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Book of Circlin [Ecclesiastes]

Chapter 1.
The Preacher - Daweet child who ruled pon 'Iyerusaliem word.
The Preacher say: <<Vain, vain, vain a vain; all are vain. What are a person p
rofit ina all the weariness that him weary beneath the Sun? A generation go, an
a generation come; but Earth are foriva. The Sun rise, an the Sun set, an she ha
sten toward the spot where she rise. Wind blow Southward, an turn Northward; it
turn Itinually ina it turnin, an wind return moreover ina it turnin. All streams
go seaward, but the sea aren't filled up; streams again return there toward the
spot where them go. All things weary; a person cyaan able fe speak it; a eye do
n't satta from sightin up, an a ear aren't filled up from hearin.
The thing that happened are what will happen, an the thing that were done are
what will be done; an there are no new thing beneath the Sun. Can anyone able fe
say - "Check, this thing are new?" It have been done ina the eras that were bef
ore I&I. The former things have no remembrance; an fe the later things a remembr
ance won't be found alongside the persons who arise after them.
I-man the Preacher were King pon 'Isra'iel ina 'Iyerusaliem. I-man made I hear
t diligent that I-man might seek an examine ina Wisdom all that were done beneat
h the Sun; it are a evil effort that JAH gave this fe man childran that them mig
ht weary pon she. I-man sight up all the Work worked beneath the Sun; an check,
all are vain, an it are like unto followin wind. A crooked one cyaan able fe str
aighten; an a deficient one cyaan able fe be counted.
I-man spoke ina I heart sayin: - 'Check, I-man multiplied an added Wisdom more
than all them who were pon 'Iyerusaliem precedin I; an I heart checked up much
Wisdom an knowledge.' I-man gave I heart that I might know Wisdom an craziness a
n foolishness; an I-man overstood that this moreover were like unto followin win
d. Fe by Wisdom aboundin melancholy will abound; an fe him who add knowledge add
Chapter 2.
I-man said ina I heart - 'Come an I-man shall test thee-I ina Ites, an taste t
hou fine'; an this moreover - check - were vain. I-man told a laugh - 'Thou are
crazy'; an Ites - 'What do thou do?' While I heart led I ina Wisdom up til I-man
sight up what were the fine thing that man childran are fe work ina all them Li
fe eras beneath the Sun, I-man examined ina I heart fe mek I body Irie ina grape
wine an fe seize laziness. I-man worked large Works, an made houses, an planted
grapes; I-man made plants an a garden, an I-man planted trees ina them that hav
e various fruit ina them; I-man made a Water accumulation that I-man might give
drink by it fe the trees planted ina forest. I-man bought males an dawtaz slaves
, an I-man had house birthed slaves; I-man had many livestocks an flocks more th
an all who were ina 'Iyerusaliem precedin I. I-man gathered silver an gold an th
e kings an provinces honoured treasure; an I-man collected Iyanters an songstres
ses an men childran Irieness an dawtaz who quite abounded. An I-man became great
, an I-man were honoured more than all who were ina 'Iyerusaliem precedin I; an
moreover I Wisdom firmed up an remained with I. An I-man didn't prevent I eyes f
rom all them wanted; an as I heart would be Irie ina all I weariness I-man didn'
t distance I heart from all Ites; an this fortune became I portion from all I we
ariness. I-man checked up all I Work that I hand worked an all the weariness whe
reon I-man wearied; check, all were vain an like unto followin wind, an there we
re no profit beneath the Sun.

An I-man checked up that I-man might sight up Wisdom an craziness an laziness;

apart from what were done before, what will the man do who come after a King? A
n I-man sight up that like unto light surpass darkness - thus Wisdom surpass laz
iness. A wise one eyes are pon him ras self, but a lazy one go ina darkness; mor
eover I-man overstood that fe both - them end were one. An I-man said ina I hear
t - what arrive fe a lazy one shall arrive fe I also; why did I-man become quite
a wise one? An at that time I-man said ina I heart - This moreover are vain. As
all things shall be forgotten ina the era that shall come - the wise one an the
lazy one remembrance that are foriva aren't found. Oh marvel! How a wise one de
ad with a lazy one! An as all the Work worked beneath the Sun have burdened I I-man hated Life; an all are vain an like unto followin wind.
As I-man shall quit it fe the man who come after I - I-man hated all whereon I
-man wearied beneath the Sun. Who are a person who know that him are a wise one
or a foolish one? Him shall be lord pon all I weariness whereon I-man wearied be
neath the Sun an became a wise one; an this moreover are vain. An answerin I-man
cut off I heart hope pon all the weariness whereon I-man wearied beneath the Su
n. Fe after a person wearied ina Wisdom an knowledge an cleverness him bequeath
it fe another person who didn't weary pon it; an this moreover are vain an a lar
ge tribulation. What are a person benefit ina all the weariness whereon him wear
ied beneath the Sun an ina him heart thought? All him era are sadness, an him ef
fort are melancholy; an him heart don't sleep ina night; an this moreover are va
There are nothing better fe a person than that him eat an drink an be Irie ina
him weariness; an I-man sight up that this moreover were given from JAH Hand. W
ho are him who ate an tasted Irieness bein Irie without HIM Accord? An HIM give
Wisdom an knowledge an Ites fe the person who mek HIM Irie; but fe a sinner HIM
give a effort that him gather an collect that him might give fe the person who m
ek JAH Irie. An this moreover are vain an like unto followin wind.
Chapter 3.
All have a era; an all that happened beneath Heaven have a time. Fe be birthed
have a time, an fe dead have a time; fe plant have a time, an fe uproot what we
re planted have a time; fe kill have a time, an fe cure have a time; fe demolish
have a time, an fe work have a time; fe weep have a time, an fe laugh have a ti
me; fe say 'Woe' have a time, an fe sing have a time; fe cast a stone have a tim
e, an fe gather stones have a time; fe embrace one another have a time, an fe di
stance from embracin one another have a time; fe seek have a time, an fe downstr
oy have a time; fe keep have a time, an fe cast have a time; fe tear have a time
; an fe sew have a time; fe be silent have a time, an fe speak have a time; fe l
ove have a time, an fe hate have a time; war have a time, an Peace have a time.
Fe a worker what are him weariness profit?
I-man have sight up the effort that JAH gave fe man childran that them might w
eary pon it. HIM worked everything makin beautiful ina it time; an lest a person
examine an find the Work JAH worked Iginnin from Antiquity up til fulfillmant HIM gave him Iternity ina him heart. I-man knew that there were no fine thing a
part from fe a person fe be Irie an do a fine thing when him are ina him Life. A
n moreover it are JAH gift that all persons might eat an drink an be Irie ina th
em weariness. I-man knew that all that JAH made live foriva; it aren't possible
fe it fe be added pon it nor fe diminish from it; an JAH made that them might fe
ar before HIM. What are now were before, an what shall be had been before; an JA
H shall return an want what passed.
An moreover I-man sight up beneath the Sun that there are sin ina judgemant sp
ot, an sin ina Rightness spot. An I-man said ina I heart - 'As all things an all
Work have a time there - JAH shall judge pon righteous one an pon sinner'. I-ma

n said ina I heart becau man childran - 'JAH test them that them sight up them b
ein like unto animals.' Man childran an animal fortune portion are one; an them
portion are level; like unto the one dead - the other also shall dead thus; an a
ll breath are one; an as all are vain - man have no superiority from animal. All
shall go toward one place; all are from soil an all shall return toward soil. W
ho are it who know that man childran soul proceed upward an a animal soul downsc
end downward toward Earth? An as that fortune are him portion - I-man sight up t
hat a person have no fine thing apart from fe be Irie ina him Work; how about wh
o are it who bring it that him might sight up what shall happen after him?
Chapter 4.
An I-man returned, an I-man sight up all the violence done beneath the Sun; an
check, there were the downpressed persons tears; an there were none who comfort
them; an Power were ina them hands who downpress them, but there were none who
comfort them. An I-man praised them who dead ina former era more than them who a
re ina Life up til today; an him who weren't yet birthed an didn't sight up the
violence done beneath the Sun are better than these both.
An moreover I-man checked up all man weariness an him cleverness Work, an I-ma
n sight up that him arouse envy alongside him companion; an this moreover are va
in an like unto followin wind. A lazy one sit squattin pon him hands; an him eat
him own flesh. One hand full ina rest are better than two hands full ina wearin
ess an followin wind.
An I-man returned, an I-man sight up a vain thing beneath the Sun. There are o
ne person alone, an him don't have a secand; him have neither child nor bredda;
but him weariness have no end, an him eyes don't satta from wealth. 'Fe whom do
I-man weary, or how about why do I-man begrudge I body the fine thing?' him say.
An this moreover are a vain thing an a evil effort. As them weariness have a fi
ne reward - it are better fe be two than fe be only one. Fe if them fall the one
shall lift up the secand; but the one bein alone - as him have no secand who li
ft him up pon the time him fell - woe fe him. An if the two sleep ina Inity it s
hall warm them; but how shall it warm one alone? An if the one vanquish the one
the two shall stand before him; an a rope intwined ina three aren't quickly snap
A poor an wise yout are better than a lazy elder king who don't know fe accept
warnin from henceforth onward. Fe even if him are birthed ina him kingdom count
ry moreover bein needy, him have proceeded toward a kingdom from him prison. I-m
an sight up all the everlivin ones who go beneath the Sun bein with the other br
ave who arise ina him stead. All the people ruled fe him aren't counted before h
im; but them who come after aren't Irie ina him. An this moreover are vain an li
ke unto followin wind.
Chapter 5.
Pon the time thou entered toward JAH house - watch thy foot; fe approachin fe
hear will surpass lazy ones sacrifice; an fe them don't know that them do evil.
As JAH are ina Heaven, an thou pon Earth - don't be quick ina thy mouth, an mek
thy heart not rush that it might speak a word before JAH; an becaudis mek thy wo
rd be likkle. A dream are sight up ina Work abundance; likewise a lazy one voice
are heard ina him word abundance. As HIM don't mek lazy ones Irie - pon the tim
e thou vowed a vow fe JAH don't delay that thou might fulfill it; fulfill what t
hou vowed. If thou are who vow an don't fulfill - it are better if thou don't vo
w. Don't give liberty fe thy mouth lest it mislead thy flesh ina sin, an don't s
ay before a Angel - 'It were a mistake'; becau what will thou want that JAH migh
t vex pon thy word an downstroy thy hand Work? Alongside where many dreams are,
likewise moreover ina spot where many words are there are many vain things; but
fear JAH.

As him who were lofty over him who were lofty will check up, an as others more
over are lofty over them - pon the time thou sight up when poor ones are downpre
ssed ina the country, an when Judgemant an Rightness are snatched - don't marvel
pon this thing. But generally the country benefit are if a king live who love a
A person who love silver don't satta pon silver; an him who love riches don't
satta pon the profit; an this moreover are vain. When wealth abound them who eat
it abound; apart from sightin up the wealth by only him eye what do it benefit
fe the owner? If him eat quite much or likkle - a worker sleep are sweet; but a
rich one plenty prevent him sleep.
I-man sight up a saddenin evil thing beneath the Sun; it are riches saved alon
gside the owner fe him tribulation. An those riches shall perish by a evil thing
; an if him birth a child him have nothing ina him hand. Like unto him proceeded
ina him nakedness from him mother belly - thus him shall return like unto him c
ame; an him won't find nothing from him effort that him can tek ina him hand. An
this moreover are a saddenin evil thing; like unto him came thus him shall go;
an if him weariness were fe wind what are the benefit? Ina all him era him are i
na darkness sadness annoyance disease an anger.
Check, the fine an beautiful thing I-man sight up are that a person might eat
an drink ina all him Life era that JAH gave him, an that him might be Irie ina a
ll the weariness whereon him weary beneath the Sun; fe this fortune are him port
ion. JAH givin riches an wealth fe all man, an HIM authorizin that him might eat
from she an tek him fortune portion an might be Irie ina him weariness; this ar
e JAH gift. Becau JAH gave him Ites ina him heart him won't quite think of him L
ife era.
Chapter 6.
There are the evil thing that I-man sight up beneath the Sun, an it are quite
heavy pon a person. JAH gave fe man wealth an possessions an honour, an HIM didn
't diminish him fe him soul from all him loved; however another person shall eat
it - yet JAH didn't authorize him that him might eat from it; an this are a vai
n an evil disease. If a person birth a hundred childran an him live quite a era
ina Life an if him age are quite many years, an if him soul don't satta ina fine
thing an him don't find a burial, I-man said becau him - 'A miscarriage are bet
ter than him'. Him have come ina vain an him go ina darkness an him name are cov
ered ina darkness; an moreover him didn't sight up nor know the Sun; an this one
have rest more than that one. If him live ina Life a thousand years two times a
n don't sight up a fine thing, aren't all who go toward one spot?
All a person weariness are fe him mouth, but him soul don't satta. What are a
benefit fe a wise one more than an lazy one? How about what are the benefit fe a
poor one who know fe go before everlivin ones? Sightin up by a eye are better t
han runnin wild ina soul; an this moreover are vain an like unto followin wind.
What were - it name were called beforehand, an a person were known like unto h
im were; him cyaan able fe seek judgemant with one stronger than him. As there a
re many things that multiply vain things - what are the benefit fe a person? Whe
n a person are ina him Life - ina him vain seasons number an ina him era that hi
m pass like unto a shadow - who are it who know what are better fe a person? Or
who shall tell a person what shall happen beneath the Sun after him?
Chapter 7.
A fine name are better than fine perfume, an a death day than a birth day. Goi
n toward a mournin house are better than goin toward a banquet house; fe it are

all persons fulfillmant, an him who were everlivin shall place it ina him heart.
Sadness are better than a laugh, fe arisin from a face sadness a heart are made
Irie. Wise ones heart are ina mournin house; but lazy ones heart are ina Ites h
ouse. A man hearin wise ones admonition are better than him hearin lazy ones tun
e. Like unto a thorn voice that burn beneath a yat - lazy ones laugh are thus; a
n this moreover are vain. Violence mek the wise one crazy; an a bribe shall down
stroy him heart. A thing fulfillmant are better than it Iginnin; an a patient on
e are better than a arrogant one. Do not be hasty ina thy soul fe anger, fe ange
r rest ina lazy armpit.
Don't speak sayin 'Why were the past era better than this era?'; fe thou don't
question this thing ina Wisdom.
Wisdom with inheritance are fine; an it give profit fe persons who sight up th
e Sun. Fe Wisdom shade are like unto money shade; an knowledge superiority are t
hat she give Life fe him who made Wisdom a money. Check up JAH Work; Who can str
aighten up what HIM made crooked? Be Irie pon a fine day; an check up pon a evil
day; lest a person examine an find anything after him - JAH have worked both th
is one an that one like unto that.
When a righteous one perish ina him Rightness an when a sinner live quite a er
a, I-man sight up all this ina I era that were vain. Don't be quite righteous, a
n don't be quite wise, lest thou perish. Don't be quite evil, an don't be stubbo
rn, lest thou dead before thy time arrive. As him who fear JAH shall proceed fro
m all - if thou seize this one an don't distance thy hand moreover from that one
it are fine.
Wisdom strengthen a wise one more than ten rulers who live ina city. Fe pon Ea
rth a righteous one won't be found who work fine an don't do sin. Don't cast thy
heart pon all words whereby them chat - lest thou hear when thy slave curse the
e-I; fe thy heart know that thou moreover cursed others.
I-man tested all this ina Wisdom; I-man said 'I-man shall be a wise one,' but
she distanced from I. An the distance that happened were quite deep; how about w
ho are it who examine an find it? I-man turned ina I heart that I-man might know
an examine, that I-man might seek Wisdom an all the thing canclusion, an that I
-man might know that sin were laziness, an laziness craziness. An I-man examined
an found a thing that were more bitter than death; an she are a dawta whose hea
rt were a trap an a net, an whose hands were a leg iron; him who were fine befor
e JAH shall escape from she; but a sinner are yoked by she. Addin the one pon th
e one that I-man might arrive toward all the thing canclusion, check, I-man foun
d this thing>> say the Preacher; <<I soul up til today want she, however I-man d
idn't find; I-man found one from a thousand males, but I-man didn't find one daw
ta from among all those. Like unto JAH worked persons makin straight ones, check
, I-man found only this; but them wanted much cleverness.
Chapter 8.
Who are a person who were like unto a wise one? How about who are it who know
fe translate a thing? A person Wisdom brighten him face, an she change him face
boldness. I-man tell thee-I - 'Keep a King command by JAH oath reason.' As him d
o all him loved - don't hasten fe be eliminated from before him, an don't firm u
p ina doin evil. Fe a King word are powerful; who shall tell him 'How about why
do thou do this?'? Him who keep a command won't know a evil thing; an a wise one
heart know time an judgemant. Fe becau a person tribulation were quite much pon
him - everything have a time an a judgemant. An him don't know what shall happe
n; how about who are it who shall tell him how it shall be? There are no person
who have Itority pon a soul fe withhold a soul; an him don't have Itority ina hi
m death day; an there are no sojourn ina formation, an sin don't heal the worker
. I-man sight up all this, an gave I heart toward all the Work done beneath the

Sun; there are a time when a person are a ruler fe harm a person.
An thus I-man sight up sinners buried, an them entered toward rest; however st
raight doers proceeded from a Hola spot, an were forgotten within the city; an t
his moreover are vain. As judgemant aren't quickly judged pon a evil Work - beca
udis man childran heart strengthened within them fe work evil. If a sinner work
evil a hundred times an him era are long, I-man know it shall be welfare fe them
who fear JAH an fe them who fear before HIM; but a sinner have no welfare, an a
s him don't fear before JAH - him era won't lengthen like unto a shadow.
There are a vain thing done pon Earth; there are righteous ones pon whom the W
ork done by sinners arrive, an there are sinners fe whom the Work done fe righte
ous ones arrive; an I-man said this moreover are vain. As a person don't have an
other fine thing beneath the Sun apart from what him eat an drink an that him be
Irie - I-man praised Ites; this him Ites shall live with him ina him Life era t
hat JAH gave him from him weariness beneath the Sun.
I-man gave I heart that I-man might know Wisdom an might sight up the wearines
s that are pon Earth, fe there are HIM Who don't sight up sleep ina HIM Eye ina
day nor ina night; an I-man sight up all JAH Work - that it aren't possible fe a
person that him might examine an find the Work done beneath the Sun. An if a pe
rson quite weary fe find - him don't examine an find; moreover if a wise person
say - 'I-man knew this' - him cyaan able fe find it.
Chapter 9.
Like unto Righteous ones an wise ones an them Works are alongside JAH Hand, Iman placed ina I heart that I-man might examine all this; a person don't know if
it be Love or enmity - all are them future. The righteous one an the wrongdoer,
the fine one an the evil one, the clean one an the defouled one, him who sacrif
ice a sacrifice an him who don't sacrifice, all man portion are one; like unto t
he fine person thus are the sinner, like unto the swearer person - thus him who
fear a oath. This thing are evil ina all done beneath the Sun that one portion f
ind all; an moreover man childran heart are filled of evil, an when them are ina
them Life - craziness are ina them heart, an after that them downscend toward d
ead ones. As a dog that didn't dead are better than a lion that dead - if a man
live ina Inity with all everlivin ones him have hope. Fe everlivin ones know tha
t them shall dead; but dead ones don't know nothing; an as them remembrance have
been forgotten - after that them have no reward. Them Love an them enmity an th
em jealousy have perished together, an from henceforth onward them have no fortu
ne portion foriva ina the thing worked beneath the Sun.
As JAH have accepted thy Work - go, eat thy 'injera ina Ites, an drink thy gra
pe wine ina Irieness. Mek thy clothes be white everytime; an mek oil not be lack
in from thy head. Ina thy Life, an ina the weariness wherein thou weary beneath
the Sun - as this are thy fortune portion - ina all thy Life era that were vain,
that HIM gave thee-I beneath the Sun, ina all thy vain era, be Irie with thy wi
fe whom thou love. As Work an thought an knowledge an Wisdom aren't found ina Se
e'ol where thou will go - do all that thy hand find fe do like unto thy Power.
An I-man returned, an beneath the Sun I-man sight up that the race weren't fe
fast ones, nor formation fe powerful ones, nor 'injera fe wise ones, nor riches
fe overstandin ones, nor favour fe knowin ones; but time an fortune shall meet t
hem all. An a person don't know the time; like unto fishes trapped ina evil net,
an like unto birds seized ina trap, thus man childran are trapped when it sudde
nly fall pon them ina evil time.
An I-man sight up this Wisdom beneath the Sun, an she seemed great alongside I
. There were a small city, an few persons were ina she; an a great king came pon
she an incircled she, an him worked a great tower pon she. An a wise poor man w

ere found ina she, an him saved that city by him Wisdom; but noone thought fe th
at poor man. An I-man said - 'Wisdom surpass Power; but the poor one Wisdom were
scorned an him word weren't heard.'
Wise ones words are heard ina safety more than the ruler shout who shout amids
t lazy ones. Wisdom are better than weapons; but one sinner downstroy many fine
Chapter 10.
Dead flies mek the spiced oil perfume stink; likewise a likkle laziness downst
roy Wisdom an honour. A wise one heart are toward the right, but a lazy one hear
t are toward the left. An moreover when a lazy one recur pon a road him lack a h
eart, an all him think are laziness.
As patience calm the great sin - as it were that a ruler anger arose pon theeI - don't leave thy spot. There are the evil thing that I-man sight up beneath t
he Sun, an it are a error that proceed from a ruler; a lazy one were appointed i
na great rank, but rich ones sat ina downbased spot. I-man sight up when slaves
sat pon a horse an nobles went pon Earth like unto slaves.
Him who delve a pit shall fall ina it, an a snake shall bite him who demolish
a inclosure. Him who pull out a stone shall be ill by it, an him who split wood
shall be harmed by it. If iron dull an a person don't sharpen it - it are due hi
m fe multiply Power; but Wisdom benefit him fe mek him Work succeed. If a snake
bite before a reciter recite pon it - the reciter have no profit.
A wise person mouth word are favour; but a lazy one lips swallow him ras self.
Him mouth word Iginnin are laziness, an him speech fulfillmant are evil crazine
ss. A lazy one multiply him words; but a person don't know what shall happen; ho
w about who will tell him what shall be after him? A lazy one Work weary him - f
e him don't know fe go toward a city.
O thou country, whose king were a infant, an whose nobles eat at firstlight, w
oe fe thee-I! O thou country, whose king were a honoured child, who have nobles
who eat pon time fe strength yet not fe drunkenness, thou are blessed. By loosin
practice the roof will sag, an by a hand fatiguin a house will leak. Them mek '
injera fe a laugh an grape wine fe Life Ites, an all are bought fe money. As a H
eaven bird shall tek the word, an as winged ones shall speak the thing - even be
it ina thy heart thought don't insult the King, an don't insult a rich one ina
thy bedroom.
Chapter 11.
Cast thy 'injera before Water, fe thou will find it after many days. Pay a for
tune portion fe seven an moreover fe eight, fe thou don't know what the evil thi
ng were that shall happen pon Earth. Pon the time clouds were filled of rain the
m pour it pon Earth, an if a tree fall Southward or Northward, the tree shall li
ve there ina the spot where it fell. Him who await wind won't sow, an him who ch
eck up clouds don't reap. Like unto thou don't know how wind road were nor how a
bone were fixed ina pregnant belly, likewise thou don't know JAH Work Who work
As thou don't know which whether this or that one shall grow or that both are
fine - sow thy seed at firstlight, an ina evenin don't quit thy hand. Light are
sweet an sightin up Sun are fine fe the eye. If a person live many eras ina Life
mek him be Irie ina all; even so mek him think of the dark era, fe it shall be
many days. Everything that shall come are vain.
Thou brave, be Irie ina thy bravery, an ina thy bravery season mek thy heart b

e Irie, an go ina thy heart road an ina all thy eyes sight up; nevertheless know
that JAH shall bring thee-I toward Judgemant becau all this thing. As infancy a
n bravery are vain - distance sadness from thy heart, an eliminate a evil thing
from thy body.
Chapter 12.
Before a worry day come think of thy Irator ina thy bravery season; an before
the years arrive that thou say them don't mek Irie; before Sun an light - moon a
n stars darken, an before clouds return after rain; ina the day when house keepe
rs tremble, an when powerful persons are bent, when grinders release Work - fe t
hem have become few, an when them who check up bein ina window darken, an when t
he doors are closed ina square; when a millstone noise soften, when a person ari
se arisin from a bird voice, an when all dawta childran who shout a tune slow do
wn; when them fear moreover him who were lofty, an when shock are pon a road; an
when a nut flower, an when a locust weigh like unto a burden, an when accord pe
rish; an when a person go toward Iternity house, an when mourners turn ina squar
e; before a silver necklace are snapped, an before a gold teapot are broken, an
before the jug are dashed beside a spring, an before the wheel are broken pon a
pit, an before soil return toward the Earth where it were, an before a soul retu
rn toward the JAH Who gave it - think of thy Irator.>> The Preacher say - <<Vain
, vain; all are vain.>>
An becau the Preacher were a wise one him taught knowledge fe the people; an h
im examined an sought an harmonised many examples. The Preacher sought fe examin
e an find the the beautiful an honestly written true word.
Wise ones word are like unto a ox goad, an the words gathered an given from on
e Shepherd are like unto nailed nails. An above all this, o I child, hear warnin
; makin many books have no fulfillmant, an research quite weary a body.
Mek I&I hear all the thing fulfillmant; fe this are man directive; fear JAH, a
n keep HIM Command. Fe JAH shall bring all Work an all the hidden thing, be it f
ine or be it evil, toward Judgemant.

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