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English Task
Types of paragraph (Comparison, Time Order, Desciptive, and Persuasive)
1. Paragraph of comparison
Topic 1:
High School and College
Even though high school and college are both institutions of learning,
they differ in at least three ways. The first difference between high school
and college is their social atmospheres. In high school the facility is usually
smaller, and students are, for the most part, well acquainted with each other.
In addition, students in high school have the same six hour 7:45 to 1:45 day,
thus helping them to know one another better. On the college scene people
are constantly coming and going, therefore rarely seeing the same person
twice in a day, which accounts for fewer people being acquainted with each
other. The second difference between high school and college is their
policies about homework. In high school, homework is required to help
motivate students to study. Knowing they have to submit assignments in
algebra or history gives students an incentive to keep up with these subjects.
In college most homework consists of studying; very little of it is written
and turned in. If students do their homework, it is to their advantage; if they

do not, the teachers will not force them to do it. The student is only wasting
his own money if he neglects his course work. The third and last difference
between high school and college is their attendance policies. In high school,
students must attend class to get assignments and personal help in a certain
area. Furthermore, high school students are less responsible; therefore, they
need more guidance, which they can receive by going to class. In college,
students may skip classes if they choose and refer to the syllabus to acquire
missed assignments or tests. It is the students responsibility to make work
up. In spite of these differences between high school and college, they both
serve the same purpose -- to prepare an individual for the real world.
Topic 2:
Similarities Between Work and School
Work and school are very much alike in at least five ways. First, both
require an early start. Going to work requires getting up early to avoid the
traffic rush, and going to school requires getting up early to be assured of a
parking space. Second, promptness is important in both places. Being at
work on time pleases the employer; being in class on time pleases the
instructor. Third, both involve quotas. A job imposes various quotas on a
worker to ensure maximum production--for example, a certain amount of
boxes must be filled on an assembly line, or a designated number of calls
must be made by a telephone solicitor. Likewise, school imposes quotas on
a student to ensure maximum effort--for instance, a certain number of essays
must be written in an English composition class or a specific number of

books must be read in an American Novel course. Fourth, both work and
school deadlines must be met. On the job, the boxes would have to be filled
and the telephone calls made by a certain time; in a class, the essays would
have to be submitted and the books read by a certain date. Finally, both
work and school benefit society. Workers produce useful and entertaining
items for people to use, such as refrigerators and televisions. Similarly,
students prepare themselves to enter fields like medicine and law, fields
which serve society. It is not surprising that work and school share these five
similarities, since one of the purposes of school is to prepare a student for
the job of his choice.
Topic 3:
Intensive Care: Today and Yesterday
There are many differences between the intensive care a patient
received yesterday and the intensive care he receives today. For example,
thirty years ago a patients intensive care consisted of putting him in a single
room, giving him oxygen and fluids, taking his vital signs frequently, and
giving him medication as ordered. Nurses could not spend much time with a
patient, even a critically ill patient, because nurses were so few. Since there
was a shortage of nurses in those days, many nurses felt the next time they
went to a patients room he would be dead. Many times he was. However,
there has been a revolution since then. The approach to intensive care today
is much different. It consists of an entire unit designed especially to care for
the critically ill patient. A staff of highly trained nurses and skilled

technicians are in constant contact with the patient, taking care of his every
need and monitoring any change in his condition, however slight. In
addition to its staff, the intensive care unit is equipped with sensitive lifesaving machines. The beeping noise of the heart monitor and the red and
green flashing lights of the suction machine are only a few of the reassuring
sights and sounds in this world of timelessness and routine. Thanks to the
staff, machines, and routine, many patients leave the intensive care unit of
today to live long, healthy, happy lives.

2. Time Order Paragraph

Topic 1:
Friday Night Disaster
My most embarrassing moment happened when I was working in a
Mexican restaurant. I was a hostess working on a busy Friday night. As usual,
I was wearing a blouse and a long Mexican skirt. While I was taking some
menus to a table, one of the waiters accidentally stepped on the hem of my
skirt. This made my skirt come off. However, I did not feel it fall off, and I
walked through the whole dining room in my slip. Almost every customer in
the restaurant saw me without my skirt on! I was so embarrassed by the event
that I had a hard time showing my face there the next day.
Topic 2:
My First Job

The happiest day of my life is when I get my firsi job last year. After
college, I try and try for six months to get work with an advertising firm, but
my luck is bad. Finally, one day while I was eating a sandwich in a downtown
coffee shop, my luck will begin to change. A young woman who was sitting
next to me asks if she could read my newspaper. I say okay, and we start
talking. She begins to tell me that she is an executive in a huge advertising
company and is looking for an assistant. I will tell her that I am very
interested in mass communications and study it for four years at the
university. She gives me her business card, and within one week, I am her
administrative assistant. It is the best lunch of my life!
Topic 3:
A Travel Nightmare
When I decided lo travel across Europe with a backpack, I did not think
lwould meet the local police. My best friend and I were sitting in Frankfurt on
a train bound for Paris when the nightmare began. A young man comes to the
window of the lrain and asks me what time the train leaves. It took us only
ten seconds to open the window and answer him. When we turned ar,vay
from the window and sat down in our seats, we noticed that our backpacks
were missing. Quickly, we got off the train and went to the police
headquarters inside the station. We explained what happened. The police
officers did not look surprised. They say it is a common way of stealing bags.
One person stays outside the train and asks a passenger for help or
information. While the passenger is talking to this person, someone else

comes quietly into the train car and steals bags, purses, or olher valuables.
The "team players" are so good at it that they can steal whal they want in less
than three seconds. The police officers tell us that there is really nothing we
can do, but they suggest that we look through the garbage cans and hope that
the robbers took only our money and threw our passports and bags away. We
looked and looked, but we never found our bags. The next morning we were
not in Paris; we were at our embassy in Frankfurt, waiting for duplicate
3. Desciptive Paragraph
Topic 1:
My Favorite Place
My bedroom is small but comfortable. The walls are covered with
posters and banners of my favorite sports teams. On the left side, there is a
twin bed that I have had since I was ten years old. Next to the bed is my
dresser. lt is blue and white with gold knobs. Beside the dresser is my
bookshelf, which holds most of my schoolbooks, dictionaries, and
KurtVonnegut novels. Across from the bookshelf, you can see my closet. lt rs
too small to hold all my clothes, so some of my stuff has permanent residence
on my chair. The clothes get wrinkled there, but I do not mind. My mom does
not like it that my room is so messy, so one of these days I am going to clean
it up and make her happy.

Topic 2:
A Special Boy
My son, John, is a very special child in our household. John ranks sixth
in a family of seven children and is one of six boys. He has light brown hair
and large blue eyes. Being a fairly large child at five, John wears the same
size shoes and clothes as his ten-year-old sister. Because of his premature
size, John is the most awkward of all my children; in fact, I dont think I have
seen another child quite so awkward. Hes had stitches in his face so often
that his face is beginning to look like a road map. At three he broke his arm
trying to jump from one set of bunk beds to another, and he cant run across
the room without tripping over his own feet. Not only is John awkward, but
hes also very messy. His face and hands are always dirty. His shoes are
invariably on the wrong feet, and he always manages to get his shirt on
inside-out. He would never win a prize for neatness, but when I look at his
face, I forget all his faults. Plastered there is the biggest smile anyone has
ever seen, a smile that has been there from birth. John has always been a
cheerful child, able to take lifes ups and downs in stride. And in doing so, he
has helped the whole family to look at the brighter side of life. No matter how
many problems I have, after one look at Johns face, I forget them all. He has
been a joy to his father and me and to his brothers and sister as well. God
gave us all something very special when he gave us John. As he grows older,
Im sure he will lose his awkwardness and take more pride in his appearance.
However, there is one thing I hope John never outgrows, and thats the smile
on his face.

Topic 3:
The Sick Room
My doctors office is a gloomy place. The walls are a depressing
institutional green, and the one facing the entrance features the standard
Norman Rockwell painting of a country physician. The frame is chipped, and
the faded print has a layer of dust on it. The furniture looks like garage sale
rejects, with torn vinyl and loose legs, and its not even as comfortable as a
park bench. The magazines, Readers Digest and Newsweek, are out of date
and so badly worn that reading them is nearly impossible. There used to be a
pot of live flowers near the door, but its gone now. All that remains is an ugly
water stain that has left a smelly, moldy ring in the corner. Adding the final
touch is the usual, large group of sick people, coughing and moaning. The
whole place makes a patient wonder if being ill at home isnt better than
being there.

4. Paragraph persuasive
Topic 1:
Instead of staying at home during PA Days, students in grade six and
above should be forced to do some volunteer work in their community. For
one thing, there are a number of worthwhile agencies who are in need of extra
help. Also, volunteering would get students out of the house and active,
which is much better for them than sitting on the couch playing video games.

Finally, volunteering would teach students responsibility and commitment to

someone/something other than themselves. Overall, PA Day volunteering is a
win-win situation for both students and their communities.
Topic 2:
Going on amusement park rides is one of the safest forms of recreation.
According to the International Association of Amusement Park Attractions,
you are more likely to be injured when you play sports, ride a horse, or even
ride a bicycle. Statistics show the occurrence of death to be approximately
one in 250 million riders. This groups statistics are supported by those of the
National Consumer Product Safety Commission. It estimates that more than
270 million people visit amusement parks each year, and that 7,000 people
out of those 270 million go to emergency rooms for injuries they receive on
amusement park ridesthats only 0.00259 percent of riders.
Topic 3:
You have to realize that breakfast is the most important meal of the day,
and you cannot skip it without consequences for your health, your school and
your defense mechanism. It is better to wake up earlier and have a good
breakfast that run to school without eating anything. It is time for you to do
something for your health, and eating breakfast is the better way to start your

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