Bio Library Quiz

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Question 1 of 17

1.0 Points

How can you get help using the Brock University Library?
Watch the Welcome to the Library video!

A. All of the answers are correct!

On the Brock Library home page, drop down the Help menu and look for FAQ.

On the Brock Library home page drop down the Research menu and click on Research Guides
by Program. Have a look at Biological Sciences.
Go to the Brock library home page and look for the Ask Us! information.
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Question 2 of 17

1.0 Points

Why is it useful to have a "My Library Account"?

Have a look at the video in Question 1.
You might also want to sign up for a library account using the link on the library home page.

A. It allows students to borrow items on reserve.

B. It allows students to renew books online that they have borrowed from the library. It
also allows access to electronic full text resources from off-campus.

C. It allows student to use RACER to borrow books and journal articles from other
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Question 3 of 17

1.0 Points

If the Brock Library doesn't have a book or journal article that you need, which library service would help
you to borrow a book or get a copy of an article from another university?
Have a look at the video in Question 1.

A. Reserves.
B. Interlibrary Loan (RACER).
C. SuperSearch.
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Question 4 of 17

1.0 Points

Wikipedia, "the encyclopedia that everyone can edit", is a very popular web site. Go
to Wikipedia or and type roly poly in the search box at the upper
right side of the page. Roly poly is the common name for an insect in the Armadillidiidae family. Now
answer the next two questions.
i) What is the common name of the family Armadillidiidae?
ii) Can you use and cite this page if your professor or lab instructor requires you to find scholarly articles?


i) Woodlice.
ii) No, the author is not identified. However, you can use the references (bibliography) to find
scholarly articles. Be careful not to use web pages or newspaper or magazine articles if you are
required to find scholarly peer reviewed articles.


i) Pillbugs.
ii) Yes, the author is a professional in this subject area and is currently doing research and
publishing articles.
i) Isopoda.
ii) Yes, there is a list of references (bibliography) and the article has been peer reviewed and
accepted by knowledgeable people who are experts in this subject.
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Question 5 of 17

1.0 Points

Use the SuperSearch box on the Library Home Page to find out which volume of Bergey's Manual of
Systematic Bacteriology covers archaea.
i) if the library has a copy, what is the call number?
ii) How would you cite this book "in text" using APA style?
iii) How would you cite this book in a bibliography using APA style?
Watch the video SuperSearch for Books for Biology.
Have a look at this video about in text and bibliographic citations using APA. This video covers citing
scholarly articles, you will need to use the Purdue site to find the information to cite an edited book.
Here is the FAQ for SuperSearch.

i) QR 81 B46 2001 v.1. Not available online.
ii) (Garrity, Boone, et al., 2001)
iii) Garrity GM, Boone DR, Castenholz RW, Brenner DJ, Krieg NR, Staley JT and Bergey DH.

(Eds.) Bergey's manual of systematic bacteriology. New York: Springer, 2001.


i) QR 81 B46 2001 v.1. Also available online.

ii) (Garrity, et al., 2001)
iii) Garrity, G. M., Boone, D. R., Castenholz, R. W., Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R., Staley, J. T., . .
. Bergey, D. H. (Eds.) (2001). Bergey's manual of systematic bacteriology (2nd ed.). New York:
i) QR 81 B46 2001 v.3. Also available online
ii) (Garrity et al., 2001)
iii) Garrity GM, Boone DR, Castenholz RW, Brenner DJ, Krieg NR, Staley JT, Bergey DH.
(Eds.) Bergey's manual of systematic bacteriology. 2nd ed. New York: Springer; 2001.
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Question 6 of 17

1.0 Points

Next use the SuperSearch database to look for information about pill bugs (another name for roly polies)
written by someone with the last name Reebs. View the HTML Full Text link. If your Professor or TA tells you
to use scholarly peer-reviewed articles, can you use this article?
Video about looking for information using SuperSearch.
Watch this video entitled What is a peer-reviewed article?

Scholarly versus Popular Periodicals video

A. Two of the answers are correct.

B. Yes, there is a list of references (bibliography) and the article has been reviewed and
accepted for publication by peers.
C. No, this is a magazine and I can't find any information about the author's qualifications.
D. Yes, it describes in details original research done by the author(s).
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Question 7 of 17

1.0 Points

Find the full text of the following article.

Smigel JT, Gibbs AG. 2008. Conglobation in the pill bug, Armadillidium vulgare, as a water conservation
mechanism. Journal of Insect Science 8:44.
Is this a scholarly/peer-reviewed/academic journal article?
Have a look at the video SuperSearch for peer reviewed articles and carefully select your keywords.

A. No, it has diagrams, charts and tables but does not have a list of references.
B. Yes. It was received for publication on 20 June 2007 and then accepted for publication
on August 25, 2007 which indicates that the paper had gone through a peer-reviewed process.
C. No, I can't find information about the where the authors work.
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Question 8 of 17

1.0 Points

You need to find photographs/images of pillbugs for a lap report. They must be freely available for student
use without copyright restrictions. And they must be from acredible source. Which websites (below) are
good sources of accurate, high-quality images of pillbugs AND comply with copyright?

TIP -- ensure that:

images are clearly labelled, so you know you're using the correct photo

rules for using the photos/images are clearly explained and allow educational use

All of the above: A, B & C

Insect Images --

Google Images Advanced Search - use the "usage rights: free to use or share" filter
Note: using Google Images' advanced search "free to use or share" usage filter allows you to
find images that can be re-used. Other images you find on Google are likely protected
by copyright laws and you cannot legally use them for your assignments.


The Diversity of Insects --

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Question 9 of 17
Go to Insect Images ( and find the the photo of the casebearer moth

1.0 Points

larva submitted by Cappaert (use the search box on the top right of the website homepage).
How do you cite this image using APA style? Click on the image for details.
TIP -- See this research guide from Boise State University library for help with citing images in APA style:

Casebearer moths [Photograph], by David Cappaert. (2006). Retrieved

Cappaert, D. (2006). Casebearer moths Larva(e) [Photograph], Retrieved (today's date)

Cappaert, D. (2011). Casebearer moths [Photograph], Retrieved (today's date)
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Question 10 of 17

1.0 Points

Use the SuperSearch database to find the full-text of an article about humans in Southern Ontario and the
West Nile virus published in 2012 by Fiona Hunter, a professor at Brock University. Remember to carefully
choose your keywords.Keep this search open for the next question.
How would you cite this article in APA style?
Here is a link to Purdue's APA Style Guide for articles in periodicals.

Keep the article opened for the next question.


Russell, C., & Hunter, F.F. (2012) Culex pipiens (Culicidae) is attracted to humans in southern
Ontario, but will it serve as a bridge vector of West Nile virus? Canadian Entomologist, 144(5),
B. Russell, C, and Hunter FF. Culex pipiens (Culicidae) is attracted to humans in southern
Ontario, but will it serve as a bridge vector of West Nile virus? Can.Entomol. 144: 667-671,
C. Russell, C., Hunter F. Culex pipiens (Culicidae) is attracted to humans in southern
Ontario, but will it serve as a bridge vector of West Nile virus? Canadian Entomologist.
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Question 11 of 17

1.0 Points

Click on the PDF Full text icon associated with Hunter's article (see the results of the previous question) or
use the GET IT button
to find the full text. When was this article accepted for publication?
Who reviewed this article and recommended it for publication?
Here is a video about using the Get It button to find the full text of articles.

A. 4 October 2012. Peers who are widely acknowledged experts in this field of study.
B. 4 October 2011. The publisher.
C. 15 December 2011. Peers who are widely acknowledged experts in this field of study.
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Question 12 of 17

1.0 Points

Look for information about mosquitoe transmitters of West Nile Virus in Wikipedia. How does this
information compare to the scholarly articles you found in SuperSearch?

A. The Wikipedia pages do not have an author so I am uncertain about the credibility of
the information.

B. Professors and TA's usually don't consider Wikipedia to be a scholarly source of

information so if you cite a page in Wikipedia it will not count for marks on your assignments.
C. I can use the scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles that I found in SuperSearch for
assignments and labs in all my courses.
D. All of the answers are correct.
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Question 13 of 17

1.0 Points

Next you are going to look for information concerning the transmission of the "West Nile virus" to birds.
Use to find an article entitled "Half of nation's West Nile cases in Texas" by Sandy Kachur. Is Kachur
an expert on the topic of mosquitoe transmission of West Nile Virus?

A. Yes, although the information about birds getting the West Nile virus from drinking
water is incorrect.
B. I'm not sure, Kachur doesn't appear to be a research scientist.
C. Yes, because this article reports original research.
D. Yes, because this article is written in a scholarly journal.
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Question 14 of 17

1.0 Points

Now look for items about the identification of mosquitoes with Dr. Fiona Hunter as the author in Google
Scholar (click on the red Google Scholar link to access the database). How many results do you get? Can you
tell if the articles are full-text by looking at the Google Scholar page?
See the Google Scholar: How to get better results video.

A. Less than 70. Yes PDF and HTML links.

B. More than 100,000. No.

Between 500 and 3,000. Not right away, I have to try the

@ Brock link.

D. More than 500. PDF's and HTML links but even more full text if I go through the
Brock library databases to access Google Scholar and then use the GET IT button.
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Question 15 of 17

1.0 Points

Use the SuperSearch database again to look for information about mosquitoes and identification and West
Nile Virus.
i) How many results did you get?
Next click on Advanced Search and look for the terms in the Subject Terms field by looking at the menu on
the left side of the page and dropping down the Subject field and selecting the appropriate Subject Terms.
ii) How many results did you get?
Have a look at the SuperSearch using Subject Fields video.

A. Between 3000 and 4000. Between 1000 and 1300.

B. Between 26 and 100. Less than 40.
C. Between 200 and 600. Less than 150.
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Question 16 of 17

1.0 Points

Refer back to the last question. Why is it better to use the Subject Terms field (if appropriate terms are
available) and limit by scholarly/academic journals? Keep the results page in SuperSearch for the next

A. The results list will be smaller and easier to use. Academic journals are easy to use.
B. The result list will be smaller, so you don't waste time looking at too many hits. No
need to worry about scholarly articles, professors let you use any kind of information for your

C. The result list will be more relevant because the words you use as Subject Terms are
key concepts in the articles and professors want you to use scholarly articles.
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Question 17 of 17

1.0 Points

Compare the articles you found in this assignment by looking for either academic journals versus magazines
or web pages. What features do you notice that suggest the academic journal articles are scholarly?

A. Scholarly articles often have diagrams, charts and graphs. Magazines articles have
pictures and advertisements.
B. Scholarly articles are often longer, even up to 20 or more pages. Magazine articles are
often short, sometimes only 1/2 page.
C. All of the answers are correct.
D. Scholarly articles are usually written by one or more authors. The authors' credentials
are clearly stated and often their addresses or emails are provided. In contrast, sometimes the
author is of a magazine article is unknown.

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