will calm down until
she has her son back. We finally figure out the new boys name. His name is Hunter. Shes
extremely aggravated, she begins yelling at the team to get out! And go find her son. Kate tries to
calm the mother Maam I understand that this is a lot. The woman responds with a smart alek
tone Your son is missing as well? What a coincidence. Do you even have kids? We then see
the teenaged sister, shes got tears running down her face and the mother goes to coddle her.
Hotch then informs the mother, both him and Kate are parents and they understand how

incredibly hard and terrifying her situation must be. We now see the car from the earlier
abduction. There is muffled cries. The man is pulling a white cloth looking thing from the rear of
the vehicle. He then unravels the cloth and the boy falls to the ground, we can see his hands and
feed are taped together and we can assume his mouth is taped as well. The man is still wearing
the mask and informs the boy he is going to cut him loose but if he runs he will hit the boy again.
He cuts the tape from Hunters hands and feet and then informs the boy he is going to take the
tape off his mouth but he is going to stay quiet. The boy says Please, and the man yells I said,
Quiet! We then hear some shuffling as he bends over to the ground beside him, he opens a
hatch like door. He tells the boy to get in. the boy begins to plead. The boy gets in and the man
tells him some time down there and he might learn his lesson. The man slams the door shut.
Hunter hollers, LET ME OUT! Latches lock. The boy is using the small pen sized flash light
to look around. The man drops in two bottles of water through a small hole and then covers it
with piece of plywood. The man pulls a car over top of where the box is in the ground. The boy
continues to plead. We then see the man from earlier who caught the boys egging his home. He
is being questioned. The man is complaining that he has work in the morning and he asks if all
the questions are necessary. Rossi responds that he could care less the man has to work and
neither would the parents of the missing boy.
24:00 Minutes JJ asks one of the young boys friends if he had seen anyone else at all. Reid is
inspecting egg yolk on the mans garage door. And he states that from the interview with the first
victims mother she could recall buying toilet paper and later that night couldnt find it
anywhere. They then make the connection that the first victim (Tommy) had been out on
Halloween TPing houses. They mention Hunter was egging houses and also state that Joshua
(The second victim) had disciplinary problems. They make the connection that all victims were
Bad boys. They then release an updated profile (A profile is a description of a suspect based on
evidence that has been found and based on the victims.) The profile states they are looking for a
white male in his mid-20s to early 30s. This man would be fixated on Halloween, its also
figured that it is probably related to a traumatic event from the unsubs childhood. One of the
local law enforcement officers asks if they really think he is doing all of this just to punish the
kids. Though they have a hotline open and have been trying to find new leads they come up
short. Just when they think the end is further and further away a young girl who looks to be about
25 or so comes in asking to speak with the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation). She claims that
the one who kidnapped the boys was her brother.
27:00 Minutes The girl is now being questioned. Hotch asks if her and her brother were close.
She replies that theyre about 5 years apart so not so much. She claims her brother used to lock
her in closets and sometimes smother her. She says that once when she was 10 her mother
smelled something out by the garbage. And she found about 10 cats and dogs stuffed into boxes
in the dumpster. Hotch asked her if she believed her brother killed those animals and she replied
that he had admitted to doing it. Kate asked what made the girl so sure it was her brother and she
informed Hotch and Kate that their dad left on the night of Halloween. We then see a scene of
the young girl looking about age 5 or so and the boy about age 10 and their father yelling at him.
Saying how dare he bring the police to his door, that he wasnt so sorry when he was egging that
house. The boy was then forced to get into a small trunk, the lid to the trunk then was slammed
shut. The father kept telling young Johnny (The possible kidnapper) that hed keep him in there
until next Halloween to teach him a lesson. Their mother got home and lost it. Sandra (Johnnys
sister) says she hasnt seen her brother in 3 years and doesnt know where he might be but her
mom may know. They figure out that he had been engaged to a woman 3 years ago, but the

woman ended up marrying someone else, this couldve been the trigger that caused him to want
to kidnap the young boys.
30:00 Minutes The team is now talking to the mother of the possible unsub. She claims the
last time she saw him was at his engagement party about 3 years ago. Rossi says So right before
Charlene left him? the mother says That little Bitch broke his heart. The mother claims her
son is a good boy. She says she knowns her son, he didnt do this. John (Johnny) is in the car
listening to heavy metal music and smoking. He is also drinking.
Interview Questions
Q.1) What is your favorite aspect of the show Criminal Minds?
A.1) The plot is always changing, and you never know what to expect episode to episode.
Q.2) Tell me about your favorite character from the show.
A.2) Spencer Reid, how can you not love him? Hes overcome so many obstacles to become the
individual he is today.
Q.3) If you could, tell me what character relationships stand out to you, and explain why
they stand out.
A.3) Penelope Garcia and Derek Morgan. The bond they have is special. They show what true
friendship is, they are there for each other no matter what.
Q.4) Discuss a few things that drew you into Criminal Minds the first time you watched it.
A.4) The characters, you feel like they are family and you cheer them on and cry with them when
one is hurting. They kept me guessing to the end of the show.
Q.5) What is it that stands out to you about this series that doesnt stand out in other
television shows?
A.5) They dont forget the past, they talk about old team members, and dont leave you
wondering what theyre doing now. I have watched some of the characters grow from boys to
men and watched families grow and shrink, you feel their heartache, and cant wait until next

Commented [SS15]: Who are you interviewing? i

would like to know who the interviewee is. You could
also add what their experience is with the show and
any other relevant background information.

Commented [SS16]: I really like the way you worded

this question. If I were the one answering this question
it would make me think more in depth about the show
instead of just the obvious aspects. The answer also
convinced me to want to watch this show and look for
the things that are mentioned here.

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