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Abstract on nano technology & its applications

From PACEinstitute of technology and sciences

Definition of Nanotechnology
Concepts associated with Nanotechnology
Top-down and Bottom-up
In various fields
In Medicine
Detection of cancer
Detection using Nanoprobes and Nanotubes
Optical detection
Treatment of cancer

Nanotechnology is technology developed at atomic and molecular level. In other
words it is the art of manipulating matters atom by atom. A Nanometer is one billionth (10 9) of ammeter or about combined diameter of ten hydrogen atom or about five silicon atom
in a line. By utilizing the chemical properties of atoms and molecules this technology
propose the construction of molecular devices. Atoms are manipulated individually and are
placed exactly where needed to form desired structure.Nanomaterials are structures created
by nanotechnology research that range from 1 to 100 nanometers in size. Some of
nanomaterials are fullerenes, nanotubes, buckyballs, quatumdots and nanoshells.There are
two different approaches to nanotechnology, they are Top-up and bottom-up. There are
two concepts of nanotechnology; they are Self-replication and Positional assembly.
Nanotechnology finds application in various fields including medicine.
Nanotechnology brings more precise diagnostic tools. Quantum dots enable powerful new
approaches to genetic analysis, drug discovery and disease diagnotics.Nanotechnology tools
are used for detection and treatment of cancer.Quantumdots to dramatically improve
clinical diagnostic tests for the detection of cancer. Quantum dots are tiny crystals designed
to bind to specific DNA and the cancer cells are detected. Nanopores and Nanotubes are
other tools which trace the DNA and detect cancer cells. Spectroscopic and imaging
methods are other optical techniques used in detection. Nanotechnology helps in killing

cancer cells without harming neighboring cells. The system consists of small device which
determine the concentration of specific molecules and supplies some poison which kill
cancer cell.

Definition of Nanotechnology:
Nanotechnology is defined as research and technology development at the atomic,
molecular and macromolecular levels at the scale of approximately 1-100 nanometer range,
to provide a fundamental understanding of phenomena and materials at nanoscale and to
create and use. Structures Devices and systems that have novel properties and functions
because of their small. A simple definition of nanotechnology is the art of manipulating
matter atom by atom.
Nanometer is one billionth of meter or about the combined diameter of ten hydrogen
atoms or five silicon atoms in a line.
This field involves scientists from many disciplines, including engineers, biologists,
physicists, chemists.many researches are held on this field and some valuable results are
foundout.Utilising the chemical properties of atom individually and place them exactly where
needed to produce the desired structure.
Nanomaterials are structures created by nanotechnology research that range from 1
to 100 nanometers in size. Common examples of nanomaterials found in scientific literature
are fullerenes, nanotubes, buckyballs, quantum dots, dendrimers and nanoshells.
Nanomaterials can have very different properties than materials at the macro scale. They
can be stronger, lighter, more electrically conductive, more porous and less corrosive than
bulk materials. Nanomaterials have the potential to solve unique biological challenges not
currently possible, such as having inorganic materials detect electrical changes from
biological molecules and react in a manner that detects or treats a disease.
Fullerenes are pure carbon molecules composed of at least 60 atoms of carbon.
Because a fullerene takes a shape similar to a soccer ball or a geodesic dome, it is
sometimes referred as a buckyball.
Nanotubes are a sequence of nanoscale C 60 atoms arranged in a long thin
cylindrical structure. They are related to two other carbon crystal forms, graphite and
diamonds. They are often described as looking like rolls of graphite chicken wire, but as
member or the fullerene family they are essentially buckyballs expanded from the center
into cylinders. Nanotubes are also called buckytubes.
Quantum dots are a nano-scale crystalline structure made from cadmium selenide
that absorbs white light and then reemits it a couple of nanoseconds later in a specific color
Dendrimers are synthetic, three-dimensional macromolecules formed using a
nanoscale fabrication process. A dendrimer is built up from a monomer, with new branches
added in steps until a tree-like structure is created. A dendrimer is technically a polymer.
Nanoshells are concentric sphere nanoparticles consisting of a dielectric (typically
gold sulfide or silica) core and a metal (gold) shell. They are considered a very special kind
of nanoparticle because they combine infrared optical activity with the uniquely
biocompatible properties of gold colloid. In simple words, they can be described as
spherical glass particles with an outer shell of gold. Their size is about 100 nanometers in
Nanotechnology materials can be grouped into three main areas:
raw materials
nanostructured materials
the group composed by nanotubes and fullerenes.

The raw material includes nanoparticles and nanocrystalline materials that are
readily manufactured and substitute for less performing bulk materials. Nanostructured
materials are typically processed forms of raw material that provide special shapes and
functionality. Examples of nanostructured materials include the quantum dots and the
dendrimers. Nanotubes and fullerenes can produce materials that are 100 times stronger
than steel, more conductive than copper, and can be safely used in some medical
Two classes of devices are commonly associated with nanotechnology. These are
the micro devices and nano devices. Nano devices are difficult to produce at this moment,
but they are expected to have a brilliant future in the medical field.
Diagrams showing Nanomaterials

Quantum dots


Concepts associated with nanotechnology:
There are two concepts associated with nanotechnology:
Self Replication
Positional Assembly
The following are some noted points:
Every atom is get essentially in the right place.
Almost any structure consistent with the laws of physics
and chemistry is made that we specify in atomic detail.
Manufacturing costs should not greatly exceed the cost of the required raw
materials and energy.
Today much of the science on the nanoscale is basic research, designed to reach a
better understanding of how matter behaves on this small scale matter behaves differently
on the nanoscale than it does at larger levels. The factors that govern larger systems do not
necessarily apply on the nanoscale.Because nanomaterials have large surface areas relative
to their volumes,phenomena like friction and sticking are more important than they are in
larger sysytems.These factors will affect use both inside and outside the body.
Other challenges apply specifically to use of of nanostructures within biological
systems. Nanostructures can be so small that the body may clear them too rapidly for them
to be effective in detection or imaging. Larger nanoparticles may accumulate in vital
organs, creating a toxicity problem.
Scientists will need to consider these factors as they anticipate how nanostructures will
behave in the human body and attempt to create devices the body will accept.
Top-down and Bottom-up:
The two fundamentally different approaches to Nanotechnology are graphically
termed as top-down and bottom-up. Top-down refers to making nanoscale structures by

machining and etching techniques. This approach has traditionally been used in matching
parts for computers and electronics. In bottom-up or molecular nanotechnology, applies to
building organic and inorganic structures atom-by-atom, or molecule by molecle,Top-down
or bottom-up is a measure of the level of advancement of nanotechnology.
Nanotechnology,as applied today, is still mainly at what may be considered the more
primitive top-down stage. These two basic approaches are used for creating nanodevices.
The advantage of the top-down approach is its equisetic precision, but a
disadvantage is its lack of extensive parallelism it requires manipulation of atoms and
molecules practically one by one. In contrast, the bottom-up stage of nanotechnology has
been the discovery of spinning molecular structures. This could open the door to power
generation and controllable motion at the molecular level, with huge applications for
medicine and information technology.

In various fields:
This Nanotechnology finds its applications in various fields as mentioned as follows:
1. Electronics
2. Information technology
3. Industrial fabrication and manufacturing robotics
4. Agriculture
5. Medical screening, diagnostics and treatment
6. Pharmaceuticals
7. Public safety and security
8. Transportation
9. Environmental monitoring and intervention
10. Defence

IN Medicine:
Nanotechnology will give us new instruments to examine tissues in details.
Sensors smaller than a cell would give us an inside and exquisitely precise look at ongoing
function. Tissue the was either chemically fixed or flash frozen could be analyzed literally
down to the molecular level giving completely detailed snapshot of cellular ,sub cellular
and molecular activities.
Most animal cells are 10,000 to 20,000nanometer in diameter. This means that
nanoscale devices can enter cells and the organ cells inside them to interact with DNA
and prteins.Miniaturization will allow the tools for many different tests to be situated
together on same device. Many diagnostic tests can be made simultaneously as well as with
more sensitivity .Nanotechnology brings more precise diagnostic tools. Quantum dots
enable powerful new approaches to genetic analysis, drug discovery and disease
Nanotechnology researches have developed a new method of testing whole blood
using optically active gold-cooled glass particles commonly known as gold nanoshells.
Calculations imply that molecular sensors, molecular computers and molecular effectors
can be combined into a device small enough to fit easily inside a single cell and powerful
enough to repair molecular and structural defects as rapidly as they accumulate.


Detection of Cancer:
Detection of cancer at an early stage is a critical step-in improving cancer
treatment currently detection and diagnosis of cancer usually depends on changes in cells
and tissues. Quantum dots to dramatically improve clinical diagnostic tests for the early

detection of cancer. Quantum dots can bond chemically to biological molecules, enabling
them to trace specific proteins within cells.Nanoparticle probes can be used as contrast
markers in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), in positron emission tomography (PET) for
in-vivo molecular imaging, or they can be used as fluorescent tracers in optical microscopy.
These tags can trace specific proteins in cells for cancer diagnosis or monitor the
effectiveness of drug therapy. Because the dots glow with bright, fluorescent colors,
scientists hope they will improve the sensitivity of diagnostic tests for molecules that are
difficult to detect, such as those in cancer cells. Many of the practical applications of
nanoparticles are based on the different colors they absorb or emit in the light spectrum as
their sizes change. A piece of gold, for instance, appears yellow in color, but appears red at
nanoscale size. The nanoparticles would be able to profile a large number of genes and
proteins simultaneously, allowing physicians to individualize cancer treatments based on
the molecular differences in the cancers of various patients.

Detection using Nanopores and Nanotubes:

Nanopores are a tiny hole that allow DNA to pass through one strand at a time,
will make DNA sequencing more efficient. The shape and electrical properties of each
DNA is monitored. As DNA passes through a nanopore Scientists use this to decipher the
encoded information, including errors in the code know to be associated with cancer.
Nanotubes tools which is smaller than nanopores. Nanotubes are carbon rods about half the
diameter of molecules of DNA, also helps in identifying DNA changes. Nanotubes can
trace physical shape of DNA which is translated into topographical map with the help of
computers, which helps in detecting Cancer.

Optical detection:
Spectroscopic and imaging methods are used for detection, diagnosis, and
evaluation of early cancerous and precancerous changes in human epithelial tissues. This
technique uses spectral analysis of the elastically scattered light of quantity tissue structure
at scales ranging from the lens of nanameters to several microns. Importantly, it enables
non-invasiue measurement of tissue organization at nanoscales which can not be accessed
using conventional light microscopy.
Thus these techiques are adopted to detect cancer, which results from many
different changes with in a cell. Among these techiques Quantum dots allows scientists to
look simultaneously at various region of DNA.

By using nanotechnology, engineering at a molecular level, the scientists have
been able to attach water soluble polymers to drug molecules. This temporarily makes the
drug inactive so it can enter the
Body without doing any harm to sites other than where the cancer cell exists. When the
drug reaches the site of the cancer it engulfs cancer cells and this process breaks down the
polymer releasing the anti-cancer drug. The new drug

Delivery system means thew drug can also circulate longer in the patients
body with fewer of the side effects associated with proved so cancer drugs
can be given directly in this way.

Nanotechnology is useful for developing ways to kill cancer cells without harming health
and neighbouting cells. The device would have a small computer, several binding sites to
determine the concentration of specific molecules, and a supply of some poison which
could be selectively released and was able to kill a cell identified as cancerous. The device
would circulate freely throughout the body, and would periodically sample its environment
by determining whether the binding sites were or were not occupied. Occupancy statistics
would allow determination of concentration. Today's monoclonal antibodies are able to
bind to only a single type of protein or other antigen, and have not proven effective against
most cancers. The cancer killing device suggested here could incorporate a dozen different
binding sites and so could monitor the concentrations of a dozen different types of
molecules. The computer could determine if the profile of concentrations fit a preprogrammed
"cancerous" profile and would, when a cancerous profile was encountered,
release the poison.
The new procedure involves coating the tiny iron oxide particles with an organic
substance, such as the sugar glucose, and injecting them into a malignant tumor. The tumor,
which has a fast metabolism and correspondingly high energy needs, greedily sucks up the
little particles masquerading as sugar pellets of a sort. Healthy cells, on the other hand,
show little interest. The voraciousness of cancer cells proves to be the tumor's downfall.
Scientists then use a magnetic field to heat up the nanoparticles that have
ensconced themselves in the malignant tissue to temperatures up to 45 degrees Celsius (113
degrees Fahrenheit). It has the effect of giving the cells a fever that they can't endure, since
while cancer cells are ferocious, scientists have long known that heat is their Achilles' heel.
The heat destroys many of the cancer cells in and around the tumor or weakens
them to a point that they are more effectively treated with radiation or chemotherapy. The
treatment, known as magnetic fluid hyperthermia, has been successfully used in extending
the lives of laboratory rats which were implanted with malignant brain tumors. The rats
receiving the nanotherapy lived four times as long as rats receiving no treatment


Clearly,the world of health care technology will be substantially

different in 2020 from that of today.The U.S Pharmacopeial Convention will
likely be a much different organization on the occasion of its bicentenneial
anniversary.The need for pharmaceutical scrutiny by medical practioners
could be even more intense,however,as all aspects of pharmaceutical industry
itself continue to change dramatically and at great speed.It can be hoped that
molecular nanotechnology,in addition to helping to create these dramatic
changes,will also be one of the technologies that help the practioners of 2020
stay abreast of and manage these developments.
While there is a commonly held belief that nanotechnology is a
futiristic science with applications 25 years in the future and beyond
nanotechology is anything but science fiction.Even more significantly there
are companies applying nanotechnology to a variety of products we can
already buy,such as automobile parts,clothing and ski wax.Nanotechnology is
already all around us if you know where to look .

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