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Calcarea carb , Sepia ,Lycopodium, Graphites and Nux Vomica are the leading homeopathic remedies for

hypothyroidism .

Calcarea Carbonica: Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carbonica assumes the top most position in
homeopathy for treating hypothyroid cases. It is one of the best homeopathic remedy for
hypothyroidism. Its use is highly recommended in obese people who are always chilly and cannot
tolerate cold air. The patient requiring this medicine is fair complexioned, fatty and flabby. Excessive
sweating on head is a leading feature for its use in hypothyroid patients. Certain peculiarities in eating
habits like craving for boiled eggs, desire for indigestible things like chalk, pencils, lime, and aversion to
take fats also guide towards its use in patients of hypothyroidism. This homeopathic medicine for
hypothyroidism can also help in relieving constipation in hypothyroid patients; the peculiar feature is
that the first part of stool is hard and is followed by soft stool. This medicine proves to be very
efficacious in women with hypothyroidism who suffer from very profuse menses that continue for long
durations and occur earlier than the expected date. Coldness of feet is always present during the
menstrual period.

Sepia Officinalis: Sepia Officinalis is also a significant homeopathic medicine for treating the
hypothyroid patients. The patients requiring this medicine are very weak, have a pale yellow face and
faint very easily especially on exposure to excessive cold temperature. Such patients lack vital heat of
body and feel excessively chilly even in a warm room. This medicine can help in treating the menstrual
complaints in patients of hypothyroidism where the menses appear too early and are copious in nature.
The menstrual complaints are always accompanied by bearing down sensations in pelvis where the
patient feels as if the pelvic organs will come out through the vulva and always sit with cross legs to
prevent the escape. Sepia Officinalis is also prescribed for controlling the excessive hair fall due to
hypothyroidism, especially in women of menopausal age. The next sphere in which this medicine proves
very efficacious is the treatment of constipation in hypothyroid patients. The patients requiring this
medicine complain of very hard and difficult stool that is passed in small balls with excessive pain
during the passing the stool process that continues for long time after the stool. The mental symptoms
that are to be considered for its use in hypothyroid patients is extreme irritability and indifferent
behaviour towards family members who were earlier very much loved. An unusual excessive craving for
acidic things and pickles can also be present.

Lycopodium Clavatum:This is an excellent homeopathic thyroid Remedy . This homeopathic medicine

is mainly prescribed to those patients of hypothyroidism who suffer from gastric troubles. There is
excessive flatulence in the abdomen with acidity that is mainly worse after taking farinaceous food. The
complaints are mainly worse from 4:00pm-8:00pm. There is constipation with difficult, hard, incomplete
stool. The person craves hot drinks and hot food; craving for sweets may also be found. The person is
very weak with yellowish face and blue circles around eyes. The excessive hair falling in a hypothyroid
person can be wonderfully tackled with this medicines use. The patients requiring this medicine are of
very irritable nature and cannot bear little contradiction.

Graphites: Graphites is mainly used for those patients of hypothyroidism who are very obese and take
on cold very easily. The long standing constipation where the stool is hard and passes with great
difficulty in lumps can be treated with this medicine. Such patients also complain of fullness in abdomen
due to obstruction of flatus and desire to loosen the clothing to get relief. Mentally the patient is very
depressed, sad and weeps easily on listening to music. Timidity and inability to take decisions may also
be present.

Nux Vomica: Nux Vomica is a wonderful homeopathic remedy mainly prescribed in those patients of
hypothyroidism who are extremely temperamental in nature and get offended very easily; such people
are very sensitive to all external impressions. This medicine works wonderfully in treating the obstinate
constipation in hypothyroid patients. The stool is scanty and unsatisfactory where the patient feels
constant urge to pass stool but with little evacuation. Bloated feeling in the stomach after eating is also
present. There is an excessive desire for stimulants like alcoholic drinks and coffee; fatty food and spicy

food. Patient is very chilly. This medicine can also help those women of hypothyroidism who complain
of prolonged menses where the menstrual blood is blackish and accompanied by fainting spells.

Homeopathic medicines for Hypothyroidism When Weight Gain is the Main Symptom
Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carbonica works well in controlling the excessive weight gain in patients due
to hypothyroidism. The patient requiring this medicine is fatty, fair complexioned and flabby. Extreme
sensitiveness to cold air is always present in the patient. Excessive sweating on the head usually at night time is
also a very prominent symptom guiding towards using this medicine in weight gain. Another homeopathic
medicine Graphites works well in controlling the weight gain in those persons who are very obese, chilly and
suffer from obstinate constipation. Lycopodium Clavatum is also a natural homeopathic medicine for treating
weight gain in hypothyroidism where the thighs and buttock region is obese. The patients requiring Lycopodium
usually show excessive craving for hot drinks and sweets.

Homeopathic medicines for treating menstrual problems in a women suffering from

Sepia Officinalis is an excellent medicine to deal with menstrual problems due to hypothyroidism where the
menses are very profuse and appear very early. Presence of bearing down sensations in pelvic organs along with
excessive menstrual flow is a hallmark in using this medicine to correct menstrual problem. The patient
requiring this medicine is very chilly and even faints in an extreme cold environment. Homeopathic medicine
Calcarea Carbonica can help where the women complain of heavy bleeding during menses along with
extremely cold feet during the flow. Excessive perspiration on the head during sleep can accompany this
problem, and the patients requiring this medicine are usually obese. Next homeopathic medicine Ferrum
Mettalicum can prove to be very efficacious in those women who complain of excessive bleeding during
menses where the blood is pale and watery leading to anemia and weakness. Cinchona Officinalis is yet another
useful natural homeopathic medicine for treating menstrual trouble in women suffering from hypothyroidism.
The symptom guiding towards its use is profuse menstrual flow containing dark clots.
Homeopathic medicines for dealing with cold intolerance in hypothyroid patients:
Homeopathic medicines Psorinum, Silicea, Calcarea Carbonica are wonderful medicines to deal with
sensitiveness to cold in hypothyroid patients. All these are equally good for decreasing the sensitivity towards
cold but the selection of the medicine solely depends upon the constitutional symptoms given by the patient.
Psorinum may be given to those patients who always feel chilly and even in hot weather desire extra coverings
to combat the extreme chilliness. Patients requiring Psorinum may also give a history of some sort of skin
complaint during their life time. Next medicine Silicea mainly suits obstinate kind of people who are extremely
sensitive to cold and who have offensive perspiration on feet. For using Calcarea Carbonica, the symptoms of
excessive perspiration on scalp, obesity and craving for boiled eggs along with chilliness are given utmost
Homeopathic medicines Alumina, Nux Vomica and Bryonia Alba for treating the constipation in a
person suffering from Hypothyroidism:
The first homeopathic medicine Alumina gives excellent results in treating the trouble of constipation in a
hypothyroid patient. Patient requiring this medicine passes many days without going for stool, he feels no desire
for stool until a large accumulation has occurred in intestines. The stool is mainly soft and clay like but it
requires great straining to expel the stool due to sluggish action of rectum. Next medicine Nux Vomica works
well in relieving those cases of constipation where the patient feels constant desire to pass stool but only scanty
stool is passed. The stool is insufficient and does not give satisfaction to the patient. Pain in abdomen usually
precedes the expulsion of stool. Intake of spices and coffee makes the patient worse. The last medicine Bryonia
Alba can help in relieving those patients who complain of excessively hard and dry stool. An unusual thirst for
large quantities of water may be present in patients requiring Bryonia Alba.
Homeopathic Remedies for treating hair fall in patients of Hypothyroidism:
There are no patent medicines in homeopathy for treating hair fall in a patient of hypothyroidism and the
medicine has to be selected depending upon the constitutional symptoms of the patient. Natrum Muriaticum is a

very good homeopathic medicine for dealing with hair fall cases in persons suffering from hypothyroidism. The
symptoms that guide towards its use for hair fall are excessive craving for salty things, inability to bear the heat
of sun. The patient requiring this medicine is usually of reserved nature and may show weeping tendencies
especially when alone. Lycopodium Clavatum is yet another natural homeopathic medicine for treating hair fall.
This medicine can be prescribed to those patients of hair fall who crave hot drinks and sweets. Some sort of
gastric trouble like extreme flatulence usually accompanies hair fall in patients requiring this medicine.
Homeopathic Medicines for Hashimotos thyroiditis:
There is no specific medicine in homeopathy for treating Hashimotos thyroiditis but the required medicine has
to be selected from a wide range of homeopathic medicines that depend entirely upon the constitutional
symptoms of patient taken down after proper case taking. Homeopathic medicines Calcarea Carbonica,
Graphites, Sepia Officinalis are few of the good homeopathic medicines to deal with Hashimotos thyroiditis.
Calcarea Carbonica suits mainly persons complaining of weight gain with excessive perspiration on head and
extreme chilliness. Graphites may be recommended in obese, chilly patients with obstinate constipation. The
last medicine Sepia Officinalis is mainly indicted for treating the menstrual irregularities in thyroiditis patients.
Homoeopathy treatment..
Iodium CM daily one dose morning empty stomach for four continues day. There after monthly
one dose early in morning empty stomach for 6 month pls check TSH every month if falls
below the normal then stop the allopathic medicine.. and fully depend on homeopathy
Dr. Banerji has shared with that they found Bromium 6c, twice a day has the highest success rate
on hypothyroid patients. I also found this working. This is fyi only.
Increased sensitivity to cold
Pale, dry skin
A puffy face
Hoarse voice
An elevated blood cholesterol level
Unexplained weight gain
Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness
Pain, stiffness or swelling in your joints
Muscle weakness
Heavier than normal menstrual periods
Brittle fingernails and hair

The best herbs for hypothyroidism are

Gotukola, Chanderprabha, Guggulipid and hakam Churna.
The combination is available at planet Ayurveda dot com
(a) Kanchanara Guggulu5,7,8 (Sa. Sam)
The drug Kanchanara guggulu a compound Ayurvedic preparation consists of Guggulu, Kanchanara, Varuna,
Triphala, Trikatu and Trijataka (preparation of the drug mentioned in drug aspect). It is one of the safest and the
very useful drug in ayurveda, is found in usage for many years for gandhamala, apachi, Arbuda, Granthi, Vrana,
Gulma, Kusta, Bhagandara etc. In the present study KNG is evaluated for thyroid stimulating activity.
(b) Shigru Patra Kwatha6,7

Shigru is a well-known plant in India. It has deepana, pachana, kapha vata hara properties. It is recommended in
galaganda, kandu, sotha, apachi, vrana, medoroga, vidradhi, gulma etc. As it is rich in iodine, which is the main
cause for hypothyroidism, is selected as anupana along with KNG.
Shigru leaves are dried and the powder was given to the patients and advised them to make decoction.
Kwatha preparation: To the coarse powder of one part of drug, add 8 parts of water, boil and reduce them to
1/4th and filter it.
Dose of the drug: i) Kanchanara guggulu 250mg b.d.
ii) Shigru patra kwatha 250ml b.d - See more at:

There are many ayurvedic and herbal remedies for prostate enalargement recommended to lower down PSA
levels as well as taking care of symptoms. The various herbal remedies for enlarged prostate gland are 1. Varunadi Vati - Crataeva nurvala is the tree known as Varuna in Ayurveda. The herbal tablets made from the
bark of this tree are recommended in Ayurveda for prostate enlargement or BPH. Ayurveda is an age old
traditional medical system still in practice in India and recognized by WHO. totally herbal non-hormonal
ayurvedic medicine that treats BPH by reducing prostate weight. It improves the urinary flow rate as reducing
post-void residual urine
2. Shilajit Capsules Shilajit is very popular in Indian subcontinent and Himalayan region because of its antiageing properties and numerous health benefits. Traditionally it is used in all type of male health conditions
related to genito-urinary system. Shilajit is used for burning sensation during micturation, incontinence of urine
resulted from enlarged prostate or stone in the bladder or kidney. Shilajit is an excellent natural remedy for
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
3. Kachnaar Guggul This is another effective herbal remedy for Enlarged prostate gland. Traditionally in
Ayurvedic medicine, this herbal supplement is used for all types of excessive growth of various tissues
including prostate gland. Kachnaar Guggul gives results with other supplements like Varunadi vati, Shilajit
Capsules within few days of using them.
4. Tribulus Power Tribulus is a herb very popular for its use as a male sex power enhancement herb. The herb
Tribulus helps to maintain regular urine flow, stops dribbling after urination, helps to control urgency of urine as
well as gives strength to genitor-urinary system. Tribulus power capsules are used along with other herbal
supplements as effective herbal remedy for enlarged prostate gland.
Top Homeopathic remedies for Bipolar Disorder during mania phase
Homeopathic treatment for increased energy levels in Bipolar Disorder
Homeopathic medicine Lilium Tigrinum is of great help in treating increased energy levels in Bipolar Disorder
where the main symptom is extreme restlessness and difficulty in sitting still at one place. Another feature to look
out for while choosing Lilium Tigrinum is when a patient shows great hurriedness without any ambition or aim. The
patient requiring this Homeopathic medicine usually has a heart or uterine disease associated with the mental
symptoms. Homeopathic medicine Cannabis Indica is another helpfulremedy for treating increased energy levels in
Bipolar Disorder. One noticeable symptomf or which this Homeopathic medicine is of great help is when the patient
has bouts of uncontrollable laughter on listening to every little word spoken, which may not even be funny, and
excessive talkativeness. The patient requiring Homeopathic medicine Cannabis Indica is full of thoughts crowding
the brain at one time, making the patient forgetful of words while talking.

Homeopathic medicines for treating violent and aggressive behaviour during maniac phase
in Bipolar Disorder

Homeopathic medicine Belladona works very well for those patients of Bipolar Disorder who show a marked violent
behaviour and violence occurs in fits that come and go suddenly and the patient even bites and strikes the person
near him or her. Another symptom of violence where Belladona is beneficial as a cure is when the patient spits on
people and the face turns red. The Homeopathic medicine that equals Belladona in treating violent behaviour of
persons suffering from Bipolar Disorder is Veratrum Album. The symptoms calling for its use are excessive
shrieking, screaming and destructive behaviour mainly presenting themselves in the form of destroying, cutting
and tearing apart everything,most likely clothes.
In those cases of violent mania that start in a woman after childbirth,Homeopathic medicine Veratrum Album yields
good results. The third helpful Homeopathic remedy for controlling the violent behaviour in a patient with Bipolar
Disorder is Hyoscyamus Niger. The main symptoms for using this Homeopathic medicine are the desire to run away
from home, picking bed clothes, quarelling with others and shamelessness where the patient tends to remove his or
her clothes and sings obscene songs.

Homeopathic medicines for depressive phase of bipolar disorder with sadness as main
Ignatia Amara is one of the best Homeopathic remedies for treating sadness experienced by a patient in the
depressive phase of Bipolar Disorder. The patients requiring this medicine usually have a history of long-held grief
like death of a family member or close friend or in cases where the disease has originated after disappointed love
affections or from suppressed emotions. Homeopathic medicine Ignatia Amara is a very helpful remedy for patients
who sit silently and weep or brood over the past. Homeopathic medicine Sepia Officinalis is also beneficial for
treating sadness during the depression stage of Bipolar Disorder. The main symptoms for using this medicine are
constant weeping, indifferent behaviour towards people and even family members who were once much respected
and loved,and lack of interest in doing any mental or physical work. Ambra Grisea is another Homeopathic medicine
of great help for the treatment of sadness in Bipolar Disorder where the disease marks its origin through some kind
of business loss with continuous weeping for many days.

Homeopathic remedies for Bipolar Disorder during phases of depression with suicidal
Aurum Metallicum is an excellent Homeopathic medicine for treating those cases of depression in Bipolar Disorder
where suicidal thoughts predominate and the patient feels hopeless and worthless and has persistent suicidal
Natrum Sulphuricum is another Homeopathic remedy of great help for a patient in whom suicidal thoughts are
marked and he or she has to apply much self-control to stop themselves from actually committing suicide. Another
symptom that calls for the use of Homeopathic medicine Natrum Sulphuricum is gloominess. When the patient of
Bipolar Disorder feels sad even when listening to lively music and has an aversion to talk or be spoken to, Natrum
Sulphuricum is a very beneficial Homeopathic remedy.
6 Best Homeopathic Treatments For Bipolar Disorder
Natrum Sulph
Natrum Sulph is considered an effective homeopathic treatment for bipolar disorder. Although traditional
medications are suitable for all patients suffering from a particular disorder, homeopathic treatments are prescribed
according to each individual. Natrum sulph is a homeopathic medication that is generally suitable for all individuals
suffering from bipolar disorder.
This medication is mostly used in the treatment of bipolar that is categorized with symptoms of sensitivity,
suspicion, aggressive response when spoken about and symptoms that worsen as a result of listening to music. You
should use this medication only as prescribed by your physician for treating the symptoms of bipolar disorder
Natrum Muriaticum
Natrum Muriaticum is a homeopathic medication that is effective in treating bipolar disorder. This medication is
used mostly in the treatment of patients who desire to be extremely secretive and seclude themselves from other

This medication is primarily used in treating depression associated with this condition. This medication is
recommended for individuals who experience symptoms of anxiety, migraine, insomnia, backache as well as
bitterness as a result of this condition. You should use this medication in doses prescribed by your physician.
Lachesis is considered an effective homeopathic treatment for bipolar disorder. It is used primarily in the treatment
of mood swings associated with this condition. It is helpful in boosting concentration as well as removing fear.
This homeopathic treatment is derived from snake venom; therefore, it is recommended that you take this
medication in doses prescribed by your physician, as high doses of this medication may have a toxic effect on the
central nervous system.
Aurum Metallicum
Aurum metallicum is another effective homeopathic treatment for bipolar disorder. As homeopathic treatments are
tailored according to the patient, this homeopathic treatment is used in cases when the affected individual suffers
from condemnation, desires to commit suicide, rapid talking, aggressiveness, increased sensitivity to noise and slow
body movements. You should consult your physician prior to using this medication in order to determine whether it
is suitable for you or not.
Psorinum is a homeopathic medication that is used in the treatment of depression associated with bipolar disorder.
It is important to note that you should not take this medication along with coffee, as it may deter its effectiveness.
Common homeopathic remedies for bipolar disorder:
Agaricus Muscarius:
This is an outstanding remedy for Bipolar disorder. These patients complain of body aches and twitching
movements and are highly sensitive to pressure and cold air. They are emotionally insensitive, confused, and
talkative with aversion to work. They are constantly yawning and drowsy all day, yet are overly energized and can lift
heavy loads. They lack perception for comparative sizes of objects, and they may jump over small objects as if they
were tree trunks. When they get angry, they scream and try to harm themselves. They complain of double vision.
Words seem to move or swim.
Crocus Sativus:
This remedy can smooth the progress of patients who undergo frequent and extreme emotional and psychological
changes. These patients exhibit violent anger followed by repentance. They exhibit paroxysms of laughter,
drowsiness, and lassitude. They are indecisive and go through sudden changes from hilarity to melancholy.
Hyoscyamus Niger:
This is a first-rate remedy for a troubled nervous system. These patients behave as maniacs, are jealous, paranoid,
quarrelsome, and may behave or speak obscenely. They are inclined to immodest acts, gestures, and expressions.
They talk uninterruptedly, behave indecently, persist in stripping themselves, and are afraid of being poisoned. They
are very restless and laugh at everything. Their symptoms are worse at night and during menses (in women).
Natrum phosphate:
This remedy is indicated for patients having hallucinations; they wake up at night to hear footsteps in the next room
and can imagine furniture to be people.
Passiflora incarnata:
This remedy has a quieting effect on the nervous system. These patients are addicted to morphine. They behave
hysterically and suffer from lack of sleep. These patients are overworked, which leads to restlessness and lack of
Platinum metallicum:
This is a superb remedy for bipolar disorder. These patients are not their usual selves, have a perceived
personality, and feel that everything around them is changed. They are weary of everything and have an irresistible
impulse to kill. They are arrogant and have contempt for others. These patients have an abnormal sexual appetite,
and women can be nymphomaniacs.
Tarentula hispanica:
This remedy corresponds with patients who are extremely nervous and hysterical. They are highly restless and must
keep in constant motion, although walking makes them even more restless. They experience sudden alterations of

mood and can be mischievous with destructive impulses. These patients are discontented and always guided by
whims. They are sexually excited to the extent of insanity.

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