11 Prophecy of Dan - Iel - Daniel

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Prophecy of Dan'iel [Daniel]

Chapter 1.
Ina the third year that Yihuda king Iyo aqiem reigned - Babilon king Nabukedenets
or came toward Iyerusaliem an incircled she. An the Lord divided from JAH House i
tems an Him passed an gave Yihuda king Iyo aqiem ina him hand; an him took him towa
rd Sena`or land - toward him god house, an introduced the items toward him god t
reasure house. An the king told the eunuchs chief Asfaniez that him might bring f
rom Isra iel childran kings an princes seed - the youts without defect ina them an
handsome, who overstand all ina Wisdom an ina whom knowledge filled up - who wer
e clever an overstandin, an who can stand ina the king house - an that them migh
t teach them the Keledans teachin an language. An the king commanded them indowm
ants fe them each day from the king food an the wine him drink - that them might
raise them up three years, an after that - that them might stand before the kin
g. An amidst these from Yihuda childran were Dan iel an Ananya - Meesa iel an Azarya.
An the eunuchs chief sent forth names fe them; him called Dan iel sayin "Bilthasor
", an Ananya "Seedraq", an Meesa iel "Meesaq", an Azarya " Abdenago".
An Dan iel thought ina him heart lest him defoul by the king food nor by the win
e him drink; an him begged the eunuchs chief lest him defoul. An JAH gave Dan iel
favour an mercy before the eunuchs chief. An the eunuchs chief told Dan iel - "Mi
fear mi lord the king who commanded the food an the drink fe unu; as it were you
r faces thinned more than youts like unto unu ina age, unu shall bring judgemant
pon mi ras self alongside the king." An Dan iel told Mieldar whom the eunuchs chi
ef appointed pon Dan iel an Ananya an Meesa iel an Azarya - "I-man beg thee that thou
might test I&I thy slaves around ten days; an mek them give I&I the raw grains I
&I eat an the Water I&I drink; an after that check up I&I face an the youts face
who ate from the king food; an do what thou loved with thy slaves like unto all
thou sight up."
An him heard this them thing an tested them ten days. An after ten days them f
aces were sight up more handsome an them flesh fatter than all youts who ate fro
m the king food. An Mieldar withheld them food an the wine them drink an gave th
em the raw grains.
An fe these four youts JAH gave knowledge an Overstandin ina all teachins an W
isdom; an Dan iel were overstandin ina all visions an dreams. An pon the time the
day were fulfilled that the king commanded that them might enter, the eunuchs ch
ief introduced them toward alongside Nabukedenetsor. An pon the time the king ca
nversed with them - from all the youts none were found like unto Dan iel an Ananya
an Meesa iel an Azarya; an them stood before the king. An the king found pon them t
hem bein surpassin ten hands from all dream interpreters an sorcerors who live i
na him rule - ina all the Wisdom an Overstandin thing him questioned them. An Da
n iel sat up til the king Qeeros first year.
Chapter 2.
An ina the secand year that Nabukedenetsor reigned - Nabukedenetsor dreamed a
dream; an him spirit were downsturbed, an him sleep distanced from him. An the k
ing commanded that them might call the dream interpreters an the sorcerors - the
magicians an the Keledans fe tell the dream fe the king; an them entered an sto
od before the king. An the king told them - "Mi have dreamed a dream, an mi spir
it have been downsturbed fe know the dream." An the Keledans spoke fe the king i
na Sorya language sayin - "O king, reign a thousand years; tell thy dream fe thy
slaves, an wi will show thee the solution." An the king answered an told the Ke

ledans - "The thing have distanced from alongside mi; if unu don t inform mi the d
ream an the solution, unu will be cut an your houses shall be made a speck dump.
But if unu show mi the dream an it solution, unu will receive gifts an rewards
an much honour from alongside mi; becaudis show mi the dream an it solution." An
answerin a secand time them told him - "Mek the king tell the dream fe him slav
es, an wi will show him the solution." An the king answerin said - "As unu know
that the thing distanced from alongside mi - mi know that unu lengthen the time.
An if unu don t inform mi the dream - there are one judgemant pon unu; unu have p
repared fe tell mi a lie an deceit word fe pass the time; becaudis tell mi the d
ream, an mi will know that unu can show the solution." An the Keledans answered
before the king an said - "There are no person pon Earth who can able fe show th
e king thing; an him who were great an powerful from kings didn t question dream i
nterpreters nor sorcerors nor Keledans a thing like unto this. An the thing that
the king question are troublin; apart from gods whose dwellin weren t with person
s - there are none who will show it before the king." An becaudis the king were
annoyed an quite vexed, an him commanded that them might downstroy all Babilon w
ise ones. An a command proceeded, an them began that them might kill wise ones;
an them sought Dan iel an him companions that them might kill them.
An at that time Dan iel spoke ina style an Overstandin fe the king guards chief A
ryok who proceeded that him might kill Babilon wise ones; an answerin the king c
hief Aryok him told him - "Becau what did the king command hasten?" An Aryok infor
med the thing fe Dan iel. An Dan iel entered an begged the king that him might give
him a time when him inform the solution fe the king.
An at that time Dan iel went toward him house. An him informed the thing fe him
companions Ananya an Meesa iel an Azarya that them might beg mercy from Heaven God b
ecaudis mystery lest Dan iel an him companions dead with the Babilon wise ones who
An at that time the mystery were revealed fe Dan iel ina night vision; an Dan iel
praised Heaven God. An Dan iel spoke an said thus: - "As Wisdom an Power are fe Hi
m - mek JAH Name be blessed from Iternity up til Iternity; Him change times an e
ras; Him banish kings, an raise up kings; Him give Wisdom fe wise ones an knowle
dge fe overstandin ones. Him reveal what were deep an hidden; Him know what are
ina dark, an light are with Him. Thou Who gave I Wisdom an Power, an Who now inf
ormed I the thing I&I begged Thee-I, o Thou I faadas God, as Thou have informed
I the king thing - I-man am ruled fe Thee-I an I-man praise Thee-I." An after th
is Dan iel entered toward Aryok whom the king commanded that him might downstroy Ba
bilon wise ones; an pon the time him entered him told him - "Don t downstroy Babil
on wise ones; introduce I toward the king, an I-man shall show the solution fe t
he king."
An at that time Aryok quickly introduced Dan iel toward the king an told him - "M
i have found the man from Yihuda captives who shall inform the solution fe the k
ing." An the king answered an told Dan iel called Bilthasor - "Can thou able fe in
form mi the dream mi sight up an it solution?" An Dan iel answerin before the king
said thus: - "Wise ones an sorcerors - dream interpreters an inchanters cyaan a
ble fe show the king the mystery that the king questioned; however there are God
within Heaven Who reveal mysteries, an Him have informed fe the king Nabukedene
tsor what shall happen ina later era. This are the dream an thy ras self vision
that were pon thy bed. Thou, o king, would think pon thy bed what it were that s
hall happen after thee; an Him Who reveal mysteries have informed thee the thing
that shall happen. However this mystery bein revealed fe I are that the solutio
n might be known fe the king, an that thou might know thy heart thought - yet it
aren t becau I-man surpassed ina Wisdom more than persons ina this world.
Thou, o king, sight up a great statue; an this statue were great an whose flas
h abounded, an it had stood before thee; an it features were wondrous. An this s
tatue head were good gold, an it chest an it forearms silver, an it belly an it

waist brass, an it thighs iron, an it legs half iron an half clay. An thou sight
up when a stone were pulled forth from the mountain without a hand touchin it an it struck an crushed the statue that were from iron an clay. An at that time
the iron an the clay, the brass an the silver an the gold were crushed together
, an became like unto stubble pon a threshin-floor ina harvest time; an wind too
k it, an it place weren t known; an the stone that struck the statue became a grea
t mountain an totally filled up Earth.
This are the dream; an now I&I will speak the solution before the king. Thou,
o king, thou are a kings king whom Heaven God gave a kingdom an Power, strength
an glory. An Him have passed an given ina thy hand man childran an Earth beasts
an Heaven birds ina all the spots where them sit, an Him have made thee ruler fe
all; thou are the gold head. An after thee another kingdom that are less than t
hee shall arise; an after that shall arise another third brass kingdom that rule
pon all Earth. An the fourth kingdom shall strengthen like unto iron that beat
an pound all; an it shall beat an crush all these like unto crushin iron. An lik
e unto thou sight up it legs an it toes bein half clay an half iron, thus it sha
ll be a divided kingdom; an like unto thou sight up the iron mixed with the clay
, iron strength shall be fe it. An like unto it feet toes were half iron an half
clay, thus the kingdom shall be half strong an half weak. An like unto thou sig
ht up the iron mixed with the clay, thus them shall be mixed with man seed; howe
ver like unto iron won t stick with clay, thus them won t stick with one another. An
ina those kings era Heaven God shall raise up a kingdom that won t be demolished
foriva; an it shall be a kingdom that aren t given fe other people; an she shall c
rush an downstroy all those kingdoms, an she shall stand foriva. An like unto th
ou sight up when the stone were pulled forth from the mountain without a hand to
uchin it an it crushed the iron an the brass - the clay an the silver an the gol
d, thus the great God have informed fe the king what shall happen after this; an
the dream are true an it solution trusted."
An at that time the king Nabukedenetsor dropped pon him forehead an bowed fe D
an iel, an commanded that them might present him the Grain Communion an the Ishenc
e. An the king spoke fe Dan iel sayin - "As it have been possible fe thee-I that t
hou might reveal this mystery - fe true your God are the gods God, an kings Lord
, an Mystery Revealer." An the king ilivated Dan iel, an gave him many great gifts
, an appointed him pon all Babilon province, an made him main chief pon all Babi
lon wise ones. An Dan iel begged the king, an him appointed Seedraq an Meesaq an Ab
denago pon Babilon province Work; but Dan iel were ina the king gate.
Chapter 3.
The king Nabukedenetsor built the gold statue whose height were sixty forearms
an whose width were six forearms; an him set it up ina Dura plain ina Babilon p
rovince. An the king Nabukedenetsor sent that them might gather nobles an offici
als, commanders an dignitaries, treasurers an counselors, an caretakers, an all
province rulers, an that them might come fe the statue blessin that the king Nab
ukedenetsor set up. An at that time the nobles an the officials, the commanders
an the dignitaries, the treasurers an the counselors, the caretakers an all the
province rulers were gathered fe the statue blessin that the king Nabukedenetsor
set up; an them stood before the statue that Nabukedenetsor set up. An the proc
lamation speaker said thus while him shouted: - "O kindreds an peoples an unu wh
o speak different languages, pon the time unu heard trumpet an fife, violin an l
yre, harp an flute, an all song voice, unu have been commanded fe drop an bow fe
the gold statue that the king Nabukedenetsor set up; an him who don t drop an bow
shall be cast within a flamin fiyah furnace at that time." Becaudis pon the tim
e all peoples heard the trumpet an the fife, the violin an the lyre, the harp an
all the song voice, at that time kindreds an peoples an all who spoke ina diffe
rent languages dropped, an bowed fe the gold statue that the king Nabukedenetsor
set up.

An at that time the Keledans approached an downcused the Ayhuds. An them spoke
fe the king Nabukedenetsor an said thus: - "O king, reign a thousand years. Thou
, o king commanded sayin - Mek all persons who hear the trumpet an the fife, the
violin an the lyre, the harp an the flute, an all the song voice - drop an bow f
e the gold statue; an him who don t drop an bow shall be cast within a flamin fiya
h furnace. There are Ayhuds called Seedraq an Meesaq an Abdenago whom thou appointe
d pon Babilon province Work; o king, these men have refused thy command; them do
n t worship thy gods, an them don t bow fe the gold statue that thou set up."
An ina annoyance an anger Nabukedenetsor commanded that them might bring Seedr
aq an Meesaq an Abdenago; an them brought these men toward before the king. An Na
bukedenetsor spoke fe them sayin - "O Seedraq an Meesaq an Abdenago, your not wor
shippin mi god, an your not bowin fe the gold statue mi set up - are it true? An
now pon the time unu heard the trumpet an the fife - the violin an the lyre - t
he harp an the flute an all the song voice - if unu don t bow unu shall be cast wi
thin a flamin fiyah furnace at that time; how about who are the god who shall sa
ve unu from mi hand?" Seedraq an Meesaq an Abdenago answered an told the king: "O Nabukedenetsor, it aren t necessary fe I&I that I&I might answer thee ina this
thing. I&I God Whom I&I worship can able fe save I&I from the flamin fiyah furna
ce; an Him shall save I&I from thy hand, o king! However, o king, if Him don t sav
e I&I, know that I&I won t worship thy gods nor bow fe the gold statue thou set up
An at that time anger filled up ina Nabukedenetsor pon Seedraq an Meesaq an Abd
enago, an him face features changed pon them; an him spoke, an him commanded tha
t them flame up the furnace fiyah makin seven fold more than it would flame. An
him commanded the powerful ones from within him army that them might bind Seedra
q an Meesaq an Abdenago, an might cast them toward the flamin fiyah furnace. An a
t that time these men were bound an cast toward within the flamin fiyah furnace
with them trousers an them robes an them cloaks an them remainin clothes. An bec
au the king command were hastenin an becau the furnace fiyah quite flamed, the f
iyah blaze killed the men who cast Seedraq an Meesaq an Abdenago. An these three
men - Seedraq an Meesaq an Abdenago - bein bound fell within the flamin fiyah fur
An at that time the king Nabukedenetsor were astonied an quickly arose; an him
spoke fe him counselors sayin - "Weren t it three men that wi bound an cast withi
n a fiyah?" An them answered the king sayin - "O king, it are true." An him answ
ered sayin - "Check, mi sight up four men who are released an who recur amidst t
he fiyah; it didn t wound them none; an the Fourth One Features resemble a gods ch
ild." An at that time Nabukedenetsor approached toward the flamin fiyah furnace
gate an spoke fe them sayin - "Unu Most I God slaves, Seedraq an Meesaq an Abdena
go, come proceed." An Seedraq an Meesaq an Abdenago proceeded from amidst the fiy
ah. An the princes an the officials an the commanders an the king counselers hav
in been gathered - them sight up that the fiyah didn t have Power pon these men li
mbs, an that them head hair weren t burnt, an that them trousers weren t changed, an
that the fiyah smell didn t arrive pon them.
An Nabukedenetsor answerin said - "Him Who sent Him Angel, an saved Him slaves
who believed ina Him - who passed an gave them bodies lest them worship nor bow
fe no god but them God - an who trespassed the king word, mek Seedraq an Meesaq
an Abdenago God be blessed. An as there are no other god who save like unto this
- mi have commanded sayin - A kindred or people or them who speak ina different
languages who speak a insult thing pon Seedraq an Meesaq an Abdenago God shall be
cut, an them houses shall be made a speck dump ." An at that time the king ilivat
ed Seedraq an Meesaq an Abdenago within Babilon province.
Chapter 4.
From the king Nabukedenetsor toward kindreds an peoples who sit pon all Earth

an all who speak different languages, mek Peace abound fe unu. Mi have loved tha
t mi might show unu the miracles an wonders that the Most I God did before mi. H
ow great are Him miracles! An how firm are Him wonders! An Him Kingdom are Itern
ity Kingdom, an Him Rule are fe a child child.
Mi - Nabukedenetsor - had been Irie ina mi house an comfortable ina mi hall. M
i dreamed a dream; an she frightened mi; an mi thoughts an mi ras self vision th
at were pon mi bed worried mi. Becaudis mi commanded that all Babilon wise ones
might enter toward mi fe inform mi the dream solution. An at that time the dream
interpreters an the sorcerors - the Keledans an the inchanters entered; an mi s
poke the dream before them, but them didn t inform mi the solution. An at last Dan i
el - called Bilthasor after mi god name - ina whom are the hola gods spirit - en
tered before mi; an mi told him the dream an told him thus: - "O dream interpret
ers chief Bilthasor, as mi have known that the hola gods spirit were within thee
-I, an that there are nothing that trouble thee-I from all mysteries - tell mi t
he dream mi dreamed vision an it solution. This were mi ras self vision pon mi b
ed; check, mi sight up a fine tree, an it height were quite tall. An the tree be
came large, an it strengthened, an it height reached up til Heaven, an it appear
ance were sight up til all Earth edge. An it leaves were lovely an it fruits wer
e many, an there were food pon it fe all; an Earth beasts would rest beneath it
shade, an Heaven birds would sit within it branches, an all flesh wearers would
eat from it. An mi sight up ina mi ras self vision pon mi bed; an check, one Hol
a Guardian alit from Heaven. An him said thus while him shouted ina great voice:
- Cut the tree, an chop it branches, an shake off it leaves, an scattar it fruit
; an mek beasts flee from beneath it - an the birds from it branches. However qu
it the stump within Earth, an mek it wait within a pasture bound ina iron an bra
ss bonds; an mek it mow ina Heaven dew an mek it fortune portion be within Earth
grass with beasts. An mek it heart be changed from a person heart, an mek a bea
st heart be given it; an mek seven eras pass pon it. That everlivin ones might k
now that the Most I have Itority pon persons kingdoms, an that Him give it fe wh
om Him loved, an that Him Ipoint him who were downbased from persons pon it - th
is thing are Guardians command, an this judgemant - the Hola Ones word. Mi the ki
ng Nabukedenetsor have dreamed this dream; an thou, Bilthasor, inform mi the sol
ution, fe all mi kingdom wise ones cyaan able fe inform mi the solution; however
thou can - fe the hola gods spirit are within thee-I."
At that time Dan iel called Bilthasor thought around one iwa, an him heart were
downsturbed. An the king answerin told him - "O Bilthasor, mek the dream an it s
olution not trouble thee-I." An Bilthasor answerin said - "O I lord, mek the dre
am be fe them who hate thee, an the solution fe thy enemies. The tree thou sight
up that were large an strengthened, an whose height reached up til Heaven, an w
hose appearance were sight up til all Earth, an whose leaves had been beautiful,
an whose fruit abounded, an pon whom were food fe all; an beneath whom Earth be
asts sat, an ina whose branches Heaven birds lodged; o king, it are thou who wer
e great an strong; thy greatness have abounded, an have reached up til Heaven, a
n thy rule are up til Earth edge. An the king sightin up the Hola Guardian who a
lit from Heaven an said - Cut the tree, an downstroy it; however quit it stump wi
thin Earth; mek it wait within a pasture bound ina iron an brass bonds; an mek i
t mow ina Heaven dew, an mek it fortune portion be with Earth beasts up til seve
n eras pass pon it; o king, this are the solution; it are the Most I Command that
alit pon I lord the king; an thou will be sent separate from persons up til tho
u know that the Most I have Itority pon persons kingdoms, an give it fe whom Him
love, an thy dwellin shall be with Earth beasts, an thou will be forced that th
ou might eat grass like unto a ox, an thou will mow ina Heaven dew, an seven era
s shall pass pon thee. An him commandin that them might quit the tree stump, aft
er thou knew that Itority were from Heaven thy kingdom shall wait fe thee. O kin
g, becaudis maybe as it were thy welfare era lengthen - mek I counsel mek thee I
rie; an leave thy sin ina rightness, an thy iniquity ina givin alms fe poor ones

All this arrived pon the king Nabukedenetsor. After twelve months him would re
cur pon Babilon palace balcany. An the king spoke sayin - "Aren t this the great B
abilon that mi built by mi energy strength fe be a kingdom dwellin fe mi majesty
glory?" An when the words were yet ina the king mouth - a Voice fell from Heave
n an told him - "O king Nabukedenetsor - it have been told fe thee bein said - Th
e kingdom passed from alongside thee; an thou will be sent separate from persons
up til thou know that the Most I have Itority pon persons kingdoms, an give it f
e whom Him love, an thy dwellin shall be with Earth beasts, an thou will be forc
ed that thou might eat grass like unto a ox, an seven eras shall pass pon thee."
An ina that iwa the thing arrived pon Nabukedenetsor; an him were sent separate
from persons up til him hair lengthened like unto a eagle, an him fingernails l
ike birds, an him ate grass like unto a ox, an him limbs mowed ina Heaven dew.
An after the era were fulfilled - mi Nabukedenetsor lifted mi eyes toward Heav
en, an mi mind returned fe mi; an mi blessed the Most I, an mi praised an honour
ed Him Who live foriva; fe Him Rule are Iternity Rule, an Him Kingdom are fe a c
hild child. An all who live pon Earth shall be counted like unto whatever; an Hi
m shall do like unto Him Accord between Heaven Hosts an them who live pon Earth;
an there are none who prevent Him Hand nor tell Him - What do Thou do? An at that
time mi mind returned fe mi, an mi majesty an beauty returned toward mi fe mi k
ingdom honour; an mi counselors an mi nobles sought mi, an mi firmed up within m
i kingdom, an much honour were added fe mi. An now mi Nabukedenetsor praise Heav
en King, an mi mek Him great, an honour Him. Fe all Him Work are Truth, an Him r
oad are judgemant, an fe Him can downbase them who go ina arrogance.
Chapter 5.
The king Bilthasor made a large banquet fe him thousand nobles, an him would d
rink grape wine before the thousand. An pon the time Bilthasor tasted the grape
wine him commanded sayin - "Bring the gold an the silver vessels that mi faada N
abukedenetsor brought from the Temple that were ina Iyerusaliem" - that the king
an him nobles an him wives an him cancubines might drink ina them. An at that ti
me them brought the gold vessels that came from JAH Temple that were ina Iyerusal
iem; an the king an him nobles an him wives an him cancubines drank ina them. An
while them drank grape wine them praised the gods worked from gold an silver brass an iron - wood an stone.
An at that time a Man Hand Fingers proceeded an wrote pon the plastered wall i
na the king house frontin the candlestick; an the king sight up the Fingers that
wrote. An at that time the king face were changed pon him, an him thoughts trou
bled him, an him waist sinews were loosened, an him knees wobbled. An the king s
houted ina great voice that him sorcerors an him Keledans an him inchanters migh
t enter; an the king spoke fe Babilon wise ones sayin - "Him who read this writi
ns an who showed mi the solution shall wear purple silk, an a gold pendant shall
be around him neck fe him, an him shall be third ruler pon the kingdom." An at
that time all the king wise ones entered; however them couldn t able fe read the w
ritins, nor inform the solution fe the king.
An the king Bilthasor were quite alarmed, an him face were changed pon him, an
nobles were startled.
An the queen entered toward the banquet house becau the king an the nobles wor
ds; an the queen spoke an said thus: - "O king, reign a thousand years; mek thy
thoughts not trouble thee, an mek thy face not be changed. There are within thy
kingdom a man pon whom are the hola gods spirit; an ina thy faada era Wisdom lik
e unto gods Wisdom an Overstandin an knowledge were found ina him; thy faada the
king Nabukedenetsor made him dream interpreters an sorcerors - Keledans an inch
anters chief. Fe a fine spirit, an knowledge, an Overstandin, an dream interpret
in, an riddle revealin, an releasin what were knotted have been found alongside
Dan iel whom the king named him name Bilthasor. An now mek Dan iel be called, an him

shall show the solution."

An at that time Dan iel entered toward before the king; an the king spoke an tol
d Dan iel thus: - "Are thou Dan iel who were from the Yihuda captives whom the king
mi faada captured from Yihuda? Mi have heard becau thee-I that the gods spirit a
re pon thee-I, an that knowledge an Overstandin an fine Wisdom were found ina th
ee-I. An now wise ones an sorcerors had entered toward mi that them might read t
his writins, an might inform mi the solution; however them couldn t able fe show t
he thing solution. But mi have heard that thou can able fe give solutions, an fe
release what were knotted; an now if thou can able fe read the writins, an info
rm mi the solution, thou will wear purple silk, an a gold pendant shall be aroun
d thy neck fe thee-I, an thou will be third ruler pon the kingdom." An at that t
ime Dan iel answered an said thus before the king: - "Mek thy gifts be fe thee, an
give thy blessin fe another; however I-man will read the writins fe the king an
inform the solution. O king, the Most I God gave thy faada Nabukedenetsor a kin
gdom an greatness - glory an majesty. Becau the greatness Him gave him - kindred
s an peoples an all who speak different languages would tremble an fear before h
im; him would kill whom him accorded, an place whom him accorded ina Life; an hi
m would lift up whom him accorded, an downbase whom him accorded. But pon the ti
me him heart were arrogant an him spirit strengthened that it might do ina pride
, him were downbased from him kingdom throne, an him glory were separated from h
im. An him were sent separate from man childran up til him knew that the Most I
God have Itority pon persons kingdoms, an Ipoint whom Him love pon it, an him he
art became like unto a beast heart, an him dwellin were with wilderness donkeys;
him ate grass like unto a ox, an him limbs mowed ina Heaven dew. O Bilthasor, w
hen thou are him child - while thou knew all this thou became proud pon Heaven L
ord - yet thou didn t downbase thy heart. An them brought the Temple vessels befor
e thee, an thou an thy nobles an thy wives an thy cancubines drank grape wine in
a them; an unu praised the gods worked from silver an gold an brass an iron an w
ood an stone who don t sight up nor hear nor know; thou didn t honour the God Who se
ized thy breath an all thy roads ina Him Hand. An becaudis these Hand Fingers ha
ve been sent from alongside Him; an this writins have been written.
An the writins that were written say - "MANIE TIEQIEL FARIES." An this are the
thing solution; Manie meanin, are meanin JAH counted thy kingdom an Him fulfilled
it. Tieqiel meanin, are meanin thou were balanced ina balance, an thou were found
bein lighter. Faries meanin, are meanin thy kingdom were divided, it were given f
e Miedon an Fars persons."
An at that time Bilthasor commanded fe Dan iel that them dress him ina purple si
lk, an mek a gold pendant around him neck; an him had a proclamation spoken that
him become third ruler pon the kingdom.
Ina that night the Keledans king Bilthasor were killed. An the Miedonan Daryos
took the kingdom; an him age were sixty two years.
Chapter 6.
An Daryos loved that him might appoint pon him kingdom a hundred twenty prince
s fe be alongside all him kingdom. An him made three chiefs over them - that the
princes might bring the account fe them, an lest the king be damaged; an the fi
rst from them were Dan iel. An becau Dan iel had a fine spirit him surpassed chiefs
an princes; an the king thought that him might appoint him pon all the kingdom.
An at that time chiefs an the princes would seek a pretext pon Dan iel becau the
kingdom; however as him were trusted, an as error an iniquity weren t found ina h
im - them couldn t able fe find no pretext nor iniquity pon him. An those men said
- "Apart from him God Law wi won t find no other pretext pon this Dan iel." An at t
hat time the chiefs an the princes were gathered toward the king an told him thu
s: - "O king Daryos, reign a thousand years. All the kingdom chiefs - officials

an princes - counselors an commanders counseled that a king law an strong comman

d might proceed that say - O king, if anyone apart from thee beg a plea from God
or man up til thirty days, mek him be cast within a lions pit. An now, o king, li
ke unto the Miedon an Fars law that aren t changed, firm up the command lest it be
changed, an write the writins." An the king Daryos wrote the writins an the com
An pon the time Dan iel knew that the writins were written him entered toward hi
m house; an him chamber windows had been opened frontin Iyerusaliem; an like unto
him would do formerly him bowed pon him knees three times daily an prayed befor
e him God an praised. An those men were gathered an found Dan iel when him pray an
beg before him God. An them approached toward the king an told him becau the ki
ng command - "O king, didn t thou write a command that all persons who beg from Go
d or man up til thirty days apart from thee be cast within a lions pit?" An the
king answerin told them - "The thing are true - like unto the Miedon an Fars law
that aren t changed." An at that time them answered before the king an told him "O king, Dan iel from Yihuda captives beg him plea three times daily - yet him do
n t accept thee nor the command thou wrote." An pon the time the king heard this w
ord him were very sad, an made him heart toward Dan iel that him might save him; a
n him wearied fe save him up til Sun set. An at that time those men were gathere
d toward the king an told the king - "O king, know that it were Miedon an Fars l
aw lest it be due that the command or order that the king firmed up might be cha
An at that time the king commanded, an them brought Dan iel an cast him within a
lions pit; an the king spoke an told Dan iel - "Mek thy God Whom thou worship eve
rytime save thee-I." An them brought a stone an fitted it pon the pit mouth; an
the king stamped it with him ring an him nobles rings lest what were done pon Da
n iel be changed. An the king went toward him house an lodged without eatin; an th
em didn t bring food fe him, an him sleep distanced from him.
An ina the dawn the king arose at firstlight, an quickly went toward the lions
pit. An pon the time him approached toward the pit toward Dan iel him called him
ina sadness word; an the king spoke an told Dan iel - "O Everlivin God slave Dan iel
, have thy God Whom thou worship everytime been able fe save thee-I from lions?"
An Dan iel told the king - "O king, reign a thousand years. As honesty have been
found ina I before Him, an as I-man didn t wrong, o king, before thee moreover - I
God sent Him Angel an shut the lions mouth, an them didn t harm I." An at that ti
me the king were quite Irie, an commanded that them might send Dan iel forth from
the pit; an Dan iel proceeded from the pit, an as him had trusted ina him God - da
mage weren t found pon him.
An the king commanded, an them brought those men who downcused Dan iel, an cast
them an them childran an them wives ina the lions pit; an before them reached to
ward the pit end the lions seized them an broke all them bones.
An at that time the king Daryos wrote toward kindreds an peoples who live pon
all Earth an all who speak different languages, an him said thus: - "Mek Peace a
bound fe unu. Mi have commanded that persons ina all mi kingdom rule shall fear
an tremble before Dan iel God; fe Him are Everlivin God Who live foriva; an Him Ki
ngdom are what don t perish, an Him Rule shall live up til the end. Him save an Hi
m raise up, an Him work miracles an wonders ina Heaven an Earth, an Him have sav
ed Dan iel from the lions mouth."
An this Dan iel livin were straightened up fe him ina Daryos kingdom - an ina th
e Farsan Qeeros kingdom.
Chapter 7.
Ina Babilon king Bilthasor first year Dan iel sight up a dream an him ras self v

ision pon him bed; an after that him wrote the dream, an spoke the main thing. A
n Dan iel spoke an said thus: - "I-man sight up a vision ina night; an check, the
four Heaven winds would crash pon the great sea. An four great beasts proceeded
from the sea, an each one were different. An the first would resemble a lion, an
she had eagle wings; an I-man would sight up til she wings were uprooted from s
he, an she were ilivated from Earth, an she were made fe stand pon two feet like
unto a person, an a person heart were given she. An check, the secand were anot
her beast that resemble a bear, an she stood pon one side, an three rib bones we
re within she mouth between she teeth; an like unto this she were told: - Arise a
n quite eat meat. An after this, check, I-man sight up another beast that resembl
e a leopard an had four small bird wings pon she back; an the beast had four hea
ds, an a rule were given she. An after this I-man sight up a vision ina night; a
n check, there were a fourth beast that frighten an alarm an quite strengthened,
an had great iron teeth; she would eat an grind, an would kick what remained wi
th she foot; an she were separate from all the beasts that were before she; an s
he had ten horns. An I-man checked up the horns; an check, another small horn pr
oceeded amidst them, an three were uprooted from the horns that preceded before
it; an check, eyes that were like unto a person eyes an a mouth that speak ina a
rrogance were pon that horn.
An I-man sight up til thrones were streached forth, an Him Who were aged ina e
ras sat; an Him clothes were white like unto ice, an Him Head Hair like unto goo
d cotton; an Him throne were a fiyah flame, an it wheels were flamin fiyah. An a
fiyah stream would gush an proceed from before it; an a thousand times a thousa
nd would serve Him, an ten thousand ten thousands had stood before Him; an there
were Judgemant, an books were revealed. An at that time I-man sight up arisin f
rom the great word voice that the horn would speak; an I-man sight up til the be
ast were killed, an she limbs perished, an up til she were given fe be burnt ina
fiyah. An from the remainin beasts them rules were taken; but them Life age len
gthened up til a era an a time.
I-man sight up a vision ina night; an check; Him Who resemble Man Child came w
ith Heaven clouds an reached toward Him Who were aged ina eras; an them presente
d Him before Him. A Rule an Glory an Kingdom were given Him - that kindreds an p
eoples an all who speak ina different languages might be ruled fe Him; an Him Ru
le are Iternity Rule that don t pass, an Him Kingdom are what don t perish.
An I spirit were alarmed within I Dan iel flesh, an I ras self vision troubled I
. An I-man approached toward the one from them who stood there an I-man question
ed him the Truth becaudis all; an him told I, an informed I the thing solution.
These four great beasts are four kings who shall arise from Earth. However the M
ost I Hola ones shall tek the Kingdom, an inherit the Kingdom up til Iternity wo
rld. An after this I-man accorded fe know the Truth becau the fourth beast who q
uite frighten separate from all that remained, an who had she teeth of iron an s
he nails of brass, who eat an grind an kick what remained with she foot, an beca
u the ten horns pon she head, an becau the other horn that proceeded later, an b
efore whom the three fell, who had eyes an a mouth that spoke arrogance, an whos
e features surpassed others. An check, I-man sight up when that horn fought with
the Hola ones, an it defeated them - up til Him Who were aged ina eras came, an
up til Judgemant were given fe the Most I Hola ones, an up til the era came whe
n the Hola ones tek the Kingdom.
An him said thus: - 'The fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom pon Earth; an
it shall be separate from all kingdoms, an shall eat all Earth, an kick an grind
she. An the ten horns are ten kings who shall arise from that kingdom; an after
them another shall arise, an him shall be separate from earlier ones, an shall
downbase the three kings. An him shall speak a word pon the Most I, an shall sha
tter the Most I Hola ones, an shall think that him might change eras an laws; an
them shall be given ina him hand up til a era an eras an a half era. However th
ere shall be Judgemant, an them shall iliminate him rule that them might demolis

h an downstroy it up til fulfillmant. An Kingdom an Rule an kingdoms greatness b

eneath all Heaven shall be given fe the Most I Hola ones people; Him Kingdom are
Iternity Kingdom, an all rules shall be ruled an commanded fe it. An the thing
fulfillmant are up til this.' An I-man Dan iel were quite troubled ina I thoughts,
an I face were changed pon I; nonetheless I-man have kept the thing ina I heart
Chapter 8.
After the vision were revealed fe I at first, ina the third year that the king
Bilthasor reigned, a vision were revealed fe I Dan iel. An I-man sight up ina the
vision; an pon the time I-man sight up I-man were ina the Susa tower ina Elam pr
ovince; an I-man sight up ina the vision an I-man were beside Ubal river. An I-ma
n lifted up I eye an sight up; an check, one ram that had two horns had stood be
fore the river, an both the horns would be lofty; but the one were loftier than
the secand, an the greater one had proceeded backward. An I-man sight up when th
e ram jabbed Westward an Northward an Southward with it horn; an all the beasts
couldn t able fe resist, an there were none who save from it hand; an it did like
unto it accord, an made it ras self great.
An when I-man checked up, check, one male goat proceeded from the West side po
n all Earth face, an it didn t touch Earth; an the goat had one great horn between
it eyes. An it came toward the ram that had two horns an that I-man had sight u
p standin before the river, an it quickly ran toward it ina it Power anger. An I
-man sight up when it approached toward the ram; an it were embittered by it, an
struck the ram, an broke both horns; an the ram had no Power fe resist it, an i
t cast it pon Earth an kicked it; an there were none who can able fe save the ra
m from it hand. An the male goat made it ras self quite great; an pon the time i
t strengthened it great horn were broken, an four horns that check up toward the
four Heaven winds proceeded from beneath it.
An from the first from them one small horn proceeded, an it were quite lofty S
outhward an Eastward an toward the fine land. An it were lofty up til Heaven hos
t; an it cast several from the host an from the stars toward Earth, an kicked th
em. An it made it ras self great up til the Host Chief; an arisin from it the It
inual sacrifice were dismissed, an the Temple spot were demolished. An arisin fr
om sin the host were given it with the Itinual sacrifice; an it cast Truth towar
d the Earth, an it did an succeeded. An I-man heard when the one from the Hola o
nes spoke; an the secand Hola one told the Hola one who spoke - "Up til when sha
ll be the vision that were becau the Iternal sacrifice, an becau the sin that gi
ve an downstroy that the Temple an the host might be kicked?" An him told I - "I
t are up til two thousand three hundred evenins an mornins; an after that the Te
mple shall be cleansed."
An pon the time I-man Dan iel sight up the vision I-man sought the Overstandin;
an check, a man image had stood before I. An I-man heard a Man Voice amidst Ubal
river that shout sayin - "O Gebri iel, inform the vision fe this man." An him appr
oached toward where I-man stood; an pon the time him came I-man feared an droppe
d pon I forehead; an him told I - "O man child, overstand that the vision were f
e fulfillmant era." An when him spoke fe I - I-man were startled an dropped pon
Earth pon I forehead; an him caressed I an stood I up straight. An him told I th
us: - "Check, I-man shall inform thee-I what shall happen ina the chastisemant l
ast era; fe this are fe the delineated fulfillmant era. The two horns pon the ra
m thou sight up are Miedon an Fars kings. An the male goat are Greek king; an th
e great horn between him eyes are the first king. An like unto the four arose in
a it stead pon the time it were broken, thus four kingdoms shall arise from him
kin, however them won t equal him ina Power. An ina them kingdoms end, pon the tim
e them sin were filled up, a cruel faced king who overstand riddles shall arise.
An him Power shall strengthen, however it aren t by him ras self Power; an him sh
all downstroy by wonders, an do, an succeed; him shall downstroy powerful ones a

n the Hola ones people. Him shall prosper malice ina him hand by him deceivin; a
n him shall be arrogant ina him heart, an downstroy the many who live trustin; a
n him shall resist pon the chiefs chief; an him shall be broken without a hand.
An the evenin an the mornin vision that were told are true; however close up the
vision becau what shall happen after many eras." An I-man Dan iel slept, an were
ill several days; an after that I-man would arise an work the king Work; an I-ma
n would wonder becau the vision, but there were none who overstand it.
Chapter 9.
Ina Ahishaweeros child Daryos first year - who were from Miedon seed, who reign
ed pon the Keledans kingdom, ina the first year that him reigned - I-man Dan iel o
verstood ina book the years number that JAH spoke by Him Word fe Him prophet Ermy
as, the seventy years when Iyerusaliem bein demolished shall be fulfilled.
I-man straightened up I face toward Lord God that I-man might pray an beg when
I-man fast wearin sackcloth an bein pon ash. An I-man prayed toward I God JAH,
an canfessin said thus: - "O Lord, o great an frightenin God Who keep a Word Cov
enant an mercy with them who love Thee-I an fulfill Thy Commands, I&I have worke
d sin, an have wronged, an done evil, an rebelled, an have stepped aside from Th
y Commands an Thy Judgemant; an I&I didn t hear Thy slaves the prophets who spoke
ina Thy Name fe I&I kings an I&I chiefs an I&I faadas an all the country people.
O Lord, Rightness are fe Thee-I; an like unto today it are face shame fe I&I Yi
huda persons an them who sit ina Iyerusaliem an all Isra iel an them near an afar by them iniquity reason whereby them wronged Thee-I - ina all the countries wher
e Thou scattared. O Lord, becau I&I worked sin pon Thee-I it are face shame fe I
&I an I&I kings an I&I chiefs an I&I faadas. Even though I&I would rebel pon Him
, even though I&I don t hear I&I God JAH Word that I&I might go ina Him LAW that H
im placed before I&I by Him slaves the prophets hand, the Lord I&I God have merc
y an pardon. An all Isra iel have trespassed Thy LAW, an have stepped aside lest th
em hear Thy Word; as I&I have worked sin pon Him - the oath an curse written ina
JAH slave Mussie Law flowed pon I&I. An by Him bringin quite evil things pon I&
I Him firmed up the Word Him spoke pon I&I an pon I&I judges who were Ipointed a
longside I&I; an a thing were never done beneath all Heaven like unto what were
done pon Iyerusaliem. An like unto were written ina Mussie Law all this evil thin
g came pon I&I; a I&I didn t beg toward before I&I God JAH that I&I might return f
rom I&I sin an might think of Thy Truth. An becaudis JAH kept Him evil thing an
brought it pon I&I; fe I&I God JAH are righteous ina all the Work Him work, an f
e I&I didn t hear Him Word. An now Thou Who sent forth Thy people from Gibts land
by a strong Hand, o Lord I&I God Who also found fame fe Thee-I like unto this da
y, I&I have worked sin, an have done evil. O Lord, as Iyerusaliem an Thy people h
ave been a insult fe all who live ina I&I area - becau I&I sin an becau I&I faad
as iniquity - I-man beg Thee-I that Thy anger an Thy wrath return from Thy city I
yerusaliem - Thy Hola Mountain - like unto all Thy Rightness. An now, o I&I God,
hear Thy slave priah an him plea; o Lord, shine Thy Face pon Thy demolished Tem
ple when Thou mean fe Thy Ras Self. O I God, it are becau Thy many mercies that
I&I beg before Thee-I - yet as it aren t becau I&I rightness - incline Thy Ear an
hear; reveal Thy Eye an check up the city where I&I downstruction an Thy Name ar
e called. Lord, hear; Lord, pardon; Lord, listen an do; o I God, as Thy Name hav
e been called pon Thy city an Thy people - don t delay - becau Thy Ras Self."
An when I-man yet spoke an prayed, when I-man canfessed ina I sin an ina I peo
ple Isra iel sin, an when I-man begged before I God JAH becau I God Holafied Mounta
in, an when I-man yet spoke ina priah - the man Gebri iel whom I-man had sight up
ina vision beforehand - check - came while him flew; an him caressed I ina eveni
n sacrifice time. An him taught I, an spoke fe I an said thus: - "O Dan iel, I-man
have come now that I-man might give thee-I Wisdom an Overstandin. As thou are q
uite iloved - a command have proceeded pon thy plea Iginnin, an I-man have come
that I-man might tell thee-I; an now examine the thing, an overstand the vision.

Seventy Suba`ies have been designated pon thy people an thy Hola city - that i
t might finish rebellion, an fulfill sin, an atone iniquity, an introduce Iterni
ty Rightness, an seal visions an prophecy, an Inoint the Hola of Holas. Becaudis
know an overstand; Iginnin from when the command proceed fe repair an work Iyeru
saliem up til the Chief - Messeeh - there shall be seven Suba`ies an sixty two S
uba`ies; an she shall be worked ina worry era with paths an a inclosure. An afte
r sixty two times seven Messeeh shall be killed, an there are nothing alongside
Him, an the coming chief people shall downstroy the city an the Temple; an it fu
lfillmant shall be ina torrent, an there shall be war up til the end; an downstr
uction have been designated. An him shall mek a firm word covenant with many per
sons fe one Suba`ie; an ina the Suba`ie half him shall withhold the sacrifice an
the Communion; an the downstroyer shall come at defoulmants peak; an chastisema
nt shall flow pon the downstroyer up til the determined fulfillmant."
Chapter 10.
Ina Fars king Qeeros third year a thing were revealed fe Dan iel called Bilthaso
r; an the thing were Truth, an it are a great war; an him overstood the thing, a
n Overstandin were given him within the vision. An ina that season I-man Dan iel w
ere bein sad three full weeks. An I-man didn t eat excellent injera, an meat nor wi
ne didn t enter ina I mouth, an up til the three weeks were fulfilled I-man weren t
Inointed of oil. An pon the twenty fourth day of the first month when I-man were
beside the great river called Thiegros, I-man lifted up I eyes, an check, I-man
sight up the man who wore linen an girded good Afiez gold pon him waist. An him
limbs would resemble like unto beerellie, an him face were like unto a lightnin
image, an him eyes were like unto a flarin torch, an him forearms an him legs li
ke unto heated brass, an him word voice like unto many people voice. An I-man Da
n iel alone sight up the vision, but persons who were with I didn t sight up the vis
ion; however a firm tremblin fell pon them, an them fled fe hide. An I-man alone
remained an sight up this great vision; an Power didn t remain fe I, an I comelin
ess were changed toward frownin pon I, an I-man lacked Power. An I-man heard him
word voice; an pon the time I-man heard him word voice I-man were alarmed an dr
opped pon Earth pon I forehead.
An check, one hand caressed I, an set I pon I knees an hands. An him told I "O quite iloved man Dan iel, as I-man have been sent toward thee-I today - oversta
nd the word I-man tell thee-I, an stand up straight." An pon the time him told I
this word I-man stood while I-man trembled. An him told I thus: - "O Dan iel, don t
fear; thy word have been heard Iginnin from the first day when thou made that t
hy heart might overstand, an that thy body might be downbased before thy God; an
I-man have come becau thy word. But Fars kingdom chief resisted I twenty one da
ys; an check, the one Meeka iel from the main chiefs came fe help I; an I-man quit
him there with Fars kings. An as the vision are fe many eras yet - I-man have c
ome now that I-man might inform thee-I what shall happen fe thy people ina the l
ater era." An pon the time him spoke this word fe I - I-man averted I face towar
d Earth, an became mute. An check, him who resemble a man child caressed I lip;
an at that time I-man opened I mouth an spoke an told him who had stood before I
- "O I lord, arisin from the vision I pain came pon I, an I-man lacked Power. H
ow can this I lord slave able fe speak with this I lord? An now I-man lacked Pow
er, an breath didn t remain fe I."
Moreover him who resemble a man caressed I, an strengthened I. An him told I "O quite iloved man, don t fear; mek Peace be fe thee-I; strengthen, firm up." An
pon the time him spoke fe I - I-man strengthened an said - "As thou have streng
thened I - mek I lord speak." An him told I thus: - "Do thou know, becau what it
were that I-man came toward thee-I? An now I-man shall return that I-man might
fight with Fars chief; an when I-man proceed, check, Greek chief shall come. How
ever I-man shall tell thee-I what were written ina Truth writins; an there are n
oone who firm I up ina this thing apart from your chief Meeka iel."

Chapter 11.
"An ina the Miedonan Daryos first year I-man had stood that I-man might firm h
im up an strengthen him.
An now I-man shall show thee-I Truth. Check, three kings moreover shall arise
ina Fars; an the fourth shall be quite richer than all; an pon the time him stre
ngthened ina him richness him shall arouse all pon Greek kingdom. An a powerful
king shall arise, an rule ina large rulership, an do like unto him accord. An po
n the time him arose him kingdom shall be broken; an it shall be divided up til
the four Heaven winds. But it won t be divided fe him seed, an it won t be like unto
him rulership whereby him ruled; fe him kingdom shall be uprooted; an fe it sha
ll be fe others than these.
An the South king an the one from him chiefs shall strengthen; an him shall st
rengthen pon him an govern; an him rule shall be a great rule. An after eras the
m shall clash; an the South king dawta child shall come toward the North king fe
mek a word covenant; but she forearm Power won t firm up, an him an him forearm w
on t firm up; she an them who brought she an him who birthed she an firmed she up
ina that era shall pass an be given.
However the one from she root branch shall arise ina him spot; an him shall co
me toward the army, an enter toward the North king fortress, an mek over them, a
n prevail. Him shall capture toward Gibts them gods an them molten worked statue
s an them honoured items worked from silver an gold; an him shall sit without fi
ghtin with the North king up til a few years. An this one shall enter toward the
South king kingdom, however him shall return toward him own land.
An him childran shall fight; him shall gather many armies an people; an him sh
all come, an gush, an pass; an him shall return an fight up til him fortress. An
the South king shall vex - an shall proceed an fight with the North king; an hi
m shall set up many people fe a formation, an the people shall pass an be given
ina him hand. An pon the time the people were taken him heart shall be arrogant;
an him shall cast tens of thousands, however him won t prevail. An the North king
shall return, an shall set up many people fe a formation who surpassed what pre
ceded; an ina eras an years fulfillmant him shall come with a great army an much
wealth. An ina that era many persons shall arise pon the South king; an rebelli
on childran amidst thy people shall arise that them might firm up the vision; ho
wever them shall fall. An the North king shall come, an level soil, an tek the f
ortified city; an the South army an him chosen people won t stand; an them shall h
ave no Power fe resist. But also him who shall come pon him shall do like unto h
im accord, an there are none who shall stand before him; an him shall stand ina
the fine land, an downstruction shall be within him hand. An him shall straighte
n up him face that him might come with all him kingdom Power, an him shall mek i
nity with him; an him shall give him a dawta child that him might defoul she; an
she won t firm up an won t be fe him. An after this him shall return him face towar
d islands, an shall tek many; but one chief shall dismiss him insult, an return
the insult pon him ras self. An him shall return him face toward him own land fo
rtresses; an him shall be hindered an fall, an not be found.
An at that time him who pass the tax-collector amidst the kingdom glory shall
arise ina him spot; however without bein ina him anger nor ina formation him sha
ll be broken ina few days.
An a downpressed man shall arise ina him spot - an them won t give him the kingd
om glory; him shall come slowly an rule the kingdom by deceivin. An a army that
gush shall be taken from before him, an him an him word covenant chief shall be
broken. An after him befriended with him - him shall do ina malice; an him shall
proceed an strengthen with a few people. An him shall slowly enter toward the f
ertile parts from all countries; an him shall do what him faadas nor him faadas

faadas didn t do; an him shall scattar the plunder an the loot an the wealth amids
t them; an him shall irate him thought pon fortifications up til the time. An be
in ina great army him shall arouse him Power an him heart pon the South king; an
the South king shall fight ina formation bein ina great an many armies; however
as him shall irate him thought pon him - him won t firm up. An persons who eat hi
m food shall break him; an him army shall gush; an many shall fall bein killed.
An these two kings shall think ina them hearts that them might do evil, an shall
speak lies seated at one dinnertable; however as the fulfillmant are up til the
delineated time - it won t succeed fe them.
An him shall return toward him land with much wealth, an him heart shall be po
n the holafied Word Covenant; an him shall do him accord, an return toward him o
wn land. An him shall return at the delineated time an come toward the South; ho
wever the latter won t be like unto the former. As Keeteem ships shall come pon hi
m - becaudis him shall return bein sad, an shall vex pon the Hola Word Covenant,
an do him accord; an him shall return an check up the persons who quit the Hola
Word Covenant. An armies shall stand with him, an them shall defoul the Temple
an the tower, an shall withhold the Itinual sacrifice, an set up downstruction d
efoulmant. An by deceivin him shall mislead them who wrong the Word Covenant; ho
wever people who know them God shall strengthen, an shall do. An wise ones amids
t the people shall teach many persons; however them shall fall many eras by swor
d an fiyah flame - by plunder an lootin. An pon the time them fell them shall be
helped by a likkle help; an many persons shall unite an be gathered toward them
ina hypocrisy. An as it shall be up til the delineated era - several from the w
ise ones shall fall that them might refined an cleared an cleansed up til fulfil
lmant era.
An the king shall do like unto him accord; an him shall ilivate him ras self, hi
m shall mek him ras self great pon all gods, an speak arrogantly pon the gods Go
d; an up til anger are fulfilled it shall succeed fe him, fe what are delineated
shall be done. An him won t check up him faadas gods nor dawtaz desire; as him sh
all mek himself great pon all - him won t check up all gods. But ina these stead h
im shall honour the fortresses god; him shall honour the god him faadas didn t kno
w with gold an silver - jewels an honoured things. An him shall mek pon a firm f
ortress by a strange god help; him shall multiply honours fe them who know him,
an shall mek them rule pon many, an divide Earth at a price.
An ina fulfillmant era the South king shall fight with him; an North king shal
l come pon him with chariots an horsemen an many ships like unto a whirl wind; a
n him shall enter toward countries, an shall gush, an pass. An him shall enter t
oward the fine land, an many countries shall fall; however Edomyas an Mo`ab an th
em who surpassed Ammon childran shall be saved from him hand. Him shall streach h
im hand pon countries, an Gibts land won t escape. An him shall govern pon gold an
silver treasure, an pon all honoured Gibts items; an Libya an Ityopphya persons
shall follow him. But reports from the East an the North shall downsturb him; an
him shall proceed ina great anger that him might kill an totally downstroy many
persons. An him shall plant him royal tent between the sea an the honoured Hola
Mountain; but him shall come toward him fulfillmant, an noone shall help him."
Chapter 12.
"An ina that era shall arise the great chief Meeka iel who stand becau thy peopl
e childran; an there shall be a tribulation era that weren t like unto it Iginnin
from when there were people up til that era; an ina that era each an all thy peo
ple found written ina the Book shall be saved. An many shall awaken from them wh
o slumbered within Earth dust; the half toward Iternal Life, an the half toward
shame an Iternal misery. An wise ones shall brighten like unto Heaven radiance,
an many persons who return toward Rightness - like unto stars. O Dan iel, but thou
- shut the Word up til fulfillmant era, an seal the book; many persons shall ex
amine, an knowledge shall abound."

An I-man Dan iel sight up; an check, two others had stood, the one pon this ri
ver edge, an the other pon that river edge. An the one told him who were above t
he river Water an wore linen - "Up til when are this wonder fulfillmant?" An I-m
an heard when the man who were above the river Water an wore linen lifted him ri
ght an left hands toward Heaven an swore by Him Who live foriva bein Everlivin s
ayin - "It are fe a era an eras an a era half; an all this shall be fulfilled po
n the time the holafied people Power bein scattared were finished." An I-man hea
rd - however I-man didn t overstand; an at that time I-man said - "O lord, what ar
e all this fulfillmant?" An him told I thus: - "O Dan iel, as the Word are closed
an sealed up til fulfillmant era - go; many persons shall clear an cleanse an re
fine them bodies; but evil ones shall do evil; an all evil ones won t overstand, b
ut wise ones shall overstand. An Iginnin from when the Iternal sacrifice remaine
d, an Iginnin from when downstruction defoulmant stood - there shall be a thousa
nd two hundred ninety days. An him who are patient, an who reach up til a thousa
nd three hundred thirty five days are blessed. But thou - go up til the fulfilma
nt; an thou will rest, an ina the day end thou will stand ina thy lot part."
Chapter 13: TEREFE DAN'IEL (Rest of Daniel: Bel & the Dragon)
1; After the king Daryos dead an were buried ina him faadas grave - Fars king
Qeeros seized the kingdom.
2; An Dan iel were a servant ina the king Qeeros chamber - an him would be honoure
d more than all him canfidantes.
3; There were the statue that Babilon persons worship - an while them went towar
d it everytime them would give it while them cantributed twelve measures of whea
t ina capacity fe cansume twelve loads - forty sheep - an seven feeqen of grapes
4; An the king would worship it an would bow fe it while him went toward it ever
ytime - but Dan iel would bow fe the Irator. An the king told Dan iel - "Fe what are
it that thou don t bow fe Biel?"
5; An Dan iel told the king - "As fe I - I-man worship I Irator Who Irated Earth a
n Heaven - Who live ina Life Everlivin - yet I-man won t worship the idol that man
hand worked - HIM are Who rule all Iration."
6; An the king told him - "Do Biel seem fe thee-I a god who weren t everlivin? Don t
thou sight up that him eat an drink while it dawn?"
7; An Dan iel laughed pon the king - "O king - mek them not mislead thee while the
m said him eat an drink - as fe this it are mud within it an brass above it - it
totally don t eat nor drink" him said.
8; An the king vexed - an callin him priests of the idols him told them - "If un
u didn t tell mi that anyone eat this Biel food - unu will dead.
9; But if thou disprove Dan iel fe mi that Biel eat - Dan iel who insulted Biel shal
l dead." An Dan iel told the king - "Mek it be like unto thou said."
10; Apart from dawtaz an childran the priests of the idols would be seventy - an
Dan iel an the king went toward the idol house.
11; An the priests of the idols told him - "Check - wi shall go outside - thou k
ing - work the mealtable - an pour an prepare an place the grapes - shut the doo
rway an seal it with thy seal.
12; An when it dawn march an go - if Biel are found havin eaten all - yet if him
are found without eatin wi will dead - but if him are found havin eaten - Dan iel
who spoke lies pon wi will dead."
13; But them know what them do - them had a path worked beneath the mealtable them would eat an drink while them entered there everytime.
14; After them proceeded the king prepared what are eaten fe Biel - an Dan iel com
manded the yout that him might bring ash - them sprinkled it ina all the house b
efore only the king - an after them proceeded them shut the doorway an Dan iel an
the king sealed it by a seal.
15; After them went the priests of the idol like unto them custom entered at nig
ht with them childran an them wives an ate an drank all.

16; An when it dawned Dan iel an the king marched an went.

17; An the king told Dan iel - "Are the seal fine?" an Dan iel told the king - "Yes
it are fine."
18; An after this pon the time the doorway were opened the king found the priest
s of the idol havin totally eaten of the mealtable - him bragged makin him word
heard - "Biel - thou are the famous irator an there are no malice ina thee" him
19; An Dan iel laughed pon him - him seized the king an prevented him lest him ent
er toward within - "Please - check up toward Earth - what track do this seem fe
20; An the king said - "Mi sight up dawta an male childran tracks" an the king v
21; An at that time him seized the priests of the idols an them childran an them
wives - them showed him the narrow path whereby them enter that them might eat
an drink what were prepared pon the mealtable.
22; An the king killed them - an gave Biel fe Dan iel - an Dan iel broke it - an dem
olished it house.
23; An there were a serpent that Babilon persons worship.
24; An the king told Dan iel - "Will thou tell this also it are brass? Check - it
are a fine god - it eat an drink - thou cyaan able fe tell it it aren t a fine god
- bow fe it."
25; An Dan iel told him - "I-man bow fe I Irator JAH - fe Him are the Irator who l
ive ina Life Everlivin.
26; Thou king - adjourn I that I-man might kill this serpent without sword nor s
taff" - an the king told Dan iel - "I-man adjourned thee-I."
27; An Dan iel brought hair an honey comb an fat an cooked it together - him made
ina sheets an stuffed it ina the mouth fe the serpent - an pon the time that ser
pent took a mouthful it splintered an dead - an Dan iel told them - "Sight up your
28; After this pon the time Babilon persons heard them quite vexed an returned t
oward the king ina thing - "Him broke Biel an killed him priests an killed the s
erpent - the king were robbed ina the kingdom - him were robbed" them said.
29; "Come mek wi go toward the king that him might give wi Dan iel. If this didn t h
appen wi will tell him - Wi will kill thee an plunder thee of thy money an burn t
hy house ina fiyah " them said. An pon the time the king sight up that them quite
worried him an pon the time it became a obligation fe the king - him gave them D
an iel.
30; Them cast him toward a lions pit an him sat there seven days.
31; An there were seven lions there. Them would feed them two persons an two she
eps everytime - but at that time them didn t give them nothing - that them might e
at Dan iel.
32; An the prophet `Inbaqom were ina Yihuda - him cooked lentil boilins an baked
injera - him made it ina basket an went toward the wilderness seizin fe persons
who reap grain.
33; An the Angel whom JAH sent told `Inbaqom - "Tek this lunch fe Dan iel who are
ina Babilon ina lions pit."
34; An `Inbaqom told him - "Lord, I-man don t know Babilon an I-man don t know where
the lions pit were neither."
35; An the Angel whom JAH sent seized him bushy hair an carryin him by him head
hair delivered him toward the lions pit ina Babilon by the Hola Spirit Power.
36; An `Inbaqom shouted makin heard - "Dan iel Dan iel - receive this lunch that JAH
gave thee-I."
37; An Dan iel said - "Did JAH Who don t forget Him friends think of I?"
38; An Dan iel arose an received an ate - an the Angel whom JAH sent returned `Inb
aqom toward him country at that time.
39; An the king came pon the seventh day an wept fe Dan iel - an pon the time him
approached toward the lions pit him sight up Dan iel sittin amidst the lions.
40; An the king shouted makin him voice heard - "Dan iel Irator JAH - Thou are fam
ous - an there are no other Irator without Thee-I" him said.
41; An at that time him sent Dan iel forth from the lions pit. But him seized thos

e persons who loved that them might kill Dan iel an cast
- an the lions at that time ate them before them.
42; An at that time the king said - "As Him are Who save
wonders an miracles pon Earth an ina Heaven - an as Him
he lions pit - mek all worship Dan iel Irator."
Mek glory an praise due fe JAH - an the thing that the
e fulfilled.

them toward the lions pit

- an as Him do signs an
have saved Dan iel from t
prophet Dan iel spoke wer

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